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33.988 Aufrufe – 16.02.2018“
Category Archives: Mystik/Mythologie
Strange Similarities Between Hindu And Greek Mythology
„Strange Similarities Between Hindu And Greek Mythology“
„697.948 Aufrufe – 30.12.2019“
„Indian Monk
634.000 Abonnenten
Thumbnail Credit – Exfig Studios
Hinduism and Greek are two of the oldest religions known to mankind. Although both religions do not have an established connection with each other, Surprisingly the stories told in these two religions have some similarities. Here are some interesting things you will find common in both religions.“
Ananta Shesha – Lord Vishnu’s Snake Bed
What Exactly Happened After Mahabharat?
„What Exactly Happened After Mahabharat?“
„3.987.740 Aufrufe – 26.11.2019“
„Indian Monk
632.000 Abonnenten
No one told us what happened after the Mahabharata war. Mahabharata is, in fact, the greatest epic ever written. It has a deeply rooted impact on culture, customs and even the way people behave today. The Kurukshetra war is considered one of the Great wars ever fought in human history. What is known is that the Pandavas won and the Kauravas lost. Have you ever wondered what happened after the Pandavas won? Who survived? How long did the Pandavas reign in Hastinapur? Let’s take a look at what happened after the Mahabharata war.“
Nonsense Decrypted: “Real” Guru | Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev) Case Analysis
„Nonsense Decrypted: “Real” Guru | Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev) Case Analysis“
“78.233 Aufrufe – 19.03.2022”
„Dr. Todd Grande“
“how to become silent” “I’m assuming he hasn’t taken his own advice on that one.”
“He never seems to provide a straightforward answer and is painfully
vague and generic, he does not offer clear-cut step-by-step directions for
anything…this is a classic trick of spiritual gurus, they talk in
circles and act as though they have revealed some incredible philosophical truth,
even though the answer provided is not logical, some people pretend that they
understand it and declare the guru to be a genius,
this enables somebody like Jaggi to offer one vague philosophical sounding
platitude after another and pretend this proves that he is enlightened.”
“Jaggi’s products or services and then looking at their bank
account, item number three jagi makes claims about his products and services
that he says are based on science which simply are not true.”
“There’s no scientific reason to believe that’s true, this is terrible and
destructive advice, item number six: Jaggi took a lot of his ideas from
Bhagwan Rajneesh who is otherwise known as Osho…
Jaggi claims that he did not do this but his statements contain many of the same
factual errors that we see from Bhagwan Rajneesh,
it seems clear that Jaggi did read and take some of his work.
…again we see this tendency to put the blame on people for their suffering without offering any insight whatsoever, he’s not actually offering any type of solution.”
Infinity Expression: 23.3.2022: Yogananda did that too, Bioweapons, for example, can´t be blamed on people, that is my first argument and most targeted individuals are fine people that were targeted by the state for unveiling their corruption..so it was surely not God´s Wrath or Transgression of Divine Laws, like Yogananda also wants to blame people for cruel things that happened to them…but somehow Indians are completely resistant to any critique to their Gurus. Victim Blaming and Total Relativization is the cruelty that Indian Philosophy does to the world. The shadow side of the Land of the Gods…
“Others are more skeptical, they look at Jaggi as just another cryptic and
nonsensical guru like Bhagwan Rajneesh, Eckhart Tolle, father yod, James Arthur
Ray or Deepak Chopra. He has simply turned victim blaming into
some type of spiritual movement, saying that everybody who is depressed
or otherwise experiences unpleasant emotions is somehow to blame for their
own symptoms, he offers no helpful advice, just these enigmatic ambiguous
and perplexing statements.”
“He is more put together … he does a good job with his appearances, he has good image management as compared to many other spiritual gurus. Jaggi draws far more positive
attention and far less negative attention, for example he has largely
avoided being thought of as materialistic like Bhagwan Rajneesh, even
though he is exceedingly wealthy… and he avoids making repeated
outrageous product claims like Deepak Chopra, even though Jaggi has been
effective at avoiding scandal, he does not really possess any concrete or
helpful advice for anyone and his thoughts on mental health run counter to
what we know from science. Jaggi has turned a series of nonsensical
statements and opinions into a multi-million dollar business and
experienced a rapid rise to power. He exemplifies how appearance without
substance is a recipe for success.”
„Cotton Tails: vor 5 Tagen:
That was a brilliant analysis as always. The humour is pure gold ⭐⭐⭐. Thank you Dr Grande. Brilliant analysis and topic.“
„river monkey: vor 5 Tagen (bearbeitet):
„He wants to be called Sadhguru so I will call him Jaggy.“ 🤣
„obsleet: vor 5 Tagen:
I love all that well deserved salt! I would love to hear you analyze more frauds. Entertaining content, Dr.“
„CJ: vor 5 Tagen:
Never heard of him. Seriously. Now I know I’ve not missed anything. Thank you Dr. Grande. There ought to be a law.“
„Eva Gabryšová: vor 3 Tagen:
„Turned victim blaming into some type of spiritual movement.“
This is so validating to hear!! ❤🧡💛💚💙“
„Alice Murphy:vor 4 Tagen:
Your dry sense of humor never fails to make me laugh. Thank you.“
„IKS: vor 5 Tagen: This just confirms something what is very clear: It is extremely easy to manipulate with people.“
Ask Gurudev Anything – Re-Cycles – Re-Incarnation – Relativizes Sadhgurus Nonsense Theory of 84 Years
„Ask Gurudev Anything – Re-Cycles – Re-Incarnation – Relativizes Sadhgurus Nonsense Theory of 84 Years“
1.118.541 Aufrufe
„Premiere am 09.09.2021 -27.107“
Infinity Expression: 21.3.2022: Finally someone of the Gurus who is more realistic, also spiritually realistic, not clinging on hard dogma myths.
Thoth : Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon | Ancient Mythology and History
„Thoth : Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon | Ancient Mythology and History“
„7.648 Aufrufe – 11.03.2022“
„Octagram Story
30.100 Abonnenten
Thoth was the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon. He was one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt alternately said to have created himself or was born from the seed of Horus from the forehead of Set. As the son of these two gods (representing order and chaos respectively) he is also the god of balance.“
These Unseen Beings Can Give Fame, Talent, Wealth & Power! | Gurudev
Thich 2012 – Lonely Together – Devices – Always stay connected – Home is the True Self
Deep Guru Nanak Quotes That Will CHANGE The Way You Think | Deep Quotes
Career Opportunity—Interdimensional Travel Required – Shunyamurti Teaching
„“Career Opportunity—Interdimensional Travel Required – Shunyamurti Teaching”
“31.046 Aufrufe – 17.02.2022”
“Sat Yoga Institute
76.600 Abonnenten
Shunyamurti reminds us that we are at the end of days, and this is the last opportunity to leave behind the ego, so that we may fulfill our function as authentic avatars and illuminate the world!”“
DEEP Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Quotes That Will Make You ESCAPE The Matrix
„#ramakrishnaparamahamsa #quotes #swamivivekananda
DEEP Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Quotes That Will Make You ESCAPE The Matrix
27.333 Aufrufe
vor 0 Sekunden
Person Position 28 in Philogen V.110: If you first fortify yourself with the true knowledge of the Universal Self, and then live in the midst of wealth and worldliness, surely they will in no way affect you. (Ramakrishna) [50101]“
Best Quotes and Sayings by Albert Schweitzer | Aphorisms, Wise Thoughts
LANOO SPRICHT (Folge449) …Theosophen.
