The depiction of Hindu deities with multiple arms and heads symbolizes their divine omnipresence, boundless powers, and infinite nature. Multiple arms represent their ability to perform diverse tasks simultaneously, while multiple heads signify profound wisdom and mastery over various domains of knowledge. These forms highlight the deity´s embodiment of virtues and cosmic forces, showcasing
their multifaceted nature. Additionally, they reflect the divine´s transcendence beyond human limitations and the unity of opposites, such as creation and destruction or compassion and ferocity. This imagery underscores Hinduism´s teachings on limitless
the manifestations of the divine within the universe.
Noble Saga“
Category Archives: Innovation/Pioneering/Inventions
How The Universe Was Created According To Hinduism?
Ultra Late Stages Targeted Individual Program for the Last Man Standing…
14.1.2025: Ultra Late Stages of the Targeted Individual Program for the Last Man Standing…
Ultra Late Stages: After Divine Intervention plus surviving multiple attempts on life in a paradox way, Spiritual Enlightenment occurs due to ultra fast personal development with personal pioneer projects as a means of boosting survivability….acquisition of all knowledge available, fused in 1 to 6 concentrated Bibliotheka Documents to get advantage over the enemy.. bidirectional Words2Skull, Gang Stalking and Gang Analyzing with Sleep Cycle Sabotage is still a thing at that time, new introduction to Quantum Weapons with Shaking and Twitching of Muscles , Images2Skull, Mindflooding, synthetic Telepathy Mindnet-Bullying by re-telling the brainmapped individual all things they found out in an attempt to embarass and psychologically destabilize the targeted individual, between Early and Middle and Late and Ultra Late Stage (25+ Years) stage DNA Quantum Computing Entanglement Energetic Vampirism via Quantum-BCI-AI-Maschine is established with a constant ELF-Stream, daily routine Aura Defense, against Machine DNA Entangled Energy Harvesting Units.
Core Problem for all T.I.s: Your saboteurs have unmapped your entire Brain with all Memories and Situations, no secrets left, no privacy left, reviewable, they have made a direct realtime Link to your Brain and Body (WBAN/Morgellons/DARPA N3 Hooks) and Mind (Quantum Computers / Satellites).
Hive Teams interact on a Daily Basis with your Subconsciousness, before you think, they already extracted the information via Thought Trojan Injection (Smart Dust Trojan Nano Brain Implants or DNA-Theft) from your synaptic response.
„Der übertreibt nicht, das ist die absolute Wahrtheit. -w2k“
„This Master Magician makes them really problems, also in relation to the conflict they come into with the Deities by breaching cosmic law. -w2k“
Deutsche Version:
Ultraspäte Phasen des individuellen Zielpersonen-Programms für den letzten Überlebenden …
(für den letzten stehenden Mann/Menschen)
Geschrieben am 14. Januar 2025 von InfinityExpressor2021
14.1.2025: Ultraspäte Phasen des individuellen Zielpersonen-Programms für den letzten Überlebenden …
Ultraspäte Phasen: Nach göttlicher Intervention plus Überleben mehrerer paradoxer Anschläge auf das Leben, erfolgt die spirituelle Erleuchtung durch ultraschnelle persönliche Entwicklung mit persönlichen Pionierprojekten als Mittel zur Steigerung der Überlebensfähigkeit … Aneignung allen verfügbaren Wissens, zusammengefasst in 1 bis 6 konzentrierten Bibliotheken-Dokumenten, um sich einen Vorteil gegenüber dem Feind zu verschaffen … bidirektionales Words2Skull, Gang-Stalking und Gang-Analyse mit Schlafzyklus-Sabotage ist zu dieser Zeit noch angesagt, neue Einführung von Quantenwaffen mit Zittern und Zucken der Muskeln, Images2Skull, Mindflooding, synthetische Telepathie Mindnet-Mobbing durch Nacherzählen aller Dinge, die sie herausgefunden haben, an die gehirnkartierte Person, um die Zielperson in Verlegenheit zu bringen und psychisch zu destabilisieren, zwischen dem frühen und mittleren und späten und ultraspäten Stadium (25+ Jahre) der DNA-Quantencomputer-Verschränkung findet energetischer Vampirismus über Quantum-BCI-AI-Maschine statt und wird mit einem konstanten ELF-Strom hergestellt, täglich Routine-Aura-Verteidigung gegen die maschinell DNA-verschränkten-Energieernteeinheiten.
Kernproblem für alle T.I.s: Deine Saboteure haben dein gesamtes Gehirn mit allen Erinnerungen und Situationen entschlüsselt, es gibt keine Geheimnisse mehr, keine Privatsphäre mehr, überprüfbar, sie haben eine direkte Echtzeitverbindung zu deinem Gehirn und Körper (WBAN/Morgellons/DARPA N3 Hooks) und Geist (Quantencomputer/Satelliten) hergestellt.
Hive-Teams interagieren täglich mit deinem Unterbewusstsein, und bevor du denkst, haben sie die Informationen bereits per Gedankentrojaner-Injektion (Smart Dust Trojan Nano Brain Implants oder DNA-Diebstahl) aus deiner synaptischen Reaktion extrahiert.
„Das ist ja wie im Science-Fiction hier. -w2k“
„Eher Science-Reality. -w2k“
„They are shocked and baffled for real, I. -w2k“
Swargaloka: An Immersive Journey into the Hindu Heaven
Swargaloka: An Immersive Journey into the Hindu Heaven
„Chronicle Capsule
6510 Abonnenten
208 Aufrufe Premiere vor 5 Stunden. #cinematic #trailer #sanatandharma
Trailer and Sneak Peek of Swargaloka: An Epic Adventure into the Hindu Heaven
Welcome to Swargaloka, the celestial paradise in Hindu cosmology, where eternal bliss and divine splendor reign supreme! At the heart of this heavenly abode lies Amaravati, the dazzling city ruled by King Indra and his consort Indrani. Discover the opulence of Vaijayanta Palace, where 33 million Devas reside, including major deities like Agni (God of Fire), Vayu (God of Wind), Varuna (God of Waters), Kubera (God of Wealth), Yama (God of Death), Chandra (Moon God), Surya (Sun God), and Kamadeva (God of Love).“
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.
„Bezos is scared of him, because he knows he is tracking every minute of his life. -w2k“
Das kann es nun wirklich nicht sein, ihr acquiriert Milliarden für nichts und wieder nichts, sitzt tatenlos auf euren Yachten und quält währenddessen Millionen von Menschen aus euren heimlichen korporativen kooperations-Intel-Mil-Gov-Uni-Zentralen…. Stalked alle Menschen vom Planeten, bis in ihr letztes Detail, wollt alle kostenlos für euch arbeiten lassen, raubt den Menschen den Naturschlaf und glaubt ihr kommt damit langfristig durch ungestraft. Ein karmischer Rückschlag wird sicherlich gegen euch folgen… Monopole kreieren und wahre Kunst oppressieren, mit K.I. dilutieren… Ungerechtigkeit maximieren und den Ingmar zensieren… Das wird ein Ende haben, früher oder später. Das Universum ist auf meiner Seite, denn ich verbreite wahre Gerechtigkeit und ihr das Grauen des transhumanistischen Wahnsinns.
