„Mauersegler – Die Meister der Lüfte“
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81 Abonnenten
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Monthly Archives: Juli 2023
Amiga Samplers : Budget dance music in 1990
„Amiga Samplers : Budget dance music in 1990“
70.200 Abonnenten
1.241.511 Aufrufe 31.01.2020
An Amiga 500, Stereo Master and handful of $1 records from a 1990 Sunday market: Can we make a dance track on a budget home computer? Of course! Back when big-name dance tunes required big-budget-gear, a secondhand Amiga let you take the first steps to making a dance-floor banger.“
Behringer PRO 800 vs Prophet 600 // In depth analysis
„Behringer PRO 800 vs Prophet 600 // In depth analysis“
„Starsky Carr
49.400 Abonnenten
26.443 Aufrufe 07.07.2023 #behringer #review #pro800
Make your own mind up but watch the video before commenting 🙂 – and don’t shoot the messenger! I’ve nothing invested in this – except the 2 synths! Just going through the motions and demoing the differences.“
vor 2 Wochen
The Pro 800 is pretty remarkable for the price. They’re going to sell a ton of these.
vor 2 Wochen
I heard the preorders were phenomenal.
vor 2 Wochen
In April we were talking 50.000 pre-orders. Might have increased by now.
vor 1 Tag
The Pro 800 is incredible and most of these issues you mentioned will get fixed with firmware updates.
vor 2 Wochen
Pro 800 proves a very important thing, you don’t need to buy an aging synth that costs almost 5 times that of the P800 for almost an identical character.
vor 13 Tagen (bearbeitet)
This is my first behringer purchase. I’ve been holding off, but I couldn´t resist an analog polyphonic synth at this price. Cheers. Oh, it sounds exactly the same as the original, oscillator wise. Amazing. The original definitely has some more vibe to it, in that pulse width and filter part.
vor 2 Wochen
I think this is a great option for those after a vintage analog sound. This has a great classic Sequential interface, so clear and well laid out. Very compact too, awesome!
vor 12 Tagen
The 600 sounds so much nicer imo. The Pro800 is still a great synth mind you, especially for the price, but the 600 has that grit and the filter imo sounds a bit better.
vor 2 Wochen
It’s not the messiah of all synths…
vor 3 Tagen
Behringer should have sorted the pulse width, no excuse.
vor 2 Wochen
make a right comparison td3 – tb303.
vor 11 Tagen
Nice outro.🙂
vor 2 Wochen
False prophet?!? 😂😂😂
Great title!
vor 2 Wochen (bearbeitet)
Are you telling us: „The Pro 800 is not the Messiah – he’s a very naughty boy..!!“..?
vor 2 Wochen
Disappointing synth.
vor 2 Wochen
All jews agree .. Jesus was like Brian!… I know that there are only false prophets. Monotheism makes no sense anyway.
vor 2 Wochen
Behringer thinner, harsher and less „musical“.
BASIC in 2020 – DIY microcomputer with early 90´s graphics – Colour MaxiMite 2 (build/test)
„BASIC in 2020 – DIY microcomputer with early 90´s graphics – Colour MaxiMite 2 (build/test)“
70.200 Abonnenten
82.588 Aufrufe 21.06.2020
I’ve coded BASIC since I was 5 : C64 then QBASIC then VB – so when a sub-100USD boot-to-BASIC touting 16-bit graphics appeared, I decided to build one (aka 5) from beta plans. Anyone who struggled with QBASIC on a 386 or AMOS on an Amiga and just wished it was faster (without poke commands) will probably love this box. It seems promising for late 80’s / early 90’s sprite based games (like Turtles / SF2) and being BASIC, it’s simple and fun to code.“
The cheapest MIDI home-studio of 1988
„The cheapest MIDI home-studio of 1988“
„143.870 Aufrufe 03.07.2023
Take an Atari ST, 4 budget synths from 1988, and spend months seeing how far they can go – all while staring at a black-and-white CRT! I took me over a year to make this given most of the equipment was DOA (Dead on Arrival) and keeping in mind there’s another part coming later this year.
Massive thanks to mu:zines and archive.org for their incredible collections. This led me to all the cheapest gear that people were actually using back in the day. Thanks also to all those I reached out to who verified most of the findings and gave me amazing insights to the gear of the day.
