„Narcissistic vs Emotionally Immature Parents: Key Similarities & Differences“
Jerry Wise
172.000 Abonnenten
17.537 Aufrufe 25.09.2024 Outgrow Narcissistic Family Dynamics“
Category Archives: Biologie
Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…
„Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…“
ZIO-Facebook has maximized their Censor-Walls…
“Du legst dich echt mit der größten Macht der Welt an. -w2k”
Nein, die größte Macht der Welt wohnt in mir….
“Die merken das auch. -w2k”
Nur kommen sie mit ihren isolationistischen und zensuristischen-totalitären Maßnahmen hier nicht weiter… Obsoleter Digital-Medien-Komplex-Faschismus.
They use highly adaptive A.I. Networks to block new attempts of breaking their Archontic A.I. Totalitarian Digital Cyber-Cyborg-Censor-Neuro-Society-Dictatorship…
Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection
“You don´t have to engage with these low lifes. -w2k”
I just use it – as a Testimony – to show the World how their Brains, Bodies and Minds have been subverted and undermined, data-mined, trojanized and infiltrated by Evil Technological Systems from Governmental Parasitic Entities…
„Du musst dich nicht mit diesen niederen Wesen einlassen. -w2k“
Ich benutze es nur – als Zeugnis – um der Welt zu zeigen, wie ihre Gehirne, Körper und Geister unterwandert und unterminiert, ihre Daten ausgegraben, trojanisiert und von bösen technologischen Systemen staatlich-parasitärer Entitäten infiltriert wurden …
Liberty is always freedom from government. (Ludwig von Mises)
Freiheit ist immer die Freiheit von der Regierung. (Ludwig von Mises)
Hanuman Ji ने Garud से की मदद की गुहार | Shrimad Ramayan – Ep 129 | Full Episode
„Hanuman Ji ने Garud से की मदद की गुहार | Shrimad Ramayan – Ep 129 | „SET India
178 Mio. Abonnenten
42.100 Aufrufe 23.10.2024 #sujayreu #shrimadramayan
Episode 129: Hanuman Ji ने Garud से की मदद की गुहार
——————————————————————Lord Hanuman seeks the aid of Pakshiraj Garud to free Shri Ram and Lakshman from the grips of Nagpash. Meanwhile, the vanar sena anxiously awaits Lord Hanuman’s return, hoping for a miracle to save their beloved lord. What will be the outcome of this divine intervention?“
Mantra: 21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert: Marici Tara
„Mantra: 21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert: Marici Tara“ #Weisse Tara // #White Tara
„7.269 Aufrufe 27.03.2024 #Tara #buddhistisches #Taramantras
Die einundzwanzigste Tara der einundzwanzig Taras, bekannt als Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert, ist niemand anderes als Marici (ausgesprochen Marichi). Sie perfektioniert alle beruhigenden Aktivitäten und vervollständigt alle Siddhis, allgemeine und höchste, einschließlich verschiedener magischer Errungenschaften, im Hinblick auf die endgültige Erleuchtung.
Dieses kraftvolle, beruhigende Mantra wurde von Tara selbst an Lord Atisha übermittelt.
21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert (Marici)
om tare tuttare ture sarva siddhi sadhanam svaha
ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे सर्व सिद्धी सधनम स्वहा
Tara 21 Tara der Vollkommenheit von Weisheit und Mitgefühl Paripurana Tara / Yong Zog Jed Pi Drolma:
nama stritat tvavi nyāse
śiva-śakti samanvite
graha vetāla yakṣa gaṇa
nāśini pravare ture
Hommage an Dich, dessen reiner Körper, reine Sprache und reiner Geist
Sind vollkommen mit der Kraft und Kraft des Friedens.
Unterdrückung von Maras, Dons, Zombies und Yakshas
Mit der erhabensten Silbe TURE.“
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour | Naga Nagam Ashrayeham | Naga Consecration Chant x2
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour | Naga Nagam Ashrayeham | Naga Consecration Chant x2
Naga is a powerful consecrated form which serves as a catalyst
Buddha: Schwarze Tara: Mantra
Buddha: Schwarze Tara: Mantra
„Buddha Weekly
57.300 Abonnenten
15.957 Aufrufe 13.10.2024
Die vierzehnte Tara wird auch „Schwarze Tara, die zornig die Stirn runzelt“ genannt.
Mit ihrem großen Stößel und Mörser zerstört, zerschmettert und verwandelt sie alle Übeltäter: alle bösen Maras, Yamas, Mamos, Rakshasa, Yakshas Kinnaras, Bimipatis und Tsan. Sie beschützt uns auch vor allen 9 Übeln (siehe Listen unten). Jegliche negative oder schwarze Magie wird zerstört.
Übeltäter werden verwandelt und in hilfreiche Wesen gereinigt.“
Shocking Truth: The Power of NAGAS Revealed by Rajarshi Nandy
William Donahue – Kundalini
„William Donahue – Kundalini“
„176.000 Abonnenten“
„177.924 Aufrufe 26.01.2012
„We’re going to do something interesting tonight… and that’s Kundalini, that’s a strange word for to be a Hindu word..it’s a very strange word, but it is a most ancient thing thing that transcends all religions and..it goes back to the very earliest concepts of the human body and basically if you were to say what it boils down to is the way that you take control of yourself, that’s Kundalini rather than the lower self-controlling you, this is the way that you control yourself. I mean there are just certain ways and certain things that you do in order to make things happen if you’re going to install air conditioning, you have have to follow principles, in order to make the thing work, if you’re going to install
electricity, you have to follow that in the same way, the Ancients, the wisdom that came down from God left us
instructions and what to do in order to control your body and your mind rather than having the effect be the opposite
right and and and and and this describes actually seven chakras which they call shakras distributed from the base to the crown of the head from the spine to the crown of the head. The reason that there is seven, I’ll be quite Frank with you is because most of these ancient people knew only seven planets, they could only identify seven planets and that’s why they identified seven chakras and there’s others who have a various belief on how many there are we’re not going to go into the in-depth analysis of this I’m trying to just to give you a a light
understanding or a light familiarization with the term and what it means, but to activate this in your body and everybody can activate this in their body, but to activate it is to to release realizations of spiritual consciousness and Bliss that’s what it does spiritual realizations of spiritual consciousness and Bliss, that’s what it does spiritual consciousness and Bliss. The only possible way that you can activate spiritual consciousness is Kundalini, there is no other way, it can´t be done, it is impossible to do it any other way and that’s why it’s so important that you become familiar with the term otherwise you’re into religion and you’re dwelling in consciousness of the lower mind with all of its distractions. You can’t work that way and we’ll show you that but the seven centers that are located from the base of the spine to the crown are known as chakras..that means Wheels.“
„There has to be an overcoming but these are not physical things that you can find or any doctor could find attached
to your body so understand that but they are definitely there and they definitely have their placement but they are in the
spiritual realm of things in the psychological realm of things, but still you’ll never find fulfillment in your
life until these things are overcome until each of these centers which are closed off are open you’ll never find life you’ll never find spirituality you’ll spend your life praying and reading Bibles and reading Bibles and reading Bibles but you will not experience expence that which is the
essence of life, okay.“
„Now the point here is that Kundalini means the coiled Serpent and Lori thr that away that’s she is great the coiled serpent is Kundalini which Rises and must rise through those seven chakras in order to open each area of your spinal system where uh these seals uh cover up the energies of uh