Manly P Hall | Ancient of Days; Nature of the Godhead
„Manly P Hall | Ancient of Days; Nature of the Godhead“
„53 Aufrufe05.12.2021
enlightenment – استنارة
554 Abonnenten“
„of course to the devout transcendentalist or metaphysician there is no problem at all,
all these things are handled by invisible forces beyond human comprehension,
uh, we do not deny such a possibility, but we also like to see if possible some
uh, more simple and explainable procedure, uh, these transcendental solutions belong to
the divine emergencies<<<<<<<<<<<< and I would rather see first if we cannot find some common ground for assuming that these changes were made by at least partially natural
means. I think we can rather well establish this.“
„…and the timing, but we are also somewhat concerned with the internal symbolism
of the various revelations that arose in a half a dozen areas of world culture
at the same time, in the symbolism we also seem to sense a relatedness,
the symbolism would almost suggest that a number of people had read the
same book or had become aware of the same basic facts or had
attained to the same basic conviction and that then unfolded this
illumination, in terms familiar to their own people or in terms at least partly acceptable to the entrenched traditionalism of the areas in which they existed.
Well, we must realize that all of these groups were opposed as they rose,
they all passed through certain persecutions, they created resentments,
they were declared to be heretical by someone and perhaps it was this very persecution that gave to each of them the strong substance of survival,for we know things under persecution develop a tremendous strength and an integration that can never be found in more fortunate environments, so we have now, and I think that the dead sea scrolls situation more or less fits into this. ..I am no way convinced that these scrolls are Essene products. I do not think the Essenian community
can be actually the source of them, although it may well have been the
preserver of the old manuscripts. The Essenes themselves were transition
groups between orthodox judaism and mysticism and their entire history
is noted only in these two mysterious centuries, after that they disappear utterly,
from the pages of record and account, we do not know what happened to them,
but they form part of this strange bridge of doctrines that seem to connect an
old world with a new concept of life.“
„Manly P. Hall (1901-1990) founded the Philosophical Research Society in 1934, a non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of useful knowledge in the fields of philosophy, comparative religion, and psychology. In his long career, spanning more than 70 years of dynamic public activity, Mr. Hall delivered over 8000 lectures in the United States and abroad, authored over 150 books and essays, and wrote countless magazine articles.
Many of Mr. Hall’s lectures have been transcribed and are available as pamphlets; others were taped live, and the audio recordings are available on CD’s as well. He is perhaps best known for his 1928 classic, „The Secret Teachings of All Ages,“ an encyclopedia of the world’s wisdom traditions and symbolic disciplines.
Today, younger generations are re-discovering the works and words of Manly Hall, finding that the material he put forth so many years ago is still relevant and useful today. Mr. Hall’s hope for humanity was to learn from the greatest minds of all times so that we may solve current problems – both in society and in the individual – today.“
„…and it is very possible that the reason for this sudden outburst of similar doctrines in assorted regions, came as the result of the maturing or developing of more adequate travel facilities, particularly the increase of caravan trade.
The trade was to provide luxuries for the romans and the latins, but the byproduct was the communication of ideas,
for these traders brought with them their beliefs and their doctrines, we know that this trading process for
few centuries later was to be the principal foundation for the rise of islam, but for our present concern
I think the transformation of the nature of deity is the first matter to be considered. Our primitive ancestors
gradually passed from the worship of nature to the worship of spirits from the recognition of visible forces
to the acceptance of invisible causes, behind or beyond these forces. These causes themselves
pass through innumerable reformations on the part of man, as his experience increased, it became essential to revise his theology, to keep his theology abreast of his intellectual achievements and his physical experiences.
Gradually the concept of deity as represented in the mosaic code took form, not in one area, but in many areas
and deity emerged as a being, a transcendent person, as the system was patriarchal, the deity assumed the aspect of the
great father power, it was usually personified or impersonated as a most venerable person, a great superhuman being,
a being however fashioned in the likeness of a man, a being like the mysterious and noble figure casting from his hands the sun and moon, as represented on the ceiling of the sistine chapel in Rome. This being was the great patriarch
and was compounded out of the elders, the heroes of long ago, the fathers of tribes the venerated sages and scholars,
the great priests and saints of long ago, all of these contributed their parts to the creation of the god image
and this god image was great of power, universal of authority, but subject like the creatures that
fashioned it to the whimses of disposition and temperament, subject naturally, uh, to favoritism
in bringing particular advantage and security to its chosen people, this god image was remote,
like perhaps the great golden figure of Zeus at Olympus. It was power, but it was a power inscrutable,
a power with which man could have very little intimate understanding association.
It was a power that ran all things according to its own will and in this power men were but pawns in
a great game, the gods could sweep away men merely by the will to do so and these gods lived in a heaven world
or region, far from the abode of men, even though like ancient Odin, they occasionallyn seated themselves upon the throne of all seeing and looked out upon the world to see that it was still in order.
We find this kind of deity not only arising in the near east, but having already arisen in other ancient regions as egypt india and China we find roots of it in the nature worship of Japan Shinto, we see therefore god as the ancestor,
we see god as the ancient one and we also lived in a world, ruled by certain inscrutable laws and processes,
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This god was a god of justice and a vengeance, this was the deity
who men did not dare to offend, they could respect, they could fall in or before the thought or image of this god,
but they could not meet it with personal affection, it was too distant and too far, too high, too remote,
to have any immediate part in the workings of the world. This concept also had another frailty about it
which men as they grew wiser began to contemplate, there was a weakness in this god, for this deity, living alone,
in an inscrutable internal remoteness, was assumed to be the parent of creation, in the first place man was unable to
explain how or even why god should create, there seemed to be no particular reason for it and the more men studied the
creation particularly other men, the more doubt they had in the divine wisdom in creating man in the first place.
There were many legends that deity so repented of this optimistic moment that he swept away his creation time and
time again, this problem also caused the great question to arise from what was creation fashioned, did creation actually emerge as a result of a divine fiat spoken in space by some bath shadowy being?…“
„From what did this eternal creator fashion his world?
was the world created or had it always..-
Was deity merely one of a body of immortal beings that like existence itself
had no beginning and no end?.. needed also a warmth in it
and if we look back on primitive religion,
we see that there was an astonishing lack of real warmth, men worshipped,
but some way this worship was the respect of a small child to an over
stern parent, it was a respect of fear, this deity was wonderful and awful,
it was a being which no one dared to offend, it was a father however in name only for,
no one brought their troubles to this father, they brought offerings, they propitiatedm
they prayed, but they never felt a kinship with infinite life.
This was long regarded as one of the basic weaknesses of greek religion of
all the religions of that period, probably the greek was the most pleasant,
it was the happiest, it was a worship of nature and the rituals were well arranged so
there were festivities for every season, but even so this did not represent
a real sense of intimate experience, it was not until the rise of the office
that the human being in Greece had any real spiritual significance:
he died and became a shado, he had neither punishment nor reward in
the world to come, he came forth as a flower and was cut down
and that was the story of him, it was only after philosophy began to ripen these concepts
and the human heart began to sense an internal need that it turned away from the strange
theological materialism of antiquity, this does not mean that the ancients had
no god, but they had no personal god experience, they only worshipped before the temple,
they never seemed to go in, to find that which was hidden…they did not walk with god, perhaps the old story that before the fall of man god walked in the garden in the cool of the evening carried some remembrance of other and better ways, but in the great rise of theology god did not walk with men, he ruled them he governed them, he punished them and rewarded them according to his own will and fancy.“
„We may know something of what these peoples went through two thousand years
ago, because it required a tremendous shift of perspective.
One of the important phases of this shift was the relationship between the
individual and his own personal responsibilities,
in the ancient world the gods bestowed or withheld,
their ways were not only inscrutable,
but as far as man was concerned unreasonable.
