„Das alte Hindu-Tantra kannte die Geheimnisse der Quantenphysik! Die Wissenschaft holt endlich auf.“
„The Ancient Hindu Tantra knew the secrets of quantum physics! Science is finally catching up.“
Category Archives: Insider Tipps
Helena Blavatsky Wrote This FORGOTTEN BOOK Just Before She Died: The Voice of the Silence
Ugram Viram Maha Vishnum
„Ugram Viram Maha Vishnum“
„ISKCON Bangalore
1,02 Mio. Abonnenten
62.317.538 Aufrufe 25.06.2021 ISKCON TEMPLE BANGALORE
Watch our recent video • Sri Venkatesha Suprabhatam | New Year…
In the presence of the sun, there can be no question of darkness. Similarly, in the presence of the Supreme Lord, there can be no possibility of any danger.“
vor 3 Jahren (bearbeitet)
Word by Word Translation:
Ugram – the ferocious one – terrible
Viram – The most courageous – powerful
Mahavishnum – The all-pervasive one (Lord Maha Vishnu) – Who is Maha Vishnu
Jvalantam – the effulgence of fire
Sarvato Mukham – Having his face everywhere (manifested throughout the universe)
Nrisimham – The Lion-man form
Bhishanam – The terrific
Bhadram – The auspicious
Mrutyur Mrutym – death of death
Namamy Aham – I bow down and revere
What Happened To Lord Krishna After The Mahabharata? Mausala Parva Explained.
„What Happened To Lord Krishna After The Mahabharata? Mausala Parva Explained.“
What Happened To Lord Krishna After The Mahabharata? Mausala Parva Explained.
Vibes of Divinity
14.300 Abonnenten
109.138 Aufrufe 10.01.2025 #Mahabharata #Krishna #YaduDynasty
What Happened To Lord KRISHNA After the Mahabharata?
Discover the heart-wrenching story of the Yadu dynasty´s tragic end as narrated in the Mausala Parva of the Mahabharata. Learn how arrogance, destiny, and curses intertwined to destroy Krishna’s lineage.
In this detailed storytelling, we explore:
The ominous signs leading to the Yaduvanshis’ downfall.
The curse of the sages that doomed the Vrishni clan.
Krishna and Balarama’s final moments on earth.
The destruction of Dwarka and the lessons from the fall of the mighty Yadavas.
🎵 Music: Transcend by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
00:00 – Introduction
00:25 – Ominous events observed by Yudhishthira
02:09 – Samba’s prank and the Maharishis’ curse
04:12 – Unnatural Phenomena in Dwarka
07:16 – Realization and the Pilgrimage to Prabhas Kshetra
08:07 – Conflict among the Yadavas
12:29 -The Departure of Balarama
15:29 – Krishna’s Departure from Earth
18:18 – Arjuna’s Arrival in Dwarka
20:17 – Krishna’s message and Aftermath
22:32 – Arjuna’s Journey with the Survivors
26:13 – Reflection and Lessons
Destruction of Yadavas
Mausala Parva Mahabharata
Curse of the sages
Krishna’s final moments
Fall of Dwarka
Gandhari’s curse
Yadavas’ internal strife
Lessons from the Mahabharata
End of the Vrishni clan
Hindu epic stories
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vor 0 Sekunden
Realism, Reason and Mythology are not always in line, but should be in the best cases of evolution.
vor 1 Monat
Life is full of transitions. Focus on your duties. Acknowledge when our role or purpose has been fulfilled. Nothing is permanent. Challenges and losses are inevitable. Loss is not the end but a transition for greater. Allow the natural order of life to take place while being detached to the outcome.
vor 3 Wochen
I have read Vyasa Mahabharatha, There are several places you have changed sequences and add your own versions! Video makers think changing original version better because they didn´t understand original version properly. Every sequence has reason. so do not try add your own versions.
All these Myths and Narrations get distorted over centuries and decades but gullible people take everything literally…
vor 3 Wochen
So divine!!! Humbles me to the core!!! We are just temporary!! Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
Vibes of Divinity
Devi is my witness and forever with me.
/(Kundalini) /(Sophia) /(Kundalini) /(Sophia)
vor 1 Monat
Jaha krishna… jai shree krishna.
vor 1 Monat
Such a beautifully explained story of Lord Krishna’s final moments. It’s amazing how everything, from Gandhari’s curse to the Yadavas’ downfall, was connected and led to the prophecy coming true. It was really very emotional, and my eyes filled with tears while watching this. The way Krishna accepted his fate with calmness and wisdom teaches us so much about detachment and the inevitability of time. Truly, the end of an era! Thank you for sharing this heartfelt tale. Looking forward to more stories like this
„He is Krishna and these Idiots are unable to recognize him. -w2k“
vor 1 Monat
Hare Krishna.
vor 1 Monat
It is all part of Lord Krishna´s divine play
Vibes of Divinity
vor 1 Monat
Absolutely! Lord Krishna´s leelas hold profound lessons and wisdom for us to reflect on. 🙏😊
vor 1 Monat
14:28 25.02.2025
No, it is not, otherwise he wouldn´t need to descend and correct horrible things on this Planet together with his divine consort.^
/(Realismus) /(Deszendierung)s /(Objektivismus) /(Wahrheit)
„Der provoziert die…-w2k“
vor 1 Monat
The most powerful physics scientist in Krishna.
Artificial super intelligence world.
Vibes of Divinity
Organic Super Intelligence World, artificial life form virus.
vor 1 Monat
..Shri Krishna allowed this to happen because he saw what kind of degeneration his clan had reached..
Vibes of Divinity
vor 1 Monat
True! Shri Krishna foresaw the degeneration of his clan and permitted the events to take their natural course, demonstrating that even divine beings respect the law of karma.😊
14:31 25.02.2025
This argument at least has some form of Realism…
vor 1 Monat
Sounds just like Atlantis!
vor 0 Sekunden
In Repetition Mode…
vor 1 Monat
Dwaraka was done by RECLAMATION an extention OF Land near an already existing the then port City.
It lived and existed enough like Dubai, Japan and China artificially created island in sea WHICH generally sink regularly.
Any sea issues can subnerg or destroy such islands easily.
vor 12 Tagen
Lovely stories – fables because in kali yuga we face the abrahamic faiths of which the worst is islam these r adharmic beyond ravan & kauravas atleast they obeyed laws of war & prayedto the same deities now sanathan dharma is under attack & so many raped , murdered etc & wheres krishna & his promise ? I gave up a long time ago but am still hindu. Advaita vedanta.
14:33 25.02.2025
My Stories are Real…and my Myth is Truth….
vor 11 Tagen
vor 1 Monat
Very enlightening story… thank you ! ❤❤❤
Vibes of Divinity
vor 2 Wochen
In the middle of mythology lies truths. We must heed & learn from such stories.
Vibes of Divinity
vor 2 Wochen
Indeed, these stories hold deep truths and lessons from our rich history. Glad you found it meaningful!
