„Der Eisvogel – Steckbrief | Aussehen, Ruf, Verbreitung und mehr“
„19.256 Aufrufe
Ornithologie für Anfänger
66.900 Abonnenten“
Category Archives: Allgemein
Wissen über Rotkehlchen….
„Wissen über Rotkehlchen….“
„87.856 Aufrufe – 12.10.2021“
Rotkehlchen Steckbrief | Aussehen, Lebensraum, Fortpflanzung, Gesang und mehr
13.167 Aufrufe – 18.05.2021“
„Rotkehlchen werden im Schnitt in freier Wildbahn gerade einmal 1,25 Jahre alt. Das älteste Rotkehlchen wurde zwar 17 Jahre alt, aber Feinden, wie Katzen,
Greifvögel, Eulen, Eichelhäher, Mäuse, Elstern, Ratten, Eichhörnchen, aber auch Füchse,
sind so zahlreich, dass die meisten Rotkehlchen nicht besonders alt werden.“
Wissen über Tauben…
Amsel – Steckbrief [Aussehen, Nahrung, Verbreitung und mehr]
„Amsel – Steckbrief [Aussehen, Nahrung, Verbreitung und mehr]“
„33.614 Aufrufe
Ornithologie für Anfänger
66.900 Abonnenten“
„Unnützes Wissen über Amseln
136.735 Aufrufe
Ornithologie für Anfänger
66.900 Abonnenten“
„Ornithologie für Anfänger
66.900 Abonnenten
Wusstest du, dass Amseln erst seit etwa 150 Jahren auch in Gärten, Städten und Siedlungen brüten? Warum das so ist und viele weitere unnütze Fakten über die Amsel erfährst du in diesem Video. Viel Spaß!“
„Amseln sind sehr begabte Sänger, doch sie sind nicht nur sehr begabt, sondern ihr
Gesang hört sich auch für den Menschen rechtt wohlklingend an, das ist
zum Teil jedoch auch darauf zurückzuführen, dass Amseln menschliche
Melodien aufgreifen und in ihren Gesang mit einbinden.“
„Amseln sind gelegentlich Kleptoparasiten, sprich sie jagend anderen Vogelarten gerne mal ihre Nahrung ab, so werden Singdrosseln und Rotdrosseln ihre Regenwürmer gestohlen,
aber auch Eisvögel werden teils ihrer Nahrung beraubt, das sind jedoch nicht die einzigen merkwürdigen Nahrungsangewohnheiten der Amsel, sie plündern
gelegentlich auch Nester anderer Drossel- und Finkenarten und fressen aus dem
Nest gefallene Haussperlinge, auch Aas wird gefressen und selbst Kannibalismus
wurde bereits beobachtet.“
Ein Leben im Flug – Schwalben und Mauersegler
„Ein Leben im Flug – Schwalben und Mauersegler“
„7.308 Aufrufe
Faszination Natur
3690 Abonnenten
Schwalben und Mauersegler bereichern als Flugkünstler des Frühlings unsere Städte und Dörfer. Dieses Video zeigt Schwalben und Segler in Deutschland und weltweit. Viel Spaß damit!“
„Alpensegler. Es ist ein besonders großer Segler, der im Unterschied zu dem
deutlich häufigeren Mauersegler einen weißen Bauch und eine weiße Kehle hat,
außerdem hat er einen langsameren Flügelschlag als ein Mauersegler. In
Deutschland kommt er nur im äußersten Südwesten vor, beispielsweise in Freiburg
im Breisgau, in Stuttgart und inzwischen auch in Karlsruhe.“
Mauersegler Auswilderung…
Blaumeise Steckbrief | Aussehen, Gesang, Nahrung und mehr
Eichhörnchen im Garten – so werden sie futterzahm…
Die Laute von europäischen Eichhörnchen / The sound of european squirrels
36 häufige Gartenvögel bestimmen | Aussehen, Gesänge, Besonderheiten
„36 häufige Gartenvögel bestimmen | Aussehen, Gesänge, Besonderheiten“
„1.845.450 Aufrufe – 13.03.2021“
Ornithologie für Anfänger
66.900 Abonnenten
In diesem Video lernst du 36 häufige Gartenvögel kennen. Unter ihnen sind einige Meisen, Spechte, Tauben, Finken, aber auch Drosseln, Baumläufer und mehr. Viel Spaß!“
„Sunny aus München
vor 1 Jahr
Solche Videos dürften ruhig doppelt so lang sein, sehr informativ!“
„Vita Mind
vor 1 Jahr
Ein Traum im Wald zu stehen und dem Gesang zu lauschen. Pure Meditation.“
„Sabine Hoerder-Braun
vor 1 Jahr
Danke für Ihren schönen informativen Beitrag. Ich liebe unsere Vögel und möchte sie niemals missen. Für mich sind sie Boten des Himmels.“
vor 1 Jahr
Warum haben wir das nie in der Schule gelernt?