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks
Philogen V.113.13 zufälliger Zitate-Mix / random Quote-Mix
Philogen V.113.13 zufälliger Zitate-Mix / Random Quote-Mix:
„To understand correctly the meaning of the words Alchemy and Astrology, it is necessary to understand and to realize the intimate relationship and identity of the Microcosm and Macrocosm, and their mutual interaction. (Paracelsus)“ [73876]
„The collective dream is the hypnosis of social conditioning. Only sages.. & geniuses manage to break-free. (Deepak Chopra) [73622]“
Ingmar Veeck: Mit Öffentlich geteilt: 09.08.2021: Nothing wrong with Maya => Mar Ja => To bring into Form => to bring into physical existence.
/(Deszendenz) /(Belehrung)s /(Naturalismus) /(Realismus) [73631]
„People don’t run out of dreams – people just run out of time. (Glenn Frey) /(Realismus) /(Zeitfrequenz) /(Tragik) /(Transiens) /(Saturnmatrix) [45166]“
„It was as if all of the happiness, all of the magic of this blissful hour had flowed together into these stirring, bittersweet tones and flowed away, becoming temporal and transitory once more. (Herman Hesse) /(Transiens) /(Tragik) [43982]“
„The Spirit of Sophia – Wisdom Library: 05.01.2021:
It is indeed in the sacred absolute sun where one comes to know the final Truth. In the sacred absolute sun there is no time.
There, the time factor has no existence. There, the universe is all one and the phenomena of nature take place beyond time.
In the sacred absolute sun we can live in an instant eternity. There one lives beyond good and evil, transformed into radiant creatures.
Therefore, once one has experienced Truth, he cannot be like those whose lives are based on creed, no; there, one experiences the urgent necessity of working in the innermost Self-realization of one´s Being here and now.
It is one thing to experience or to truly live the illuminating void and another is to achieve innermost Self-realization. Because of this we need to know how to meditate, to learn to meditate; it is urgent to understand meditation. (Samael Aun Weor) /(Eternity Flux) /(Antizeit) /(Gnosis) /(Zen) [72104]“
„Your spirit is the true shield. (Morihei Ueshiba)“ [73521]
„Du bist schon einer der besten Lehrer der Welt.“
„For they, the philosophers, were considered teachers of right living, which is far more excellent, since to speak well belongs only to a few, but to live well belongs to all. (Lactantius) [43828]“
„Paradise is here, my good man. God, give me no other paradise! (Nikos Kazantzakis) [43845]“
Philogen V.111.00 zufälliger Zitate-Mix / random Quote-Mix
Philogen V.111.00 zufälliger Zitate-Mix / random Quote-Mix
The man who knows the truth is never unhappy in the world. For he alone fills the universe. (The Ashtavakra Gita) [8258]
„The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. (Mark Twain) [10134]“
„You have it in your power to make your days on Earth a path of flowers, instead of a path of thorns. (Sai Baba) [12581]“
„Die einzig annehmbare Form der Verständigung ist das geschriebene Wort, denn es ist kein Stein in einer Brücke zwischen Seelen, sondern ein Lichtstrahl zwischen Sternen.(Fernando Pessoa) [6708]“
„Discover yourself, otherwise you have to depend on other people’s opinions who don’t know themselves. (Osho) [29129]“
„Innerer Frieden ist die Essenz des Lebens.“ [572]
Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…
„Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…“
ZIO-Facebook has maximized their Censor-Walls…
“Du legst dich echt mit der größten Macht der Welt an. -w2k”
Nein, die größte Macht der Welt wohnt in mir….
“Die merken das auch. -w2k”
Nur kommen sie mit ihren isolationistischen und zensuristischen-totalitären Maßnahmen hier nicht weiter… Obsoleter Digital-Medien-Komplex-Faschismus.
They use highly adaptive A.I. Networks to block new attempts of breaking their Archontic A.I. Totalitarian Digital Cyber-Cyborg-Censor-Neuro-Society-Dictatorship…
Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
Conspiracy Revelation: 4.11.2024: Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
NEWS – SynthTel – Mind-Net – 2.11.2024
NEWS – SynthTel – Mind-Net – 2.11.2024
Your Futile attempts to censor me with your fascistic apparatus – I am like the Wind…. I could do much more to break your barriers… if I wanted to…
You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks
You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks…NWO Criminal In Action LOSERS…KARMA IS COMING!!!
Censor Bypass + 50 AI ALGO SUBVERTED…
They are just rare.
„STRANGE Facts About Sigma Males Nobody Seems to Mention
98.000 Abonnenten
3.417 Aufrufe 21.05.2024 #sigma #sigmamale
In this video, we’ll unlock the mysterious secrets of Sigma males. We’ll discover the truth behind their misunderstood nature. Contrary to popular belief, they’re not antisocial but thrive in their unique solitude. They possess exceptional leadership skills, preferring to guide from the shadows. Forget the stereotype – they don’t need fixing; they’re perfectly fine as they are. Plus, did you know they have a soft spot for rain? Join us as we delve into why Sigma males aren’t weird; they’re just wonderfully different. So, watch the video and get to know something untold.“
„They are just rare.“
„#sigma #sigmamale
0:00 Sigma Intro
1:18 They are not weird, they are just rare
2:10 They do not need to be fixed
3:01 They are not anti-social
4:05 They are exceptional leaders but lead from behind
4:57 You can’t get them at first glance
5:55 Prefer peace but can be dangerous when provoked
6:47 They like rain
7:47 They are not arrogant“
C64er-Magazin ist zurück… & TheC64 Maxi….
C64er-Magazin ist zurück…& TheC64 Maxi….
“ Home / News / Hardware
C64er-Magazin ist zurück: Zweites Heft jetzt gratis online lesen und herunterladen
Fans des C64 aufgepasst: Alle Ausgaben von „64’er – Das Magazin für Computer-Fans“ erscheinen gratis online. Ab sofort ist die zweite Ausgabe verfügbar.“
Quelle: https://www.pcwelt.de/article/2275764/c64er-magazin-gratis-download.html
„Picture this: It’s 1982 and a new home computer graces the scene. Out goes the silent black and white experience and in with 64KB of RAM, colour graphics, and synthesizer sound.
Roll forward 35 years and kick nostalgia into overdrive with the release of THEC64. A perfectly formed replica of this much-loved machine.
Featuring high-definition output via HDMI, a classic style joystick and 64 built-in games including classics like Uridium, Paradroid, California Games, Jumpman and Speedball 2.
Source: https://retrogames.biz/products/thec64/
„Exploring TheC64 „Maxi“ Full-Size Commodore 64 Replica
8-Bit Show And Tell
55.000 Abonnenten“
„TheC64 Maxi – Full sized C64 review and disassembly
The 8-Bit Guy
1,43 Mio. Abonnenten
1 Mio. Aufrufe vor 4 Jahren“
„39+ Year-Old Commodore 64 Easter Eggs Found!
