„7 Things Sigma Males NEVER Do With Women“
Category Archives: Idealismus
The whole Fake CPU Restriction Game of Win 11 destroyed with just one simple Free Tool.
CPUz Best Single Core & Multi Core Performance – October 2023
CPUz Best Single Core & Multi Core Performance – October 2023
Source: https://valid.x86.fr/bench/1
„CPU-Z OC World Records – Highest Overclocking of All Times !“
Usually Number 1 – I missed one Game… I.V. Stormy Chess Parade – 10 Wins in a Row. 3 Min. Blitz
The Lasertrancer – Spacetrip 262 (Tube Master 1999) (Current Position 58 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
The Lasertrancer – Spacetrip 262 (Tube Master 1999) (Current Position 58 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
31 Abonnenten
New Video Effects Record 1,720 GB. (From 81 Videos)
Genre: Mystic Trance, Shamanic Trance, Acid Trance, Goa Trance, Vari Beat, Melodic Tech Groove, Acid, AlienPsy, Deep Trance, Melodic Deep Trance, Retro Trance.
Music Produced, Invented, Composed and Mastered by Ingmar Veeck in 1998, Tube Master in 1999,
Graphic Design and Video Effects created by Ingmar Veeck in 2023.
Released under Ramshorn Productions – AAT Music – Netherlands in 1998 in Goa Trance vol.3.
Historical Release Reference: https://www.discogs.com/de/master/894…
https://www.discogs.com/de/label/7394… (Bulgaria Release 3 years later)
The Lasertrancer – Sunshine Dream (Absolute Radio Remaster)(Current Position 31 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
The Lasertrancer – Sunshine Dream (Absolute Radio Remaster)(Current Position 31 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
30 Abonnenten
The Lasertrancer – Sunshine Dream (Absolute Radio Remaster)(Current Position 31 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
Genre: Dream Trance, Deep Trance, Melodic Trance, Uplift Trance, Vari Beat,
Melodic Tech Groove.
Produced in 2000 by Ingmar Veeck.
Unreleased Gems.
Philogen V.110 – Für die Kategorie Weltrekorde – Weltpionier Software Philosophie-Generator (Exocortex for Real)
Philogen V.110 – Für die Kategorie Weltrekorde – Weltpionier Software Philosophie-Generator
(Exocortex for Real – Real Exocortex in Software Form – No Forgetting)
(Realer Exokortex in Software-Form – Kein Vergessen)
Philogen V.110 – For the World Records category – world pioneer software philosophy generator
Philogen V.110 –
A leader is someone who demonstrates what is possible! [264]
Willst du wissen, was Schönheit ist, so gehe in die Natur, dort findest du sie. (Albrecht Dürer) [4587]
„Ein Genie formt immer den höchsten Ausdruck der Natur, in der es lebt.“ [740]
„Wo ein Wille ist, da ein Weg. Aber bei vielen Bürgern ist der Wille weg. [1629]“
If you would be a magician, honor the Earth. Honor life. Love. Know that magic is the birthright of every human being, and wisely use it. (Scott Cunningham) [30315]
Gott und die Natur machen durchaus nichts vergeblich. (Paracelsus) [2813]
The origin is the mother, she who in the language of the Upanishads, is the Ruler of all, the Womb of all, and the Enjoyer of all bliss. Sleep is the invocation of this very mother. It is also a yoga, and with a bit of technique, all the limbs of yoga
can be applied. (Pierre Bonnasse) [44767]
Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen, die sich über die Dinge zieh’n. Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen, aber versuchen will ich ihn. Ich kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm, und ich kreise jahrtausendelang,
und ich weiß noch nicht: bin ich ein Falke, ein Sturm oder ein großer Gesang. (Rainer Maria Rilke) [43725]
Weltrekorde findest du hier ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
World Records are to be found here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The Lasertrancer – The Absolute Called God (Vocal Club Mix)(Currently Position 1 in the Eternal List and at Youtube Playlist!!!))
The Lasertrancer – The Absolute Called God (Vocal Club Mix)(Currently Position Number 1 in the Eternal List and at Youtube Playlist!!!))
Lasertrancer – The Absolute Called God (Radio Edit)(Tube Remaster)(Currently Position 3 in the Eternal List)
Lasertrancer – The Absolute Called God (Radio Edit)(Tube Remaster)(Currently Position 3 in the Eternal List)
Lasertrancer – The Absolute Called God (Radio Edit)(Tube Remaster)
The 3D Effects took 1,01 Gigs…Youtube has a lot of storage space…for the Snow Storm Electrifying Kundalini Animation of the Absolute called God.
