Because Face-CIA-NSA-Bug-Book is a Data-Mining-Data-Criminal-Zion-Censor-and-Trojan-Sabotage-Surveillance-CoINtelPro2-Delay-Deny-Degrade-Deceive-Disrupt-Cyberterror-Honeypot-Center and Corrupt-to-the-Bone-U.S.Military-Cover-Up-Command-and-Control central. I externalize some old IT-Sec-Info on this Page, because they tend to shut down pages that are not active for 30 days and also implant most of the Computers that log into Facebook by default. It doesn´t serve as a real Archive, either way surely it is not a good Idea to use the Department of War/TIA/GCHQ/CIA/NSA/DIA/DARPA/Pentagon/Zion (Facebook/Google/Youtube) Central as a reliable Archive.
Intrusion-Detection and Evidence of the Sabotage of the Enemy of Mankind and the Destroyer Cult who rules the Planet via Internetocracy.
It-Security-Archive2: · 29. Juni 2015 ·
Akamai-666-11-Facebook-the biggest Trojan of The Planet…
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This Facebook Trojan works with online interaction and implemented selective AV-Killer… + Firewall Bypass…. svchost and consent.exe trojanization.
It-Security-Archive2: 13. Januar ·2015
Consent.exe UDP turns into TCP-Transmission to Facebook Central-Node Akamai Tech Inc. ( Malware). My assumption is – so far – that svchost is backdoored by default, as a master key in all windows nt 6.x systems, in that way, that Facebook is able to get remote control via Akamai Tech Inc. ( Malware). Furthermore the Browser is generally UDP-Backdoored ( (normally invisible) as a primary layer, if the other system backdoors are closed. (4.12.2014)
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Governmental/U:S.Nazi/DOD/Secret-OS-Subversion and Intervention can be recognized by 6/7/8/10-PIDs: Screens from 2006/2007. (4.11.2014)
General and Systemwide UDP-Backdoor Poisoning is seemingly a tradition of Microsoft or their government contractors.
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Assumingly Packed and Manifested Realtime Stealth Frequency Covert Ram Communication…
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Example of Unknown Process Walker bypassing + backdooring LUA – they love to connect through Facebook – Akamai [Deploy.NSA.Malware.AkamaiTech] ..and no… all those usual commercial Antivirus will detect nothing. Keep your money and donate it to real non-profit Pro´s for example. „wink“-Emoticon (4.11.2014)
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
One Example: CIA/-NSA-Backdoor in Microsoft Windows always tries to connect via Limelight Networks Inc. (This game started already in Windows XP and hasn´t stopped…) Some variants use Svchost-Injection (Zombie-Method) to connect via NSA to Facebook (Akamai Inc.) Another Variant from 2008: :Winlogon-Injection Method to Limelight Inc. / 30.6.2014 Retro-Archive.
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Another Sign of Firewall Exploits… Version Number missing.
10.7.2014 Retro-Archive.
ShadowGov = Anagram Maniacs…
11.11.2011 = = Beginning of NWO. (1.11.2014)
Department of Offense (DOD) IP ADDRESS : – – / 11:11 is a demon summoning portal… nothing really spiritual here – only usual spiritism.. 11 11 = 22 + 11 11 = 22 => 44 = Satanist Cult.