desire and feelings and so forth and so on that’s what Kundalini means but this is the important thing I’m trying to get to stumbling a little bit these Seven Seals or seven chakras can only be opened by the serpent, can only be opened by the serpent, now how do I know that well of course that’s the ancient belief but take a look again Revelation 5 where you are about this look at Revelation 2 52 and I saw a strong Angel proclaiming who is worthy to open the book and loose the seals thereof with me who can do this can you but look what it says in Revelation 53 and no man in Heaven Nor in the earth nor under the Earth was able to open the book neither to look therein now what you just the word man in mysticism means mind the human mind never ever ever ever
under any circumstance ances can take part in entering and opening up the seals the Seven Seals which leads up to the crown, it’s impossible, it cannot be done it can only be done by the coiled Serpent of Kundalini can’t be done any other and the Bible has just said no man no man anywhere is able to do
that so, no man is found worthy. I you look at Revelation 5:4 and I wept,
because no man was found worthy blah blah blah, couldn’t even look at it you know why because you cannot enter the right atmosphere of your brain here you have a head how many of you had a head look it everybody has a head right in
your head…“
„The Tribe of Dan..the Emotions.. Lion…The Tribe of Judah the power the energy of the Sun, the power of the spirit at the right hemisphere of the brain sitting at the East is all that is available, but it is available to you to open the Seven Seals, you, in other words, have to, if you’re going to undertake this workEnter into meditation, you cannot rush this, many people have tried Dr. Timothy Leary tried to go up via all of this stuff what do they take LSD and all this stuff and you can freak yourself out.. Jesus Christ addressed that: He says people try to take Heaven by force, okay, can’t you? No, you can’t except you can burn your mind you can burn your brain, you can’t fool with this stuff, the only possible way is sitting as a seed waiting, waiting, waiting, until nature feels you are ready and starts its movement upward to open the right side has to be done according to Nature ..you cannot plant seeds and then pull up the grass tomorrow, it comes up when it comes up and everything is done in God’s Law, in you, as well as outside, so the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the son see.“
„Kundalini means, this is exactly what it means, the coiled one okay the coiled one and it is an energy like a serpent, that’s why you see in India.. the guy gets the flute and he plays the flute and then the serpent comes up, because the Ancients said when the flute is on the lips of God the serpent will rise, that’s related to this actually, in reality the serpent doesn’t hear, the snake doesn’t hear the music of the flute, she sees the flute going back and forth and that’s why he comes up, but they use that as a symbol okay the word is sanskrit Kundalini which is original Hindu it’s the coiled serpent who sleeps in the lowest of the body’s seven centers. Now Buddha says, she lies coiled three and a half times okay so let’s look at that I can take to stop off we again she lies coiled three and a half times now Buddha says she lies coiled three and a half times in the ninth because shimun Buddha said yes you go through the seven centers but then you get to the eighth which is the harbinger
of your memories and in fact number eight in mysticism means rupture that’s the place where all of a sudden you know when you feel good and then the memories come back the dreams come back the things come back to haunt you and he
says when you get to the eth where all the bitter memories come from that drag you down all the bitterness that’s been put into you by either family or religion or church or school or government then he says drill deep down
into the ninth because in the ninth she lies coiled and when you drill with your meditation into the ninth she awakens and she Rises to devour all of the hurts and all of the fears, it’s all symbolisms, it’s all way of uncovering and and putting bringing to life the electrical energy in your body to set you free, but she Rises to Devour..“
vor 0 Sekunden
Important clarification for all the misguided dogma-only people.
vor 2 Monaten
The power of God is within you.
vor 10 Jahren
Bill, you are a Master Teacher. The Best of the Best. The Top of the Mountain! Sending much, much love to you. 😉
vor 6 Jahren
best comment aswell.
vor 10 Jahren
Thanks a lot for uploading this video.Excellent Presentation.I am a Hindu from India & I am really happy that You have clearly presented the similarities mentioned in the Hindu scriptures & the Bible.I really feel sad when I see a few videos in Youtube titled „Kundalini Warning“ & „Kundalini Posession“ etc & they have compared this Divine energy(Kundalini) to Demons & Ghosts without even knowing what it is!! Thanks again for posting this wonderful video..God Bless You.
vor 2 Monaten
How can you not be inspired by this man with so much energy, this is what happens when truth flows through you
vor 2 Monaten
I just found this today 23 April 2024 and it was out 12 years ago..
They are just rare.
„STRANGE Facts About Sigma Males Nobody Seems to Mention
98.000 Abonnenten
3.417 Aufrufe 21.05.2024 #sigma #sigmamale
In this video, we’ll unlock the mysterious secrets of Sigma males. We’ll discover the truth behind their misunderstood nature. Contrary to popular belief, they’re not antisocial but thrive in their unique solitude. They possess exceptional leadership skills, preferring to guide from the shadows. Forget the stereotype – they don’t need fixing; they’re perfectly fine as they are. Plus, did you know they have a soft spot for rain? Join us as we delve into why Sigma males aren’t weird; they’re just wonderfully different. So, watch the video and get to know something untold.“
„They are just rare.“
„#sigma #sigmamale
0:00 Sigma Intro
1:18 They are not weird, they are just rare
2:10 They do not need to be fixed
3:01 They are not anti-social
4:05 They are exceptional leaders but lead from behind
4:57 You can’t get them at first glance
5:55 Prefer peace but can be dangerous when provoked
6:47 They like rain
7:47 They are not arrogant“
Why do people treat you like an outcast? – You might be extremely attractive
„Robothighway: 8.9.2023: Why do people treat you like an outcast? – You might be extremely attractive. You are confident. You have a high moral standing, majority of people are cowards. You are a Person of Integrity. You are outspoken. Being strong. They may be narcissists or have narcissistic traits or they may not have worked on their ego. You unintentionally always steal the spotlight.“
The Ghost Phenomenon – sociological Pathologies
@tenacioustraveler Why People Ghost You! #haters #friend #friendship #confidence #selflove #friends ♬ original sound – Tenacious
The Ghost Phenomenon – sociological Pathologies…
Why People DESPISE SIGMA MALES (Most Hated Men)..
„Why People DESPISE SIGMA MALES (Most Hated Men)..“
11. Mai2024
In this video, we’ll unravel the mystery behind the most misunderstood archetype: the Sigma Male. Discover why society both fears and despises them. From effortlessly captivating women to shattering societal norms, Sigma Males defy convention. Explore their resourcefulness, fearless nature, and intellectual prowess that leaves others feeling inadequate. Witness their enigmatic aura and heightened masculinity that sets them apart. So, watch the video as we delve into the complexities of Sigma Males and the harsh truths they reveal about society’s expectations.