„He is really Krishna..a.h..can you feel the goosebumbs? -w2k“
„Or Arjuna. -w2k“
„This Man is followed by Legions of virtual stalkers, no matter where he goes and what he does. -w2k“
„Paid Trolls. -w2k“
„They are after his divine energy, a horde of vampires. -w2k“
Kalki & Brahma Witness Shiva’s Return at Kailash | Epic AI Animation
„Kalki & Brahma Witness Shiva’s Return at Kailash | Epic AI Animation“
„Chronicle Capsule
11.500 Abonnenten
8.493 Aufrufe Premiere am 14.02.2025 #mountkailash #kailash #shiva
Kalki & Brahma Witness Shiva’s Return at Kailash | Epic AI Animation
Is This the Real Kailash of Bhagwan Shiva? In this intriguing video, we will explore the fascinating question of whether this is indeed the true Kailash, the sacred abode of Bhagwan Shiva. We will delve into how Kailash is said to have looked during the ancient times of Satya Yuga, a period known for its purity and truth. Additionally, we will discuss who resides alongside Bhagwan Shiva in this divine location, shedding light on the celestial beings that are said to inhabit Kailash. Furthermore, we will provide a comprehensive description of Kailash as it is believed to have existed during Satya Yuga, including its majestic landscapes, spiritual significance, and the profound connection it has with followers of Shiva. Join us on this spiritual journey as we uncover the mysteries surrounding Kailash and its importance in Hindu mythology and devotion. Don’t miss out on this enlightening exploration!
#shiva #kailash #mountkailash #mythology #puranas #history #facts #siva #hindugod #sanatandharma #chroniclecapsule“
Der Weg zur Unsterblichkeit | Wissenschaft am Wendepunkt (2022)
„Der Weg zur Unsterblichkeit | Wissenschaft am Wendepunkt“
„HORIZON – Technik der Zukunft
35.600 Abonnenten
30.901 Aufrufe 27.01.2025 #krypto #ki #technologie
Der Weg zur Unsterblichkeit – Was wäre, wenn Unsterblichkeit keine Science-Fiction mehr wäre? In dieser faszinierenden Episode tauchen wir ein in bahnbrechende wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen, die die Grenzen des Lebens verschieben. Von Laborherzen, die perfekt anpassbar sind, bis hin zu genetischen Durchbrüchen, die den Alterungsprozess verlangsamen oder sogar umkehren können – Wissenschaftler weltweit arbeiten an der Verwirklichung des Traums der menschlichen Unsterblichkeit. Begleiten Sie uns auf eine Reise, die zeigt, wie diese Innovationen die Zukunft der Menschheit für immer verändern könnten.
Der Weg zur Unsterblichkeit (2022)“
[16.02.2025] „Anti-Todesaktivisten.“
[16.02.2025] „Wir sind im Krieg mit dem Tot.“
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9 Truths about reincarnated People…
„9 Truths about reincarnated People…“
„Wise Minds
77.600 Abonnenten
1888 Aufrufe
08.02.2025 #spirituality #awakening #spiritualgrowth
What if some people walking among us today have lived before—holding hidden knowledge, strange memories, or unexplainable abilities? Throughout history, there have been countless stories of individuals recalling past lives, speaking unknown languages, or possessing knowledge they should never have had. But why is this information kept hidden? … From mysterious past-life memories in children to ancient spiritual beliefs that warn of hidden dangers… Scientists, researchers, and spiritual leaders have debated reincarnation for centuries…. It is possible that some souls return with unfinished missions.. Do past lives influence who we are today? Could certain people possess abilities carried over from previous existences? The deeper you dig, the more secrets emerge… What signs reveal that someone is reincarnated? Why do some people remember their past lives while others don’t? Are there hidden forces controlling reincarnation? And what happens if you break the cycle? This video will answer all these questions—watch until the end to uncover the forbidden truths!
#spiritualgrowth “
do some people carry secrets about life
death and existence that most of us can
comprehend reincarnated individuals
those who have lived before hold truths
that are rarely spoken about truths that
could shake our understanding of who we
are and what reality truly
means today we’re uncovering nine
forbidden truths about reincarnated
people that have been hidden from the
public eye these truth truths May
challenge everything you think you know
life one reincarnated people can access
knowledge reincarnated individuals often
carry knowledge that seems
unexplainable it’s not just a matter of
intuition they may recall specific
details about historical events ancient
languages or advanced concepts they’ve
studied this phenomenon goes beyond the
idea of Genius
and suggests a deeper connection to past
lives this access to Hidden knowledge
may come in flashes of inspiration or
dreams they could wake up with solutions
to problems they’ve never encountered or
insights into places they’ve never been
for example someone might intuitively
know how to play an instrument without
lessons or understand an ancient concept
that is foreign to their upbringing
this isn’t memory in the traditional
sense but a form of recognition a
knowing that exists without
explanation this ability is often
dismissed as coincidence or imagination
but the consistency of these occurrences
in reincarnated people suggests
otherwise it raises questions about
whether knowledge can transcend
lifetimes and what this means for how we
understand learning and
memory could there be a universal rep
repository of knowledge accessible only
to those who have lived
before two they experience unusual
patterns reincarnated people often feel
emotions that don’t seem tied to their
current life they might carry an
unshakable sadness a deep Joy or
unexplained fears that have no basis in
their personal history these emotions
often correlate with experiences from
past lives whether it’s the grief of
losing loved ones or the relief of
escaping danger these emotional patterns
can make their relationships complex
they may feel drawn to certain people
with an intensity that’s hard to explain
as though they’ve known them before
conversely they might feel an
unexplainable distrust or aversion to
others tied to unresolved conflicts from
previous life times for instance meeting
a stranger might trigger a deep
emotional response that that feels
completely out of context in the
present this emotional depth often
isolates reincarnated people from others
while they feel emotions intensely they
may struggle to articulate their
experiences in ways others can
understand leaving them with a sense of
misunderstood this emotional complexity
however also makes them incredibly
empathetic often able to sense and
respond to the feelings of others in
ways that seem almost
Supernatural three they have a different
relationship with death reincarnated
people view death very differently from
most to them it’s not an ending but a
transition a doorway to another
existence this perspective often gives
them a calmness about mortality that
others find difficult to
comprehend instead of fearing death they
see it as an essential part of the
Soul’s Journey
this unique relationship with death can
manifest in strange ways they might have
vivid memories of how they died in past
lives or even recurring dreams of those
moments for some these memories are
vivid and specific such as drowning in
an ancient shipwreck or succumbing to
illness in a past
Century far from being frightening these
experiences often feel like pieces of a
puzzle that help them make sense of
their current life their perspective
also impacts how they live they’re often
more willing to take risks or pursue
meaningful experiences knowing that life
is part of a much larger cycle this
fearlessness can be inspiring to those
around them but also isolating as few
share their
understanding it’s not uncommon for
reincarnated individuals to embrace
careers or Lifestyles that involve
Danger or
unpredictability because they value the
lessons such paths
provide four their dreams are
Vivid for reincarnated people dreams
aren’t just random collections of
thoughts and images they often
experience dreams that feel like
Memories detailed emotional and
sometimes startlingly
real these dreams can involve places
people and events they’ve never
encountered in their current life
yet they feel deeply familiar some
describe dreams where they live entire
lifetimes in a single night waking up
with a sense of loss or longing as
though they’ve left another World Behind
These Dreams might also include
encounters with people they feel deeply
connected to even if they’ve never met
them in Waking Life such dreams often
carry specific details like the smell of
a Marketplace in an ancient city or the
exact dialogue of a past
conversation this Vivid dream life often
acts as a bridge between their past and
selves it can offer insights into their
purpose unresolved issues or even clues
about the lives they’ve lived
before for reincarnated people dreams
aren’t just entertainment they Windows
into a deeper reality many even find
that these dreams provide guidance
helping them navigate their current life
with a sense of clarity and
purpose five they struggle with a sense
time reincarnated people often feel like
time doesn’t flow the same way for them
as it does for others they may
experience moments where the past feels
as immediate as the present or they
might feel disconnected from the ticking
of the clock
altogether this disjointed relationship
with time can make it difficult for them
to fit into structured environments or
this timelessness often leads to
feelings of confusion or
frustration they may feel like they’ve
already lived through certain
experiences or that they’re waiting for
undefined for example they might walk
into a room they’ve never been in and