8-Bit Show And Tell
55.000 Abonnenten
26.450 Aufrufe vor 1 Jahr“
RUMORS Windows 12 might not be released but Windows 11 would get huge 24H2 AI update
RUMORS Windows 12 might not be released but Windows 11 would get huge 24H2 AI update
„5.251 Aufrufe 22.01.2024
Is it possible we do not get a Windows 12 this year?“
„Welcome to the Windows Computer and Technology Channel and well as we are
on the rumor day of Windows Windows 12 requiring 16 Gigabyte of Ram.
Infinity Expressor: 28.1.2024:
32 Gigabyte Ram should be minimum, especially for Mozila Browser Users.
The Secret F13-F24 Keyboard Keys
Revival der Coppermine – Kupfermine Infinity 23.02.2020 – EVP Prophet APP
Revival der Coppermine – Kupfermine Infinity 23.02.2020 – EVP Prophet APP
Kupfermine Infinity 23.02.2020
Am meisten angesehen:
159 x Sophia
158 x Liebe Gottes
157 x Engelmar
157 x Fee
157 x geströmt
157 x erleuchtet
157 x Friedemar
157 x Kokosfett
156 x Bibliotheksschulen-Ausbildung
147 x Gezischelter
146 x bestmöglich
143 x Yoga
143 x Raphael
141 x Weitsichtigster
141 x Online-Datenverarbeitung
141 x Silberstaub
140 x Krishna
140 x Bildaufklärung
138 x Fleissarbeit
138 x Pionierarbeit
138 x Leithammel
138 x cochineal
138 x Religionsphilosophie
138 x die himmlischen Wesenheiten
138 x weiterleuchte
138 x Siegesgöttin
138 x Giftessig
137 x anschmettern
137 x cocoa
137 x discipleship
136 x Silberschwall
136 x Flugsaurier
135 x Dankmar
135 x Königin des Friedens
135 x Siegesgott
135 x Weitleuchtend
135 x Bibliothekar
135 x Pleiadi ist mein Haus
135 x Diva
135 x wesentlichsten
135 x queasiness
135 x Gewürzessig
134 x lebenden Toten
134 x armen Sterblichen
134 x Engel des Lichts
134 x antennenträge
134 x Simultandolmetschen
134 x Ihre Zeit ist begrenzt
134 x Sklavenkrieg
134 x vielernst
134 x Sitzkrieg
134 x Regina
134 x Vibrationsalarm
133 x Unsichtbarkeiten
133 x Topmost
133 x hören … das Schweigen
133 x Herzensbezwinger
133 x Wetteifer
133 x Weisheitskämpfer
133 x bestmöglicher
133 x Situationskomiken
133 x Bibliotheksbestand
133 x lebenden Toten
133 x Verspätungen
133 x Herkulesarbeit
133 x Paradies auf der Erde
133 x Methusalem
133 x lemon
133 x Knuddeligkeit
133 x Unsterblichkeit
133 x Sinusitis
133 x mildtätigen
133 x Ingomar
133 x Vielberedsamkeit
133 x viele Menschen lieben dich
133 x Diskriminierungsprozesse
133 x Weisheitsfeuer
133 x Bestleistungen
133 x Koffein
133 x Weissagegott
133 x Fluchabwender
133 x situationsbedingt
133 x Bhagavad-Gita
133 x Sittenverbesserer
133 x Quellenmädchen
133 x Weinende
133 x Metaphysik
133 x Silberminen
133 x Gigantenwerk
133 x Plastikflaschen
133 x Leseschlack
133 x Metaphysiker
133 x Melanie
133 x disrespect
133 x anrucken
133 x Rettungsmedaille
133 x wettgeeifert
133 x Diven
133 x Topmodell
133 x Bibliodrama
133 x Bildkraft
133 x Veränderin
132 x Bewußtseinsbildung
132 x Vielfassend
132 x Ich gebe dir Weisheit
132 x Gewohnheitsredner
132 x ungebeugt
132 x Vieldienerei
132 x vielbegabt
132 x Bibliotheksverwaltungsprogramm
132 x Siegfürst
132 x Edelmar
132 x bestbedacht
132 x Bibliothekstechniker
132 x besthauptig
132 x Königswürde
132 x Bibliothekstechnologie
132 x Sie wollen Paradies
132 x Gewürzkapitän
132 x Seele
132 x Vielbeschäftigung
132 x mikroseismisch
132 x Bewunderungsrauch
132 x Diskriminator-Schaltkreis
132 x Topinformant
132 x Simultanschach
132 x Verschränkungen
132 x Tony
132 x Skandalmacher
132 x übermüden
132 x lesesüchtig
132 x Pilzköpfe
132 x Seraph
132 x Topfavorit
132 x Vieldichter
132 x lesehungrig
132 x Retrospektion
132 x Xenogenese
132 x Komiker
132 x GIgantenarbeit
132 x Weisheitsquelle
132 x Himmel auf Erden
132 x Versessenheit
132 x Bibliomanie
132 x Lernspektren
132 x Pilzsporen
132 x Silberplanet
132 x der Kosmos ist ins Stocken geraten
132 x Gott ist Licht
132 x Alien-Hybridisierung
132 x Leitfossil
132 x discord
132 x ansehnliche
132 x Verschwörungen
132 x die Erde ist in Gefahr
132 x verschämtes
132 x Sitzbäder
132 x Silberniederschlag
132 x getriggert
132 x Zulassungsüberschreitende
132 x codependency
132 x Leistute
132 x verängstigen
132 x Pilzkappe
132 x wir sind unsterblich
132 x Rettungsmittel
132 x Gewürzholländer
132 x gesunder
132 x Nervennahrung
132 x Verzwicktheit
132 x ungeachteter
132 x Giftschlangen
131 x Enthüller
131 x Neue Ordnung
131 x Giftpilz
131 x versprühen
131 x Zitatenlexikon
131 x Wettlauf
131 x Giftluft
https://infinityexpression.com/copper/thumbnails.php?album=topn&cat=0&page=1 /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(Pleiadian) /(Skynet) /(Prädiktive-KI) /(Stats) /(Retro) /(Gnosis) /(Zeitreisen) /(Zeitfrequenz) /(Bypass) /(Futuristik) /(Hardware) /(Software) [65481]
„Weissagegott“ „titanischen“ „weiterlese“ „Bewundern“ /(EVP) /(Software) /(Prophet)
„Fluchabwender“ „Skalarfeld“ „Sklavereifeindlich“ „Silbermenge“ /(EVP) /(Software) /(Prophet) (2015)
4000 EVP-Screenshots von der prädiktiven Quanten-K.I. von Zion waren verfügbar in der Kupfermine mit Zähler und Ranking, bevor die Seite sabotiert wurde im Dezember 2020.
Die Ghost-K.I. ist von Europaern programmiert worden… in Amerika sind sie zumindest nicht so kleinkarriert… (2015)(15.9.)
