“BASIC in 2020 – DIY microcomputer with early 90´s graphics – Colour MaxiMite 2 (build/test)”
70.200 Abonnenten
82.588 Aufrufe 21.06.2020
I’ve coded BASIC since I was 5 : C64 then QBASIC then VB – so when a sub-100USD boot-to-BASIC touting 16-bit graphics appeared, I decided to build one (aka 5) from beta plans. Anyone who struggled with QBASIC on a 386 or AMOS on an Amiga and just wished it was faster (without poke commands) will probably love this box. It seems promising for late 80’s / early 90’s sprite based games (like Turtles / SF2) and being BASIC, it’s simple and fun to code.”