The depiction of Hindu deities with multiple arms and heads symbolizes their divine omnipresence, boundless powers, and infinite nature. Multiple arms represent their ability to perform diverse tasks simultaneously, while multiple heads signify profound wisdom and mastery over various domains of knowledge. These forms highlight the deity´s embodiment of virtues and cosmic forces, showcasing
their multifaceted nature. Additionally, they reflect the divine´s transcendence beyond human limitations and the unity of opposites, such as creation and destruction or compassion and ferocity. This imagery underscores Hinduism´s teachings on limitless
the manifestations of the divine within the universe.
Noble Saga“
Category Archives: Medizin
The Nagas, they are the Fibers of the Universe.
„The Nagas, they are the Fibers of the Universe. They give structural Strength. The entire Universe is standing on a Naga, the structural Strength to hold the whole Universe together comes from a Naga.“
~When they are being seen, it means their habitat has been disturbed..~
~They have disturbed the Universal Structure.~
The Mystique and Magic of Nagas – Protecting Ancient Knowledge
vor 1 Jahr (bearbeitet)
Nagas are the symbol of sacrifice and justice. They are worshipped in various regions in Southern part of India.
vor 0 Sekunden
vor 1 Jahr
Spiritual beings, protectors of dharma.
vor 0 Sekunden
vor 1 Jahr
I notice there are connections between Nagas/Serpent-like beings, Dragons, Guardian Angels and Kundalini.
vor 0 Sekunden
100%, they are like Guardian Angels and Kundalini is one form of them.
vor 2 Monaten
Om Naga Shakti.
„The First Kings and Queens of every civilization were descendents from this Naga Race.“
Repost 2025 – Repost from 2024 – Repost from 2019 – I will repeat it the next 20 Billion Years.
Repost 2025 – Repost from 2024 – Repost from 2019 – I will repeat it the next 20 Billion Years.
Eternal Life
Geschrieben am 5. Januar 2024 Von InfinityExpressor2021
„The Spirit of Sophia: If you know the Woman of Light, you will know your Mother and be reborn of the Mother Spirit as a child of light. Because the light is bornless, you will have eternal life. (The Gospel of Mary)“
Repost from 2019 – I will repeat it the next 20 Billion Years.
Post Views: 287
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Astral/Dream/Hyperspace/Interdimensional Tech, Astralsphere, Avatar/Guru/Prophet/Kundalini/Eso, Dualismus, Eternal Transformation, Freedom Soulutions, Freiheit, God/Love/Liebe/Gott, Göttin(nen)/Götter/Pantheon/Mystik, Healing/Heilung/Detox/Holikinetics, History, Hochdimension/Quantenmechanik, Idealismus, Immortal, InfinityExpression, Interdimensional, Karma Yoga, Lasertrancer, Magi-c-k/Will/Gnosis/Art, Medizin, Motivation, Musi-c-k/Aura/Soul/Flow, Mystik/Mythologie, Naturalismus, News, Paranormal, Philosophie/Philosophy/Biographien/Weisheit/Wisdom, Psychologie, Quantenmystik, Realismus, Saturnmatrix-Transient Flux, Social Networks, Sociology/Soziologie, Spirituell, Support, Transzendental, Universum, Wahrheit, Zen | ed
Swargaloka: An Immersive Journey into the Hindu Heaven
Swargaloka: An Immersive Journey into the Hindu Heaven
„Chronicle Capsule
6510 Abonnenten
208 Aufrufe Premiere vor 5 Stunden. #cinematic #trailer #sanatandharma
Trailer and Sneak Peek of Swargaloka: An Epic Adventure into the Hindu Heaven
Welcome to Swargaloka, the celestial paradise in Hindu cosmology, where eternal bliss and divine splendor reign supreme! At the heart of this heavenly abode lies Amaravati, the dazzling city ruled by King Indra and his consort Indrani. Discover the opulence of Vaijayanta Palace, where 33 million Devas reside, including major deities like Agni (God of Fire), Vayu (God of Wind), Varuna (God of Waters), Kubera (God of Wealth), Yama (God of Death), Chandra (Moon God), Surya (Sun God), and Kamadeva (God of Love).“
Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter durch Geheimdienste –
Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter, Gang Stalking über BCI durch Geheimdienste – Massive Menschenrechtsverbrechen gehen in Deutschland ungeahndet durch, speziell, die von der NSA ausgesuchten Musiker. Wann gibt es endlich Gerechtigkeit für unschuldige Folteropfer der Geheimdienste?
