„Vortrag Heinz Grill, Energie und Humanismus, Salzburg, 27.10.18, Teil 3“
„Initiative Menschenbild – Menschenwürde
594 Abonnenten
8.190 Aufrufe 01.12.2018“
Monthly Archives: April 2023
TikTok Atmospheric Scenery Clips
TikTok Atmospheric Scenery Clips…
@sy96668 🌨 #beautiful #winter #snow #healing #scenery ♬ A Close Friend – James Newton Howard
@fbbzhazgqhe #China #jiangnan #rain ♬ 雨声 – 放松医学
The Great Snake Chess Opening (English Defense Counter)
Brilliant Moves – I.V. @ Chess.com Analysis:
Chess.Com Stats I.V. Mixed April 2023…
Me vs Chess.Com Fakes & Cheaters Collection (Bullet/Hyper Chess)…
Me vs Chess.Com Cheaters Collection (Bullet/Hyper Chess)…
[Event „Live Chess“]
[Site „Chess.com“]
[Date „2023.03.02“]
[Date „2023.03.03“]
[Date „2023.02.28“]
[Date „2023.02.28“]
And now chess.com server breaks down….
500 Error
Server Overloaded
We are sorry, but our database is currently maxed out due to the unprecedented growth of chess over the last few weeks. We have doubled in traffic in a very short time and are working hard to add more capacity.
Please be patient as our database recovers. We suggest returning to Chess.com in approximately: 35 seconds
ingmar veeck (1410 ELO) – Jair1980 (1436 ELO) (Bullet): 1-0
[Event „Live Chess“]
[Site „Chess.com“]
[Date „2023.03.14“]
[Round „-„]
[White „ingmarveeck“]
[Black „Jair1980“]
[Result „1-0“]
[CurrentPosition „8/8/5r2/4R3/3k1P2/1P1Q3P/2K5/8 b – -„]
[Timezone „UTC“]
[ECO „A03“]
[ECOUrl „https://www.chess.com/openings/Birds-Opening-Dutch-Variation-2.e3“]
[UTCDate „2023.03.14“]
[WhiteElo „1410“]
[BlackElo „1436“]
[TimeControl „60“]
[Termination „ingmarveeck won by checkmate“]
[EndDate „2023.03.14“]
[Link „https://www.chess.com/game/live/72554682891“]
[WhiteUrl „https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/133781818.99daf09f.50x50o.1672a9023a6f.jpeg“]
[WhiteCountry „54“]
[WhiteTitle „“]
[BlackUrl „https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/52167326.81b35b0a.50x50o.7fb431fd8bf9.jpg“]
[BlackCountry „44“]
[BlackTitle „“]
Party Analysis Rating I.V.: 1750
1150 Rating.
1. f4 d5 2. e3 d4 $6 3. Nf3 dxe3 4. dxe3 Qxd1+ 5. Kxd1 Nf6 6. Nbd2 e6 7. h3 $6 Bb4
8. g4 Bxd2 $6 9. Bxd2 O-O $6 10. Bd3 $6 c6 $2 11. Ng5 $6 h6 12. Nf3 b5 13. Rg1 Ba6 $6
14. g5 $6 b4 $4 15. gxf6 g6 16. Bxa6 Nxa6 17. Kc1 c5 18. c3 $6 Kh7 19. Kc2 bxc3 20.
