Blood Supply to Head: Rife Frequencies, Blood Circulation, and Purification | Binaural Beats
35.787 Aufrufe•25.08.2019
„Blood Supply to Head: Rife Frequencies, Blood Circulation, and Purification | Binaural Beats #GV031 by Good Vibes – Binaural Beats Meditation“
Rife Frequency for Fungus Healing & Treatment Binaural Beats | Good Vibes
69.819 Aufrufe•10.08.2016
„Good Vibes – Binaural Beats
1,13 Mio. Abonnenten
Rife Frequency for Fungus Healing & Treatment Binaural Beats presented by Good Vibes
Stimulus Royal Rife Frequency for Fungus Healing – Sound Therapy. Please don’t listen in a high volume. It may damage your hearing or give you a headache. Just put the volume as per your comfort.“
#MeditativeMind #Solfeggio #741Hz
2.053.935 Aufrufe•22.01.2019
Tibetan Healing Sounds: Cleans the Aura and Space. Removes all negative energy Meditation & Relaxation – Music channel.
528Hz | Repairs DNA & Brings Positive Transformation | Solfeggio Sleep Music
Meditative Mind
19 Mio. Aufrufe
528 Hz LET GO Mental Blocks | Cleanse Self Sabotage, Fear – Release Inner Struggle & Self Doubt
3,1 Mio. Aufrufe
Vibrationsfrequenz „Musik für die Lunge“ Binaural Beats
113.909 Aufrufe•10.11.2013
„Dieser erstaunliche Meditationston ist speziell auf die Verbesserung der Gesundheit und des Wohlbefindens der Lunge abgestimmt und kann die Stresstoleranz verbessern, wenn er mit der Erdresonanzfrequenz verbunden wird. Dies kann die Auswirkungen von Vitalität, Gesamtgleichgewicht und Stabilität verleihen. Während Sie diesen Track hören, sollte fokussiertes Atmen erfolgen. Die Verwendung einer speziellen Mischung von Frequenzen, die mit der Heilung verbunden sind, hilft dem Geist, sich darauf zu konzentrieren, die Energie Ihres Körpers auf Ihre Lungen zu lenken.
Sie können uns dabei unterstützen, indem Sie diesen Musiktitel herunterladen oder einen von vielen anderen, die Sie zu Hause genießen können. Alle unsere Musikkäufe helfen unserem Team, mehr von der großartigen Musik zu kreieren, die Sie lieben, und die es uns ermöglichen, es immer zu versuchen Unser Kanal weiter für unsere Fans.“
„Unsere entspannende Musik ist perfekt für Deepak Chopra-Meditationen, Buddhisten, Zen, Achtsamkeit, Kundalini, Qi Gong, Zazen und mehr. Unsere Musik ist beeinflusst von japanischer Meditation, indischer Meditation, Tibetisch und Schamanisch. Unsere Instrumentalmusik wurde entwickelt, um Entspannung, Meditation, Gehirnfunktion und -konzentration, Spa- und Massagetherapie sowie Heilmusiktherapie zu fördern und zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus verwenden wir binaurale Beats (Delta-, Alpha- und Theta-Wellen), um auf natürliche Weise einen Entspannungszustand zu erreichen, der sich perfekt für Konzentration, Meditation oder tiefen Schlaf eignet. Unsere Musik-Playlisten sind perfekt für Ihre tägliche Meditation und Entspannung. Unsere Musikvideos verwenden Klanglandschaften wie Naturgeräusche, Tiere, Meere, Regengeräusche, Donnergeräusche und vieles mehr.“
Category Archives: Motivation
Triggering Self-Healing – Extend Your Life Span
Alterung stoppen | Zirbeldrüse aktivieren | gesund & lange Leben – Prof. Dr. Dr. Enrico Edinger
„Alterung stoppen | Zirbeldrüse aktivieren | gesund & lange Leben – Prof. Dr. Dr. Enrico EdingerAlterung stoppen | Zirbeldrüse aktivieren | gesund & lange Leben – Prof. Dr. Dr. Enrico Edinger“
„143.475 Aufrufe•14.06.2019
Welt im Wandel.TV
195.000 Abonnenten
Mit diesen spannenden Fragen rund um Anti-Ageing und gesundes, erfülltes Leben beschäftigt sich Dr. med. Enrico Edinger, Prof. für Regulationsmedizin und Dr. nauk. VEKK Moskau, im Gespräch mit Wulfing von Rohr. Er präsentiert ein kleines Experiment und erläutert die Bedeutung der Zirbeldrüse für das „System Leben“ und die Aufgabe der Mitochondrien als Kraftwerke der Zellen. In seinen Ausführungen geht er auch auf Triptophan und Melatonin ein und warum es über die Haut besser wirkt als in Form einer Tablette. Prof. Dr. Edinger bietet immer wieder im deutschsprachigen Raum sogenannte „Mess-Tage“ an, bei denen sich Teilnehmer/innen austesten lassen können, um ganz persönliche Vorschläge zu erhalten, welche Ernährung und vor allem welche Nahrungsergänzungs-mittel sie besonders brauchen. Denn diese werden vom Institut von Prof. Dr. Edinger individuell ermittelt.“
Wie Du die Signale Deines Körpers richtig erkennst – Robert Betz
„Jede Krankheit hat eine Ursache: Wie Du die Signale Deines Körpers richtig erkennst – Robert Betz
12.476 Aufrufe•08.11.2019
„Was sind Empfindungen, was ist unser Körper. wir haben einen Körper, wir sind kein Körper und der wesentliche Körper ist nicht der, den wir hier anfassen können, das nennen wir den grobstoffliche Körper, um diesen zu
verstehen, Krankheit, Gesundheit zu verstehen, müssen wir den zweiten Körper dazunehmen, das ist der Energiekörper unser feinstofflicher Körper. Feinstoff ist dieses fünfte Element, neben Wasser, Luft, Erde und Feuer, Äther nennt sich das und in diesem Feinstoffkörper, der durchdringt diesen physischen Körper und ohne diesen würde dieser physisch-grobstoffliche Körper gar nicht existieren können und da befinden sich feinstoffliche Energien drin, wie Gedanken, Überzeugung, wie Gefühle, heißt Emotionen, wie Empfindungen, wie enge und schwere und so weiter und als vierte Energie unsere Herzimpulse, heißt unsere spirituelle Energie, wir sind also ein vielfaches Wesen: mental, emotional, physisch, feinstofflich und spirituell, und wenn wir das nicht im Blick haben, dann können wir die
Reaktionen des Körpers nicht verstehen, der Körper ist komplett abhängig von diesen nicht-sichtbaren Energien, zum Beispiel von unseren Überzeugungen, was wir denken über uns, was wir fühlen uns, von unseren emotionalen Energien und muss darauf reagieren, er hat keinen eigenen Willen,er ist das größte Geschenk, was wir haben, dürfen wir dankbar sein, wir dürfen ihn lieben und er will drei Nährstoffe: er will Liebe, er will Dankbarkeit und er will einen Menschen, der mit ja seinen Körper annimmt… danke mein lieber Körper, das wünscht er sich, aber die meisten
geben ihm diese Nährstoffe nicht sondern verurteilen. (Robert Betz)