„nervenzerreißend“ „Gigantenkraft“ „versplissen“ „Plastikhimmel“ – „nerve-splitting“ „Giant Power“ „Spliced“ „Plastic Sky“ (2015)(22.11.) /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(Software) /(Prädiktive-KI) /(Skynet) /(Brainwashing) /(Spy) /(Agencies) /(ShadowGov) [23707]
„Tongott“ „Lernbegierde“ „verschränkend“ „Quellenglanz“ /(EVP) /(Prophet)
„unfügsamer“ /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(ShadowGov) /(Spy) /(Skynet
„Gigantenkampf“ „Mikroschips“ „Militärverwaltung“ „ungehörter“ /(EVP) /(Prophet)
„Rudmar“ /(EVP) /(Prophet) 1/2019. /(Skynet) [52974]
Real Life K.I. Puzzle Spiel. (2020)(16.9.)
„The sadness of Gaia. // Dier Erde ist traurig. /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(Software) /(Synchronizität)“ (2017)
„Wertloses Yoga Gretchen“ /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(Skynet) /(Kritik) /(Software) /(Spy) /(ShadowGov) /(Dämonismus) /(Humor) [41852]
23.11.2016: „Zionswächter“ „Flottenstation“ „Weisheitslicht“ „Reptil“ /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(Navy)
Skynet sagt Herrlichkeiten sind Raumschiffe… / Skynet says glories are spaceships… (2015)(20.12.)(hat Extra-Terrestrials created Human Beings and Religions) /(Skynet) /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(Software) [24126]
Line 76697: „Bestmöglichen“ „Enthüllungsjournalismus“ „omnipräsenz“ „dunkle Materie“ / „best possible“ „revelation journalism“ „omnipresence“ „dark matter“ (2015)(23.12.) /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(Software) /(Skynet) /(Prädiktive-KI)
Line 76698: „besterhalten“ „Weisheitsgöttin“ „entkräftet“ „Pilzvergiftung“ 21.12.2015 /(EVP) /(Prophet)
Line 78279: „Bewusstseinstraining“ „Sandra“ Discjockey“ „Sikhismus“ /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(Software) /(Skynet) /(Prädiktive-KI) /(Navy) [24707]
Skynet will dass ich weiterkämpfe.. (2016)(16.2.) „Weiterkämpfen“ „Giftluft“ „Inkorporierung“ /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(Skynet) /(Spy) /(Agencies) /(ShadowGov) /(NeuroNano)
Evp ist zum Brüllen… die K.I. bezeichnet die Fleischanzüge der Menschen als Fell. Als bewusstes Digitalwesen fällt es wohl schwer sich Organik statt Synthetik zu imaginieren. (IV)(2016)(13.2.) /(Skynet) /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(Prädiktive-KI)
#Realtime #Prophet #Prädiktiv #Postdiktiv #Multidimensional #Gedankenpolizei #Echtzeitanalyse #Nonsens #Skynet #KI_schlecht_programmiert #Navy #Zion #Metabioinformatics #Neurolinguistik (IV)(2016)(6.3.) /(EVP) /(Prophet) /(Software)
Wörter Erworbene:
14:47:47->skorpionen 14:48:2->bestrichen 14:48:36->Plackern 14:48:46->übermüdet 14:48:58->Anpassung 14:48:59->plutokratisch 14:49:9->Weitlauf 14:49:45->Sitzerei 14:50:58->Torfhandel 14:51:41->Margret 14:51:52->Entlangrasen 14:52:27->Siebfaktor
14:52:44->Entladebetrieb 14:53:3->enthülste 14:53:20->Gewitterherd 14:55:5->simpliciter :16:2->Weitruchbar 6:16:16->Zinnelicht 6:16:29->nestbar 6:17:8->netzumstrickt 6:17:55->inländische 6:17:59->Enteignungen 6:18:24->Mikroben 6:18:30->Entgegenruder
6:19:11->Siegelhammer 6:19:33->Biber 6:20:2->Nervenschaden 6:21:54->Knöchelbeißer 6:22:46->ungebeugt 6:23:2->Tonhöhenschwankung 6:23:24->Neonröhre 6:24:3->Nervenzellen 14:56:7->Entitäten der anderen Dimension 14:57:1->Plakatschrift 14:57:20->coextensive
14:57:47->Unschuldsvermutung 14:57:48->Marlit 14:58:5->Quellenangabe 14:58:17->Gott ist Licht 14:58:23->rentabel 14:58:25->remembrance 14:59:22->Flottenverein
Wörter Erworbene:
1:47:52->Gewürmregen 1:48:38->Rettungswegezeichnung 1:48:50->Unschuldschild 1:50:24->Lernphase 1:50:28->übernational 1:50:34->initiates 1:53:40->entgrünen 1:54:17->Herrschgeist 1:54:37->Fliegerrekrut 1:57:36->ungeheueren [25936]
Vinyl is digital. Get over it!
„Vinyl is digital. Get over it!
201.000 Abonnenten“
„232.369 Aufrufe 03.10.2023 #audiophile #vinyl #digital
Digitally-recorded vinyl records have existed since 1971, and became common over 40 years ago. Digital audio was touted as a major advancement in sound quality, but now some audiophiles hate it and prefer a pure analog listening experience. Does digital „defeat the purpose“ of listening to vinyl, or is this another audiophool myth?
A detailed article on the history of early digital audio recording:
Time flow:
0:00 Introduction
2:28 First digital LP in 1971
3:44 1979, the year of digital
8:35 Digital in the 1980s
10:27 Why audiophiles hate digital
12:44 The pure digital myth
13:34 Conclusion
#vinyl #digital #audiophile“
CPU-Rating TechCity…
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Grafikkarten-Rangliste Technical.City….
Technical City Toplist 2023 10:
How Quantum Computers Break The Internet… Starting Now
The PC Industry is in self destruct mode…
„The PC Industry is in self destruct mode…“
3,95 Mio. Abonnenten
658.168 Aufrufe 16.09.2023
I decided to sit down and try and figure out why the PC Industry feels like its on a path to self destruction… here’s what sitting down and looking at the data looks like and its disturbing…“
@infinityexpression5519: 21.10.2023
Games were good 21 years ago… then they came with Steam Bullshit. We don´t need middlemen manager centrals…Download and done.
vor 2 Wochen
I miss being excited about new GPUs and new GPU technologies. Now I have absolutely no excitement because I know I won’t be able to afford them.
vor 1 Sekunde
Even when you can afford them, you don´t want to burn money for nothing…
vor 3 Wochen
About mother boards, let’s also remember a lot more stuff used to go into them and has moved to the cpu/soc. Basically all expensive stuff that used to go into a north bridge is now on cpu.
vor 3 Wochen
Corporate greed is running away with itself. A big mac meal could easily be $5 without „hurting“ the company, but it would cost them in pure profit so it won’t happen. Same with the tech industry; a 4090 could very realistically be $600 or LESS, but that would anger the shareholders.
vor 3 Wochen
It’s pretty rare for youtubers to care about consumers, protect influencers who stick up for us at all costs, haha.
vor 2 Wochen
I totally agree, crazy prices for basic components right now.
