Kein Fluß fließt zu den Quellen zurück. (Aus Thailand) [321]
Des Menschen Engel ist die Zeit. (Schiller) [1095]
There´s only one effective law(I.V.)(2014)(19.5.):
Jeder hat soviel Recht, wie er Macht hat. (Spinoza) / Everyone has as much right as he has power. (Spinoza) [3623]
Invention is the most important product of man´s creative brain. The ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world,
the harnessing of human nature to human needs. (Nikola Tesla) [4174]
Wahre Liebe Geht aus der Harmonie der Gedanken und dem Gegensatz der Charaktere hervor. (Theodore Simon Jauffroy) [4622]
Kein Problem wird gelöst, wenn wir träge darauf warten, daß Gott sich darum kümmert. (Martin Luther King) [5348]
Even a fool learns something once it hits him. (Homer) [5509]
To find freedom, we must calm the waves of emotion, and dwell ever calmly in the consciousness of love and joy. (Paramhansa Yogananda) [6318]
A warrior in times of great stress and one facing imminent death, continuous with the daily routines and the daily rituals, as if there will be a tomorrow, because it holds open the possibility of victory. (Michael C. Ruppert) [7120]
Wait, my child, wait and work on. Patience, patience. (Swami Vivekananda) [8702]
Elfriede Amman: Rand was a sick personality… / There are many questionable personalities, who still have genius quotes. I measure the quality of the quotes. From this position it doesn´t matter who writes the truth. Rand has some quality quotes with strong impact. Osho for example also has quotes who are negligible or even wrong depending on the relativity of a situation, but he also has some high quality quotes, the same with Rand or even Crowley. Objectivism means also to be able to appreciate wisdom without the need to value the subject or cult who creates it. (Ingmar Veeck)(2014)(9.8.) [9008]