#sigmamale #sigmamale
0:00 Sigma Intro
1:10 Reveals a harsh truth of society – Norms are not fulfilling
2:02 Not afraid of their superiors
2:52 Inscrutability
3:49 Due to their resourcefulness
4:39 Their intellectual abilities make others feel dumb
5:37 Heighten the bars of masculinity
6:38 Lack of emotional expressions
7:33 Effortlessly attract women“
Comodo Dragons and their unique features – Komodowarane und ihre einzigartigen Fähigkeiten
InfinityExpression: 5.3.2024: Comodo Dragons and their unique features – Komodowarane und ihre einzigartigen Fähigkeiten.
„Urzeitliche Riesenechsen“
„So sind Komodowarane eigentlich riesige Giftschlangen mit Beinen.“
„Der Komodowaran ist nicht nur eine der ältesten Echsen der Welt, sondern er kann auch auf eine seltene Fortpflanzungsstrategie zurückgreifen.
Komodowarane überleben auch sexfrei“
„Nur die wenigsten Wirbeltiere können zur Fortpflanzung auf die Jungfernzeugung zurückgreifen. Der Komodowaran ist einer davon. Die biologische Besonderheit ermöglicht es ihm, seine eigene Art zu erhalten.“
Quelle: https://naturschutz.ch/hintergrund/wissen/komodowarane-ueberleben-auch-sexfrei/170925
„Der Komodowaran – riesige Giftschlange auf Beinen (Tierdokumentation in HD)“
119.000 Abonnenten
1.202.305 Aufrufe 26.09.2015
Der intelligente Fleischfresser lebt auf der kleinen Insel Komodo zwischen Asien und Australien.
Auf halben Weg zwischen dem asiatischen Festland und Australien befindet sich der Komodo National Park. Auf der gleichnamigen und kleinen Insel Komodo gibt es keine Straßen, nur ein kleines Fischerdorf zeugt von menschlicher Präsenz. Dafür gibt es aber jede Menge Wild, unter anderem der Komodowaran. Insgesamt 2500 dieser urzeitlichen Riesenechsen leben auf der Insel, die nur dort überlebt haben. Sie sind 70 kg schwer und werden bis zu 3 Meter lang. Sie fressen ausschließlich Fleisch, dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob es sich um Menschenfleisch, Rotwild oder Schweinefleisch handelt. Australische Reptilienforscher haben vor kurzen festgestellt, dass die Komodowarane ihre Opfer mit einem Gift töten. Die Echsen sind vor allem eine große Gefahr für die Kinder in dem kleinen Dorf, dennoch stehen die Bewohner dem Fleischfresser mehrheitlich positiv gegenüber, denn sie bringen Touristen und damit auch Geld nach Komodo.“
„Komodowaran: Der 4 Millionen Jahre alte Drache aus Indonesien
120.000 Abonnenten
221.382 Aufrufe 21.11.2019
Die größten Echsen der Welt, die Komodowarane, gibt es nur noch auf drei indonesischen Inseln. Der Nationalpark Komodo ist der letzte Rückzugsort der riesigen Echsen, die seit etwa vier Millionen Jahren auf der Erde leben, aber erst vor 100 Jahren entdeckt wurden.
Ein Kreuzfahrtschiff verlässt Komodo. In den letzten Jahren ist die indonesische Insel zunehmend beliebter bei Tourismusveranstaltern geworden. Eine Win-Win-Situation: Die Komodowarane garantieren Nervenkitzel bei den Besuchern aus aller Welt. Die dadurch eingenommenen Gelder ermöglichen sowohl dem Nationalpark als auch den Einheimischen, die vom Souvenir-Verkauf leben, ein gutes Auskommen.“
„Луис🇰🇿: Ausgewachsener Mann vs Komodo Dragon ? Würde mich interessieren wie das ausgeht.
vor 4 T.
Fleischzersetzende Bakterien in ihrem Maul.
Hermann: Na du darfst nicht unterschätzen wie stark die Viecher sind, ich hab mal gehört der Schwanz kann Knochen brechen, wenn damit geschlagen wird.
all fun and games till the honey badger comes in 😁🤫💯
vor 4 T.
If a komodo wanted to it would maul a honeybadger, the only reason the honeybadger is do undefeated is cuz most predators just dont care enough since
vor 4 T.
Lol predators in wild going for k*ll not to play. Honeybadger is just too hard pray for them to waste energy.
Exactly, but if it came down to a death battle then a komodo would decimate a honeybadger.
Being injured is a death sentence so many predators think honey badgers aren’t worth the risk.
Yes but one good bite from a komodo and its venom would kill it, also the honey badger has no way of defeating a komodo.
Bro honey badgers are immune to almost all venoms.
Yes but komodo dragon’s venom isen’t normal, its mixed with bacteria, honey badgers arent resistant to it at all and would die from it.
one bite from Komodo dragon is enough to kill an animal
they not hunt active they just bite and wait until animal dies.
Heru2679:try this, a hungry comodo and honey badger 😌 a hungry comodo is a real monster and those venom.
hereistheboy: These people really don’t know the difference between monitor lizard and komodo dragon.😭
ɐɯɐW: Komodo dragons only exist in Indonesia, the most feared is the Komodo dragon´s saliva.
N_Gunpla^_^: the venom of Komodo is actually its saliva, the saliva contains deadly bacteria hence why it is assumed as poison.
Ish: Human beings are the most feared for sure.
asetzu8: So actually they are dinosaurs.
Dragon365: Love Komodo Dragons. 💜
JustANormalPlayer: To me Komodo Dragon is just an alive dinosaur.
a.pipah 🌷: Komodo dragon isn´t really scary to us, indonesians.
Vccedits🦅: Fact:Komodo dragon’s are actually land dragons.
Dirk Diggler: The venom in the their saliva prevents blood from clotting, so when it bites it’d prey it bleeds out eventually.
Sawung_jalu_upas: If you are bitten by a Komodo dragon, you will 99.9% die.
Emder Leviathan: Largest lizards? arent crocodiles lizards too?
Minthe: „most feared“ – certainly not.
ZillasCC.XD: Anyways a single bite of komodo dragon could make your flesh looks rotten💀😭🙏.
Coconut ^shawty: They aren’t actually venomous, but have enough bacteria in their mouths for their bites to be considered deadly.
What country is this: Facebook down? 17:20 05.03.2024.
Memelord: A komodo.. has a lot of stored bacteria wich slowly will break.. muscles..
Razork 2002: 5000 Stück…“
„Komodowaran – Die Größte Echse Der Welt / Dokumentation
Jinzo X
20.500 Abonnenten“
70.865 Aufrufe 04.07.2021
Der Komodowaran, auch Komododrache genannt, ist die grösste Echse der Welt. Sie kommen in verschiedenen Farben vor; unter anderem grün, braun sowie braun-schwarz, dunkelgelb, grau und in rötlichen Farbtönen. Die Einheimischen nennen diese Tiere «Ora», was wortwörtlich übersetzt «Landkrokodil» bedeutet.