Die sehen den Gesamtorganismus, was die Chinesen seit 5000 Jahre wissen, können sie keinem Arzt mit Chakra kommen, jedenfalls den meisten nicht…kennen Sie die Lebenserwartung deutscher Ärzte? Wie alt deutsche Ärzte werden? 59 Jahre, die kränkste Population überhaupt, ja, ist doch interessant, Menschen, die sich um Gesundheit kümmern, sterben als erste, da kann doch irgendetwas nicht stimmen oder? Ja, das ist ein unglaubliches Thema.. Ich habe da keine Ahnung, was ich da tue, ich unterdrücke Gefühle, ich überfordere mich, wir haben heute Burn-Out, Menschen überfordern sich, indem sie nie mehr zur Ruhe kommen, sie machen, machen und tuen, sie sind zu sehr nach außen orientiert, ob das auf Smartphone ist, auf die anderen Leute ist und nicht mehr innen orientiert, wir nehmen uns keine Zeit für Pausen, wir lassen das Frühstück schon wegfallen, coffee to go, ja, warum haben wir heute Burn Out, wie Sie richtig sagen, wir arbeiten viel weniger und viel weniger schwer als früher, weil wir am Sinn des Lebens vorbei leben und uns nicht kennen, weil wir mit uns sehr hart umgehen, viele gehen mit sich sehr hart um. (Robert Betz)“
„Welt im Wandel.TV
195.000 Abonnenten
„Unser Körper schickt uns immer eine Botschaft und wünscht sich jetzt eine Unterstützung.“ Dieser Gedanke ist weitaus stimmiger und machtvoller, als nur über ihn zu jammern und ihn abzuwerten, weil er gerade mal nicht so
funktioniert, wie er das soll. Unser Körper ist unser bester Freund und mit seinen Wehwehchen möchte er uns etwas Wichtiges sagen. Aber was steckt hinter unseren Krankheiten wie Migräne, Bluthochdruck oder einem Bandscheibenvorfall? Warum leiden wir unter Magengeschwüren, Gallensteine und Gelenkschmerzen? „Jedes Symptom hat seinen seelischen Urspruch“, das sagt Bestseller-Autor und Lebenslehrer Robert Betz, „und wir sind nun aufgerufen, hinter das physische Erscheinungsbild einer Krankheit zu schauen und zu erkennen, wo wir nicht im Gleichgewicht sind.“ Im Interview mit Moderatorin Peggy Rockteschel erklärt er unseren Körper als ein lebendiges Wesen, das vom Bewusstseinszustand und den Gefühlen seines Trägers komplett abhängig ist. Der Versuch, die Krankheiten und Symptome zu bekämpfen oder „wegzumachen“, führte, wie viele bereits erfahren haben, zu keiner wirklich nachhaltigen Lösung. Das allgemeine Gefühl der Sinnlosigkeit und Unzufriedenheit öffnet nun die Tür für eine neue Betrachtungsweise unserer Beschwerden und lässt uns wieder daran erinnern, dass wir Schöpferwesen sind, die einen Körper haben, um ihn zu genießen und auf liebevolle Weise zu behandeln. Unser Körper will immer nur eins: er möchte leicht und licht sein, daher zeigen sich jetzt in dieser hochschwingenden Transformationszeit all unsere unverarbeiteten und verdrängten Seelenthemen, die als Energieblockaden unseren Lebensfluss blockieren. Durch bewusstes Hinschauen und Hineinfühlen lernen wir seine Sprache wieder zu verstehen und erkennen, was wir in unserem Leben ändern können und müssen, um langfristig gesund und glücklich zu sein.“
Prophecy of Hermes… (and remote attacks during the video)
Prophecy of Hermes… (and remote attacks during the video)
Prophecy of Hermes | The Anunnaki & Forced Forgetting of the „Sky Beings“
59.778 Aufrufe•Premiere am 28.10.2019″
„The 5th Kind“
There are many examples of how the knowledge of the Ancients can be lost.
Throughout history invasion and conquest have often occasioned the destruction of ancestral and indigenous knowledge. Egypt suffered a succession of invasions and annexations by the Persians, the Greeks and then the Romans, as the monotheistic religions became anchored to the powers of empire in the east and west, so it was that indigenous narratives and wisdom traditions became suppressed. The influence of writers like Socrates and Plato important writers whose own understanding had plumbed the sources of ancient Egypt was excised from the mainstream of Christianity. Church Fathers who had drawn on their wisdom found themselves sidelined and excommunicated. The hermetic texts, though
popular for a long time among early Christians, became regarded as subversive and dangerous, yet their influence continued to inform the thinking of mystics and scholars down the ages, writing in the fourth century BCE the Greek philosopher Plato openly stated that while many of his conclusions were reached purely by applying logic to things we can all observe, he had reached other significant conclusions, things he believed, but could not prove. The source of that information Plato said was ancestral memory, specifically the priestly knowledge of ancient Egypt, like Hermes in the dialogue with Asclepius, Plato was eager to keep what remained of ancient Egyptian wisdom alive. It’s in that context that Plato reports that he is concluded that there are other entities occupying our Universe, being similar to ourselves who reside on what he describes as islands in the sky and he said that these beings live longer than we do, they’re more highly intelligent than we are and their understanding of the universe and what we would call outer space is far more advanced than our own and though we said he couldn’t prove it Plato wanted to mark that knowledge on the wall, the notion of a more populated universe or of higher beings were ideas that Plato did not want to see forgotten. In the
1500s from Naples Italy another student of the hermetic texts emerged in the Dominican friar: Giordano Bruno. Bruno study of the hermetic texts
led him to some far-reaching conclusions as a Dominican friar Giordano Bruno was a devoted scholar and from his study of the hermetic texts: Bruno concluded just as Plato had done 2,000 years before that we are not alone in the universe that there are other entities populating the cosmos and the other planets in our Galaxy may be home to extraterrestrial civilizations. Well, unfortunately he fell foul of the Roman Catholic Church and in 1600 the Inquisition decided to send the world a signal that such conclusions had no place in Catholic Christianity and so they executed this poor Dominican friar Giordano Bruno and they made a public
show of it by burning him to death, in a public square, that’s a very forceful way of ensuring that ancient memory gets forgotten.
