The depiction of Hindu deities with multiple arms and heads symbolizes their divine omnipresence, boundless powers, and infinite nature. Multiple arms represent their ability to perform diverse tasks simultaneously, while multiple heads signify profound wisdom and mastery over various domains of knowledge. These forms highlight the deity´s embodiment of virtues and cosmic forces, showcasing
their multifaceted nature. Additionally, they reflect the divine´s transcendence beyond human limitations and the unity of opposites, such as creation and destruction or compassion and ferocity. This imagery underscores Hinduism´s teachings on limitless
the manifestations of the divine within the universe.
Noble Saga“
Category Archives: Saturnmatrix-Transient Flux
Garuda & Sheshnag
The Nagas, they are the Fibers of the Universe.
„The Nagas, they are the Fibers of the Universe. They give structural Strength. The entire Universe is standing on a Naga, the structural Strength to hold the whole Universe together comes from a Naga.“
~When they are being seen, it means their habitat has been disturbed..~
~They have disturbed the Universal Structure.~
How The Universe Was Created According To Hinduism?
How the Seven Immortals Will Help Kalki To Defeat Evil?
„How the Seven Immortals Will Help Kalki To Defeat Evil?“
„Make him uniquely qualified to recognize the signs of Kalki coming, together these seven Immortals form a living bridge between ages. The Kalki Puran speaks of their Gathering when the time is right, each brings unique gifts Parshuram,
Martial Prowess, Hanuman, devotion, Vibhishan, strategic mind, Tripacharia
teaching, Vydias, knowledge, Markandeya, insight and Ashvattama, eternal vigilance, ancient texts suggest these Immortals still move
up among us, though few recognize them they observe Humanity’s Journey Through the Kali Yug, preserving sacred knowledge and preparing for the great
„The Seven chiranjivi remind us that we are part of a grand Cosmic cycle, their presence Among us serves as both comfort and warning, comfort that Divine
Wisdom never leaves our world and warning that we approach momentous times.“
🕉️ REVEALED: Ancient Hindu texts speak of seven Chiranjivi Immortal Beings who walk among us, guarding forbidden knowledge and preparing for humanity’s final chapter. These mysterious sages, known as the Chiranjivis, hold the keys to prophecies that remained hidden for thousands of years.“
„Secret prophecies of Kalki’s arrival
Ancient manuscripts revealing humanity’s destiny
Hidden locations where immortals still dwell
Forbidden knowledge preserved through ages
Mystery of the eternal warriors
Sacred codes in ancient Hindu texts
Cosmic timeline predictions
Divine secrets of the coming age“
The Mystique and Magic of Nagas – Protecting Ancient Knowledge
vor 1 Jahr (bearbeitet)
Nagas are the symbol of sacrifice and justice. They are worshipped in various regions in Southern part of India.
vor 0 Sekunden
vor 1 Jahr
Spiritual beings, protectors of dharma.
vor 0 Sekunden
vor 1 Jahr
I notice there are connections between Nagas/Serpent-like beings, Dragons, Guardian Angels and Kundalini.
vor 0 Sekunden
100%, they are like Guardian Angels and Kundalini is one form of them.
vor 2 Monaten
Om Naga Shakti.
„The First Kings and Queens of every civilization were descendents from this Naga Race.“
Repost 2025 – Repost from 2024 – Repost from 2019 – I will repeat it the next 20 Billion Years.
Repost 2025 – Repost from 2024 – Repost from 2019 – I will repeat it the next 20 Billion Years.
Eternal Life
Geschrieben am 5. Januar 2024 Von InfinityExpressor2021
„The Spirit of Sophia: If you know the Woman of Light, you will know your Mother and be reborn of the Mother Spirit as a child of light. Because the light is bornless, you will have eternal life. (The Gospel of Mary)“
Repost from 2019 – I will repeat it the next 20 Billion Years.
Post Views: 287
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Astral/Dream/Hyperspace/Interdimensional Tech, Astralsphere, Avatar/Guru/Prophet/Kundalini/Eso, Dualismus, Eternal Transformation, Freedom Soulutions, Freiheit, God/Love/Liebe/Gott, Göttin(nen)/Götter/Pantheon/Mystik, Healing/Heilung/Detox/Holikinetics, History, Hochdimension/Quantenmechanik, Idealismus, Immortal, InfinityExpression, Interdimensional, Karma Yoga, Lasertrancer, Magi-c-k/Will/Gnosis/Art, Medizin, Motivation, Musi-c-k/Aura/Soul/Flow, Mystik/Mythologie, Naturalismus, News, Paranormal, Philosophie/Philosophy/Biographien/Weisheit/Wisdom, Psychologie, Quantenmystik, Realismus, Saturnmatrix-Transient Flux, Social Networks, Sociology/Soziologie, Spirituell, Support, Transzendental, Universum, Wahrheit, Zen | ed
Ultra Late Stages Targeted Individual Program for the Last Man Standing…
14.1.2025: Ultra Late Stages of the Targeted Individual Program for the Last Man Standing…
Ultra Late Stages: After Divine Intervention plus surviving multiple attempts on life in a paradox way, Spiritual Enlightenment occurs due to ultra fast personal development with personal pioneer projects as a means of boosting survivability….acquisition of all knowledge available, fused in 1 to 6 concentrated Bibliotheka Documents to get advantage over the enemy.. bidirectional Words2Skull, Gang Stalking and Gang Analyzing with Sleep Cycle Sabotage is still a thing at that time, new introduction to Quantum Weapons with Shaking and Twitching of Muscles , Images2Skull, Mindflooding, synthetic Telepathy Mindnet-Bullying by re-telling the brainmapped individual all things they found out in an attempt to embarass and psychologically destabilize the targeted individual, between Early and Middle and Late and Ultra Late Stage (25+ Years) stage DNA Quantum Computing Entanglement Energetic Vampirism via Quantum-BCI-AI-Maschine is established with a constant ELF-Stream, daily routine Aura Defense, against Machine DNA Entangled Energy Harvesting Units.