Toll, wie viele Vögel es gibt, ich liebe das Konzert am Morgen.
Ornithologie für Anfänger
vor 1 Jahr
Da gibts auf jeden Fall noch Änderungsbedarf im Lehrplan!“
Die Mönchsgrasmücke singt.
Die Mönchsgrasmücke (Sylvia atricapilla): Steckbrief + Gesang. Vogelarten kennen lernen mit dem LBV!
Mönchsgrasmücke Gesang und Rufe (Sylvia atricapilla)
„Mönchsgrasmücke Gesang und Rufe (Sylvia atricapilla)“
„24.520 Aufrufe – 26.04.2018“
382 Abonnenten
Die Mönchsgrasmücke singt gerne aus der Deckung. Das heißt nicht, dass man sie nicht auch mal in einem hohen Baum singen hört, sie bevorzugt jedoch meistens niedrigeres Gehölz. Sie ist einer der fleißigsten Sänger und fast überall zu hören, weniger leicht zu sehen.“
Things you need to know about Blue Tits!
„Things you need to know about BLUE TITS!“
„53.320 Aufrufe
A Shot Of Wildlife
23.900 Abonnenten
Blue tits are one of the most beautiful and common garden birds found throughout the UK and Europe. This video provides information on what blue tits eat, when and where they nest, if they migrate, what they look like, how long they live and much more.“
Magpie Death Ritual
Magpies are even smarter than you think | Catalyst
Things you need to know about MAGPIES!
„Things you need to know about MAGPIES!“
„224.015 Aufrufe – 26.05.2021“
„Magpies are extremely intelligent, perhaps the most intelligent bird on the
Planet and use this superior knowledge to source a wide range of foods.“
„A Shot Of Wildlife
23.900 Abonnenten
This video covers everything you could ever want or need to know about Magpies. Including what magpies eat, where magpies live, how long magpies live and other magpie facts.
Here is the script from the video:
The Eurasian magpie is an unmistakable bird belonging to the crow family. From a distance they look to be white and black but on close inspection their darker feathers glimmer with iridescent blue and green. Magpies grow to weigh from 180 to 270 grams and have a wingspan of 52 to 62 centimeters. They also have a very long tail compared to their bodies that when spread is shaped like a diamond.
There are currently around 600,000 pairs of magpies in the UK and they have a large distribution across all of Europe, and are also found in Asia and in some northern parts of Africa.
Magpies are extremely intelligent, perhaps the most intelligent bird on the planet and use this superior knowledge to source a wide range of foods. They will eat everything from nuts, seeds and grains, to small birds, reptiles, insects, eggs, small mammals and various carrion. What they cannot eat straight away they sometimes cache away for eating later.
Magpies can start breeding at one year of age but they often wait until their second year and spend the first year roaming in small flocks of other young birds. When they do pair up, they will stay with the same mate for life and remain together throughout as a couple throughout the year. Nesting starts in April when the pair build a dome shaped nest high of the ground, often in the fork of a tree. This nest is made of twigs and cemented together with mud. Once the nest is completely built the female will lay between 3 and 6 green eggs speckled with brown. These eggs take around 21 days to hatch and then the chicks take a further 27 days to fledge. A lot of the chicks that hatch, do not survive to fledgling with roughly one out of every 3, dying from starvation. Once the chicks have fledges, they stay with their parents as a family group for several more weeks whilst they learn how to find their own food. A magpies survival rate through the first year can be as low as 22% but once a bird makes It through this first 12 months, it has an average life expectancy of around 3 and a half years. However, there has been a record of a wild magpie surviving to more than 21 years and this bird didn’t die of natural causes but was shot so could have lived for even longer.
