The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size. (Oliver Wendell Holmes) [5072]
Be willing to be a beginner every single morning. (Meister Eckhart) [5359]
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. / Selig sind die Sanftmütigen, denn sie werden die Erde besitzen. (Bibel) [5360]
Music does not influence research work, but both are nourished by the same sort of longing, and they complement each other in the satisfaction they offer. (Albert Einstein) [8559]
A man who lives life in its totality is a rainbow; he lives the whole spectrum of it. (Osho) [9406]
Gewalt ist die Waffe des Schwachen; Gewaltlosigkeit die des Starken. (Mahatma Gandhi) [9828]
In uns selbst liegt das Rätsel, die wir Ausgeburt zweier Welten sind. (Goethe) [10262]