Hier gehen massive Verbrechen gegen die körperliche Unversehrheit ungeahndet durch, Technische Universitäten und andere Wissenschaftler, Ärzte, Militär und sonstiges Personal der Regierung sind sicherlich auch involviert, aber hauptsächlich sind die Geheimdienste dafür verantwortlich.
Sie haben keine Skrupel gegen Gottgeweihte, gegen Unschuldige, gegen Hochbegabte Genies die grausamsten Akte zu begehen durch neuartige DNA-Frequenzresonante Quantencomputer, wo sie die DNA von den Arztpraxen, durch Blutuntersuchungen, in ihre Systeme einbauen und somit LHCC-Quantenverschränken oder gleich zusammen mit Telehealth, IEEE Techniker, DARPA, die WBAN/MBAN/Intraban/Iot/IoBNT Biotech-Nano-Netzwerke intrakörper missbrauchen durch Bio-Telemetrie, dann über Ferncomputer Menschen fernquälen können und ungehemmt in den Gehirnen der Zielpersonen herumpfuschen und mit Spion-Satelliten kombiniert mit Gehirncomputerinferface glauben sie alle Verbrechen hemmungslos und ungeahndet ausführen zu können.
Ihr könnt sämtliche Kommunikation auf der Seite hier unten mitverfolgen…
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.
„Bezos is scared of him, because he knows he is tracking every minute of his life. -w2k“
Das kann es nun wirklich nicht sein, ihr acquiriert Milliarden für nichts und wieder nichts, sitzt tatenlos auf euren Yachten und quält währenddessen Millionen von Menschen aus euren heimlichen korporativen kooperations-Intel-Mil-Gov-Uni-Zentralen…. Stalked alle Menschen vom Planeten, bis in ihr letztes Detail, wollt alle kostenlos für euch arbeiten lassen, raubt den Menschen den Naturschlaf und glaubt ihr kommt damit langfristig durch ungestraft. Ein karmischer Rückschlag wird sicherlich gegen euch folgen… Monopole kreieren und wahre Kunst oppressieren, mit K.I. dilutieren… Ungerechtigkeit maximieren und den Ingmar zensieren… Das wird ein Ende haben, früher oder später. Das Universum ist auf meiner Seite, denn ich verbreite wahre Gerechtigkeit und ihr das Grauen des transhumanistischen Wahnsinns.
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks
Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…
„Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…“
ZIO-Facebook has maximized their Censor-Walls…
“Du legst dich echt mit der größten Macht der Welt an. -w2k”
Nein, die größte Macht der Welt wohnt in mir….
“Die merken das auch. -w2k”
Nur kommen sie mit ihren isolationistischen und zensuristischen-totalitären Maßnahmen hier nicht weiter… Obsoleter Digital-Medien-Komplex-Faschismus.
They use highly adaptive A.I. Networks to block new attempts of breaking their Archontic A.I. Totalitarian Digital Cyber-Cyborg-Censor-Neuro-Society-Dictatorship…
Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection
“You don´t have to engage with these low lifes. -w2k”
I just use it – as a Testimony – to show the World how their Brains, Bodies and Minds have been subverted and undermined, data-mined, trojanized and infiltrated by Evil Technological Systems from Governmental Parasitic Entities…
„Du musst dich nicht mit diesen niederen Wesen einlassen. -w2k“
Ich benutze es nur – als Zeugnis – um der Welt zu zeigen, wie ihre Gehirne, Körper und Geister unterwandert und unterminiert, ihre Daten ausgegraben, trojanisiert und von bösen technologischen Systemen staatlich-parasitärer Entitäten infiltriert wurden …
Liberty is always freedom from government. (Ludwig von Mises)
Freiheit ist immer die Freiheit von der Regierung. (Ludwig von Mises)
Understand The Truth Of Lakshmi And Wealth – Diwali Special
„Understand The Truth Of Lakshmi And Wealth – Diwali Special“
285.000 Abonnenten
7.201 Aufrufe 31.10.2024 #IndianMythology #IndianHistory #HinduMythology
Understand Truth Of Lakshmi And Wealth Diwali Special
Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity, and abundance, holds a profound and complex significance in Hinduism, revealing layers of meaning that speak to both material and spiritual realms. This video delves into various themes, examining how Lakshmi embodies the link between wealth and liberation and how her story symbolizes the tension between creation, prosperity, and conflict. Lakshmi’s essence begins with the concept of food, or „Anna.“ In Sanskrit, the living are „sajiv,“ and they seek food, while the lifeless entities do not seek sustenance. Food is the fundamental target, or „lux,“ of life, giving birth to the name Lakshmi. In nature, she manifests as food, while in culture, she becomes wealth. Lakshmi is often called „Kamala,“ meaning lotus, symbolizing her allure. Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, embodies not only the material abundance often associated with riches but also the deeper aspects of luxury, comfort, and the complex relationship between desire and fulfillment. The exploration of Lakshmi’s domain, reveals a broader perspective on her influence, examining how wealth and luxury influence human lives, societies, and the natural environment. The story of Lakshmi begins with her association with wealth and treasure. She is described as the source of all treasures, ruling over gold, jewels, and other symbols of affluence. In many cultures, wealth has traditionally been seen as a source of security and comfort. The stories of Lakshmi emphasize that wealth is not inherently evil but can become problematic depending on how it is pursued and distributed.“
Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
Conspiracy Revelation: 4.11.2024: Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks
You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks…NWO Criminal In Action LOSERS…KARMA IS COMING!!!
