35.000 Abonnenten
2.826 Aufrufe 07.11.2022
Somebody needs this message today. Share it out. Stop letting that person pull you down into their misery Chosen ones. They really want company there! Tune in for motivation from ExpressedWordz! 🔥🔥🔥
Background music created by my boy Colin. Need some beats, check him out on IG at: @ten_thousand10“
„You got to isolate in order to create, listen family, their misery wants your company,
their misery wants your company, do not fall for it, right…if you are experiencing or have experienced an increase in narcissistic energy over the past week, okay, this is something that you guys need to look out for you need to keep your eyes wide open
going forward into the week, alright.“
„you guys to come back to this video and leave your success stories okay leave
your success stories let Coach KB know..that is why you might be feeling an
increase in narcissistic energy, some of you guys have just left.. an abusive narcissistic verbal or physical relationship, it tormented, you it broke you down, listen Guys, these people are extremely demonic and hateful, like I said, we live in a
dark world, we live in a hateful World, they don’t want to see you guys succeedm
that’s why you do not get acknowledged, that’s also why you don’t tell your
business, because they’re gonna pray against you and I hate to admit it but some of you might be experiencing this right now in your life okay because you decided to tell some information to a person thatwas never really on your side they was never on your team and you decided to just give up some information to them you decided to tell them hey this is what I’m working on I’m so excited I can’t wait to get this done or I can’t
wait to get this loan or I can’t wait you know to get this building you know
I’m saying this Warehouse whatever it may be alright and you thought that these
people were gonna be there for you man but listen a lot of people are not there
for you that’s why you have to find your tribe all right, you will find strangers,
complete strangers out here in the world that has no idea who you are and will
support your business, will support yourideas your endeavors, will support
everything about you before the person that even knows you.“
„You’re one of God’s chosen children, okay, you’re gonna go through trials and tribulations, you’re going to go through pain and when it comes to you you don’t get the
clap you don’t get the pat on the back you don’t get the special medal in an
award but all your brothers and sisters do, all your brothers and sisters get all
the acknowledgment they get everything but you are treated completely
differently, you’re the black sheep of your family, you’re the black sheep of your friend group, you’re the black sheep at the job, that’s why nobody seems to like you, that’s why everybody seems to want to torment you and bring you down, that is why you must continue to keep on keeping on and keep moving that needle forward and that is why also they want to keep you in misery, right, misery loves company family do not fall for the okie dokie do not allow for these people to pull you back into a place that you do
not be listen.“