Bradley Denniston – The Music Industry Now –
@bradleyhd The music industry as you and I know it, is dead ☠️ 🎶 It’ll never be the same… #musicindustry #musicbusiness #musicrant ♬ Haunted By You – Bradley Denniston
@bradleyhd The music industry as you and I know it, is dead ☠️ 🎶 It’ll never be the same… #musicindustry #musicbusiness #musicrant
Bradley Denniston · 7-28-2023
The music industry as you and I know it, is dead ☠️ 🎶 It’ll never be the same… #musicindustry #musicbusiness #musicrant
Haunted By You – Bradley Denniston“
„I am very very concerned about the state of the Music Industry.
Or whether the Music Industry even exists…how it has changed and why you should care…as a producer, beat maker, composer, engineer, artist…what the actual indusrtry is made up of. The biggest part of money and income is in publishing and publishing is the monetization of the ideas…the songs, the writing, the melodies, the ideas you put together as a composer, as a writer, as a producer of music. The second lagrest pot of money in music is actually from licensing the master copyright and the publishing side of said compositions songs etc. So licensing the music..We can sync license it, we can put it against picture or we can license it for usage within whatever, an audiobook, a Youtube series would be like a Micro Sync, so there´s a lot of sync licensing going on and that is the second largest pot of income made from Music, right behind Publishing. Now in the past we talked a lot about CD Sales, Vinyl Sales, Cassette Sales, Album Sales, Record Sales. Now we talk about Streaming and that´s where everything has completely changed in the Music Industry and why the Music Industry is not actually the Music Industry anymore…Streaming is set up for you as an Artist to make as little Dollar as possible, as an Artist, Producer, Composer to make 0 Dollar, to make as little as possible to keep you in no-profit and for no margin to happen in your business, okay, that´s how it is set up, they do not want you to win. It is 1000% true, everything you hear, everywhere online about Streaming and how it pays shit…It´s true, it´s true, it´s true. These companies do not want to pay you any money. The Record Labels don´t want to pay you any money, the streaming services, the publishers, nobody wants you to make money as a content creator in Music…It is simple simple Psychology 101. People will work very hard for money and to make a living, people will work to death for recognition and credit now. Now because the Music Industry understands this, the Labels understand this, now the Social Media platforms understand this. TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, they all understand this, they get it, they know basic Psychology and they pander to the low hanging fruit, the low IQ People…It is the perfect plan, get everybody on Tiktok…that is a Musician and an Artist…give him that cookie, oh that´s a good cookie, you gotta like, you gotta comment, you gotta share..look at the Dopamine Receptors…and at the end of the day you can´t even pay your rent..the dream is real..For a long career in Music, you have to truly love making Music…share it, so people can understand what this new industry is set up for, this new industry is not set up for you to win, if you get a viral post going, you are not winning, that means you got a little cookie, they gave you a cookie, they gave you a crumb, you gotta 100000 Streams, they gave you a crumb…you have to love the Music.“
You censor me (Big Tech) – I laugh – I have tons of webpages where I can self-promote…hahaha
Der verpasste Kaufrausch des RCF E24 im Musicstore 2022 für 500 Euro… und das Warten auf das Web 3.0
Der verpasste Kaufrausch des RCF E24 im Musicstore 2022 für 500 Euro… und das Warten auf das Web 3.0…Nachschub nirgends in Sicht, stattdessen Devolution…wäre vor 20 bis 25 Jahren undenkbar gewesen. Totalitärer NWO-Kommunismus macht es möglich, wa? Anbieter begrenzt auf Amazon, Ebay und 2 oder 3 Stores weltweit. Wir warten auf Web 3.0, wo jedes Wort bezahlt wird und nicht die Konzerne an jedem unserer Worte sich dumm und dämlich verdienen.
Nebenbei erwähnt, die auch bereits ausverkaufte RCF F Serie war eine totale Devolution, wie ignorant muss man sein features zu reduzieren, statt sie aufzustocken mit jeder neuen Entwicklung. Tipp an RCF, beim nächsten Modell USB/Smartcard Recorder einbauen plus MAIN INSERTS!!!
Quelle: https://www.musicstore.de/de_DE/EUR/RCF-E24/art-PAH0020251-000
Behringer Xenyx UFX1604…
„Behringer Xenyx UFX1604…“
4 / 5
4,5 / 5
Quelle: https://www.bonedo.de/artikel/behringer-xenyx-ufx1604-test/
InfinityExpression: 23.7.2023: Wo zur Hölle sind all die guten 6-EQ-Analog-Pulte hin und warum verschwinden die so schnell?
