„Atari STE Unboxing…“
504 Abonnenten
2.253 Aufrufe 31.01.2021
Finally an Atari STE for me!“
Category Archives: InfinityExpression
The Atari ST for 2022!
„The Atari ST for 2022!“
„12.902 Aufrufe 13.11.2021
Atari ST PS/2 Mouse Converter“
Atari ST Hard Drives – SCSI – ACSI – SD Cards…
UltraSatan and SD4ST Atari ST HDD Adapters Compared
„UltraSatan and SD4ST Atari ST HDD Adapters Compared“
2770 Abonnenten
4.997 Aufrufe 10.06.2022 #retrocomputing #atari
▶Please consider today’s video sponsor, PCBWay: https://www.pcbway.com/setinvite.aspx…
▶Part 2: Performance tests: • Atari ST UltraSat…
▶UltraSatan Cased (RetroLemon): https://retrolemon.co.uk/ultrasatan/1…
▶UltraSatan Cased (Lotharek): https://lotharek.pl/productdetail.php…
▶UltraSatan home page (Jookie): http://joo.kie.sk/?page_id=192
▶SD4ST home page: https://sd4st.uk.to/
▶PPHDR home page: https://atari.8bitchip.info/pphdr.php
▶ICD Pro download/guide: http://joo.kie.sk/?page_id=306“
Atari SH204 – 20MB Hard disk installation on Atari ST
Creativity is the greatest Rebellion in Existence. (Osho)
„“The creator cannot follow the well-trodden path, he has to search his own way, he has to inquire in the jungles of life, he has to go alone, he has to be a dropout from the mob mind, from the collective psychology.” -Osho
Continue in the video👇“
„Creativity is the greatest Rebellion in Existence.“
They’re secretly ashamed for hating, attacking & turning against you…
„They’re Secretly ashamed for hating, attacking & turning against you…“
37.900 Abonnenten
8.192 Aufrufe 04.06.2023 #Haters #ChosenOnes #Enemies
They’re Secretly Ashamed for Hating, Attacking & Turning Against You 😂
#ChosenOnes #Haters #Enemies“
„Your Lifestyle Enviable by Many People
37.900 Abonnenten
3.081 Aufrufe 07.06.2023 #ChosenOnes #Lifestyle #Enviable
Your Lifestyle Enviable by Many People
#ChosenOnes #Enviable #Lifestyle“
„They’re Secretly Terrified of You 😂
37.900 Abonnenten
5.186 Aufrufe 06.06.2023 #ChosenOnes
They’re Secretly Terrified of You 😂
#ChosenOnes #SecretlyTerrified“
Your presence attacks their pride, chosen ones 🙏🔥
The Model 24 Mixer. Recorder. Audio Interface. Full Walk Through.
„The Model 24 Mixer. Recorder. Audio Interface. Full Walk Through.“
„TASCAM Official
15.100 Abonnenten
160.157 Aufrufe 04.07.2019
The Model 24 Multitrack Recorder/Mixer/Interface.
22 individual tracks & 1 Stereo Master track, for 24 complete tracks of recording.
Whether used for rehearsal, live shows or studio production, this triple-function recording console perfectly meets the needs of today’s working and recording musician.
The Model 24 full walk through of signal flow & more.
For more details: https://bit.ly/2RtaQPe“
vor 0 Sekunden
If I were a mixer inventor I would suggest them 12AX7 Tubes for Warmth factor in the main out.
We need Channel strips who are complete…6 knobs for eq, 6 knobs for effects, gates/compressor and q factor per channel plus sd card recorder.
The Mixer misses 4 band vari eq plus q factor…. then it would be perfect, inserts are missing too..afaics..
Best innovative thing is SD Card recording.
vor 1 Sekunde
Why do you sting with the Inserts? Insert for all channels… Well done with the compressor per channel..
vor 0 Sekunden
4 Band EQ for all channels but with 2 extra Knobs for adjusting the mid frequencies.
vor 8 Monaten
Ah! Analogue simplicity and experience without the hassle of tape recorder.
Well done.
Ingrained Cabinetry
vor 1 Jahr
I’ve owned my model 24 for about a year now and it does an awesome job. I can’t believe how much I missed real knobs. A very versatile machine for the price.
vor 3 Wochen
Just got one of these and it’s a beautiful piece of gear. Covers so many bases.
vor 1 Sekunde
For this price I want 4 band eq plus hi-mid and low-mid extra knobs to adjust the frequencies..
vor 2 Jahren
Tascam is really one of the best audio companies out there.
