Wem der Himmel eine große Aufgabe zugedacht hat, dessen Herz und Willen zermürbt er erst durch Leid. (Meng Dse) [2893]
Ich habe von vielen Quellen getrunken, und bin ewig durstig. (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec) [4817]
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and continue on as if nothing had happened. (Winston Churchill) [6420]
Anyone who says Crowley was a Satanist and a devil-worshiper should have his head examined. (Israel Regardie)(An Interpretation of Aleister Crowley) [7216]
Geoengineering has become such a regular occurence in my state I really don´t like to leave the house. (Morgan Freeman)(2012) [7313]
When you´ve fished enough people out of the river, it´s time to walk upstream and see who´s pushing them in. (Desmond Tutu) [8529]
If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another. (Winston Churchill) [10069]
Der Neid der Menschen zeigt an, wie unglücklich sie selbst fühlen; ihre beständige Aufmerksamkeit auf fremdes Tun und Lassen, wie sie sich langweilen. (Arthur Schopenhauer) [10350]