There seemed to be no particular way of explaining whythe unjust seemed to flourish and the
just to suffer, there seemed to be no reasonable explanation for the disasters and
tragedies of human existence, therefore it seemed reasonable to assume
that a deity, perhaps, with insight beyond our own, was the administrator of all this
wonderful complexity, but about the beginning of the christian era
that came into existence the tremendous sense of personal responsibility for
destiny, it shines out at us, through all of these different systems,
man’s fate moves slowly into man’s own keeping. This was not a sudden
move, but it was a rapid one…“
„so we see a marked change in a number of beliefs, one of these marked changes
included the rise of at least an archetypal form of the messianic
dispensation, all of these peoples suddenly became aware of a power of intercession in space, this is particularly obvious…we find also in india
the strict teachings of buddha are enlarged, Buddha passed through
two processes after his death, by one of these processes he was deified
and by the other process, he was, we will say, absorbed into a structure of Boddhisattvas,
of celestial beings and attendants who ministered to the spiritual needs of
mankind, a savior concept emerged. Now at almost exactly the time
of the rise of the mystical dispensation in christendom,
the buddhist concept evolved their belief in a deity
whom they called amitabha, the buddha of boundless light, this amitabha power
was seated like a remote deity in the effulgency of space,
but amitabha was not a god in fact or substance. Amitabha was a human being deified by merit
after amitabha had preserved his vow or kept his great vow which he made
before attaining to the estate of an Arhat, he became the ruler of the golden land, the land
of peace, the new jerusalem of christianity, the city four square represented often in this actual way in China, Tibet and Japan.
Amitabha then caused to emerge from his own nature, the bodhisattva avalakitasvara,
his beloved son, this bodhisattva became his representative his intercessor
and it is in the keeping of this bodhisattva that amitabha entrusted his
world..and it was the duty and responsibility of avalokita
to bring all souls to salvation through the grace of his own nature
now this concept was in vogue in Asia, risingmysteriously and miraculously in the
first century a.d., avalakitas svara later becomes a female being
and in China and Japan is often disassociated entirely from its
masculine attributes to become Kuan Yin or Qwan Yin.
A purely feminine epresentation, now depicted carrying a small child in her arms
and this particular circumstance so disconcerted the first christian missionaries in the
area that they were convinced that in some way these people were perverting the idea of
the virgin mary, but here we have this concept arising on the opposite side of the world
we have a similar concept gradually unfolding into the later religion of the Egyptians
where a comparatively unimportant local deity Osiris finally became the principal deity of
Egypt and then became the father of his own mysteriously immaculately conceived son
Horus who in turn becomes the savior of the world, the story of horus is almost identically
the in function the story of avalekita svara we find also in
many other systems either personified beings representing salvation as in the
emergence of the persian mithras, but we also find the rise of doctrines
of salvation revealed by beings who so loved mankind that they
opened the royal roads of revelation the whole picture fits together in a
strange and interesting manner now in the beginning…one is amitabha,
the the buddha of boundless light…and the word was light and the light was
the life of men and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it now this is practically a christian statement of buddhist philosophy now how did the doctrine get across or let us go to the kabbalah now: the kabbalists no longer accepted the mysterious name of deity that is concealed under the acrostic of the tetragrammaton
or the great name of four letters which we have translated Jehovah, they declared
that the mysterious power at the root of life the ancient of days that power which is eternal and immovable is of a triadic nature represented by three words
AIN, boundlessness, that is that which is foreverness of its own eternal nature,
that which goes on without beginning or end, representing an essence a principle unchanging unto infinity, that never this power was born, that this power shall never die,
but very much like the effort made by Aristotle to establish the causelessness of first cause, simply represents the fact that causation is itself eternal, that causation is both a motion and a substance, existing forever. This is almost identically the statement
of Lao Tzi…out of the nature of Ayn Soph and Ayn Soph is the boundless light and
out of the boundless light comes Ayn Sophia in the ancient Kabbalah and that is the
boundless light, so being life and light constitute the basic triad of the
kabbalah, being life and light constitute the basic triad of mahayana buddhism.
There is no essential difference.“
„This being, consists of essence, of a super-substantiality,
a changelessness and this being exists in the innermost
and the furthermost, it is diffused beyond dimension…
in that it has no place nor placelessness, this being then suddenly
steps out of the heavens as a person and steps into the atom..“
„To explore the meanings of life, light and being, in order to answer these essential root
questions, we have already more or less summarized their idea of AIN/AYN
or being, the absolute profundity, the eternity of things, not an eternity of time alone, but an
eternity of condition and an eternity of limitlessness,
so that this eternity had within it at all times, the roots and rudiments of an emergence
or a coming forth, thus the pythagoreans gradually developed the concept of being as seminal
or full of seed, like the mysterious statue of serapis
and alexandria the body of which was covered with growing plants, life to these people
meant the emergence of active, creative processes, things become alive when they move
when they bear fruit, when they continue the first manifestation of life is involved with
continuance, therefore absolute life is absolute continuance which again relates to
essence or total immortality.“
„Life therefore is manifested as a continuing unfoldment of the divine nature,
within itself, from itself and by means of its own power.“
„Light to these ancient peoples carried more than the illumination of
the sun or the separation between day and night,
light to them was the light of internal comprehension.
Therefore into this mystery of creatures was introduced the element of
comprehension, so that these creatures could know, could be aware,
could ultimately become conscious and the end of light was that it should
reveal the nature of the creating power. For the final purpose of light was that
it should reveal Truth and Truth in this system is nothing more
than the total statement of the reality of being.“
„uh no man had dared to think of Zeus as other than an ancient bearded Tyrant,
but now came this new concept…because of the absolute paternity of
being, but this paternity now manifested through an absolute involvement
in creation, in this way it was possible to bridge
the mysterious interval between god and man, it brought god and man together,
somewhere and it also brought creation and creator into the power of creating which was their
common meeting place. This concept made way for mysticism as we know it,
it made way for the possibility of the god experience in man for if god dwelt in man as a
an Essence, embodying or containing life and light, then this essential being could be under
some condition,knowable by man. Now the problem of no ability uh in recognized
this uh important special phase namely tha to know a thing
one must be that thing which is known and man’s power to know god resides in the beingness of god in man man is therefore truly an expression, interpretation, revelation, not of himself, but of deity and all things are merely deity unfolding its own eternity,
we find traces of neoplatonism here, we find traces of buddhism of hinduism,
we find a whole variety of ancient beliefs, moving in and forming
a unit within this rising cabalistic concept of existence.“
„on the ground of incomprehensibility, actually,the only power which can be aware of
itself is deity, all other powers have to be essentially aware of something that is not self,
therefore man’s inability to find his own source apart from god,
the individual trying to be himself achieves nothing,
because this self cannot be known apart from god,
due to the fact that this true self is god,
this was a buddhist point also, that the individual seeking to posit his
own nature at the root of life, simply desecrates the divine nature,
the individual who feels that he rises from his own causes,
has missed the essential principle of mysticism, namely that all things have,
but one cause in common and that cause us the divine nature in themselves.
We see this in Vedanta, we see it in Yoga, we see it rising in the disciplines of
Tantra, all these schools gradually converge upon these essential principles, the next point that perhaps might concern us, is this bridging from the atom which is god,
the infinite atom of infinite greatness, the infinite atom of infinite smallness,
both united however by both the state of infinite and by the
state of structure, both are strangely atomic.“
„A separate immortality was inconceivable both to the kabbalists and the buddhists
and to a measure it was also inconceivable to the christian of this period,
it has still remained a very great question in theology, but most mystics have always assumed
that the ultimate state of man has to be re-identification with deity,
inasmuch as there is no other conceivable end. as all bodies must go down to the common
earth, so all spirits must return to the common father there is no other end
this common father this eternal unconditioned essence, as represented in both eastern and western metaphysics.“
„..but to those who have studied the most abstract forms of religious idealism
are in common accord that the noblest religious concept that
we have today must be as Paul says, uh, quoting from the roman poet
concerning the nature of god: we are his children,
that it is like the parable of the prodigal son returning to his father’s
house, that in the end all things return to the earth or to god,
therefore in a sense deity becomes a symbol of earth
and earth of deity, for as earth swallows up the dead,
so deity absorbs the living, there cannot be anything left suspended
between these opposites and going nowhere.“
„the development of the great concept resulted also in a secondary god form
this secondary god form was called macroprosophus
was the clothed god, no longer clothed as an old gentleman
even with the most ecclesiastical of elements, but clothed in creation,
god as creation, god as cosmos, as an infinite diversity of Universes
and solar systems, as made up of a great cluster of stars
holding in its hand the jewel of the universal cosmic galaxy.