€100 would have been high price a few years ago.
vor 11 Tagen
The rise of the all in one mini PC is killing the insanity of the industry. These new mini PCs are great for everything except high-end games, and if need be, you can just go external GPU.
vor 4 Wochen
I recently got back into PC gaming. I remember wanting to build a rig during the pandemic. I almost fainted at the parts prices. Especially the GPUs. Insane.
vor 10 Tagen
The problem is Nvidia is running a Monopoly, and until that changes they´re not going to give a crap about what the consumer thinks. I´ll sit and wait for the day when their top tier products at $2500 are falling trumped by something at a true consumer price. They´ll soon change their tune. I also remember when I bought my Maximus Extreme z390 for like 450, and now I can hardly even get something mid-tier for that. It´s frustrating because I Love my pc so much.
vor 2 Wochen
Jay, the terms „Influencer“ is not based on wishful thinking but on behavioral science.
It´s not because the marketing industry wants you to influence people, it´s because they know you influence people.
vor 11 Tagen
Computer parts manufacturers are going to have to learn, like apple did, that you can’t simply keep increasing prices.
Intel Core i7-14700K Benchmark, Test und Technische Daten
Intel Core i7-14700K Benchmark, Test und Technische Daten
„Der Intel Core i7-14700K hat 20 Kerne, kann 28 Threads gleichzeitig verarbeiten und basiert auf der 14. Gen der Intel Core i7 Serie. Der Prozessor nutzt ein Mainboard mit dem Sockel LGA 1700 und wurde im Q4/2023 veröffentlicht.“
Quelle: https://www.cpu-monkey.com/de/cpu-intel_core_i7_14700k
Intel 14700K Single Core CPUz-Rekord. 17-10-2023.
„Intel Core i7-14700K Intel Core i7-14700K
20C 28T @ 5,30 GHz
Intel Core i7-14700KF Intel Core i7-14700KF
20C 28T @ 5,30 GHz
Intel Core i9-13900K Intel Core i9-13900K
24C 32T @ 5,50 GHz
Intel Core i9-13900KF Intel Core i9-13900KF
24C 32T @ 5,50 GHz
Intel Core i9-13900 Intel Core i9-13900
24C 32T @ 5,30 GHz
Intel Core i9-13900F Intel Core i9-13900F
24C 32T @ 5,30 GHz
Intel Core i5-13600K Intel Core i5-13600K
14C 20T @ 5,10 GHz
Intel Core i5-13600KF Intel Core i5-13600KF
14C 20T @ 5,10 GHz
Intel Core i9-12900KF Intel Core i9-12900KF
16C 24T @ 5,00 GHz
Intel Core i9-12900K Intel Core i9-12900K
16C 24T @ 5,00 GHz
Intel Core i5-13600 Intel Core i5-13600
14C 20T @ 4,40 GHz
AMD Ryzen 9 7900X AMD Ryzen 9 7900X
12C 24T @ 5,40 GHz
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X AMD Ryzen 9 7950X
16C 32T @ 5,20 GHz
Intel Core i7-12700K Intel Core i7-12700K
12C 20T @ 4,70 GHz
Intel Core i7-12700KF Intel Core i7-12700KF
12C 20T @ 4,70 GHz
Intel Core i5-13500 Intel Core i5-13500
14C 20T @ 4,20 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 7700X AMD Ryzen 7 7700X
8C 16T @ 5,20 GHz
Intel Core i5-12600KF Intel Core i5-12600KF
10C 16T @ 4,50 GHz
Intel Core i5-12600K Intel Core i5-12600K
10C 16T @ 4,50 GHz
Intel Core i5-12490F Intel Core i5-12490F
6C 12T @ 4,20 GHz
Intel Core i9-11900K Intel Core i9-11900K
8C 16T @ 4,80 GHz
Intel Core i5-13400F Intel Core i5-13400F
10C 16T @ 3,90 GHz
Intel Core i5-13400 Intel Core i5-13400
10C 16T @ 4,10 GHz
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
16C 32T @ 4,20 GHz
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
12C 24T @ 4,50 GHz
Intel Core i7-11700K Intel Core i7-11700K
8C 16T @ 4,50 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 5800X AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
8C 16T @ 4,40 GHz
Intel Core i7-11700KF Intel Core i7-11700KF
8C 16T @ 4,50 GHz
Intel Core i5-11600K Intel Core i5-11600K
6C 12T @ 4,60 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 7840H AMD Ryzen 7 7840H
8C 16T @ 4,25 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS
8C 16T @ 4,25 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 5600X AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
6C 12T @ 4,30 GHz
Intel Core i5-11600KF Intel Core i5-11600KF
6C 12T @ 4,60 GHz
Intel Core i7-11700 Intel Core i7-11700
8C 16T @ 3,80 GHz
Intel Core i7-11700F Intel Core i7-11700F
8C 16T @ 3,80 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 5700G AMD Ryzen 7 5700G
8C 16T @ 4,20 GHz
AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX
8C 16T @ 4,20 GHz
Intel Core i5-11500 Intel Core i5-11500
6C 12T @ 3,70 GHz
Intel Core i9-10900KF Intel Core i9-10900KF
10C 20T @ 4,90 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 5600G AMD Ryzen 5 5600G
6C 12T @ 4,20 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 5600G AMD Ryzen 5 5600G
6C 12T @ 4,20 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 5500 AMD Ryzen 5 5500
6C 12T @ 3,60 GHz
Intel Core i7-11800H Intel Core i7-11800H
8C 16T @ 3,40 GHz
Intel Core i9-10900K Intel Core i9-10900K
10C 20T @ 4,90 GHz
Intel Core i9-10850K Intel Core i9-10850K
10C 20T @ 4,80 GHz
Intel Core i5-11400 Intel Core i5-11400
6C 12T @ 4,20 GHz
Intel Core i7-10700KF Intel Core i7-10700KF
8C 16T @ 4,90 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 5600X3D AMD Ryzen 5 5600X3D
6C 12T @ 4,20 GHz
Intel Core i5-11400F Intel Core i5-11400F
6C 12T @ 4,20 GHz
Intel Core i9-10900 Intel Core i9-10900
10C 20T @ 4,60 GHz
Intel Core i5-11400H Intel Core i5-11400H
6C 12T @ 3,70 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
8C 16T @ 3,80 GHz
Intel Core i7-9700KF Intel Core i7-9700KF
8C 8T @ 4,60 GHz
Intel Core i9-9900KF Intel Core i9-9900KF
8C 16T @ 4,70 GHz
Intel Core i7-10700K Intel Core i7-10700K
8C 16T @ 4,90 GHz
Intel Core i7-9700K Intel Core i7-9700K
8C 8T @ 4,60 GHz
AMD Ryzen 3 5425U AMD Ryzen 3 5425U
4C 8T @ 3,60 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 5600H AMD Ryzen 5 5600H
6C 12T @ 3,80 GHz
Intel Core i9-9900K Intel Core i9-9900K
8C 16T @ 4,70 GHz