In the dialogue with Asclepius the character of Hermes laments the
forgetting of Egypt’s deities, these higher beings depicted in human-like and hybrid forms, by contrast in the Bible, the successive leaders Moses and Joshua instructed the people to forget the other higher beings, the Elohim, the powerful ones. In the Bible there’s a very deliberate kind of forgetting that we see written into the narrative, the Ten Commandments, famously begins with a command to serve no other Elohim, no other powerful ones, serve only Yahweh and then follows an instruction not to depict anything they’ve seen on earth or in the heavens, so don’t serve them, don’t bow down to them, don’t even depict them the memory of these other entities has to be excised absolutely and then in the Book of Joshua we’re told that Joshua who’s the successor to Moses calls upon the Hebrew people to never again serve the powerful ones of Abraham and Sarah’s ancestral culture and that’s the culture of the Sumerians. do not serve the powerful ones of your Sumerian heritage or the powerful ones of Egypt. Again there’s this forgetting being enforced, the memory of higher beings what the Sumerians indicated as sky people had to be written out of the story and similarly the Egyptian memory of higher beings had to be forgotten and that’s why Theodosius, seeing himself as a Christian Emperor in the vein of a Moses or a Joshua, illegalized these memories and banned the narratives that kept them alive. When Plato referred to the knowledge of higher beings, including these others who live on islands in the
sky, with all their advanced knowledge of the cosmos it’s interesting to me that he appeals on the one hand to information gathered through altered
states of consciousness and on the other to the lost cannon of ancient Egyptian memory, by citing that knowledge he makes it clear that the story of a more populous universe is one that Plato wanted remembered, he did not want that knowledge to remain buried and forgotten. The character Hermes laments the dying of a culture, he says darkness will be preferred to light and death will be thought more profitable than life, no one will raise their eyes to the heavens, good people, spiritual people, seekers of truth, will be considered insane. The vulgar and careless will be considered wise, the madman will be thought a strong man and the wicked held up as good, only those who bring evil messages will remain, they will mingle with humans and drive them into all manner of recklessness and crime into Wars an theft and frauds and all things hostile to the bodies and souls of human beings. If you think of the wars being prosecuted by the world’s powers even as we speak or think of government corruption the gravy trains the big bank bailouts, the theft and hoarding of wealth from the 99% by the 1% or consider the brutalization of our politics and the polarization and dumbing down that we’re seeing right now of public conversation, if you think about our veneration of wealth or how we gaze in adoration at the 1% and at the same time lower all our compassion towards the poor to refugees to anyone more needy or more desperate than ourselves can any of us look at these things in our world right now and not see that what Hermes forewarned is happening before our eyes.“
„…after the fire and flood the Creator will rebirth the creation, nature itself gets healed, love and wonder restored, because over and above all human affairs above and beyond every messenger or deity or higher being, the Creator is everything good, freely favoring human welfare, Hermes says. Walter Scott’s famous translation of the hermetic text uses the traditional language of gods and angels, but I think after another two millennia of religion, it can sometimes be more helpful to demystify some of that language and realize that these texts are speaking about what we might call higher beings and messengers from other realms. Hermes hope is in a cosmic power a conscious presence in the very fabric of space, he calls it the mighty fabric, it’s a presence of goodness and love for Humanity that operates through everything in the Universe, as we perceive it.“
Infinity Expression: 3 Attacks on the Browser and on 3 Firewalls by Ziontube-NWO-Corporate Crime Syndicate…Antikeymagic protects against Criminal-NSA-Ziontube-Alphabet Inc-Attacks and revives security tools of all sorts…Go home Zionnazi-Tube…I show you the real Pharao Power… No Dogma is higher than Truth, no matter which Cult you and your NWO Shadow Gang are following and try to suppress free information flow.
„When the character Hermes speaks of Egypt he is lamenting the loss of ancient Egyptian knowledge of our world and the universe and the order harmony and spirituality that he saw as emanating from it, but Egypt also serves Hermes as a metaphor for this world, the observable realm. Hermes is saying that all that we see on earth is a projection or likeness of another realm that we cannot see, the whole universe he says is contained in microcosm, in things we can study on earth.. and that is cutting-edge science, that’s something quantum researchers is telling us today, but Hermes is absolutely confident that if we will study and remember and listen to the almost lost notes of ancestral memory, that presence of goodness, which freely favors the welfare of human beings, will
re-emerge and reorder how we live together on planet Earth.“
„..in the words of Hermes to Asclepius such is the new birth of the cosmos a making again of all things good a purer and more inspiring restoration of all nature all to unfold in the passage of time by the eternal will of the creator…“
„with ever-changing algorithms updates and censorship regulations on YouTube this video and others like it could soon become much harder to find if you like …also please like and share this video and help make
sure this type of content stays around and is available for others who may be seeking it thanks for watching…“
Dreyden: vor 3 Tagen: It makes me so angry they destroyed all the history, then pushed their own agenda.
wamutogoria: vor 5 Tagen: The narration in this is fantastic. Paints a very clear picture.
vor 4 Tagen: Oh how I’d love to walk through the corridors of the Alexandria library and go through scroll after scroll and just appreciating the wisdom and knowledge of those before us ❤️
Libby Terrell: vor 6 Tagen: When ignorance and intolerance reigns, civilization is doomed. Thus history repeats itself. This was a beautiful reminder that we must be vigilant in the protection of our minds. Thank you ❤
Nathaniel Davis: vor 6 Tagen: And all those holy and truth seekers shall be deemed insane.
Don Quiñola: vor 1 Tag: I am one of them.
D G: vor 6 Tagen (bearbeitet): Civilizations are reset to zero either by cataclysms or wars, famine, disease and death.
juan oleee: vor 6 Tagen: And the reason behind it.
Freddie Shreddie: vor 5 Tagen: yh that’ll do it. i dont think even the most advance civilisations could survive all that
harry walker: vor 4 Tagen: i said this to a guy back in the 70,s,talking about how good he was with computers & the future of them,,i asked him if he could make a diode,or IC,.he said no,i said,so if the world ends,your useless..i lived out bush for 2 yrs..thanks..
YveZ Vlog: vor 4 Tagen: I hope. I hate paying taxes and insurance.
Silus: vor 2 Tagen: THe war occurs within you. That’s where the true battle is waged. When the battle is abandoned the damage spills out to the external world.
Die Fünfte Dimension 16.676 Aufrufe•20.10.2019
„Die Fünfte Dimension: 16.676 Aufrufe•20.10.2019“
„Cassandra 13“
„Dieses Wesen Mutter Erde, die Göttin Gaia, ist ein sehr machtvolles Wesen, das tiefes Wissen besitzt. Durch die Betonung eines einzigen Wortes, kann sie die ganze Natur ihres Seins transformieren, obwohl sie eine Teilherrschaft ihrer Oberfläche an die Menschheit, als Wächter über die Pflanzen, Mineralien und Tiere abgab, so, dass die Menschen dadurch lernen konnten, kontrolliert Gaia ultimativ den Planeten und die Natur dessen, was auf seiner Oberfläche geschieht. Die Natur ist ihre Natur, sie ist eine schöne, harte Lektion, um all die aggressiven und destruktiven Tendenzen zu lösen, die in noch unentwickelten emotionalen Herzzentren entstanden sind, denen auch die Qualitäten von Fürsorge und Liebe fehlen. Viele Seelen haben auf spirituellen Ebenen gewählt hierher zu kommen,
um ihre natürlichen, aggressiven Tendenzen zu beachten, um mit dem Konflikt zu reifen. Sie sollten die Konflikte unter sich selbst lösen, lernen ihre Umgebung zu entwickeln. Sie kamen, um klar entscheiden zu lernen, zwischen gut unde böse und noch wichtiger, um einen fundamentalen Respekt für die Heiligkeit des Lebens zu entwickeln. Sie müssen lernen nicht zurückzufallen, in instinktive, primitive Reaktionen, sich
gegenseitig zu töten und zu verstümmeln, wenn das Leben anfängt schwierig zu werden, denn unser Planet, ist ein Planet des Gleichgewichts, für uns da, um das Gleichgewicht zwischen den physischen und den spirituellen
Welten zu wahren…Dass sie auf einen Planeten großer Schönheit leben, im wahren Gleichgewicht des physischen und spirituellen, um ihre Einheit mit der Schöpfung zu leben. Der Grund ist die Manifestation der Liebe, die in
Verbindung mit dem Schöpfer, in dem, was geschaffen wurde. Es ist eine Zeit des Erwachens, es ist eine Zeit zu verstehen, dass die Menschen in sich selbst den Schlüssel haben..und dass die Zerstörung des Planetens nicht notwendig ist…Während wir mit der Erde seit ihrer Entstehung verbunden, schauen wir nun auf diese Zeit maßloser Schönheit und beispielloser Freunde. Gaia ist die seltenste der Schönheiten und sie zieht Seelen an, die, wenn sie einmal hier waren, gerne wiederkommen möchten. Die Erde wurde als Paradies erschaffen und wenn die Seelen eine
Übereinstimmung erreichen, wird sie wieder ein Paradies werden, ein Paradies in Entstehung, eines, das Wissen bringt, eines, das Freude und Liebe bringt. Ein Paradies, in dem Menschen sich selber heilen können oder Schmerz erfahren können, wenn sie wollen. Es ist kein Paradies, in dem jede Herausforderung, jedes Wachstum oder jeder Schmerz entfernt wurde. Es wird ein Paradies sein, wo die Menschen durch ihre eigene Erfahrung, ihre eigene Verantwortung, für sich selbst, für ihre Mitmenschen, für den Planeten Erde und daher für das Universum entwickeln werden, um dies alles ins Gleichgewicht zu führen.“
„Snake Diet
131.000 Abonnenten
Apple Cider Vinegar: 2 Tablespoons
Baking Soda: 1/2 teaspoon
This drink will have a PH around 7 if mixed correctly and won’t hurt your teeth. Could be taken up to 3 times a day to help heal a kidney issue.
