“Nonsense Decrypted: “Real” Guru | Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev) Case Analysis”
“78.233 Aufrufe – 19.03.2022”
“Dr. Todd Grande”
“how to become silent” “I’m assuming he hasn’t taken his own advice on that one.”
“He never seems to provide a straightforward answer and is painfully
vague and generic, he does not offer clear-cut step-by-step directions for
anything…this is a classic trick of spiritual gurus, they talk in
circles and act as though they have revealed some incredible philosophical truth,
even though the answer provided is not logical, some people pretend that they
understand it and declare the guru to be a genius,
this enables somebody like Jaggi to offer one vague philosophical sounding
platitude after another and pretend this proves that he is enlightened.”
“Jaggi’s products or services and then looking at their bank
account, item number three jagi makes claims about his products and services
that he says are based on science which simply are not true.”
“There’s no scientific reason to believe that’s true, this is terrible and
destructive advice, item number six: Jaggi took a lot of his ideas from
Bhagwan Rajneesh who is otherwise known as Osho…
Jaggi claims that he did not do this but his statements contain many of the same
factual errors that we see from Bhagwan Rajneesh,
it seems clear that Jaggi did read and take some of his work.
…again we see this tendency to put the blame on people for their suffering without offering any insight whatsoever, he’s not actually offering any type of solution.”
Infinity Expression: 23.3.2022: Yogananda did that too, Bioweapons, for example, can´t be blamed on people, that is my first argument and most targeted individuals are fine people that were targeted by the state for unveiling their corruption..so it was surely not God´s Wrath or Transgression of Divine Laws, like Yogananda also wants to blame people for cruel things that happened to them…but somehow Indians are completely resistant to any critique to their Gurus. Victim Blaming and Total Relativization is the cruelty that Indian Philosophy does to the world. The shadow side of the Land of the Gods…
“Others are more skeptical, they look at Jaggi as just another cryptic and
nonsensical guru like Bhagwan Rajneesh, Eckhart Tolle, father yod, James Arthur
Ray or Deepak Chopra. He has simply turned victim blaming into
some type of spiritual movement, saying that everybody who is depressed
or otherwise experiences unpleasant emotions is somehow to blame for their
own symptoms, he offers no helpful advice, just these enigmatic ambiguous
and perplexing statements.”
“He is more put together … he does a good job with his appearances, he has good image management as compared to many other spiritual gurus. Jaggi draws far more positive
attention and far less negative attention, for example he has largely
avoided being thought of as materialistic like Bhagwan Rajneesh, even
though he is exceedingly wealthy… and he avoids making repeated
outrageous product claims like Deepak Chopra, even though Jaggi has been
effective at avoiding scandal, he does not really possess any concrete or
helpful advice for anyone and his thoughts on mental health run counter to
what we know from science. Jaggi has turned a series of nonsensical
statements and opinions into a multi-million dollar business and
experienced a rapid rise to power. He exemplifies how appearance without
substance is a recipe for success.”
“Cotton Tails: vor 5 Tagen:
That was a brilliant analysis as always. The humour is pure gold ⭐⭐⭐. Thank you Dr Grande. Brilliant analysis and topic.”
“river monkey: vor 5 Tagen (bearbeitet):
“He wants to be called Sadhguru so I will call him Jaggy.” 🤣
“obsleet: vor 5 Tagen:
I love all that well deserved salt! I would love to hear you analyze more frauds. Entertaining content, Dr.”
“CJ: vor 5 Tagen:
Never heard of him. Seriously. Now I know I’ve not missed anything. Thank you Dr. Grande. There ought to be a law.”
“Eva Gabryšová: vor 3 Tagen:
“Turned victim blaming into some type of spiritual movement.”
This is so validating to hear!! ❤🧡💛💚💙”
“Alice Murphy:vor 4 Tagen:
Your dry sense of humor never fails to make me laugh. Thank you.”
“IKS: vor 5 Tagen: This just confirms something what is very clear: It is extremely easy to manipulate with people.”