feel as though they’ve stood there
before creating a sense of unease or
wonder this trait can make reincarnated
people appear absent-minded or overly
reflective to others who don’t share
perspective yet this sense of time also
gives them a unique
Advantage they’re less likely to be
stressed by deadlines or societal
pressures focusing instead on what feels
significant and
enduring this allows them to approach
life with a patience and wisdom that
others often
admire their ability to see time as
fluid often Mak makes them great
storytellers or historians weaving
together lessons from the past and
present to shape a meaningful
narrative six they gravitate toward
ancient or unusual beliefs reincarnated
individuals often find themselves drawn
to spiritual practices philosophies or
Traditions that feel strangely familiar
they might resonate deeply with ancient
texts rituals or teachings even if
they’ve never studied them before
it’s as though these practices awaken
something dormant within them a kind of
spiritual muscle
memory this connection to ancient
beliefs often extends to their values
they may prioritize Harmony balance or
respect for nature in ways that reflect
an older less modern world view this can
make them feel out of step with
contemporary Society but deeply aligned
with their own truth for example they
might practice rituals that align with
the lunar cycle or follow dietary
practices common in ancient
cultures their attraction to ancient
wisdom often leads reincarnated people
to explore practices like meditation
energy healing or
astrology these practices aren’t just
Hobbies but ways of reconnecting with a
deeper sense of self and purpose that
transcends their current life
it’s not unusual for them to have a
natural aptitude for these practices as
though they’re simply picking up where
they left off in a previous
lifetime seven they feel responsible for
bigger reincarnated people often carry a
sense of responsibility that goes beyond
their immediate
circumstances they may feel compelled to
help others protect the environment or
contribute to causes that seem larger
than themselves this drive often feels
innate as though it comes from a promise
or purpose they’ve carried across
lifetimes this sense of Duty can be
overwhelming at times they might
struggle to balance their personal needs
with their desire to make a difference
for instance they might sacrifice
personal Comfort to volunteer for a
cause they feel deeply about even if
they can’t articulate why it matters so
so much to them yet this drive also
gives them a sense of purpose that keeps
them moving forward even in the face of
challenges their actions often Inspire
others not because they seek recognition
but because their authenticity resonates
deeply for reincarnated people life
isn’t just about personal success it’s
about contributing to something that
endures they often see their actions as
part of a life larger Cosmic balance
where every effort counts toward the
greater good eight they often feel older
than their age reincarnated people
frequently describe feeling much older
than their
years this isn’t just about maturity but
a sense of having lived through
experiences far beyond their current
lifetime they might feel disconnected
from their peers or drawn to
relationships with those who share their
depth of understanding
this old soul quality often manifests in
their interests and
conversations they may enjoy discussing
philosophical or spiritual topics that
others find abstract or
unnecessary this can make it challenging
for them to form connections with those
who focus on surface level
concerns for example they might struggle
to engage in small talk but thrive in
discussions about purpose or morality
however this trait also gives them a
unique perspective on life they’re less
likely to get caught up in trivial
matters focusing instead on what feels
meaningful this quality often makes them
wise mentors or confidants even at a
young age their ability to see the
bigger picture allows them to offer
insights that others find profoundly
helpful nine they carry unfinished
perhaps one of the most defining traits
of reincarnated people is the sense that
they have unfinished business this might
involve relationships goals or lessons
that feel unresolved they may feel
driven to accomplish something specific
without fully understanding why this
unfinished business often serves as a
guiding force in their
lives it might push them towards certain
careers locations or people that hold
the keys to their growth for example
they might feel an unexplainable pull to
a specific country or era as though
something there holds the answers
they’re seeking while this drive can be
confusing it also gives their life a
sense of direction and purpose for
reincarnated people addressing this
unfinished business is not just about
personal fulfillment but about
completing a cycle it’s a reminder that
life is not random but part of a larger
Journey that spans
lifetimes this understanding often gives
them a sense of direction That Others
May lack it’s as though they’re
following An Invisible Thread leading
them toward lessons experiences and
relationships that are essential for
their growth this perspective doesn’t
just make their actions purposeful it
also gives them a feeling of alignment
as if they’re on a path they were always
meant to walk
if you have made it this far let us know
what you think in the comment section
below for more interesting topics make
sure you watch the recommended video
that you see on the screen right now
thanks for watching.“
Shakti The Power Within with Raja Choudhury
„Shakti The Power Within with Raja Choudhury
Rajada’s World
270.000 Abonnenten
214.781 Aufrufe 14.06.2019
Join Raja at https://www.rajachoudhury.com/courses – On 22nd May 2019, Shift Network spiritual teacher, filmmaker and TED speaker Raja Choudhury gave a compelling talk on the power, magic, and grace of Shakti, the sacred feminine energy that lies hidden within each of us and within everything in the Universe. Once awakened, not only does Shakti transform your life, but can also open up access to vast cosmic intelligence and align you to higher consciousness and grace“
„Tantra survived primarily because it moved into Buddhism and it moved into
Buddhism in Bhutan in Tibet through the teaching of somebody called Padma Sam bhava or Guru Rinpoche and they took Indian tantric ideas from Shaivism, see Tantra is like Yoga, it has nothing to do with the Religion, it is a technique of connecting to the Source. Techniques that´s what Tantra means, so Tibetan Buddhism is a form of Tantra, so Dalai Lama Rinpoche schools all, it’s called the Vajrayana school and Vajrayana means the Kundalini opening through a lightning bolt up your spine it’s like shoots up.“
Kundalini & The Naga: Unveiling the Mind-Blowing Roots of Tantra
„Kundalini & The Naga: Unveiling the Mind-Blowing Roots of Tantra“
„The Dance of the Universe is going on all the Time – If we were participate all the time, we would be in perfect union and we will be completely balanced in our heart center.“
„7600 BCE Serpent Worship was there, massive Serpent Worship…and this is Sumerian God Enki drinking Serpent Venom, in 2500 BCE..The Person who is in that Shamanic Bliss is half Person, half Snake.“
„2100 BCE, in Sumeria, Kundalini Shakti within the 3rd >Eye…Egypt 2000 BCe, the worshipping of the Cobra.“
„You have to follow the Serpent Path to come to the Awakening.“
„Quetzalcoatl: The Serpent eating the Darkness in You.“
„The Shamanic Ritual The Serpent Queen coming or the Serpent King coming.“
„The only path to Immortality is the Serpent taking you to the higher states of consciousness.“
„The Dragon is the cosmic Serpent and the Snake is the Inner Serpent…Powerful Stuff.“
„Rajada´s World
270.000 Abonnenten
71.704 Aufrufe 21.08.2024 UNITED STATES
Rajada explores the esoteric origins of Kundalini and the Nagas in the Serpent Myths of ancient Shamans and their use of psychedelics and advanced visualization techniques to experience expanded states of consciousness #psychedelics #kundalini #nagas
00:00 Titles
00:06 Rajada introduces the Legend of Serpent Power
06:36 The Psychedelic Origins of the Serpent Power
11:30 The Evolution from Shamanic to Yogic Practices
12:54 The Modern Rituals to the Naga
14:58 Resonance to the Cosmic and Inner Serpent
16:53 The Esoteric Occult Meaning of the Naga Serpent Myths
22:28 The Nagas are in us as our Kundalini Shakti
24:57 The 3 Types of Kundalini Shakti as Inner Serpent Power
25:51 The Essence of Kundalini as Serpent Power“
If you are in India, if you become very meditative you sit in a forest and become meditative, Cobras will gather in front of you…
Year of the Snake: The Secret Power of Nagas & Tibetan Wisdom
„Year of the Snake: The Secret Power of Nagas & Tibetan Wisdom“
„Shambhala Studio – Himalayan Extreme Expeditions
42.000 Abonnenten
4.118 Aufrufe 02.02.2025 #TibetanBuddhism #AncientWisdom #YearOfTheSnake
#Nagas #TibetanBuddhism #YearOfTheSnake #AncientWisdom #Spirituality #ClimateChange #BuddhistMythology #SnakeYear2025 #EnergyShifts #SacredKnowledge“
Shiva Tantra Saadhu On TRS – Bhairava, Kashmiri Shaivism & Naga Saadhus
„Shiva Tantra Saadhu On TRS – Bhairava, Kashmiri Shaivism & Naga Saadhus“
8,3 Mio. Abonnenten
827.707 Aufrufe 26.01.2025 Spirituality – The Ranveer Show“
„In this 477th episode of The Ranveer Show, we welcome Yuvraj Srivastava, a spiritual seeker with deep insights into ancient spiritual practices. Drawing on his personal experiences, Yuvraj explores topics like Tantra, Trika philosophy, and the power of Naam Jaap. He also shares his encounters with powerful energies, including his profound experience with Kaal Bhairava and the spiritual significance of sacred places like Gangotri.
