C64er-Magazin ist zurück…& TheC64 Maxi….
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Fans des C64 aufgepasst: Alle Ausgaben von „64’er – Das Magazin für Computer-Fans“ erscheinen gratis online. Ab sofort ist die zweite Ausgabe verfügbar.“
Quelle: https://www.pcwelt.de/article/2275764/c64er-magazin-gratis-download.html
„Picture this: It’s 1982 and a new home computer graces the scene. Out goes the silent black and white experience and in with 64KB of RAM, colour graphics, and synthesizer sound.
Roll forward 35 years and kick nostalgia into overdrive with the release of THEC64. A perfectly formed replica of this much-loved machine.
Featuring high-definition output via HDMI, a classic style joystick and 64 built-in games including classics like Uridium, Paradroid, California Games, Jumpman and Speedball 2.
Source: https://retrogames.biz/products/thec64/
„Exploring TheC64 „Maxi“ Full-Size Commodore 64 Replica
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55.000 Abonnenten“
„TheC64 Maxi – Full sized C64 review and disassembly
The 8-Bit Guy
1,43 Mio. Abonnenten
1 Mio. Aufrufe vor 4 Jahren“
„39+ Year-Old Commodore 64 Easter Eggs Found!
8-Bit Show And Tell
55.000 Abonnenten
26.450 Aufrufe vor 1 Jahr“