Sie gehören sicherlich zu den Tieren, vor denen sich Menschen besser in Acht nehmen sollten. Sie verfügen über eine beeindruckende Körperlänge sowie über ein recht hohes Körpergewicht. Doch wie schwer werden sie denn eigentlich? Die schwersten Individuen, die man bisher entdeckt und untersucht hat, konnten bis zu 150 kg auf die Waage bringen. Dabei können sie eine Länge von bis zu 3 Metern erreichen. Wenn man diese Grösse mit ihren Charakteristiken kombiniert, wie beispielsweise ihren scharfen Klauen, den zwar fast unsichtbaren aber dennoch gefährlichen Zähnen, der robusten Haut sowie ihrem Gift, dann bekommt man in der Tat ein Tier, mit dem man sich besser nicht anlegen sollte.
Doch wo genau ist der natürliche Lebensraum von ihnen? Wo kann man Komodowarane denn überhaupt finden? Die Warane sind nicht gerade sehr verbreitet. Man kann sie in der Wildnis lediglich auf fünf Inseln in Indonesien finden. 4 dieser Inseln sind Teil von Komodo-Nationalpark, und zwar sind das die vier Inseln: Komodo, Rinco, Gili Dasami sowie Gili Montang. Die fünfte Insel heisst Flores und ist nicht Teil vom Komodo-Nationalpark.
Komodowarane können sehr alt werden, zumindest für Echsen. Im Schnitt werden die Tiere wahrscheinlich etwa 30 Jahre alt. Dies ist aber wie gesagt nur der Durchschnitt. Wie hoch die maximale Lebenserwartung ist, wird immer noch diskutiert.
Komodowarane sind ausserdem auch fleischfressende Kannibalen, die bekannt dafür sind ihre Mahlzeiten sehr schnell und gefrässig zu verspeisen. Man hat schon gesehen, wie Warane bis zu 3 kg an Essen und nur einer Minute verspeist haben. Doch das ist nicht alles. Sie können bis zu 80% ihres eigenen Körpergewichtes an Nahrung fressen.
Junge Komodowarane fressen gerne kleinere Beute, beispielsweise Insekten, kleinere Echsen, Vögel oder Schlangen. Doch erwachsene Exemplare machen Jagd auf grössere Tiere, darunter Affen, Ziegen, Schweine und sogar Hirsche. In vielen Fällen kommt es allerdings vor, dass die Warane nicht selber die Beute erlegen. Oftmals ernähren sie sich von Tierkadavern, also schon gestorbenen Tieren.
Wie genau funktioniert ihr Gift denn? In ihrem Speichel sind über 58 verschiedene Arten von giftigen Bakterien vorhanden. Diese Bakterien verursachen tödliche Infektionen, interne Blutungen und senken den Blutdruck stark, wenn sie in den Körper der Beute gelangen, in den meisten Fällen durch einen Biss. Man stirbt, wenn die Vergiftung unbehandelt bleibt. Doch die Warane selber sind immun gegen ihr Gift. Dies verdanken sie ihrem angeborenen und robusten Immunsystem. Dies hat eine DNS-Untersuchung durch «BMC Genomics» ergeben.
Komodowarane stehen wie bereits gesagt auf der Spitze der Nahrungskette in ihrem Lebensraum. Sie verfügen kaum bis gar keine natürlichen Feinde. Zu den natürlichen Feinden zählen Menschen dazu, welche gelegentlich und illegal Jagd auf sie machen. Und wie schon vorhin bereits erwähnt sind die Warane Kannibalen. Die erwachsenen Individuen machen liebend gern auch Jagd auf die Jungtiere. Die Jungtiere haben aber eine gute Taktik gegen die erwachsenen Warane entwickelt. Jüngere Exemplare sind nämlich in der Lage, auf Bäumen zu klettern. Erwachsene haben diese Fähigkeit mit dem Grösserwerden mal zu mal verlernt.
Leider kam es aber auch vor, dass Komodowarane Menschen angegriffen und fatal verletzt haben. Dies passiert verhältnismässig zum Glück aber nicht oft. Laut einer Untersuchung wurden von 1974 bis 2012 lediglich 24 Angriffe auf Menschen aufgezeichnet, wobei nur 5 tödlich geendet sind. Man muss hier aber beachten, dass nur offizielle und gemeldete Berichte mitinbegriffen sind. Die tatsächliche Anzahl von Angriffen auf Menschen könnte je nach dem viel höher sein.
Obwohl Komodowarane nicht den Drachen aus den Legenden und Mythen gerecht werden, sind sie dennoch sehr besondere und faszinierende Tiere. Sie sind ein uraltes Relikt aus der Vergangenheit, welche schon einige Massenaussterben überlebt haben. Es wäre sicherlich schade, wenn diese Tierart nun nach all den Millionen von Jahren aufgrund der Jagd von Menschen aussterben würden. Und wie gesagt wird strengstens empfohlen, dass man sich ihnen besser nicht allzu sehr nähert und immer auf Abstand bleibt, selbst wenn die Chance auf einen Angriff nicht sehr hoch ist.
Sprecher: Louis Coyote“
Ascending the Spiral: Embracing the Ouroboros Within
The Demiurge and the Hidden God…
The Demiurge and the Hidden God…
„The Universe is like a multi-layered Cake.“
„The Demiurge is essential, because it acts as a Mediator, translating the perfection of the one into the imperfect Material World we experience everyday.“
„It is not an independent Craftsman or a Malevolent Deceiver, but a Natural Part of the Cosmic Process that connects the One to our Material Reality.“
„A Metaphysical Principle. The Term eternal Craftsman is used to indicate that the Demiurge is an everlasting principle that is always active in shaping and maintaining the physical World. Unlike Gods in Mythologies who might rest after creating the World.
This Craftsman is eternally active.
Constantly working to maintain the Balance and Order of the Cosmos, in Platos Philosophy…“
vor 0 Sekunden
The Demiurge would be Brahma.
vor 0 Sekunden
He was one of the few who grasped Kundalini back in those days….this is really astounding, if we see how few people understand that.
„He is a benevolent architect, for some he is somehow flaws.“
vor 6 Tagen
I think carl jung was a medium to the spirit realm. He had a god complex. Many narcissists are delusional and offer the perspective of angelic beings he was inspired by to write a work to elevate the Demiurge. The word demiurge refers to rebellious deceptive angels.
vor 0 Sekunden
No…Demi Urge means Half Maker…. Demi-God.
It has nothing to do with Christian Dogma.
vor 4 Tagen
Yes, fallen angel archon Lucifer.
vor 2 Tagen
I have studied madly, Manly P. Halls, great books and recordings for years, and I resonate with this enlightened human being.
„79.646 Aufrufe 17.01.2024
Explore the enigmatic Demiurge, a primal creator in religious and philosophical thought. This guide untangles its complex history and significance, helping you grasp this mysterious figure’s role in shaping the universe.
