„AGARTHA, PATHALA & SHAMBALA: mysterious civilizations of Inner Earth“
„663 Aufrufe•08.04.2021“
62 Abonnenten
Is Agartha the same as Shambala? What is Pathala? Is there a connection between these places and UFO activity on Earth?“
„UFO Activity is also seen in lake Titicaca in Peru.“
„Pathala: It sounds like a Paradise… it is an absolutely dangerous place for Humans..
Vedic Cosmology which speaks of 14 Planes of Existence, based on the Level of Consciousness. Earth is right in the middle…The Realms below Earth have increased in darkness, both spiritually and physically…Sathyaloka..Neither Sunlight nor Moonlight reaches Pathala which is heavily influenced and trapped by materialism………non-human entities, mostly Nagas, immensely powerful, Supernatural Serpent beings and Rakshasas, fierce demons that possess boundless strength. So Pathala is not exactly a divine place, it is actually one of the 7 hellish planes.
The word Argartha does not exist in the Vedas, instead the word of the underworld is called Pathala.“
„The technology here is unrivaled
„Shambala is also know as the city of eternal youth. The inhabitants of Shambala have a very high level of consciousness as well as sophisticated technology. Only Humans who are resonating at this very high level are allowed to enter Shambalah in their astral bodies, but they ca never return from there.“
„Initiate of Mystery School from India…Ascended Masters who lived in the underworld Realm of Agartha. A highly advanced civilization with highly evolved technology.“
„Von Unearthly angepinnt
Shaan Bae
vor 2 Wochen
This is one of the best videos on Reptilians ever…
Cosmic Consciousness with Jonas
vor 1 Tag
that was an excellent and very informative video! thank you.“