As mentioned earlier, Magpies are extremely intelligent. They have been shown to use tools, to understand basic mathematics, and are the only bird to have shown to have self recognition. Some research suggests their intelligence may be on par with that of the great apes and some scientists believe they are capable of both grief and imagination!“
„#Magpie #birdwatching #britishwildlife“
An Electric Bus Caught Fire After Battery Explosion in Paris
Animals that won the Worst in the World Award – Antarctic giant petrel – Riesensturmvogel – & Crow Fun
„Animals that won the Worst in the World Award – Antarctic giant petrel – Riesensturmvogel – & Crow Fun“
„379.344 Aufrufe
„If you follow my channel long enough, you probably realize that literally anything
could happen in nature, oh, and by the way ripper’s been known to practice sound
imitation during mating seasons, the knowledge of the language of another
species must have impressed females a lot.“
Dolphin „Games“ vs Anaconda and vs Puffer Fish
„Dolphin „Games“ vs Anaconda and vs Puffer Fish“
„120.706 Aufrufe – 28.05.2022“
„Proof that smart animals can be bad.“
„Unlike most killer animals that eat their prey, dolphins killer drive has nothing to do with food, that is, they don’t even eat those they kill and sometimes even baby dolphins
can become a target, all this looks like absolutely meaningless, brutal murders,
which sometimes happen on a massive scale, to prove that I’m not exaggerating,
here’s just one of the cases: Off the coast of virginia researchers
found at least nine dead baby dolphins with broken ribs, skulls and vertebrae,
one of the dead animals had teeth marks of an adult dolphin.“
„Keep in mind they have a reputation for being friendly creatures and knowing
this you somehow forget that’s a wild animal and you have to be careful around it.“
Recent Discoveries about Dinosaurs shocked Scientists…
„Recent Discoveries about Dinosaurs shocked Scientists…“
„252.697 Aufrufe – 01.04.2022“
5,03 Mio. Abonnenten
At the beginning of 2022, a huge “sea dragon” was found in Britain! That’s what terrifying Ichthyosaurus is sometimes called. This beast lived in the waters of the Jurassic era one hundred eighty million years ago. …
This carnivorous marine reptile unearthed in Britain reached up to ten meters in length. This is one of the most giant and complete skeletons of Ichthyosaurus in the history of paleontology. Broadly speaking, 2021 was quite full of surprising discoveries that let scientists see dinosaurs in a new light.
In this video, you’ll find out: what kind of weapon did the ancient reptiles have? Why is the famous t-rex not just one but several predators at the same time? Who was an even bigger and scarier creature?“
„Biggest Beast in History?“
What If Titanoboa Snake Didn’t Go Extinct?
„What If Titanoboa Snake Didn’t Go Extinct?“
„29.727.962 Aufrufe“
5,03 Mio. Abonnenten
Today I will tell you about the ancient monsters that terrify everyone in the area. You will find out when and where these monsters lived. And then we will transfer them to our time. You will see whether the giants will take over our world and whether a person will be able to give a worthy rebuff. Something tells me it’s going to be very hot today.“
This is what all Mantises are afraid of…
Jetson ONE – Take Off in Tuscany
North Carolina beach house collapses into sea…
Remember These Words For Life | Best Quotes and Sayings of Napoleon Bonaparte (Part 2)
„Remember These Words For Life | Best Quotes and Sayings of Napoleon Bonaparte (Part 2)“
„6.732 Aufrufe-11.05.2022“
Animals that returned from being extinct…
Proofs that Nature is getting weird….