Censor Bypass + 50 AI ALGO SUBVERTED…
Mantra: 21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert: Marici Tara
„Mantra: 21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert: Marici Tara“ #Weisse Tara // #White Tara
„7.269 Aufrufe 27.03.2024 #Tara #buddhistisches #Taramantras
Die einundzwanzigste Tara der einundzwanzig Taras, bekannt als Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert, ist niemand anderes als Marici (ausgesprochen Marichi). Sie perfektioniert alle beruhigenden Aktivitäten und vervollständigt alle Siddhis, allgemeine und höchste, einschließlich verschiedener magischer Errungenschaften, im Hinblick auf die endgültige Erleuchtung.
Dieses kraftvolle, beruhigende Mantra wurde von Tara selbst an Lord Atisha übermittelt.
21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert (Marici)
om tare tuttare ture sarva siddhi sadhanam svaha
ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे सर्व सिद्धी सधनम स्वहा
Tara 21 Tara der Vollkommenheit von Weisheit und Mitgefühl Paripurana Tara / Yong Zog Jed Pi Drolma:
nama stritat tvavi nyāse
śiva-śakti samanvite
graha vetāla yakṣa gaṇa
nāśini pravare ture
Hommage an Dich, dessen reiner Körper, reine Sprache und reiner Geist
Sind vollkommen mit der Kraft und Kraft des Friedens.
Unterdrückung von Maras, Dons, Zombies und Yakshas
Mit der erhabensten Silbe TURE.“
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour | Naga Nagam Ashrayeham | Naga Consecration Chant x2
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour | Naga Nagam Ashrayeham | Naga Consecration Chant x2
Naga is a powerful consecrated form which serves as a catalyst
Buddha: Schwarze Tara: Mantra
Buddha: Schwarze Tara: Mantra
„Buddha Weekly
57.300 Abonnenten
15.957 Aufrufe 13.10.2024
Die vierzehnte Tara wird auch „Schwarze Tara, die zornig die Stirn runzelt“ genannt.
Mit ihrem großen Stößel und Mörser zerstört, zerschmettert und verwandelt sie alle Übeltäter: alle bösen Maras, Yamas, Mamos, Rakshasa, Yakshas Kinnaras, Bimipatis und Tsan. Sie beschützt uns auch vor allen 9 Übeln (siehe Listen unten). Jegliche negative oder schwarze Magie wird zerstört.
Übeltäter werden verwandelt und in hilfreiche Wesen gereinigt.“
The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them)
„The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them)“
„Wise Minds
54.700 Abonnenten
351.282 Aufrufe 29.07.2024 #consciousness #manifestation #spirituality
The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them)
Ever wondered why highly vibrational people can sometimes seem intimidating? In „The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them),“ we dive into the hidden aspects of individuals who radiate high energy and positivity. What if this high vibration isn’t just about uplifting others, but also about wielding a power that can influence and even unsettle those around them?
In this video, we explore the dynamics of highly vibrational people and their complex interplay with others. We discuss how their energy can impact relationships, create conflicts, and sometimes lead to surprising consequences. Understanding these dynamics is crucial to navigating interactions with such individuals effectively.
