10 unsterbliche Tiere von denen du nicht glaubst, dass sie existieren.
Asa Langstrumpf:3 weeks ago: 200 Jahre sind nicht unsterblich, du Genie.
Daniel Melnik 2 weeks ago: Huh…. Das war ironisch gemeint du “Genie”.
HOLLO SPONGETECH 2 weeks ago: ne das nennt man Clickbait.
Crazyleah 44 3 weeks ago: Ich will auch unsterblich sein ?.
Pixel_ GhostHD 1 week ago: glaub mir, das willst du nicht, wenn du unsterblich bist, sterben alle, die du kennst und du bist der einzige, der so alt ist …
Joli Bam 1 week ago: irgendwann wird auch die Erde explodieren oder so… Dann schwebst du im All rum…
Dan Bower: 2 weeks ago: Essen und Sex. Schildkröten rules.
Pahana n1 week ago: wow gerade mal eins von den Tieren hier ist wirklich unsterblich.. andere nur teilweise..
R3ziak 4 days ago: Ich glaub du musst mal lernen was “unsterblich” heißt. Eine hohe Lebenserwartung ist keine Unsterblichkeit.
Ralf Merke 1 week ago: Unsterblichkeit gibt es, nicht alles ist dem Verfall unterworfen, ob 1000 Jahre oder 1 Milliarden Jahre, alles vergeht irgendwann.
Schnitzel Lord 1 week ago: Nichts ist “unsterblich” jeder MUSS irgendwann mal sterben, egal ob sie 500 Jahre alt werden…
7 Tiere – die nach dem Tod leben können!
Monthly Archives: November 2017
Kundalini Depiction and The Multi-Dimensional Body
“The accepted theory that the serpent is evil cannot be substantiated. It has long been viewed as the emblem of immortality. It is the symbol of reincarnation, or metempsychosis, because it annually sheds its skin…It was also believed that snakes swallowed themselves, and this resulted in their being considered emblematic of the Supreme Creator, who periodically reabsorbed His universe back into Himself. (Manly Palmer Hall)”
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“The full power of our mental, emotional and spiritual focus”
” Early writing indicates that Kundalini was actually a science of energy and spiritual philosophy before the physical practice was developed.”
“The exact origin of Kundalini Yoga is unknown, but it is thought by many to be the Mother of all Yogas. Developed over the past 5000 years, the earliest known written mention of Kundalini Yoga is in the sacred Vedic texts of the Upanishads (c. 1,000 B.C. – 500 B.C.).”
” Kundalini Yoga is the science to unite the finite with Infinity, and it’s the art to experience Infinity in the finite. -Yogi Bhajan”
“Traditionally, Kundalini Yoga was not taught publicly and students were required to endure years of initiation before they were given access to the spiritual and physical lessons of Kundalini masters. So for thousands of years, the science of Kundalini was actually kept hidden, and the sharing of Kundalini outside an elite community of Indian yoga masters and disciples was forbidden.
It was during a trip to Canada and the USA in 1968 that holy Indian Sikh Yogi Bhajan had a vision of a new spirituality that combined ancient wisdom with the practicalities of modern life.”
“Referred to by practitioners as “the yoga of awareness”, the philosophical purpose of Kundalini is to awaken our Higher Self and to integrate that awakening into our lives and the service and healing of others.”
“Kundalini is awakened through Pranayama, Asanas and Mudras by Hatha Yogis, through concentration by Raja Yogis, through devotion and perfect self-surrender by Bhakti yogis or devotees; through analytical will, by the gyan yogis; ”
“When Kundalini is taken to the Sahasrara, when She is united with Shiva, perfect Samadhi (super-conscious blissful state) ensues. The Yogi drinks the nectar of immortality.
May Mother Kundalini guide you all in your Yogic practices! May Her blessings be upon you all! ~Swami Sivananda~”
Kundalini: Awakening the Shakti Within
“So don’t mistaken the serpent as the garden of evil,… of Adam and Eve, what he was giving them was knowledge, right.. that’s why the founding father of the church said Adam and Eve sinned right, because knowledge was considered to be something that
wouldn’t let you live in the world , you couldn’t be a good human being, you couldn’t be a good father or a good husband or a good job employee, you end up, you know, being thinking only of the divine, right? So they knew that and that’s why they said the serpent is evil, because it gives you knowledge, so the serpent is always been throughout culture and I’ll show that you in a
second. The second part is that once it starts rising, it starts at the bottom of the spine then two serpents in mythology
go up, one on the a right side .. and one on the left side. called Pingala. they both go up through the two passages along the spinal cord they go up.. and when they hit the top when they hit the third I something happens, something dramatic happens and it opens a door and you see what they call the thousand petal load the lotus petals and that is
light and unbelievable light that you cannot imagine and that is the beginning of your gate into super consciousness. So
the journey is from ground serpent rises, climbs up and gets to the top.”