00:00 Introduction
02:37 Defining Demiurge
06:53 Historical Overview
15:06 Philosophical Context
21:33 Symbols of the Demiurge
33:19 Demiurge in Religious Texts
42:25 The Great Reveal
01:07:11 Epilogue“
„The totality of everything which means he can be both completely just and its
total opposite the idea is that Yahweh unlike the Gnostic Demiurge isn’t limited to just one aspect of morality or creation he’s a more complex figure embodied studing multiple traits and characteristics that may sometimes appear contradictory to us
while we should bear in mind that these are interpretation shaped by human thought they offer us unique Windows into understanding the complex and multifaceted nature of divine entities like the Demiurge and Yahweh in summary the complex nature of divine
entities like Yahweh and the Demiurge demands a nuanced approach to
understanding them while the Gnostic demiurge is often portrayed as a limited even malevolent being Yahweh presents a different picture a being of multifaceted qualities both just and unjust aware and unaware Carl Jung’s insights remind us that these deities
can be seen as reflections of our own inner complexities and potentialities not just as external figures they embody contradictions that challenge our conventional understanding of morality self awareness and Divinity, thus the Demiurge and Yahweh serve as intriguing mirrors for exploring the intricate tapestry of both the Divine and human psyche similarities and differences in Eastern religions though the term Demiurge originates from Western traditions one can identify analogous ideas within Eastern religious philosophies, particularly in Hinduism in Hindu cosmology Brahma is the god responsible for the Act of Creation however Brahma is not the Ultimate Reality that designation belongs to..the unchanging infinite imminent and Transcendent reality amidst and Beyond the world to better understand consider Brahma as a Craftsman and Brahman as the ultimate essence or the metaphysical clay from which the Craftsman molds the
world while Brahma spins the web of the visible world, he is still an aspect of
the overarching Brahman the Ultimate Reality in this way Brahma serves a
function similar to the demiurge as he too brings the physical world into
existence but is not regarded as the supreme power. The Bhagavat Gita a
700 verse Hindu scripture offers an insightful perspective on creation that
aligns closely with this conversation as the babad Gita proclaims creation is only the
projection into form of that which already exists, this quote speaks volumes
about Eastern attitudes towards the concept of creation like the
Demiurge Brahma doesn’t create the world from nothing he shapes it from an already existing higher reality which is Brahman this aligns well with the platonic or neoplatonic notion of the Demiurge fashioning the world as a reflection of pre-existing ideal forms or as an emanation from the one the concept of a creating entities similar to the Demiurge can vary significantly based on the religious or philosoph opical tradition one examines in the Gnostic tradition the demiurge is often
seen as a malevolent or ignorant entity that separates human Souls from their
Divine Source, in contrast Hindu philosophy presents a more benign
Creator in Brahma who nevertheless is not the ultimate source of divine truth,
in summary while the term Demiurge may not appear explicitly in Eastern
religions the idea it encapsulates finds resonance in philosophies like
Hinduism across varying religious Landscapes this enigmatic entity serves
as a compelling model for exploring how different cultures and spiritualities navigate the profound questions of Creation, Divinity and Ultimate Reality as we conclude this
chapter it becomes evident that the concept of the demiurge while rooted in
platon philosophy has found a multitude of Expressions across different religious and philosophical systems. From the Gnostic portrayal of a malevolent Jailer to the multifaceted morally complex characterization in the judeo Christian tradition and even to its analogous counterparts in eastern philosophies like Hinduism the Demiurge
serves as a universal symbol for the tension between the ideal and the
material,. the ultimate and the immediate this exploration reveals the inherent human
curiosity about the origins of existence the nature of the Divine and our own
role within the Cosmic Landscape. The Demiurge in its various
incarnations invites us to question Ponder and possibly reconfigure our
understanding of these Primal concerns each tradition we’ve examined adds a unique lens widening our Collective perspective on a concept that defies simple categorization whether viewed as a Creator, a guardian, a trickster or a psychological archetype. The Demiurge Remains an endlessly intriguing figure that challenges us to think more deeply about the world we inhabit and the Unseen Realms that may lie Beyond it by surveying The Many religious texts that discuss or allude to the Demiurge we’ve taken a comprehensive look look at this elusive concept yet the journey is far from over as each new generation revisits these ancient ideas adding their own interpretations and insights this ever evolving dialogue ensures that the Demi urge will continue to be a subject
of intrigue and debate captivating the minds of seekers for generations to come.“
False deduction, Spiritual Inflation does not change the comprehension of Spirituality, especially not when you have Sophia awakened.
Chosen Ones: Your Light Irritates their Darkness
„Chosen Ones: Your Light Irritates their Darkness“
„13.257 Aufrufe 14.01.2024
Your light irritates their demons, they are intimidated by your presence & you naively think they will change and start seeing the truth and loving you? In this video you’ll find out why your pure light irritates their darkness.“
92% Of Your DNA Is From Your Parents. 8% is now from endogenous Retroviruses.
„92% Of Your DNA Is From Your Parents. 8% is now from endogenous Retroviruses.“
„In Earth’s early life soup viruses played a unique role gene mutations can happen vertically when genes are passed from parent to offspring but viruses are special in that they enable horizontal Gene transfer think of them as cuers carrying tiny packets of genetic information from one host to another this process would have catalyzed the evolution of early organisms increasing the diversity and speed of the evolution process and this same process went on to affect the evolution of larger organisms such as insects and animals later in Earth’s timeline the evidence of virus’s ancient Origins and their role in shaping life is etched into our very DNA I mentioned at the start of this video that 8% is composed of endogenous retroviruses, remnants of ancient viral infections so viruses have made us who we are today we don’t know how humans would have turned out without viruses but we’d be radically different if we existed at all and it’s not just animal life that has reaped the benefit of what viruses have sown they’ve played a pivotal role in the evolution of plants plant viruses have shown to confer resistance to certain pests and diseases improving crop resilience without this modern day plants might be too weak to survive in our changing world and we might have succumbed to famine by
now, so by this point I’m probably changing your view a little on viruses.“
„Imagine Nanobots capable of identifying and destroying viruses at a molecular level or perhaps some form of global atmospheric filtration system that could
remove viral particles from the airit would need similar systems for water and soil…“
„without viruses to naturally regulate their populations species like the aphid explode in numbers leading to widespread crop damage and A disruption of the natural food
chain in humans the consequences are equally dire our immune systems having evolved in a world teaming with viruses begin to malfunction. Without viruses to
train and regulate our immune responses we see a rise in autoimmune diseases our bodies lacking an external enemy will start to attack themselves, conditions
like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid aritis and type 1 diabetes become rampant. Now you’ve heard of the human microbiome but have you heard of the
virome, there are strains of viruses inside you and on your skin, right now, that have been with you your enti entire life, your silent passengers we think of viruses as bad