Ne5 $4 Rad8 $9 21. Bxc3 c4 22. b3 cxb3+ 23. axb3 Rb8 24. Rxa6 Rbd8 25. Rxa7 Rc8 $6
26. Nxf7 Kg8 $6 27. Nxh6+ $9 Kh8 28. Rf7 Rxf7 29. Nxf7+ Kg8 30. Ng5 Rc6 31. Ne4 e5
32. Rxg6+ Kf7 33. Rg7+ Ke6 34. Re7+ Kf5 35. Nd6+ Kg6 $6 36. f7 Kg7 37. Re8 Rxd6
38. f8=Q+ Kg6 39. Qg8+ Kf5 40. Qf7+ Ke4 41. Rxe5+ Kf3 42. Qh5+ Kf2 43. Qh4+ Kg2
44. Qg4+ Kf2 45. Rg5 Kxe3 46. Qg3+ Ke4 47. Bd4 $9 Rf6 $6 48. Re5+ Kxd4 49. Qd3#
ingmar veeck (1398 ELO) – supergundul (2086 ELO)(Chess Cheater and still lost) (Hyper-Bullet): 1-0
Update: 13.9.2023: https://www.chess.com/game/live/72759155047
Ingmar Veeck (1398 ELO) – supergundul (2086 ELO)(Chess Cheater and still lost) (Hyper-Bullet): 1-0
[Event „Live Chess“]
[Site „Chess.com“]
[Date „2023.03.17“]
[Round „-„]
[White „ingmarveeck“]
[Black „supergundul“]
[Result „1-0“]
[CurrentPosition „5k2/1p3p1p/6p1/3p4/p7/6P1/7b/3K4 b – -„]
[Timezone „UTC“]
[ECO „A02“]
[ECOUrl „https://www.chess.com/openings/Birds-Opening-Froms-Gambit“]
[UTCDate „2023.03.17“]
[WhiteElo „1398“]
[BlackElo „2086“]
[TimeControl „30“]
[Termination „ingmarveeck won on time“]
[EndDate „2023.03.17“]
[Link „https://www.chess.com/game/live/72759155047“]
[WhiteUrl „https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/133781818.99daf09f.50x50o.1672a9023a6f.jpeg“]
[WhiteCountry „54“]
[WhiteTitle „“]
[BlackUrl „https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/237399449.016f82bb.50x50o.e595830c66e7.jpg“]
[BlackCountry „70“]
[BlackTitle „“]
1. f4 e5 2. e3 $2 exf4 3. Qh5 $2 Nc6 4. Qd5 $9 Qe7 $6 5. Bc4 $2 fxe3 $6 6. dxe3 $6 Nf6 $6
7. Qd3 Nb4 8. Qb3 $2 d5 $6 9. Bb5+ c6 10. Bd3 d4 11. a3 Nbd5 12. Bc4 a5 13. Bxd5
Nxd5 14. Ne2 Qh4+ 15. g3 Qe4 16. Rf1 a4 17. Qd3 Qxd3 $1 18. cxd3 Bh3 19. Bd2 $6
dxe3 20. Rg1 exd2+ 21. Kxd2 g6 22. Nf4 Bg7 23. Nxd5 cxd5 24. Re1+ Be6 25. Nc3
O-O 26. Ne2 Rfc8 27. Rad1 Bg4 28. Rc1 Kf8 29. Rxc8+ Rxc8 30. Rc1 Rxc1 31. Kxc1
Bxe2 32. Kd2 Bxd3 33. Kxd3 Bxb2 34. Kc2 Bxa3 35. Kd2 Bc5 36. Kd3 Bg1 37. Ke2
Bxh2 38. Kd1 {So hätte die Partien weitergehen können…} (38. Kd1
a3 39. Kc2 Bxg3 40. Kb3 Bd6 41. Ka2 h5 42. Kb3 {-14.6}) 1-0
Unter der Burka ein Mann (im Frauenturnier)…
Unter der Burka ein Mann (im Frauenturnier)…
“ 1.932 Aufrufe 09.04.2023 #schachnews #schach
Kurioser Betrugsfall bei der offenen Meisterschaft von Kenia: Den ersten Preis im hochdotierten Frauenturnier wollte sich ein Mann schnappen, der, verborgen unter einem dunklen Hijab, sich als Frau angemeldet hatte.“
‼️ Das Neueste vom Schach ➡️ https://perlenvombodensee.de“
When Chess Cheaters Get Caught…
„When Chess Cheaters Get Caught…“
38.500 Abonnenten
1.771.514 Aufrufe 03.04.2023
Chess cheaters have been an ongoing issue for a while, so in this video we’ll be showing moments where these chess cheaters get caught during the act.“