Satellite 484
vor 2 Jahren
nice love the analogue mixer..
vor 0 Sekunden
Submixer input, well thought.
Bad Gear – Waldorf Kyra
„Filter Section – Bad Gear – Waldorf Kyra“
„59.616 Aufrufe 13.01.2023
Welcome to Bad Gear, the show about the world´s most hated audio tools. Today we are going to talk about Waldorf Kyra. Is this high-end synth and VA synthesis flagship even a real Waldorf? Is it a wavetable synthesizer? What’s an Exodus Valkyrie?… what’s so great about FPGA technology and do we really need another digital synth in a world full of software instruments and plugins?
Thanks to Klangfarbe for letting lending me one of their floor models…“
„The 4 line stereo outputs are totally my thing, the power supply socket makes me want to play DOS games, the full-sized midi Trio is a piece of heaven and thanks to the great people over at Klangfarbe for Lending me their non-blue Kyra.“
BEHRINGER TD-3 Review & tutorial // vs TB-303, RE-303 and x0xb0x (TD3-SR)
Waldorf Pulse 2
„Waldorf Pulse 2
Tim Shoebridge
27.100 Abonnenten
25.213 Aufrufe 02.04.2022
Having been playing around with this diminutive little synth for the second time in my career, I decided it was high time to do a video on it. Is it possibly one of the most underrated mono synths of the last decade??“
„I just don´t understand why Moog don´t give us a 3 oscillators synth, we have got it in the Pulse 2. The Pulse 2 has 3 oscillators. It´s a Multimode-Filter, Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass…2 LFOs. It was released in 2013 by Waldorf, you can still buy a brandnew.“
USB & MIDI: Everything you need to know to get it right (USB MIDI Host vs Interface explained)
MIDI Wirrwarr entschlüsselt: Über MIDI, Klinke, TRS-A und TRS-B
„MIDI Wirrwarr entschlüsselt: Über MIDI, Klinke, TRS-A und TRS-B“
„MIDI 1.0 wurde 1982 eingeführt. Zu dem Zeitpunkt waren die Anschlüsse (nach klassischer Spezifikation) als fünfpolige DIN-Buchsen ausgelegt. Die (MIDI-) Welt war noch weitestgehend in Ordnung – auch wenn da schon einige ihr eigenes Süppchen kochen wollten.“
„Im Jahr 2010 kam der Hersteller Line 6 auf die Idee, ein mit Miniklinke bestücktes Breakout-MIDI-Kabel bei dem MIDI Mobilizer zu verwenden. Seit 2018 gehört diese Variante zum MIDI 2.0 Standard. Gear, das mit dem gleichen Typ arbeitet, kann untereinander übrigens mit einem einfachen Stereo-Klinkenkabel miteinander verbunden werden.“
Quelle: https://www.gearnews.de/midi-trs-a-trs-b-klinke-minijack-trs-adapter-trsa-trsb/
Your Lifestyle is pissing People off rough….
„Your Lifestyle is pissing People off rough….
37.700 Abonnenten
1.137 Aufrufe 28.05.2023 #ChosenOnes #Lifestyle #People
Your Lifestyle Pissing People Off Rough
#ChosenOnes #Lifestyle #People“
„Something Terrible Happened to Those Who Wronged You Here Are 6 Things That Happened
37.700 Abonnenten
8.551 Aufrufe 18.05.2023 #ChosenOnes
Something Terrible Happened to Those Who Wronged You. Here Are 6 Things That Happened or Happening to Them“
„You Intimidate Them with This… Chosen Ones
3.100 Aufrufe 27.05.2023 #Intimidation #ChosenOnes #Compettition
You Intimidate Them with This… Chosen Ones
#ChosenOnes #Intimidation #Compettition“
Aussehen, Gesang und Rufe heimischer Singvögel in unseren Wäldern…
„Aussehen, Gesang und Rufe heimischer Singvögel in unseren Wäldern“
„55.995 Aufrufe 16.10.2020
Lerne 15 der häufigsten Waldvögel kennen und anhand von Aussehen, Rufen und Gesang zu unterscheiden. Kleiber, Eichelhäher, Kernbeißer, Schwanzmeise, Waldkauz und andere waldbewohnende Vogelarten in Deutschland.“
Pure Land – The Eternal Realms vs the Continuum of Nonstop Change…
Pure Land – The Eternal Realms vs the Continuum of Nonstop Change…
„@kurosaki_buddhist What is Pure Land Buddhism? ☸️ #buddhism #religion #spiritual #spirituality #meditation #mindfulness #zen #nirvana #buddha #mahayana #mahayanabuddhism #purelandbuddhism #pureland #enlightenment #jodoshu #jodoshinshu #nianfo #nembutsu #sukhavati #awakening #tiktokspiritual #afterlife #heaven #karma #rebirth #multiverse #paralleluniverse“
„Transkript: Beyond our world of death and rebirth, there exist limitless purified realms with living Buddhas and Bodhisattvas presently teaching.