but most of the viruses in your vome are harmless and eve bbeneficial they influence your microbiome and complement your immune system by reducing populations of pathogenic bacteria and harmful viruses in your body so getting rid of your virome would have profound and Untold consequences but the most alarming effect of all at least long term comes in the form of genetic stagnation we think of evolution as a slow process taking place over millions of years but a significant and Sudden Change in the environment like removing all viruses would cause all living things to exhibit noticeable changes within just a century or two..“
Best of Fun Animals @ TIKTOK Part 2 – The Barking Magpie in Australia
Best of Fun Animals @ TIKTOK Part 2 – The Barking Magpie in Australia
@integralfun Australian Magpie’s Impeccable Imitation: Mimicking Dog Barks #AustralianMagpie #mimicry #DogBarks #birdsofaustralia ♬ original sound – Integral Fun
@ladbibleaustralia We really do see it all in Australia 😂 #magpie #dog #aussie ♬ original sound – LADbible Australia
„Red Machine: They can mimick human speech too, they are smart birds. 👍“
@morningshowon7Meet Peggy and Molly, the adorable dog and magpie who are BFF’s!#staffy #magpie #cuteanimals
Best of Fun Animals @ TIKTOK Part 1 – The Goat
Best of Fun Animals @ TIKTOK Part 1 – The Goat
@pepito_the_goat Don’t touch me human ! 😡 #funny #drole #hilarant #chevre #pourtoi ♬ son original – Pépito
Thisistheshelbytour – My Energy is precious – Message to Energy Harvesters aka Energy Vampires
@thisistheshelbytour #adhdwomen #energywork #divinefeminine #divinefeminineenergy #spiritualawakeningtiktok #lonewolf ♬ original sound – Shelby Tuerr
„Thisistheshelbytour – My Energy is precious -“ …Message to Energy Harvesters aka Energy Vampires…
thecccollective – Light Worker (rather all-in-one, not just 1 type)(Holistic Complete)
@thecccollective What is a light worker supposed to do Light worker Light worker explained Light worker spiritual explained 144000 light workers Lightworker signs Light worker awakening Starseeds birthmark How to know if you are a starseed Most powerful starseeds Starseed identification in birth chart 144000 star seeds What is a star seed Star seeds explained Star seeds birth chart Spiritual Knowledge Isolation spirituality signs Spiritual isolation Spiritual knowledge Spiritual teachings Being in isolation spirituality Spiritual awakening isolation Spiritual awakening Isolation spirituality god #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualtiktok #spiritualtiktok #spiritualtiktok🧿 #spiritualawakening #spiritualtok #spiritualjourney #spiritualwarfare #spiritualhealing #spiritualmassage #spiritualitytok #spiritualitytiktok🧿 #spiritualityawakening #spiritualityoverreligion #spiritualitytips #spiritualityforbeginners #spiritualitycheck #spirituality🔮 #manifest #manifestation #manifesting #manifestacion #manifestar #manifestingmethods #manifestationtips #manifestingtips #manifestlove #manifestaciones #manifestingmethods #manifestingtips #manifestinglove #manifestingtok #manifestingmoney #manifestingtechniques #manifestingadvice #manifestingtiktok #manifestingmagic #manifestation #manifestationtips #manifestationquotes #manifestations #manifestations #manifestationcoach #manifestationmethod #manifestationmindset #manifestationtok #manifestationtiktok #manifestationjournal #chosenones #chosenone #chosenfamily #chosenfamily💚 #chosenfamily? #chosenfamily❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #5D #5thdemension #5thdensity #newearth #newearthfrequency #newearth5d #newearthsanctuary #newearthcommunity #newearthenergies #newearthproject #newearthtimelines #newearthtimelines #newearthbusiness #newearthorder #5dimension #5thdimensionconsciousness #5thdemension ♬ Native American Flute in the Rainforest – Carlos Carty
thecccollective – Light Worker (rather all-in-one, not just 1 type)(Holistic Complete)
Right now, there
are various types of light workers on earth,
each with their own special role.
Understanding what type of light worker you are
can help you make sense of your own experiences
and accept yourself more fully.
Let’s explore five different types of light workers
to get a clearer picture.
Healers they are special light workers
with a deep calling to help heal humanity,
animals, and even our planet.
Their main goal is to assist in healing from pain
and suffering.
Characterized by their kindness,
gentleness, and compassionate nature,
healers are driven by a desire to make a positive
impact in the lives of others,
whether it’s people or animals.
These healers often have a trait known as empathy,
meaning they
can deeply feel what others are experiencing.
This heightened sensitivity is crucial for their work,
as it allows them to understand
and thus help heal
the pain of others.
sometimes just being in the presence of a healer
within their energy field
can bring about healing for people.
Their very essence and energy
can be soothing and restorative messengers.
They are a unique group of light workers
who have the ability to connect with
the spiritual realm to gather insights and messages.
These light workers are skilled at
tuning into spiritual guidance from beyond
our physical world
and then translating these messages into a
form that everyone can understand.
They serve as a link between the spiritual
and physical realms,
often taking on roles such as Spiritual teachers,
speakers, and writers.
Messengers typically have a
strong connection with their hearts.
The energy centres in their bodies are more active,
helping them to receive
and understand spiritual messages.
The ways in which messengers share these insights
can vary. While many use words
through speaking,
teaching, or writing,
not all messengers rely solely on verbal communication.
Some convey their spiritual messages
through visual means
like photography
or paintings,
or through other forms of artistic expression.
Their talent lies in finding
the best medium to bring these important
spiritual messages into the physical world.
they are a powerful and vital group among light workers.
They possess remarkably strong energy systems,
enabling them to transform negative
or dense energy into positive,
beneficial energy.
In many ways,
they are like alchemists
within the light worker community.
Their unique gift lies in their ability to
effortlessly convert heavy,
challenging energies into light.
This transformation
process is not just a skill they learn,
they are inherently designed to perform this function.
Transmuters can enter a space filled with chaos
and tension
and within minutes
change the atmosphere to one of calm and peace.
Their presence alone
can significantly alter the energy dynamics of a room
or environment.
What’s particularly interesting about transmuters
is that they often
choose to be born into challenging situations
in worlds or families
facing considerable difficulties.
They do this with a purpose
to assist the people in those
environments in resolving their issues
and evolving spiritually
by doing So
they aid in the transformation and progression of
not just individuals,
but entire family lines
or communities.
Their role is crucial in helping others work through
and overcome their struggles,
leading to greater spiritual growth and evolution.
Light keepers
they are a special kind of light worker,
characterized by their unwavering ability to maintain
and hold light
no matter the circumstances.
They embody the essence of light in all situations
during times of joy
and times of struggle,
in moments of beauty
and in moments of difficulty,
whether the sun is shining
or during the darkest storms,
lightkeepers have a remarkable capacity to
not let their inner light diminish,
regardless of the external
environment or challenges they face.
Their role is particularly
important during challenging times,
as they choose to be born into
periods where their light is most needed.
The mission of a lightkeeper
is to consistently radiate peace and love,
acting as beacons of hope and stability.
Even in the midst of turmoil,
such as in times of conflict or war.
Lightkeepers remain steadfast in their purpose,
providing a source of light and positivity.
This unyielding commitment to being a source of light
makes them vital in uplifting and supporting others,
especially in difficult times.
Way showers
as their name indicates,
they are light workers who lead by example.
Their primary purpose is to embody
the changes they wish to see in the world.
Instead of teaching or guiding through words,
they focus on their own personal Transformation
becoming living examples for others to observe
and emulate.
