„BEHRINGER TD-3 Review & tutorial // vs TB-303, RE-303 and x0xb0x (TD3-SR)
213.000 Abonnenten
572.072 Aufrufe 08.11.2019
Get my constantly expanding book of synth and electronic music ideas, tips and tricks here…“
Monthly Archives: Mai 2023
Waldorf Pulse 2
„Waldorf Pulse 2
Tim Shoebridge
27.100 Abonnenten
25.213 Aufrufe 02.04.2022
Having been playing around with this diminutive little synth for the second time in my career, I decided it was high time to do a video on it. Is it possibly one of the most underrated mono synths of the last decade??“
„I just don´t understand why Moog don´t give us a 3 oscillators synth, we have got it in the Pulse 2. The Pulse 2 has 3 oscillators. It´s a Multimode-Filter, Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass…2 LFOs. It was released in 2013 by Waldorf, you can still buy a brandnew.“
USB & MIDI: Everything you need to know to get it right (USB MIDI Host vs Interface explained)
MIDI Wirrwarr entschlüsselt: Über MIDI, Klinke, TRS-A und TRS-B
„MIDI Wirrwarr entschlüsselt: Über MIDI, Klinke, TRS-A und TRS-B“
„MIDI 1.0 wurde 1982 eingeführt. Zu dem Zeitpunkt waren die Anschlüsse (nach klassischer Spezifikation) als fünfpolige DIN-Buchsen ausgelegt. Die (MIDI-) Welt war noch weitestgehend in Ordnung – auch wenn da schon einige ihr eigenes Süppchen kochen wollten.“
„Im Jahr 2010 kam der Hersteller Line 6 auf die Idee, ein mit Miniklinke bestücktes Breakout-MIDI-Kabel bei dem MIDI Mobilizer zu verwenden. Seit 2018 gehört diese Variante zum MIDI 2.0 Standard. Gear, das mit dem gleichen Typ arbeitet, kann untereinander übrigens mit einem einfachen Stereo-Klinkenkabel miteinander verbunden werden.“
Quelle: https://www.gearnews.de/midi-trs-a-trs-b-klinke-minijack-trs-adapter-trsa-trsb/
Your Lifestyle is pissing People off rough….
„Your Lifestyle is pissing People off rough….
37.700 Abonnenten
1.137 Aufrufe 28.05.2023 #ChosenOnes #Lifestyle #People
Your Lifestyle Pissing People Off Rough
#ChosenOnes #Lifestyle #People“
„Something Terrible Happened to Those Who Wronged You Here Are 6 Things That Happened
37.700 Abonnenten
8.551 Aufrufe 18.05.2023 #ChosenOnes
Something Terrible Happened to Those Who Wronged You. Here Are 6 Things That Happened or Happening to Them“
„You Intimidate Them with This… Chosen Ones
3.100 Aufrufe 27.05.2023 #Intimidation #ChosenOnes #Compettition
You Intimidate Them with This… Chosen Ones
#ChosenOnes #Intimidation #Compettition“
Aussehen, Gesang und Rufe heimischer Singvögel in unseren Wäldern…
„Aussehen, Gesang und Rufe heimischer Singvögel in unseren Wäldern“
„55.995 Aufrufe 16.10.2020
Lerne 15 der häufigsten Waldvögel kennen und anhand von Aussehen, Rufen und Gesang zu unterscheiden. Kleiber, Eichelhäher, Kernbeißer, Schwanzmeise, Waldkauz und andere waldbewohnende Vogelarten in Deutschland.“
Pure Land – The Eternal Realms vs the Continuum of Nonstop Change…
Pure Land – The Eternal Realms vs the Continuum of Nonstop Change…
„@kurosaki_buddhist What is Pure Land Buddhism? ☸️ #buddhism #religion #spiritual #spirituality #meditation #mindfulness #zen #nirvana #buddha #mahayana #mahayanabuddhism #purelandbuddhism #pureland #enlightenment #jodoshu #jodoshinshu #nianfo #nembutsu #sukhavati #awakening #tiktokspiritual #afterlife #heaven #karma #rebirth #multiverse #paralleluniverse“
„Transkript: Beyond our world of death and rebirth, there exist limitless purified realms with living Buddhas and Bodhisattvas presently teaching.