Drink Lemon Juice on its own through a straw.“
„Karen DeBiasse Voice and Instrument School: vor 1 Jahr:
Most people here don’t have a sense of humor. This guy is funny. Lol. I love when people are themselves and don’t care about pleasing others. At least he’s not boring. Lol.“
Infinity Expression: 27.10.2019: ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL…………
lex: vor 1 Jahr: For all of you complaining about his yelling/foul language, if you can’t handle it just mute the video and use the CC button to see the captioning. Not a perfect translation but eliminates the cussing. You are welcome.
Bizzare77777: vor 1 Jahr: It seems like adding baking soda and APC together would neutralize the health benefits of both. Wouldn’t it be better to take them separately instead?
Ira Lamar: vor 5 Monaten: Hey man, I still cant here you!!! Speak a little louder!!! Lol
Fathi Maawali: vor 1 Jahr: Dose this really helps with kidney stones??
Cool Beans: vor 7 Monaten: I heard somewhere that it helps your kidneys dissolve the stones or something and so they will come out in your pee (as sediment). I started yesterday and my pee is darker lol…
G Man: vor 1 Jahr: since he yelled it, i totally got it.
Russell Tech: vor 7 Monaten: I showed my drug dealing doctors this video. And got the approval.
Ahmed Zouzou: vor 7 Monaten: Russell Tech lmao.
Lizeth Pena: vor 1 Jahr: hahahahahahaha he is so hilarious!!
Doug Goodwin: vor 6 Monaten: This positively increased my kidney function, my creatinine level went from 3.9 to 2.7 in a few weeks.
antony ellam: vor 8 Monaten: This guy knows what he’s doing, but just wish he could tell us in a more calmer way.
Aberran Fox: vor 8 Monaten: I add citric acid to my snake juice seems to help.
Nicole R.: vor 4 Monaten: He just called me fatty.
OverCraft: vor 1 Jahr: baking soda plus vinegar = acid base reaction.
Infinity Expression: 27.10.2019: The people in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada are special… very special…looooooooool. They have zero Aggression Control over there and the language style is ultra primitive fundamental basic..lunatic ranting style… I thought he was from U.S. and part of some Basic Military Boot Camp Motivation Center or Cage Fighting Crew or something like that… Testo-Overkill-Mode..
Was bringt uns in den "Flow"?
„Was bringt uns in den „Flow“?“
„Wolf-Dieter Storl
24.900 Abonnenten
Die Welt jenseits der sichtbaren, materiellen Welt sind zwar immer da, aber wir sind meistens zu beschäftigt, um sie wahrzunehmen. Wenn wir jedoch ganz im Hier und Jetzt sind, offen präsent, dann zeigt sie sich unvermittelt. Das Hineingehen in der Natur nährt die Seele und hat heilende Wirkung.“
Infinity Expression: 7.10.2019: Guter Vortrag, aber das bringt und ja auch wieder in die Maschine…und die Maschinenpartikel haben ja nun die Umwelt nahezu komplett infiltriert, nach 20-jährigen Nonstop-Besprühungen der Natur mit Smart Dust. Die Archontifizierung der Naturwelt.
Japanese grandma DJ shatters stereotypes
„Japanese grandma DJ shatters stereotypes“
„34.901 Aufrufe•28.03.2017
947.000 Abonnenten
Growing old may be a concern for some, but for one Japanese grandma age is just a number. Sumiko Iwamuro was inspired by techno music and is now one of the world’s oldest club DJs.“
82-year-old Tokyo DJ
20.640 Aufrufe•15.05.2017
„Mashable Deals
104.000 Abonnenten
Dumpling maker by day, club DJ by night – an 82-year-old Japanese woman, who goes by the moniker DJ Sumirock, spins techno tunes for club-goers in Tokyo.“
„Japan’s oldest DJ: 82-year-old plays techno in Tokyo nightclubs
23.966 Aufrufe•11.04.2017“
„TRT World: 521.000 Abonnenten: Being a DJ involves late nights and loud music. It’s hardly the place for an elderly grandmother. But a Japanese octogenerian is spinning tunes for crowds in Tokyo. TRT World’s Denee Savoia reports.“
Techno Opa / Raver Grandfather
26.922 Aufrufe•27.02.2017
Vegan-Opa 1965
1600 Abonnenten
Günther Anton Krabbenhöft ist auf Berlins Straßen nicht zu übersehen. Sein Markenzeichen: Fliege und Hut. Unter Modebloggern und Hipstern gilt er als der am besten angezogene Opa Berlins. Der 71-Jährige hat noch eine weitere Leidenschaft. Jedes Wochenende tanzt er in den Elektro-Clubs der Hauptstadt. Er selbst bezeichnet sich als Spätzünder.
Gefeiert als „Hipster-Opa“
Bis zur Rente war er Kantinenkoch, vor zwei Jahren hat er sich zum ersten Mal in einen Club getraut. Seitdem ist er aus dem Berliner Nachtleben nicht mehr wegzudenken. Seine Energie, sein Stil und seine unbändige Lust zu feiern beeindrucken auch 20-Jährige. In den sozialen Netzwerken feiern sie ihn als ihren „Hipster-Opa“.
Praktische Tipps & Styling“
This Harvard Professor Explains the Secret to Aging in Reverse | David Sinclair on Health Theory
Atari ST mit Notator und Cubase
Die himmlische Sophia. Theosophie X
Infinity Expression: 11.7.2019: Natürlich ist der heilige Geist Sophia…die Katharsis ist extrem, aber lohnenswert…nichts für Normalsterbliche, sage ich nur.
„Die himmlische Sophia. Theosophie X“
„»So wie seine Schekinah oben ist, ist sie auch unten.« Die beiden sind letztlich eins, aber durch den Fall hat die obere die untere als ihre Hypostase erzeugt, ihre Spiegelung in den unteren Wassern.
Die russischen Sophiologen meinten, die Aufgabe des Menschen sei es, die gefallene Sophia wieder mit ihrem transzendenten Archetyp zu vereinigen.
Tatsächlich kennt die Geschichte zwei Formen der Sophia: die Weltseele und die Engelsgestalt der göttlichen Weisheit. Diese Unterscheidung setzt voraus, dass es neben dem Abstieg auch einen Aufstieg, eine Erhebung der einen zur anderen gibt.
Und jede Form sophianischer Spiritualität schließt eine Erhebung der unteren zur oberen Sophia durch einen Prozeß der seelischen Transformation ein. Von dieser Erhebung, die jüdische, islamische und christliche Mystiker kennen, spricht
Corbin: »Der Erde von Angesicht zu Angesicht in Gestalt ihres Engels gegenüberzutreten, ist ein wesentliches seelisches Erlebnis, das sich weder in der Welt unpersönlicher abstrakter Begriffe abspielt, noch in der Welt der Sinnestatsachen.