Interplanetary Astral Projection by David McCready
Interplanetary Astral Projection by David McCready
“Advanced alien races have been visiting Earth for millennium, but until very recently, they have revealed very little about themselves. To help reduce this knowledge gap, David McCready was encouraged by them to gather together a team of researchers who were then trained in interplanetary astral projection. This enabled David’s research team to astrally project into otherwise unreachable alien worlds, where they experienced connecting into the minds and bodies of advanced alien beings. The resulting encyclopaedia provides breakthrough insights into over 20 advanced alien species and their home planets. David is also the author of The Great Simulator series of books which details how the illusion of life we experience is engineered.
Satellite Feed 1 year ago: This is a fantastic Q&A session with Mr. McCready.
VigilantSoul 9 months ago: I never quite experienced anything other than replications of my livingroom or some different worlds than those that I already knew. I am looking out for traveling into different realms as well”
“A combination of really two stories that a first one is improvements in astral projection and out-of-body consciousness
and the second area is actually turning that into something useful and starting to make contact with other worlds and
record what life is like in those locations it’s not that difficult inm principle for everyone to find out watch
life on other worlds it’s like because everyone gathered in this war will in some latent way have past lifetime
memories of living on other planets with other family members, so if someone put you under hypnosis or got you into a very
relaxed state they would be able to discover a greater history and heritage behind what you’re experiencing now, the
big step forward in this was improving astral projection enough to make this possible.
Many of you will be familiar with the work who talked about out-of-body consciousness and getting your body to slip out and go
and visit other places, for the most part the way he taught that was function of going to sleep, so if you lay on your bed
very quietly and got your body to fall asleep, if you could get your consciousness to come out of body and perhaps find a
similar reality of your bedroom or step out into another world outside of them… anyone who’s succeeded in doing that
it’s quite fun I know personally when I tried those kinds of techniques.
This guiding spirit then focused on teaching me via telepathy for yes and no which was the basic starting point of
the universes communications language and from that I was then able to build up a relationship with various guiding spirits and they were able to teach me more about astral projection and how you get your consciousness out there int the spirit world, this then turned him to teaching other people how to do the same thing and doing it in quite a reliable way, so for example I was able to meet my future children and a vision of my future wife.
Teach them how to who sense first of all the lovely nature spirits and forces around them, teach them to notice their own or
earthly guiding spirits and then at that point if they wanted to you could start
to get contact with other alien races and beings out there and find this it was possible to build up a sort of research program of practicing with people and showing them how personally to link with other worlds and get their own individual experience and that’s
just built up found we were linking into many different species and races and it was possible to trade an encyclopedia of
sorts some of the beings we’ve met so instead of it just being one person on their own tribe this was the group
project to go and link with other worlds and start to document it as we did this a much bigger picture of humanity’s
existence started to build up, it became apparent that we are merely one of a greater family, but we’re in the odd
position at the moment that a lot of our memory of those other worlds is taken away, you can get it in hypnotic
regression, but the step forward is to try and do this near consciously and try and connect to those memories of the
world through just doing meditation practices or better breathing practices that give you astral projection ability,
you can link into them, you can start to find friends and family in other words… whilst there are many advanced beings in
the universe who are communicating with each other telepathically and know of each other quite well they see us on
earth as actually part of their family part of a group of beings where their friends are coming to earth and
experiencing relatively primitive bodies in order that you might try and bring some love and light into this world, to put another spin on this one see it as if you personally have chosen to be in this world in this time in order that you will be tapped
into the opportunity to help other human beings connect more of these advancements and more of these advancing
techniques and to go into the complete balancing techniques
what we’re getting now with the new consciousness coming truth from our greater families and the rest of the
universe are more advances in these techniques that actually take us forward, so we’re seeing new approaches
practicing new ways of understanding the human energy system and a new understanding of what you are personally
to go into this as well some people have a very nervous attitude towards alien beings, for example reptilians are
identified as a bunch of nasty characters who come here fought around with weak-minded human beings and thus
managed to cause a lot of chaos, in the book they were a group that we wanted to have a look in early on to see what they’re up to and get thinking their perspective in their world, it was very hierarchical society rather like an Indian caste system where people would get worn into particular roles in life, so they had more mundane physical worker types and at the other end of the extrem they had more intellectuals, they had very artistic people and at the upper end of their society was a bunch
of people who thought that teasing human minds was a good laugh and would be quite entertaining..
other sorts of beings we found there were many species of different grades coming in different shapes and forms, the grey aliens are
basically outs of insect design that has been repeated on many worlds, for example human beings apparently are a design
that’s been repeated also in many worlds ,but grown from scratch as if basic DNA has been manipulated and much too long
in particular directions to get the sorts of results you see here today so going out there you will find many other
species of human-like beings who also have been grown from first principles you can say, going back to the Grey as characters t..they’re fundamentally insects… and when you’re astrally projecting into their worlds you can experience being their
bodies and one of the things you have to watch out for it’s a different way they breathe, so for example many insect races
breathe through the sides of their bodies and you have to do a tune your energy system into that in order to be
able to experience those worlds.
I wouldn’t quite call it the upper echelons, but some of the higher dimensional beings seem to spend their days working on universe building, planet building and they then allow their numbers to go experience living in worlds like this, so the world were experiencing right now seems to be very much an engineered environment where other beings have put it together and then …
including us have come down here to drop into this world and start to experience these sorts of things personally, that’s rather like saying earlier in advance well now see how you do down on earth and there is quite a difference in the sort of experience whatd
life it’s life on most of these other more advanced worlds telepathy is very natural.