We can think of these different pure land as a Mahayana multiverse.
These purified realms inhabited by cosmic Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are not heavens, and these beings are not gods. Heavens are still in samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth. And these enlightened beings live and teach in worlds beyond samsara.
The Buddhist texts present a diverse pantheon of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, each with their own pureland. Remember, it’s like a multiverse. And this multiverse is sometimes also referred to by the phrase pure lands of the 10 Directions, fundamentally beyond our world, as a concrete place outside of samsara where you can be reborn to pursue the Bodhisattva pat and achieve Nirvana more easily. The Pure Land is the Pureland Sukhavati, the land of bliss presented in the Sukhavati view Ha Sutra. This sutra tells the story of ho countless eons ago, a king renounced their throne to pursue the Bodhisattva path with a Buddha named Lokesh Varadja. This bodhisattva was named Dharmakara, which means storehouse of the Dharma, and he wished to create the perfect Pureland, so all beings could achieve awakening. Dharmakara makes a series of vows. One of these vows states that if beings think upon or simply call upon the name of this Buddha even 10 times, the simple practice of reciting Namo Amidabutsu, they’ll be able to attain rebirth in the Pureland in their Next life and achieve awakening upon achieving Buddhahood. This being came to be known by 2 names Amitabha limitless light and Amitayaus, limitless life. Based on these vows, many Mahayana Buddhists, laypeople and monastics alike, have made contemplation of Amitabha and the Pureland, and even just the simple recitation of the name of this Buddha a central part of their Buddhist practice. Things are not always as they seem. The world of our experience is conditioned by our past karma in progress on the path and thus manifests as impure.
But Buddhas and Bodhisattva help beings to see the bigger picture.“
freedomgott2023: 1.5.2023: I received a bliss shower from viewing it a second time…
freedomgott2023: 1.5.2023: Transcript feature is new…wow. @tiktok
namoania: Concrete place outside of samsara is an oxymoron…..samsara itself is recognized as the pure land, not a place outside of samsara somewhere.
Samsara is a state of bliss for Boddhisattvas who are activated by Kundalini aka Sophia, not for sleeping EGOs, non-connected to Soul and Spirit.
vor 1 Sek.
Furthermore it is stressful for an immortal being to be under the fast pressure of change in this Universe, so we need eternal realms to repose.
vor 1 Sek.
„Pure Land Buddhism: The Mahayana Multiverse
660.000 Abonnenten“
„Bodhisattvas on the cusp of awakening…
these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are sometimes presented as superhero,
superhero-like beings, helping those of us stuck in the realm of death and
rebirth, along the path to awakening..“
„At other times these beings are understood to be symbolic expressions of
awakening itself within and all around beings. The bodhisattva of compassion can
thus serve as a symbol for love and compassion within human relationships.“
„or mandalic depictions of the pure land said to lead to rebirth in the pure land.
The pure land of amitabha buddha is saidto reside in the west, the west is associated with the setting sun which itself is a symbol for the end of life change and rebirth, all important symbols associated with the pure land tradition, the setting sun symbolism is also associated with warmth, compassion and love and this is why the Buddha Amitabha is often depicted as red in color, especially in the ritual manuals called Tantras.“
„The inherent shunyata of all things. In India this philosophical perspective was
systematized by Nagarjuna, a second century indian Philosopher who’s
credited with founding the madhyamaka school of mahayana philosophy. Legend has
it that Nagarjuna received some sutras known as the perfection of wisdom sutras
from the Dragon King and then systematized the concept shunyata.
Nagarjuna famously said for whom shunyata is possible all things are
possible. In east asia he was thought of as an important pure land thinker as well.