The power of away shower lies in their actions
and the way they live their lives.
By dedicating themselves to their own inner growth
and transformation,
they naturally become models for others.
Their journey of self improvement and evolution
is not just for their own benefit.
It serves as a practical,
visible guide for those around them.
Unlike messengers
who actively communicate
and share their spiritual insights,
way showers may not necessarily
express their experiences verbally or in writing.
Their primary interest is in their
personal journey of self transformation.
By simply being and living the change,
they provide a clear
and inspiring path for others to follow,
showing practically
how to grow and evolve on one’s own spiritual journey.
Understanding your role as a light worker can be a
profoundly enlightening and affirming experience.
It helps you make sense of your unique
traits and tendencies,
which might have once seemed puzzling or challenging.
For instance,
if you’ve always felt
an overwhelming sensitivity towards others emotions,
or a deep connection with animals and their needs,
knowing that you’re a light worker
can provide context for these feelings.
Similarly, if you have a natural
inclination towards knowing things that seem beyond
the ordinary,
or if you find yourself drawn to specific
places with a strong energy presence,
this understanding can validate your experiences.
It explains why certain places
or situations feel significant to you,
even if they might not make sense. To others,
recognizing your type of light worker role
also brings clarity to more
personal aspects of your life.
For example,
if you’ve always wondered why you were born into a
particularly challenging family dynamic,
understanding your light worker identity
can reveal that it was a part of your path and purpose.
When you embrace your identity as a light worker,
you begin to align more closely with your life mission.
You’re less likely to resist or question
the intuitive nudges that guide you towards fulfilling
your purpose.
Instead, you’ll find a sense of peace
and direction in following these calls,
knowing that they’re an integral part of your journey
and what you came here to do.
I hope that this message brings some light to your day.
If it resonates with you,
feel free to pass it along to someone
who might also find it helpful.
Wishing you an absolutely beautiful day ahead!“
How Sigma Males Outsmart Narcissistic Women
„How Sigma Males Outsmart Narcissistic Women“
„How Sigma Males Outsmart Narcissistic Women
In this thought-provoking YouTube video, we’ll unlock the secrets of how Sigma Males outsmart Narcissistic Women. Learn how to build your fortress in their kingdom, master the gray rock strategy, and keep a record of their behavior. Don’t take the blame, refuse to tolerate disrespect, and stay one step ahead. Discover the power of Sigma’s mindset in dealing with Narcissistic Women.
#sigmamale #sigma
Why Alpha Males can´t handle Sigma Males…
@_transformativepath Why Alpha Males Can't Handle Sigma Males #selfdiscovery #sigma #sigmamale #capcut ♬ Still Phonk – Yan 394
„Why Alpha Males can´t handle Sigma Males #selfdiscovery #sigma #sigmamale #capcut
Still Phonk – Yan 394“
TransformativePath · vor 1 W.“
Why alpha males can’t handle Sigma males
the untold truth.
In the realm of social dynamics and personality types,
the alpha male and the Sigma male represent two
very different philosophies and approaches to life.
The alpha male seeks to dominate social hierarchies,
exert control,
and gain followers.
The Sigma male,
on the other hand,
marches to the beat of his own drum.
He is comfortable being alone,
doesn’t need constant validation from others,
and isn’t swayed by social pressures.
This divergence in personalities often creates tension,
with alpha males finding Sigma males hard to understand,
and even threatening to their status.
This video explores the reasons why
alpha males can’t handle Sigma males
and delves into the untold truth behind this dynamic.
1. Sigma males challenge alpha dominance.
Alpha males thrive in environments where they
can exert control and establish their position
at the top of the social hierarchy.
They crave attention,
admiration, and respect.
The Sigma male, however,
doesn’t seek validation or approval from others.
He is self assured and comfortable in his own skin,
even when not in the spotlight.
This lack of need for dominance and attention
can be unsettling for alpha males.
They may perceive Sigma males
as a threat to their position
or a challenge to their leadership.
This can lead to resentment,
envy, and even hostility towards Sigma males.
Two Sigma males are unpredictable and nonconformist.
Alpha males operate within a set of social norms and
They understand the dynamics of Power
and influence and know
how to navigate these hierarchies to their advantage.
Sigma males,
on the other hand,
are not bound by these rules.
They are unpredictable,
and don’t feel the need to conform to societal
This unpredictability can be unnerving for alpha males.
They may perceive Sigma males as a wild card,
someone who cannot be controlled or manipulated.
This uncertainty can make it
difficult for alpha males to assert their dominance
and maintain their position of power.
Three Sigma males exude quiet strength and confidence.
Alpha males often project an image of strength
and confidence through their physical presence,
assertive communication,
and need for control.
Sigma males,
on the other hand,
possess a quiet
strength and confidence that comes from within.
They don’t need to boast or flaunt their abilities.
Their confidence radiates outwards
in a more subtle and understated way.
This quiet strength can be intimidating to alpha males.
They may feel threatened by the
Sigma males ability to command respect and admiration
without resorting to overt displays of power.
This can lead to alpha males
trying to assert their dominance over Sigma males
in an attempt to regain control of the situation.
4. Sigma males are self reliant and independent.
Alpha males often seek validation
and support from others,
relying on their social circles
to reinforce their status and influence.
Sigma males,
on the other hand,
are fiercely independent and self reliant.
They don’t need constant affirmation from others
and are comfortable being Alone,
this independence can be frustrating for alpha males.
They may not understand
why the Sigma male doesn’t crave their approval
or seek their inclusion in their Social Circle.
This can lead to alpha males trying to manipulate
or control the Sigma male
in an attempt to gain their attention and validation.
5. Sigma males
exude an enigmatic aura.
Sigma males often carry an air of mystery and intrigue.
They are not easily defined or categorized,
adding to their allure.
This enigmatic aura stems from their authenticity,
and depth of character.
This mystery can be baffling to alpha males.
They may not understand
why the Sigma male is so elusive
or why people are drawn to their enigmatic charm.
This can lead to alpha males
trying to unravel the Sigma males mystery,
often in an attempt to control or manipulate them.
In conclusion,
while the dynamic between alpha males
and Sigma males can be challenging,
it can also be an opportunity for growth and learning.
Alpha males can learn from the Sigma males
self reliance and quiet confidence,
while Sigma males can learn from the
alpha male’s ability to navigate social hierarchies
and command attention.
By understanding
and respecting each other’s differences,
both alpha males and Sigma males
can contribute to a more diverse and inclusive society.
If you resonated with this content,
don’t forget to tap that like button,
follow for more Sigma wisdom
and leave a comment to share your thoughts.
Let’s keep the conversation going and build
A community of independent thinkers.