Core Problem for all T.I.s: Your saboteurs have unmapped your entire Brain with all Memories and Situations, no secrets left, no privacy left, reviewable, they have made a direct realtime Link to your Brain and Body (WBAN/Morgellons/DARPA N3 Hooks) and Mind (Quantum Computers / Satellites).
Hive Teams interact on a Daily Basis with your Subconsciousness, before you think, they already extracted the information via Thought Trojan Injection (Smart Dust Trojan Nano Brain Implants or DNA-Theft) from your synaptic response.
„Der übertreibt nicht, das ist die absolute Wahrtheit. -w2k“
„This Master Magician makes them really problems, also in relation to the conflict they come into with the Deities by breaching cosmic law. -w2k“
Deutsche Version:
Ultraspäte Phasen des individuellen Zielpersonen-Programms für den letzten Überlebenden …
(für den letzten stehenden Mann/Menschen)
Geschrieben am 14. Januar 2025 von InfinityExpressor2021
14.1.2025: Ultraspäte Phasen des individuellen Zielpersonen-Programms für den letzten Überlebenden …
Ultraspäte Phasen: Nach göttlicher Intervention plus Überleben mehrerer paradoxer Anschläge auf das Leben, erfolgt die spirituelle Erleuchtung durch ultraschnelle persönliche Entwicklung mit persönlichen Pionierprojekten als Mittel zur Steigerung der Überlebensfähigkeit … Aneignung allen verfügbaren Wissens, zusammengefasst in 1 bis 6 konzentrierten Bibliotheken-Dokumenten, um sich einen Vorteil gegenüber dem Feind zu verschaffen … bidirektionales Words2Skull, Gang-Stalking und Gang-Analyse mit Schlafzyklus-Sabotage ist zu dieser Zeit noch angesagt, neue Einführung von Quantenwaffen mit Zittern und Zucken der Muskeln, Images2Skull, Mindflooding, synthetische Telepathie Mindnet-Mobbing durch Nacherzählen aller Dinge, die sie herausgefunden haben, an die gehirnkartierte Person, um die Zielperson in Verlegenheit zu bringen und psychisch zu destabilisieren, zwischen dem frühen und mittleren und späten und ultraspäten Stadium (25+ Jahre) der DNA-Quantencomputer-Verschränkung findet energetischer Vampirismus über Quantum-BCI-AI-Maschine statt und wird mit einem konstanten ELF-Strom hergestellt, täglich Routine-Aura-Verteidigung gegen die maschinell DNA-verschränkten-Energieernteeinheiten.
Kernproblem für alle T.I.s: Deine Saboteure haben dein gesamtes Gehirn mit allen Erinnerungen und Situationen entschlüsselt, es gibt keine Geheimnisse mehr, keine Privatsphäre mehr, überprüfbar, sie haben eine direkte Echtzeitverbindung zu deinem Gehirn und Körper (WBAN/Morgellons/DARPA N3 Hooks) und Geist (Quantencomputer/Satelliten) hergestellt.
Hive-Teams interagieren täglich mit deinem Unterbewusstsein, und bevor du denkst, haben sie die Informationen bereits per Gedankentrojaner-Injektion (Smart Dust Trojan Nano Brain Implants oder DNA-Diebstahl) aus deiner synaptischen Reaktion extrahiert.
„Das ist ja wie im Science-Fiction hier. -w2k“
„Eher Science-Reality. -w2k“
„They are shocked and baffled for real, I. -w2k“
Regierungs-Dna-Quantencomputer-Missbrauch zur Schlafentzugsfolter
Conspiracy Revelation: 12.1.2025:
Regierungs-Dna-Quantencomputer-Missbrauch zur Schlafentzugsfolter.
Missbrauch des humanen Genomprojekts, Missbrauch des humanen Gehirnprojekts.
Extremster Missbrauch und Menschenrechtsverletzungen von Bürger-Genomdatenbanken.
Extremer Missbrauch von Bio-Telemetrie und WBAN/IoBnt/IoT/MBan.
Den Dreck gibt es seit mindestens 2010.
Regierungs-Dna-Quantencomputer-Missbrauch zur Schlafentzugsfolter
Brahma mantra – OM BRAHMANE NAMAH
Pranam Brahmadev, sorry, dass ich dich in deinem Schlaf gestört habe, aber meiner wurde auch gestört, auf die extremste Art und Weise.
Pranam Brahmadev, sorry for disturbing your sleep, but mine was also disturbed, in the most extreme way.