Gear used: Atari 520ST (mostly), Roland MT-100, Yamaha MusicStation PSS-580, Kawai K1, Yamaha EMT-10, Dr T MIDI Recording Studio, Cubase 1.5 and Rotel mini system.“
Der verpasste Kaufrausch des RCF E24 im Musicstore 2022 für 500 Euro… und das Warten auf das Web 3.0
Der verpasste Kaufrausch des RCF E24 im Musicstore 2022 für 500 Euro… und das Warten auf das Web 3.0…Nachschub nirgends in Sicht, stattdessen Devolution…wäre vor 20 bis 25 Jahren undenkbar gewesen. Totalitärer NWO-Kommunismus macht es möglich, wa? Anbieter begrenzt auf Amazon, Ebay und 2 oder 3 Stores weltweit. Wir warten auf Web 3.0, wo jedes Wort bezahlt wird und nicht die Konzerne an jedem unserer Worte sich dumm und dämlich verdienen.
Nebenbei erwähnt, die auch bereits ausverkaufte RCF F Serie war eine totale Devolution, wie ignorant muss man sein features zu reduzieren, statt sie aufzustocken mit jeder neuen Entwicklung. Tipp an RCF, beim nächsten Modell USB/Smartcard Recorder einbauen plus MAIN INSERTS!!!
Quelle: https://www.musicstore.de/de_DE/EUR/RCF-E24/art-PAH0020251-000
Mackie Onyx 1640… das ist, was die Welt im Jahre 2023 immer noch braucht.
Infinity Expression: 23.7.2023: Mackie Onyx 1640… das ist, was die Welt im Jahre 2023 immer noch braucht. Es fehlt nur überall. Wo seid ihr 6 EQ-Klassiker plus Q-Factor? 18 Jahre später oder 25 Jahre später im Fall Behringer, bereitet ihr euch auf den Weltuntergang vor oder warum entwickelt sich dieser Markt nicht weiter…
„Analogmischer mit Firewire-Schnittstelle: 26. April 2005“
„Das erste Mal Anfang der 90er. Meine erste Anschaffung…löste so etwas wie Suchtgefühle aus.“
„Perkins EQ“
Quelle: https://www.amazona.de/test-mackie-onyx-1640-mit-firewire-option/
Behringer MX3242X_V1.0 (Warum kriegt ihr das heutzutage nicht mehr hin?!!!) 6 EQs…
Behringer MX3242X_V1.0 (Warum kriegt ihr das heutzutage nicht mehr hin?!!!) 6 EQs..
Quelle: http://behringer-vintage.com/Anleitungen/MX3242X_V1.0_M%C3%84RZ99_ENG_GER.PDF
Behringer Xenyx UFX1604…
„Behringer Xenyx UFX1604…“
4 / 5
4,5 / 5
Quelle: https://www.bonedo.de/artikel/behringer-xenyx-ufx1604-test/
InfinityExpression: 23.7.2023: Wo zur Hölle sind all die guten 6-EQ-Analog-Pulte hin und warum verschwinden die so schnell?
„ProLight+Sound 2011 – BEHRINGER UFX1604 Firewire Mixer (auf Deutsch)
209.000 Abonnenten
16.800 Aufrufe 02.05.2011
Mit seinem fantastischen Funktionsumfang aus premium XENYX Mikrofonvorverstärkern, „One-Knob“-Kompressoren, „British“-EQs und integrierten 24-Bit Effekten zählt der neue BEHRINGER UFX1604 zu den bestklingenden Kompaktmischern am Markt. Und dank seines integrierten 16 x 4 USB/FireWire-Interfaces und 16-Spur USB- Recorders ist der UFX1604 jedem standard Mixer um Lichtjahre voraus. Mit ihm können Sie Ihren nächsten Live-Gig direkt auf USB-Stick oder PC/Mac aufnehmen und die Transportsektion des UFX1604 als MIDI-gesteuerte Fernbedienung für Ihre computergestützte DAW nutzen.
Quelle: https://www.bedienungsanleitu.ng/behringer/xenyx-ufx1604/anleitung?p=27
Behringer Xenyx XL3200
„Behringer Xenyx XL3200“
26. Februar 2010“
„Man muss zwar ein Stück weit weg und ein bisschen farbenblind sein, um Behringers neue analoge 4-Bus-Mischkonsole XL3200 mit dem Mackie-Äquivalent Onyx 32.4 zu verwechseln, doch dürften sich die Willicher, die ihre Geräte bereits seit zehn Jahren im eigenen chinesischen Werk „Behringer City“ fertigen lassen, mindestens von der renommierten US-Marke haben inspirieren lassen.“
Quelle: https://www.amazona.de/test-behringer-xenyx-xl3200/
01.03.2010 – 17:09 Uhr
Hallo Alexander,
Mit den „Designanleihen“ von Behringer liegst du nicht ganz richtig:
Die Lochblechopitik und die gerundeten Gehäuseecken hat Behringer mal wieder von Mackie „übernommen“.
