“Die mit den Toten spricht: Die Macht der Kommunikation mit dem Jenseits – Sue Dhaibi
52.659 Aufrufe•29.11.2019
Welt im Wandel.TV
203.000 Abonnenten
Seit 20 Jahren übermittelt das Medium Sue Dhaibi ihr Wissen. In diesem Interview wird schnell deutlich, wie sehr sie sich von anderen Vertretern der medialen Szene unterscheidet und das nicht nur, weil sie – wie sie selbst sagt – ein eher rationaler Typ ist. In ihrer langen Erfahrung im Kontakt mit dem Jenseits erlangte sie Erkenntnisse, die unsere herkömmliche Reinkarnationstheorie in Frage stellen, denn ihre Argumente sind einleuchtend. So inkarnieren unsere lieben Verstorbenen erst wieder, wenn wir ebenfalls hinübergegangen sind. Und wir inkarnieren nicht nur vorwärts sondern auch rückwärts!
Das Verblüffende und Neue ist jedoch, dass die bisher als besonders gehaltene Fähigkeit des Hellsehens nicht länger nur wenigen Auserwählten vorbehalten ist, sondern jeder von uns eine natürliche Medialität besitzt und mit der richtigen Technik und etwas Übung in weniger als einer Sekunde die Verbindung zur geistigen Welt herstellen kann. In ihrem aktuellen Buch „Mit dem Jenseits kommunizieren!“ gibt sie detaillierte Anleitungen preis und gibt damit jedem Leser und jeder Leserin die Gelegenheit, sich mit der eigenen Lebens- und Ahnengeschichte zu versöhnen. Welch große Chance für Wachstum und Heilung in beiden Welten dadurch möglich ist, bleibt in seinem Ausmaß jedoch noch ein Geheimnis – zumindest so lange, bis wir den ersten Jenseitskontakt selbst hergestellt und einen Blick hinter den Vorhang gewagt haben.”
Monthly Archives: Dezember 2019
391-Year-Old Bonsai Tree Survived Hiroshima Bombings and Keeps Growing
“391-Year-Old Bonsai Tree Survived Hiroshima Bombings and Keeps Growing”
“If trees could talk, this bonsai would certainly have a lot of to say. Planted in 1625, it’s lived a lot of history in its nearly 400 years. Currently located at the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C., it was gifted to the United States by bonsai master Masaru Yamaki in 1976. Little did the Arboretum know that this diminutive plant held a special secret.
The Yamaki family had lived just two miles from where American forces dropped the atomic bomb in Hiroshima in 1945. This horrific event killed 140,000 people and left lasting effects on the city, but Yamaki, his family, and the bonsai—all of whom were indoors during the explosion—were left largely unharmed. Yamaki later donated the tree to the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum ahead of the American bicentennial, never uttering a word about its unique history.
The white pine’s connection to Hiroshima was only revealed in 2001, when Yamaki’s grandsons paid a surprise visit to the collection. And while the museum doesn’t advertise this piece of the bonsai’s history, preferring to emphasize it’s role as a gift of friendship between two nations, it has recently added information about its connection to Hiroshima to its website.
“There’s some connection with a living being that has survived on this earth through who knows what,” says Kathleen Emerson-Dell, assistant curator at the museum. “I’m in its presence, and it was in the presence of other people from long ago. It’s like touching history.”
hiroshima bonsai tree national arboretum
Image via reddit
What an incredible story of history and friendship.”
Source: https://mymodernmet.com/hiroshima-bonsai-tree/
How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it)
Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
Why we are here! Archangelic Beings…
“Why we are here! Archangelic Beings…
74.037 Aufrufe•29.12.2014”
“Bob Sanders: 26.600 Abonnenten: I explain why we are here on planet Earth and explain our function here.”
“If each planet in order to make each planet as you can imagine taking that basic life force and this stamp this logos and bringing it down and down and down, requires a vast amount of energy
now once something is made it is hoped that that something will start to raise energy back up into the spiritual realms, in order to repay the energy that’s been used to create it in the first place, okay, so there’s this balance going on between energy being poured down which incidentally just taking the planet Earth is being constantly done if the Archangels didn’t constantly
pour energy down to keep manipulating plants and animals and things, they would gradually die out, so they need as the planet Earth naturally changes very slightly all the time they need to have energy they need to change the DNA’s very slightly of animals and indeed humans and plants and things to keep the whole thing going, so that’s energy being constantly poured in and they rather hope that stones and plants and animals are going to raise energy back up in order to keep the whole thing going, okay, now which is not an easy thing to do. Now let’s talk about planet
Earth, Planet Earth was actually created for animals, we were never meant to come here in the first place, we humans actually were designed either to stay in heaven and do our thing there
or to go off to other more advanced planets throughout the solar system to do something there, but it was noticed that the planet Earth tried to raise energy, because the Planet Earth is just
as alive as you and I, tries to raise energy, but stones and things like that water hasn’t got a great spiritual capacity to raise energy, animals were put here and it was hoped that these animals would evolve to the point where they could start to raise energy of their own to repay the energy that was and is being poured into the Planet Earth to keep the whole system
going, but as you may have noticed it never really happened. I know cats and dogs and other creatures can be very affectionate, but you could hardly call them spiritual beings, in the sense of