High Vibe Aura Defense Shield vs Low Vibe Special Quantum Access Lhcc-Distorted-Dna-Tether Vampirism
Hemmungslose w2k bci lhcc Schlafentzugsfolter NSA Bnd Deutschland
Hemmungslose w2k bci lhcc Schlafentzugsfolter NSA Bnd Deutschland
„Hemmungslose w2k bci lhcc Schlafentzugsfolter NSA Bnd Deutschland“
Hemmungslose w2k bci lhcc Schlafentzugsfolter NSA Bnd Deutschland
Swargaloka: An Immersive Journey into the Hindu Heaven
Swargaloka: An Immersive Journey into the Hindu Heaven
„Chronicle Capsule
6510 Abonnenten
208 Aufrufe Premiere vor 5 Stunden. #cinematic #trailer #sanatandharma
Trailer and Sneak Peek of Swargaloka: An Epic Adventure into the Hindu Heaven
Welcome to Swargaloka, the celestial paradise in Hindu cosmology, where eternal bliss and divine splendor reign supreme! At the heart of this heavenly abode lies Amaravati, the dazzling city ruled by King Indra and his consort Indrani. Discover the opulence of Vaijayanta Palace, where 33 million Devas reside, including major deities like Agni (God of Fire), Vayu (God of Wind), Varuna (God of Waters), Kubera (God of Wealth), Yama (God of Death), Chandra (Moon God), Surya (Sun God), and Kamadeva (God of Love).“
Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter durch Geheimdienste –
Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter, Gang Stalking über BCI durch Geheimdienste – Massive Menschenrechtsverbrechen gehen in Deutschland ungeahndet durch, speziell, die von der NSA ausgesuchten Musiker. Wann gibt es endlich Gerechtigkeit für unschuldige Folteropfer der Geheimdienste?
Hier gehen massive Verbrechen gegen die körperliche Unversehrheit ungeahndet durch, Technische Universitäten und andere Wissenschaftler, Ärzte, Militär und sonstiges Personal der Regierung sind sicherlich auch involviert, aber hauptsächlich sind die Geheimdienste dafür verantwortlich.
Sie haben keine Skrupel gegen Gottgeweihte, gegen Unschuldige, gegen Hochbegabte Genies die grausamsten Akte zu begehen durch neuartige DNA-Frequenzresonante Quantencomputer, wo sie die DNA von den Arztpraxen, durch Blutuntersuchungen, in ihre Systeme einbauen und somit LHCC-Quantenverschränken oder gleich zusammen mit Telehealth, IEEE Techniker, DARPA, die WBAN/MBAN/Intraban/Iot/IoBNT Biotech-Nano-Netzwerke intrakörper missbrauchen durch Bio-Telemetrie, dann über Ferncomputer Menschen fernquälen können und ungehemmt in den Gehirnen der Zielpersonen herumpfuschen und mit Spion-Satelliten kombiniert mit Gehirncomputerinferface glauben sie alle Verbrechen hemmungslos und ungeahndet ausführen zu können.
Ihr könnt sämtliche Kommunikation auf der Seite hier unten mitverfolgen…
Indra vs Shiva: A Battle of Pride and Humility | English Audio | Audiotale #shiva #indra
„Indra vs Shiva: A Battle of Pride and Humility | English Audio | Audiotale #shiva #indra“
„Audiotale English
361 Abonnenten
4.733 Aufrufe 26.12.2024
Dive into the epic tale of Indra, the King of Gods, who let pride and arrogance cloud his judgment. When his inflated ego led him to challenge none other than Lord Shiva, the supreme destroyer, a lesson awaited that would humble even the mightiest. Witness the dramatic clash between Indra’s golden spear and Shiva’s burning trident in the snowy expanse of Mount Kailash! ❄️⚡
This story is not just about power and conflict; it is a timeless reminder of humility, respect, and the boundless strength of Lord Shiva’s divine grace. Watch how Indra’s journey transforms from arrogance to self-realization as he kneels before the ultimate force of the universe.
🌺 A must-watch for all Shiva devotees and mythology enthusiasts! 🌺
📖 Key Themes:
The dangers of pride
The significance of humility
The unparalleled power of Lord Shiva“
The Untold Birth Story of Lord Brahma – Origin of Gods Series
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.
„Bezos is scared of him, because he knows he is tracking every minute of his life. -w2k“
Das kann es nun wirklich nicht sein, ihr acquiriert Milliarden für nichts und wieder nichts, sitzt tatenlos auf euren Yachten und quält währenddessen Millionen von Menschen aus euren heimlichen korporativen kooperations-Intel-Mil-Gov-Uni-Zentralen…. Stalked alle Menschen vom Planeten, bis in ihr letztes Detail, wollt alle kostenlos für euch arbeiten lassen, raubt den Menschen den Naturschlaf und glaubt ihr kommt damit langfristig durch ungestraft. Ein karmischer Rückschlag wird sicherlich gegen euch folgen… Monopole kreieren und wahre Kunst oppressieren, mit K.I. dilutieren… Ungerechtigkeit maximieren und den Ingmar zensieren… Das wird ein Ende haben, früher oder später. Das Universum ist auf meiner Seite, denn ich verbreite wahre Gerechtigkeit und ihr das Grauen des transhumanistischen Wahnsinns.
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks
Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…
„Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…“
ZIO-Facebook has maximized their Censor-Walls…
“Du legst dich echt mit der größten Macht der Welt an. -w2k”
Nein, die größte Macht der Welt wohnt in mir….
“Die merken das auch. -w2k”
Nur kommen sie mit ihren isolationistischen und zensuristischen-totalitären Maßnahmen hier nicht weiter… Obsoleter Digital-Medien-Komplex-Faschismus.