This episode is a captivating exploration of spirituality, mysticism, and the forces that shape our inner and outer worlds. Yuvraj’s wisdom offers a profound look at how ancient practices can guide us toward enlightenment and spiritual growth.
(0:00) – Start of the Podcast
(3:28) – Yuvraj Srivastava X Ranveer Allahbadia Begins
(8:03) – Tantra, Paramādvaita, and Abhinav Gupta
(12:57) – A Deep Dive into Trika Philosophy
(18:02) – Yuvraj’s Message to Those Practicing Naam Jaap
(26:23) – Understanding The 36 Tatwas
(29:52) – The Himalayas, Sadhus, and Sadhana
(43:51) – Yuvraj’s Encounter with Kaal Bhairava
(47:31) – Attracting and Experiencing Negative Entities
(52:51) – Yuvraj Opens Up About Sensing Hanuman Ji
(53:46) – Gangotri and Shakti Pithas
(56:44) – Aghoris and Kapalika
(58:11) – Siddh Purush, Siddhis, and Enlightenment
(1:02:23) – Last Birth, Final Birth, and Karma
(1:04:13) – Yuvraj’s Connection with Natural Elements
(1:05:26) – Nagas and Naga Culture
(1:14:54) – End of the Podcast“
Philogen v.115.02 – 1.2.2025
Philogen v.115.02 – 1.2.2025
„Sobald Gott dich bereit findet, muss er in dein Wesen einströmen, geradeso wie der Sonnenschein sich auf die Erde ergießen muss, wenn die Luft klar und rein ist. (Meister Eckhart)(Eckhart von Hochheim)[BW 705](1260-1328)(deutscher Mystiker, dominikanischer Theologe, Philosoph) [4541]“
Du bist nicht für das Universum verantwortlich: du bist verantwortlich für dich selbst. (Arnold Bennett) /(Realismus) /(Belehrung) [4814]
We are here as local information harvesters, local problem-solvers in support of the integrity of eternally regenerative Universe. (Richard Buckminster Fuller) [5684]
Glück gibt es nur, wenn wir vom Morgen nichts verlangen – und vom Heute dankbar annehmen, was es bringt. (Hermann Hesse) [5845]
All you have to do is be yourself, do your will, and rejoice. (Aleister Crowley) [7231]
Go to the Limits of Your Longing. (Rainer Maria Rilke) [31017]
Knowledge is free. You pay for ignorance. (Magister Daire) [31592]
We must no more ask whether the soul and body are one than ask whether the wax and the figure impressed on it are one. (Aristoteles) /(Totalität) [19598]
5. Urheber des Lebens (Apg 3,15)
7. Gott gleich (Phil 2,6)
10. Ursprung (Kol 1,15-20)
11. vor aller Schöpfung (Kol 1,15-20)
15. Herr des Friedens (2 Thess 3,16)
19. Abglanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes (Hebr 1,3)
22. durch Leiden vollendet (Hebr 2,10)
23. Hohepriester auf ewig (Hebr 6,20)
26. Anfang der Schöpfung (Offb 3,14)
29. Wahrheit (Joh 14,6)
36. Weisheit (1 Kor 1,23-24)
„Schönheit ist der Weg zum Göttlichen. (Platon)“ [73450]
„Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are gardeners. (William Shakespeare)“ [73881]“
„Every experience that you have and will have upon the earth encourages the alignment of your personality with your soul. (Gary Zukav)“ [66040]
Was noch so fein Philosophie gesponnen, das bringt die Poesie ans Licht der Sonnen. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) /(Poesie) [49238]
To get angry is but the effort of a moment; but to get peace, to become unaffected by the ups and downs of life, is the result of years of training in Vedanta. (Sathya Sai Baba) [48027]
The holy man is beyond time…all current theories he understands…he remains unattached to any of them. (Buddha)(Gautama Siddhartha) [45332]
Die Individualität ist gelebte Freiheit. / Individuality is freedom lived. (John Dos Passos)(American Novelist) [73441]
True Silence is really endless speech. (Ramana Maharshi) [44745]
„Despite the enormous quantity of books, how few people read! And if one reads profitably, one would realize how much stupid stuff the vulgar herd is content to swallow every day. (Voltaire)“ [73491]
There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they are organized along the lines of the Mafia. (Kurt Vonnegut)(The Sirens of Titan)
„The silence of the Self is ever there. …. It is a Supreme peace, immutable like a rock, that supports all your activities, in fact, all movements. It is in this silence that God and the liberated souls are rooted. (Ramana Maharshi) [45196]“
Inner peace is more important than all the riches of the world. (Babaji) [53042]
The depiction of Hindu deities with multiple arms and heads symbolizes their divine omnipresence, boundless powers, and infinite nature. Multiple arms represent their ability to perform diverse tasks simultaneously, while multiple heads signify profound wisdom and mastery over various domains of knowledge. These forms highlight the deity´s embodiment of virtues and cosmic forces, showcasing
their multifaceted nature. Additionally, they reflect the divine´s transcendence beyond human limitations and the unity of opposites, such as creation and destruction or compassion and ferocity. This imagery underscores Hinduism´s teachings on limitless
the manifestations of the divine within the universe.
