„Buddhist Monks Superpowers: Rainbow Body, Levitation, Immortal Monks“
„52.088 Aufrufe•21.07.2020”
Post Views: 93
dale winter: vor 7 Monaten: THIS IS NOT OFFENSIVE YOU TUBE…STOP censoring your viewers and patrons!“
„David Gvir: vor 7 Monaten (bearbeitet):
Science is still relatively primitive. The ancient knew more than this system would like to admit. History taught in school is a lie.“
„laettis: vor 7 Monaten (bearbeitet): The most fascinating thing about all this, if you’ve read any books on such accounts, is that monks who perform so-called miracles do not call these superhuman powers at all. They say that this is the natural state of man which every man/woman is born with. It is due to our ignorance that we pollute our bodies and minds with faulty thoughts which remove human beings from the ability of achieving these states.“
„Jeremy Banks: vor 7 Monaten: No wonder societies are so stressful.“
„Surabhi Sahni: vor 6 Monaten: There is an underlying fear of death in everyone which is very unnecessary because you’re the God of your body. There’s no one sitting above you deciding your lifespan or your how your body will be.“
„Joseph no: vor 3 Monaten: Infantile, magic carpet nonsense.“
„Joseph no: vor 3 Monaten: I call it the stinky body.“
„Cee: vor 6 Monaten: Welcome, awakened individuals. Glad you are all part of the great shift happening right now. We are shifting soon to 5D. Be the light.“
„Ethereal Dreamer Illustrations: vor 7 Monaten: Buddhist Monks are so wise. They are a class in another realm. The desire for wisdom and peace.“
„Gaurav Patel: vor 7 Monaten (bearbeitet): Please, read „The divine matrix“ by Gregg Braden…. there are many case studies and explanation of such Superpowers.“
„Sofa King Hung: vor 7 Monaten: This was marked by YouTube as offensive?!?! Huhhh.“
„Greg Downer: vor 7 Monaten: … as China’s intention for the oppression of Tibetan Monks becomes clear.“
„rexanator619: vor 7 Monaten: „It is not impermanence that makes us suffer. What makes us suffer is wanting things to be permanent when they are not. (Thích Nhất Hạnh)“
„AJ Bitch: vor 7 Monaten (bearbeitet): When Yoda died in the Empire Strikes Back…..his body disappeared into the Force….this is an example of rainbow body in sci fi movie….the Jedi philosophies are based on buddhist dhamma.“
„Mach1 GTX: vor 7 Monaten: Mind over matter, so simple, so real…..a testament to the true power of human beings which the powers that be having been trying to stifle for countless eons. We just need to wake up!“
„David Gvir: vor 7 Monaten: Shows are powerful we really are by nature.
Once we master ourselves and tap into higher concessness, then we are able to see beyond the veil, the maya or the illusion of this matrix.“
„Lauren Elizabeth: vor 7 Monaten: Youtube censorship needs to end!“
„Kay Tagney: vor 3 Monaten: Wow! This must be good, I’ve had three warnings by YouTube not to watch is! What a recommendation.“
„Choc Chips: vor 7 Monaten: Secret of this state is due to NO SPOUSE AND NEEDY CHILDREN!“
„Monica Sahu: vor 7 Monaten (bearbeitet): WOW !!! I can’t believe people still call children „needy“. What a shame. I hope whoever says this don’t have kids.“
„Monica Sahu: vor 7 Monaten (bearbeitet): @Choc Chips I wish people who call kids needy would meet people without kids. I hope they meet people who can’t give birth. I hope they don’t say „THIS STATE of nirvana like existence IS DUE TO NO NEEDY CHILDREN“..because.. believe it or not even EVEN GAUTAM BUDDHA HAS A SPOUSE AND A CHILD !!! Don’t blame your unhappiness on your kid(s). It’s not fair, because kids depend on their parents. They don’t wish to be needy to make your life miserable.“
„Choc Chips: vor 7 Monaten: @Monica Sahu Gautama Buddha left his wife and son. Read slowy, HE LEFT HIS FAMILY. / People who can’t have kids should visit mothers who regret having kids and listen to the truth of raising children. Let them observe for 3 days what is it like to feel like a slave, no time for themselves and miserable. If they are lucky they could also watch fights among siblings… They should also visit some mothers with disabled children with no help or enough money for medical care and to support their lives. Spouse and children are attachments. Attachments cause sufferings. I bet Gautama Buddha can vouch for that.“
//Update: 12.3.2021 /Recovery-Mode.
