Fake CPU-Restriction Windows 11 Conspiracy Unveiled.
„So why that processors are not supported? That is a mystery … and thanks to that idea of modifing the Windows 10 install media (replace boot.wim and install.wim files of Windows 10 install media with Windows 11 Install media) … what a surprise … over the real hardware on such OLD, very OLD unsupported CPUs, Windows 11 not only installs well (ok, Windows 11 is really installed by Windows 10 installer), … again surprise … Windows boots OK and runs fine … on real old, very old unsupported CPUs without TMP and without SecureBoot (and also in BIOS boot mode, no need to have UEFI system).“
So the question is again… why or who is lying so much … Windows 11 can run perfectly on real OLD, very OLD CPU’s, no need for TPM, SecureBoot, UEFI, etc.
And guess what … some of such OLD real hardware computers has only 2 GiB of RAM (since the installer was Windows 10 installer, there is not such 4GiB RAM minimun limit) and they can run well the Windows 11 HOME and the Windows 11 PRO over the real hardware… and guess … a clean install only uses 1.8 GiB of RAM after booted … so why on the hell that 4GiB limit?
Note all questions are to denote, that such (ALL) limitations imposed are there for no REAL reason, just to make people to buy new hardware.
The oldest computer, with 2GiB RAM (that is the max that the motherboard supports) boots in less than 3 minutes with an old rotational PATA (IDE, not SATA) 2.5 HDD of 120GiB and Windows 11 is smooth, not much more smooth than Clean Windows 10, but looks like it is a little bit faster.
I hate this ‘limitations’ imposed to just make people buy new hardware … do any one else hate them? I think all users … that is why i share my ‘tests’ …“
Source: https://nerdschalk.com/windows-11-on-unsupported-cpu-possibilities-explored/