The Demiurge and the Hidden God…
„The Universe is like a multi-layered Cake.“
„The Demiurge is essential, because it acts as a Mediator, translating the perfection of the one into the imperfect Material World we experience everyday.“
„It is not an independent Craftsman or a Malevolent Deceiver, but a Natural Part of the Cosmic Process that connects the One to our Material Reality.“
„A Metaphysical Principle. The Term eternal Craftsman is used to indicate that the Demiurge is an everlasting principle that is always active in shaping and maintaining the physical World. Unlike Gods in Mythologies who might rest after creating the World.
This Craftsman is eternally active.
Constantly working to maintain the Balance and Order of the Cosmos, in Platos Philosophy…“
vor 0 Sekunden
The Demiurge would be Brahma.
vor 0 Sekunden
He was one of the few who grasped Kundalini back in those days….this is really astounding, if we see how few people understand that.
„He is a benevolent architect, for some he is somehow flaws.“
vor 6 Tagen
I think carl jung was a medium to the spirit realm. He had a god complex. Many narcissists are delusional and offer the perspective of angelic beings he was inspired by to write a work to elevate the Demiurge. The word demiurge refers to rebellious deceptive angels.
vor 0 Sekunden
No…Demi Urge means Half Maker…. Demi-God.
It has nothing to do with Christian Dogma.
vor 4 Tagen
Yes, fallen angel archon Lucifer.
vor 2 Tagen
I have studied madly, Manly P. Halls, great books and recordings for years, and I resonate with this enlightened human being.
„79.646 Aufrufe 17.01.2024
Explore the enigmatic Demiurge, a primal creator in religious and philosophical thought. This guide untangles its complex history and significance, helping you grasp this mysterious figure’s role in shaping the universe.
00:00 Introduction
02:37 Defining Demiurge
06:53 Historical Overview
15:06 Philosophical Context
21:33 Symbols of the Demiurge
33:19 Demiurge in Religious Texts
42:25 The Great Reveal
01:07:11 Epilogue“
„The totality of everything which means he can be both completely just and its
total opposite the idea is that Yahweh unlike the Gnostic Demiurge isn’t limited to just one aspect of morality or creation he’s a more complex figure embodied studing multiple traits and characteristics that may sometimes appear contradictory to us
while we should bear in mind that these are interpretation shaped by human thought they offer us unique Windows into understanding the complex and multifaceted nature of divine entities like the Demiurge and Yahweh in summary the complex nature of divine
entities like Yahweh and the Demiurge demands a nuanced approach to
understanding them while the Gnostic demiurge is often portrayed as a limited even malevolent being Yahweh presents a different picture a being of multifaceted qualities both just and unjust aware and unaware Carl Jung’s insights remind us that these deities
can be seen as reflections of our own inner complexities and potentialities not just as external figures they embody contradictions that challenge our conventional understanding of morality self awareness and Divinity, thus the Demiurge and Yahweh serve as intriguing mirrors for exploring the intricate tapestry of both the Divine and human psyche similarities and differences in Eastern religions though the term Demiurge originates from Western traditions one can identify analogous ideas within Eastern religious philosophies, particularly in Hinduism in Hindu cosmology Brahma is the god responsible for the Act of Creation however Brahma is not the Ultimate Reality that designation belongs to..the unchanging infinite imminent and Transcendent reality amidst and Beyond the world to better understand consider Brahma as a Craftsman and Brahman as the ultimate essence or the metaphysical clay from which the Craftsman molds the
world while Brahma spins the web of the visible world, he is still an aspect of
the overarching Brahman the Ultimate Reality in this way Brahma serves a
function similar to the demiurge as he too brings the physical world into
existence but is not regarded as the supreme power. The Bhagavat Gita a
700 verse Hindu scripture offers an insightful perspective on creation that
aligns closely with this conversation as the babad Gita proclaims creation is only the
projection into form of that which already exists, this quote speaks volumes
about Eastern attitudes towards the concept of creation like the
Demiurge Brahma doesn’t create the world from nothing he shapes it from an already existing higher reality which is Brahman this aligns well with the platonic or neoplatonic notion of the Demiurge fashioning the world as a reflection of pre-existing ideal forms or as an emanation from the one the concept of a creating entities similar to the Demiurge can vary significantly based on the religious or philosoph opical tradition one examines in the Gnostic tradition the demiurge is often
seen as a malevolent or ignorant entity that separates human Souls from their
Divine Source, in contrast Hindu philosophy presents a more benign
Creator in Brahma who nevertheless is not the ultimate source of divine truth,
in summary while the term Demiurge may not appear explicitly in Eastern
religions the idea it encapsulates finds resonance in philosophies like
Hinduism across varying religious Landscapes this enigmatic entity serves
as a compelling model for exploring how different cultures and spiritualities navigate the profound questions of Creation, Divinity and Ultimate Reality as we conclude this
chapter it becomes evident that the concept of the demiurge while rooted in
platon philosophy has found a multitude of Expressions across different religious and philosophical systems. From the Gnostic portrayal of a malevolent Jailer to the multifaceted morally complex characterization in the judeo Christian tradition and even to its analogous counterparts in eastern philosophies like Hinduism the Demiurge
serves as a universal symbol for the tension between the ideal and the
material,. the ultimate and the immediate this exploration reveals the inherent human
curiosity about the origins of existence the nature of the Divine and our own
role within the Cosmic Landscape. The Demiurge in its various
incarnations invites us to question Ponder and possibly reconfigure our
understanding of these Primal concerns each tradition we’ve examined adds a unique lens widening our Collective perspective on a concept that defies simple categorization whether viewed as a Creator, a guardian, a trickster or a psychological archetype. The Demiurge Remains an endlessly intriguing figure that challenges us to think more deeply about the world we inhabit and the Unseen Realms that may lie Beyond it by surveying The Many religious texts that discuss or allude to the Demiurge we’ve taken a comprehensive look look at this elusive concept yet the journey is far from over as each new generation revisits these ancient ideas adding their own interpretations and insights this ever evolving dialogue ensures that the Demi urge will continue to be a subject
of intrigue and debate captivating the minds of seekers for generations to come.“
False deduction, Spiritual Inflation does not change the comprehension of Spirituality, especially not when you have Sophia awakened.