The strangest things in Nature
Animals that Nature has treated unfairly
„Animals that Nature has treated unfairly“
„11.203.795 Aufrufe
15.09.2020 – 268.920 – WATOP“
Referenz: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myotonic_Goat
„Die Myotonic Goat oder Fainting Goat ist eine Hausziegenrasse aus den Vereinigten Staaten. Aufgrund der Erbkrankheit Myotonie verfällt sie bei Gefahr in Schreckstarre.“
Animals and their horns can self-harm or kill them…
„Animals and their horns can self-harm or kill them…“
„16.482.688 Aufrufe – 26.12.2020 – 204.314“
Infinity Expression: 8.5.2022: Animals need Humans to save them or they need regular maintenance, often times, so Nature is dependent on intelligent human intervention, in several emergency cases.
„Nature can be ruthless…but sometimes the animals are lucky and people notice their misery.“
„Nature constantly strives to give you a death test.“
„Even the most common places can become dangerous if the temperature drops a bit. Honestly, I don´t know how deers end up on the ice…and animal caught in such a situation is doomed, if people don´t come to help…In this respect Nature is more favorable to us, we know how to keep our balance on slippery surfaces. Furthermore we invented boats, ropes, hovercrafts, scates and other useful things, you can use them to get any deer out of a trap, the only pity is you won´t get any thanks from the animals.“
„Some Species that got some bonuses from Nature, Turtles for example, they live long lives, don´t rush anywhere, are well-protected from predators by a tough shell and must be just fine, yeah, I though so too, until I found out, turtles have one bug, they can´t roll over if they are on their backs.“
„ex!منفى: vor 11 Monaten:
Imagine being a turtle, living 100+ years, and accidentally rolling over.“
„Din: vor 1 Jahr (bearbeitet):
Seeing this stuff makes me happy that there are good people out there helping these helpless animals live for another day.
I always see people in the comments saying „Humans are evil“ or „Compared to humans, these dangerous animals are the nicest things in the world“ and yeah sure there are bad people out there, but come on you can’t just ignore the good people in the world.
Love every animal, including humans.“
Woman Gives Toys to a Wild Magpie — and He Invites His Friends Over to Play | The Dodo Wild Hearts
„Woman Gives Toys to a Wild Magpie — and He Invites His Friends Over to Play | The Dodo Wild Hearts“
„7.597.409 Aufrufe
The Dodo
11,8 Mio. Abonnenten“
„Danielle had just moved into her new home when all of a sudden, a wild magpie landed at her feet. He would follow her around and sit on her knee. Then, he brought his son over. Before long, 25 teenage magpies were playing in her yard!“
You Are Lone Wolf 🐺 Video For All Chosen Ones Fighting Battles Alone.
Johnny Depp Talks Writing On The Mirror in Lipstick
„Johnny Depp Talks Writing On The Mirror in Lipstick“
„578.456 Aufrufe – 25.04.2022“
„Law&Crime Network
1,42 Mio. Abonnenten
During redirect examination on Monday, Johnny Depp spoke about writing on a mirror in lipstick. Photos of this incident were presented as exhibits in court last week. Depp claimed that Heard was caught in lies that she told him, which is what he states the writing is referencing. “
Infinity Expression: 26.4.2022: That stuff people only do when they are drunk to some degree or overworked or went extremely beyond their limits or were exhausted and switched consciousness-phases like automatic writings from mediums…
„Jade Zuniga: vor 22 Stunden: Poor guy. I know he has to be embarrassed for having ever been with someone so deranged & classless as she is. 🙏🏼“
„TheDrill65: vor 22 Stunden:
Her father should be embarrassed. That man has no backbone.“
„Jennifer Bond: vor 22 Stunden: he is acting!!!!!!!!!“
„I Can Relate: vor 10 Stunden:
@A. T. there’s a difference being imperfect and a psycho.“
„Amanisha Jay: vor 10 Stunden (bearbeitet):
Johnny isn’t perfect, and he doesn’t lie about his human imperfections.
