Philogen 47.17 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
I go into solitude so as not to drink out of everybody´s cistern. When I am among the many I live as the many do, and I do not think as I really think. After a time it always seems as if they want to banish my self from myself and rob me of my soul. (Friedrich Nietzsche) [51498]
The happiest of all lives is a busy solitude. (Voltaire) [45587]
Poverty of goods is easily cured; poverty of soul, impossible. (Michel de Montaigne) [45229]
Der Unterschied zwischen einem Wohlfahrtsstaat und einem totalitären Staat ist eine Frage der Zeit. (Ayn Rand) / The difference between a welfare state and a totalitarian state is a matter of time. (Ayn Rand) [46287]
Love is the energy of life. (Robert Browning) [45140]
I see my beauty in you. (Rumi) [45289]
Life is a teacher, through the tests it brings us. (G.I. Gurdjieff) [45290]
Remember yourself always and everywhere. (G.I. Gurdjieff) [45294]
By teaching others you will learn yourself. (G.I. Gurdjieff) [45296]