Noble Saga“
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour
The Video is misleading, but it transmits the essence…don´t listen to the words.
vor 5 Tagen
Lord vishnu 9th Incarnation was to be an ‚Enlightened One‘ to enlighten the world with wisdom and love for each other and attain the ultimate goal of humanity, therefore in this way Lord took many incarnations in form of Buddha, Jesus and many other like Guru Nanak, Socrates, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mahavir Jain, etc.
vor 5 Tagen
No way.. Jesus can never be Krishna… Jesus may be just a messenger of God. But Krishna himself is a God…
The Nagas, they are the Fibers of the Universe.
„The Nagas, they are the Fibers of the Universe. They give structural Strength. The entire Universe is standing on a Naga, the structural Strength to hold the whole Universe together comes from a Naga.“
~When they are being seen, it means their habitat has been disturbed..~
~They have disturbed the Universal Structure.~
The Mystique and Magic of Nagas – Protecting Ancient Knowledge
vor 1 Jahr (bearbeitet)
Nagas are the symbol of sacrifice and justice. They are worshipped in various regions in Southern part of India.
vor 0 Sekunden
vor 1 Jahr
Spiritual beings, protectors of dharma.
vor 0 Sekunden
vor 1 Jahr
I notice there are connections between Nagas/Serpent-like beings, Dragons, Guardian Angels and Kundalini.
vor 0 Sekunden
100%, they are like Guardian Angels and Kundalini is one form of them.
vor 2 Monaten
Om Naga Shakti.
„The First Kings and Queens of every civilization were descendents from this Naga Race.“
Repost 2025 – Repost from 2024 – Repost from 2019 – I will repeat it the next 20 Billion Years.
Repost 2025 – Repost from 2024 – Repost from 2019 – I will repeat it the next 20 Billion Years.
Eternal Life
Geschrieben am 5. Januar 2024 Von InfinityExpressor2021
„The Spirit of Sophia: If you know the Woman of Light, you will know your Mother and be reborn of the Mother Spirit as a child of light. Because the light is bornless, you will have eternal life. (The Gospel of Mary)“
Repost from 2019 – I will repeat it the next 20 Billion Years.
Post Views: 287
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Astral/Dream/Hyperspace/Interdimensional Tech, Astralsphere, Avatar/Guru/Prophet/Kundalini/Eso, Dualismus, Eternal Transformation, Freedom Soulutions, Freiheit, God/Love/Liebe/Gott, Göttin(nen)/Götter/Pantheon/Mystik, Healing/Heilung/Detox/Holikinetics, History, Hochdimension/Quantenmechanik, Idealismus, Immortal, InfinityExpression, Interdimensional, Karma Yoga, Lasertrancer, Magi-c-k/Will/Gnosis/Art, Medizin, Motivation, Musi-c-k/Aura/Soul/Flow, Mystik/Mythologie, Naturalismus, News, Paranormal, Philosophie/Philosophy/Biographien/Weisheit/Wisdom, Psychologie, Quantenmystik, Realismus, Saturnmatrix-Transient Flux, Social Networks, Sociology/Soziologie, Spirituell, Support, Transzendental, Universum, Wahrheit, Zen | ed
Ultra Late Stages Targeted Individual Program for the Last Man Standing…
14.1.2025: Ultra Late Stages of the Targeted Individual Program for the Last Man Standing…
Ultra Late Stages: After Divine Intervention plus surviving multiple attempts on life in a paradox way, Spiritual Enlightenment occurs due to ultra fast personal development with personal pioneer projects as a means of boosting survivability….acquisition of all knowledge available, fused in 1 to 6 concentrated Bibliotheka Documents to get advantage over the enemy.. bidirectional Words2Skull, Gang Stalking and Gang Analyzing with Sleep Cycle Sabotage is still a thing at that time, new introduction to Quantum Weapons with Shaking and Twitching of Muscles , Images2Skull, Mindflooding, synthetic Telepathy Mindnet-Bullying by re-telling the brainmapped individual all things they found out in an attempt to embarass and psychologically destabilize the targeted individual, between Early and Middle and Late and Ultra Late Stage (25+ Years) stage DNA Quantum Computing Entanglement Energetic Vampirism via Quantum-BCI-AI-Maschine is established with a constant ELF-Stream, daily routine Aura Defense, against Machine DNA Entangled Energy Harvesting Units.
Core Problem for all T.I.s: Your saboteurs have unmapped your entire Brain with all Memories and Situations, no secrets left, no privacy left, reviewable, they have made a direct realtime Link to your Brain and Body (WBAN/Morgellons/DARPA N3 Hooks) and Mind (Quantum Computers / Satellites).
Hive Teams interact on a Daily Basis with your Subconsciousness, before you think, they already extracted the information via Thought Trojan Injection (Smart Dust Trojan Nano Brain Implants or DNA-Theft) from your synaptic response.
„Der übertreibt nicht, das ist die absolute Wahrtheit. -w2k“
„This Master Magician makes them really problems, also in relation to the conflict they come into with the Deities by breaching cosmic law. -w2k“
Deutsche Version:
Ultraspäte Phasen des individuellen Zielpersonen-Programms für den letzten Überlebenden …
(für den letzten stehenden Mann/Menschen)
Geschrieben am 14. Januar 2025 von InfinityExpressor2021
14.1.2025: Ultraspäte Phasen des individuellen Zielpersonen-Programms für den letzten Überlebenden …
Ultraspäte Phasen: Nach göttlicher Intervention plus Überleben mehrerer paradoxer Anschläge auf das Leben, erfolgt die spirituelle Erleuchtung durch ultraschnelle persönliche Entwicklung mit persönlichen Pionierprojekten als Mittel zur Steigerung der Überlebensfähigkeit … Aneignung allen verfügbaren Wissens, zusammengefasst in 1 bis 6 konzentrierten Bibliotheken-Dokumenten, um sich einen Vorteil gegenüber dem Feind zu verschaffen … bidirektionales Words2Skull, Gang-Stalking und Gang-Analyse mit Schlafzyklus-Sabotage ist zu dieser Zeit noch angesagt, neue Einführung von Quantenwaffen mit Zittern und Zucken der Muskeln, Images2Skull, Mindflooding, synthetische Telepathie Mindnet-Mobbing durch Nacherzählen aller Dinge, die sie herausgefunden haben, an die gehirnkartierte Person, um die Zielperson in Verlegenheit zu bringen und psychisch zu destabilisieren, zwischen dem frühen und mittleren und späten und ultraspäten Stadium (25+ Jahre) der DNA-Quantencomputer-Verschränkung findet energetischer Vampirismus über Quantum-BCI-AI-Maschine statt und wird mit einem konstanten ELF-Strom hergestellt, täglich Routine-Aura-Verteidigung gegen die maschinell DNA-verschränkten-Energieernteeinheiten.
Kernproblem für alle T.I.s: Deine Saboteure haben dein gesamtes Gehirn mit allen Erinnerungen und Situationen entschlüsselt, es gibt keine Geheimnisse mehr, keine Privatsphäre mehr, überprüfbar, sie haben eine direkte Echtzeitverbindung zu deinem Gehirn und Körper (WBAN/Morgellons/DARPA N3 Hooks) und Geist (Quantencomputer/Satelliten) hergestellt.
Hive-Teams interagieren täglich mit deinem Unterbewusstsein, und bevor du denkst, haben sie die Informationen bereits per Gedankentrojaner-Injektion (Smart Dust Trojan Nano Brain Implants oder DNA-Diebstahl) aus deiner synaptischen Reaktion extrahiert.