Some beings don’t bother with spoken language at all, because that’s very fluent and it’s easy to connect to, on this earthly level at the moment using telepathic skills is relatively difficult, you’ll find there’s a tremendous amount of confusion, you’ll
run into a lot of static and you’ll also experience other people’s upset emotions which knocks you about, so it’s quite fun to
actually experience what smoother running worlds to realize sometimes how rough it is on earth, how difficult it can be down here and to accomplish any sort of spiritual practical advancement is quite an achievement, because you’re up against at a lot of the time, but at least people are moving forward.. they do come in quite a few shapes and sizes and there are so many
alien beings in this universe out there ,the encyclopedia we’ve done here only captures a small number of them.
If you look at people like the Mayan races you’ll find a lot of alien inspired art getting into all their work, so
it’s quite a normal thing, but visiting aliens tend to do it very tentatively.
..they much prefer dropping down in remote locations and very often the people they’re visiting have some higher connection with them at a soul level, it would be part of their friends and family …
What we’re saying is there are many beings coming visiting from the heavens that’s quite normal, this is a regular
place to visit, mostly when you bump into them they’re quite modest bunch…and they don’t necessarily regard themselves as very
saintly, but most beings who visit here I come from worlds where the dimensions are a bit higher and that of itself
tends to make their auras tend to glow a bit brighter, so especially children who would be more clairvoyantly aware, they
would tend to pick up the aura glow of any visiting being ,it’s certainly the case that religions and groups can then
hijack this sort of event and turn it into something that it originally wasn’t.
When you’d get an experience like that it would so affect your being that if you had a conversation with someone they would
then think perhaps the men in white coats and a straitjacket would be the way forward, so we’re now transcending
into an era where technically it’s possible for any interested person to get their astral projection skills up to
speed and their clarivoyance skills working and start to see these beings and interact with them and then have conversations with other people about it, we’ve come into a wonderful transition where this all gets achievable which is very different from the period you’re referring to when that original contact happened.
Where people have no conscious memory of it and where there’s no conscious memory of wanting to
interact with alien beings, if it happens this can be very unpleasant and very distressing, because it would feel like
you’re under attack and having done the research for the book and put it together, I then have the opportunity to
meet with people who’ve done physical alien encounters and they indeed found these things could be a bit
disturbing or disjointed , so if it’s happened in an unconscious way that’s on the kind of arrangement has been preset
then you probably wouldn’t like it a lo at the time you might wish it to end..it’s exact things what the
book could be an invasion too..
So you could have that experience that shared experience of what their world was like and then very nicely they put you back down again and try not to disturb you too much..they’re experiencing your human body and you are experiencing their particular body, so there’s a swapping, it goes on and afterwards they’re very good at letting go of most of that ..the bodies we are
experiencing right now are really engineered vehicles..there’s a lot of genetic engineering that seems to have gone to have got them
into this state and furthermore the personality and character that you live through is also something that a higher
level you’ve developed over many lifetimes and adopted piece by piece and brought it into this world, so you’ve got
this whole body, this engineered vehicle and..the real essence of what you are has no personality to speak of, it’s
a very light refined entity, so you are living through an engineered personality, through an engineered body in this strange environment, but the veil of that can be lifted , this body is giving you a constant impression that you’re a human alive on earth that tell you’ve got jobs to do, it gives you memories of past events, but in a strange way you’re a visitor to attend them now and if you simply get the body breathing nicely and energizing itself in a stable way, it can snap out of that and it starts to notice a greater reality it begins to notice where it actually is and at that point then you can start to look into all the
world so realize this this swapping around bodies and the vehicles is actually not so unmatchable you’re just
living in an era where people are only started doing it more smoothly and in a less unpleasant way for the first time
so it’s a great time to be alive.
So it was trained from the heavens… as you get here to this work your sense of self gets chopped up until there’s not
much of it left, initially we have a sense self I’m the human being: I live, I die and I hope I go somewhere afterwards that’s why we start off with, after a while you begin to realise, this human vehicle is very open to a large number of beings and some of
them are lower spirit entities that give us basic functions, a very good example is sexual energy, sexual energy is driven
by a lot of lower spirit forms, it’s probably one of the most fun energies and probably the one of the greatest nuisances at the same time which is why people interested in spiritual development often say celibacy is the way to go, but then we’d have no children, so you start to notice there are all these beings who are contributing to what you are and as you go up and up in the
system, instead of finding multiple souls and that’s the end of it you can go beyond that, we’ll find one central
consciousness that is driving all the lives we are iving and experiencing ,so really we’re all one we are all
connected at a higher level ,m we’re all ultimately the same being, but on the way down, it’s got split into many different
entities and people who can perform these sorts of functions, so we have characters who have the conversation happens, so quite where one.. starts and the next person ends it is very difficult to say and as to who is I and who is the next, it’s
a little bit artificial. (David McCready)(2016) (Interplanetary Astral Projection)