Many indian and central asian translators who made their way to China
ended up transmitting texts dealing with the pure land of Amitabha and various
philosophical traditions as well.“
„Finding enlightenment in ordinary life.“
„The elites of honen’s day really did not like his revolutionary teachings, so much so that he was eventually defrocked and exiled and several of his disciples were
vor 1 Jahr
I’ve been binge watching Linfamy’s Japanese Buddhism videos which is kind of cool as he talked about a lot of the philosophers mentioned here.“
Vortrag Heinz Grill, Energie und Humanismus, Salzburg, 27.10.18, Teil 3
TikTok Atmospheric Scenery Clips
TikTok Atmospheric Scenery Clips…
@sy96668 🌨 #beautiful #winter #snow #healing #scenery ♬ A Close Friend – James Newton Howard
@fbbzhazgqhe #China #jiangnan #rain ♬ 雨声 – 放松医学
The Great Snake Chess Opening (English Defense Counter)
Brilliant Moves – I.V. @ Chess.com Analysis:
Chess.Com Stats I.V. Mixed April 2023…
Me vs Chess.Com Fakes & Cheaters Collection (Bullet/Hyper Chess)…
Me vs Chess.Com Cheaters Collection (Bullet/Hyper Chess)…
[Event „Live Chess“]
[Site „Chess.com“]
[Date „2023.03.02“]
[Date „2023.03.03“]
[Date „2023.02.28“]
[Date „2023.02.28“]
And now chess.com server breaks down….
500 Error
Server Overloaded
We are sorry, but our database is currently maxed out due to the unprecedented growth of chess over the last few weeks. We have doubled in traffic in a very short time and are working hard to add more capacity.
Please be patient as our database recovers. We suggest returning to Chess.com in approximately: 35 seconds
ingmar veeck (1410 ELO) – Jair1980 (1436 ELO) (Bullet): 1-0
[Event „Live Chess“]
[Site „Chess.com“]
[Date „2023.03.14“]
[Round „-„]
[White „ingmarveeck“]
[Black „Jair1980“]
[Result „1-0“]
[CurrentPosition „8/8/5r2/4R3/3k1P2/1P1Q3P/2K5/8 b – -„]
[Timezone „UTC“]
[ECO „A03“]
[ECOUrl „https://www.chess.com/openings/Birds-Opening-Dutch-Variation-2.e3“]
[UTCDate „2023.03.14“]
[WhiteElo „1410“]
[BlackElo „1436“]
[TimeControl „60“]
[Termination „ingmarveeck won by checkmate“]
[EndDate „2023.03.14“]
[Link „https://www.chess.com/game/live/72554682891“]
[WhiteUrl „https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/133781818.99daf09f.50x50o.1672a9023a6f.jpeg“]
[WhiteCountry „54“]
[WhiteTitle „“]
[BlackUrl „https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/52167326.81b35b0a.50x50o.7fb431fd8bf9.jpg“]
[BlackCountry „44“]
[BlackTitle „“]
Party Analysis Rating I.V.: 1750
1150 Rating.
1. f4 d5 2. e3 d4 $6 3. Nf3 dxe3 4. dxe3 Qxd1+ 5. Kxd1 Nf6 6. Nbd2 e6 7. h3 $6 Bb4
8. g4 Bxd2 $6 9. Bxd2 O-O $6 10. Bd3 $6 c6 $2 11. Ng5 $6 h6 12. Nf3 b5 13. Rg1 Ba6 $6
14. g5 $6 b4 $4 15. gxf6 g6 16. Bxa6 Nxa6 17. Kc1 c5 18. c3 $6 Kh7 19. Kc2 bxc3 20.