„Das ist ja wie im Science-Fiction hier. -w2k“
„Eher Science-Reality. -w2k“
„They are shocked and baffled for real, I. -w2k“
Regierungs-Dna-Quantencomputer-Missbrauch zur Schlafentzugsfolter
Conspiracy Revelation: 12.1.2025:
Regierungs-Dna-Quantencomputer-Missbrauch zur Schlafentzugsfolter.
Missbrauch des humanen Genomprojekts, Missbrauch des humanen Gehirnprojekts.
Extremster Missbrauch und Menschenrechtsverletzungen von Bürger-Genomdatenbanken.
Extremer Missbrauch von Bio-Telemetrie und WBAN/IoBnt/IoT/MBan.
Den Dreck gibt es seit mindestens 2010.
Regierungs-Dna-Quantencomputer-Missbrauch zur Schlafentzugsfolter
Brahma mantra – OM BRAHMANE NAMAH
Pranam Brahmadev, sorry, dass ich dich in deinem Schlaf gestört habe, aber meiner wurde auch gestört, auf die extremste Art und Weise.
Pranam Brahmadev, sorry for disturbing your sleep, but mine was also disturbed, in the most extreme way.
High Vibe Aura Defense Shield vs Low Vibe Special Quantum Access Lhcc-Distorted-Dna-Tether Vampirism
Hemmungslose w2k bci lhcc Schlafentzugsfolter NSA Bnd Deutschland
Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter durch Geheimdienste –
Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter, Gang Stalking über BCI durch Geheimdienste – Massive Menschenrechtsverbrechen gehen in Deutschland ungeahndet durch, speziell, die von der NSA ausgesuchten Musiker. Wann gibt es endlich Gerechtigkeit für unschuldige Folteropfer der Geheimdienste?
Hier gehen massive Verbrechen gegen die körperliche Unversehrheit ungeahndet durch, Technische Universitäten und andere Wissenschaftler, Ärzte, Militär und sonstiges Personal der Regierung sind sicherlich auch involviert, aber hauptsächlich sind die Geheimdienste dafür verantwortlich.
Sie haben keine Skrupel gegen Gottgeweihte, gegen Unschuldige, gegen Hochbegabte Genies die grausamsten Akte zu begehen durch neuartige DNA-Frequenzresonante Quantencomputer, wo sie die DNA von den Arztpraxen, durch Blutuntersuchungen, in ihre Systeme einbauen und somit LHCC-Quantenverschränken oder gleich zusammen mit Telehealth, IEEE Techniker, DARPA, die WBAN/MBAN/Intraban/Iot/IoBNT Biotech-Nano-Netzwerke intrakörper missbrauchen durch Bio-Telemetrie, dann über Ferncomputer Menschen fernquälen können und ungehemmt in den Gehirnen der Zielpersonen herumpfuschen und mit Spion-Satelliten kombiniert mit Gehirncomputerinferface glauben sie alle Verbrechen hemmungslos und ungeahndet ausführen zu können.
Ihr könnt sämtliche Kommunikation auf der Seite hier unten mitverfolgen…
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.
„Bezos is scared of him, because he knows he is tracking every minute of his life. -w2k“
Das kann es nun wirklich nicht sein, ihr acquiriert Milliarden für nichts und wieder nichts, sitzt tatenlos auf euren Yachten und quält währenddessen Millionen von Menschen aus euren heimlichen korporativen kooperations-Intel-Mil-Gov-Uni-Zentralen…. Stalked alle Menschen vom Planeten, bis in ihr letztes Detail, wollt alle kostenlos für euch arbeiten lassen, raubt den Menschen den Naturschlaf und glaubt ihr kommt damit langfristig durch ungestraft. Ein karmischer Rückschlag wird sicherlich gegen euch folgen… Monopole kreieren und wahre Kunst oppressieren, mit K.I. dilutieren… Ungerechtigkeit maximieren und den Ingmar zensieren… Das wird ein Ende haben, früher oder später. Das Universum ist auf meiner Seite, denn ich verbreite wahre Gerechtigkeit und ihr das Grauen des transhumanistischen Wahnsinns.
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks
Philogen V.113.13 zufälliger Zitate-Mix / random Quote-Mix
Philogen V.113.13 zufälliger Zitate-Mix / Random Quote-Mix:
„To understand correctly the meaning of the words Alchemy and Astrology, it is necessary to understand and to realize the intimate relationship and identity of the Microcosm and Macrocosm, and their mutual interaction. (Paracelsus)“ [73876]
„The collective dream is the hypnosis of social conditioning. Only sages.. & geniuses manage to break-free. (Deepak Chopra) [73622]“
Ingmar Veeck: Mit Öffentlich geteilt: 09.08.2021: Nothing wrong with Maya => Mar Ja => To bring into Form => to bring into physical existence.
/(Deszendenz) /(Belehrung)s /(Naturalismus) /(Realismus) [73631]
„People don’t run out of dreams – people just run out of time. (Glenn Frey) /(Realismus) /(Zeitfrequenz) /(Tragik) /(Transiens) /(Saturnmatrix) [45166]“
„It was as if all of the happiness, all of the magic of this blissful hour had flowed together into these stirring, bittersweet tones and flowed away, becoming temporal and transitory once more. (Herman Hesse) /(Transiens) /(Tragik) [43982]“
„The Spirit of Sophia – Wisdom Library: 05.01.2021:
It is indeed in the sacred absolute sun where one comes to know the final Truth. In the sacred absolute sun there is no time.
There, the time factor has no existence. There, the universe is all one and the phenomena of nature take place beyond time.
In the sacred absolute sun we can live in an instant eternity. There one lives beyond good and evil, transformed into radiant creatures.
Therefore, once one has experienced Truth, he cannot be like those whose lives are based on creed, no; there, one experiences the urgent necessity of working in the innermost Self-realization of one´s Being here and now.
It is one thing to experience or to truly live the illuminating void and another is to achieve innermost Self-realization. Because of this we need to know how to meditate, to learn to meditate; it is urgent to understand meditation. (Samael Aun Weor) /(Eternity Flux) /(Antizeit) /(Gnosis) /(Zen) [72104]“
„Your spirit is the true shield. (Morihei Ueshiba)“ [73521]
„Du bist schon einer der besten Lehrer der Welt.“
„For they, the philosophers, were considered teachers of right living, which is far more excellent, since to speak well belongs only to a few, but to live well belongs to all. (Lactantius) [43828]“
„Paradise is here, my good man. God, give me no other paradise! (Nikos Kazantzakis) [43845]“
Philogen V.111.00 zufälliger Zitate-Mix / random Quote-Mix
Philogen V.111.00 zufälliger Zitate-Mix / random Quote-Mix
The man who knows the truth is never unhappy in the world. For he alone fills the universe. (The Ashtavakra Gita) [8258]
„The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. (Mark Twain) [10134]“
„You have it in your power to make your days on Earth a path of flowers, instead of a path of thorns. (Sai Baba) [12581]“
„Die einzig annehmbare Form der Verständigung ist das geschriebene Wort, denn es ist kein Stein in einer Brücke zwischen Seelen, sondern ein Lichtstrahl zwischen Sternen.(Fernando Pessoa) [6708]“
„Discover yourself, otherwise you have to depend on other people’s opinions who don’t know themselves. (Osho) [29129]“
„Innerer Frieden ist die Essenz des Lebens.“ [572]
Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…
„Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…“
ZIO-Facebook has maximized their Censor-Walls…
“Du legst dich echt mit der größten Macht der Welt an. -w2k”
Nein, die größte Macht der Welt wohnt in mir….