We can think of these different pure land as a Mahayana multiverse.
These purified realms inhabited by cosmic Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are not heavens, and these beings are not gods. Heavens are still in samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth. And these enlightened beings live and teach in worlds beyond samsara.
The Buddhist texts present a diverse pantheon of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, each with their own pureland. Remember, it’s like a multiverse. And this multiverse is sometimes also referred to by the phrase pure lands of the 10 Directions, fundamentally beyond our world, as a concrete place outside of samsara where you can be reborn to pursue the Bodhisattva pat and achieve Nirvana more easily. The Pure Land is the Pureland Sukhavati, the land of bliss presented in the Sukhavati view Ha Sutra. This sutra tells the story of ho countless eons ago, a king renounced their throne to pursue the Bodhisattva path with a Buddha named Lokesh Varadja. This bodhisattva was named Dharmakara, which means storehouse of the Dharma, and he wished to create the perfect Pureland, so all beings could achieve awakening. Dharmakara makes a series of vows. One of these vows states that if beings think upon or simply call upon the name of this Buddha even 10 times, the simple practice of reciting Namo Amidabutsu, they’ll be able to attain rebirth in the Pureland in their Next life and achieve awakening upon achieving Buddhahood. This being came to be known by 2 names Amitabha limitless light and Amitayaus, limitless life. Based on these vows, many Mahayana Buddhists, laypeople and monastics alike, have made contemplation of Amitabha and the Pureland, and even just the simple recitation of the name of this Buddha a central part of their Buddhist practice. Things are not always as they seem. The world of our experience is conditioned by our past karma in progress on the path and thus manifests as impure.
But Buddhas and Bodhisattva help beings to see the bigger picture.“
freedomgott2023: 1.5.2023: I received a bliss shower from viewing it a second time…
freedomgott2023: 1.5.2023: Transcript feature is new…wow. @tiktok
namoania: Concrete place outside of samsara is an oxymoron…..samsara itself is recognized as the pure land, not a place outside of samsara somewhere.
Samsara is a state of bliss for Boddhisattvas who are activated by Kundalini aka Sophia, not for sleeping EGOs, non-connected to Soul and Spirit.
vor 1 Sek.
Furthermore it is stressful for an immortal being to be under the fast pressure of change in this Universe, so we need eternal realms to repose.
vor 1 Sek.
„Pure Land Buddhism: The Mahayana Multiverse
660.000 Abonnenten“
„Bodhisattvas on the cusp of awakening…
these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are sometimes presented as superhero,
superhero-like beings, helping those of us stuck in the realm of death and
rebirth, along the path to awakening..“
„At other times these beings are understood to be symbolic expressions of
awakening itself within and all around beings. The bodhisattva of compassion can
thus serve as a symbol for love and compassion within human relationships.“
„or mandalic depictions of the pure land said to lead to rebirth in the pure land.
The pure land of amitabha buddha is saidto reside in the west, the west is associated with the setting sun which itself is a symbol for the end of life change and rebirth, all important symbols associated with the pure land tradition, the setting sun symbolism is also associated with warmth, compassion and love and this is why the Buddha Amitabha is often depicted as red in color, especially in the ritual manuals called Tantras.“
„The inherent shunyata of all things. In India this philosophical perspective was
systematized by Nagarjuna, a second century indian Philosopher who’s
credited with founding the madhyamaka school of mahayana philosophy. Legend has
it that Nagarjuna received some sutras known as the perfection of wisdom sutras
from the Dragon King and then systematized the concept shunyata.
Nagarjuna famously said for whom shunyata is possible all things are
possible. In east asia he was thought of as an important pure land thinker as well.
Many indian and central asian translators who made their way to China
ended up transmitting texts dealing with the pure land of Amitabha and various
philosophical traditions as well.“
„Finding enlightenment in ordinary life.“
„The elites of honen’s day really did not like his revolutionary teachings, so much so that he was eventually defrocked and exiled and several of his disciples were
vor 1 Jahr
I’ve been binge watching Linfamy’s Japanese Buddhism videos which is kind of cool as he talked about a lot of the philosophers mentioned here.“