We’ll uncover the secrets behind why these people have a profound effect on their environment and how their high vibration can be both a blessing and a challenge. From personal anecdotes to psychological insights, this video sheds light on the intricate nature of high-vibration personalities.
How can you effectively interact with highly vibrational people?What are the hidden challenges of being around high-energy individuals?How do high vibrational people influence their environment?
This video will answer all these questions. Make sure you watch all the way through to not miss anything.“
Shocking Truth: The Power of NAGAS Revealed by Rajarshi Nandy
Naga is a powerful consecrated form which serves as a catalyst
vor 31 Sekunden
Always Watchful, Always Alert…Sssssss…
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour | Naga Nagam Ashrayeham | Naga Consecration Chant
Sounds of Isha
1,7 Mio. Abonnenten
3.005.923 Aufrufe 23.10.2022 #ishayogacenter #karnataka
Naga Pratishtha – A momentous occasion for Chikkaballapur and its surroundings – marked the beginning of a new era of spiritual possibilities for the people of #karnataka. Naga is a powerful consecrated form which serves as a catalyst to one’s spiritual growth by eliminating obstacles. The Naga Shrine is also the first chapter in the making of the #ishayogacenter which will house a variety of spiritual and social offerings designed by @Sadhguru
William Donahue – Kundalini
„William Donahue – Kundalini“
„176.000 Abonnenten“
„177.924 Aufrufe 26.01.2012
„We’re going to do something interesting tonight… and that’s Kundalini, that’s a strange word for to be a Hindu word..it’s a very strange word, but it is a most ancient thing thing that transcends all religions and..it goes back to the very earliest concepts of the human body and basically if you were to say what it boils down to is the way that you take control of yourself, that’s Kundalini rather than the lower self-controlling you, this is the way that you control yourself. I mean there are just certain ways and certain things that you do in order to make things happen if you’re going to install air conditioning, you have have to follow principles, in order to make the thing work, if you’re going to install
electricity, you have to follow that in the same way, the Ancients, the wisdom that came down from God left us
instructions and what to do in order to control your body and your mind rather than having the effect be the opposite
right and and and and and this describes actually seven chakras which they call shakras distributed from the base to the crown of the head from the spine to the crown of the head. The reason that there is seven, I’ll be quite Frank with you is because most of these ancient people knew only seven planets, they could only identify seven planets and that’s why they identified seven chakras and there’s others who have a various belief on how many there are we’re not going to go into the in-depth analysis of this I’m trying to just to give you a a light
understanding or a light familiarization with the term and what it means, but to activate this in your body and everybody can activate this in their body, but to activate it is to to release realizations of spiritual consciousness and Bliss that’s what it does spiritual realizations of spiritual consciousness and Bliss, that’s what it does spiritual consciousness and Bliss. The only possible way that you can activate spiritual consciousness is Kundalini, there is no other way, it can´t be done, it is impossible to do it any other way and that’s why it’s so important that you become familiar with the term otherwise you’re into religion and you’re dwelling in consciousness of the lower mind with all of its distractions. You can’t work that way and we’ll show you that but the seven centers that are located from the base of the spine to the crown are known as chakras..that means Wheels.“
„There has to be an overcoming but these are not physical things that you can find or any doctor could find attached
to your body so understand that but they are definitely there and they definitely have their placement but they are in the
spiritual realm of things in the psychological realm of things, but still you’ll never find fulfillment in your
life until these things are overcome until each of these centers which are closed off are open you’ll never find life you’ll never find spirituality you’ll spend your life praying and reading Bibles and reading Bibles and reading Bibles but you will not experience expence that which is the
essence of life, okay.“
„Now the point here is that Kundalini means the coiled Serpent and Lori thr that away that’s she is great the coiled serpent is Kundalini which Rises and must rise through those seven chakras in order to open each area of your spinal system where uh these seals uh cover up the energies of uh
desire and feelings and so forth and so on that’s what Kundalini means but this is the important thing I’m trying to get to stumbling a little bit these Seven Seals or seven chakras can only be opened by the serpent, can only be opened by the serpent, now how do I know that well of course that’s the ancient belief but take a look again Revelation 5 where you are about this look at Revelation 2 52 and I saw a strong Angel proclaiming who is worthy to open the book and loose the seals thereof with me who can do this can you but look what it says in Revelation 53 and no man in Heaven Nor in the earth nor under the Earth was able to open the book neither to look therein now what you just the word man in mysticism means mind the human mind never ever ever ever
