„Dragon of Afghanistan: Bruce Lee lookalike adored by youth, reviled by Islamic fundamentalists“
RT Documentary: Am 06.12.2017 veröffentlicht: People on the streets of Kabul call Abbas Alizada the “Afghan Bruce Lee.” After his striking resemblance to the Chinese martial arts icon made him a social media star, he took a year to work on himself and become even more like his hero.
More about Afghanistan: https://rtd.rt.com/tags/afghanistan/
His makeover was a smashing success. Today, Abbas uses his celebrity to inspire other young Afghan athletes,
but fame has come with a price – he now must be wary every time he leaves his house.
Monthly Archives: Mai 2019
Top 100 Soziale Netzwerke von 2010
„Top 100 Soziale Netzwerke in Deutschland
Jan 25,2010 – by jr
Topliste Soziale Netzwerke
In unserem Artikel Facebook vs. StudiVZ – Ein Zwischenstand haben wir analysiert, wo die beiden populärsten Sozialen Netzwerke in der Gunst deutscher User liegen. Doch wie sieht es mit den anderen Netzwerken aus? Wo liegt Wer-Kennt-Wen? Und wer hat mehr User – StudiVZ oder SchülerVZ? Die folgende Tabelle gibt einen Überblick über die Top 100 der Sozialen Netzwerke in Deutschland.
Auf den ersten Blick hat Facebook die Nase vorn: mit 11 Millionen Usern ist es das beliebteste Soziale Netzwerk Deutschlands. Doch fasst man die VZ-Netzwerke zusammen muss sich Facebook wieder mit Platz 2 begnügen: StudiVZ (5,6 Millionen), MeinVZ (4,2 Millionen) und SchülerVZ (mit 6,2 Millionen Usern ganz vorne in der Holtzbrinck-Gruppe) bringen zusammen 16 Millionen User auf die Waage.
Damit liegt SchülerVZ in der Gesamtwertung ganz knapp vor Wer-Kennt-Wen (6,1 Millionen), das bislang vor jeglichen VZ-Ablegern gesehen wurde. Das Business-Netzwerk Xing brachte es mit 2,9 Millionen Usern immerhin auf Platz 9, Platz 10 belegt mit 2,2 Millionen Usern Jappy.de – und liegt damit noch vor Yasni.de auf Platz 11.
Hier die Liste der Top 100 Sozialen Netzwerke in Deutschland nach Userzahlen:
Top 100 Soziale Netzwerke
Eine neuere Version der Top 100 Sozialen Netzwerke ist vorhanden.
Position Name User in Millionen (Unique Visitors)
1 facebook.com 11
2 gmx.net 9,1
3 stayfriends.de 6,2
4 schuelervz.net 6,2
5 wer-kennt-wen.de 6,1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
„werkenntwen (Kurzform: wkw) war ein soziales Netzwerk, das von der werkenntwen GmbH (ehemals wer-kennt-wen.de GmbH) mit Sitz in Köln betrieben wurde. Es gehörte seit Februar 2009 zu 100 % RTL interactive. Im März 2013 stand es mit knapp 2,1 Millionen aktiven Usern (Unique Visitors) auf Platz 11 der sozialen Netzwerke in Deutschland. Alle Online-Funktionen wurden am 2. Juni 2014 um 09:20 Uhr (MEZ) abgeschaltet.“
6 studivz.net 5,6
7 meinvz.net 4,2
8 myspace.com 3,8
9 xing.com 2,9
10 jappy.de 2,2
11 yasni.de 2,2
12 lokalisten.de 1,5
13 odnoklassniki.ru 1,1
14 netlog.com 0,83
15 linkedin.com 0,76
16 nasza-klasa.pl 0,47
17 last.fm 0,46
18 icq.de 0,42
19 justin.tv 0,39
20 ning.com 0,38
21 fanpop.com 0,35
22 veoh.com 0,35
23 hi5.com 0,33
24 twitpic.com 0,32
25 sanego.de 0,29
26 virtualnights.com 0,27
27 badoo.com 0,27
28 imedo.de 0,26
29 me.com 0,24
30 folkd.com 0,24
31 piczo.com 0,24
32 vkontakte.ru 0,24
33 easyflirt.de 0,22
34 bearshare.com 0,22
35 mywebsearch.com 0,18
36 stepashka.us 0,16
37 tagged.com 0,16
38 webs.com 0,14
39 loomin.de 0,14
40 goolive.de 0,14
41 venyoo.de 0,12
42 imesh.com 0,12
43 bsmparty.de 0,12
44 bebo.com 0,11
45 freizeitfreunde.de 0,1
46 slideshare.net 0,1
47 jux.de 0,1
48 stumbleupon.com 0,094
49 friendster.com 0,094
50 rockz.com 0,093
51 hilfe-forum.eu 0,093
52 spotlight.de 0,085
53 single.de 0,077
54 dada.net 0,077
55 sportiversum.de 0,077
56 flixster.com 0,076
57 skyrock.com 0,07
58 pferde.de 0,07
59 yooliety.de 0,069
60 fanbox.com 0,064
61 eraffe.de 0,064
62 partyface.de 0,064
63 sodahead.com 0,063
64 imeem.com 0,058
65 ilike.com 0,058
66 shortview.de 0,058
67 fotolog.com 0,058
68 flirtlife.de 0,058
69 triff-chemnitz.de 0,058
70 friendfeed.com 0,057
71 ednetz.de 0,053
72 ehto.be 0,053
73 harzflirt.de 0,053
74 myheritage.com 0,053
75 azbuz.com 0,052
76 housetime.fm 0,052
77 hyves.nl 0,052
78 jappy.at 0,048
79 vox.com 0,048
80 letssingit.com 0,048
81 linternaute.com 0,048
82 boardplanet.net 0,043
83 netzwertig.com 0,043
84 scoop.at 0,04
85 travelblog.org 0,04
86 vec-community.de 0,04
87 taragana.com 0,039
88 hostgator.com 0,039
89 imageloop.com 0,039
90 jiggle.de 0,039
91 meetyourmessenger.de 0,036
92 chatcity.de 0,036
93 digitalvoodoo.de 0,036
94 morphex.eu 0,033
95 ruhrpottforum.de 0,03
96 turkish-talk.com 0,03
97 meineleute.de 0,03
98 skodacommunity.de 0,03
99 grafiker.de 0,03
100 listal.com 0,03
Quelle: Google AdPlanner, Stand Dez. 2009
Interessante Beiträge:
Social Networks: Top 100
Facebook und die Privatsphäre
Facebook vs. StudiVZ – Ein Zwischenstand (Teil 2)
Tags: Social Networks, Top 100, Topliste
Quelle: http://online-ich.de/20100125/top-100-soziale-netzwerke-deutschland/
Hier die Übersicht über die dreizehn wichtigsten Sozialen Netzwerke, die ihr 2019 als Gründer und Unternehmer kennen solltet:
InfinityExpression: 30.5.2019: Gob, VK fehlen noch, kein einziges größeres deutsches Sozialnetzwerk mehr in Existenz seit dem Ende von Wkw in 2014, unfasslich, dabei sind die deutschen Sozialnetzwerke die integersten gewesen (auch wenn oftmals voll von Gesocks und giftigen Streithammeln), jedoch ohne U.S. Zionazi-Hinterlist, kybernetischen Agenten-Syndikats-Cyberterror, Zensur und Sabotage und mit Kollektivkommunikationspool, das vermisst man sehr, das war das beste Feature in Wkw für Viral-Reaches und alles ohne genötigt zu werden Promotion-Kosten an die Feindfraktion zu übermitteln, was ja eh krasseste Wettbewerbsverzerrung und plutokratisch-korporative Diskriminierung und Zensur repräsentiert.