„ProLight+Sound 2011 – BEHRINGER UFX1604 Firewire Mixer (auf Deutsch)
209.000 Abonnenten
16.800 Aufrufe 02.05.2011
Mit seinem fantastischen Funktionsumfang aus premium XENYX Mikrofonvorverstärkern, „One-Knob“-Kompressoren, „British“-EQs und integrierten 24-Bit Effekten zählt der neue BEHRINGER UFX1604 zu den bestklingenden Kompaktmischern am Markt. Und dank seines integrierten 16 x 4 USB/FireWire-Interfaces und 16-Spur USB- Recorders ist der UFX1604 jedem standard Mixer um Lichtjahre voraus. Mit ihm können Sie Ihren nächsten Live-Gig direkt auf USB-Stick oder PC/Mac aufnehmen und die Transportsektion des UFX1604 als MIDI-gesteuerte Fernbedienung für Ihre computergestützte DAW nutzen.
Quelle: https://www.bedienungsanleitu.ng/behringer/xenyx-ufx1604/anleitung?p=27
Test: Behringer Xenyx XL1600, Analogmixer
„Test: Behringer Xenyx XL1600, Analogmixer“
„Alles, was ein Mixer braucht
13. November 2015“
„Behringer Xenyx XL1600. Dieses Mischpult gehört zur Gruppe der Large Format Mixer. Neben den beiden Varianten XL 3200 und XL 2400 dieser Bauart ist das XL1600 die kleinste der drei Ausführungen.“
„Ein sehr gutes Feature der Mono-Kanalzüge ist die Vierband-Klangregelung mit zwei semiparametrischen Mittenbändern. So etwas ist selbst bei wesentlich teureren Pulten anderer Hersteller nicht üblich.“
Infinity Expression: 17.7.2023: Und direkt Outs….das gab es auch schon lange nicht mehr…für weniger als 300 Euro? Wahnsinn, wo ist der Nachfolger?
„Aber das Beste ist der sensationelle Ladenpreis von 275,- Euro. Das sollte man sich einmal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen.“
Quelle: https://www.amazona.de/test-behringer-xenyx-xl1600-analogmixer/
Infinity Expression: 17.7.2023: Warum verschwinden diese 6-Kanal EQ Pulte so schnell vom Markt? Ich benutze Behringer-Produkte seit 1996, diese Pultserie ist mir komplett entgangen…sonderbar… Genau wie das RCF E24 und warum liefern die Hersteller nur nicht-gewollte 4-Kanal EQs nach, ich will, dass alle Pulte, auch die Kleinpulte grundsätzlich 6-Kanal EQs haben, am besten mit Gate-Kompressor und Q plus SD-Karten/USB-Wave Recorder. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Creativity is the greatest Rebellion in Existence. (Osho)
„“The creator cannot follow the well-trodden path, he has to search his own way, he has to inquire in the jungles of life, he has to go alone, he has to be a dropout from the mob mind, from the collective psychology.” -Osho
Continue in the video👇“
„Creativity is the greatest Rebellion in Existence.“
They’re secretly ashamed for hating, attacking & turning against you…
„They’re Secretly ashamed for hating, attacking & turning against you…“
37.900 Abonnenten
8.192 Aufrufe 04.06.2023 #Haters #ChosenOnes #Enemies
They’re Secretly Ashamed for Hating, Attacking & Turning Against You 😂
#ChosenOnes #Haters #Enemies“
„Your Lifestyle Enviable by Many People
37.900 Abonnenten
3.081 Aufrufe 07.06.2023 #ChosenOnes #Lifestyle #Enviable
Your Lifestyle Enviable by Many People
#ChosenOnes #Enviable #Lifestyle“
„They’re Secretly Terrified of You 😂
37.900 Abonnenten
5.186 Aufrufe 06.06.2023 #ChosenOnes
They’re Secretly Terrified of You 😂
#ChosenOnes #SecretlyTerrified“
Your presence attacks their pride, chosen ones 🙏🔥
Your Lifestyle is pissing People off rough….
„Your Lifestyle is pissing People off rough….