Nicht durch die Sinne nimmt man die Erde wahr, sondern durch ihr Urbild.
Weil dieses Bild, das die Seele in ihren Tiefen mit sich herumträgt, die Züge der Person annimmt, gerade deshalb vermag es zu versinnbildlichen. Die Wahrnehmung des Engels der Erde ereignet sich in einer mittleren Welt,
einer Welt von archetypischen Bildern, die von jedem Einzelnen auf individuelle Weise erlebt wird.«
Der Engel der Erde ist nach Versluis Sophia, die Weltseele, durch sie begreift die menschliche Seele ihre eigene spirituelle Bedeutung, die ihr durch das Bild der Sophia offenbart wird, deren Abbild sie letztlich ist.
Die Seele erlebt ihr innerstes Zentrum als etwas, das ihr von außen entgegentritt.
Sophia ist das reine Element, in dem sich die Offenbarung des Logos oder der geistigen Sonne abspielt, sie ist auch die Gegenwart Gottes im Kosmos. Daher bezeichnete sie Böhme als ein Prisma, durch das das reine Licht der Gottheit ins Sein
aufgespalten wird und meinte, dass man sich der Trinität durch Sophia nähern müsse.
Denn sie gehört laut Versluis nicht der Trinität an, sondern ist das Medium oder Element, durch das die Geschöpfe sich dem Vater, dem Logos und dem Heiligen Geist nähern können. Wenn sich der Schauende der Jungfrau aus Licht nähert,
dann nähert er sich in Wahrheit seinem eigenen Wesenszentrum an.
Daraus wird laut Versluis begreiflich, warum die theosophische Devotion gegenüber Sophia anthropomorph sein muss. Denn sie zieht alle natürlichen Kräfte des Eros in sich zusammen und wendet sie auf den transzendenten Ursprung
und das sinnesjenseitige Ziel des Menschen. So schreibe auch Corbin über persische Sufis: »Der Weg von der menschlichen Liebe zur Liebe Gottes besteht nicht darin, von einem Gegenstand zu einem anderen überzugehen. Vielmehr handelt es sich
um eine Metamorphose des Subjektes der Liebe.«
Alles in allem gibt es laut Versluis nur einen spirituellen Weg, der von der Katharsis über die Myesis zur Epopteia führt: von der Reinigung der Seele über die Rückkehr zu ihrem ursprünglichen Zustand der Einheit
zu ihrer Erleuchtung durch ihr spirituelles Zentrum, den Logos. Und diese Wandlung der Seele wird durch die Offenbarung der Sophia symbolisiert, die die Weltseele ist, und zugleich die Seele, die sich selbst begrüßt, denn in der Zwischenwelt der Seele
wird das Innere als Äußeres erlebt. Erst nach ihrer Reinigung (katharsis) wird Christus in der Seele wahrhaftig geboren, die Seele muss zur Jungfrau werden, damit sie den Logos in sich empfangen kann.
Eine Frage bleibt allerdings bei all diesen Ausführungen offen: warum das Weibliche oder auch nur die Symbolik des Weiblichen von der Trinität ausgeschlossen sein soll und es bestenfalls als »Medium«, als »Matrix« in der theosophischen Ontologie
vorzukommen scheint. Wenn schon die Geschlechtssymbolik in die Trinität hineinprojiziert werden muss, dann ist eine trinitarische Gottheit ohne ein weibliches Element eine monströse Einseitigkeit. Es läge in der Tat
nahe, wie dies zuweilen geschehen ist und wie es auch in der Kabbala geschieht, den Heiligen Geist mit Sophia zu identifizieren.
„Hypostasis bedeutet hier „dauerhafter Bestand“ oder „Wirklichkeit“, eine nicht nur scheinbare oder eingebildete Existenz. In diesem Sinne kommt das Wort ab dem
2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. vor. Es war aber zunächst kein streng definierter, auf eine bestimmte Bedeutung eingeengter Fachbegriff. Versuche der älteren Forschung, einen spezifischen Sprachgebrauch der Stoiker oder der Peripatetiker nachzuweisen,
sind gescheitert. (Wikipedia) [51816]“
Terence McKenna – Aliens and Archetypes
Reverse Aging | Dr. Shai Efrati | TEDxWhiteCity
Reverse Aging | Dr. Shai Efrati | TEDxWhiteCity
„Omnipotent stem cell regeneration.“
„The supporting environment that can give the energy and the oxygen needed for the regenerative process.“
„TEDx Talks
Am 19.11.2015 veröffentlicht
Reverse aging, taking the biology back in time, can be achieved by inducing the body for self rejuvenation.
Dr. Shai Efrati: Director of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research, Assaf-Harofeh Medical
Under the management and guidance of Dr. Efrati, the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research has become the largest most occupied hyperbaric center in the world, currently treating more than 120 patients a day. Dr. Efrati initiated a research program focusing on the neuroplasticity (regeneration of brain tissue) of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). In the first clinical study it was proved that HBOT can induce neuroplasticity in stroke and traumatic brain injuries even years after an acute incident. The vital clinical results gained from the research program have shed fascinating new light on regeneration of the injured brain as well as aging tissues.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx“
„We only forgot since we were a small embryo in the mother abdomen, we should remember that and we should stimulate the body again to do the 2 things, to generate omnipotent stem cells and to bring enough energy to allow these processes to occur.“
The quest for eternal youth | Dr. Bradley Willcox, MD | TEDxMaui
The quest for eternal youth | Dr. Bradley Willcox, MD | TEDxMaui
TEDx Talks
Am 29.12.2014 veröffentlicht
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Using lessons from the worlds longest lived people and animals, world-renowned longevity researcher and physician Dr. Bradley Willcox shares some of the secrets to living long, healthy lives, and shares some of the latest research from his laboratory.
World-renowned longevity researcher, physician, co-author of The Okinawan Diet Plan and The Okinawa Program.
As the co-principal investigator of the groundbreaking Okinawa Centenarian Study, Dr. Bradley Willcox is a leading expert in identifying factors that help us remain healthy, vigorous and disability-free at older ages. He has been investigating mechanisms of aging for almost two decades and his research teams have identified several important genetic and environmental risk factors for aging and aging-related chronic diseases.
Bradley is now the principal investigator of the National Institute on Aging-funded Kuakini Hawai‘i Lifespan Study and Kuakini Hawai‘i Healthspan Study, which are ancillary studies on aging from the Kuakini Honolulu Heart Program. Clinically, he runs the Long Term Care Hospitalist Program at The Queen’s Medical Center, where he is a three-time nominee for Physician of the Year.