They use highly adaptive A.I. Networks to block new attempts of breaking their Archontic A.I. Totalitarian Digital Cyber-Cyborg-Censor-Neuro-Society-Dictatorship…
Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection
“You don´t have to engage with these low lifes. -w2k”
I just use it – as a Testimony – to show the World how their Brains, Bodies and Minds have been subverted and undermined, data-mined, trojanized and infiltrated by Evil Technological Systems from Governmental Parasitic Entities…
„Du musst dich nicht mit diesen niederen Wesen einlassen. -w2k“
Ich benutze es nur – als Zeugnis – um der Welt zu zeigen, wie ihre Gehirne, Körper und Geister unterwandert und unterminiert, ihre Daten ausgegraben, trojanisiert und von bösen technologischen Systemen staatlich-parasitärer Entitäten infiltriert wurden …
Liberty is always freedom from government. (Ludwig von Mises)
Freiheit ist immer die Freiheit von der Regierung. (Ludwig von Mises)
Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
Conspiracy Revelation: 4.11.2024: Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
NEWS – SynthTel – Mind-Net – 2.11.2024
NEWS – SynthTel – Mind-Net – 2.11.2024
Your Futile attempts to censor me with your fascistic apparatus – I am like the Wind…. I could do much more to break your barriers… if I wanted to…
You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks
You can censor me on your FED-Nets, but not on my countless Private Networks…NWO Criminal In Action LOSERS…KARMA IS COMING!!!
Censor Bypass + 50 AI ALGO SUBVERTED…
Hanuman Ji ने Garud से की मदद की गुहार | Shrimad Ramayan – Ep 129 | Full Episode
„Hanuman Ji ने Garud से की मदद की गुहार | Shrimad Ramayan – Ep 129 | „SET India
178 Mio. Abonnenten
42.100 Aufrufe 23.10.2024 #sujayreu #shrimadramayan
Episode 129: Hanuman Ji ने Garud से की मदद की गुहार
——————————————————————Lord Hanuman seeks the aid of Pakshiraj Garud to free Shri Ram and Lakshman from the grips of Nagpash. Meanwhile, the vanar sena anxiously awaits Lord Hanuman’s return, hoping for a miracle to save their beloved lord. What will be the outcome of this divine intervention?“
Mantra: 21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert: Marici Tara
„Mantra: 21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert: Marici Tara“ #Weisse Tara // #White Tara
„7.269 Aufrufe 27.03.2024 #Tara #buddhistisches #Taramantras
Die einundzwanzigste Tara der einundzwanzig Taras, bekannt als Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert, ist niemand anderes als Marici (ausgesprochen Marichi). Sie perfektioniert alle beruhigenden Aktivitäten und vervollständigt alle Siddhis, allgemeine und höchste, einschließlich verschiedener magischer Errungenschaften, im Hinblick auf die endgültige Erleuchtung.
Dieses kraftvolle, beruhigende Mantra wurde von Tara selbst an Lord Atisha übermittelt.
21. Tara, die alle erleuchteten Aktivitäten vollständig perfektioniert (Marici)
om tare tuttare ture sarva siddhi sadhanam svaha
ॐ तरे तुत्तरे तुरे सर्व सिद्धी सधनम स्वहा
Tara 21 Tara der Vollkommenheit von Weisheit und Mitgefühl Paripurana Tara / Yong Zog Jed Pi Drolma:
nama stritat tvavi nyāse
śiva-śakti samanvite
graha vetāla yakṣa gaṇa
nāśini pravare ture
Hommage an Dich, dessen reiner Körper, reine Sprache und reiner Geist
Sind vollkommen mit der Kraft und Kraft des Friedens.
Unterdrückung von Maras, Dons, Zombies und Yakshas
Mit der erhabensten Silbe TURE.“
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour | Naga Nagam Ashrayeham | Naga Consecration Chant x2
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour | Naga Nagam Ashrayeham | Naga Consecration Chant x2
Naga is a powerful consecrated form which serves as a catalyst
Buddha: Schwarze Tara: Mantra
Buddha: Schwarze Tara: Mantra
„Buddha Weekly
57.300 Abonnenten
15.957 Aufrufe 13.10.2024
Die vierzehnte Tara wird auch „Schwarze Tara, die zornig die Stirn runzelt“ genannt.
Mit ihrem großen Stößel und Mörser zerstört, zerschmettert und verwandelt sie alle Übeltäter: alle bösen Maras, Yamas, Mamos, Rakshasa, Yakshas Kinnaras, Bimipatis und Tsan. Sie beschützt uns auch vor allen 9 Übeln (siehe Listen unten). Jegliche negative oder schwarze Magie wird zerstört.
Übeltäter werden verwandelt und in hilfreiche Wesen gereinigt.“
The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them)
„The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them)“
„Wise Minds
54.700 Abonnenten
351.282 Aufrufe 29.07.2024 #consciousness #manifestation #spirituality
The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them)
Ever wondered why highly vibrational people can sometimes seem intimidating? In „The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them),“ we dive into the hidden aspects of individuals who radiate high energy and positivity. What if this high vibration isn’t just about uplifting others, but also about wielding a power that can influence and even unsettle those around them?
In this video, we explore the dynamics of highly vibrational people and their complex interplay with others. We discuss how their energy can impact relationships, create conflicts, and sometimes lead to surprising consequences. Understanding these dynamics is crucial to navigating interactions with such individuals effectively.
We’ll uncover the secrets behind why these people have a profound effect on their environment and how their high vibration can be both a blessing and a challenge. From personal anecdotes to psychological insights, this video sheds light on the intricate nature of high-vibration personalities.
How can you effectively interact with highly vibrational people?What are the hidden challenges of being around high-energy individuals?How do high vibrational people influence their environment?