“Die merken das auch. -w2k”
Nur kommen sie mit ihren isolationistischen und zensuristischen-totalitären Maßnahmen hier nicht weiter… Obsoleter Digital-Medien-Komplex-Faschismus.
They use highly adaptive A.I. Networks to block new attempts of breaking their Archontic A.I. Totalitarian Digital Cyber-Cyborg-Censor-Neuro-Society-Dictatorship…
Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
Conspiracy Revelation: 4.11.2024: Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
NEWS – SynthTel – Mind-Net – 2.11.2024
NEWS – SynthTel – Mind-Net – 2.11.2024
Your Futile attempts to censor me with your fascistic apparatus – I am like the Wind…. I could do much more to break your barriers… if I wanted to…
You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks
You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks…NWO Criminal In Action LOSERS…KARMA IS COMING!!!
Censor Bypass + 50 AI ALGO SUBVERTED…
Mantra: 21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert: Marici Tara
„Mantra: 21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert: Marici Tara“ #Weisse Tara // #White Tara
„7.269 Aufrufe 27.03.2024 #Tara #buddhistisches #Taramantras
Die einundzwanzigste Tara der einundzwanzig Taras, bekannt als Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert, ist niemand anderes als Marici (ausgesprochen Marichi). Sie perfektioniert alle beruhigenden Aktivitäten und vervollständigt alle Siddhis, allgemeine und höchste, einschließlich verschiedener magischer Errungenschaften, im Hinblick auf die endgültige Erleuchtung.
Dieses kraftvolle, beruhigende Mantra wurde von Tara selbst an Lord Atisha übermittelt.
21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert (Marici)
om tare tuttare ture sarva siddhi sadhanam svaha
ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे सर्व सिद्धी सधनम स्वहा
Tara 21 Tara der Vollkommenheit von Weisheit und Mitgefühl Paripurana Tara / Yong Zog Jed Pi Drolma:
nama stritat tvavi nyāse
śiva-śakti samanvite
graha vetāla yakṣa gaṇa
nāśini pravare ture
Hommage an Dich, dessen reiner Körper, reine Sprache und reiner Geist
Sind vollkommen mit der Kraft und Kraft des Friedens.
Unterdrückung von Maras, Dons, Zombies und Yakshas
Mit der erhabensten Silbe TURE.“
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour | Naga Nagam Ashrayeham | Naga Consecration Chant x2
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour | Naga Nagam Ashrayeham | Naga Consecration Chant x2
Naga is a powerful consecrated form which serves as a catalyst
Buddha: Schwarze Tara: Mantra
Buddha: Schwarze Tara: Mantra
„Buddha Weekly
57.300 Abonnenten
15.957 Aufrufe 13.10.2024
Die vierzehnte Tara wird auch „Schwarze Tara, die zornig die Stirn runzelt“ genannt.
Mit ihrem großen Stößel und Mörser zerstört, zerschmettert und verwandelt sie alle Übeltäter: alle bösen Maras, Yamas, Mamos, Rakshasa, Yakshas Kinnaras, Bimipatis und Tsan. Sie beschützt uns auch vor allen 9 Übeln (siehe Listen unten). Jegliche negative oder schwarze Magie wird zerstört.
Übeltäter werden verwandelt und in hilfreiche Wesen gereinigt.“
The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them)
„The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them)“
„Wise Minds
54.700 Abonnenten
351.282 Aufrufe 29.07.2024 #consciousness #manifestation #spirituality
The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them)
Ever wondered why highly vibrational people can sometimes seem intimidating? In „The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them),“ we dive into the hidden aspects of individuals who radiate high energy and positivity. What if this high vibration isn’t just about uplifting others, but also about wielding a power that can influence and even unsettle those around them?
In this video, we explore the dynamics of highly vibrational people and their complex interplay with others. We discuss how their energy can impact relationships, create conflicts, and sometimes lead to surprising consequences. Understanding these dynamics is crucial to navigating interactions with such individuals effectively.
We’ll uncover the secrets behind why these people have a profound effect on their environment and how their high vibration can be both a blessing and a challenge. From personal anecdotes to psychological insights, this video sheds light on the intricate nature of high-vibration personalities.
How can you effectively interact with highly vibrational people?What are the hidden challenges of being around high-energy individuals?How do high vibrational people influence their environment?
This video will answer all these questions. Make sure you watch all the way through to not miss anything.“
Shocking Truth: The Power of NAGAS Revealed by Rajarshi Nandy
Naga is a powerful consecrated form which serves as a catalyst
vor 31 Sekunden
Always Watchful, Always Alert…Sssssss…
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour | Naga Nagam Ashrayeham | Naga Consecration Chant
Sounds of Isha
1,7 Mio. Abonnenten
3.005.923 Aufrufe 23.10.2022 #ishayogacenter #karnataka
Naga Pratishtha – A momentous occasion for Chikkaballapur and its surroundings – marked the beginning of a new era of spiritual possibilities for the people of #karnataka. Naga is a powerful consecrated form which serves as a catalyst to one’s spiritual growth by eliminating obstacles. The Naga Shrine is also the first chapter in the making of the #ishayogacenter which will house a variety of spiritual and social offerings designed by @Sadhguru
My List of Unmasking Chess Cheaters @ Chess.com (Time Rating Manipulation +20 seconds & more & Sandbagging)
My List of Unmasking Chess Cheaters @ Chess.com (Time Rating Manipulation +20 seconds & more & Sandbagging)
– 18.8.2024
Will be updated from time to time… Chess.com does not remove them…as it should…
#FairPlay #NoRiggedCasinos #Anti-Manipulation #Anti-Fake #Anti-AlphabetAgencyDeception
https://www.chess.com/member/oceloterosado (Ecuador) (already blocked)
Nr.1 was 100% confirmed a chess cheater…chess.com seems to tolerate these crooks.
Chess Cheaters Exposed…. They disturb our Win series and taint our pure Statistics..