„Hier die Übersicht über die dreizehn wichtigsten Sozialen Netzwerke, die ihr 2019 als Gründer und Unternehmer kennen solltet:“
„Die große Mehrheit der deutschen Unternehmen ist aktiv auf Social Media Kanälen. Aber welche Kanäle lohnen sich wirklich? Und wo erreicht ihr eure Zielgruppe am besten? Unsere Liste der dreizehn wichtigsten Sozialen Netzwerke, die ihr als Gründer kennen solltet im Überblick (Stand 2019) – inklusive Beschreibung potentielle Zielgruppen, Links & Tipps!“
„Google+ /ab 2019 nicht mehr verfügbar
UPDATE: Google Plus war als Alternative zu Facebook gedacht und hatte zwar weniger aber doch auch sehr treue Fans. Insgesamt zu wenig. Als dann auch noch klar wurde, dass sich der Konzern ein großes Datenleck mit dem Netzwerk eingehandelt hat – wurde aufgeräumt.
Google plant die Löschung der Daten ab dem 2. April 2019.
Marktführer Google ist verhältnismäßig spät auf den Social Network-Zug aufgesprungen und hinkte entsprechend hinterher. Doch unterschätzen sollte man Google plus deshalb nicht: Denn in jeder Suchanzeige werden die angezeigten Links mit den Plus der Netzwerker geadelt. Dieses Qualitätsmerkmal könnte noch mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen, und sogar das Ranking in den Suchergebnissen beeinflussen. So könnten von Nutzern als wichtiger erachtete Seiten sogar den Unternehmens- beziehungsweise Urheberseiten im Google-Ranking den Rang ablaufen.“
„Mit Abstand das größte Netzwerk weltweit und auch in Deutschland und inzwischen Synonym für die Vermischung von privat und beruflich: Facebook. Sogar einen Hollywood-Blockbuster über seinen Gründer gibt es. Auch für Unternehmen ist das Netzwerk inzwischen unumgänglich. Doch Vorsicht: Unternehmen sollten sich fragen, wer wirklich Fan werden soll und will. Denn die Nähe zum Konsumenten hat nicht nur positive Folgen: Der Ärger eines einzelnen kann sich hier schnell potenzieren. Ein aufkommender Shitstorm kann aber mit dem richtigen Know How verhindert oder zumindest einigermaßen sicher umschifft werden. Oft kann eine negative Erfahrung mit dem nötigen Fingerspitzengefühl in ein positives Erlebnis umgewandelt werden. Hierbei ist natürlich Offenheit und die Bereitschaft, an den begründeten Ärgernissen als Unternehmen zu arbeiten.“
Die Neuigkeit twittern (=zwitschern), also in SMS-langen Texten über den Dienst Twitter verbreiten, ist ein besonders schnelllebiges Konzept, das sich gerade in der Kommunikationsbranche und für Echtzeit-Marketing…nutzen lässt. Politiker, inklusive Kanzlerin…aber auch Promis, Popstars und Sternchen nutzen Twitter gern. Für die breite Masse ist Twitter in Deutschland laut Nutzerzahlen von 12 Millionen (D) aber weniger interessant. Unternehmer, die Twitter nutzen wollen, sollten bedenken, dass sie ihre Followers (so heißen die Leser des Twitter-Kanals) regelmäßig bedienen müssen. Und aktuell. Auch deshalb sind es vor allem Journalisten, die sich gern mit Twitter beschäftigen, und die man darüber gut erreichen kann.
Wenn ihr euren Twitter Umgang professionalisieren wollt, dann hilft euch dieser Fachartikel: 8 Tools für Twitter erleichtern das Marketing“
Wenn ihr auf Brand Awareness setzt und eure Produkte „instagrammable“ sind, solltet ihr 2019 unbedingt auf Instagram setzen. Kein anderes Netzwerk hat eine so hohe Interaktionsrate, denn auf Instagram wird wie wild gelikt und kommentiert. Der Fokus des Bildernetzwerks Instagram liegt aber auch eher auf Lifestyle-Inhalten und die Bilder sind besonders schön inszeniert. Falls ihr mehr auf Traffic aus seid, ist das Netzwerk nicht die richtige Wahl, denn die Bilder sind nicht mit Links versehen, sodass hier nur sehr schwer Traffic generiert werden kann. Gerade aber für kleinere Unternehmen lässt sich leicht Bekanntheit und Aufmerksamkeit für die Marke erreichen, wenn ihr Inhalte entsprechend aufbereitet und vielleicht auch auf Influencer Marketing setzt.“
Pinterest ist eine digitale Pinnwand, auf der sich interessante Bildinhalte sammeln lassen und das Netzwerk ist auch ausschließlich auf Bilder ausgelegt. Im Stream geht es darum, eure Bilder besonders gut sichtbar und ansprechend darzustellen. Die größte Hürde auf dieser Plattform ist ansprechendes Bildmaterial, das sich sehen und teilen lassen kann. Denn es geht auf Pinterest um schön inszenierte Inhalte, die vor allem zu den Bereichen Lifestyle und Fashion zählen. Die Pins, wie die Bilder genannt werden, sind mit dem Link zur Webseite versehen und das bietet euch eine Traffic-Garantie. Produkte lassen sich direkt mit dem Shop-Link verknüpfen und Pinterest sorgt dadurch für eine hohe Klickrate und damit verbunden auch für eine hohe Conversion-Rate. Das Bildernetzwerk wird von Usern eher als Suchmaschine für Lifestyle-Inhalte genutzt, was großes Potential bedeutet.