under any circumstance ances can take part in entering and opening up the seals the Seven Seals which leads up to the crown, it’s impossible, it cannot be done it can only be done by the coiled Serpent of Kundalini can’t be done any other and the Bible has just said no man no man anywhere is able to do
that so, no man is found worthy. I you look at Revelation 5:4 and I wept,
because no man was found worthy blah blah blah, couldn’t even look at it you know why because you cannot enter the right atmosphere of your brain here you have a head how many of you had a head look it everybody has a head right in
your head…“
„The Tribe of Dan..the Emotions.. Lion…The Tribe of Judah the power the energy of the Sun, the power of the spirit at the right hemisphere of the brain sitting at the East is all that is available, but it is available to you to open the Seven Seals, you, in other words, have to, if you’re going to undertake this workEnter into meditation, you cannot rush this, many people have tried Dr. Timothy Leary tried to go up via all of this stuff what do they take LSD and all this stuff and you can freak yourself out.. Jesus Christ addressed that: He says people try to take Heaven by force, okay, can’t you? No, you can’t except you can burn your mind you can burn your brain, you can’t fool with this stuff, the only possible way is sitting as a seed waiting, waiting, waiting, until nature feels you are ready and starts its movement upward to open the right side has to be done according to Nature ..you cannot plant seeds and then pull up the grass tomorrow, it comes up when it comes up and everything is done in God’s Law, in you, as well as outside, so the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the son see.“
„Kundalini means, this is exactly what it means, the coiled one okay the coiled one and it is an energy like a serpent, that’s why you see in India.. the guy gets the flute and he plays the flute and then the serpent comes up, because the Ancients said when the flute is on the lips of God the serpent will rise, that’s related to this actually, in reality the serpent doesn’t hear, the snake doesn’t hear the music of the flute, she sees the flute going back and forth and that’s why he comes up, but they use that as a symbol okay the word is sanskrit Kundalini which is original Hindu it’s the coiled serpent who sleeps in the lowest of the body’s seven centers. Now Buddha says, she lies coiled three and a half times okay so let’s look at that I can take to stop off we again she lies coiled three and a half times now Buddha says she lies coiled three and a half times in the ninth because shimun Buddha said yes you go through the seven centers but then you get to the eighth which is the harbinger
of your memories and in fact number eight in mysticism means rupture that’s the place where all of a sudden you know when you feel good and then the memories come back the dreams come back the things come back to haunt you and he
says when you get to the eth where all the bitter memories come from that drag you down all the bitterness that’s been put into you by either family or religion or church or school or government then he says drill deep down
into the ninth because in the ninth she lies coiled and when you drill with your meditation into the ninth she awakens and she Rises to devour all of the hurts and all of the fears, it’s all symbolisms, it’s all way of uncovering and and putting bringing to life the electrical energy in your body to set you free, but she Rises to Devour..“
vor 0 Sekunden
Important clarification for all the misguided dogma-only people.
vor 2 Monaten
The power of God is within you.
vor 10 Jahren
Bill, you are a Master Teacher. The Best of the Best. The Top of the Mountain! Sending much, much love to you. 😉
vor 6 Jahren
best comment aswell.
vor 10 Jahren
Thanks a lot for uploading this video.Excellent Presentation.I am a Hindu from India & I am really happy that You have clearly presented the similarities mentioned in the Hindu scriptures & the Bible.I really feel sad when I see a few videos in Youtube titled „Kundalini Warning“ & „Kundalini Posession“ etc & they have compared this Divine energy(Kundalini) to Demons & Ghosts without even knowing what it is!! Thanks again for posting this wonderful video..God Bless You.
vor 2 Monaten
How can you not be inspired by this man with so much energy, this is what happens when truth flows through you
vor 2 Monaten
I just found this today 23 April 2024 and it was out 12 years ago..
They are just rare.
„STRANGE Facts About Sigma Males Nobody Seems to Mention
98.000 Abonnenten
3.417 Aufrufe 21.05.2024 #sigma #sigmamale
In this video, we’ll unlock the mysterious secrets of Sigma males. We’ll discover the truth behind their misunderstood nature. Contrary to popular belief, they’re not antisocial but thrive in their unique solitude. They possess exceptional leadership skills, preferring to guide from the shadows. Forget the stereotype – they don’t need fixing; they’re perfectly fine as they are. Plus, did you know they have a soft spot for rain? Join us as we delve into why Sigma males aren’t weird; they’re just wonderfully different. So, watch the video and get to know something untold.“
„They are just rare.“
„#sigma #sigmamale
0:00 Sigma Intro
1:18 They are not weird, they are just rare
2:10 They do not need to be fixed
3:01 They are not anti-social
4:05 They are exceptional leaders but lead from behind
4:57 You can’t get them at first glance
5:55 Prefer peace but can be dangerous when provoked
6:47 They like rain
7:47 They are not arrogant“
Hidden Ancient Knowledge: The most sacred place in the world!
