I Tried To Make Music The Exact Same Way I Did 20 Years Ago
Infinity Expression: Disharmonic Roland JX3R Chaos Synth Sequences during the Intro… I would get out more harmonic sounds out of it I think… The greenish LCD Displays all go haywire after 15 or 20 years, the same with EMU…Replacement with Blue HQ LCDs is a must.
Monthly Archives: Mai 2020
Behringer CRAVE TD3AM
Behringer CRAVE: Review, tutorial and patch ideas
336.454 Aufrufe•07.07.2019
Behringer Crave Sound Demo (no talking)
115.633 Aufrufe•10.04.2019
Behringer CRAVE: Sounds Only Demo- sounding rather nice
34.128 Aufrufe•17.11.2019
Starsky Carr
18.700 Abonnenten
A few patches I came up with while running through the functions of the CRAVE prior to my walkthrough/review/tutorial.
Behringer CRAVE vs Moog MOTHER-32: The definitive comparison
59.436 Aufrufe•23.11.2019
#Acid #TD3 #E4XTurbo
Sara’s Acid.
232 Aufrufe•02.05.2020
Agents of Rush
303 Abonnenten
Got a Behringer TD-3 AM. A lot cheaper than getting My Roland TB-303 serviced. The TD is funky with more options. Me likes!
#acidhouse #td3 #tr707
Behringer TD-3-AM – Acid Sky
2.911 Aufrufe•17.04.2020
Second session with my TD-3-AM
Roland TR-707 (drums)
Behringer TD-3-BU (bass)
Behringer TD-3-AM (lead 303)
Mr. Karter Understand
Mr. Karter Understand
vor 1 Monat
TD-3 is the best 303 clone on earth.. don’t regret mine.
59.233 Aufrufe•23.12.2019
405 Abonnenten
Comparison starts at 1min.
A comparison video for the Roland TB 303 and the Behringer TD3. I think it’s fair to say at this price and how it sounds the Behringer TD-3 is a great 303 clone.
For me the down side is having the original sequencer. It’s a real pain though there is a software editor which helps.
There was no processing on the two 303s.
eF Ka
vor 4 Monaten
3000 bucks versus 149 bucks… And almost no difference. Ulli democratized the TB 303 and took it away from rich hipsters and gave it to the people.
Pub. 29.5.2023
Aussteiger: Die Höhlen-Hippies von La Gomera | ARTE Re:
“Aussteiger: Die Höhlen-Hippies von La Gomera | ARTE Re:”
“3.724.067 Aufrufe•01.05.2018”
662.000 Abonnenten
Eine Gruppe von Aussteigern lebt in einer abgelegenen Bucht auf der kanarischen Insel La Gomera. Sie bewohnen Höhlen direkt am Meer – ohne Strom und Wasser, ohne materielle Besitztümer. Fernab der Zivilisation haben sie sich eine eigene Welt aufgebaut. Macht das Leben im vermeintlichen Paradies wirklich glücklich?
Die Höhlen-Hippies von La Gomera kommen aus ganz Europa. Was sie eint, ist der Wunsch nach einer einfachen Existenz – frei von den Zwängen der Moderne, im Einklang mit der Natur. Um sich diesen Traum zu erfüllen, haben sie ihr altes Leben zurückgelassen. So wie Mischa. Die Österreicherin arbeitete in Wien erfolgreich als Radiomoderatorin. Mit 24 bekam sie einen Burn-out und die Diagnose Gehirntumor. Nachdem sie ihre Krankheit besiegt hatte, krempelte sie ihr bisheriges Leben komplett um. Sie kündigte ihren Job, schwor sich, nur noch unter dem Sternenhimmel zu schlafen und zog hinaus in die Welt. Auf La Gomera fand sie ihr persönliches Paradies.Die Regierung von Gomera hat die Aussteiger jahrzehntelang in Ruhe gelassen. Doch mittlerweile geht sie immer rigoroser gegen die illegalen Behausungen vor. Hat die Hippie-Kommune in der Bucht der Aussteiger noch eine Zukunft?
Reportage (Deutschland 2018, 30 Min)”
10 spirituelle Symbole & ihre wahre Bedeutung!
Aeons – Sophia, Pleroma and the Universe
Sophia is here and She Hides In Plain Sight… M M inscribed in your hands…
Sophia is here and She Hides In Plain Sight…. M M inscribed in your hands…
Beloved Disciple, Gnostic Teacher, Sophia, and the True Companion of Jesus.