The vestments of this being were like the radiant fringe of the milky way
and it was surrounded by angels full of eyes which were the stars
and its vehicle was the Merkava of Ezekiel, the chariot of righteousness
and in the midst of this great machinery of the universe,
set the ancient of the most ancients the power at the root of all things
unchangeable and in its own visage unknowable.“
„We now have Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Sophia revealed
through the great face with its three-fold fork beard,
the hairs of the beard being the streamers of energy, moving from the
three powers of the deity, these are the mysterious lines of energy
that are also seen moving from the heads and hands and hearts of eastern deities.“
„This surface or the long face rises above the horizon of infinites,
like a sun rising from darkness.“
„Creation being a divine Power moving and a great natural area moved and
the Spirits of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters and the firmaments were divided
and the heaven which was above the earth was divided from the heaven which was
beneath the earth and the Universe was therefore divided between the aspects of the two great
faces, the one the reality and the other is the illusion, for the inverted face was illusion
and the inverted face had no substance, because it was reflected from the great
rising visage coming over the horizon of Eternity, here are your two essential worlds of
buddhism, the world of being and the world of not-being, the world of truth and the world of
error, the world of divine mind in the world of mortal mind.
We have the Truth and the Dream with the dream merely being Truth inverted
and the inverted truth becomes evil and the inverted truth becomes
the spirit of negation and daemon as deus in versus,
god or rather the devil is god upside down, this was one of the
oldest of the rabbinical beliefs of the kabbalists,
that in the material world of things everything is apparently reversed
that which is truly the highest shall appear to be the lowest
and that which appears to be the lowest shall be the highest…every one of these patterns strangely inverted.. therefore to these people mortal knowledge was truth upside down
to them the wisdom of the wise was as the ignorance of god…and all divine knowledge
is truth seen rightly… and those who lose their lives in the
Service of Truth will gain immortal life.“
„..and I am told do I not know that this is true, but it’s been reported to me that
Einstein was a student of the Kabbalah and that he was profoundly impressed by
the abstractions of this ancient knowledge…“
„so that man, watching the sunrise of truth within his own nature,
at the same time experiences the birth of error,
again the inversion of the fact and in this inversion comes also the
perversion of purposes and principles. Buddha said of course
that the primary perversion was the attempt to achieve externally, in this
world, a degree of security that can only be attained internally,
that man therefore seeking to perfect his outer world, was a slave of illusion,
for that the primary purpose was the perfection of the inner world,
was it the intention of deity that man should perfect his outer life
then his outer life would by its own nature be stable, which is not the case,
and the individual having given 60 or 70 or 80 years to the advancement of his
physical estate, finds that nature steps in and takes him away.
Therefore it becomes uncertain that the perfection of this state is his
primary project, that this represents to a measure the inverted face,
the face of things not in themselves true, but having a likeness of truth,
this likeness being the most dangerous of errors, a falseness masquerading…“
„..whereby the soul of the righteous might find god,
this vehicle or the chariot of righteousness
uh had its grounding or its foundation in very
deep metaphysical principles, in the buddhistic system
this embodiment of love of course is found in the figure of
Kuan Yin or Kwan Yin… avalokitis bhara, the deity of compassion,
signifying the regeneration of all passions in the fulfillment of the vow
of selflessness, other faiths also have this embodiment, sometimes this principle is embodied as a person, sometimes it is presented as a as a vehicle or a kind of means of
travel, like the chinese ship of the doctrine, but in every instance it is made
possible, because of a great unselfishness, that there is some one being,
so perfected above other beings, that it may intercede for the common good of
human natures, this is of course also conveyed in the maitreya concept and in the horus concept in Egypt,it is certainly the very soul of Saint Paul’s interpretation of the christ
ministry and it is found in a slightly altered form but equally valuable in the kabbalistic story, this deity becomes in the kabbalah the most comprehensive aspect of god that perhaps we can conceive of the interpretation goes on and on and on into infinite diversity
but it is a total concept, a concept in which there is no need for beginning or end
no need for the explanation of howthings started or how they will be completed things being in themselves infinite unite in the nature of the sovereign infinite…“
„The promised land being the equivalent of the buddhist nirvana,
in order that the 50th path may be achieved, there must come another
who shall follow after moses, but shall be preferred before him
and this other one the messiah will be permitted to pass the 50th gate
and in so doing will open the way of salvation to all men, this is one of the
elements of the kabbalah, now you can see how this does break through
and make ground, for the messianic idea or the mysterious one who is to come.
Now in orthodox jewry the waiting for the messiah continues
in the kabbalah, I believe that the concept of this messiah principle
is innate in the entire nature of deity, in other words the messiah is not a
separate being from god, the messiah is the love of god,
added to the previous attributes, so the deity becomes being,
life, light and love and this mysterious power of love,
is the mysterious hidden fourth head of Brahma.
The power that is not to be seen in the beginning of things,
but ripens out of the fullness of the mystery, for this love again
is like the merkava of righteousness, it is the power of the soul
and this power of the soul, though latent in deity, is that part of
the divine mystery which must be completed by the creature and not by the
creator. Therefore in the process of unfolding life, in the process of growth, man
experiences the rise of a new relationship with life
and as he matures, love is born as a soul in him and it is this soul power in him
which will ultimately be his savior and it is present in deity or it could
not be born in man, but its birth in man is a voluntary act and the cultivation of this power
is where determinism comes into what would otherwise appear to be a locked cycle
of god’s will, this determinism being the fact that man has the power or will develop the power to fashion from his own nature the very bridge upon which he must cross in order to reach the other shore of truth, the power of this bridge is the seed in him. It has always been present, but whereas nature will perfect this body and reason will perfect his mind,
only man’s own internal dedication will perfect the bridge by means of which he crosses from one state to another this is the ship of the doctrine that is formed from the body of
the holy boddhisattva. This is also the knave of the church for the ancients regarded the ecclesia or the church, as the ship of this salvation and they therefore regarded it as the
symbol of concord a design set up by god to carry all souls to their ultimate reunion with
deity in this then the soul of man, becomes something that is called the immortal mortal, it becomes like the hero gods of the ancient.
Well, this is this soul is something that has a birth in time, but a continuance in eternity
this is the only thing which is born but does not die.