This woman is a sociopath.“
„Jhulia Landown: vor 22 Stunden:
Wow 😯 unbelievable this lady Amber took everything from him (Mr.Depp)his assets, his dignity and ruined his career, 😔so sad, hope he gets justice from her 🙏🙏“
„Ting108: vor 8 Stunden: empaths attract narcissists.. it’s a hard lesson. But this is also teaching the world and JD is helping the family of man.“
„Vi _XXiV: vor 4 Stunden:
This woman’s appearance itself, the way her expressions are, her face, mannerisms. It’s just analytical psychology, she’s faking it all, she’s playing the victim.“
„batk0427: vor 21 Stunden:
The grass isn’t always greener. I wonder how many times he wished he could turn back time.“
„munchems: vor 16 Stunden: She’s a disgusting, vile woman and I hope he takes her down.“
„Erni Adelina: vor 14 Stunden:
Even in emergency room, he was still trying to save this evil Heard.“
„Rose Harvey: vor 12 Stunden:
He didn’t write on the mirrors in lipstick, tho was done by Amber.“
„Keep Rising: vor 7 Stunden:
I think Amber feels that most people in that room hate her.“
„Jared Weiman
vor 22 Stunden
Don’t just blame Amber Heard for this. Blame the „Believe all Women“ metoo crowd. This is the society they built. The current state of relationships is their doing.“
„Pallas Athena: vor 29 Minuten:
Creative people, vent in creative ways – none of which hurt the woman.“
„Ronix Studio: vor 6 Stunden:
I had a narcissistic girlfriend and knowing about their relationship makes me just confirm that amber is the narc here.“
„Horrorblonde4986: vor 23 Stunden: She loved the fame and money, sadly not Johnny.“
„Max Cross: vor 16 Stunden: This is what the feminist movement has done to men.“
„P.E. P: vor 2 Stunden: She was gaslighting Johnny at every single turn.“
„cetin Amsterdam: vor 22 Stunden: Who is more Toxic Amber Heart or Jada Smith 😵💫“
„Rose Kuntz: vor 8 Stunden:
She is such an emotional vampire and abusive manipulative narcissist. Unbelievable.“
Little Cobra Gets Sips Of Water From A Sprite Bottle During His Rescue | The Dodo
„#thedodo #animals #dog
Little Cobra Gets Sips Of Water From A Sprite Bottle During His Rescue | The Dodo
11.212.487 Aufrufe
The Dodo
11,7 Mio. Abonnenten
This king cobra was found trapped in a fishing net on New Year’s Day near a rice paddy in East India. When the local villagers found the trapped snake, they called in snake rescuer Mirza Arif. Arif uses scissors to cut the fishing net off, but not before giving the cobra sips of water from a Sprite bottle to quench his thirst. After being freed from the net, the snake was later released near where he was found.“
Mess with Beast #10. Lion, Tiger, Leopard funny & scary moments.
Chosen ones are ULTRA RESILIENT! 🔥
Wise Quotes by Jean Jacques Rousseau about Life and what really matters
Publius Cornelius Tacitus Quotes That Everyone Should Hear and Learn From This
„Publius Cornelius Tacitus Quotes That Everyone Should Hear and Learn From This“
„1.299 Aufrufe
255.000 Abonnenten
In this video, I have collected for you those of the few quotes that have survived to this day from the ancient Roman historian and part-time one of the most famous writers of antiquity, Publius Cornelius Tacitus (mid-50s – c. 120)“
Aristotle’s Quotes you should know before you Get Old
Aristotle’s Quotes you should know before you Get Old
286.606 Aufrufe
407.000 Abonnenten
„Aristotle’s Quotes you need to Know before 40
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. Taught by Plato, he was the founder of the Lyceum, the Peripatetic school of philosophy, and the Aristotelian tradition.Aristotle provided a complex synthesis of the various philosophies existing prior to him.
These are vivid sayings and quotes from Aristotle. The best quotes and aphorisms of Aristotle that will make you think about many things in life. Life quotes from Aristotle are definitely worth your time.“
vor 1 Sekunde
Person Position 32 in Philogen V.110: „Even in adversity nobility shines through, when a man endures repeated and severe misfortune with patience, not owing to insensibility but from generosity and greatness of soul. (Aristotle)“ [72056]“