She Hides In Plain Sight
Like Edgar Allen Poe’s “Purloined Letter,” the Christian Goddess has always been right before our eyes, a little
shabby, more than a little mishandled, but there nevertheless. It’s taken years for us to notice her simple hiding
place—at the side of Christ where she was ever meant to be—but bit by bit, year by year, into one eye after
another, she shines brighter and brighter until even the Papacy cannot stop her spilling forth in all her Glory.
As taught by many early mystery religions, most especially the early Gnostics, Mary Magdalene was and is Isis, the
Alpha and the Omega. She is Sophia who is Wisdom who is Spirit who is the Divine Feminine who is Shakti who is God
manifest—she is the Goddess. As God is Source itself, the Goddess is the Emanation or the Play of God—in other
words, the Dance of Creation. The Goddess is the World.
/(Sophia) /(Gnosis) /(Kundalini) 10.05.2020
Mariamne Magdal-eder was knowingly, or to be generous, perhaps unknowingly, taken from Gnostic teaching, as well as
the entire godman tradition of the dying and rising savior, and used by the early Church Fathers to suit their own
purposes—purposes which very much included the suppression of women. For countless years before the birth of
Christianity and for many years after, many women knew power in the competing mystery teachings that everywhere
surrounded the new and jealous “Fathers” in their new and jealous church: Pythagoreans, Epicureans, Cynics,
Therapeauts, and most especially, Gnostics held women in equal regard.
But that power waned with the unceasing efforts of the new and very masculine Church as it rose to pre-eminence
over the hearts and minds of Western civilization. And with it waned the power and truth of the Magdalene.
The “story” of the Magdalene is ancient. It was told by the early Gnostics, and before them the Egyptians, and
before them the Sumerians協or surely this story goes back to the dawn of human self-awareness. Like all great
stories, it asks eternal questions which are the very same questions we ask today. “Who are we?” “Why are we here?”
“Where is here?” “Why” is here?” And: “What happens to us when we die?” These must have been the very first
questions asked by the very first humans gazing up at the ancient stars.
Every society on earth from the beginning to now has tried to answer these questions, and almost every society on
earth has come up with answers that then become cemented in a formal tradition.
The early Gnostics answered them in this way: before the Beginning of the World… The Egyptians called it the
“dazzling darkness” or Absolute Mystery. Gnostics called it “All That Is.” It was pure unmanifest Consciousness—and
it was aware.
But aware of what? What would a conscious No Thing which is No Where be conscious of? Plato said the first
principle (stemming from All That Is) is intellect whose only function can be to think, and the only possible
object of thought must be itself.
At some point, All That Is contemplated itself into a First Idea, named by some: “Logos.” The First Idea is that it
knew itself by becoming both that which is known and that which knows, witness and experience. It became the One
Soul of the Universe that is conscious through all beings. And from this sprang the Many卪eaning the World and all
it contains. (Physicists still call this The Big Bang, because they are telling the same ancient story in their own
rationalist way.)
The evolving cosmology of preChristian Gnosticism taught that from All That Is (having neither gender nor being),
emanated pairs of Aeons, or paired lesser beings which are divine powers or natures emanating from Source to play
various roles in the operation of the universe. Together these Aeons made up the Pleroma, or “fullness of
Consciousness.” The lowest and the last of these pairs in the hierarchy was Sophia, which is Greek for “Wisdom,”
and Christ, which is Greek for “Savior.”
/(Sophia) /(Trigger) /(Phonetik) /(Avatar) /(Gnosis)
Those who wrote the first gospels, both canonical and Gnostic, gave the name Yeshu (Jesus in Greek) to the Christ
Aeon and the name Mary Magdalene, or Mariamne Magdal-eder, to the Sophia Aeon.
Sophia was the original female principal, the Goddess. She came first and she came alone. And so soon as She
discovered Herself to be separated from Source, Sophia grew fearful and full of anguish. She felt she’d been
exiled. She was certain She was lost in this lower, lesser, place…a “copy” of Pleroma. Plato thought this copy
benign, but the Gnostics thought it hellish. Wandering through the world of matter created by her own dreadful fear
and confusion, Sophia was subject to all the pain and horror the world of matter can and does supply…and all
those she met treated her shamefully—most especially males. She became in both meanings of the term, a “fallen
Sophia was exiled for years beyond counting and during those years she endured tribulation after tribulation,
always longing to return to All That Is. Eventually, She grew so sorrowful that All That Is took pity on Her and
sent out her “other half,” her Platonic Double, Her paired Aeon, so that she might once again “see the light.” As
her paired Aeon and savior, Christ rescued her from the physical world. He gathered Her up into Gnosis (meaning
knowledge of the divine) so that she might “remember herself” and return to her home in the “Pleroma.”