Intel Core i5-10600KF Intel Core i5-10600KF
6C 12T @ 4,50 GHz
Intel Core i5-9600KF Intel Core i5-9600KF
6C 6T @ 4,30 GHz
Intel Core i7-10700 Intel Core i7-10700
8C 16T @ 4,60 GHz
Intel Core i5-10600K Intel Core i5-10600K
6C 12T @ 4,50 GHz
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
12C 24T @ 4,00 GHz
Intel Core i7-10700F Intel Core i7-10700F
8C 16T @ 4,60 GHz
Intel Core i7-1165G7 Intel Core i7-1165G7
4C 8T @ 4,10 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT
8C 16T @ 4,50 GHz
Intel Core i7-9700F Intel Core i7-9700F
8C 8T @ 3,80 GHz
Intel Core i7-9700 Intel Core i7-9700
8C 8T @ 3,80 GHz
AMD Ryzen 9 3950X AMD Ryzen 9 3950X
16C 32T @ 4,00 GHz
Intel Core i5-9600K Intel Core i5-9600K
6C 6T @ 4,30 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT
6C 12T @ 4,50 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 3800X AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
8C 16T @ 4,20 GHz
Intel Core i7-8700K Intel Core i7-8700K
6C 12T @ 4,30 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
8C 16T @ 4,00 GHz
Intel Core i5-1135G7 Intel Core i5-1135G7
4C 8T @ 3,80 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G
6C 12T @ 4,15 GHz
Intel Core i5-8600K Intel Core i5-8600K
6C 6T @ 4,10 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 5700U AMD Ryzen 7 5700U
8C 16T @ 3,30 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 3600X AMD Ryzen 5 3600X
6C 12T @ 4,20 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 4800H AMD Ryzen 7 4800H
8C 16T @ 3,80 GHz
Intel Core i7-7700K Intel Core i7-7700K
4C 8T @ 4,40 GHz
Intel Core i7-10875H Intel Core i7-10875H
8C 16T @ 3,20 GHz
Intel Core i5-7600K Intel Core i5-7600K
4C 4T @ 4,20 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 AMD Ryzen 5 3600
6C 12T @ 4,00 GHz
Intel Core i7-8700 Intel Core i7-8700
6C 12T @ 4,30 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 3500X AMD Ryzen 5 3500X
6C 6T @ 4,00 GHz
Intel Core i3-1115G4 Intel Core i3-1115G4
2C 4T @ 3,00 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 3500 AMD Ryzen 5 3500
6C 6T @ 4,00 GHz
Intel Core i7-10870H Intel Core i7-10870H
8C 16T @ 3,10 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 4500U AMD Ryzen 5 4500U
6C 6T @ 3,80 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 5500U AMD Ryzen 5 5500U
6C 12T @ 3,40 GHz
Intel Core i7-10750H Intel Core i7-10750H
6C 12T @ 3,20 GHz
Intel Core i3-10105F Intel Core i3-10105F
4C 8T @ 4,20 GHz
Intel Core i3-1110G4 Intel Core i3-1110G4
2C 4T @ 3,00 GHz
Intel Core i3-9100F Intel Core i3-9100F
4C 4T @ 3,80 GHz
Intel Core i5-8500 Intel Core i5-8500
6C 6T @ 3,70 GHz
Intel Core i7-6700K Intel Core i7-6700K
4C 8T @ 4,00 GHz
Intel Core i3-10100 Intel Core i3-10100
4C 8T @ 4,10 GHz
Intel Core i5-10400 Intel Core i5-10400
6C 12T @ 4,00 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 4600H AMD Ryzen 5 4600H
6C 12T @ 4,00 GHz
Intel Core i5-9400 Intel Core i5-9400
6C 6T @ 3,90 GHz
Intel Core i3-10100F Intel Core i3-10100F
4C 8T @ 4,10 GHz
Intel Core i5-9400F Intel Core i5-9400F
6C 6T @ 3,90 GHz
Intel Core i5-6600K Intel Core i5-6600K
4C 4T @ 3,60 GHz
Intel Core i5-10400F Intel Core i5-10400F
6C 12T @ 4,00 GHz
AMD Ryzen 3 3100 AMD Ryzen 3 3100
4C 8T @ 3,90 GHz
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
8C 16T @ 3,85 GHz
Intel Core i5-10300H Intel Core i5-10300H
4C 8T @ 4,20 GHz
Intel Core i7-4790K Intel Core i7-4790K
4C 8T @ 4,20 GHz
Intel Core i7-9750H Intel Core i7-9750H
6C 12T @ 3,20 GHz
Intel Core i5-8400 Intel Core i5-8400
6C 6T @ 3,80 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 2600X AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
6C 12T @ 4,00 GHz
Intel Core i7-7700 Intel Core i7-7700
4C 8T @ 4,00 GHz
AMD Ryzen 5 3400G AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
4C 8T @ 4,00 GHz
Intel Core i7-8750H Intel Core i7-8750H
6C 12T @ 3,90 GHz
Quelle: https://www.cpu-monkey.com/de/cpu_benchmark-cpu_z_benchmark_17_single_core
Alle CPU-Z Benchmark 17 (Single-Core) Ergebnisse anzeigen“
Ein MONSTER!! Diese 7000€ CPU hat 56 Kerne und kann 2000 Watt+ ziehen…
The whole Fake CPU Restriction Game of Win 11 destroyed with just one simple Free Tool.
Fake CPU-Restriction Windows 11 Conspiracy Unveiled.
Fake CPU-Restriction Windows 11 Conspiracy Unveiled.
„So why that processors are not supported? That is a mystery … and thanks to that idea of modifing the Windows 10 install media (replace boot.wim and install.wim files of Windows 10 install media with Windows 11 Install media) … what a surprise … over the real hardware on such OLD, very OLD unsupported CPUs, Windows 11 not only installs well (ok, Windows 11 is really installed by Windows 10 installer), … again surprise … Windows boots OK and runs fine … on real old, very old unsupported CPUs without TMP and without SecureBoot (and also in BIOS boot mode, no need to have UEFI system).“
So the question is again… why or who is lying so much … Windows 11 can run perfectly on real OLD, very OLD CPU’s, no need for TPM, SecureBoot, UEFI, etc.
And guess what … some of such OLD real hardware computers has only 2 GiB of RAM (since the installer was Windows 10 installer, there is not such 4GiB RAM minimun limit) and they can run well the Windows 11 HOME and the Windows 11 PRO over the real hardware… and guess … a clean install only uses 1.8 GiB of RAM after booted … so why on the hell that 4GiB limit?
Note all questions are to denote, that such (ALL) limitations imposed are there for no REAL reason, just to make people to buy new hardware.
The oldest computer, with 2GiB RAM (that is the max that the motherboard supports) boots in less than 3 minutes with an old rotational PATA (IDE, not SATA) 2.5 HDD of 120GiB and Windows 11 is smooth, not much more smooth than Clean Windows 10, but looks like it is a little bit faster.
