Leistung allein genügt nicht. Man muss auch jemanden finden, der sie anerkennt. (Marcel Mart) [4058]
Money enslaves everything, the living as much as the dead. (Jim Morrison) [8124]
Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to ones.
(Carl Gustav Jung) [8362]
Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education. (Bertrand Russell) [8464]
The man who is a pessimist before 48 knows too much; if he is an optimist after it, he knows too little. (Mark Twain) [9976]
Man kann sich selbst von innen schmücken. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) [10441]
When you are a giraffe and you receive criticism from turtles, they are reporting the view from the level they are on. (T.D. Jakes) [12896]
The people who were trying to make this world worse are not taking the day off. Why should I? (Bob Marley) [13787]
A message to the erroneous spiritual low flyers who think the problem lies in themselves and no Nisargadatta and Cayce won´t help you in the battle of Armageddon. (Ingmar Veeck)(2014): You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality. (Ayn Rand) [12271]
Truth vs Falsehood… the neverending game. From the perspective of the world „there is no god“ (rebirth and death) is a true statement, from the perspective of the absolute (eternal being) it is naturally a lie. /Lessons in Relativity /Deciphering the Double Paradox (Ingmar Veeck)(2015)
Let the virus of sharing and cooperation consume the beast of capitalism. (Michael Tellinger) [21789]
Man kann das Wahre nicht oft genug wiederholen, bis es sich so tief in die Morphogenese des globalen Kollektivbewußtseins eingebrannt hat, daß keine noch so perfide Lüge der Welt es je wieder extrahieren könnte. (Ingmar Veeck)(2015) [19761]
Some kind of dialog is now going on between individual human beings and the sum total of human knowledge and nothing can stop it. (Terence McKenna) [21422]
Die Freiheit ist ein Luxus, den sich nicht jedermann gestatten kann. (Otto von Bismarck) [768]