„Hidden Ancient Knowledge: The most sacred place in the world!“
„102.406 Aufrufe 05.02.2024
Shambhala is a mythical Buddhist kingdom said to exist in the Himalayas. But what if I told you that Shambhala is not just a myth, but a real place that defies all explanations?
In this video, I’ll explore the mystery of Shambhala and investigate the evidence suggesting it may exist. I’ll also talk about the spiritual significance of Shambhala and why it’s such a fascinating place to many people. Some believe that this place exists on a different plane from reality and, therefore, cannot be detected by satellites. Only pure-hearted people can see!“
Spirit wanted you to hear this right now. You are the one that changes everything.
„Spirit wanted you to hear this right now. You are the one that changes everything.
Julia Rose
8340 Abonnenten
119.716 Aufrufe 11.01.2024 #divinemasculine #divinefeminine #twinflame
Vampires have nothing to latch onto.
New love is being tested… God wants to make sure they’re strong enough for you!
God bless!“
„Karma is is coming.. God rules over your life. God governs your life. God governs all of life..the Divine doesn´t miss anything, the Divine doesn´t miss
anything. God knows the number of hairs on your head, okay. I´m hearing nothing goes unnoticed, there is no such thing as hiding from the divine. There is no such thing as lying to or deceiving the Divine, no such thing, no such thing, you cannot keep secrets from the source of everything and there’s there some of these beings thought that they could get away with what whatever it is they’re
trying to manipulate. I’m hearing whatever they’re trying to manipulate they thought they would get away with it, whether that’s you, whether it’s a system they thought thought they could get away with it, but I’m hearing they are unnoticed, they not unnoticed…I don’t know who thought they could play God, be stronger than the laws of God, of the Divine, of nature, but someone thought they could outsmart you, they could outsmart the Divine, they could outsmart your ancestors, who, by the way are not playing…sometimes these sometimes we call out to the Divine and we say oh Krishna oh oh God why why why do you let these things continue why do you let them continue and if I just am hearing and I’m seeing if they’re going to go out they’re going to go out with a
bang and they’re going to rack up all the Karma they can get on their way out let them let them make their bed and let them lay in it okay you are serving as a part of this karma for these forces that are trying to interfere with your
inheritance, yeah these uh these greedy people around you, that don’t want to give you what you’re owed that are trying to take your energy, because it makes them feel good one but two they notice that when they’re around you when they’re spending time with you they find that things in their life just seem to be going better they feel better their life is better their relationships their work their creativity everything it’s not for them oo I’m feeling you
deeply acknowledge and process all of these individuals in your life that
maybe they’ve been able to hide from you maybe they’ve been they’ve been able to hide from you because your heart is so loving that you just they they let you believe what you wanted to believe but I’m seeing uh the veil being lifted uh masks coming off and CU they they were behaving with you in a certain way not realizing that you’re multi-dimensional person and that you’re only responding to the energy that you’re picking up on. I’m seeing like they misunderstood you they misunderstood you that you’re highly intuitive and
maybe maybe you’re the kind of person that will peep something… it’s almost like a I’m hearing like a ticking Time Bomb but no one knows when it’s going to go off so it’s just this suspense they’re like uh are they ever going to say anything do they know what what what are they going to do are they going to do
anything it’s just making them more and more nervous and they’re scrambling and scrambling and scrambling and it’s just I’m hearing about to blow up in their face it’s about to blow up in their face.“
When you posted the Vampire, the controller feds and alphabets felt caught in the act and assaulted my browser… you irritated the demons, the cyber mafia…
Your energy blows people’s minds…
Chosen Ones: Your Light Irritates their Darkness
„Chosen Ones: Your Light Irritates their Darkness“
„13.257 Aufrufe 14.01.2024
Your light irritates their demons, they are intimidated by your presence & you naively think they will change and start seeing the truth and loving you? In this video you’ll find out why your pure light irritates their darkness.“
Eternal Life
The Psychology of The Wounded Healer
Only a Super Empath can Destroy The Narcissist…
„Only a Super Empath can Destroy The Narcissist…“
„Tamie M Joyce
271.000 Abonnenten
671.704 Aufrufe 30.11.2021 #unlockyourfreedom #tamiemjoyce #narcissism“
You Vibrate High…
Iamgabriella – People That Vibrate High have been through Hell.