Ne5 $4 Rad8 $9 21. Bxc3 c4 22. b3 cxb3+ 23. axb3 Rb8 24. Rxa6 Rbd8 25. Rxa7 Rc8 $6
26. Nxf7 Kg8 $6 27. Nxh6+ $9 Kh8 28. Rf7 Rxf7 29. Nxf7+ Kg8 30. Ng5 Rc6 31. Ne4 e5
32. Rxg6+ Kf7 33. Rg7+ Ke6 34. Re7+ Kf5 35. Nd6+ Kg6 $6 36. f7 Kg7 37. Re8 Rxd6
38. f8=Q+ Kg6 39. Qg8+ Kf5 40. Qf7+ Ke4 41. Rxe5+ Kf3 42. Qh5+ Kf2 43. Qh4+ Kg2
44. Qg4+ Kf2 45. Rg5 Kxe3 46. Qg3+ Ke4 47. Bd4 $9 Rf6 $6 48. Re5+ Kxd4 49. Qd3#
ingmar veeck (1398 ELO) – supergundul (2086 ELO)(Chess Cheater and still lost) (Hyper-Bullet): 1-0
Update: 13.9.2023: https://www.chess.com/game/live/72759155047
Ingmar Veeck (1398 ELO) – supergundul (2086 ELO)(Chess Cheater and still lost) (Hyper-Bullet): 1-0
[Event „Live Chess“]
[Site „Chess.com“]
[Date „2023.03.17“]
[Round „-„]
[White „ingmarveeck“]
[Black „supergundul“]
[Result „1-0“]
[CurrentPosition „5k2/1p3p1p/6p1/3p4/p7/6P1/7b/3K4 b – -„]
[Timezone „UTC“]
[ECO „A02“]
[ECOUrl „https://www.chess.com/openings/Birds-Opening-Froms-Gambit“]
[UTCDate „2023.03.17“]
[WhiteElo „1398“]
[BlackElo „2086“]
[TimeControl „30“]
[Termination „ingmarveeck won on time“]
[EndDate „2023.03.17“]
[Link „https://www.chess.com/game/live/72759155047“]
[WhiteUrl „https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/133781818.99daf09f.50x50o.1672a9023a6f.jpeg“]
[WhiteCountry „54“]
[WhiteTitle „“]
[BlackUrl „https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/237399449.016f82bb.50x50o.e595830c66e7.jpg“]
[BlackCountry „70“]
[BlackTitle „“]
1. f4 e5 2. e3 $2 exf4 3. Qh5 $2 Nc6 4. Qd5 $9 Qe7 $6 5. Bc4 $2 fxe3 $6 6. dxe3 $6 Nf6 $6
7. Qd3 Nb4 8. Qb3 $2 d5 $6 9. Bb5+ c6 10. Bd3 d4 11. a3 Nbd5 12. Bc4 a5 13. Bxd5
Nxd5 14. Ne2 Qh4+ 15. g3 Qe4 16. Rf1 a4 17. Qd3 Qxd3 $1 18. cxd3 Bh3 19. Bd2 $6
dxe3 20. Rg1 exd2+ 21. Kxd2 g6 22. Nf4 Bg7 23. Nxd5 cxd5 24. Re1+ Be6 25. Nc3
O-O 26. Ne2 Rfc8 27. Rad1 Bg4 28. Rc1 Kf8 29. Rxc8+ Rxc8 30. Rc1 Rxc1 31. Kxc1
Bxe2 32. Kd2 Bxd3 33. Kxd3 Bxb2 34. Kc2 Bxa3 35. Kd2 Bc5 36. Kd3 Bg1 37. Ke2
Bxh2 38. Kd1 {So hätte die Partien weitergehen können…} (38. Kd1
a3 39. Kc2 Bxg3 40. Kb3 Bd6 41. Ka2 h5 42. Kb3 {-14.6}) 1-0
Unter der Burka ein Mann (im Frauenturnier)…
Unter der Burka ein Mann (im Frauenturnier)…
“ 1.932 Aufrufe 09.04.2023 #schachnews #schach
Kurioser Betrugsfall bei der offenen Meisterschaft von Kenia: Den ersten Preis im hochdotierten Frauenturnier wollte sich ein Mann schnappen, der, verborgen unter einem dunklen Hijab, sich als Frau angemeldet hatte.“
‼️ Das Neueste vom Schach ➡️ https://perlenvombodensee.de“
When Chess Cheaters Get Caught…
„When Chess Cheaters Get Caught…“
38.500 Abonnenten
1.771.514 Aufrufe 03.04.2023
Chess cheaters have been an ongoing issue for a while, so in this video we’ll be showing moments where these chess cheaters get caught during the act.“
They want to congratulate you for Leveling Up – but they’re ashamed…
Ancient Philosophers‘ Life Lessons People Wished They Knew Sooner
„Ancient Philosophers‘ Life Lessons People Wished They Knew Sooner“
„Quotes: 847.000 Abonnenten
Aktuell 255 Zuschauer Livestream gestartet am 03.01.2023 #quotes
This livestream is made from the best quotes in the world and we expect these life quotes to make you change your attitude to the world. These quotes are really worth taking screenshots and saving them in a collection of inspirational quotes. Thank you for watching this quotes stream, here the quotes are broadcasting 24/7.“
„Die Chatfunktion ist für diesen Livestream deaktiviert.“
7 Key Nutrients to CONTROL Blood Pressure Naturally | how to lower blood pressure
They are realizing Your True Power & Worth Because of Your Absence and Your Anointing
„They are realizing Your True Power & Worth Because of Your Absence and Your Anointing“
33.200 Abonnenten
4.425 Aufrufe 02.03.2023 #ChosenOnes #Anointing #Blessings
They’ve Realizing Your True Power & Worth Because of the Absence of Your Anointing
#ChosenOnes #Anointing #Blessings
Jessica Watson: vor 13 Stunden:God is an all-consuming Holy Fire 🔥 🙌 Praise be to God. I pray for peace in the valley 🙏…
Pamela Nekesa
vor 14 Stunden
Amen pastor it’s the greatness of God be blessed man of God 🙏.
