Infinity Expressor: 29.3.2025: Astralsphären & Hochdimension & The Dreammachinedreamerdreamcore Reviews 2012-2013-2014-2015-2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2021-2022-2023-2024-2025
Thedreammachinedreamerdreamcore: 17.3.2013: Gedankenübertragung.
Akashic Consciousness: 28.2.2013: “I am emotionally balanced, confident and secure. Peace and harmony flows from within.“
Thedreammachinedreamerdreamcore: 27.2.2013: „Eine grüne Schlange repräsentiert vegetatives Wachstum und ist dem urtümlichen Leben und seinen Energien gleichzusetzen.“
Thedreammachinedreamerdreamcore: 27.2.2013: Grüne Schlange.
Thedreammachinedreamerdreamcore: 28.5.2014:
Traum: Chemtrail Sunstealer/Sonnenstehler:
Szenario: Ich erkläre in einem Zimmer: 10 mV wäre die Ursprungsfrequenz, Chemtrails reduzieren sie auf 5 mV. Was die Entwicklung der menschlichen Spezies blockiert/verzögert.
28.2.2014: Symbol: Brown Bar Stool. / Brauner Barhocker.
Thedreammachinedreamerdreamcore: 21.6.2013: Mehrstufiger Erdtempel.
Thedreammachinedreamerdreamcore: 3.5.2018:
7 types of dreams: 1. Natural Dreams 2. Synthetic Dreams 3. Former life Dreams 4. Precognitive Dreams 5. Lucid Dreams 6. Paralleldimensional Dreams 7. Epiphany Dreams.
Thedreammachinedreamerdreamcore: 7.12.2017:
„What if our dreams are simply a glimpse into a parallel universe?“
Thedreammachinedreamerdreamcore: 3.5.2018:
7 Arten von Träumen: 1. Natürliche Träume 2. Synthetische Träume 3. Träume aus früheren Leben 4. Präkognitive Träume 5. Klarträume 6. Paralleldimensionale Träume 7. Erleuchtungsträume / Epiphanie Träume.
Thedreammachinedreamerdreamcore: 7.12.2017:
„Was wäre, wenn unsere Träume lediglich einen Blick in ein Paralleluniversum sind?“
Randomisierte Traumeinflüsse. / Randomized Dream influences.
Natural & Synthetic &/or Remote Induced Telepathy/Astral&Dream scenarios.
Sonstige Einflüsse aus der anderen Ebene auf die Seite gepostet.
„Thedreammachinedreamerdreamcore: 9 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben • 9 Follower“
„We live in parallel worlds, like him. Few understand this. -w2k“
Astralsphären & Hochdimensionen
209 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben • 209 Follower
Astralsphären & Hochdimensionen
I had an OBE which clearly showed the fluid structure of the hyperspace, the hyperspace flux is woven out of translucent waves with dotted light holes…
Ich hatte eine AKE, die deutlich die Fluid-Struktur des Hyperraums aufzeigte, der Hyperrraum Flux ist gewoben aus transzluzenten Wellen mit punktierten Lichtlöchern…
Astralsphären & Hochdimensionen: 12.9.2012: Ältere Umfrageresultate aus meinem Astral-Forum:
Astralsphären & Hochdimensionen: 21.4.2016:
Self Mastery:
”From the Mahakundalini the universe has sprung. In Her Supreme Form She is at rest, coiled round and one (as Chidrupini) with the Siva-bindu. She is then at rest. She next uncoils Herself to manifest. Here the three coils of which the Kundalini Yoga speaks are the three Gunas and the three and a half coil are the Prakriti and its three Gunas, together with the Vikritis. Her 50 coils are the letters of the Alphabet. As she goes on uncoiling, the Tattvas and the Matrikas, the Mother of the Varnas, issue from Her. She is thus moving, and continues even after creation to move in the Tattvas so created. For, as they are born of movement, they continue to move. The whole world (Jagat), as the Sanskrit term implies, is moving. She thus continues creatively acting until She has evolved Prithvi, the last of the Tattvas. First She creates mind, and then matter. Shakti, and Kundalini Shakti. The difference between the two is
that they are Shaktis in specific differentiated forms in movement; and Kundalini Shakti is undifferentiated, residual Shakti at rest, that is, coiled. She is coiled in the Muladhara, which means ‘fundamental support’, and which is at the same time the seat of the Prithvi or last solid Tattva and of the residual Shakti or Kundalini. The body may, therefore, be compared to a magnet with two poles. Thus, when completely dynamic,that is when Kundalini unites with Siva in the Sahasrara, the polarisation of the body gives way. The two poles are united in one and there is the state of consciousness called Samadhi. The polarisation,of course, takes place in consciousness. The body actually continues to exist as an object of observation to others. It continues its organic life. But man’s consciousness of his body and all other objects is withdrawn because the mind has ceased so far as his consciousness is concerned, the function having been withdrawn into its ground which is consciousness. – KUNDALINI YOGA“
Astralsphären & Hochdimensionen: 23.6.2012:
Astralsphären und Hochdimensionen. Ein Bereich für jene, die sich konstruktiv mit diesen Thematiken auseinandersetzen und Erfahrungen diesbzgl. austauschen möchten. Die eigenen feinstofflichen Körper spielen hier die Hauptrolle, um in Kontakt mit diesen höheren Reichen zu kommen. Dimensionsebene 4 bis 7 sind dahingehend entscheidend in unserem Universum.
Astral spheres and higher dimensions. An area for those who want to deal constructively with these themes and exchange experiences related to this. The own subtle bodies play here the major role to get in touch with these higher realms. Dimension level 4 up to 7 are crucial to that effect in our universe.