Me vs Chess.Com Fakes & Cheaters Collection (Bullet/Hyper Chess)…
ingmar veeck (1398 ELO) – supergundul (2086 ELO)(Chess Cheater and still lost) (Hyper-Bullet): 1-0
William Donahue – Kundalini
„William Donahue – Kundalini“
„176.000 Abonnenten“
„177.924 Aufrufe 26.01.2012
„We’re going to do something interesting tonight… and that’s Kundalini, that’s a strange word for to be a Hindu word..it’s a very strange word, but it is a most ancient thing thing that transcends all religions and..it goes back to the very earliest concepts of the human body and basically if you were to say what it boils down to is the way that you take control of yourself, that’s Kundalini rather than the lower self-controlling you, this is the way that you control yourself. I mean there are just certain ways and certain things that you do in order to make things happen if you’re going to install air conditioning, you have have to follow principles, in order to make the thing work, if you’re going to install
electricity, you have to follow that in the same way, the Ancients, the wisdom that came down from God left us
instructions and what to do in order to control your body and your mind rather than having the effect be the opposite
right and and and and and this describes actually seven chakras which they call shakras distributed from the base to the crown of the head from the spine to the crown of the head. The reason that there is seven, I’ll be quite Frank with you is because most of these ancient people knew only seven planets, they could only identify seven planets and that’s why they identified seven chakras and there’s others who have a various belief on how many there are we’re not going to go into the in-depth analysis of this I’m trying to just to give you a a light
understanding or a light familiarization with the term and what it means, but to activate this in your body and everybody can activate this in their body, but to activate it is to to release realizations of spiritual consciousness and Bliss that’s what it does spiritual realizations of spiritual consciousness and Bliss, that’s what it does spiritual consciousness and Bliss. The only possible way that you can activate spiritual consciousness is Kundalini, there is no other way, it can´t be done, it is impossible to do it any other way and that’s why it’s so important that you become familiar with the term otherwise you’re into religion and you’re dwelling in consciousness of the lower mind with all of its distractions. You can’t work that way and we’ll show you that but the seven centers that are located from the base of the spine to the crown are known as chakras..that means Wheels.“
„There has to be an overcoming but these are not physical things that you can find or any doctor could find attached
to your body so understand that but they are definitely there and they definitely have their placement but they are in the
spiritual realm of things in the psychological realm of things, but still you’ll never find fulfillment in your
life until these things are overcome until each of these centers which are closed off are open you’ll never find life you’ll never find spirituality you’ll spend your life praying and reading Bibles and reading Bibles and reading Bibles but you will not experience expence that which is the
essence of life, okay.“
„Now the point here is that Kundalini means the coiled Serpent and Lori thr that away that’s she is great the coiled serpent is Kundalini which Rises and must rise through those seven chakras in order to open each area of your spinal system where uh these seals uh cover up the energies of uh
desire and feelings and so forth and so on that’s what Kundalini means but this is the important thing I’m trying to get to stumbling a little bit these Seven Seals or seven chakras can only be opened by the serpent, can only be opened by the serpent, now how do I know that well of course that’s the ancient belief but take a look again Revelation 5 where you are about this look at Revelation 2 52 and I saw a strong Angel proclaiming who is worthy to open the book and loose the seals thereof with me who can do this can you but look what it says in Revelation 53 and no man in Heaven Nor in the earth nor under the Earth was able to open the book neither to look therein now what you just the word man in mysticism means mind the human mind never ever ever ever
under any circumstance ances can take part in entering and opening up the seals the Seven Seals which leads up to the crown, it’s impossible, it cannot be done it can only be done by the coiled Serpent of Kundalini can’t be done any other and the Bible has just said no man no man anywhere is able to do
that so, no man is found worthy. I you look at Revelation 5:4 and I wept,
because no man was found worthy blah blah blah, couldn’t even look at it you know why because you cannot enter the right atmosphere of your brain here you have a head how many of you had a head look it everybody has a head right in
your head…“
„The Tribe of Dan..the Emotions.. Lion…The Tribe of Judah the power the energy of the Sun, the power of the spirit at the right hemisphere of the brain sitting at the East is all that is available, but it is available to you to open the Seven Seals, you, in other words, have to, if you’re going to undertake this workEnter into meditation, you cannot rush this, many people have tried Dr. Timothy Leary tried to go up via all of this stuff what do they take LSD and all this stuff and you can freak yourself out.. Jesus Christ addressed that: He says people try to take Heaven by force, okay, can’t you? No, you can’t except you can burn your mind you can burn your brain, you can’t fool with this stuff, the only possible way is sitting as a seed waiting, waiting, waiting, until nature feels you are ready and starts its movement upward to open the right side has to be done according to Nature ..you cannot plant seeds and then pull up the grass tomorrow, it comes up when it comes up and everything is done in God’s Law, in you, as well as outside, so the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the son see.“
„Kundalini means, this is exactly what it means, the coiled one okay the coiled one and it is an energy like a serpent, that’s why you see in India.. the guy gets the flute and he plays the flute and then the serpent comes up, because the Ancients said when the flute is on the lips of God the serpent will rise, that’s related to this actually, in reality the serpent doesn’t hear, the snake doesn’t hear the music of the flute, she sees the flute going back and forth and that’s why he comes up, but they use that as a symbol okay the word is sanskrit Kundalini which is original Hindu it’s the coiled serpent who sleeps in the lowest of the body’s seven centers. Now Buddha says, she lies coiled three and a half times okay so let’s look at that I can take to stop off we again she lies coiled three and a half times now Buddha says she lies coiled three and a half times in the ninth because shimun Buddha said yes you go through the seven centers but then you get to the eighth which is the harbinger
of your memories and in fact number eight in mysticism means rupture that’s the place where all of a sudden you know when you feel good and then the memories come back the dreams come back the things come back to haunt you and he
says when you get to the eth where all the bitter memories come from that drag you down all the bitterness that’s been put into you by either family or religion or church or school or government then he says drill deep down
into the ninth because in the ninth she lies coiled and when you drill with your meditation into the ninth she awakens and she Rises to devour all of the hurts and all of the fears, it’s all symbolisms, it’s all way of uncovering and and putting bringing to life the electrical energy in your body to set you free, but she Rises to Devour..“
vor 0 Sekunden
Important clarification for all the misguided dogma-only people.
vor 2 Monaten
The power of God is within you.
vor 10 Jahren
Bill, you are a Master Teacher. The Best of the Best. The Top of the Mountain! Sending much, much love to you. 😉
vor 6 Jahren
best comment aswell.
vor 10 Jahren
Thanks a lot for uploading this video.Excellent Presentation.I am a Hindu from India & I am really happy that You have clearly presented the similarities mentioned in the Hindu scriptures & the Bible.I really feel sad when I see a few videos in Youtube titled „Kundalini Warning“ & „Kundalini Posession“ etc & they have compared this Divine energy(Kundalini) to Demons & Ghosts without even knowing what it is!! Thanks again for posting this wonderful video..God Bless You.
vor 2 Monaten
How can you not be inspired by this man with so much energy, this is what happens when truth flows through you
vor 2 Monaten
I just found this today 23 April 2024 and it was out 12 years ago..
The Ghost Phenomenon – sociological Pathologies
@tenacioustraveler Why People Ghost You! #haters #friend #friendship #confidence #selflove #friends ♬ original sound – Tenacious
The Ghost Phenomenon – sociological Pathologies…
Why People DESPISE SIGMA MALES (Most Hated Men)..
„Why People DESPISE SIGMA MALES (Most Hated Men)..“
11. Mai2024
In this video, we’ll unravel the mystery behind the most misunderstood archetype: the Sigma Male. Discover why society both fears and despises them. From effortlessly captivating women to shattering societal norms, Sigma Males defy convention. Explore their resourcefulness, fearless nature, and intellectual prowess that leaves others feeling inadequate. Witness their enigmatic aura and heightened masculinity that sets them apart. So, watch the video as we delve into the complexities of Sigma Males and the harsh truths they reveal about society’s expectations.
#sigmamale #sigmamale
0:00 Sigma Intro
1:10 Reveals a harsh truth of society – Norms are not fulfilling
2:02 Not afraid of their superiors
2:52 Inscrutability
3:49 Due to their resourcefulness
4:39 Their intellectual abilities make others feel dumb
5:37 Heighten the bars of masculinity
6:38 Lack of emotional expressions
7:33 Effortlessly attract women“