Man is not body. The heart, the spirit, is man. And this spirit is an entire star, out of which he is built. If therefore a man is perfect in his heart, nothing in the whole light of Nature is hidden from him. (Paracelsus) [42080]
Ehrlichkeit ist gegenüber dem Feind ein Kann, gegenüber dem Freund ein Soll, gegenüber sich selbst ein Muß. (Philip Rosenthal) [4645]
I don’t want to be a genius–I have enough problems just trying to be a man. (Albert Camus) [3450]
The common men likes to he happy and well. He likes to be able to understand things, and he knows his route to freedom lies through knowledge. (L.R. Hubbard) [5234]
There is no friend as loyal as a book. (Hemingway) [8261]
A man is successful if he follows his own natural way and lives it as totally and intensely as possible. (Osho) [9391]