This video will answer all these questions. Make sure you watch all the way through to not miss anything.“
Shocking Truth: The Power of NAGAS Revealed by Rajarshi Nandy
Naga is a powerful consecrated form which serves as a catalyst
vor 31 Sekunden
Always Watchful, Always Alert…Sssssss…
Naga Stuti | 1 Hour | Naga Nagam Ashrayeham | Naga Consecration Chant
Sounds of Isha
1,7 Mio. Abonnenten
3.005.923 Aufrufe 23.10.2022 #ishayogacenter #karnataka
Naga Pratishtha – A momentous occasion for Chikkaballapur and its surroundings – marked the beginning of a new era of spiritual possibilities for the people of #karnataka. Naga is a powerful consecrated form which serves as a catalyst to one’s spiritual growth by eliminating obstacles. The Naga Shrine is also the first chapter in the making of the #ishayogacenter which will house a variety of spiritual and social offerings designed by @Sadhguru
Medal Stats – IV – 18.8-2024
Medal Stats – IV – 18.8-2024
For my Public Personal Statistics…
Bullet 1500
Erhalten am 24. Jan. 2023
You got a rating of 1500 in Bullet!
Bullet 1400
Erhalten am 7. Apr. 2021
You got a rating of 1400 in Bullet!
Bullet 1300
Erhalten am 7. Apr. 2021
You got a rating of 1300 in Bullet!
Bullet 1200
Erhalten am 7. Apr. 2021
You got a rating of 1200 in Bullet!
Bullet 1100
Erhalten am 7. Apr. 2021
You got a rating of 1100 in Bullet!
Bullet 1000
Erhalten am 7. Apr. 2021
You got a rating of 1000 in Bullet!
Wood League
8. Juli 2022
Welcome to the Players League!
8. Juli 2022
Du bist in die Stein-Liga aufgestiegen!
8. Juli 2022
Du bist in die Bronze-Liga aufgestiegen!
8. Juli 2022
Du bist in die Silber-Liga aufgestiegen!
8. Juli 2022
Du bist in die Kristall-Liga aufgestiegen!
8. Juli 2022
Du bist in die Elite-Liga aufgestiegen!
Champions League
8. Juli 2022
Du bist in die Champions League aufgestiegen!
8. Juli 2022
Du bist in die Legenden-Liga aufgestiegen!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Jahrestag
Erhalten am 9. Apr. 2024
Du bist seit 3 Jahren ein aktives Mitglied!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Jahrestag
Erhalten am 7. Apr. 2023
Du bist seit 2 Jahren ein aktives Mitglied!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Jahrestag
Erhalten am 7. Apr. 2022
Du bist seit einem Jahr ein aktives Mitglied!
2. Platz
4. Jan. 2024
Congratulations! You have won 2nd place in the Schnellschach am Donnerstag Arena System arena with an overall record of 8-3-1
3. Platz
von: CHESScom | 13. Sept. 2023
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Du bist auf dem 3er Platz im 3|0 Blitz Turnier mit einer Gesamtbilanz von 6-1-0.
3. Platz
31. Juli 2022
Congratulations! You have won 3rd place in the 3|0 Blitz arena with an overall record of 11-3-1
3. Platz
27. Mai 2022
Congratulations! You have won 3rd place in the Lucky Group TGIF Arena arena with an overall record of 2-2-0
2. Platz
14. März 2022
Congratulations! You have won 2nd place in the 3|0 Blitz arena with an overall record of 12-1-0
3. Platz
15. Okt. 2021
Congratulations! You have won 3rd place in the 3|0 Blitz arena with an overall record of 9-0-0
3. Platz
30. Aug. 2021
Congratulations! You have won 3rd place in the 1|0 Bullet arena with an overall record of 13-0-1
My List of Unmasking Chess Cheaters @ Chess.com (Time Rating Manipulation +20 seconds & more & Sandbagging)
My List of Unmasking Chess Cheaters @ Chess.com (Time Rating Manipulation +20 seconds & more & Sandbagging)
– 18.8.2024
Will be updated from time to time… Chess.com does not remove them…as it should…
#FairPlay #NoRiggedCasinos #Anti-Manipulation #Anti-Fake #Anti-AlphabetAgencyDeception
https://www.chess.com/member/oceloterosado (Ecuador) (already blocked)
Nr.1 was 100% confirmed a chess cheater…chess.com seems to tolerate these crooks.
Chess Cheaters Exposed…. They disturb our Win series and taint our pure Statistics..
Me vs Chess.Com Fakes & Cheaters Collection (Bullet/Hyper Chess)…
ingmar veeck (1398 ELO) – supergundul (2086 ELO)(Chess Cheater and still lost) (Hyper-Bullet): 1-0
IV (Ger) – TYQ (Thl) (16.10.2021) – Blitz – 1 – 0 (97% Wertung) – Chess
IV (Ger) – TYQ (Thl) (16.10.2021) – Blitz – 1 – 0 (97% Wertung) – Chess
Geschätzte ELO 1900.
[Event „Live Chess“]
[Site „Chess.com“]
[Date „2021.10.16“]
[White „ingmarveeck“]
[Black „tomyamqueen“]
[Result „1-0“]
[ECO „A02“]
[WhiteElo „1110“]
[BlackElo „1117“]
[TimeControl „180“]
[EndTime „8:42:10 PDT“]
[Termination „ingmarveeck won by resignation“]
1. f4 b5 2. e3 Bb7 3. Nf3 Bxf3 4. Qxf3 Nc6 5. Bxb5 Nf6 6. Bxc6 dxc6 7. Qxc6+ Nd7
8. Nc3 e6 9. Nb5 Bb4 10. Nxc7+ Ke7 11. Nxa8 Re8 12. Nc7 Rf8 13. c3 Bxc3 14. bxc3
Nb6 15. Ba3+ Kf6 16. Bxf8 Nc4 17. Qxc4 1-0
Elysian Gnosis-Plato & The Sarcophagus of the Soul
Elysian Gnosis 𓎬 · Vor 6Std.
