Prophecy of Hermes… (and remote attacks during the video)
Prophecy of Hermes | The Anunnaki & Forced Forgetting of the „Sky Beings“
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„The 5th Kind“
There are many examples of how the knowledge of the Ancients can be lost.
Throughout history invasion and conquest have often occasioned the destruction of ancestral and indigenous knowledge. Egypt suffered a succession of invasions and annexations by the Persians, the Greeks and then the Romans, as the monotheistic religions became anchored to the powers of empire in the east and west, so it was that indigenous narratives and wisdom traditions became suppressed. The influence of writers like Socrates and Plato important writers whose own understanding had plumbed the sources of ancient Egypt was excised from the mainstream of Christianity. Church Fathers who had drawn on their wisdom found themselves sidelined and excommunicated. The hermetic texts, though
popular for a long time among early Christians, became regarded as subversive and dangerous, yet their influence continued to inform the thinking of mystics and scholars down the ages, writing in the fourth century BCE the Greek philosopher Plato openly stated that while many of his conclusions were reached purely by applying logic to things we can all observe, he had reached other significant conclusions, things he believed, but could not prove. The source of that information Plato said was ancestral memory, specifically the priestly knowledge of ancient Egypt, like Hermes in the dialogue with Asclepius, Plato was eager to keep what remained of ancient Egyptian wisdom alive. It’s in that context that Plato reports that he is concluded that there are other entities occupying our Universe, being similar to ourselves who reside on what he describes as islands in the sky and he said that these beings live longer than we do, they’re more highly intelligent than we are and their understanding of the universe and what we would call outer space is far more advanced than our own and though we said he couldn’t prove it Plato wanted to mark that knowledge on the wall, the notion of a more populated universe or of higher beings were ideas that Plato did not want to see forgotten. In the
1500s from Naples Italy another student of the hermetic texts emerged in the Dominican friar: Giordano Bruno. Bruno study of the hermetic texts
led him to some far-reaching conclusions as a Dominican friar Giordano Bruno was a devoted scholar and from his study of the hermetic texts: Bruno concluded just as Plato had done 2,000 years before that we are not alone in the universe that there are other entities populating the cosmos and the other planets in our Galaxy may be home to extraterrestrial civilizations. Well, unfortunately he fell foul of the Roman Catholic Church and in 1600 the Inquisition decided to send the world a signal that such conclusions had no place in Catholic Christianity and so they executed this poor Dominican friar Giordano Bruno and they made a public
show of it by burning him to death, in a public square, that’s a very forceful way of ensuring that ancient memory gets forgotten.
In the dialogue with Asclepius the character of Hermes laments the
forgetting of Egypt’s deities, these higher beings depicted in human-like and hybrid forms, by contrast in the Bible, the successive leaders Moses and Joshua instructed the people to forget the other higher beings, the Elohim, the powerful ones. In the Bible there’s a very deliberate kind of forgetting that we see written into the narrative, the Ten Commandments, famously begins with a command to serve no other Elohim, no other powerful ones, serve only Yahweh and then follows an instruction not to depict anything they’ve seen on earth or in the heavens, so don’t serve them, don’t bow down to them, don’t even depict them the memory of these other entities has to be excised absolutely and then in the Book of Joshua we’re told that Joshua who’s the successor to Moses calls upon the Hebrew people to never again serve the powerful ones of Abraham and Sarah’s ancestral culture and that’s the culture of the Sumerians. do not serve the powerful ones of your Sumerian heritage or the powerful ones of Egypt. Again there’s this forgetting being enforced, the memory of higher beings what the Sumerians indicated as sky people had to be written out of the story and similarly the Egyptian memory of higher beings had to be forgotten and that’s why Theodosius, seeing himself as a Christian Emperor in the vein of a Moses or a Joshua, illegalized these memories and banned the narratives that kept them alive. When Plato referred to the knowledge of higher beings, including these others who live on islands in the
sky, with all their advanced knowledge of the cosmos it’s interesting to me that he appeals on the one hand to information gathered through altered