There is a belief of course that in a mysterious way it does die, but the soul power of it does endure and does continue, the identification by the christian
kabbalists of the soul principle with the crucifixion of christ is, I think, also worth noting, because in this case christ representing the power of the soul
does die for the sin of the world, but is restored or resurrected in due time,
this concept of soul therefore forming a bridge permits another aspect
to arise namely the shadow bridge or the bridge of the inverted face
for the soul if perverted becomes the angel of self-destruction
and the the perverted soul becomes the bridge to gehenna the symbol of the bridge to limbo
destruction. Thus upon our affections or our loves according to the uh ancient peoples uh,
we build the power to conceive the nature of god and that which does not love
cannot know god.“
„The unselfish dedication of the human being to the service of others because
of a great love for god and man this becomes the bridge of salvation,
the kabbalah is very explicit on this point, it tells us very definitely of this
machinery and that therefore man is building the bridge of immortality by the unfoldment
of his own natural dedications that he cannot think himself to the
other shore, he can only experience himself there by self-forgetfulness
by the dedication of life to the service of life…“
The Most Intelligent Will Be Victorious – Shunyamurti Teaching
Conquer Death While You Can – Shunyamurti Teaching
„Conquer Death While You Can – Shunyamurti Teaching“
„8.440 Aufrufe – 20.11.2021
Sat Yoga Institute
50.800 Abonnenten
Join Shunyamurti live for a 5-day online intensive! Nov 26 – 30, 2021
Prepare to reach the deathless state! In this time of sudden death, it is of extreme importance to recognize the immortality of consciousness—before the body dies—so we can transcend the plane of mortality and be reborn as immortal, deathless Spirit. This is the secret of immortality that Shunyamurti reveals in this teaching, a precursor to our next 5-day retreat, Amrita Shakti: The Potent Path of Pure Delight. In this retreat, you will gain the capacity to free yourself from fear and ignorance, and enjoy the bliss of divine love and Liberation.“
„#satsang #spirituality #awakening“
Der ALLERHEILIGSTE Zustand (Die Rückkehr zum eigenen GÖTTLICHEN SEIN und die damit verbundene VOLLENDUNG)
(14. November 2021 Spiritualität)
(Der heilige Zustand)
„Seit Anbeginn des Lebens befindet sich ein jeder in einem gewaltigen Aufstiegsprozess, sprich ein übergreifender Akt der Verwandlung, in dem wir selbst zu Beginn maximal von unserem wahren Kern (heiliger Kern – von uns selbst) entfernt sind und dabei einen massiv begrenzten geistigen Zustand ausleben (eine selbstauferlegte Gefangenschaft). Dabei durchleben wir verschiedene Bewusstseinszustände, streifen innerhalb des Lebens Verdunkelungen über unseren Herzen und vor allem destruktive Begrenzungen ab (eingrenzende Glaubenssätze, Überzeugungen, Weltbilder und Identifikationen) mit dem übergeordneten Endziel (ob man sich dessen bewusst ist oder nicht), wieder vollkommen zum eigenen heiligen Kern, sprich zum eigenen heiligen/heilen Selbstbild (zur Quelle) zurückkehren zu können. Man könnte hierbei auch von dem Endziel der maximalen Heilung unserer eigenen inneren Welt sprechen. Der Eintritt in maximale Fülle, einhergehend mit aller Weisheit, Göttlichkeit, innerem Frieden, Einklang, Liebe, sämtlichen heiligen Fähigkeiten, einem permanent verjüngten Zustand (da es aufgrund der eigenen Reinheit bzw. des eigenen “Heil sein” keinen Grund mehr für die Aufrechterhaltung eigener Alterungsprozesse gibt), physischer Unsterblichkeit und folglich der Eintritt in eine dauerhaft geheilte Welt im Außen (eine heilige Welt – denn: Wie innen, so außen).“
InfinityExpression: 19.11.2021: Mit Kommatas hat der Autor es nicht so und mit „dass“ auch nicht.. den Text muss man komplett überarbeiten, um ihn ungestört in einem Rutsch lesen zu können. Der weitere Verlauf des Textes ist etwas deviant und artet in solipsistisch-narzisstische Fantasien aus.
Understanding Death – Death is For the Body, Not the Soul Part1,2,3
The Real Origins Of Ancient Egypt | Immortal Egypt | Timeline
Most Terrifying Horror Story In Srimad Bhagavatam And The Remedy of Extreme Dreadful Ghost Souls
How Spirit of Swami Vivekananda Guided Sri Aurobindo After Death
(3/3) If a Snake Bites Us, Should We Try to See God in its Soul?
Swami Sivananda explains Why God leaves His Devotees To The Mercy of Previous Karma (Past Actions)?
The Walking Shiva of Varanasi
„Trailanga Swami (also Tailang Swami, Telang Swami) (reportedly[nb 1] 27 November 1607 – 26 December 1887), whose monastic name was Swami Ganapati Saraswati, was a Hindu yogi and mystic famed for his spiritual powers who lived in Varanasi, India. He is a legendary figure in Bengal, with stories told of his yogic powers and longevity. According to some accounts, Trailanga Swami lived to be 280 years old, residing at Varanasi between 1737 and 1887. He is regarded by devotees as an incarnation of Shiva. Sri Ramakrishna referred to him as „The walking Shiva of Varanasi“.“
Title The Walking Shiva of Varanasi
Born Shivarama
27 November 1607
Died 26 December 1887 (aged 280) (disputed)
Religion Hinduism
Nationality Indian
Sect Dashanami Sampradaya
Philosophy Advaita Vedanta, Hatha yoga, Rāja yoga, Tantra
Religious career
Guru Bhagirathananda Saraswati
Kundalini Awakening – What Will Really Happen if Kundalini Energy is Awakened? (kundalini shakti)
774.134 Aufrufe•16.10.2017
Supreme Yogi
207.000 Abonnenten
Truth about kundalini awakening! What will really happen if kundalini energy is awakened in a man? The great yogi and Self-realized master Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa explains about the reality of kundalini energy awakening! If you find this video helpful to you, Please SUBSCRIBE to get latest video updates: https://goo.gl/GHCWEi
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About Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa:
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836 – 1886), one of the most prominent religious figures of India during the nineteenth century, He was a mystic and a yogi who translated complex spiritual concepts into lucid and easily intelligible manner. He was the guru of the famous legendary monk Swami Vivekananda.
Source credit:
Lessons are selected from, ‚The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna‘ by Mahendranath Gupta (translated by Swami Nikhilananda)
Music credit:
Brainwave Entertainment Zone
About this channel – ‚Supreme Yogi‘:
A very helpful channel for all those who are sincerely pursuing the path of Self/God-realization.
This is a humble attempt to spread the teachings of Self-realized masters (yogis, rishis, saints, monks etc.) who’ve experienced God through direct realization.
If you feel that these videos are helpful to you, then SUBSCRIBE to get latest video updates :). May the grace & love of Cosmic Mother (God) be with you! Wish you a wonderful spiritual journey!
If any of the content used in this video needs to be credited or if you’ve any enquiries or feedback, please contact: sujithpushpan@gmail.com
Thank you so much for all the love and support.“
Story Of Ashtavakra: The Cursed Son | Janaka Maharaj | Sadhguru | Adiyogi | 2021
„Story Of Ashtavakra: The Cursed Son | Janaka Maharaj | Sadhguru | Adiyogi | 2021“
„this is the first act of zen, okay , this is some eight thousand years ago
and Janaka realized in that uncomfortable position, he suddenly burst into enlightenment, he
got down and bowed down to Ashtavakra wanted to stay there after a certain period of time as to
what i said you go back to the palace king janaka said no way the palace means
nothing to me, i am not going back so ashtavakra said the question is not about whether you
want to be a king or not, the people of this nation need an enlightened king,
so you must go so he sent him back, there is a beautiful incident that occurred around ashtavakra
when janaka maharaja the emperor became enlightened a rare thing an emperor becoming
enlightened, it’s not only a rare thing, it is a fantastic thing, because an enlightened ruler means many things to the people that is no better blessing so when it happened
ashtavakra his guru as gurus are known to be always difficult when you just think you found your way they tell you that’s not it when janaka thought he’s enlightened and this is it
ashtavakra said that’s not it you have to go back and rule the kingdom because you may not
want it that’s not the point the point is people deserve an enlightened king..so, janaka,
whenever he found time he made his trips to ashtavakra’s hermitage little deep into the jungle,
so janaka making regular trips to the hermitage, obviously, because gurus are lonely
people you know because where to find the enlightened company, very difficult,
so obviously both of them enjoying a certain rapport, both of them enjoying each other’s company.“
Why did Lord Shiva fight with Lord Krishna?
„Why did Lord Shiva fight with Lord Krishna?
980.140 Aufrufe•07.03.2018
Indian Monk
570.000 Abonnenten
Why did Lord Shiva fight with Lord Krishna?
Banasur was the eldest son of King Bali among the 100 sons. He was the 10th descendant of Prahlad. He was very fond of Lord Shiva from childhood. When he was grown up, he meditated and worshiped hard to appease Lord Shiva. One day, seeing this, Lord Shiva visited him. He gave him the boon of a thousand powerful arms. With this boon, he became very powerful. Banasur also asked for one more boon that Shiva would always protect him whenever he would face difficulty or in trouble. Lord Shiva granted him that too.“
„Both Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna battled with each other. Krishna found out that he was helpless to kill Banasur when Lord Shiva is protecting him…that made Lord Shiva fall asleep…
Krishna took out his Sudarshana Chakra….but Lord Shiva woke up and blocked the Sudarshana Chakra.. Shiva then pleaded Krishna to forgive Banasur, because he is one of his greatest devotees..Taking a look at all this scenario Banasur felt ashamed of himself and asked for forgiveness, he also promised to let down his arrogance and behave good in future.“
InfinityExpression: 8.6.2021: Kundalini is alert and vivid about the story…
AGARTHA, PATHALA & SHAMBALA: mysterious civilizations of Inner Earth
„AGARTHA, PATHALA & SHAMBALA: mysterious civilizations of Inner Earth“
„663 Aufrufe•08.04.2021“
62 Abonnenten
Is Agartha the same as Shambala? What is Pathala? Is there a connection between these places and UFO activity on Earth?“
„UFO Activity is also seen in lake Titicaca in Peru.“
„Pathala: It sounds like a Paradise… it is an absolutely dangerous place for Humans..