Der Dienst flickr setzt auf die alte Weisheit: Bilder sagen mehr als Worte und zählt damit zu den Bildernetzwerken wie Instagram und Pinterest. Für Unternehmen hat sich flickr inzwischen als kostenlose und einfach bedienbare Plattform für eure Unternehmenskommunikation herausgestellt: Eure Pressebilder müsst ihr nicht mehr auf der eigenen Seite hosten, sondern könnt diese ganz einfach über flickr teilen. Zudem wird flickr in der Google Bildersuche eine ganz besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt, sodass sich hier Bildmaterial deutlich einfacher viral verbreiten lässt.
Das Netzwerk Snapchat ist der Neuling unter den Social Media Kanälen und gerade zu Beginne gab es einen riesigen Hype um Snapchat. Dieser Aufruhr hat sich in der Zwischenzeit wieder gelegt, auch wenn der Channel nun fest zur Social Media-Landschaft zählt. Allerdings hat sich mittlerweile die Zielgruppe klarer herauskristallisiert und die User gehören größtenteils der Jugend an. Teenager unter 18 Jahren nutzen die Plattform am meisten. Gerade für Unternehmen und Marken, die für Jugendliche interessant sind, zeigt sich hier Potential und eine Möglichkeit die Zielgruppe leicht erreichen zu können. Storytelling wird im Sozailen Netzwerk via Bildern und Videos betrieben, was sich für euch als Gründer und Unternehmer besonders gut für einen Blick hinter die Kulissen und Insights aus dem Alltag eures Startups nutzen lässt.
Auch youtube setzt auf Bewegtbild, auf dem Kanal können Videos platziert werden. Der Social Network Gedanke ist hier nicht das wichtigste, deshalb kann man YouTube-Videos auch auf allen anderen Networks einfach einbinden. Allerdings solltet ihr als Unternehmen bedenken, dass ihr mit einem eigenem Videokanal auf YouTube (Unternehmens-Channel) auch gefordert seid: Die Produktionskosten für hochwertiges Videomaterial sind erst einmal etwas höher und zudem müsst ihr ständig neuen Content nachliefern. Der Upload an sich ist dann aber einfach und ihr könnt auch ganz easy die Videos auf eurer Webseite einbetten.
Alternative: Man hält seine Abonnenten mit gefundenen Videos bei Laune und teilt ganz einfach Content aus anderen Kanälen weiter.
Großer Vorteil der Plattform ist natürlich auch, dass Nutzer sich nicht extra anmelden müssen und das Netzwerk daher auch als Alternative zur Google-Suche genutzt wird.
Vimeo ist eine Videoplattform wie YouTube – weniger groß dafür die bessere Qualität. Das betrifft die Videoqualitäten, die man bei vimeo hochladen kann ebenso wie einige Features. Ein Beispiel: Versuchen Sie mal, ihren youtube Video ein selbst definiertes Startbild zu geben. Das geht nur, wenn Sie Ihren Videokanal ins Partnerprogramm von youtube aufnehmen lassen. Das Problem: Vor Ihren Filmen läuft dann Werbung, wenn Sie Pech haben, von Ihrem Konkurrenten. Bei vimeo gehört der eigene Startscreen zum Standard. Ähnlich ist es mit den Filmen: Quantität auf youtube, Quantität auf vimeo.
Bloggen was das Zeug hält, dafür gibt es tumblr: auf der Plattform können Nutzer Texte, Bilder, Zitate, Chatlogs, Links und Video- sowie Audiodateien veröffentlichen, Das wichtigste Prinzip ist Reblogging: Bereits eingestellte Inhalte werden von anderen Nutzern erneut publiziert. Außerdem lässt sich tumblr gut mit anderen Seiten, wie zum Beispiel WordPress oder GetGlue verbinden. Dies macht die Content-Generierung noch einfacher.
WhatsApp und FB Messenger
Auch wenn WhatsApp und der Facebook Messenger nicht wirklich als Netzwerk zählen können, so spielen die beiden Kanäle doch eine immer wichtigere Rolle im Online Marketing. Daher solltet ihr die Messengerdienste nicht unbeachtet lassen. Beide Apps verfügen über eine riesige Reichweite, die ihr für euch nutzen könnt. Die neue Art des E-Mail-Marketing findet in Messengerdiensten statt und ihr könnt mit euren Kunden direkt in Kontakt treten. Die Möglichkeit zur unmittelbaren Kommunikation ist ein großer Vorteil nicht nur für den Kundensupport, sondern auch für das Versenden von individuellen Angeboten beispielsweise oder einer kompetenten Shopping-Beratung.
Xing versteht sich als Karrierenetzwerk und das hauptsächlich für den deutschsprachigen Raum. Es geht dabei weniger um Privates als vielmehr um berufliche Interessen, Networking und Austausch. Event-Hinweise und Networking im Sinne von Konferenzen und Diskussionen lassen sich hier gut betreiben. Vor allem Freiberufler und Gründer haben hier eine professionelle und gute Basis für ihre Netzwerkarbeit, für Projektaufträge und mehr. Allerdings sind nicht alle Funktionen kostenfrei, es gibt eine Premiummitgliedschaft, die auf jeden Fall in Anspruch genommen werden sollte.
Linkedin ist ein Netzwerk für berufliche Kontakte und das vor allem für den internationalen Raum. Auf der Plattform werden neue Kontakte geknüpft und bestehende, hauptsächlich internationale Geschäftskontakte gepflegt. Mittlerweile spielt Linkedin auch hier in Deutschland eine immer größere Rolle. Interessant für Gründer ist auch die Zusammensetzung der User: 36 Prozent aller XING-Mitglieder sind Führungskräfte, bei LinkedIn sind es 80 Prozent.
Augen auf bei der Auswahl der Sozialen Netzwerke für euer Startup
Mit diesen Infos zu den wichtigsten Netzwerken in der Social Media-Landschaft, seid ihr hoffentlich gut gewappnet für die Wahl eurer Kanäle. Ihr merkt schon, nicht jede Plattform eignet sich für jede Art von Unternehmen oder Marketingziel. Am besten ihr wählt sorgfältig aus und konzentriert euch auf einige wenige Netzwerke, die für euch am besten funktionieren.“
Quelle: https://www.gruenderkueche.de/fachartikel/die-besten-10-soziale-netzwerke-und-wie-sie-sie-nutzen/
Reverse Aging | Dr. Shai Efrati | TEDxWhiteCity
Reverse Aging | Dr. Shai Efrati | TEDxWhiteCity
„Omnipotent stem cell regeneration.“
„The supporting environment that can give the energy and the oxygen needed for the regenerative process.“
„TEDx Talks
Am 19.11.2015 veröffentlicht
Reverse aging, taking the biology back in time, can be achieved by inducing the body for self rejuvenation.
Dr. Shai Efrati: Director of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research, Assaf-Harofeh Medical
Under the management and guidance of Dr. Efrati, the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research has become the largest most occupied hyperbaric center in the world, currently treating more than 120 patients a day. Dr. Efrati initiated a research program focusing on the neuroplasticity (regeneration of brain tissue) of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). In the first clinical study it was proved that HBOT can induce neuroplasticity in stroke and traumatic brain injuries even years after an acute incident. The vital clinical results gained from the research program have shed fascinating new light on regeneration of the injured brain as well as aging tissues.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx“
„We only forgot since we were a small embryo in the mother abdomen, we should remember that and we should stimulate the body again to do the 2 things, to generate omnipotent stem cells and to bring enough energy to allow these processes to occur.“
The quest for eternal youth | Dr. Bradley Willcox, MD | TEDxMaui
The quest for eternal youth | Dr. Bradley Willcox, MD | TEDxMaui
TEDx Talks
Am 29.12.2014 veröffentlicht
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Using lessons from the worlds longest lived people and animals, world-renowned longevity researcher and physician Dr. Bradley Willcox shares some of the secrets to living long, healthy lives, and shares some of the latest research from his laboratory.
World-renowned longevity researcher, physician, co-author of The Okinawan Diet Plan and The Okinawa Program.
As the co-principal investigator of the groundbreaking Okinawa Centenarian Study, Dr. Bradley Willcox is a leading expert in identifying factors that help us remain healthy, vigorous and disability-free at older ages. He has been investigating mechanisms of aging for almost two decades and his research teams have identified several important genetic and environmental risk factors for aging and aging-related chronic diseases.
Bradley is now the principal investigator of the National Institute on Aging-funded Kuakini Hawai‘i Lifespan Study and Kuakini Hawai‘i Healthspan Study, which are ancillary studies on aging from the Kuakini Honolulu Heart Program. Clinically, he runs the Long Term Care Hospitalist Program at The Queen’s Medical Center, where he is a three-time nominee for Physician of the Year.
Bradley trained in Medicine at the University of Toronto, Internal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic and Geriatric Medicine at Harvard Medical School. His work has appeared in cover articles of Time, National Geographic, and on Oprah, Good Morning America, NOVA Science, BBC and other media.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)“
Scientists building technology to record dreams
Scientists building technology to record dreams
Ranjan Kumar
Posted On May 12, 2019
the 1991 apocalyptic sci-fi film Until the End of the World, director Wim Wenders creates a vision of the future that, in a few ways, manages to mirror aspects of life in 2019. In the film, a virtual reality (VR) headset-like device is developed that gives blind people a form of sight. But as the film goes on, the device is transformed into a tool that records dreams, and a darker side of humanity comes to light: People become addicted to their subconscious storylines, spending all their time sleeping and waking only to watch their dreams.
The device looks nearly identical to an Oculus headset, but there are more similarities between our current reality and Wenders‘ 30-year-old fantasy than that alone. Today, a team of researchers from universities across the country is working on a project dedicated to figuring out how to recreate our nighttime lives on the screen. And like Until the End of the World, it’s unclear what this technology might be used for.
The as-of-yet-unnamed project is the brainchild of independent dream researcher Daniel Oldis and represents a continuation of a question he and others in his field began exploring decades ago: Are dreams learning experiences, and can behaviors in waking life be influenced by what people dream about? Oldis and others concluded that the answer must be yes based on one key point: When people dream, their bodies move and react.
„Your eyes, the muscles in your body, it’s just like you’re awake. You’re responding to the dream story,“ Oldis says. „Like in waking life, the body is learning from different experiences. We learn from dreams, and it affects our personality.“
The debate over whether dreams have meaning is a contentious topic among psychologists and neurologists and has been for decades. While some experts believe that dreams are simply the result of neurons in the brain firing at random, other researchers believe that dreams hold deep meaning for our lives and are even linked to our overall health. There’s some evidence to back up the argument. Studies have found that dreaming helps us process emotions, turn our short-term memories to long-term ones, and potentially ward off depression.
In the tradition of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, some psychologists today still use dreams in therapy to help people better understand themselves and their psyches. Rubin Naiman, PhD, is one such psychologist. A sleep and dream expert with the University of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine, Naiman not only advocates for the power of dreams but also believes society is in the midst of an „epidemic of dream loss,“ spurred on by the collective brush-off our culture has given to these nightly visions.
„We are so dismissive about dreams,“ he says. „It’s a huge issue. It’s kind of like pretending the moon doesn’t exist.“
In the 1970s, Oldis was involved in early dream research that focused on whether dreams had an effect on our waking lives. It was at this time when researchers discovered that people bodies move while they dream. While this was important information, it became newly relevant to Oldis in 2014, when he read about researchers in Japan who were capturing images from dreams using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). That got him thinking: Why not also record their movements? And while you’re at it, why not speech as well?
„If you put that all together, what you have is a movie,“ Oldis says.
That became his new research question: Can dreams be turned into watchable movies? This led Oldis to partner with the University of Texas at Austin’s Cognitive Neuroscience Lab in 2017 to track the motor behavior of a dreamer. By using an electromyogram (EGM) to measure nerve impulses to the muscles, the researchers successfully recorded the movements of a subject’s dreams, which Oldis turned into a walking avatar that he presented at the International Association for the Study of Dreams in 2017?—?the first step to making a dream movie.
„This is like the early years of the space race,“ he says. „But in this case, we’re going into the dream space.“
Oldis has also done some early work around recording dream speech. By attaching electrodes to a sleeper’s speech muscles, he was able to pick up some elements of their dream dialogues, though full sentences and meanings could not be deciphered. He plans to run another experiment at the University of Texas at Austin this fall that he hopes will result in complete speech readings.
In addition to conducting those experiments, Oldis has compiled a team of nearly two dozen dream researchers, neurobiologists, sleep scientists, and psychologists (which he calls „the dream team“) from academic institutions and organizations across the country?—?including the UCLA School of Medicine, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and more?—?to put all the components together and create the first dream movie. Next summer, the team will take over a recording studio in Burbank, California. They’ll bring in a mobile MRI and attempt to record the movement, speech, and images from the full dreams of three or four sleeping subjects.
It’s unclear as of now whether this will be possible, and there’s a lot of work left to be done before it is. The biggest challenge Oldis faces is recording images. Though he hasn’t run an experiment to capture what the dreamer is seeing, a team at Kyoto University has. Led by neuroscientist Yukiyasu Kamitani, the researchers found that through the use of fMRI, „deep images“ can be reconstructed from a waking person’s mind?—?when they think of an owl, for example, the vague shape of an owl can be seen.
The way it works is that the team built a computer proxy for the brain, a deep neural network (DNN) that can pull information from different levels of the brain’s visual system, from the simple visual of light all the way to more complex visuals like faces. From there, the DNN essentially reconstructs these layers to recreate images from the brain. Eventually, Kamitani wants to use his research to record the images of dreams.
Oldis‘ dream team is not working with Kamitani, but next summer, they plan to use a similar method to reconstruct the visions of a lucid dream, or one in which the dreamer is in control and aware that they are dreaming. This will allow Oldis to tell the dreamer what to dream and test whether the movement, speech, and images he manages to record match up with the actual dream.
Of course, everything Oldis has done and plans to do thus far is a test to see if it’s possible to record our dreams. The other piece of the puzzle is why?—?and what might be gained from this kind of technology?
„Like the moon, it’s there. So you gotta try,“ he says. „As Kennedy would say, ‘We’re going to get to the dream in this decade not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard.‘ And hopefully it’s of value.“
Not everyone thinks it is. Naiman has been recruited to join Oldis‘ dream team in order to play what Oldis calls the devil’s advocate role—or, as Naiman puts it, the angel’s advocate.
„There’s something demonic in what he’s doing,“ Naiman says. „I don’t mean that literally?—?I respect what he’s doing… But the downside to it is there are so many attempts to represent the dream in waking life rather than to enter the dream directly. The way we approach dreaming is we pull the fish out of water. But eventually we want to learn to breathe underwater, don’t we?“
At the same time, Naiman laments the sidelining of dreams in our culture and says anything that brings attention to them could be useful, a sentiment echoed by fellow dream researcher and psychologist Deirdre Barrett, PhD, of Harvard Medical School.
„The benefit I see is a new way of seeing dreams,“ she says. „And seeing dreams as some piece of our objective brain content could add something to the information we have on them.“
If Oldis‘ vision of accurately recreating a full dream as a digital recording comes to fruition, Barrett also says there could be some therapeutic function. Because some people don’t remember their dreams or remember only bits and pieces, being able to play them back in full could add important insight into a patient’s state of mind. But, she says, this is all hugely speculative. After all, the recordings would have to be extremely accurate to capture more than just the basic movement and speech of a dream, and psychologists who work with dreams are more focused on the emotional content than the physical.
„None of these groups are trying to make emotional data a part of it, and there’s not an obvious visual or auditory representation of that,“ Barrett says. „And yet, as we know from our own dreams, what we’re feeling in them is a hugely important part. The emotions are a lot of what we’re talking about when we’re talking about our dreams.“
Oldis‘ project is still at the beginning stages. It could be 10 to 20 years before there’s technology that can record a full dream movie, he says, let alone a way to capture dreams from the comfort of people’s homes. Until then, it’s unknown what dreams may come?—?or what scientists might do with them when they do.“
Source: https://orbitpost.com/members_post/scientists-building-technology-to-record-dreams-ARTfb7906631ed4/
Becoming immortal – VPRO documentary – 2018
„Becoming immortal – VPRO documentary – 2018“
„Am I afraid of death? You bet I am, death sounds boring, I mean it’s just like it’s the end of everything, death there’s no way back from, with cryonics we’re talking about stopping death, so that we have a chance of living vastly extended lifespans, but death, real death means all the information that was once in your body, all that information is gone, irretrievably, maybe fear isn’t the right word, because obviously you’re not experiencing anything when that happens you’re not feeling anything, maybe a better word to say is a protest or detesting the idea of just going out of existence. (Linda Chamberlain)“
„Certainly it’s sort of frustrating to imagine that there is this ticking clock that we have in ourselves shortening of the telomeres with every cell division and some ultimate limit that we’re approaching, but I don’t actually believe it’s the ultimate limit, I think 80 years or 100 years or 120 years is far too short in a universe with so many things to learn and to do and our brains don’t lose their ability to learn, even late in life, so if we could just take care of the rest of the body and also prevent neuro degeneration, I think there are many other lifetimes that we could happily fill with activity and fun and excitement. (Hannu Rajaniemi)“
„by definition restore the function both mental and physical of the body but that’s very different from the way that
people have historically thought about how to address aging, either by directly attacking the symptoms of old age as if they were normal diseases like infections or alternatively by trying to clean up the way the body works, so that it just ages more slowly in the first place, so I think there’s a good chance, maybe a 50/50 chance that people in their thirties or forties will be able to avoid the ill health of old age, however long they live and then of course the correspondingly better chance that people who are let’s say kids today now if you are actually more than 40 now, if you’re 60 or 70 then of course you’ve got less chance, but again it depends who you are as well, not every one of the same chronological age has the same biological age, I’m 54 but I still think I’ve got a pretty good chance of benefiting from all of this, because I’m biologically about 40. (Aubrey de Grey)“
because the ideas that I put forward were very radical very different from the approaches that people thought were realistic before I came alone and you know that’s perfectly normal if you’re pioneering you know that by
definition that means you’ve got new ideas and those new ideas are not going to be obviously right to everybody who immediately then so you know I feel that if if you’re not pissing anybody off in this life then you’re probably not making much of a difference. (Aubrey de Grey)“
„Silicon Valley is the Olympus of our times where the gods and demigods of Tech have gathered and now make decisions that affect the entire world, so maybe it’s not surprising that they are also thinking about life extension and immortality you can see this kind of Hubris as a consequence of the way Silicon Valley has evolved, because you have had sort of these enormous successes, created by people who started almost from from from nothing who sort of built incredibly successful companies around around technological innovations that that are now worth hundreds of billions of dollars and and effective lives of billion literally billions of people, so if you see that happening in a very short span of time it’s quite natural to say well I’m not going to be constrained by the limits of biology just like we we disrupted taxis or disrupted search or social networks we can do the same for biology but I think there are also examples that kind of show that perhaps people who come from a tech background are not always good at judging the risks and the difficulties associated with biology. (Hannu Rajaniemi)“
„so we can already rejuvenate improve and optimize our cells and DNA or replace entire body parts that no longer function properly
but if our bodies are already simply do-it-yourself kits and you can just
rebuild yourself in anywhere you want what will the people of the future look like, especially if for example you have only had your head frozen at Alcor.“
„Many of our members want to come back in a physical human body that looks pretty much like, maybe they named the age 25, that seems to be a very popular age for people to aspire to, but many like me also would really rather come back in something more glamorous than the biological body, for me personally, I don’t really want to come back as a biological entity, it’s nice, but it’s very limited, it’s very fragile and so my preference is to bring me back, give me a body that’s made up of nanobots, sometimes called nanobots warm, just as the human body is made up of trillions of biological cells that work together, the swarm can work together to create the body that you want and it can be changed anytime you want, unlike a biological body, so if I want to go skiing on mars, on olympus moons, I don’t have to worry about the fact that there’s no oxygen there, I can have a body that can function without oxygen, that kind of thing is what I’m more interested in, personally. (Linda Chamberlain)“
„When I do so I’m a lot more careful than most people to take into account the uncertainties that are involved. What people go wrong is they’ll say, well, okay, so supposing we fix aging , there might be this problem in particular, they’ll often make a completely crazy assumption, which is that everything else is just not going to happen … that the rest of the world or other technology they’re going to be more or less what we have today you know people forget but we’ve got all this automation coming and they’ll say oh dear a bit not do this we’ll never be able to pay the pensions. I mean that’s just so brain-dead when you think you know the guy – the idea of pensions is just gonna have to go away completely, where and hardly anyone even who needs to have a job at all and you know where are we gonna put all the people yeah people will say that but hello you know overpopulation we have it today it’s bad today we’ve got climate change and everything but we’re already fixing that problem by developing ways to make people pollute less, especially of course renewable energy to minimize use of fossil fuels, but also you know desalination, artificial meats, all those things, so the carrying capacity of the Planet absolutely certain to rise far faster than the population of the planet Rises. I mean what’s going on!
Certainly in Silicon Valley there are lots of people who are more like me more I would say rational about this kind of thing you know they understand that their own efforts may help, they make a difference for their own chances or other people’s chances of actually making the cruve, it’s very important for people to have understand that this really is humanity’s biggest problem and furthermore that it’s a problem that we are in striking distance to solving. (Aubrey de Grey)“
„So when we look at the u.s. we look at a country that has the longest life spans and the shortest life spans in the same country due to the lack of access of Health due to insurance companies and their really criminal policies and so you know this is something that gene therapy will give us the opportunity to do is equalize health across everyone, if gene therapies can give be given like immunizations are given today at a very low cost but they have very high value of keeping people healthier longer, the great thing about gene modulation in the future is not just to eradicate the diseases of aging but to actually allow humans to work together to modulate the hormones that drive us to war and disaster and terrorism to take those type of things and actually create genetic profiles that will create people who just work towards the bigger goal and can work together in happiness, in harmony. (Liz Parrish)“
Special Edition Undoing Aging 2019 Highlights
NEW* Manly P. Hall: The Self Against the World: *Unreleased Lecture*
„Christian Anders/Lanoo – DAS BUCH DES LICHTS
Am 31.01.2018 veröffentlicht“
„Man hat dann auch übernatürliche Fähigkeiten, die man aber nicht richtig einschätzen kann, falls man sich nicht mit der Lehre befasst.. am schlimmsten ist ja Reiki, die Leute sollte man verklagen eigentlich, die Leute sollte man verklagen, weil sie eben genau das was sie meinen was sie tun Kundalini erhöhen, das können die gar nicht, sondern die ziehen Dämonen an sich mehr will ich im
augenblick nicht dazu sagen ja da habe ich einige, die mir Horrorszenarien erzählt haben von Reiki, ich durfte mich dann damit abgeben, in Los Angeles, hier mache ich das nicht mehr
ich befasse mich nicht mit Menschen, die dämonisch besetzt sind, das reicht mir, diese Leute kannten das Wesen ihrer individuellen Kundalini nicht, haben sich in Reiki-Behandlung begeben und haben den Horrorfilm gesehen haben dafür bezahlt, ja , die brauchen Wochen, um sich von ihrem Schock zu erholen, das kann ich euch sagen, bis dahin haben sie natürlich den Reiki-Lehrer, den sogenannten
bezahlt und er sagt dann ja Sie müssen ein bisschen ruhen dann ja genau und vor allen dingen Nachts geht das los, man hat Albträume, man schwitzt .. es gibt sogenannte Exorzisten die sagen du
musst dann beten denkst du dann wird es viel schlimmer mehr alle—-haben gebetet wurde es schlimmer ..Angst, Panik, Adrenalinsteigerung, kein Gefühl mehr für Hände und Füße.. hilfloses Weinen keiner hat geholfen…und das Kundalini wird wieder angefuert…der Narbar Kundalini kann auch cool und lässig aufsteigen und normal, aber das ist mehr die Ausnahme..“
„Kundalini kümmert sich nicht darum, was du machst, es geht genau dahin, wo du bist und verstärkt diese Tendenz, daher kann man sagen Kundalini ist ein Barbar, ich will Kundalini nicht beleidigen.“
„Ich warne vor Therapeuten, die sich auf Kundalini-Krisen spezialisiert haben, ich warne, ja, gut… ich habe cannabis erwähnt und soweit …aber man kann …das machen, weil es gibt Menschen die sagen, dass es ihnen bei Kundalini-Attacken geholfen hat, bitte, ich will niemand dazu anregen, dass er Cannabis raucht ja, das Rauchen von Cannabis verursacht einen Anstieg von Kundalini, das ist richtig, das ist richtig…“
„Gefühlsattacken, positiv, negativ, aber diese Symptome können abebben…man kann mit Cannabis da einiges regeln, was ich aber nicht rate.“
„Kundalini reisst das Tor zur Astralwelt auf und da kann man dann natürlich auch Dämonen oder Engel sehen oder andere Wesen…“
Rethinking Reality: Do We Live In A Digital Mind Prison? | Dr. Robert Cassar
10 Strange Behaviors Of An Authentic Empath
Higher Perspective
Jul. 07, 2018 07:36AM EST
10 Strange Behaviors Of An Authentic Empath
Many people are beginning to realize that they might actually be an empath. It can be both a blessing and a curse.
Once you learn how to protect yourself, you will find it much easier to traverse this world without being energetically destroyed on a regular basis.
Are you an empath? Do you want to learn more about the secrets of your personality?
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That’s right, the numerology of your birth date can reveal the certain personality that you have and it’s pretty crazy how accurate it works!
1. You Take On Other People’s Energy
You can’t avoid it. This is the essential trait of being an empath. You innately feel other people’s emotions and energy, then you begin to mirror the same emotion.
If someone is crying, it can cause the empath to tear up as well. If someone around you is angry, you can feel this anger burning through your aura.
If someone around you is negative or fearful, you begin to sink low with them and you can’t seem to do anything to stop it. Does this sound familiar?
The up side is that once you become aware that this isn’t the norm (non empaths do none of these things), then you are already halfway towards finding a way to deal with your special abilities.
2. High Natural Intuition
Empaths have unique skills that the average person doesn’t seem to have. You feel things psychically.
You know what others are feeling just be seeing them. You can chat with someone and know their intentions without hearing it.
You understand how people feel, as if they were an extension of yourself. Your intuition never shuts down.
3. People Drain You Easily
This can be one of the biggest stressors for an empath. When you are around other people, you are so open and giving with your energy that you take on other people’s problems.
This leaves you feeling tired as a result.
If you are constantly around other people on a regular basis, willingly handing out your energy, you can find yourself with nothing left for yourself.
The more and more drained you become, the more impossible it becomes to be around other people. Something eventually needs to change.
The answer is to pull back and stop handing out your energy so easily. Only give to those who deserve to have it, like your close tribe.
Don’t be afraid to take time for yourself and treat yourself. Put yourself first!
4. You Attract Broken People
People who are searching for energy can sense that you are willing to hand it out for free.
People might approach you in public places because you are sending out a message that your are willing to give your time to strangers and offer help.
This is great until you run out of energy. When an empath begins to ignore strangers with problems, they magically stop approaching you.
They do not sense your free energy anymore. You were not put on this planet to heal every person that crosses your path. Refer to #3.
5. Crowds Have A Negative Impact On You
This may sound strange to many people, but not to the empath. Events, cities, crowded rooms or even parties can overload your senses. Nightmare for the empath.
An aggressive person passing by you can feel like an energetic slap to the face.
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6. Living Location Is Important
Empaths tend to feel the pain of the world, whether they want to or not. Many empaths choose to live in areas where the population is much smaller and the energy level is no longer off the charts.
Living in a high activity area can drain an empath. Empaths would much prefer to walk in a lonely place to recharge their batteries.
7. You Are VERY Sensitive
This might seem obvious, but it is one of the most typical traits of an empath. Some empaths might even feel physical symptoms that are connected to what others around them are experiencing.
If there is an unpleasant scene on TV you might leave the room if you can’t bear to see or feel it.
8. You Can Often See Through Lies
You know when someone is lying. There is no need to second guess yourself. You aren’t sure how you know, but you know it instantly.
Empaths know who to trust and who to never rely on. It’s easy for an empath.
9. Emotional Healing Is Your Gift
Due to your endless compassion and time given to the problems of others, you are actually healing them. This is why you attract everyone who is in desperate need of healing. As mentioned earlier in #4.
You should focus this ability on your loved ones, not everyone is deserving of your healing. Only use your gifts when necessary.
Don’t downplay yourself if you are an empath. People would kill to have a friend like you.
Not everyone has someone with healing powers. So understand your worth, some people want to be friends and others want to steal your gift.
10. Empaths Ignore Their Own Problems
Empaths are professionals when it comes to ignoring their issues. They get so caught up in healing others, they never get a chance to talk about their own.
You carry the weight of your problems along with you everywhere you go.
You know how to handle everyone’s problems but your own. At some point you eventually break drown. All your pent up emotions eventually come out.
You need to learn how to take care of your issues when they emerge. They shouldn’t be stuffed away. Take a break if needed. That way you won’t melt down or explode at someone in the future.
