Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open. (Natalie Goldberg) [10225]
We hope and pray and struggle on, and the day will come when we shall arrive at the truth, and we shall not have to speak. (Swami Vivekananda) [9714]
Jesus was not a Christian. He is not the founder of Christianity. Jesus never encouraged people to worship him. Christianity is a religion created in the name of Jesus, and is much different from the actual Truth that Jesus taught. Were Jesus alive today, I don’t think Jesus would be a Christian. Jesus is still one of best-kept secrets because his truth has been grossly distorted by those who claim to speak for him. There is a religion-free Jesus who belongs to all of humankind.
Christianity does not own or have first rights to Jesus. His truth has universal significance. It’s often the case that you have to disentangle Jesus from Christianity in order to uncover his Truth. (Jim Palmer) [8127]
Seeking what is true is not seeking what is desirable. (Albert Camus) (The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays) [8624]
The most important ingredient in wisdom is love. (Emanuel Swedenborg) [17058]
My name shall never be forgotten. / Mein Name soll niemals vergessen werden. (Ovid) [18896]
Problems are all around you. So even if you somehow get finished with one problem, another problem arises. And you cannot prevent problems arising. Problems will continue to arise till you come to a deep understanding of witnessing. That is the only golden key, discovered by centuries of inward search in the East: that there is no need to solve any problem. You simply observe it, and the very observation is enough; the problem evaporates. (Osho)(The Rebellious Spirit) [17452]
Die Herrschenden müssen bewacht werden, nicht die Beherrschten. (Friedrich Dürrenmatt) [20191]
Cantara Lucia: But poets, and other artists, are able to reach people deeply through their art in ways that cannot happen in social settings. [20578]
Each person is born to be a Buddha: less than that is not going to fulfill you. I declare to you your Buddhahood. (Osho) [11961]