Ansonsten ist dieser Türstopper eine 100%ige
Kopie des Midas Venice 320.
04.03.2010 – 12:33 Uhr
Ich muss mich mal selbst ergänzen^^
Midas und Klark Teknik _gehören_ (seit Ende 2009?) zu Behringer’s Music Group.
Es ist zwar immer noch eine Kopie, aber, wenn man so will, kopieren sie etwas, was ihnen sowieso gehört. ;)“
27.07.2010 – 08:32 Uhr
Nichtsdestotrotz, das Pult ist von der Ausstattung unschlagbar…“
Test: Behringer Xenyx XL1600, Analogmixer
„Test: Behringer Xenyx XL1600, Analogmixer“
„Alles, was ein Mixer braucht
13. November 2015“
„Behringer Xenyx XL1600. Dieses Mischpult gehört zur Gruppe der Large Format Mixer. Neben den beiden Varianten XL 3200 und XL 2400 dieser Bauart ist das XL1600 die kleinste der drei Ausführungen.“
„Ein sehr gutes Feature der Mono-Kanalzüge ist die Vierband-Klangregelung mit zwei semiparametrischen Mittenbändern. So etwas ist selbst bei wesentlich teureren Pulten anderer Hersteller nicht üblich.“
Infinity Expression: 17.7.2023: Und direkt Outs….das gab es auch schon lange nicht mehr…für weniger als 300 Euro? Wahnsinn, wo ist der Nachfolger?
„Aber das Beste ist der sensationelle Ladenpreis von 275,- Euro. Das sollte man sich einmal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen.“
Quelle: https://www.amazona.de/test-behringer-xenyx-xl1600-analogmixer/
Infinity Expression: 17.7.2023: Warum verschwinden diese 6-Kanal EQ Pulte so schnell vom Markt? Ich benutze Behringer-Produkte seit 1996, diese Pultserie ist mir komplett entgangen…sonderbar… Genau wie das RCF E24 und warum liefern die Hersteller nur nicht-gewollte 4-Kanal EQs nach, ich will, dass alle Pulte, auch die Kleinpulte grundsätzlich 6-Kanal EQs haben, am besten mit Gate-Kompressor und Q plus SD-Karten/USB-Wave Recorder. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The universe could be 26.7 billion years old, twice the estimated age
„The universe could be 26.7 billion years old, twice the estimated age“
„However, a new study challenges the dominant cosmological model by suggesting that our universe may actually be twice its estimated age. In short, about 26.7 billion years.“
Bad Gear – Casio RZ1
„Bad Gear – Casio RZ1“
@ivmup: 11.7.2023: It was my first encounter with a drumcomputer on the attic back in those days…
@finebalance: vor 3 Tagen (bearbeitet): This machine will forever be associated with Steve Poindexter’s track ´Work That Mother F****´. He somehow managed to make a classic with just that machine on its own…
@jaknunas vor 3 Tagen:
My first drum machine! I still have it, cassette, manual, box, and all. You made it sound much better than I managed to do, back in the 80s, though.
@felipesancho vor 3 Tagen: Casio will always have a warm spot in my heart.
@larryfinke6133 vor 3 Tagen: Like a cheesier 707…
@lugo4905: vor 3 Tagen (bearbeitet): I absolutely adore my RZ1. Bury me with it. And yet – it totally deserves to be on the Bad Gear list… 😂
vor 3 Tagen
Wow, I completely forgot about this thing!! Brilliant work! 😊
vor 1 Sekunde
Impossible to forget….You have no idea what I generated with just this little thing..
vor 3 Tagen
These vintage sounds are actually intriguing. It’s more of the sound I’m looking for when I reach for vintage one-shots. 🤷🏽♂️
vor 3 Tagen
Probably the crustiest intro tune yet! That Casio grit is real🤘 .
vor 3 Tagen
The rim and cowbell makes it worth it 😊
vor 1 Sekunde
Yes… the HiHats weren´t so bad either… and you could sample with 12 bit at least…made the sounds a bit telephone dirty…
vor 2 Tagen
I was a RZ1 master, I used It a lot between 92-96, full of crap sounds, people don’t realize that the TOMs are the best, and you can create weird drum’n’bass.. I used It a lot live with a Casio cz230s with my band City Limits (Subtronic Records/Dortmund) .. and people says that cz230s has the same drum sounds from RZ1 but its not true!!
vor 0 Sekunden
I would get it back… 10 analog outs + 1 Stereo Out… that alone is worth it.
