„Eile ist ein schlechter Ratgeber.“ [222]
Nur Persönlichkeiten bewegen die Welt, niemals Prinzipien. (Oscar Wilde) [2156]
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. (John Quincy Adams) [4548]
Ein Moment von Schönheit ist eine Freude auf ewig: ihre Anmut wächst; und wird niemals in Nichtigkeit münden. /A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness. (John Keats) [4611]
Ruhig und doch schnelltätig, fröhlich und doch gesetzt – so ist der Mensch, welcher der Vernunft folgt. (Marc Aurel) [6852]
There are even more debased and evil forms, things in themselves black. Such is the use of spiritual force to material ends. Christian Scientists, Mental Healers, Professional Diviners, Psychics and the like, are all ipso facto Black Magicians. They exchange gold for dross. They sell their higher powers for gross and temporary benefit. (Aleister Crowley) [7230]
Der Staat ist der Fluch des Individuums. / The state is the curse of the individual. (Henrik Ibsen) [7409]
We also live in our dreams, we do not live only by day. Sometimes we accomplish our greatest deeds in dreams. (Carl Gustav Jung) [10860]
Beauty is an infinity, expressed in a complete form. (Friedrich Schiller) [11798]
Art is a human activity having for its purpose the transmission to others of the highest and best feelings to which men have risen. (Leo Tolstoy)(1897) [12798]