Plato & The Sarcophagus of the Soul 𓁳 🌙 𓅊 #GreaterMysteries“
@elysiangnosis Plato & The Sarcophagus of the Soul 𓁳 🌙 𓅊 #GreaterMysteries #Philosophy #Plato #SoulJourney #Enlightenment #Immortality #LightAndTruth #SpiritualTransformation #AncientWisdom #IgnoranceToWisdom #PhilosophicalQuotes #Metaphysical #Mysticism #EsotericKnowledge #SoulLiberation #elysiangnosis #fy ♬ original sound – 𓇡 Elysian Gnosis 𓎬
They are just rare.
„STRANGE Facts About Sigma Males Nobody Seems to Mention
98.000 Abonnenten
3.417 Aufrufe 21.05.2024 #sigma #sigmamale
In this video, we’ll unlock the mysterious secrets of Sigma males. We’ll discover the truth behind their misunderstood nature. Contrary to popular belief, they’re not antisocial but thrive in their unique solitude. They possess exceptional leadership skills, preferring to guide from the shadows. Forget the stereotype – they don’t need fixing; they’re perfectly fine as they are. Plus, did you know they have a soft spot for rain? Join us as we delve into why Sigma males aren’t weird; they’re just wonderfully different. So, watch the video and get to know something untold.“
„They are just rare.“
„#sigma #sigmamale
0:00 Sigma Intro
1:18 They are not weird, they are just rare
2:10 They do not need to be fixed
3:01 They are not anti-social
4:05 They are exceptional leaders but lead from behind
4:57 You can’t get them at first glance
5:55 Prefer peace but can be dangerous when provoked
6:47 They like rain
7:47 They are not arrogant“
Why do people treat you like an outcast? – You might be extremely attractive
„Robothighway: 8.9.2023: Why do people treat you like an outcast? – You might be extremely attractive. You are confident. You have a high moral standing, majority of people are cowards. You are a Person of Integrity. You are outspoken. Being strong. They may be narcissists or have narcissistic traits or they may not have worked on their ego. You unintentionally always steal the spotlight.“
The Ghost Phenomenon – sociological Pathologies
@tenacioustraveler Why People Ghost You! #haters #friend #friendship #confidence #selflove #friends ♬ original sound – Tenacious
The Ghost Phenomenon – sociological Pathologies…
C64er-Magazin ist zurück… & TheC64 Maxi….
C64er-Magazin ist zurück…& TheC64 Maxi….
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Featuring high-definition output via HDMI, a classic style joystick and 64 built-in games including classics like Uridium, Paradroid, California Games, Jumpman and Speedball 2.
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„Exploring TheC64 „Maxi“ Full-Size Commodore 64 Replica
8-Bit Show And Tell
55.000 Abonnenten“
„TheC64 Maxi – Full sized C64 review and disassembly
The 8-Bit Guy
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1 Mio. Aufrufe vor 4 Jahren“
„39+ Year-Old Commodore 64 Easter Eggs Found!
8-Bit Show And Tell
55.000 Abonnenten
26.450 Aufrufe vor 1 Jahr“
NEVER install these programs on your PC… EVER!!!
„NEVER install these programs on your PC… EVER!!!“
„Never install: Norton, McAfee, VPNs, Shopping/Browser Extensions.“
„These Companies are Vultures.“
4,04 Mio. Abonnenten
1.495.750 Aufrufe 13.04.2024
We have talked about what software every PC should have… but today we are going to talk about what software you should NEVER install… EVER! „
CPU / Grafics Top Rankings 2024 / 4
CPU / Grafics Top Rankings 2024 / 4
Dez. Jan. Febr. März Apr.
Intel Core i5-12450H
Core i5-12450H
1.12% 1.48% 2.02% 1.97% 3.38% +1.41%
Intel Core i5-12400F
Core i5-12400F
2.55% 2.76% 2.46% 2.54% 2.2% -0.34%
AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