/(Sophia) /(Trigger) /(Phonetik) /(Avatar) /(Gnosis)
Sophia’s story is a tale of our mortal selves seemingly doomed to wander alone and lost through the world of
matter. We don’t know where we’re going. We don’t know why we’re here. We don’t even know who we really are. We are
frightened. We feel abandoned. We push ourselves even further into matter to escape the terrible feeling that we
have lost our Home. We do whatever we can to distract ourselves from this fundamental uncertainty.
But Sophia, who is Mary Magdalene, is the Goddess who not only created matter, she lived in it to show us we are
not alone in our suffering. And Christ, Her partner and equal, is Gnosis, who comes if we call. He comes so that we
know we are much more than we think we are, that we are, in fact, eternal and loved and filled with Spirit, and
that we can all go Home again.
It’s a beautiful story, a profound story—and it is completely misunderstood by those who “borrowed” it from the
Gnostic teaching.
All Pagan godmen have a female Consort who resurrects Him from the grave. Osiris by Isis. Attis by Cybele. Tammuz
by Ishtar. Christ by Mary Magdalene. There is always a female divinity mourning a slain god and seeking his body
for anointing卆nd this part of the story is as old as human time. It’s very much a part of the myth of the Goddess
and speaks of the true worth of the feminine and her part in the dance of reality.
The Christians hid the Consort. They could not lose Her entirely because they themselves did not understand the
story they were trying to tell. But they degraded Her. They made her into a penitent, serving only to show us how
forgiving Jesus was. They took away Her divinity as they’ve tried to take it from us. By so doing, they have
unbalanced the entire world…because ideas about reality move the entire world.
To Gnostics, none of this is “true” as in literally factual. Sophia’s story is a parable for the plight of the lost
human soul seeking Gnosis—or God consciousness. Sophia is the soul. Christ is that which enlightens the soul.
Mary Magdalene is the “Woman Who Knew the All.” She is Sophia, symbolic of our quest for Christ / The Kingdom of
God / Gnosis / Enlightenment / HOME.
/(Sophia) /(Trigger) /(Kundalini) /(Phonetik)
Source: http://www.thesecretmagdalene.com/mariamne.html
Gila Monster BITE! GRIZZLY BEAR ATTACK! Centipede Bite! Rattlesnake!
“Gila Monster BITE!
18.457.320 Aufrufe•01.12.2015”
“Centipede Bite Worse Than ALL Stings?!
13.390.491 Aufrufe•26.12.2018”
18.379.473 Aufrufe•02.12.2014”
“Rattlesnake with Double Fangs!
15.419.592 Aufrufe•09.12.2014!”
“The Most Venomous Rattlesnake in the World!
4.807.835 Aufrufe•13.10.2015”
“The Most Venomous Rattlesnake in the World!
4.807.835 Aufrufe•13.10.2015”
“SNAKE BITE..Non-Venomous?!
4.562.293 Aufrufe•15.06.2018”
Bees vs Hornets – Incredible Enemies – Amazing Battles
“Bees vs Hornets – Incredible Enemies – Amazing Battles”
Wise Wanderer
203.000 Abonnenten
Japanese Honey Bees Cook Giant Wasps Alive – the Japanese giant hornet: massive, extremely aggressive, and a honey bee’s worst nightmare. A single giant hornet can kill 40 European honey bees in one minute, and a group of 30 could wipe out an entire hive of 30,000 European honey bees in little more than three hours. Growing up to 2 inches in length, with a wingspan of 2.5 inches, these giants are about 5 times larger than the average bee. When they attack a hive, they quickly decapitate and dismember the inhabitants — flying off with the bees’ thoraxes, as well as honey and bee larvae, which they feed to their young.
But when it comes to Japanese honey bees, the hornets have their work cut out for them. While the Japanese honey bees don’t produce as much honey as their European cousins, they have developed an amazing strategy to protect defend themselves against the hornets that terrorize their hives.
When a hornet enters their hive, the bees immediately surround the intruder and form a tight ball around it. They then vibrate their wings to generate carbon dioxide and heat, raising the ball’s temperature to 115 °F (46 °C).
At this concentration of carbon dioxide, the bees can tolerate up to 122 °F (50 °C), but the hornet cannot survive the combination of elevated temperature and high carbon dioxide. Using this method, the honeybees effectively cook the hornet in a convection oven formed from their living bodies.