Monica Sahu: vor 7 Monaten: @Choc Chips I prefer to surround myself with people who APPRECIATE what they have. And you too can leave if your kids make you feel suffocated and you need to tag them needy. I don’t wish to waste my energy replying to such a negative soul anymore. Adios.
Choc Chips: vor 7 Monaten: @Monica Sahu You choose to come and comment here. Did I invite you? So judgmental and self-righteous! / You quote Gautama about family. The saint left them because they are attachments! Are you angry that I am right?😂Well… adios to you too! Good riddance!
Monica Sahu: vor 7 Monaten: @Choc Chips I feel bad for you lady. You should go for family counseling if you feel so suffocated in your family circle and that to with your kids. I don’t know what hurt you, you kids don’t like you maybe, or maybe your partner isn’t attentive, or maybe you had to leave your life behind for a family who isn’t grateful. I don’t wanna judge you. It’s wrong of me to assume but the hostility sure says a lot for what may be going on at the other end of my conversation. I wish you love and luck. Hope you find whatever it is you are looking for. PEACE! 😇
@Choc Chips AWWWWWW !!!!
Pranali Jadhav; vor 7 Monaten (bearbeitet): Why is someone as immature and unevolved as you here?
Pranali Jadhav: vor 7 Monaten (bearbeitet): @Choc Chips you keep mentioning gautam buddha but do you really know anything about him?
He was a kind soul . He didn’t care for his Father’s castle or wealth or the throne. He wanted peace and he wanted to help the poor in his kingdom.
He was forced by his duties towards his kingdom to take the throne and marry and have a kid.
Even his wife was a very kind and beautiful soul who let her husband leave so he can achieve his goals because she knew what he desired from the very beginning of their relationship.
He never thought of his relationships to be a burden nor did he just abandon them. They were well taken care for.
InfinityExpression: 12.3.2021: You all forgot to mention that Buddha had quarrel with his audacious brother.
Pranali Jadhav
vor 7 Monaten
@Choc Chips what you are saying is the exact opposite of Buddha’s teachings.
You call motherhood a burden then it’s not for you. 1st of all I don’t even understand why anyone would willingly have a child and then regret it. Kids are not toys, they are real humans beings that you are responsible for as a parent.
If that’s not what you wanted then you should have been more careful instead of blaming your kid.
You are using Buddha’s teachings as an excuse for wanting to leave your family. That’s low.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Kier Mailan: vor 4 Monaten: Youtube censorship is getting out of control. All the good channels get censored.
C M: vor 6 Monaten: YouTube has become too emotional.
Dennis Bangcale: vor 7 Monaten: It was achieve in deeply meditation. Clear minds pure hearts. No distraction.
Texmex89 vor 7 Monaten: But why would YouTube try to censor this ?
InfinityExpression: 12.3.2021: Guess why…. U.S.Mil-NSA-Zionazi-NWO-Fascist-Censor-Control-Tube is greedy and wants world-dominance forever… and they are full of fear and hate against everything that could destroy the Billionaires injust and unsustainable, world-crippling Terror-Regime and Deep State Global Mafia Corporate Totalitaristsic Monopoly…
Anthony Hyjer: vor 7 Monaten: Siddhis are the impersonal spontaneous expressions of the field of consciousness.
Konata213: vor 7 Monaten: I love this channel. I wish you amplified success. Thank you for your purpose.
Mandy C: vor 7 Monaten: Gamma brainwaves = supercoherence 5D consciousness.
The Mindbender: vor 6 Monaten: Wow I got goosebumps when I saw the photo at 1:57 because I saw the exact same photo just a few days ago as an album cover of the music band Rage Against The Machine! I think it is a sign from the universe to me to keep searching and keep learning the hidden truths I send unconditional love to all of you. Peace, much love and namasté ❣
6clock: vor 1 Monat: The reason this video is marked as “offensive” is because there are multiple pictures/videos of people literally DYING.