37.700 Abonnenten
1.137 Aufrufe 28.05.2023 #ChosenOnes #Lifestyle #People
Your Lifestyle Pissing People Off Rough
#ChosenOnes #Lifestyle #People“
„Something Terrible Happened to Those Who Wronged You Here Are 6 Things That Happened
37.700 Abonnenten
8.551 Aufrufe 18.05.2023 #ChosenOnes
Something Terrible Happened to Those Who Wronged You. Here Are 6 Things That Happened or Happening to Them“
„You Intimidate Them with This… Chosen Ones
3.100 Aufrufe 27.05.2023 #Intimidation #ChosenOnes #Compettition
You Intimidate Them with This… Chosen Ones
#ChosenOnes #Intimidation #Compettition“
Pure Land – The Eternal Realms vs the Continuum of Nonstop Change…
Pure Land – The Eternal Realms vs the Continuum of Nonstop Change…
„@kurosaki_buddhist What is Pure Land Buddhism? ☸️ #buddhism #religion #spiritual #spirituality #meditation #mindfulness #zen #nirvana #buddha #mahayana #mahayanabuddhism #purelandbuddhism #pureland #enlightenment #jodoshu #jodoshinshu #nianfo #nembutsu #sukhavati #awakening #tiktokspiritual #afterlife #heaven #karma #rebirth #multiverse #paralleluniverse“
„Transkript: Beyond our world of death and rebirth, there exist limitless purified realms with living Buddhas and Bodhisattvas presently teaching.
We can think of these different pure land as a Mahayana multiverse.
These purified realms inhabited by cosmic Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are not heavens, and these beings are not gods. Heavens are still in samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth. And these enlightened beings live and teach in worlds beyond samsara.
The Buddhist texts present a diverse pantheon of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, each with their own pureland. Remember, it’s like a multiverse. And this multiverse is sometimes also referred to by the phrase pure lands of the 10 Directions, fundamentally beyond our world, as a concrete place outside of samsara where you can be reborn to pursue the Bodhisattva pat and achieve Nirvana more easily. The Pure Land is the Pureland Sukhavati, the land of bliss presented in the Sukhavati view Ha Sutra. This sutra tells the story of ho countless eons ago, a king renounced their throne to pursue the Bodhisattva path with a Buddha named Lokesh Varadja. This bodhisattva was named Dharmakara, which means storehouse of the Dharma, and he wished to create the perfect Pureland, so all beings could achieve awakening. Dharmakara makes a series of vows. One of these vows states that if beings think upon or simply call upon the name of this Buddha even 10 times, the simple practice of reciting Namo Amidabutsu, they’ll be able to attain rebirth in the Pureland in their Next life and achieve awakening upon achieving Buddhahood. This being came to be known by 2 names Amitabha limitless light and Amitayaus, limitless life. Based on these vows, many Mahayana Buddhists, laypeople and monastics alike, have made contemplation of Amitabha and the Pureland, and even just the simple recitation of the name of this Buddha a central part of their Buddhist practice. Things are not always as they seem. The world of our experience is conditioned by our past karma in progress on the path and thus manifests as impure.
But Buddhas and Bodhisattva help beings to see the bigger picture.“
freedomgott2023: 1.5.2023: I received a bliss shower from viewing it a second time…
freedomgott2023: 1.5.2023: Transcript feature is new…wow. @tiktok
namoania: Concrete place outside of samsara is an oxymoron…..samsara itself is recognized as the pure land, not a place outside of samsara somewhere.
Samsara is a state of bliss for Boddhisattvas who are activated by Kundalini aka Sophia, not for sleeping EGOs, non-connected to Soul and Spirit.
vor 1 Sek.
Furthermore it is stressful for an immortal being to be under the fast pressure of change in this Universe, so we need eternal realms to repose.
vor 1 Sek.
„Pure Land Buddhism: The Mahayana Multiverse
660.000 Abonnenten“
„Bodhisattvas on the cusp of awakening…
these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are sometimes presented as superhero,
superhero-like beings, helping those of us stuck in the realm of death and
rebirth, along the path to awakening..“
„At other times these beings are understood to be symbolic expressions of
awakening itself within and all around beings. The bodhisattva of compassion can
thus serve as a symbol for love and compassion within human relationships.“
„or mandalic depictions of the pure land said to lead to rebirth in the pure land.
The pure land of amitabha buddha is saidto reside in the west, the west is associated with the setting sun which itself is a symbol for the end of life change and rebirth, all important symbols associated with the pure land tradition, the setting sun symbolism is also associated with warmth, compassion and love and this is why the Buddha Amitabha is often depicted as red in color, especially in the ritual manuals called Tantras.“
„The inherent shunyata of all things. In India this philosophical perspective was
systematized by Nagarjuna, a second century indian Philosopher who’s
credited with founding the madhyamaka school of mahayana philosophy. Legend has
it that Nagarjuna received some sutras known as the perfection of wisdom sutras
from the Dragon King and then systematized the concept shunyata.