Bradley trained in Medicine at the University of Toronto, Internal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic and Geriatric Medicine at Harvard Medical School. His work has appeared in cover articles of Time, National Geographic, and on Oprah, Good Morning America, NOVA Science, BBC and other media.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)“
Becoming immortal – VPRO documentary – 2018
„Becoming immortal – VPRO documentary – 2018“
„Am I afraid of death? You bet I am, death sounds boring, I mean it’s just like it’s the end of everything, death there’s no way back from, with cryonics we’re talking about stopping death, so that we have a chance of living vastly extended lifespans, but death, real death means all the information that was once in your body, all that information is gone, irretrievably, maybe fear isn’t the right word, because obviously you’re not experiencing anything when that happens you’re not feeling anything, maybe a better word to say is a protest or detesting the idea of just going out of existence. (Linda Chamberlain)“
„Certainly it’s sort of frustrating to imagine that there is this ticking clock that we have in ourselves shortening of the telomeres with every cell division and some ultimate limit that we’re approaching, but I don’t actually believe it’s the ultimate limit, I think 80 years or 100 years or 120 years is far too short in a universe with so many things to learn and to do and our brains don’t lose their ability to learn, even late in life, so if we could just take care of the rest of the body and also prevent neuro degeneration, I think there are many other lifetimes that we could happily fill with activity and fun and excitement. (Hannu Rajaniemi)“
„by definition restore the function both mental and physical of the body but that’s very different from the way that
people have historically thought about how to address aging, either by directly attacking the symptoms of old age as if they were normal diseases like infections or alternatively by trying to clean up the way the body works, so that it just ages more slowly in the first place, so I think there’s a good chance, maybe a 50/50 chance that people in their thirties or forties will be able to avoid the ill health of old age, however long they live and then of course the correspondingly better chance that people who are let’s say kids today now if you are actually more than 40 now, if you’re 60 or 70 then of course you’ve got less chance, but again it depends who you are as well, not every one of the same chronological age has the same biological age, I’m 54 but I still think I’ve got a pretty good chance of benefiting from all of this, because I’m biologically about 40. (Aubrey de Grey)“
because the ideas that I put forward were very radical very different from the approaches that people thought were realistic before I came alone and you know that’s perfectly normal if you’re pioneering you know that by
definition that means you’ve got new ideas and those new ideas are not going to be obviously right to everybody who immediately then so you know I feel that if if you’re not pissing anybody off in this life then you’re probably not making much of a difference. (Aubrey de Grey)“
„Silicon Valley is the Olympus of our times where the gods and demigods of Tech have gathered and now make decisions that affect the entire world, so maybe it’s not surprising that they are also thinking about life extension and immortality you can see this kind of Hubris as a consequence of the way Silicon Valley has evolved, because you have had sort of these enormous successes, created by people who started almost from from from nothing who sort of built incredibly successful companies around around technological innovations that that are now worth hundreds of billions of dollars and and effective lives of billion literally billions of people, so if you see that happening in a very short span of time it’s quite natural to say well I’m not going to be constrained by the limits of biology just like we we disrupted taxis or disrupted search or social networks we can do the same for biology but I think there are also examples that kind of show that perhaps people who come from a tech background are not always good at judging the risks and the difficulties associated with biology. (Hannu Rajaniemi)“
„so we can already rejuvenate improve and optimize our cells and DNA or replace entire body parts that no longer function properly
but if our bodies are already simply do-it-yourself kits and you can just
rebuild yourself in anywhere you want what will the people of the future look like, especially if for example you have only had your head frozen at Alcor.“
„Many of our members want to come back in a physical human body that looks pretty much like, maybe they named the age 25, that seems to be a very popular age for people to aspire to, but many like me also would really rather come back in something more glamorous than the biological body, for me personally, I don’t really want to come back as a biological entity, it’s nice, but it’s very limited, it’s very fragile and so my preference is to bring me back, give me a body that’s made up of nanobots, sometimes called nanobots warm, just as the human body is made up of trillions of biological cells that work together, the swarm can work together to create the body that you want and it can be changed anytime you want, unlike a biological body, so if I want to go skiing on mars, on olympus moons, I don’t have to worry about the fact that there’s no oxygen there, I can have a body that can function without oxygen, that kind of thing is what I’m more interested in, personally. (Linda Chamberlain)“
„When I do so I’m a lot more careful than most people to take into account the uncertainties that are involved. What people go wrong is they’ll say, well, okay, so supposing we fix aging , there might be this problem in particular, they’ll often make a completely crazy assumption, which is that everything else is just not going to happen … that the rest of the world or other technology they’re going to be more or less what we have today you know people forget but we’ve got all this automation coming and they’ll say oh dear a bit not do this we’ll never be able to pay the pensions. I mean that’s just so brain-dead when you think you know the guy – the idea of pensions is just gonna have to go away completely, where and hardly anyone even who needs to have a job at all and you know where are we gonna put all the people yeah people will say that but hello you know overpopulation we have it today it’s bad today we’ve got climate change and everything but we’re already fixing that problem by developing ways to make people pollute less, especially of course renewable energy to minimize use of fossil fuels, but also you know desalination, artificial meats, all those things, so the carrying capacity of the Planet absolutely certain to rise far faster than the population of the planet Rises. I mean what’s going on!
Certainly in Silicon Valley there are lots of people who are more like me more I would say rational about this kind of thing you know they understand that their own efforts may help, they make a difference for their own chances or other people’s chances of actually making the cruve, it’s very important for people to have understand that this really is humanity’s biggest problem and furthermore that it’s a problem that we are in striking distance to solving. (Aubrey de Grey)“
„So when we look at the u.s. we look at a country that has the longest life spans and the shortest life spans in the same country due to the lack of access of Health due to insurance companies and their really criminal policies and so you know this is something that gene therapy will give us the opportunity to do is equalize health across everyone, if gene therapies can give be given like immunizations are given today at a very low cost but they have very high value of keeping people healthier longer, the great thing about gene modulation in the future is not just to eradicate the diseases of aging but to actually allow humans to work together to modulate the hormones that drive us to war and disaster and terrorism to take those type of things and actually create genetic profiles that will create people who just work towards the bigger goal and can work together in happiness, in harmony. (Liz Parrish)“
400-year-old Greenland shark is oldest vertebrate animal
„400-year-old Greenland shark is oldest vertebrate animal“
„This article is more than 2 years old“
„Shark, which would have reached sexual maturity at around 150 years, sets new record for longevity as biologists finally develop method to determine age.“
Fri 12 Aug 2016
„Greenland shark is longest-living vertebrate animal:“
„She was born during the reign of James I, was a youngster when René Descartes set out his rules of thought and the great fire of London raged, saw out her adolescent years as George II ascended the throne, reached adulthood around the time that the American revolution kicked off, and lived through two world wars. Living to an estimated age of nearly 400 years, a female Greenland shark has set a new recordf or longevity, scientists have revealed.“
„Forget Nessie, now is the time to spot basking sharks in Scottish waters“
„The discovery places the lifespan of the Greenland shark far ahead of even the oldest elephant in captivity, Lin Wang, who died aged 86. It is also far longer than the official record for humans, held by 122-year-old Frenchwoman Jeanne Louise Calment.“
„It kicks off the bowhead whale as the oldest vertebrate animal,” said Julius Nielsen, lead author of the research from the University of Copenhagen, pointing out that bowhead whales have been known to live for 211 years.“
„But the Greenland shark doesn’t scoop all the gongs – the title of the world’s longest-lived animal is held by Ming, an Icelandic clam known as an ocean quahog, that made it to 507 years before scientists bumped it off.“
„Grey, plump and growing to lengths of around five metres, the Greenland shark is one of the world’s largest carnivores. With a reported growth rate of less than one centimetre a year, they were already thought to be long-lived creatures, but just how long they lived for was something of a mystery.“
„“Fish biologists have tried to determine the age and longevity of Greenland sharks for decades, but without success.” said Steven Campana, a shark expert from the University of Iceland. “Given that this shark is the apex predator (king of the food chain) in Arctic waters, it is almost unbelievable that we didn’t know whether the shark lives for 20 years, or for 1000 years.”