Cheyne Simons: vor 2 Monaten: YouTube Censorship of this , makes me think they know it is true!!!
gunter smith: vor 7 Monaten: The definition of „hate speech“ keeps getting broader. I totally didn’t see that happening…
Rebelle Jacobs: vor 7 Monaten: They’re restricting this video-even though I’m not under age . Please reupload somewhere – it must be good if they’re so desperate to keep it from us !
AmgTheReal: vor 7 Monaten: Remember these powers do not equal enlightenment. They could very well make you reincarnate again. Be careful these “powers should not be the goal” but rather side effect of reaching enlightenment or Bhuddahood.
Sai Alfonso: vor 7 Monaten: Don’t understand why YouTube would censor this.
Coleman Remington: vor 5 Monaten: YouTube will suffer their own wrath.
Max NHalo: vor 3 Wochen: Censorship of our innate Powers to keep us dumbed down!
Pritam Das: vor 6 Monaten: I don’t think this video should be age restricted 😑
Come on YouTube let everyone know these interesting facts!
Mr Seppo: vor 7 Monaten: Everyone asks me, how can you be so positive in this evil world, i say i make it a positive and happy world, i say you get what you want it to be.
brian love: vor 3 Wochen: They have identified this as inappropriate, spread it as much as possible.
Khotso Molokoane: vor 6 Monaten: The Transfiguration in the New Testament could refer to this new body.
Divinaeon: vor 7 Monaten:In Kabbalah and Egyptian mysticism, it is referred to as the merkavah or merkaba…translated literally, it means „Chariot of Light“ or „Chariot of Ascension.“ It is the same thing as the Rainbow Light Body.
The Holistic Esthetician: vor 6 Monaten: I have been reading Autobiography of a Yogi , he goes into great detail of this.
Sarshyamzz: vor 5 Monaten: It’s not offensive youtube…
XravenAzazel Javi: vor 1 Monat (bearbeitet):I can’t believe this is marked as inappropriate.
Anna Becker: vor 7 Monaten: IF your soul is gifted with such abilities inherently.
Lil Spittin: vor 7 Monaten: BuddhaBuddha rocking everywhere~
Burgle Kutt: vor 3 Monaten: LOL YouTube is scared of levitating rainbow people…
Fay schouten: vor 7 Monaten: 2:40 sounds like Jesus with all his superpowers…
Justin Akers: vor 4 Monaten: Why did youtube warn me about this…
Fernando’s Inferno: vor 6 Monaten: They arent super humans they simply still train what we forgot over the years of corruption.
Jeriel Rodriguez: vor 7 Monaten: These „powers“ are very likely real, but they are a distraction. The universal truth is that the only thing that truly matters is being present and in a state of love, the powers are a byproduct of this and that is likely why most people will never perform these feats, especially in the west.
Napster2002 . aspx vor 7 Monaten: Maybe some sort of interaction between the Earths magnetic field and that of the brain?
Dan R: vor 7 Monaten (bearbeitet): Karmapa a Buddist monk who taught the secrets of Levi-tation passed away in 1981 under the care of an American Doctor… named Doctor Levi??
Ho Chi Minh: vor 7 Monaten: The 1982 event when the monk heat up their body temp was film and air on 20/20 hosted by Barber Walters.
Ian Carter: vor 7 Monaten: SCALAR interferometry (mentalism) MIND is god.
InfinityExpression: 12.3.2021: Close, close, not entirely, but nearly…
A B: vor 7 Monaten: We have been living a lie for centuries.
THE STAND 121: vor 2 Monaten: This is the Hebrew word Merkabah – The chariot throne of the Gods – alchemy.
Reza Karim: vor 5 Monaten: Buddha realized the absolute knowledge. He left the kingdom for the infinite treasure which is the great self.
Tracey Basshanley: vor 7 Monaten: I love every thing about creativity and the vast matrix and constant pill of energy so very transforming.
Anthony Arcanum Sanctum Regnum: vor 7 Monaten: I been seeing the 75 year old monk who self mummified in the lotus position for years but never saw what he liked like while alive is that his real picture? If so Its the first time I ever saw him alive so thanks and damn he was so much better looking then he is now lol.
just_a_dude. vor 6 Monaten: When they said it was offensive..
it.. It was because of the Monk on fire… That’s the reason guys.