Nagarjuna famously said for whom shunyata is possible all things are
possible. In east asia he was thought of as an important pure land thinker as well.
Many indian and central asian translators who made their way to China
ended up transmitting texts dealing with the pure land of Amitabha and various
philosophical traditions as well.“
„Finding enlightenment in ordinary life.“
„The elites of honen’s day really did not like his revolutionary teachings, so much so that he was eventually defrocked and exiled and several of his disciples were
vor 1 Jahr
I’ve been binge watching Linfamy’s Japanese Buddhism videos which is kind of cool as he talked about a lot of the philosophers mentioned here.“
Brilliant Moves – I.V. @ Chess.com Analysis:
They want to congratulate you for Leveling Up – but they’re ashamed…
Ancient Philosophers‘ Life Lessons People Wished They Knew Sooner
„Ancient Philosophers‘ Life Lessons People Wished They Knew Sooner“
„Quotes: 847.000 Abonnenten
Aktuell 255 Zuschauer Livestream gestartet am 03.01.2023 #quotes
This livestream is made from the best quotes in the world and we expect these life quotes to make you change your attitude to the world. These quotes are really worth taking screenshots and saving them in a collection of inspirational quotes. Thank you for watching this quotes stream, here the quotes are broadcasting 24/7.“
„Die Chatfunktion ist für diesen Livestream deaktiviert.“
7 Key Nutrients to CONTROL Blood Pressure Naturally | how to lower blood pressure
They are realizing Your True Power & Worth Because of Your Absence and Your Anointing
„They are realizing Your True Power & Worth Because of Your Absence and Your Anointing“
33.200 Abonnenten
4.425 Aufrufe 02.03.2023 #ChosenOnes #Anointing #Blessings
They’ve Realizing Your True Power & Worth Because of the Absence of Your Anointing
#ChosenOnes #Anointing #Blessings
Jessica Watson: vor 13 Stunden:God is an all-consuming Holy Fire 🔥 🙌 Praise be to God. I pray for peace in the valley 🙏…
Pamela Nekesa
vor 14 Stunden
Amen pastor it’s the greatness of God be blessed man of God 🙏.
𝓜𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒂 𝑻.: vor 8 Stunden:
The Seven Stages To „Full Enlightenment“…
The Seven Stages To „Full Enlightenment“…
“ 21.446 Aufrufe 14.01.2023 #kundalini #buddhism #zen
A spiritual or mystical state is the present-tense realisation, to varying degrees, of a profound & intensely-felt freedom.
These higher states are inherent to the human body-mind. And, much closer than one might think!
Therefore, it is possible for them to be triggered at any time.
In fact, states can be experienced at any time by any one..
There is no necessary prerequisite to experiencing or deeply intuiting even the highest of mystical or spiritual states, including the enlightened state.
Profound spiritual states can also be brought about by:
Devotional practices
Near-Death Experience (NDE)
Brain Injury
For no reason at all!
Nevertheless …
How the state is interpreted and understood will depend on the stage of human and/or spiritual development one has achieved, or currently in.
Additionally, the stage will determine whether one is able to stably abide in that higher state.
The difference & relationship between states & stages is that of the difference & relationship between perception & perspective.
At the stage of human development of a child, they will have a child’s perspective of any of their perceptions.
A child’s interpretation of what they perceive will be limited by their stage of human development, i.e. the development stage of their perspective.
An adult’s interpretation of what they perceive will in most cases be a more comprehensive understanding reflecting a higher stage of human development – or a higher human development of perspective.
#enlightenment #spirituality #zen #buddhism #kundalini #vedanta“
Travelers Season 2 Episode 7 ‚ 17 Minutes‘ Review
Travelers Trailer 2017
„Wir die letzten ungebrochenen, schwören die Fehler unserer Vorfahren rückgängig
zu machen und die Erde zu heilen, das Verlorene zu retten, unter Einsatz
unseres Lebens. 30 Sekunden, in der Zukunft haben wir eine Technologie
entwickelt, die es einem reisenden ermöglicht ein Bewusstsein auf einen
menschlichen Host zu projizieren. ..Willkommen im 21. Jahrhundert, lasst uns beginnen.“
(Travelers Trailer Staffel 1 Deutsch – Netflix)
(1700 Abonnenten)
(60.586 Aufrufe 02.03.2017)
You don’t look like you suffered 🔥
They compete with you!