Aktuelle Software Fails: Whatsapp Desktop Windows Store und Telegram Freezer
Aktuelle Software Fails: Whatsapp Desktop Windows Store und Telegram Freezer:
SOFTWARE FAILURE OF THE MONTH: Whatsapp Desktop und Telegram Start-Freezer.
Whatsapp kann keine Verbindung zum Internet herstellen, obwohl alle Kanäle offen sind, irgendwie scheinen sie unterhalb des TCPs zu agieren, weil die Anwendungen keinen TCP Channel öffnet…was ist das für ein Schrott?
Telegram Start Delay TOTAL FREEZE:09-07-2023: Software-Fail..
Windows Desktop Telegram acts like a trojan, that freezes in time..look..
I can´t make this up…
Ever wondered why on any platform you can get more followers than on Telegram (Talking especially for mafiagov-blacklisted and totalitarian censored T.I.s)… Telegram is a Bolshevic Communistic app…
Telegram is a WEF-App, not to be trusted, look at this failure of a Software… They have closed in 2021 ConspiracyRev Channels when they have reached an audience of 73 people…Ever seen a more miserable nwo-controlled software anti-social system than this?
ROLAND SYSTEM 1M (2015 Synth)
TD-3 surprise: sweetest vibrato (talk & jam)
„TD-3 surprise: sweetest vibrato (talk & jam)“
„Pete Midi
9730 Abonnenten
1.179 Aufrufe 12.06.2023
Behringers TD-3 is possibly not the first synth you might think of when you are looking for awesome lead sounds. Here I show that it is nevertheless a nice option, despite some limitations that come with the focus on sequenced bass sounds. In particular, a keyboard-controlled vibrato effect would be highly desirable for expressive play … here it is!“
Behringer EDGE – Making Beats From Another Galaxy
PRO-800: why I ordered it (with prophetic jam)
„PRO-800: why I ordered it (with prophetic jam)“
„6.052 Aufrufe 07.05.2023
Yes, it’s late but the PRO-800 can be ordered now. There may be reasons why years have passed since the first announcement – nevertheless, here are my reasons for Behringers keyless version of the Prophet 600.
Pete Midi
9730 Abonnenten“
„Although I have a prophet 5, meanwhile, for me the Pro-800 is very welcome, as some kind of voice expansion, so it provides actually more voices than the original expansion, an additional audio output to make it stereo and a price that is less than half of these sequential expansion board.“
„In the meantime I will make some prophetic music with my Behringer Pro-1.“
Behringer PRO~800 – no talking – just playing
Behringer Neptune-80 Rant
„Behringer Neptune-80 Rant
Pure Ambient Drone
7350 Abonnenten“
vor 3 Monaten
I agree – I used to have a Juno 106 and the DeepMind 12 does not sound anything like it. That said, I love the DeepMind 12 in its own right as a low cost 12 voice analog poly but the presets are meh and the reverb / effects make it sound like a VST. Take the effects off ( or dry them out a lot more) and start playing around, and the DeepMind is excellent. It’s just ‚out the box‘ where it fails to impress. Sleeper synth, I reckon.“
vor 3 Monaten (bearbeitet)
I had two Juno 106 clones and I personally think the Deepmind 12 surpassed the 106. Yes, if you slather on the FX it sounds a lot different, but your Juno 106 will sound the same way if you overdo the FX.“
Behringer Neptune-80, polyphoner Synthesizer (Roland Juno-60)
„Behringer Neptune-80, polyphoner Synthesizer (Roland Juno-60)“
„Juno-Klon mit 8 Stimmen
10. März 2023
„Geplanter Juno-6/60 Klon von Behringer: Neptune-80
Behringer kündigt mit dem Neptune-80 einen weiteren polyphonen Analog-Synthesizer an. “
Quelle: https://www.amazona.de/behringer-neptune-80-polyphoner-synthesizer-roland-juno-60/
vor 3 Monaten
I’m expecting $600-$800. I don’t see how they can price this more than a deepmind 12. It’s going to be a less capable synth than the deep mind.