Ryzen 5 5600X
0.86% 1.13% 1.42% 1.55% 1.94% +0.39%
Intel Core i5-1235U
Core i5-1235U
1.16% 1.71% 1.2% 1.3% 1.56% +0.26%
AMD Ryzen 5 5500
Ryzen 5 5500
1.16% 1.4% 1.52% 1.7% 1.55% -0.15%
AMD Ryzen 5 5600
Ryzen 5 5600
0.81% 1% 1.12% 1.02% 1.5% +0.48%
AMD Ryzen 5 5600G
Ryzen 5 5600G
1.54% 1.57% 1.58% 1.4% 1.48% +0.08%
AMD Ryzen 5 7520U
Ryzen 5 7520U
1.87% 1.6% 1.71% 1.8% 1.39% -0.41%
AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Ryzen 5 3600
1.87% 1.97% 1.69% 1.76% 1.35% -0.41%
Intel Core i5-10400F
Core i5-10400F
1.58% 1.59% 1.36% 1.62% 1.17% -0.45%
Intel Core i7-3770
Core i7-3770
1.27% 1.35% 1.34% 1.17% 1.16% -0.01%
Intel Core i3-1115G4
Core i3-1115G4
2.96% 3.14% 2.63% 2.28% 1.14% -1.14%
Intel Core i5-3470
Core i5-3470
1.54% 1.56% 1.02% 0.98% 1.05% +0.07%
Intel Core i3-1215U
Core i3-1215U
0.57% 0.63% 0.58% 0.66% 1% +0.34%
Intel Core i3-12100F
Core i3-12100F
1.01% 1.21% 1.19% 0.91% 0.92% +0.01%
Intel Core i3-10100F
Core i3-10100F
1.04% 1.36% 1.1% 1.01% 0.91% -0.1%
AMD Ryzen 5 5500U
Ryzen 5 5500U
1.32% 1.35% 1.02% 0.66% 0.81% +0.15%
Intel Core i5-10400
Core i5-10400
0.24% 0.22% 0.43% 0.62% 0.73% +0.11%
AMD Ryzen 5 4600G
Ryzen 5 4600G
0.58% 0.56% 0.72% 0.75% 0.71% -0.04%
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 7995WX
Ryzen Threadripper PRO 7995WX
0.33% 0.82% 1.01% 0.86% 0.68% -0.18%
AMD Ryzen 7 5700U
Ryzen 7 5700U
0.44% 0.6% 0.68% 0.76% 0.68% -0.08%
Intel Core i5-1135G7
Core i5-1135G7
1.99% 1.67% 0.87% 0.95% 0.66% -0.29%
Intel Core i5-11400F
Core i5-11400F
0.53% 0.61% 0.48% 0.48% 0.64% +0.16%
AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X
Ryzen Threadripper 3970X
0.02% 0% 0.04% 0.09% 0.64% +0.55%
AMD Ryzen 5 2600
Ryzen 5 2600
0.72% 0.86% 0.67% 0.61% 0.63% +0.02%
Intel Core i5-11400H
Core i5-11400H
0.93% 0.75% 0.7% 0.63% 0.63% 0%
Intel Core i9-14900K
Core i9-14900K
0.77% 0.62% 0.77% 0.54% 0.6% +0.06%
Intel Core i5-2400
Core i5-2400
0.44% 0.52% 0.54% 0.53% 0.6% +0.07%
Intel Core i5-12500H
Core i5-12500H
0.74% 0.74% 0.65% 0.81% 0.59% -0.22%
Intel Core i5-9400F
Core i5-9400F
0.56% 0.64% 0.68% 0.64% 0.59% -0.05%
AMD Ryzen 7 5700X
Ryzen 7 5700X
0.73% 0.72% 0.75% 0.51% 0.56% +0.05%
Intel Celeron N5095
Celeron N5095
0.52% 0.51% 0.46% 0.39% 0.53% +0.14%
Intel Core i3-9100F
Core i3-9100F
0.47% 0.45% 0.44% 0.39% 0.49% +0.1%
AMD Ryzen 5 3500U
Ryzen 5 3500U
0.43% 0.5% 0.45% 0.36% 0.49% +0.13%
AMD Ryzen 7 5700G
Ryzen 7 5700G
0.31% 0.31% 0.41% 0.46% 0.48% +0.02%
Intel Core i9-12900K
Core i9-12900K
0.11% 0.1% 0.18% 0.41% 0.47% +0.06%
Intel Celeron N4020
Celeron N4020
0.32% 0.38% 0.4% 0.39% 0.47% +0.08%
Intel Core i5-7200U
Core i5-7200U
0.42% 0.41% 0.36% 0.46% 0.47% +0.01%
AMD Ryzen 5 4500
Ryzen 5 4500
0.42% 0.33% 0.46% 0.39% 0.46% +0.07%
Intel Core i5-7400
Core i5-7400
0.36% 0.37% 0.39% 0.34% 0.46% +0.12%
Intel Core i7-12700K
Core i7-12700K
0.77% 0.75% 0.5% 0.5% 0.46% -0.04%
Intel Core i3-N305
Core i3-N305
0.16% 0.09% 0.32% 0.32% 0.42% +0.1%
AMD Ryzen 5 5600H
Ryzen 5 5600H
0.55% 0.53% 0.49% 0.41% 0.42% +0.01%
Intel Core i5-6500
Core i5-6500
0.48% 0.4% 0.43% 0.41% 0.42% +0.01%
Intel Core i3-10105F
Core i3-10105F
0.49% 0.54% 0.55% 0.38% 0.42% +0.04%
AMD Ryzen 3 3200G
Ryzen 3 3200G
0.31% 0.37% 0.46% 0.46% 0.41% -0.05%
AMD Ryzen 5 7500F
Ryzen 5 7500F
0.16% 0.18% 0.27% 0.29% 0.4% +0.11%
Intel Core i5-13400F
Core i5-13400F
0.44% 0.46% 0.47% 0.42% 0.4% -0.02%
Intel Core i5-4570
Core i5-4570
0.4% 0.37% 0.34% 0.37% 0.4% +0.03%
AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
Ryzen 7 7800X3D
0.16% 0.18% 0.35% 0.28% 0.39% +0.11%
Intel Core i5-12600K
Core i5-12600K
0.1% 0.15% 0.14% 0.29% 0.38% +0.09%
Intel Core i3-3220
