Philogen 46.25 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Genius: the superhuman in man. (Victor Hugo) [5026]
Jedes Alter hat seine schönen Augenblicke. (Albert Einstein) [7578]
If you can trust nature, by and by you become quiet, silent, happy, joyful, celebrating—because nature is celebrating. Nature is a celebration. (Osho) [9379]
Die Huldigungen eines guten Menschen haben doch etwas besonders Wohltuendes. (Theodor Fontane) [9647]
The real natural man is just in open rebellion against the utterly inhuman form of life. (Carl Gustav Jung) [10037]
Der Irrtum wiederholt sich immerfort in der Tat. Deswegen muß man das Wahre unermüdlich in Worten wiederholen. (Goethe) [10487]
You must understand that in the Age of Aquarius, each one shall be the leader of his own spirit. Each one will be the pivot of his or her life. (Yogi Bhajan) [27655]
Concern yourself with your mind, remove its distortions and impurities. Once you had the taste of your own self, you will find it everywhere and at all times. Therefore it is so important that you should come to it. Once you know it, you will never lose it. (Nisargadatta Maharaj) [15831]
It is my nature to join in love, not hate. (Sophocles)(Antigone) [15596]