Vedic Cosmology which speaks of 14 Planes of Existence, based on the Level of Consciousness. Earth is right in the middle…The Realms below Earth have increased in darkness, both spiritually and physically…Sathyaloka..Neither Sunlight nor Moonlight reaches Pathala which is heavily influenced and trapped by materialism………non-human entities, mostly Nagas, immensely powerful, Supernatural Serpent beings and Rakshasas, fierce demons that possess boundless strength. So Pathala is not exactly a divine place, it is actually one of the 7 hellish planes.
The word Argartha does not exist in the Vedas, instead the word of the underworld is called Pathala.“
„The technology here is unrivaled
„Shambala is also know as the city of eternal youth. The inhabitants of Shambala have a very high level of consciousness as well as sophisticated technology. Only Humans who are resonating at this very high level are allowed to enter Shambalah in their astral bodies, but they ca never return from there.“
„Initiate of Mystery School from India…Ascended Masters who lived in the underworld Realm of Agartha. A highly advanced civilization with highly evolved technology.“
„Von Unearthly angepinnt
Shaan Bae
vor 2 Wochen
This is one of the best videos on Reptilians ever…
Cosmic Consciousness with Jonas
vor 1 Tag
that was an excellent and very informative video! thank you.“
Adi Shakti | The power of the primordial God Mother | The Energy of the Cosmos
Krishna: A Complete Incarnation of the Divine – Sadhguru
„Krishna: A Complete Incarnation of the Divine – Sadhguru“
„516.343 Aufrufe•25.09.2020“
7,43 Mio. Abonnenten
Sadhguru looks at the nature of the being that we call Krishna, and explains how he was a multifaceted, extremely capable being.
Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.“
When Lord Krishna Explained Parallel Universe To Lord Brahma | Theory of Relativity
„When Lord Krishna Explained Parallel Universe To Lord Brahma | Theory of Relativity“
„730.209 Aufrufe•15.01.2020
Indian Monk
561.000 Abonnenten
Lord Brahma made a mistake trying to test the power of Lord Krishna. Life went on like that for a year before Lord Brahma returned. Not to mention that einstein’s theory of relativity the time of Brahma Loka passes differently. There are 4 ages on earth that continue to circulate. A complete cycle is called maha yuga or Divya yuga. A thousand cycles of this type form a day of Lord Brahma. Therefore, one day of Lord Brahma is 4.32 billion human years. Each of those days of Lord Brahma is called „Kalpa“. So it only seemed a moment to Lord Brahma. However, when he returned, he was surprised to see children and calves playing with Lord Krishna as if nothing had happened. Lord Krishna knew that Lord Brahma was perplexed, so he transformed all the children and calves into the four-armed forms of Lord Vishnu. Lord Brahma heard music and saw many Lord Brahma’s, Lord Shiva’s, demigods, and jivas singing and dancing the names of God. Lord Brahma’s mind was opened for the first sight, but I was surprised, so Lord Krishna finished the dazzling scene. there is not only one Lord Brahma in the Universe but there are millions of Lord Brahma in the Universe so this story related to einstein’s theory of relativity or Parallel Universe.
How Bull Demon Arishtasura Was Killed By Lord Krishna | Gauranga Darshan Das | Day 29
„#radhakund #shyamkund
How Bull Demon Arishtasura Was Killed By Lord Krishna | Gauranga Darshan Das | Day 29
3.345 Aufrufe•Live übertragen am 09.05.2020
Hare Krsna TV
1,41 Mio. Abonnenten
#radhakund #shyamkund
Lessons from Krishna’s Vrindavan Pastimes – Day 29
Topic: Krishna Liberates Arishtasura (The Bull Demon)
Date: 9th May 2020
Speaker: Gauranga Darshan Das“
The Secret Behind Bruce Lee’s Lightning Speed – Sadhguru Exclusive
„#SadhguruExclusive #Sadhguru
The Secret Behind Bruce Lee’s Lightning Speed – Sadhguru Exclusive
1.643.612 Aufrufe•Premiere am 28.09.2020“
„No teacher is the truth, only a mere pointer to it, for which the student must find on their own. (Bruce Lee)“
„Infinity Universe
vor 6 Monaten
Guys be a part of the few souls,who are having unlimited happiness and inner peace.“
vor 7 Monaten
Finally someone gave an explanation for brucelee’ s immense strength and his mysterious death….!!
vor 7 Monaten (bearbeitet)
Watch it again. He basically said he would have died a different way „not in that context“ from physical issues not from being murdered.
vor 7 Monaten
@mrscott01 yes brucelee’s death has many conspiracy theories behind it.. So saying this is the definite cause will turn a lot of heads and he needs to give more explanations. So he said it as a probable cause and not the definitive cause…
vor 7 Monaten
@Krishna sadhguru did not say it is a probable cause. He said if he hadn’t died the way he did, then sometime later it would have been due to manipura chakra.
What I don’t get is the need of even thinking of theories for his death. It was clearly stated cerebral edema (swelling of brain). He removed his sweat glands as it was taken as vile in cinema when actors had sweat circles down their armpits. As a result his brain was unable to remove excess heat and he died from that.
vor 7 Monaten
@Kamal He was murdered by the satanic royal bloodlines that have run this planet for thousands of years.“
InfinityExpression: 30.4.2021: Exactly…like they tried it with many…incl. me.
But this time they will go down for all Eternity.
Bruce Lee handshaked me from the other side during transdimensional dream-transcomm in 2018.
He saw my world records…
Sait S Hari Ram
vor 1 Monat (bearbeitet)
Brucelee loved by all and hated by none..such a personality..
SoFly Win
vor 3 Wochen
Except for the triads.
D Moll
vor 6 Tagen
hated by none? lol thats not true.
Above your mom
vor 1 Tag
@D Moll who hates him
Im Notme
vor 11 Stunden
lots of bad people hated him and it´´s inevitable because he would always be misunderstood by people and think that he´s too arrogant.“
Meditation Scientifically Explained 1 of 3 – Walter Russell
Das Hereinwirken der geistigen Welt in das Zeitgeschehen. (Rudolf Steiner)
„Das Hereinwirken der geistigen Welt in das Zeitgeschehen.“
„Es ist schon einmal so in der Geisteswissenschaft: Man kann nicht klipp und klar auf manche Fragen antworten, weil unsere Zeitgenossenschaft noch nicht so weit ist, die Wahrheiten im richtigen Stile aufzunehmen. Man muss manches andeuten. Wenn Sie nachlesen in den Vorträgen, die nicht lange vor dem Ausbruch dieser furchtbaren Weltkatastrophe in Wien gehalten worden sind, so werden Sie dort die Stelle finden von dem sozialen Karzinom,
von der sozialen Krebskrankheit, welche an der Menschheitsentwickelung frisst. Angedeutet werden sollte durch solche und viele ähnliche Dinge, was der Menschheitsentwickelung bevorsteht, und aufgefordert werden sollte durch solche Dinge zum Nachdenken. Denn dieses Nachdenken, das ist es, was uns einzig und allein in wirklichem Sinne wach machen kann. Und waches Leben, wir brauchen es, und die Menschheit braucht es. Und wenn
Geisteswissenschaft ihre Aufgabe erfüllen will, so ist vor allen Dingen nötig, dass sie die Anregerin wird zu vollem Wachsein. Denn wissen allein von den Dingen, die sich in der Sinnenwelt abspielen, und von den Gesetzen, die der Verstand durchschauen kann als in der
Sinneswelt vorhanden, das heißt denn doch in einem höheren Sinne schlafen. Vollständig wach ist die Menschheit nur dann, wenn sie auch Begriffe, Ideen entwickeln kann von jener geistigen Welt, die ja ebenso um uns herum ist wie Luft und Wasser, wie die Sterne, wie
die Sonne und der Mond. Und so wie man schläft, wenn man nur ganz hingegeben ist dem inneren Leibesprozess in der Nacht und keine Ahnung hat von dem, was ringsherum in der äußeren körperlichen Welt vorhanden ist, so schläft man auch, wenn man nur der äußeren Sinneswelt hingegeben ist und der Verstandeswelt und den Verstandesgesetzen, die in der äußeren Sinneswelt walten, und keine Ahnung hat von dem, was um einen herum ist als
geistige Welt.