states of consciousness and on the other to the lost cannon of ancient Egyptian memory, by citing that knowledge he makes it clear that the story of a more populous universe is one that Plato wanted remembered, he did not want that knowledge to remain buried and forgotten. The character Hermes laments the dying of a culture, he says darkness will be preferred to light and death will be thought more profitable than life, no one will raise their eyes to the heavens, good people, spiritual people, seekers of truth, will be considered insane. The vulgar and careless will be considered wise, the madman will be thought a strong man and the wicked held up as good, only those who bring evil messages will remain, they will mingle with humans and drive them into all manner of recklessness and crime into Wars an theft and frauds and all things hostile to the bodies and souls of human beings. If you think of the wars being prosecuted by the world’s powers even as we speak or think of government corruption the gravy trains the big bank bailouts, the theft and hoarding of wealth from the 99% by the 1% or consider the brutalization of our politics and the polarization and dumbing down that we’re seeing right now of public conversation, if you think about our veneration of wealth or how we gaze in adoration at the 1% and at the same time lower all our compassion towards the poor to refugees to anyone more needy or more desperate than ourselves can any of us look at these things in our world right now and not see that what Hermes forewarned is happening before our eyes.“
„…after the fire and flood the Creator will rebirth the creation, nature itself gets healed, love and wonder restored, because over and above all human affairs above and beyond every messenger or deity or higher being, the Creator is everything good, freely favoring human welfare, Hermes says. Walter Scott’s famous translation of the hermetic text uses the traditional language of gods and angels, but I think after another two millennia of religion, it can sometimes be more helpful to demystify some of that language and realize that these texts are speaking about what we might call higher beings and messengers from other realms. Hermes hope is in a cosmic power a conscious presence in the very fabric of space, he calls it the mighty fabric, it’s a presence of goodness and love for Humanity that operates through everything in the Universe, as we perceive it.“
Infinity Expression: 3 Attacks on the Browser and on 3 Firewalls by Ziontube-NWO-Corporate Crime Syndicate…Antikeymagic protects against Criminal-NSA-Ziontube-Alphabet Inc-Attacks and revives security tools of all sorts…Go home Zionnazi-Tube…I show you the real Pharao Power… No Dogma is higher than Truth, no matter which Cult you and your NWO Shadow Gang are following and try to suppress free information flow.
„When the character Hermes speaks of Egypt he is lamenting the loss of ancient Egyptian knowledge of our world and the universe and the order harmony and spirituality that he saw as emanating from it, but Egypt also serves Hermes as a metaphor for this world, the observable realm. Hermes is saying that all that we see on earth is a projection or likeness of another realm that we cannot see, the whole universe he says is contained in microcosm, in things we can study on earth.. and that is cutting-edge science, that’s something quantum researchers is telling us today, but Hermes is absolutely confident that if we will study and remember and listen to the almost lost notes of ancestral memory, that presence of goodness, which freely favors the welfare of human beings, will
re-emerge and reorder how we live together on planet Earth.“
„ the words of Hermes to Asclepius such is the new birth of the cosmos a making again of all things good a purer and more inspiring restoration of all nature all to unfold in the passage of time by the eternal will of the creator…“
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Dreyden: vor 3 Tagen: It makes me so angry they destroyed all the history, then pushed their own agenda.
wamutogoria: vor 5 Tagen: The narration in this is fantastic. Paints a very clear picture.
vor 4 Tagen: Oh how I’d love to walk through the corridors of the Alexandria library and go through scroll after scroll and just appreciating the wisdom and knowledge of those before us ❤️
Libby Terrell: vor 6 Tagen: When ignorance and intolerance reigns, civilization is doomed. Thus history repeats itself. This was a beautiful reminder that we must be vigilant in the protection of our minds. Thank you ❤
Nathaniel Davis: vor 6 Tagen: And all those holy and truth seekers shall be deemed insane.
Don Quiñola: vor 1 Tag: I am one of them.
D G: vor 6 Tagen (bearbeitet): Civilizations are reset to zero either by cataclysms or wars, famine, disease and death.
juan oleee: vor 6 Tagen: And the reason behind it.
Freddie Shreddie: vor 5 Tagen: yh that’ll do it. i dont think even the most advance civilisations could survive all that
harry walker: vor 4 Tagen: i said this to a guy back in the 70,s,talking about how good he was with computers & the future of them,,i asked him if he could make a diode,or IC,.he said no,i said,so if the world ends,your useless..i lived out bush for 2 yrs..thanks..
YveZ Vlog: vor 4 Tagen: I hope. I hate paying taxes and insurance.
Silus: vor 2 Tagen: THe war occurs within you. That’s where the true battle is waged. When the battle is abandoned the damage spills out to the external world.