1:36 / 6:57
“The insect world is home to some of the planet’s fiercest battles, the stakes are high, home, young and food sources are under constant threat for European honeybees, they live in colonies that are often over 30 thousand strong, constructing hives filled with wax, pollen larvae and of course honey, a pretty valuable bounty for an invading army. When a honey bee hive faces off with Asian Giant Hornets it takes justone recon mission to start a war when a single Hornets Scout spots a beehive she marks it with a pheromone and then returns with a hit squad. These giants are the world’s largest Hornet five times the size of the average honeybee and they’re armed with a deadly venom, their sting feels like a hot nail being driven into your flesh. Thousands of defenders pour from the hive, ready to give their lives in its defense, but these European honeybees have no way to stop the onslaught, a single hornet can kill as many as 40 bees a minute, just 30 of them can annihilate a colony of 30,000 bees in a few hours, it isn’t a battle, it’s a massacre. The ground is thick with the remnants of their victims and the enemy penetrates into the inner sanctum of the hive, with the hives defenders laid to waste, the Hornets gorged themselves on the spoils of war, but honey isn’t the main prize, instead they carry away the honey bee larvae and pupae which will feed their young for weeks. European honeybees may fight valiantly, but they haven’t evolved any defenses against these giant invaders. With in nature’s intricate web of checks and balances there is a place for payback.
These too are honeybees, they have made their hive in a hollow tree, they too are caring for their young, but these are native Japanese honeybees and they’re not quite as defenseless as their European cousins, they have evolved a secret weapon against the giant Hornet., one they may need often in this deadly season. This Hornet is the advance guard of an attack force the bees could never withstand, but this time the bees set a trap, they
want the Hornet inside and the Hornet obliges. The scouts main task is to mark the hive with the telltale pheromone, so that her sisters can find it later, but the native honeybees know her game by swinging their abdomens to and fro they signal their strategy to one another, the bees hold off until the last possible moment and then as if on one mind they swarm. The Hornet is engulfed by hundreds of bees, but they don’t sting the intruder,
instead as revealed by thermal photography, they all begin to vibrate gradually raising a collective temperature to 117 degrees Fahrenheit.
Japanese honeybees can tolerate a temperature of 118 degrees their victims
upper limit is 115, the Hornet Scout is slowly roasted alive and the secret of the honeybees location dies with her.”
“Riesen Hornissen angreifen Bienenstock ! Oh mein Gott!
7.281.320 Aufrufe•20.12.2014
17.800 Abonnenten
Der Stock des japanischen Honigbiene wurde vom japanischen Riesen Hornissen angegriffen. Allerdings war es möglich, sie mit dem klebrigen Blatt zu erfassen.. Kategorie Tiere”
Fake-Bewertungen: So werden Amazon-Kunden getäuscht | Marktcheck SWR
“Fake-Bewertungen: So werden Amazon-Kunden getäuscht | Marktcheck SWR
272.752 Aufrufe•04.05.2020
277.000 Abonnenten
Hunderte Amazon Kunden sind täglich als Fake-Bewerter auf dem Amazon Marketplace unterwegs. Sind Teil einer gigantischen Täuschung, gesteuert von chinesischen Händlern.
Unser Marktcheck Reporter Julian steigt in das lukrative Geschäftsmodell ein und deckt auf wie der Amazon Algorithmus ausgetrickst wird.”
Christian Anders SPRICHT (Folge214) DIE EXODUS LÜGE
“Christian Anders SPRICHT (Folge214) DIE EXODUS LÜGE”
1.124 Aufrufe•25.03.2020
“Das Buch des Lichts lehrt, dass alle Geschichten in der Bibel völlig frei erfunden sind, nie wirklich stattgefunden haben, inklusive des Exodus, dass aber hinter ihnen eine geheime Bedeetung liegt, hinter diesen Geschichten, die nur symbolisch zu betrachten sind, als Parabeln, als Gleichnisse.”
“So, nochmal, alle Geschichten in der Bibel sind frei erfunden.”
“Die Bibel ein Geschichtsbuch? Das Buch des Lichts sagt: Nein.”
“Der Zionismus wurde zwischen Deutschland und Polen geboren und darum hat er auch eine halb-deutsche und halb-polnische Form.”
“Der Zionismus war nicht religiös, er benutzte die Religion, um sich eine historische Realität anzumassen. ..Wir haben mit Gott eine Grundbucheintragung, Vertrag..Wir sind geflohen aus Ägypten und jetzt sind wir in dem Land, das uns Gott zu geschrieben hat. Der Zionismus hat die Religion benutzt, weil er über keine anderen verfügt hat um das Judentum einzugreifen und so hat sich eine Art abgegriffener Nationalismus beschafft, der heute sich so stark gemacht, dass er sogar eine Atombombe hat.”
“Ich sage voraus, dass der Staat Israel zerstört werden wird. Ich sage voraus, dass Israel gar nicht mehr existieren wird, weil dort keiner mehr wohnen will, es sei denn man rauft sich zusammen.”