@iamgabrielleayana If you only knew
„Iamgabriella – People That Vibrate High have been through Hell.“
„The People that vibrate the Highest enegertically have been through the most Hell, like you for example. You vibrate very high, you are looking good, you are smelling good, you now how to talk..something about your Energy is magnetic…“
„The People that vibrate the highest went through the most.“
Siren_Tarot – People are jealous of your Aura
„Siren_Tarot – People are jealous of your Aura.“
@siren_tarot777 It’s not about what you have! It’s who you ARE! #motivation #spirituality #spiritualtiktok #selfawareness #confidence ♬ original sound – Siren_Tarot
„Siren_Tarot · vor 18 Std.
It´s not about what you have! It´s who you ARE! #motivation #spirituality #spiritualtiktok #selfawareness #confidence“
@Ms SpiritualLady 555🧿🔮📿🕯⚔:Exactly ❤.
„People are jealous of your Aura,
Your confidence, your talent, your Creativity, the sh#t that money cannot buy.“
„This is what they are attacking spiritually with black magic etcetera…“
„They want to be you, okay, it is not about what you have. It is who you are as a person.“
„Your fearlessness, you have the courage to do things.“
„They want to trick you out of who you are, don’t let you trick you out of who you are.“
„You were put on this Planet..it is okay to be confident.“
Chosen One‼️You Going Get the LAST Laugh on these BOTS 🤣(last will be first)
How Sigma Males Outsmart Narcissistic Women
„How Sigma Males Outsmart Narcissistic Women“
„How Sigma Males Outsmart Narcissistic Women
In this thought-provoking YouTube video, we’ll unlock the secrets of how Sigma Males outsmart Narcissistic Women. Learn how to build your fortress in their kingdom, master the gray rock strategy, and keep a record of their behavior. Don’t take the blame, refuse to tolerate disrespect, and stay one step ahead. Discover the power of Sigma’s mindset in dealing with Narcissistic Women.
#sigmamale #sigma
Vibrate so high…
@hustlersnthehood Turning up the vibes ✨️ Via: @@prestigespeaks #hustlersnthehood #positivevibesonly ♬ original sound – Hustlersnthehood
Vibrate so high
that certain people can’t even be around you
because your energy is so strong.
Vibrate so high
that anybody that’s wishing to do evil upon you,
it shall be revealed.
Vibrate so high that any evil
entity feels uncomfortable in your presence.
Vibrate so high
that strangers come up to you and compliment you.
Vibrate so high that people want to be around you
because you actually heal them.
Vibrate so high that
anybody that wish to do harm towards you shall perish.
Vibrate so high that anybody that has evil intentions
shall get revealed.
Vibrate so high that you heal the earth.
Vibrate so high that you heal your community.
Vibrate so high that you heal the world.
Vibrate high.“
Why Sigma Male gets so much hate…
„Why Sigma Male gets so much hate…
Why Sigma Male Gets So Much Hate
This video will unveil the dark side of seemingly calm and calculated life of Sigma males and explore the reasons why Sigma males get so much hate. From their weaponized knowledge to their unapologetic self-prioritization, discover why they’re hard to compete with. Unravel the bitter truth and understand why Sigma males don’t seek constant support, making them unbuyable. So, get ready for a mind-blowing exploration Why Sigma Male Gets So Much Hate.“
chosennblessed_speaks111 – Chosen one when you leave the whole dynamic CRUMBLES !
chosennblessed_speaks111 – AmberLinaaa✨🦋💕 – You’re so powerful 🧤 Chosen one..when you leave the whole dynamic CRUMBLES ! Your presence is most definitely a present.“
@chosennblessed_speaks111 You’re so powerful 🧤 Chosen one that when you leave rhe whole dynamic CRUMBLES ! Your presence is most definitely a present 🎁 #foruyou #fypシ #family #toxicfamily #spirituality #spiritualcommunity #power #standingalone #Mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #therapy ♬ original sound – AmberLinaaa✨🦋💕
Baby, you was the glue that held everything together.