„A Greenland shark near the surface after its release from the research vessel Sanna in northern Greenland.“
„The new research, he says, is the first hard evidence of just how long these creatures can live.“
„It definitely tells us that this creature is extraordinary and it should be considered among the absolute oldest animals in the world,” said Nielsen.
„Writing in the journal Science, Nielsen and an international team of researchers describe how they set about determining the age of 28 female Greenland sharks, collected as by-catch during scientific surveys between 2010 and 2013.“
„While the ages of many fish can be determined by counting the growth layers of calcium carbonate “stones” found in their ears – in a manner somewhat similar to counting tree rings – sharks do not have such earstones. What’s more, the Greenland shark lacks other calcium-rich tissues suitable for this type of analysis.“
„Instead the team had to rely on a different approach: scrutiny of the lenses in their eyes.“
„Ming the clam was not the only really ancient living thing on Earth
The lens of the eye is made of proteins that build up over time, with the proteins at the very centre of the lens laid down while the shark is developing in its mother’s womb. Work out the date of these proteins, the scientists say, and it is possible to achieve an estimate of the shark’s age.“
„In order to determine when the proteins were laid down, the scientists turned to radiocarbon dating – a method that relies on determining within a material the levels of a type of carbon, known as carbon-14, that undergoes radioactive decay over time.“
„By applying this technique to the proteins at the centre of each lens, the scientists deduced a broad range of ages for each shark.“
„The scientists then made use of a side-effect of atomic bomb tests which took place in the 1950s: when the bombs were detonated, they increased the levels of carbon-14 in the atmosphere. The spike, or pulse, in carbon-14 entered the marine food web across the North Atlantic no later than the early 1960s.“
„That provides a useful time-stamp, says Nielsen. “I want to know when I see the bomb-pulse in my sharks, what time does that mean,” he said. “Does it mean they are 50 years old, or 10 years old?”
„Nielsen and the team found that the eye lens proteins of the two smallest of their 28 Greenland sharks had the highest levels of carbon-14, suggesting that they were born after the early 1960s. The third smallest shark, however, had carbon-14 levels only slightly above those of the 25 larger sharks, hinting that it was actually born in the early 1960s, just as bomb-related carbon-14 began to be incorporated in marine food webs.“
„A Greenland shark returning to the deep and cold waters of the Uummannaq Fjord in northwestern Greenland. The sharks were part of a tag-and- release program in Norway and Greenland.“
„That indicates that most of our analysed sharks were actually older than the time mark, meaning that they were older than 50 years,” said Nielsen.“
„The scientists then combined the carbon dating results with estimations of how Greenland sharks grow, to create a model that allowed them to probe the age of the 25 sharks born before the 1960s.“
„Their findings revealed that the largest shark of the group, a female measuring just over five metres in length, was most likely around 392 years old, although, as Nielsen points out, the range of possible ages stretches from 272 to 512 years.“
“The Greenland shark is now the best candidate for the longest living vertebrate animal,” he said.
„What’s more, with adult female Greenland sharks known hit sexual maturity only once they reach more than four metres in length, the scientists found that females have to clock up an age of around 150 years before they can produce young.“
„Tourism with bite: swimming with the great white shark“
„But not everyone is convinced that Greenland sharks can live for four centuries. “I am convinced by the idea of there being long lifespans for these kinds of sharks, but I take the absolute numbers with a pinch of salt,” said Clive Trueman, associate professor in marine ecology at the University of Southampton.
Trueman agrees that it is possible to get a record of the early life of a vertebrate from eye lens proteins. However, the fact that the proteins in the centre of the eye lenses, and hence the carbon-14 within them, came from nutrients taken in by the shark’s mother adds a number of uncertainties to the calculations, he says.
Campana says while the approach taken by the researchers is sound, he remains unconvinced that Greenland sharks live for almost 400 years. But, he adds, “future research should be able to nail the age down with greater certainty.”
Nielsen is also looking forward to further research, saying that he hopes the Greenland shark’s new found fame will boost awareness of the animal, as well as conservation efforts and attempts to unravel other aspects of its physiology. “There are other aspects of their biology which are super-interesting to know more about and to shed light upon,” he said.
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/aug/11/400-year-old-greenland-shark-is-the-oldest-vertebrate-animal
Philogen 53.55 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 53.55 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Ingmar Veeck: 08.02.2019: Don´t devaluate this world. Everything that has been here is historical traceable that proves that this world has to be accepted as a separate Reality, despite its transient and transformational factor.
Wertet diese Welt nicht ab. Alles, was hier gewesen ist, ist historisch nachweisbar und beweist, dass diese Welt als separate Realität akzeptiert werden muss, trotz ihres transienten und transformierenden Faktors. [53626]
The Golden Age is here and now. It is not lost in the past and it is not latent in futurity. If it is not recognized here and now, one will not know what it means. Whoever,
throughout the regenerating cycles of the seasons, cannot see nature in her Golden Age, will not become a cheerful servant of those enlightened beings who have perfected the powers of compassion, concentration, and the spiritual will. This force is not directed towards earthly results, but it is precise and infallible in relation to universal and supreme good. Anyone may become a helper, but each must first become a learner from nature. (Rhagavan Iyer) [54679]
There´s a genius in all of us. (Albert Einstein) [54001]
‚Live as intensely as possible, burn your candle of life from both ends. Only intensity penetrates. (Osho)‘ [53296]
Ein Politiker teilt die Menschheit in zwei Klassen ein: Werkzeuge und Feinde. (Friedrich Nietzsche) (1844 – 1900) [51924]
When you feel a peaceful joy, that´s when you are near truth. (Rumi) [46972]
Life is a business that does not cover the costs. (Arthur Schopenhauer) [44554]
It is not a sign of enlightenment to tell such nonsense like the world is illusory.. Transience does not equal Illusion. All past figures can be resurrected via their scriptures.
The World is damn real…All Indians who talk about Sophia (Maya) as Illusion try to tell this the Russians and you will be incarcerated for denial of Reality and Escapism. (Ingmar Veeck)(2019)(8.3.) [54792]
Yes, my 2nd Name is Calming Pill…not Angry Reptilian Stalker Goddess… 😉 (Ingmar Veeck)(2019)(6.1.)