vor 3 Monaten
If they sell it for 600-800 that would be awesome.“
vor 3 Monaten
Deepmind 12 trounces this already and can ‚do‘ the Juno 6/60 as near damn it once in a mix. I have Juno 6 so not just a YouTube fantasist….“
vor 3 Monaten
It should be 61 keys for all their polysynths with a desktop version for those who play with one finger. I was waiting for this but with 49 keys, no.
vor 1 Monat
It will be cheap and sound great .“
vor 3 Monaten
Updated Juno 106 only, please.“
vor 3 Monaten
@DECIMA1 👍The 106 is my favorite, by far. I used to use a 106, in the late 90’s for a bit.“
5 signs someone is jealous of you on social media!! (facts✅)
„5 signs someone is jealous of you on social media!! (facts✅)“
„Trenius Henderson
247.000 Abonnenten
14.417 Aufrufe 01.07.2022
5 signs someone is jealous of you on social media!! – Whether its Facebook, Instagram, twitter, snapchat, Tic Tok, whatever… social media is the perfect place for people to throw shade whenever they feel like it because they are not right in front of you. You can see your friends and follower´s true colors when you have a social media page.“
20:15 06.07.2023
vor 3 Minuten (bearbeitet)
Well said, expose the jealous envious fools..
vor 11 Monaten
Definitely I can feel the hate on social media. One reason I take breaks from the media.
vor 1 Jahr (bearbeitet)
Social media is one big virtual high school. It’s cliquey, full of comparison, jealousy and envy. It’s sad!
vor 1 Jahr (bearbeitet)
I’ve sensed a hater on my social media so easily! Everytime I posted an accomplishment they would post a subliminal or how they desire the same thing that I posted. It was weirddd af.
Your 4th point happened to me also. I got blocked out of nowhere by someone I thought I was cool with.
vor 1 Jahr
It’s usually the other way around for me. Like people may socialize on social media but see me in person or in public and be acting funny timid and just weird. I keep my circle very small. I do feel like this person is in competition with me.
vor 1 Jahr
I don’t give nobody time to be jealous of me on social media because I don’t deal with none of it. Not even FACEBOOK. The only way that they can get to me, is right here. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
vor 1 Jahr
1. They will never like any of your post
2. They will comment very rarely but it will be to throw shade at you
3. They will post something negative that you know is about you
4. They will be the first to comment when you post something bad that happens to you
5. When you post multiple photos, they will like only the photo that is the worst photo among the lot
6. They will try to find every single error in your spelling and publicly correct you just to embarrass you
vor 1 Jahr
Jealously is dangerous!
vor 1 Jahr
You can feel the hate.
vor 1 Jahr (bearbeitet)
I barely do social media like Facebook… People envy you for being you. Man will they copy you.
Or try to figure you out fully. I keep them guessing and shocked. Never apologize on how bright you shine! The level up is just beginning…I see the shade but I don’t bask in it. In due time it won’t even matter because they won’t have access to me anyway. How the tables turn. God will build you a palace in the presence of the hell-wishers that rains on our parade.“
You shine a different type of light on their situation chosen ones, you are meant to help people…
Is Twitter down? Thousands of users complain of issues with social media website and app
„Is Twitter down? Thousands of users complain of issues with social media website and app“
„Users have complained of a range of issues including disappearing timelines, and an inability to retrieve tweets. Rachel Flynn
8 hours ago“
„Thousands of Twitter users have reported problems with the social media platform this afternoon.
More than 5,000 people have complained of issues on the Down Detector site, including the inability to retrieve tweets, missing timelines and followers disappearing.
It is not clear what the cause of the problems is or how long they will last. Elon Musk said on Saturday afternoon that temporary reading limits would be applied for users “to address extreme levels of data scraping and system manipulation”.
Verified accounts would be limited to reading 6000 posts per day, unverified accounts would be limited to 600 posts per day and new unverified accounts to 300 per day. He later posted that this will be increased soon to 8000 for verified, 800 for unverified and 400 for new unverified.
Reports of the outage began on Down Detector at 12:19pm and have continued throughout the day. Three hours later, the same issues persist and users were getting frustrated.
Some wrote on the outage monitoring site: “I can’t believe how long this has been going on for now,” and “This is just getting beyond a joke now.”“
Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/twitter-down-social-media-outage-b2367772.html