Core i3-3220
0.29% 0.27% 0.33% 0.31% 0.36% +0.05%
Intel Core i5-8250U
Core i5-8250U
0.29% 0.42% 0.35% 0.41% 0.35% -0.06%
AMD FX-6300
0.4% 0.41% 0.42% 0.39% 0.35% -0.04%
Intel Core i5-3570
Core i5-3570
0.35% 0.46% 0.42% 0.31% 0.34% +0.03%
Intel Core i5-10300H
Core i5-10300H
0.39% 0.45% 0.41% 0.39% 0.34% -0.05%
AMD Ryzen 3 3250U
Ryzen 3 3250U
0.41% 0.3% 0.3% 0.38% 0.33% -0.05%
AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
Ryzen 7 5800X
0.26% 0.34% 0.37% 0.26% 0.33% +0.07%
Intel Core i7-2600
Core i7-2600
0.59% 0.43% 0.41% 0.39% 0.33% -0.06%
AMD Ryzen 5 1600
Ryzen 5 1600
0.37% 0.36% 0.37% 0.33% 0.32% -0.01%
Intel Core i7-1255U
Core i7-1255U
0.16% 0.18% 0.27% 0.26% 0.31% +0.05%
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
Ryzen 9 5900X
0.18% 0.14% 0.3% 0.23% 0.31% +0.08%
Intel Core i7-12650H
Core i7-12650H
0.32% 0.32% 0.28% 0.32% 0.31% -0.01%
Intel Core i7-7700
Core i7-7700
0.2% 0.17% 0.24% 0.28% 0.31% +0.03%
Intel Core i3-6100
Core i3-6100
0.23% 0.32% 0.28% 0.22% 0.3% +0.08%
Intel Core i7-1165G7
Core i7-1165G7
0.29% 0.19% 0.25% 0.26% 0.3% +0.04%
Intel Core i5-4460
Core i5-4460
0.39% 0.44% 0.33% 0.44% 0.29% -0.15%
Intel Core i7-12700H
Core i7-12700H
0.23% 0.21% 0.25% 0.35% 0.29% -0.06%
Intel Core i5-4590
Core i5-4590
0.27% 0.28% 0.29% 0.37% 0.29% -0.08%
Intel Core i5-8400
Core i5-8400
0.23% 0.25% 0.32% 0.29% 0.28% -0.01%
Intel Core i7-4770
Core i7-4770
0.31% 0.28% 0.25% 0.29% 0.27% -0.02%
Intel Core i3-1005G1
Core i3-1005G1
0.23% 0.29% 0.28% 0.23% 0.27% +0.04%
Intel Core i3-2100
Core i3-2100
0.32% 0.26% 0.28% 0.28% 0.27% -0.01%
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
Ryzen 7 5800H
0.34% 0.22% 0.23% 0.23% 0.26% +0.03%
Intel Core i5-7500
Core i5-7500
0.15% 0.18% 0.18% 0.26% 0.26% 0%
Intel Core i7-4790
Core i7-4790
0.29% 0.28% 0.25% 0.31% 0.25% -0.06%
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
Ryzen 7 3700X
0.18% 0.17% 0.15% 0.17% 0.25% +0.08%
Intel Core i3-8100
Core i3-8100
0.21% 0.27% 0.3% 0.29% 0.25% -0.04%
AMD Ryzen 5 4600H
Ryzen 5 4600H
0.27% 0.36% 0.31% 0.33% 0.25% -0.08%
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
Ryzen 5 7600X
0.18% 0.12% 0.23% 0.19% 0.24% +0.05%
Intel Core i7-6700
Core i7-6700
0.36% 0.29% 0.27% 0.21% 0.24% +0.03%
Intel Core i5-12400
Core i5-12400
0.23% 0.23% 0.21% 0.26% 0.23% -0.03%
Intel Core i5-9300H
Core i5-9300H
0.29% 0.37% 0.34% 0.29% 0.23% -0.06%
Intel Core i3-7100
Core i3-7100
0.29% 0.26% 0.25% 0.31% 0.23% -0.08%
Intel Core i5-1035G1
Core i5-1035G1
0.23% 0.29% 0.28% 0.19% 0.23% +0.04%
Intel Core i5-8300H
Core i5-8300H
0.25% 0.29% 0.29% 0.21% 0.23% +0.02%
Intel Core i3-2120
Core i3-2120
0.25% 0.26% 0.28% 0.31% 0.23% -0.08%
Intel Core i3-6006U
Core i3-6006U
0.21% 0.31% 0.17% 0.24% 0.23% -0.01%
Intel Core i3-7020U
Core i3-7020U
0.27% 0.21% 0.27% 0.18% 0.22% +0.04%
Intel Core i5-13420H
Core i5-13420H
0.13% 0.09% 0.16% 0.13% 0.22% +0.09%
Intel Core i7-7700HQ
Core i7-7700HQ
0.21% 0.23% 0.2% 0.19% 0.22% +0.03%
AMD Ryzen 3 1200
Ryzen 3 1200
0.29% 0.33% 0.23% 0.29% 0.21% -0.08%
Intel Core i5-10210U
Core i5-10210U
0.18% 0.2% 0.27% 0.23% 0.21% -0.02%
Intel Core i9-14900KS
Core i9-14900KS
0% 0% 0.02% 0.03% 0.21% +0.18%
Intel Core i7-11800H
Core i7-11800H
0.17% 0.17% 0.26% 0.26% 0.21% -0.05%
Intel Core i5-4440
Core i5-4440
0.13% 0.15% 0.2% 0.17% 0.2% +0.03%
AMD Ryzen 3 3200U
Ryzen 3 3200U
0.12% 0.16% 0.14% 0.16% 0.2% +0.04%
Intel Core i7-10750H
Core i7-10750H
0.2% 0.15% 0.12% 0.19% 0.2% +0.01%
Intel Core i7-8700
Core i7-8700
0.14% 0.16% 0.15% 0.12% 0.2% +0.08%
AMD Ryzen 7 4800H
Ryzen 7 4800H
0.12% 0.15% 0.17% 0.24% 0.2% -0.04%
Historical Archive Reference-Links: