„Bees vs Hornets – Incredible Enemies – Amazing Battles“
Wise Wanderer
203.000 Abonnenten
Japanese Honey Bees Cook Giant Wasps Alive – the Japanese giant hornet: massive, extremely aggressive, and a honey bee’s worst nightmare. A single giant hornet can kill 40 European honey bees in one minute, and a group of 30 could wipe out an entire hive of 30,000 European honey bees in little more than three hours. Growing up to 2 inches in length, with a wingspan of 2.5 inches, these giants are about 5 times larger than the average bee. When they attack a hive, they quickly decapitate and dismember the inhabitants — flying off with the bees’ thoraxes, as well as honey and bee larvae, which they feed to their young.
But when it comes to Japanese honey bees, the hornets have their work cut out for them. While the Japanese honey bees don’t produce as much honey as their European cousins, they have developed an amazing strategy to protect defend themselves against the hornets that terrorize their hives.
When a hornet enters their hive, the bees immediately surround the intruder and form a tight ball around it. They then vibrate their wings to generate carbon dioxide and heat, raising the ball’s temperature to 115 °F (46 °C).
At this concentration of carbon dioxide, the bees can tolerate up to 122 °F (50 °C), but the hornet cannot survive the combination of elevated temperature and high carbon dioxide. Using this method, the honeybees effectively cook the hornet in a convection oven formed from their living bodies.
1:36 / 6:57
„The insect world is home to some of the planet’s fiercest battles, the stakes are high, home, young and food sources are under constant threat for European honeybees, they live in colonies that are often over 30 thousand strong, constructing hives filled with wax, pollen larvae and of course honey, a pretty valuable bounty for an invading army. When a honey bee hive faces off with Asian Giant Hornets it takes justone recon mission to start a war when a single Hornets Scout spots a beehive she marks it with a pheromone and then returns with a hit squad. These giants are the world’s largest Hornet five times the size of the average honeybee and they’re armed with a deadly venom, their sting feels like a hot nail being driven into your flesh. Thousands of defenders pour from the hive, ready to give their lives in its defense, but these European honeybees have no way to stop the onslaught, a single hornet can kill as many as 40 bees a minute, just 30 of them can annihilate a colony of 30,000 bees in a few hours, it isn’t a battle, it’s a massacre. The ground is thick with the remnants of their victims and the enemy penetrates into the inner sanctum of the hive, with the hives defenders laid to waste, the Hornets gorged themselves on the spoils of war, but honey isn’t the main prize, instead they carry away the honey bee larvae and pupae which will feed their young for weeks. European honeybees may fight valiantly, but they haven’t evolved any defenses against these giant invaders. With in nature’s intricate web of checks and balances there is a place for payback.
These too are honeybees, they have made their hive in a hollow tree, they too are caring for their young, but these are native Japanese honeybees and they’re not quite as defenseless as their European cousins, they have evolved a secret weapon against the giant Hornet., one they may need often in this deadly season. This Hornet is the advance guard of an attack force the bees could never withstand, but this time the bees set a trap, they
want the Hornet inside and the Hornet obliges. The scouts main task is to mark the hive with the telltale pheromone, so that her sisters can find it later, but the native honeybees know her game by swinging their abdomens to and fro they signal their strategy to one another, the bees hold off until the last possible moment and then as if on one mind they swarm. The Hornet is engulfed by hundreds of bees, but they don’t sting the intruder,
instead as revealed by thermal photography, they all begin to vibrate gradually raising a collective temperature to 117 degrees Fahrenheit.
Japanese honeybees can tolerate a temperature of 118 degrees their victims
upper limit is 115, the Hornet Scout is slowly roasted alive and the secret of the honeybees location dies with her.“
„Riesen Hornissen angreifen Bienenstock ! Oh mein Gott!
7.281.320 Aufrufe•20.12.2014
17.800 Abonnenten
Der Stock des japanischen Honigbiene wurde vom japanischen Riesen Hornissen angegriffen. Allerdings war es möglich, sie mit dem klebrigen Blatt zu erfassen.. Kategorie Tiere“