Nur die Ruhe ist die Quelle jeder großen Kraft. / Only the stillness is the source of every great power. (Fjodor M. Dostojewski) [611]
I say there is no darkness but ignorance. (William Shakespeare) [3377]
Software ist die Materialisierung des Gedankens. (Jens-Jörg Plep) [4487]
Es ist nicht tot, was in Ewigkeit begraben liegt, und im Verlaufe weiterer Ewigkeiten mag selbst der Tod zugrunde gehen. (Necronomicon) [5431]
The following of authority is the denial of intelligence. It may help us temporarily to cover up our difficulties and problems; but to avoid a problem is only to intensify it, and in the process, self-knowledge and freedom are abandoned. (Jiddu Krishnamurti)(Education and the Significance of Life) [7032]
No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine. (William Blum) (Rogue State: A Guide to the World´s Only Superpower) [7861]
Film Wolfen: Wie kannst du nur so einen Mist in dich reinstopfen? Dieser Mist beruhigt den Magen. [7980]
Atman erzeugt immer Projektionen, weil er sie liebt. / Atman always creates Projections, because he loves them. (Ingmar Veeck)(2014) [8857]
Come out of the masses. Stand alone like a lion and live your life according to your own Light. (Osho) /(Motivation) [9015]
The world is a good place because it gives you an opportunity to test your silence, your meditation your watchfulness. Be in the world but don’t be of it. (Osho) [9305]
Die Logik ist keine Lehre, sondern ein Spiegelbild der Welt. Logik ist transzendental. / Logic is not a body of doctrine, but a mirror-image of the world. Logic is transcendental. (Ludwig Wittgenstein) [9996]
A particularly beautiful woman is a source of terror. As a rule, a beautiful woman is a terrible disappointment. (Carl Gustav Jung) [10090]
The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. They can never be solved but only outgrown. (Carl Gustav Jung) [10176]
Nur im Elend erkennt man Gottes Hand und Finger, der gute Menschen zum Guten leitet. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) [10584]
Alles Große und Gescheite existiert nur in der Minorität. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) [10786]
True life is lived when tiny changes occur. (Leo Tolstoy) [11855]
It is necessary, in this world, to be made of harder stuff than one´s environment. (Aleister Crowley) [16122]