Es ist merkwürdig, dass gerade in den letzten Jahrhunderten – und am ärgsten um die Wende des 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert – die Menschheit auf ihren geistigen Fortschritt, auf ihre wissenschaftlichen Errungenschaften so sehr pochte und dass im Grunde genommen niemals das unbewusste, instinktive Leben so ausgebreitet war wie in dieser Zeit, dass immer mehr und mehr gegen die Gegenwart herauf das instinktiv Unbewusste die Menschen ergriffen hat. Das Nicht-Sehen dessen, was geistig um uns herum ist, das Nicht-Rechnen mit diesem Geistigen, das ist ja im letzten Grunde die Ursache dieses furchtbaren Weltenkampfes. Und man kann nicht sagen, dass die Menschheit durch die Jahre, die sich, wie ich angedeutet habe, wie Jahrhunderte verlängern für den, der sie wachend durchlebt, man kann nicht sagen, dass die Menschheit schon hinreichend viel gelernt hat von dem, was in so furchtbarer Weise sich abgespielt hat. Man könnte leider sogar das Gegenteil davon sagen.
Was ist denn das eigentlich Charakteristische, das einem jetzt täglich, stündlich auffallen kann, wenn man verfolgt, was heute Menschen denken – besser gesagt, vorgeben zu denken, vorgeben zu wollen -, was ist denn das eigentlich Charakteristische? Das eigentlich Charakteristische ist, dass im Grunde genommen über die Welt hin niemand weiß, was er will, dass niemand darauf kommt, dass dasjenige, was man berechtigterweise wollen
könnte – gleichgültig, wie es sich in den einzelnen Köpfen der einzelnen Völker ausmalt -, viel besser erreicht würde, wenn man die furchtbaren, blutigen Ereignisse wegließe, dass diese furchtbaren, blutigen Ereignisse sich abspielen und dass sie eigentlich unnötig
sind, unnötig sind zu dem, was gewollt wird.
Allerdings, es walten in diesen Ereignissen geheimnisvolle Zusammenhänge. Aber wenn Sie manches nehmen, was, allerdings auch nur andeutungsweise, im Laufe der Jahre gerade in unseren geisteswissenschaftlichen Vorträgen gesagt worden ist, so werden Sie doch finden,
dass auch in Bezug auf dasjenige, das sich als Allerbedeutungsvollstes hereingestellt hat in die Ereignisse der letzten Jahre, manches recht klar angedeutet worden ist. Wenn Sie nur nehmen, was auch innerhalb dieser Räume, namentlich in den letzten Jahren, entwickelt
worden ist über den Charakter des russischen Volkes und über den Gegensatz dieses russischen Volkes zu den west- und mitteleuropäischen Völkern, dann werden Sie daraufkommen, dass Sie nichts anderes brauchen, als was hier gesagt worden ist, zum
Verständnisse desjenigen Ereignisses, das scheinbar so stürmisch in der letzten Zeit eingeschlagen hat, zum Verständnisse dessen, was man gewöhnlich die Russische Revolution jetzt nennt, dieses Ereignisses, das hereingebrochen ist wie eine Vergeltung, aber eine
innerlich durchaus absolut verständliche karmische Vergeltung, wobei man dieses Wort als Terminus technicus und gar nicht im moralischen Sinne zu nehmen hat. Es wird nicht nur die russische, es wird die europäische, wird die Menschheit der ganzen Welt lange, lange nachzudenken haben über die Ereignisse, die sich im Osten Europas viel geheimnisvoller jetzt abspielen, als man eigentlich denkt. Denn was Jahrhunderte lang sich
vorbereitet hat, das ist da an die Oberfläche getreten. Und das Neue, das sich gestalten will, es zeigt heute noch ein ganz anderes Gesicht als dasjenige, das sich entwickeln will, das sich herausgestalten will. Spätere Geschlechter werden noch die Möglichkeit
haben, den Unterschied zwischen Maja und Wirklichkeit anschaulich zu machen an dem, was sich in den nächsten Jahrzehnten im Osten von Europa gestalten wird. Denn die gegenwärtigen Geschlechter nehmen die Maja eben nicht als Maja hin, sondern als eine
Wirklichkeit. Sie nehmen das, was jetzt geschieht, hin als etwas, was schon dasjenige ist, was es werden will. Das ist nicht so. Da will etwas ganz anderes an die Oberfläche. Und schlecht sind die Westvölker gerüstet zu verstehen, was da an die Oberfläche will.
Warum sind sie so schlecht gerüstet? So sonderbar dies aussieht für den Menschen, nicht
für Sie, aber für den Normalmenschen der Gegenwart – Sie sind ja alle dadurch, dass Sie zur Anthroposophie gehören, nicht Normalmenschen der Gegenwart -, so sonderbar das für den Normalmenschen aussieht, mehr, unendlich viel mehr als irgendeine andere Zeit erfordert
diese gegenwärtige Zeit von den Menschen gerade dasjenige, was diese Menschen am allerwenigsten haben wollen: geisteswissenschaftliches Verständnis. So sonderbar es für den Normalmenschen der Gegenwart eben klingt: Ordnung wird aus dem Chaos der Gegenwart nicht, bevor eine genügend große Anzahl von Menschen sich bequemen wird, die geisteswissenschaftlichen Wahrheiten anzuerkennen. Das wird das weltgeschichtliche Karma sein.
Lassen Sie die Menschen reden, die da glauben, wir haben jetzt einen Krieg, wie frühere Kriege waren, und wir werden nächstens Frieden schließen, wie frühere Frieden geschlossen worden sind; lassen Sie das die Menschen glauben. Das sind die Menschen, die die Maja
lieben, das sind die Menschen, die die Wahrheit nicht von der Täuschung unterscheiden. Lassen Sie diese Menschen selbst einen Scheinfrieden vielleicht irgendwie schließen:
Ordnung wird aus diesem Chaos, das jetzt die Welt durchzieht, nur dann, wenn die Morgenröte einer geisteswissenschaftlichen Auffassung die Menschen ergreift. Und wenn Sie etwa in Ihrem Herzen empfinden sollten: Dann wird lange nicht Ordnung werden, dann wird es noch lange dauern – weil Sie vielleicht des Glaubens sind, die Menschen werden sich lange nicht bequemen, eine geisteswissenschaftliche Morgenröte heraufkommen zu lassen -, dann
werden Sie Recht haben. Dann glauben Sie aber nur auch, dass lange keine Ordnung werden wird aus diesem Chaos heraus, denn sie wird nicht früher werden, als bis eine geisteswissenschaftliche Auffassung die menschlichen Herzen durchdringt. Alles andere wird Schein sein, alles andere wird scheinbare Ruhe sein, unter der immer neue und neue Feuerflammen sich entzünden werden, denn Ordnung wird aus diesem Chaos erst entstehen,
wenn man begreifen wird, woraus dieses Chaos entstanden ist.
