Zombiehost unmasked Video and Double Firewall Bypass Example
I Found a Comodo Vulnerability by chance… (it is a manual manipulation by accident which probably could disable most firewalls, but there should be a network integrity check in all Firewalls, just in case) I mean the FaceBUG.Fed. Trojan aka Akamai.Deploy.Zombiehost bypasses CFP by default, but this bypass DEMO has nothing to do with Zombiehost.
It is just an integrity check failure of Comodo v.10.x. The other F.Firewall seems to be affected by Zombiehost Firewall Bypass. As always usual Antivirus detects nothing,
except Antikeymagic v.11.x and RKiller 12.x (but incapable of removal)…
Software failed Firewalls: Comodo v.10. / F. Firewall v.1.4x / PBlock 1.2
Failed Antivirus:/Antitrojan/Antispy-Tools: Super Antispy, Stinger McAfee and high likely most other mainstream Secuity Tools will fail…more Tests will follow.
Successful Partial Detection: Antikeymagic v.10.x, RKiller 12.x (Removal Failure).
Download Win10Zombiehost_und_FirewallBypassCFP10FF14Bsp_SoftwareFailures_2017_08_2.mp4
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