𝓜𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒂 𝑻.: vor 8 Stunden:
The Seven Stages To „Full Enlightenment“…
The Seven Stages To „Full Enlightenment“…
“ 21.446 Aufrufe 14.01.2023 #kundalini #buddhism #zen
A spiritual or mystical state is the present-tense realisation, to varying degrees, of a profound & intensely-felt freedom.
These higher states are inherent to the human body-mind. And, much closer than one might think!
Therefore, it is possible for them to be triggered at any time.
In fact, states can be experienced at any time by any one..
There is no necessary prerequisite to experiencing or deeply intuiting even the highest of mystical or spiritual states, including the enlightened state.
Profound spiritual states can also be brought about by:
Devotional practices
Near-Death Experience (NDE)
Brain Injury
For no reason at all!
Nevertheless …
How the state is interpreted and understood will depend on the stage of human and/or spiritual development one has achieved, or currently in.
Additionally, the stage will determine whether one is able to stably abide in that higher state.
The difference & relationship between states & stages is that of the difference & relationship between perception & perspective.
At the stage of human development of a child, they will have a child’s perspective of any of their perceptions.
A child’s interpretation of what they perceive will be limited by their stage of human development, i.e. the development stage of their perspective.
An adult’s interpretation of what they perceive will in most cases be a more comprehensive understanding reflecting a higher stage of human development – or a higher human development of perspective.
#enlightenment #spirituality #zen #buddhism #kundalini #vedanta“
Kohlmeise – Gesang
7 Damen auf dem Brett! Kann das sein?
Quantum Mysticism misused by Money Gurus (Deepak Chopra, Spirit Science, Actualized.org)
„Quantum Mysticism misused by Money Gurus (Deepak Chopra, Spirit Science, Actualized.org)“
„Quantum Mysticism is Stupid (Deepak Chopra, Spirit Science, Actualized.org)
Professor Dave Explains
2,32 Mio. Abonnenten“
vor 1 Sekunde
Change the title to Quantum Mysticism misused by Money Gurus.
vor 0 Sekunden
My Quantum Mysticism is real, forget Deepak. 😀
vor 0 Sekunden
I am really a Realist and Objectivist, but also a Quantum Mysticist in a real sense, but what you tell about longevity has something to do with modern medicine is absolut nonsense… there are enough centenarians long before modern medicine came into existence…
Here´s what you might have missed on planet earth real life show…
„Here´s what you might have missed on planet earth real life show… #inspiration #conspiracy #realitytv
original sound – Jamesseriph“
@jamesseriph Heres what you might have missed on planet earth real life show… #inspiration #conspiracy #realitytv ♬ original sound – Jamesseriph
Deepmind 12 Vs Prophet 6…
„Deepmind 12 Vs Prophet 6: Why the huge price difference?
Starsky Carr
43.400 Abonnenten
177.458 Aufrufe 08.11.2018
A look at why some synths are more expensive than others. The Prophet 6 is 3.5 x the cost of the Behringer Deepmind 12. Is one overpriced, or the other amazing value…?
From a practical perspective what are the differences and is the price difference really justified?
I’m not saying one is overpriced or the other is cheap or poor quality, I’m really trying to take a completely unbiased view of the differences.
If you can’t get your hands on ether or both you may have wondered why yourself…. hopefully this can go some way to answering the question.“
LOUDEST Bird Ever! | Laughing Kookaburra | Creature Feature (Includes Feeding)
„LOUDEST Bird Ever! | Laughing Kookaburra | Creature Feature (Includes Feeding)“
739.000 Abonnenten
415.505 Aufrufe 21.01.2018
Welcome to another Creature Feature!
This week, we take a closer look at the Australian Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae).
Disclaimer – Kookaburras a not suitable pets for the vast majority of people and cannot be housed in traditional cages (not even macaw sized). I do not endorse or recommend them as pets. Also, Babakook is NOT a wild-caught bird. He is captive bred from many generations of captive birds. We do have to have a special permit for Babakook.“