„They compete with you!“
20.100 Abonnenten
4.061 Aufrufe 07.11.2022
Why people seem to compete with you, even though you never compete with others. #chosenones #God #annointing“
„Your life always seems to be unfair because people who get away with so many things
and like a lot of evil or Wicked or just get away with a lot of petty things and
they get away with it unscathed but for you if you even try just a little
bit just sow a little bit into acting that way you’re gonna be judged for it
you’re going to be disciplined for it and it’s a good thing because it
keeps you it keeps you in check it keeps you knowing that like that’s not how
you’re supposed to be because much is expected from you right but
the reason people compete with you is because whenever you
do things you get really good at these things, really fast you’re a person who
kind of like I said in one of my old videos you’re a jack of all trades.“
„It doesn’t matter what it is whether it’s a sport whether it’s a channel.. it could be a video game or something it doesn’t matter what you do if it’s Fitness or something you’re gonna be good at it…his knowledge comes from God from the Holy Spirit you get a lot of wisdom you have a lot of strength you see things clearly right you see things from the outside in you don’t see things just being in right and
your spirit speaks volumes for you this is why people seem to compete with you
because whenever you’re just walking around or going anywhere speaking to
people you don’t even have to speak people could see it already because that’s a spiritual thing people could see it already that when they look at you they can see that like that you’re a person who knows a lot or
like you’re a person who looks High skilled or like some people might some
people might even assume you might be like royalty or something or like you
might appear as like royalty or like extremely high-end in the world right
you just seem like that because of the the spirit the anointing and
you might have had many problems with people where like you just want to chill
with these people and just talk normally right just have fun you know Fellowship
that’s what you usually seek if you’re someone who’s anointed you seek
fellowship with people you seek the best for these people and you don’t seek to compete with them but because a lot of people operate in Pride
and they don’t truly understand who you are immediately whenever they see you they
immediately think you’re like someone who might be arrogant right or someone
who might be someone who might be better than them right because most people think through Pride they think they think things through Pride they think like you might
be like a person who’s condescending or a person who’s a person who just thinks you know their heads in the clouds right but you’re not you’re not even like that it’s because people judge you wrongly all the time it’s because of the way that you act
whenever you are especially in like social places.“
„whenever they see you they feel kind of exposed they feel kind of
insecure about it and you don’t say anything to make them insecure but your
spirit speaks for itself and whenever they see you they feel convicted because
you’re you’re a really bright light right you’re you’re like the sun in
people’s lives and the sun exposes everything just like the sun is shining
right now the sun exposes everything right it and this is how you are because you’re
like this depending on the person that’s around you or the people that are around you if they’re a certain way they’re going to react to you a certain way if they’re
operating in wickedness and sin and doing things that they know that are
wrong, whenever they see you they’re going to feel convicted, but because they
have pride, it’s like most people have a high amount of pride,
they’re not going to be able to swallow their pride in like notice as you see through it that you see through what they do and that you see through that what they’re doing is wrong and you see through what they’re doing is wicked.“
„this is how people see you if you’re anointing because they can’t really
grasp like who you are or what you do so they get like they get a lot of
pre-adjustments in their head they’re completely false
and they go and they go around you and they they start to act a certain way..“
The Ancient Science Of Prana
„The Ancient Science Of Prana“
„245.708 Aufrufe 17.10.2022
As human beings, prana is our creative life force power. The more power we have access to, the more we can manifest in our creations. This is not the power we see externally—such as money and material things. Prana is the power we hold from within ourselves that values more than what we have in this mundane world. With the right techniques from the traditional wisdom of the Sages, prana can bring out our endless creativity, wonder and intelligence. According to tradition, prana is considered the most direct living expression of the infinite—which is the sacred that permeates all of life.“
Chosen ones have a heart of gold that is bulletproof (part 2) 💛💛
You Have Strong Presence. They Can Sense & Feel It Always.
This is Why FAMILY Ain’t Your REAL FAMILY Anymore
Don’t Mess with These Chosen Ones. They’re Dangerous, Intimidating & Fire
Differentiating Kundalini Shakti from Prana Shakti
„Differentiating Kundalini Shakti from Prana Shakti“
„3.835 Aufrufe
Himalayan Institute
10.300 Abonnenten
Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD discusses the difference between
Kundalini Shakti and Prana Shakti at the Himalayan Institute. If you’d like to learn more and receive a copy of his newest book “ Vishoka Meditation“