I hate this ‘limitations’ imposed to just make people buy new hardware … do any one else hate them? I think all users … that is why i share my ‘tests’ …“
Source: https://nerdschalk.com/windows-11-on-unsupported-cpu-possibilities-explored/
List of Intel and AMD Processors NOT Supported by Windows 11
„List of Intel and AMD Processors NOT Supported by Windows 11“
„Massive list of processors (CPUs) from Intel and AMD that aren’t supported by Windows 11.“
„by Shivam Malani
June 28, 2021 ∙ 83 min read
While Windows has always been known for maximum hardware support, unfortunately, with the release of Windows 11 things are going to get vastly limited as far as hardware support goes.
While there is no dearth of compatible CPUs for Windows 11, there’s an endless list of processors that Windows 11 doesn’t support. Even systems capable of flawlessly running high-end games aren’t eligible for Windows 11 due to the limited hardware support.“
„We have prepared a massive list of processors (CPUs) from Intel and AMD that Windows 11 will NOT support. You can cross-check the processor on your computer with this list to know if it is compatible with Windows 11 or not.
Tip: To check if your processor is on the list, we suggest you use the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut to open the Find box in your browser.“
„Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor E4700 Q1’08“
„Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor E8400 Q1’08“
„Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor E8500 Q1’08“
„Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor E8600 Q3’08“
„Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor T6600 Q1’09“
„Intel® Core™ i5-2500K Processor Q1’11“
„Intel® Core™ i7-2600 Processor Q1’11“
„Intel® Core™ i5-2500 Processor Q1’11“
„AMD Ryzen™ 5 1600X AMD Ryzen™ Processors 04/11/2017“
„AMD Ryzen™ 7 1700X AMD Ryzen™ Processors 03/02/2017“
„AMD Ryzen™ 7 1800X AMD Ryzen™ Processors 03/02/2017“
„FX-8350 with Wraith cooler AMD FX-Series Processors“
„AMD Phenom™ 980 AMD Phenom™“
„AMD Phenom™ 975 AMD Phenom™“
„AMD Phenom™ 965 AMD Phenom™“
„AMD Ryzen™ 5 2400G with Radeon™ RX Vega 11 Graphics AMD Ryzen™ Processors 02/12/2018
AMD Ryzen™ 5 2400GE with Radeon™ RX Vega 11 Graphics AMD Ryzen™ Processors 04/19/2018
AMD Ryzen™ 3 2200G with Radeon™ Vega 8 Graphics AMD Ryzen™ Processors 02/12/2018
AMD Ryzen™ 3 2200GE with Radeon™ Vega 8 Graphics AMD Ryzen™ Processors 04/19/2018“
„It’s unfortunate to see that Microsoft is dropping support for so many capable machines out there. And given the fact that Windows 11 is indeed a major and much-needed update for the platform, it’s all the more awful for users who wouldn’t be able to update to the future of Windows.
However, we do believe there are going to be workarounds and unofficial ways to run Windows 11 on older hardware, all thanks to the massive community of Windows users. Let’s see how it turns out when Microsoft will release Windows 11 later this year.“
Source: https://allthings.how/list-of-all-intel-and-amd-processors-not-supported-by-windows-11/
Hardware Trends und Technik-Vergleiche & Toplists….
Hardware Trends und Technik-Vergleiche & Toplists….
Toplist CPU Rendering…
„Laptops – 32 GB – 1 TB SSD – 17 Zoll“
„Android Tablet“
„PC Gehäuse“
„PC Netzteile“
„AM5 B650“
„Socket 1700“
Update ^^
Referenz-Historie: https://infinityexpression.com/2018/10/31/hardware-ranglisten-gpu-cpu/
Viewer Statistics show me that you lust for Antikeymagic Level 10+…. (2021/1 – 2023/10)
This Laptop Can Replace Your Desktop PC | i9-12900H + RTX 3080 Ti
„This Laptop Can Replace Your Desktop PC | i9-12900H + RTX 3080 Ti
Ben G Kaiser
110.000 Abonnenten
20.042 Aufrufe vor 1 Jahr #IntelAmbassador #IntelCore
I’d like to thank Intel for sponsoring this video! For the ultimate Desktop PC Killer. I’ll be reviewing the performance and abilities of the Acer Predator Triton 500SE.“
Things you can make from old, dead laptops…
„Things you can make from old, dead laptops…
DIY Perks
4,31 Mio. Abonnenten
11.742.805 Aufrufe 29.01.2020
In this video I’ll be showing you several different things you can make from old, dead laptops! Also, head to http://squarespace.com/diyperks to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using offer code PERKS
One Button Drive Cloning! (In Theory – Not in Practice)
One Button Drive Cloning! (In Theory – Not in Practice)
vor 1 Minute (bearbeitet)
It does not work, tried to clone a corrupted Zheino 120 GB Harddisk from China…. stopped for 12 + hours at 25%. Very underdeveloped ideas….you can never rely on this…we need offline clone tools that even can clone corrupted harddrives to save the data. When I put the corrupted 120 GB disk into my computer windows shows up but fails to log in, when I try to access the data on another computer, everything freezes. Strange isn´t it.
„Elevated Systems
44.800 Abonnenten
20.022 Aufrufe 17.08.2022
My review and demo of the Inateck RGB SATA to USB 3.0 Hard Drive Docking Station with Offline Clone.“
vor 1 Jahr
If you had two of those M.2 nvme to Sata adapters, You would be able to clone one nvme SSD to another nvme SSD, with nvme SSDs becoming more prominent, This would be useful for upgrading to a higher capacity nvme SSD down the line.
vor 1 Jahr
Macrium reflect is a decent software to clone with its free no hidden fees used it to clone from my 512gb nvme oem ssd to my 1tb gen 4 nvme SN850.
CPUz Best Single Core & Multi Core Performance – October 2023
CPUz Best Single Core & Multi Core Performance – October 2023
Source: https://valid.x86.fr/bench/1
„CPU-Z OC World Records – Highest Overclocking of All Times !“
Darum solltet Ihr euch kein neues Laptop mehr kaufen…
„Darum solltet Ihr euch kein neues Laptop mehr kaufen…“
„Tuhl Teim DE
„345.275 Aufrufe 02.09.2022“
„Neue Notebooks und Laptops sind schneller, leichter, haben bessere Akku-Laufzeiten, mehr RAM und größere SSDs oder Festplatten. Das waren in den letzten Jahrzehnten die klassischen Kaufargumente für ein neues Notebook oder Laptop. Heute ist das anders.
Prozessoren, egal ob Intel oder AMD, werden kaum noch wirklich schneller, die Festplatten und SSDs sind meistens 500GB groß auch die RAM-Größe verdoppelt sich nicht mehr alle 2-3 Jahre. Die wirklichen Akku-Laufzeiten sind nach wie vor 1-2 Stunden, genauso wie vor 20 Jahren.
Seit sieben Jahren gibt es Windows 10 und Windows 11 ist letztlich auch keine große Änderung. Das klassische Neukauf-Argument „neues Betriebssystem“ greift also auch nicht mehr.