Willem van Hattum: vor 4 Monaten: Insane the amound of censoring I had to go through. First an age check, than a blanco screen, so I had to refresh and after that 2 warnings that it contains offensive material, but worth the trouble. Very good video 🙂
martin smith: vor 4 Monaten: The external is internal, as the objective world is subjectively experienced.
The Conscious movement: vor 6 Monaten: if quantum physics says mind creates the reality, that would mean you are God.
Kristina A: vor 6 Monaten: The devil told Jesus to turn the stone to bread, surely fallen angles aka demons have power to do dark magic and deceive.
len 114602: vor 6 Monaten: Possibly their ability to raise temperature is an evolutionary thing from adapting to cold temperatures (Tibet is pretty cold).
Nitai Das 5150: vor 7 Monaten: There are two types of Rainbow Body attainments The Returnable Rainbow Body and The Non Returnable. Levitation and other attainments are real. Tummo .. Rainbow Body Practices are known and practiced by many. I think out of all the attainments Thigle is one of the best practices they have.
Elo him: vor 4 Monaten: Funny so sneaky they are. Buddah wizards. I must have been one of these guys. Same powers. Freaky.
babyrazor: vor 3 Monaten: hmm lets see, yep you missed a few „powers“ 1. there’s the ability to see through walls as if they were non-existent. 2. To witness reality as it appears on a molecular level. In this state reality has no defining differences like those imposed by our limited senses. Imagine a rock thrown in a pond, see the ripples it makes. Next every atom emitting golden ripples but in 3 dimensions as opposed to a flat surface. You can see how a passing objects ripples interact with those of a stationary objects ripples. The downside to this meditation is that you cannot move for there are no defining edges which to distinguish one object from another, only an ocean of ripples. 3. warping space. Meditate on making ones finger longer for example. The finger when observed would seem to grow longer to any observer but if and object was close to the finger tip and once again the finger appeared to grow the distance to the object would remain constant it is as if your finger was on the surface of a bubble of reality where in the finger does appear to grow yet the distance remains constant due to the curvature of realities „surface“ 4. (my personal favorite) increasing your own space time. By increasing your own personal space time everything in reality appears frozen as if you had stopped time for everything except yourself. In this mode you can move about freely in a frozen in time universe. You can pick objects up an move them freely about. The down side is any mechanical device will remain non-operational. So be careful, and have fun out there, there’s way more to life than iphones ^^
InfinityExpression: 12.3.2021: You really described the reason why smartphone devices and cameras do not work in astral projected lucid dreams…Genius!!! We always want to make fotos in lucid dreams and take them back into RTZ – Realtime Zone, but the cameras never work, you told the reason for it. 0-Time-Zone.
Space Cadet: vor 7 Monaten:
The truth super powers are Clairvoyant Precognition ESP Telepathy Telekinesis Levitation electro magnesium just like the movie Lucy ! Matrix enjoy LSD Magic Mushrooms ☺💜✌
R NP: vor 7 Monaten: Sri Aurobindo says matter is light condensed.
Super Astral Health: vor 7 Monaten: the importance is to be spiritual.
slick vic: vor 7 Monaten: Y they censor knowledge?
Theydisabledmyskipaddbutton: vor 2 Wochen: The Buddhist monk wasn’t protesting the Viet Nam war, he was upset about the Dien regime showing favour to Catholics over Buddhists.
Kyzoren D. Tirrem: vor 7 Monaten: All the spiritual mumbo-jumbo in these videos is always overwhelming… But ironically, It does a good job of „turning my brain off“, which helps me understand it all better…
Crystal Angel: vor 6 Monaten: past life I was a lama,
Rob Marrin: vor 7 Monaten: You say psychic but if you could think gravity away then anything is possible, even fire is controlled by gravity, I love the book snowboarding the himalayas, very enlightening.
Nero Lowell: vor 7 Monaten: What i dont understand is if the monks are so healthy and can heal themselves then why do they die at age 75-85.
InfinityExpression: 12.3.2021: They have no power against Time… which would be the ultimate super-power…all other Powers are negligible…Immortality is the Absolute Power. Especially if you could do it in matter.