If you enjoyed this article, please don’t be afraid to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!“
Source: https://www.higherperspectives.com/strange-behaviors-authentic-empath-2584503655.html
400-year-old Greenland shark is oldest vertebrate animal
„400-year-old Greenland shark is oldest vertebrate animal“
„This article is more than 2 years old“
„Shark, which would have reached sexual maturity at around 150 years, sets new record for longevity as biologists finally develop method to determine age.“
Fri 12 Aug 2016
„Greenland shark is longest-living vertebrate animal:“
„She was born during the reign of James I, was a youngster when René Descartes set out his rules of thought and the great fire of London raged, saw out her adolescent years as George II ascended the throne, reached adulthood around the time that the American revolution kicked off, and lived through two world wars. Living to an estimated age of nearly 400 years, a female Greenland shark has set a new recordf or longevity, scientists have revealed.“
„Forget Nessie, now is the time to spot basking sharks in Scottish waters“
„The discovery places the lifespan of the Greenland shark far ahead of even the oldest elephant in captivity, Lin Wang, who died aged 86. It is also far longer than the official record for humans, held by 122-year-old Frenchwoman Jeanne Louise Calment.“
„It kicks off the bowhead whale as the oldest vertebrate animal,” said Julius Nielsen, lead author of the research from the University of Copenhagen, pointing out that bowhead whales have been known to live for 211 years.“
„But the Greenland shark doesn’t scoop all the gongs – the title of the world’s longest-lived animal is held by Ming, an Icelandic clam known as an ocean quahog, that made it to 507 years before scientists bumped it off.“
„Grey, plump and growing to lengths of around five metres, the Greenland shark is one of the world’s largest carnivores. With a reported growth rate of less than one centimetre a year, they were already thought to be long-lived creatures, but just how long they lived for was something of a mystery.“
„“Fish biologists have tried to determine the age and longevity of Greenland sharks for decades, but without success.” said Steven Campana, a shark expert from the University of Iceland. “Given that this shark is the apex predator (king of the food chain) in Arctic waters, it is almost unbelievable that we didn’t know whether the shark lives for 20 years, or for 1000 years.”
„A Greenland shark near the surface after its release from the research vessel Sanna in northern Greenland.“
„The new research, he says, is the first hard evidence of just how long these creatures can live.“
„It definitely tells us that this creature is extraordinary and it should be considered among the absolute oldest animals in the world,” said Nielsen.
„Writing in the journal Science, Nielsen and an international team of researchers describe how they set about determining the age of 28 female Greenland sharks, collected as by-catch during scientific surveys between 2010 and 2013.“
„While the ages of many fish can be determined by counting the growth layers of calcium carbonate “stones” found in their ears – in a manner somewhat similar to counting tree rings – sharks do not have such earstones. What’s more, the Greenland shark lacks other calcium-rich tissues suitable for this type of analysis.“
„Instead the team had to rely on a different approach: scrutiny of the lenses in their eyes.“
„Ming the clam was not the only really ancient living thing on Earth
The lens of the eye is made of proteins that build up over time, with the proteins at the very centre of the lens laid down while the shark is developing in its mother’s womb. Work out the date of these proteins, the scientists say, and it is possible to achieve an estimate of the shark’s age.“
„In order to determine when the proteins were laid down, the scientists turned to radiocarbon dating – a method that relies on determining within a material the levels of a type of carbon, known as carbon-14, that undergoes radioactive decay over time.“
„By applying this technique to the proteins at the centre of each lens, the scientists deduced a broad range of ages for each shark.“
„The scientists then made use of a side-effect of atomic bomb tests which took place in the 1950s: when the bombs were detonated, they increased the levels of carbon-14 in the atmosphere. The spike, or pulse, in carbon-14 entered the marine food web across the North Atlantic no later than the early 1960s.“
„That provides a useful time-stamp, says Nielsen. “I want to know when I see the bomb-pulse in my sharks, what time does that mean,” he said. “Does it mean they are 50 years old, or 10 years old?”
„Nielsen and the team found that the eye lens proteins of the two smallest of their 28 Greenland sharks had the highest levels of carbon-14, suggesting that they were born after the early 1960s. The third smallest shark, however, had carbon-14 levels only slightly above those of the 25 larger sharks, hinting that it was actually born in the early 1960s, just as bomb-related carbon-14 began to be incorporated in marine food webs.“
„A Greenland shark returning to the deep and cold waters of the Uummannaq Fjord in northwestern Greenland. The sharks were part of a tag-and- release program in Norway and Greenland.“
„That indicates that most of our analysed sharks were actually older than the time mark, meaning that they were older than 50 years,” said Nielsen.“
„The scientists then combined the carbon dating results with estimations of how Greenland sharks grow, to create a model that allowed them to probe the age of the 25 sharks born before the 1960s.“
„Their findings revealed that the largest shark of the group, a female measuring just over five metres in length, was most likely around 392 years old, although, as Nielsen points out, the range of possible ages stretches from 272 to 512 years.“
“The Greenland shark is now the best candidate for the longest living vertebrate animal,” he said.
„What’s more, with adult female Greenland sharks known hit sexual maturity only once they reach more than four metres in length, the scientists found that females have to clock up an age of around 150 years before they can produce young.“
„Tourism with bite: swimming with the great white shark“
„But not everyone is convinced that Greenland sharks can live for four centuries. “I am convinced by the idea of there being long lifespans for these kinds of sharks, but I take the absolute numbers with a pinch of salt,” said Clive Trueman, associate professor in marine ecology at the University of Southampton.
Trueman agrees that it is possible to get a record of the early life of a vertebrate from eye lens proteins. However, the fact that the proteins in the centre of the eye lenses, and hence the carbon-14 within them, came from nutrients taken in by the shark’s mother adds a number of uncertainties to the calculations, he says.
Campana says while the approach taken by the researchers is sound, he remains unconvinced that Greenland sharks live for almost 400 years. But, he adds, “future research should be able to nail the age down with greater certainty.”
Nielsen is also looking forward to further research, saying that he hopes the Greenland shark’s new found fame will boost awareness of the animal, as well as conservation efforts and attempts to unravel other aspects of its physiology. “There are other aspects of their biology which are super-interesting to know more about and to shed light upon,” he said.
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/aug/11/400-year-old-greenland-shark-is-the-oldest-vertebrate-animal