Stay Sigma strong, my friends.“
#narcissist #chosenones #video
16.200 Abonnenten
6188 Aufrufe vor 2 Tagen“
„6.188 Aufrufe 27.11.2023
„..see the narcissist is after your soul
on the 3D level, it looks like a normal relationship,..
this is your father, that’s your mother, that’s your friends, this is your sister, your wife… it appears like that in the physical form it is what you can
understand, but on a spiritual level there is something else happening, you
are under spiritual attack. so your health will fail…the longer
you stay around those people, energy vampires, your health will
fail …okay, as a chosen one, you’re most likely highly empathic, empathetic, you’re a very
empathetic person. The Narcissist needs you to survive, they need your energy, but at the end of the day if you have not woken up in time, you may actually lose your life. I’ll just try to say things the way they are, okay, you guys might have heard so many cases where, for example, you have been dealing with a a narcistic family unit and you’ve been seeing many siblings in that family falling dead out of the blue or something happened to that one they
died, they passed away, this one died this one this, some of them are in hospitals, some of them are struggling with very serious health conditions…. they have been hospitalized…those kind of stories… it is very important to take your
time to understand these individuals… there is people in this
universe that are after your soul these are energy vampires and these are some
of the things that they will not teach you in school…to teach you some very very valuable
lessons which lessons are actually going to be a part of your Evolution process
you’re supposed to evolve to become the greatest this version of yourself because you’re here for a mission you’re here on assignment you you you did not just come
here to eat and sleep and go around in circles and play along…you are somebody and
you’re very special, so you are here for very very specific reasons and these are Divine Mission.“
„realize who you are, now you know on the spiritual level these individuals, they
know you a great person and they know that you’re very powerful,
but for them to be able to win this war, because I’ve told you this is spiritual
warfare, in every war there’s a winner and a loser. There is some empathic people that
have lost this war, okay, there’s empathic people very very highly empathetic people, very nice beautiful souls they have lost this war, like I’ve told you that there are some people who have ended up sick, they have died, they have passed on they killed
themselves or whatever sometime they were probably they were poisoned or
something like that some of them have lost this war but there’s also some some people
have actually awakened, it is only through this Awakening process that you’re going to remember who you are you know when you awaken you will never be that person that you used to be Everything Will Change around you you’ll be able to recognize the
battles that have been fighting behind the scenes even most of the battles that
you weren’t even aware of you know. One of the most shocking thing is waking up and realizing that your own parents were after you this entire time because you are probably born in a narcistic family Dynamic, your own parents were after you this
entire time, some of you your own wives they were after you…so for a chosen one life is not not a walk in the park okay you don’t walk around and you think that everything is going to be you know easy very smooth…God knows his chosen people you
know and this thing of Awakening usually it happens by divine intervention.“
„You know, because these demons they want you dead, these demons they want you gone,
because your presence on this universe is making their work very difficult is making their work impossible, so they send these demons to handle you.. they have been sent on spiritual assignments to handle you because they know that you have got a
light that is within you that light is not supposed to shine
when that light shines too hard it makes their work very difficult, almost impossible, they cannot operate with the presence so what they do now they send
these vampires, these energy vampires to your life and they going to treat you in a
way you have never seen before you will know and you will
recognize that you’re not dealing with an ordinary human being when you been
with a narcissist. Why do I call this thing a divine intervention? You know there comes a time when your body will fail, you know your health will fail, your body
will fail, so you can feel like sometimes you’re on the ground you’re
already hurting and somebody’s adding more pain to the wounds you know more more salt to the wound and the things like there’s a person that is around you
that is doing the work of the devil…“
„so when God decides to awaken you that means that you have been blessed, so
you have been chosen and blessed to awaken because there is a person around
you who is trying to stop your mission, your mission is too big for these
enemies and they cannot handle your energy so they try to put you in that frequency whereby you cannot be able to operate like a normal person and operate the way you should do the way you should operate, so the last result will be divine intervention… and there is
something, an invisible force that has already been looking out for you that
you are not aware of…“
What Type of Sickness is Narcissism?
„What Type of Sickness is Narcissism?“
Healing from Narcissistic abuse and neglect.
From someone who has been through hell and comes out
whole, in a state of happiness, living in peace, harmony, and love.
BIO PARENTS… What narcissism does to you, what is happiness, healing path, hell and back, why I started this channel,…healing yourself, narcissistic mother, selfish, the narcissist is damage control, my narcissist father… narcissistic friend, you are not designed to live in shame, you are not crazy, self-care, worthiness, healing, healing from narcissism, born into a narcissistic world, dumb you down, narcissist dumb down children, finding the good in a narcissist is not my job, you don’t understand until you have been there… disease of the soul, disease of the spirit.“
„hey there Joe here life may simple so what we’re going to talk about today is narcissism, is it a mental disease, physical
disease? No. I think it’s a spiritual disease, everything that we get from our mind is from a belief system that we
built from our spiritual self, remember: We are a Spiritual being being having a physical experience, so when we pass away, our body goes away dust to dust, so my question is if it if narcissism was just a mental emotional thing that means
they would be cured at death, right? ..Narcissism is the core of who they are, it is definitely a spiritual disease of
their Soul. I believe it creates toxicity, destroys, it is here to tear down anything that´s good in this life, so when I think of disease and I’ve thought a lot I’ve gotten into a lot of the quantum physics and when you say disease think
about it this way it is a disease that means a body mind or Spirit, whenever it has a disease, it is at DIS ease, it’s no longer at ease, so when we’re whole, balance of Mind Body and Soul, We´re in Harmony, we’re at ease, we only become it we only have a disease when those are out of Harmony, a lot of it is on the quantum level, they’re finding now that a lot of the the mind and the emotions and feelings are causing a lot of physical diseases.“
„Narcissism is a disease of the Spirit.“
Dead For 7 Minutes; Man Is Shown Past Lives During Incredible NDE The Other Side NDE
„Dead For 7 Minutes; Man Is Shown Past Lives During Incredible NDE
The Other Side NDE
357.000 Abonnenten“
„The reason that they are there is because when people come into a lifetime you might live 80 90 100 years on Earth
and you forget where you’re from, most of us forget, we have amnesia when we come into a lifetime and when we die, we
forget where we’re from, so what the orientation counselors do is, they just simply tell people… you’re back
on the other side. You’ve finished your lifetime and now you’re back home, well, my guide said, watch him, so I started
watching him and all of a sudden he began to change, he turned into a man and in his 30s and the reason is, there is no
age on the other side, the perfect age for people is around 30. So all of us are in their 30s, so after that part
happened, he stood up and he walked off to his right and he walked between the columns and he walked down three stairs
and on the right hand side are these Gardens, beautiful.“
„..and she was watching what we would call today as a flat screen TV, mounted on the wall, it was a video
screen… maybe 50 inches, it was a video screen it was it was maybe 50 inches you
… and she was watching a battle that took place on Earth 200 years ago between the Native Americans Plains tribes and the
U.S Cavalry and she was watching this battle and I remember thinking how can she be watching a battle that
took place a couple hundred years ago when we didn’t even have video recorders back then and my guide told me, everything
is recorded and I don’t understand, even now I don’t understand how that’s possible, so I just think of it as a God
thing. Somehow God is able to record our lifetimes, so in these rooms anything you want to learn about whether it was World War I anything that you want to learn about you can go to these rooms and you can study and learn what happened during that Earth period history.“