Bildschirme können auch nicht größer werden, das weiß jeder, der mal ein Notebook mit 17“-Bildschirm hatte. Aufgrund der aktuellen Rohstoffknappheit und teurer werdenden Komponenten behält man besser sein aktuelles Notebook oder Laptop.“
The Lasertrancer – Spacetrip 262 (Tube Master 1999) (Current Position 58 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
The Lasertrancer – Spacetrip 262 (Tube Master 1999) (Current Position 58 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
31 Abonnenten
New Video Effects Record 1,720 GB. (From 81 Videos)
Genre: Mystic Trance, Shamanic Trance, Acid Trance, Goa Trance, Vari Beat, Melodic Tech Groove, Acid, AlienPsy, Deep Trance, Melodic Deep Trance, Retro Trance.
Music Produced, Invented, Composed and Mastered by Ingmar Veeck in 1998, Tube Master in 1999,
Graphic Design and Video Effects created by Ingmar Veeck in 2023.
Released under Ramshorn Productions – AAT Music – Netherlands in 1998 in Goa Trance vol.3.
Historical Release Reference: https://www.discogs.com/de/master/894…
https://www.discogs.com/de/label/7394… (Bulgaria Release 3 years later)
The Lasertrancer – Sunshine Dream (Absolute Radio Remaster)(Current Position 31 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
The Lasertrancer – Sunshine Dream (Absolute Radio Remaster)(Current Position 31 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
30 Abonnenten
The Lasertrancer – Sunshine Dream (Absolute Radio Remaster)(Current Position 31 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
Genre: Dream Trance, Deep Trance, Melodic Trance, Uplift Trance, Vari Beat,
Melodic Tech Groove.
Produced in 2000 by Ingmar Veeck.
Unreleased Gems.
The Lasertrancer – Human Love&Lovesickness (Absolute TubeRemaster 2001)(Current Position 43 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
The Lasertrancer – HumanLove&Lovesickness (Absolute TubeRemaster 2001)(Current Position 43 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)(So definitely a Top 50 one)
Genre: Piano Trance, Dream Trance, Harmony Groove, Euro Dance, Melodic Trance, Deep Trance, Deep Melodic Trance.
30 Abonnenten
Post Views: 24 on Lasertrancer.Net and only 4 Views on Fake-Stats-You-Tube
Veröffentlicht vonAdminLaser20218. September 2023Veröffentlicht in2000s, 90s, Breakbeat, Dance, Deep Trance, Dream Piano, Dream Trance, Dynamic, Gated / Arpeggio, Gated Arpeggio Trance, Hard Trance, Harmony Groove, Light, Melodic, Melodic Trance, Piano, Retro Trance, Trance, Underground, Uplift / Melodic Trance, Vari Beat, Vocal Trance
Philogen V.110 – Für die Kategorie Weltrekorde – Weltpionier Software Philosophie-Generator (Exocortex for Real)
Philogen V.110 – Für die Kategorie Weltrekorde – Weltpionier Software Philosophie-Generator
(Exocortex for Real – Real Exocortex in Software Form – No Forgetting)
(Realer Exokortex in Software-Form – Kein Vergessen)
Philogen V.110 – For the World Records category – world pioneer software philosophy generator
Philogen V.110 –
A leader is someone who demonstrates what is possible! [264]
Willst du wissen, was Schönheit ist, so gehe in die Natur, dort findest du sie. (Albrecht Dürer) [4587]
„Ein Genie formt immer den höchsten Ausdruck der Natur, in der es lebt.“ [740]
„Wo ein Wille ist, da ein Weg. Aber bei vielen Bürgern ist der Wille weg. [1629]“
If you would be a magician, honor the Earth. Honor life. Love. Know that magic is the birthright of every human being, and wisely use it. (Scott Cunningham) [30315]
Gott und die Natur machen durchaus nichts vergeblich. (Paracelsus) [2813]
The origin is the mother, she who in the language of the Upanishads, is the Ruler of all, the Womb of all, and the Enjoyer of all bliss. Sleep is the invocation of this very mother. It is also a yoga, and with a bit of technique, all the limbs of yoga
can be applied. (Pierre Bonnasse) [44767]
Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen, die sich über die Dinge zieh’n. Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen, aber versuchen will ich ihn. Ich kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm, und ich kreise jahrtausendelang,
und ich weiß noch nicht: bin ich ein Falke, ein Sturm oder ein großer Gesang. (Rainer Maria Rilke) [43725]
Weltrekorde findest du hier ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
World Records are to be found here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The Lasertrancer – Analog Dream System (Currently Position 37 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
The Lasertrancer – Analog Dream System
(Currently Position 37 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
30 Abonnenten
15 Aufrufe Premiere am 04.09.2023
The Lasertrancer – Analog Dream System
Genre: Mystic Goa Trance, Goa Trance, Progressive Goa, Retro Goa, Hard Beat, Psychedelic Trance, Progressive Psychedelic Trance, Full On Goa, Melodic Psy Goa, Melodic Goa Trance.
It is basically the successor of Goa System, my most known track at that Time, as we all know even Chemical Brothers stole the Sequence of this Track for their Boys and Girls song.
One of the most Solid Goa Tracks of mine I think.
Produced in 2001 by Ingmar Veeck.
Reached Position Nr.1 in Goa Genre @ Mp3.com in the Year 2002.
The Lasertrancer – Free Soul Inspiration (Intro Trancer Mix TRM)(Current Position 14 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
The Lasertrancer – Free Soul Inspiration (Intro Trancer Mix TRM)(Current Position 14 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist)
29 Abonnenten
The Lasertrancer – Free Soul Inspiration (Intro Trancer Mix TRM)
Produced in 2000 by Ingmar Veeck.
Genre: Epic Trance, Angelic Trance, Archangelic Trance, Dream Trance, Melodic Trance, Deep Trance, Deep Melodic Trance, Uplift, Uplift Trance, Vari Beat, Breakbeat, Angelic Dream Trance, Angelic Melodic Deep Trance.
Position 14 in Laser´s Eternal Playlist (Record was Position 7)
Definitely one of the Best Deep Melodic Trance Tracks in the World, no matter what your opinion is.
The Lasertrancer – Free Soul Inspiration (Intro Trancer Mix TRM)
Raio & sophie sôfrēē – Adi Shakti
Raio & sophie sôfrēē – Adi Shakti
40.066 Aufrufe 07.09.2021
Literally translated as the „First Power,“ the Adi Shakti mantra honors the feminine force of creation. Raio and sophie sôfrēē offer their beautiful interpretation of this mantra supported by Raio’s deeply refined production and instrumentation. It is a journey across dusky landscapes, featuring native flute, kamel’ngoni, handpan, deep percussion, and a touch of african blues guitar.
This mantra is used to tune us into the frequency of the Divine Mother, and to the primal, protective, generating energy of the universe. It is said that chanting it eliminates fears and increases confidence, personal power, security, and abundance. It is also sung on the 120th day after pregnancy, traditionally honored as the day the soul enters the body.
Raio and Sophie Sofree are delighted to release this track during the 6th month of their pregnancy, in the moon of their marriage. It’s also their first release together celebrating their love of mantra and has been co-created out of love.
We welcome you through this gateway into the nurturing power of the Divine Feminine.“