You were the glue, chosen one.
You were the glue that held it all together.
…when you removed your presence, when you leave, everybody can feel it.
Everybody can feel it.
The ones who…are…trying to put the blame on you
and say how disrespectful you are.
And you know, this is and that.
But, baby, when you left that family dynamic, that toxic family dynamic behind,
when you put them on ice for a while, or you might be putting them on ice forever,
it’s up to you….guess what?
The family dynamic will never, ever, ever be the same. Why?
Because the light has left the room.
You’re the chosen one.
You’re the light bearer.
You’re the truth teller.
You’re the healer.
Never forget who you are.
And when you laugh, shambles crumbling.
One day you gonna get sick and tired.
you still gotta be around certain toxic family members,
certain toxic friends, lovers, you know
Because like I said the light left the room.
And when the light leaves the room,
what happens? Darkness, confusion, chaos.
God’s over, okay?
God’s overall being,
his energy, his power,
his presence is all over your life because he chose you.
That’s the whole point of being a chosen one.
You’re not like the rest.
And most people you meet will never, ever, ever forget you.
Toxic people that didn’t appreciate you.
When you. When your presence is gone,
baby, is felt, and it hurts.
And most people,
because they’re too prideful..
Because those same people that talk crap,
those same family members that make us into the problem.
When you remove yourself,
that’s also a problem, right?
Know who you are. And know that without you, baby,
there’s nothing.
It shambles, the family dynamic.
A Little Dynamic Demonic Duo siphoning your Energy….These 2 Elders in your Family…
„A Little Dynamic Demonic Duo siphoning your Energy….These 2 Elders in your Family…“
@officialyamiekelite YOUR DEMONIC ELDER FAMILY MEMBERS #yamiek #yamiekelite #yamiekspiritualadvisor #yamiekspirituallifecoach #yamiekspiritual #yamiekspiritual #collectivemessage #spellwork #demomic #evilgrandma #evilaunt @♾️LIFE COACH YAMIEK♾️ @♾️LIFE COACH YAMIEK♾️ @♾️LIFE COACH YAMIEK♾️ ♬ Suspicious, slow and simple song – Kohrogi
14 Ways Narcissistic Parents EXHAUST and DRAIN You
„14 Ways Narcissistic Parents EXHAUST and DRAIN You“
„Jerry Wise
91.400 Abonnenten
49.398 Aufrufe 22.10.2023 Adult Children of Alcoholics: Heal & Break the chain of dysfunction
Discover the covert toxic ways narcissistic parents drain you of energy, motivation, and confidence. It’s time to reclaim your energy and life.“
Why nobody should ever mess with a Sigma Male.
You bring value to the World. Celestial Royalty.
@eyeofdreamie www.eyeofdreamie.com 🧞♀️🛸🪄 no hashtags postibe energy only
„You bring value to the World. Celestial Royalty.“
„You bring value.
You bring this sense of luxury or royalty.
And this is very much a DNA thing,
okay? In your DNA,
in your bloodline,
you are connected to celestial royalty.
And it’s very essential for you to be at this dimension,
on planet Earth at this time
with your conscious being free,
because this is unlocking others.
And this is also bringing this regalness
back to Mother Gaia,
back to Planet Earth.
And planet earth is getting ready to shift,
with your help,
into becoming more of this oasis or vacation planet
that it once were for multidimensional beings,
You bring value to an environment,
to a planet,
okay? To a galaxy,
to a solar system,
okay? You are literally royalty,
and I can’t make this up, okay?
Spirit is saying
you are the one.
Literally, you are connected to earth.
The earth element is very,
very essential in your auric field at this time.
So you grounding,
you feeling safe and sourced energy at this time
is very significant.
I’m even seeing that
you have spirit babies looking at you
as well. Okay? ….
You also have some stalkers here.
So I feel like somebody has been watching your online.
There’s a lot of energies watching you right now.
All eyes is on you, okay?
All eyes is on you.
You did a lot of internal work
that is about to get ready to show up on the external
in the 3D world here. Okay?
You’re so regal.
Earth literally picked you to be the catalyst of this hill league, okay?
I feel like you have a very distinguish dialogue
or the way that you communicate as well.
The universe is you.
The universe is choosing you.
This comes from you grounding and being,
some type of help to advocate for Mother Earth.
…you are phenomenal.
You are needed.
You are going to cause a revolution.“