consciously raising energy back up, so a decision was made many millions and millions of millions of years ago to send human beings from heaven, which was where we were meant to be, down here to see if we could evolve and to start to raise energy and reject redress the situation pour energy backup to replace the deficit of spiritual power that had been used to create all this in the first place, so believe it or not volunteers were asked for and those volunteers include you and I, we must be crazy, but we did volunteer and over long periods of time we’ve all come down here and tried to do our best to raise energy… (Bob Sanders)(2014)(12)”
“Now the very first lot of human beings that were created by the Archangels…they had very gelatinous bodies, if you could imagine more like a fish or a jellyfish, they had bodies a bit like that, now I don’t know if in the long ago historical documents if any exist there’s any mention of that, but this is what I’ve been told that they were very gelatinous sorts of creatures and really couldn’t survive on earth, they might well have survived in water but they couldn’t survive on dry Earth, Terra Firma and so that experiment failed, so the Archangelic beings scratched their heads and came up with a more solid form rather like we’ve got today and gradually over millions of years they’ve altered the DNA structure of human beings until we’ve got to the point of us, alright, so this is where it’s a bit bizarre, because aliens tell much the same story, I can only tell you what I’ve been told and you believe one or the other, so we are here. (Bob Sanders)(2014)(12)”
“Now what our functionn is.. quite simply to raise energy, spiritual energy. Now, I’m going to change the subject a little bit more and talk about how we are made, now we´ve got our physical body, we’ve also got a Spirit of God that’s associated with us, it’s not actually within our body, but it’s associated with us and most people when they’re born here their spirit of that there’s no pathway, should I say, between your physical body and your mind and all the rest of it and this Spirit of God, so most people, even if they believe in religions and so on, even if they say they believe in God, they have not actually made that connection between who they are and their Spirit of God and it’s our function down here quite simply to make that path to a spirit of God and the way we do that is through prayer meditation and being a nice kind person then that path is made and our Spirit of God can then make a really strong connection with us and then we can start to think about, through being a nice person and through praying and through praying for peace and generosity and helping other people and so and through meditation we
can push energy back up through the different Dimensions, back up into the highest fields to replace the energy that was used to create the whole thing in the first place, so that is why we are here. (Bob Sanders)(2014)(12)”
Rife Frequencies….
Blood Supply to Head: Rife Frequencies, Blood Circulation, and Purification | Binaural Beats
35.787 Aufrufe•25.08.2019
“Blood Supply to Head: Rife Frequencies, Blood Circulation, and Purification | Binaural Beats #GV031 by Good Vibes – Binaural Beats Meditation”
Rife Frequency for Fungus Healing & Treatment Binaural Beats | Good Vibes
69.819 Aufrufe•10.08.2016
“Good Vibes – Binaural Beats
1,13 Mio. Abonnenten
Rife Frequency for Fungus Healing & Treatment Binaural Beats presented by Good Vibes
Stimulus Royal Rife Frequency for Fungus Healing – Sound Therapy. Please don’t listen in a high volume. It may damage your hearing or give you a headache. Just put the volume as per your comfort.”
#MeditativeMind #Solfeggio #741Hz
2.053.935 Aufrufe•22.01.2019
Tibetan Healing Sounds: Cleans the Aura and Space. Removes all negative energy Meditation & Relaxation – Music channel.
528Hz | Repairs DNA & Brings Positive Transformation | Solfeggio Sleep Music
Meditative Mind
19 Mio. Aufrufe
528 Hz LET GO Mental Blocks | Cleanse Self Sabotage, Fear – Release Inner Struggle & Self Doubt
3,1 Mio. Aufrufe
Vibrationsfrequenz “Musik für die Lunge” Binaural Beats
113.909 Aufrufe•10.11.2013
“Dieser erstaunliche Meditationston ist speziell auf die Verbesserung der Gesundheit und des Wohlbefindens der Lunge abgestimmt und kann die Stresstoleranz verbessern, wenn er mit der Erdresonanzfrequenz verbunden wird. Dies kann die Auswirkungen von Vitalität, Gesamtgleichgewicht und Stabilität verleihen. Während Sie diesen Track hören, sollte fokussiertes Atmen erfolgen. Die Verwendung einer speziellen Mischung von Frequenzen, die mit der Heilung verbunden sind, hilft dem Geist, sich darauf zu konzentrieren, die Energie Ihres Körpers auf Ihre Lungen zu lenken.
Sie können uns dabei unterstützen, indem Sie diesen Musiktitel herunterladen oder einen von vielen anderen, die Sie zu Hause genießen können. Alle unsere Musikkäufe helfen unserem Team, mehr von der großartigen Musik zu kreieren, die Sie lieben, und die es uns ermöglichen, es immer zu versuchen Unser Kanal weiter für unsere Fans.”
“Unsere entspannende Musik ist perfekt für Deepak Chopra-Meditationen, Buddhisten, Zen, Achtsamkeit, Kundalini, Qi Gong, Zazen und mehr. Unsere Musik ist beeinflusst von japanischer Meditation, indischer Meditation, Tibetisch und Schamanisch. Unsere Instrumentalmusik wurde entwickelt, um Entspannung, Meditation, Gehirnfunktion und -konzentration, Spa- und Massagetherapie sowie Heilmusiktherapie zu fördern und zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus verwenden wir binaurale Beats (Delta-, Alpha- und Theta-Wellen), um auf natürliche Weise einen Entspannungszustand zu erreichen, der sich perfekt für Konzentration, Meditation oder tiefen Schlaf eignet. Unsere Musik-Playlisten sind perfekt für Ihre tägliche Meditation und Entspannung. Unsere Musikvideos verwenden Klanglandschaften wie Naturgeräusche, Tiere, Meere, Regengeräusche, Donnergeräusche und vieles mehr.”