Es ist entstanden aus ungeistiger Erfassung der Wirklichkeit – ja, aus ungeistiger Erfassung der Wirklichkeit. Die geistige Welt ignoriert man nicht ungestraft. Man kann glauben, dass man die geistige Welt ungestraft ignorieren kann, man kann glauben, dass man sich in der Welt Begriffen, Vorstellungen hingeben kann, die bloß aus der Sinneswelt entnommen sind, man kann das glauben, und das ist ja der allgemeine Glaube der heutigen
Menschheit. Aber wahr ist es nicht. Nein! Der irrigste Glaube, den jemals die Menschheit hat hegen können, das ist der – wenn ich mich trivial ausdrücken darf -, dass die Geister es sich gefallen lassen, ignoriert zu werden. Fassen Sie es meinetwillen auf als einen
Egoismus, als eine Selbstsucht der Geister, aber in der geistigen Welt gilt eine andere Terminologie als hier in der sinnlich-physischen Welt. Also fassen Sie es meinetwillen auf als einen Egoismus der Geister, aber die Geister rächen sich, wenn sie ignoriert werden hier. Es ist ein Gesetz, es ist eine eherne Notwendigkeit: Die Geister rächen sich. Und unter den mancherlei Charakteristiken, die man geben kann für die Gegenwart, ist auch
diese richtig, dass man sagen kann: Die Rache der Geister dafür, dass man sie so lange ignoriert hat, das ist das gegenwärtige Menschheitschaos.
Erinnern Sie sich, wie oft ich hier und an andern Orten gesagt habe: Es ist ein geheimnisvoller Zusammenhang zwischen dem, was menschliches Bewusstsein ist, und den zerstörerischen Kräften des Weltenalls, gerade den Untergangskräften des Weltenalls. Ja, dieser geheimnisvolle Zusammenhang zwischen den zerstörerischen Kräften des Weltenalls und dem Bewusstsein, der besteht; er besteht so, dass das eine als Ersatz für das andere auf
der einen Seite dienen kann oder auf der andern Seite dienen muss in der folgenden Art.
Nehmen wir einmal an, ein Zeitalter wäre dagewesen, sagen wir in den letzten zwanzig oder dreißig Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts, in dem die Menschheit so nach Geistigem gestrebt hätte, wie sie in den letzten zwei bis drei Jahrzehnten des 19. Jahrhunderts nur nach materiellem Wissen und nach materiellen Taten gestrebt hat. Nehmen wir an, am Ende dieses 19. Jahrhunderts hätten die Menschen nach spirituellem Erleben, nach spirituellem Wissen, nach spirituellen Taten gestrebt. Was wäre das gewesen? Was wäre es gewesen, wenn die Menschen gesucht hätten, die geistige Welt zu erkennen und aus der geistigen Welt heraus der physischen Welt einen Charakter, eine Grundlage zu geben, statt dass in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jahrhunderts die Menschen nur instinktiv immer mehr und mehr nach demjenigen Wissen gejagt haben, welches zuletzt in der Ausgestaltung der Mordwerkzeuge seine größten Triumphe feierte und welches in der menschlichen Bereicherung mit rein materiellen Gütern aufging? Was wäre geschehen, wenn die Menschheit gestrebt hätte, spirituelles Wissen, spirituelle Impulse für das soziale Wirken zu gewinnen? Es wäre eine Abschlagszahlung gewesen für zerstörerische Kräfte! Die Menschen wären wacher gewesen, statt dass sie die letzten Jahrzehnte des 19. Jahrhunderts verschlafen haben. Die Menschen wären wacher gewesen, und die ersten Jahrzehnte des 20. Jahrhunderts hätten nicht die Zerstörung zu bringen brauchen, wenn das Bewusstsein stärker gewesen wäre. Das spirituelle Bewusstsein muss eben stärker sein als das rein sinnlich-materielle Bewusstsein. Wäre das
spirituelle Bewusstsein stärker gewesen in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jahrhunderts, so hätten nicht die zerstörerischen Kräfte einzugreifen brauchen in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Am intensivsten, am eindringlichsten – erkenntnistheoretisch -, aber, man möchte sagen auch am grausamsten gewahrt man das, wenn man Bekanntschaft macht mit manchen Toten, die in die geistige Welt eingezogen sind, sei es in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jahrhunderts, sei es in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Viele Seelen waren darunter, die hier auf diesem Erdenrund innerhalb des Hastens und Treibens und Strebens im
Materiellen keine Gelegenheit gehabt haben, ihr Bewusstsein zu erwecken mit spirituellen Impulsen. Viele sind durch die Pforte des Todes gegangen, ohne auch nur eine Ahnung zu bekommen von Begriffen, von Ideen, die spirituelle Impulse andeuten. Wäre hier auf der Erde, bevor diese Seelen durch die Pforte des Todes gegangen sind, für sie die Möglichkeit gewesen, Spirituelles in ihre Vorstellungen, in ihre Begriffe aufzunehmen, sie hätten das mit durch die Pforte des Todes getragen. Das wäre ihnen ein Gut gewesen, das sie brauchen nach dem Tode. Sie haben es nicht haben können.
Wer die Geistesgeschichte, die sogenannte Geistesgeschichte der letzten Jahrzehnte des 19. Jahrhunderts und der ersten Jahrzehnte des 20. Jahrhunderts kennt, der weiß, dass man nicht einmal mehr das Wort Geist anzuwenden gewusst hat auf das Richtige: Man hat es auf
alles Mögliche angewendet, nur nicht auf dasjenige, was wirklich Geist ist. So haben die Seelen keine Möglichkeit gehabt, den Geist hier zu kennen. Sie müssen die Abschlagszahlung nehmen. Sie lechzen jetzt, da sie durch die Pforte des Todes eingetreten sind in die geistige Welt, sie lechzen – ja, wonach lechzen sie, diese Seelen, die hier im Materialismus lebten, wonach lechzen sie? Nach zerstörerischen Kräften in der physischen
Welt lechzen sie! Denn das ist die Abschlagszahlung. Diese Dinge lassen sich nicht mit bequemen Begriffen abtun. Will man auf diesem Gebiet die
Realitäten kennenlernen, dann muss man sich eine Empfindung für dasjenige verschaffen, was in den ägyptischen Mysterien die eherne Notwendigkeit genannt worden ist. So furchtbar es ist, so sehr notwendig war es, dass Zerstörung Platz griff, da sich die durch die Pforte des Todes Gegangenen sehnten nach zerstörerischen Kräften, in denen sie leben können, nachdem sie hier die Abschlagszahlung durch spirituelle Impulse nicht haben erhalten können.
Es wird nicht früher Ordnung aus dem Chaos, bevor die Menschheit sich entschließt, solch ernste Wahrheiten wirklich durch ihre Seele ziehen zu lassen und auch solch ernste Wahrheiten in die Ideen einfließen zu lassen, die heute politisch durch die Welt ziehen.
Und wenn diese Wahrheiten pessimistisch klingen und Sie sich denken: Wie weit ist die Menschheit noch weg von all dem, was jetzt als gefordert bedeutet worden ist -, dann haben Sie recht. Aber lassen Sie aus diesem Ihrem berechtigten Pessimismus die innere Aufforderung folgen, die wache Aufforderung, da, wo Sie können, an jeglicher Stelle des Lebens, an die Sie gestellt sind, den Versuch zu machen, Seelen zu erwecken nach der
Richtung, nach der die Geisteswissenschaft ihre Impulse senden kann. Man kann es freilich heute noch nicht viel, aber man muss wirklich das ehrliche, aufrichtige Bestreben haben, in der Art, wie es eben der eine oder der andere verstehen kann, aufmerksam zu machen auf dieses Konkrete, das darin besteht, dass die neuere Zeit Sehnsuchten in den Toten hervorgerufen hat, denen jetzt entgegengekommen wird mit dem, was wir Lebenden hier auf dem physischen Plan mit Schaudern erfahren. (Rudolf Steiner)(am 29.09.1917 in der GA 177 („Die spirituellen Hintergründe der äußeren Welt“), S. 13 ff.“)“
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