Solange es geht, muß man Milde walten lassen, denn jeder kann sie brauchen. (Theodor Fontane) [9539]
There are more things to admire in men then to despise. (Albert Camus)(The Plague) [8631]
Fehler sind immer dick, wo die Liebe dünn ist. (Charles Haddon Spurgeon) [8895]
The pious pretense that evil does not exist only makes it vague, enormous and menacing. (Aleister Crowley) [52635]
The first step in Yoga is „Keep still“. (Aleister Crowley) [54397]
Contentment is a quality of your centre; it is not found on the circumference. Fulfillment is when you have arrived at your real, authentic being. (Osho) [9388]
Alle Gesetze sind von Alten und Männern gemacht. Junge und Weiber wollen die Ausnahme, Alte die Regel. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) [10705]
Philogen 52.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 52.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Kluge Leute lernen auch von ihren Feinden. (Aristoteles) [2869]
Problemtalk creates problems. Solutiontalk creates solutions. (Steve deShazer) [4145]
Action is the antidote to despair. (Joan Baez) [5724]
Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sind nicht Informationen. Das sind Menschen. (Lee Iacocca) [4806]
The State thinks ist is a black hole that can destroy whatever it wants. In reality it is much more like a stellar nursery, wherein it unintentionally creates new strong anarchist stars. (Leah Plante) [5164]
Die Menschen sind aufeinander angewiesen: Bessere oder dulde sie! (Marc Aurel) [6855]
In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves. Self-discipline with all of them came first. (Harry S. Truman) [7378]
I never worry about the future. It comes soon enough. (Albert Einstein) [7614]
The Reality is beyond words. (Swami Tattvavidananda) [8863]
Peace and silence; silence and peace – this is the way beyond. Stop asking questions. (Sri)(Nisargadatta Maharaj) [10031]
I write for the same reason I breathe, because if I didn’t, I would die. (Isaac Asimov) [10229]
Animals are my friends… and I don´t eat my friends. (George Bernard Shaw) [11867]
The highest thing in a man is not his god. It´s that in him which knows the reverence due a god. (Ayn Rand) (We the Living) [23814]
Philogen 51.77 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 51.77 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Schaffen begrenzt das Gesichtsfeld, betrachten erweitert es. (Oscar Wilde) [4788]
Sometimes you must stand still in order to get moving to where God wants you to go. (D. A. MC Bride) [5464]
Wir sind gleichzeitig Zuschauer und Schauspieler im großen Drama des Seins. (Niels Bohr) / We are both spectators and actors in the great drama of existence. (Niels Bohr) [6087]
A person hates you for 3 reasons. 1.)They hate themselves. 2.)They wanna be you. 3.)They see you as a threat. (Tony Gaskins) [7237]
Inmitten des Wirrwarrs gilt es, das Einfache zu finden. (Albert Einstein) [7577]
Mythen sind öffentliche Träume, Träume sind private Mythen. (Joseph Campbell) [8088]
I don´t see any conflict between religion and science. Religion has to accept the science of the day and penetrate it to the mystery. The conflict is between the science of 2000 B.C. and 2000 A.D. (Joseph Campbell) [8144]
Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves – or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth. (Ayn Rand) [8406]
Be brave and be sincere; then follow any path with devotion, and you must reach the Whole. Once lay hold of one link of the chain, and the whole chain must come by degrees. (Swami Vivekananda) [8691]
When you´ve fished enough people out of the river, it´s time to walk upstream and see who´s pushing them in. (Desmond Tutu) [8529]
Um zu wissen, wieviel Glück einer im Leben empfangen kann, darf man nur wissen, wieviel er geben kann. (Arthur Schopenhauer) [10385]
We don´t bother much about dress and manners in England, because as a nation we don´t dress well and we´ve no manners. (George Bernard Shaw) [11889]
Lüge vergeht, Wahrheit besteht! (General Helmuth von Moltke) [12918]
Philogen 50.55 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 50.55 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Realists do not fear the results of their study. (Fjodor M. Dostojewski) [44753]
Sadhana is self-enrichment. It is not something that is done to please somebody or to gain something. Not at all. Sadhana is a personal process in which you bring out your personal best. (Yogi Bhajan) [44643]
Paradise is where I am. (Voltaire) [45549]
My poems are more my silence than my speech. Just as music is a kind of quiet. Sounds are needed only to unveil the various layers of silence. (Anna Kamienska) [43996]
No one is silent… we all have our own presence, our own whitecaps… even when we’re sitting still. Come and sit with me… I want to see how it feels when our thoughts collide… when our silences combine. (Peregrine) [43951]
We are not merely whatever our common sense requires us to believe we are. We are in actuality luminous beings, capable of becoming aware of our luminosity, we are capable of unraveling different facets of our awareness, or our attention, as don Juan called it. (Carlos Castaneda) [53166]
May all that have life be delivered from suffering. (Buddha) [53027]
„Who dares to break loose from the bondage imposed upon him by the fashion which at present dominates religious thought? Who has the courage to incur the sneers of the imbecile, the ridicule of the ignorant, the laughter of the fool,
and gain thereby a light of whose existence those who live in eternal darkness know nothing? The vast majority of people drown the voice of reason and dance with the fool. Rather than have their vanity suffer, they allow the spirit to starve;
rather than be crucified and rise into immortal life, they submit to the galling chain, begin to love them and impose them upon others.
I am not a believer in the total depravity of human nature; I know that man´s animal energies…are opposed to the development of his higher principles…but I also know that in each human being is contained the power for good.
There are elements of good and elements of evil in every man, and it depends on ourselves which class we desire to develop…an angel or a devil, a sage or a fool, according to your own pleasure.
The continual rush after more money, more comfort, more pleasure, after we already possess all we require, which characterises our present civilisation, is not necessarily a sign of viciousness and moral depravity; but it is rather caused by
instinctive impulse, inherent in the constitution of man, to reach some higher and better condition, which expresses itself on the mundane plane. Man intuitively knows that, no matter how rich in money or fame he may be, he has not yet reached
a state in which he will be contended to rest…Not knowing the higher life, he strives for more of those things which the lower life affords. .. The curse of the world and the root of all evil is ignorance…and the effort of a true system
..ought to be above all to remove this stupidity. (Franz Hartmann)(1910)“ (Mystic Verse and insight series with the Adepts)
People think: Why should we waste so much precious time for philosophy? They even think philosophy is dead. These people are self-deluded morons.
Philo Sophia is the Basis of the Universe. It directly connects you to the essence of Life.
Die Menschen denken: Warum sollten wir so viel wertvolle Zeit für die Philosophie verschwenden? Sie denken sogar, dass die Philosophie tot ist. Diese Leute sind selbst-getäuschte Schwachköpfe. Philo Sophia ist die Basis des Universums. Sie verbindet dich direkt mit der Essenz des Lebens. (Ingmar Veeck)(2019)(27.1.) [53330]
Pure Gnosis is found wherever Sophia is found.
25.12.2018: I made a super-fast rough summarization and transcription, as fast I could process in realtime:
„Pure Gnosis is found wherever Sophia is found.
Related to Sophia, to the Mother, to the Matter, we as antrophosed matter in the story, we need to take our story in the place, in order the fruition takes place, we are not passive,
we need to be active, fully realized beings in this story.
The Earth is a Living Being, it´s not a metaphor..It´s a Myth that gives credibility how Earth became part of the Living Being of Sophia.
It´s a galactic Story…we are part of a much bigger co-creation…when you consider that there are 100-200 billion galaxies out there.
This is our Planet, this is our Home.
As if it were a dream and you are all part of the story…who are you in that story and we need to create a meaning…
perhaps it´s warm…an inner heat…a vastness not bound by space and time…limitless…feel it pulsing and spiraling…infinity drops of pure light.
A spiral dream of luminosity..Swirling Spirals of dancing lights decorating infinity…feel the consciousness awaiting expression through.
Sophia.. The first Idea of Creation.
The field of geometry..
The original absolute enters… into the creation…
The White Fire Core…The Pleroma…The Original Idea.
Aeons: Emanation Time Process Cycles.
The One creates multiple emanations in the Pleroma, each with a male and female polarity.
These Aeons form pairs which are called Syzigies.
Anthropos – the possible Human.
The Aeons seed their Emanation.
One Coupling: Christos-Sophia.
She is so curious. Sophia began to travel by herself.
Imperfect Geometries, they created robotic-mechanic aspects of creation.
It´s not a sin, not a shame.
Archons: That speaks of the creation of a negative…
Other words have been Anunnakis, Watchers, Nephilim, Asuras.
Many traditions recognize that there is an influence on this Planet that is negative.
Masters of Robotization, Mechanization. Masters of Imitation (Simulacrum) but it wasn´t the thing itself!
It´s the key point what is going on in the world.
I personally don´t make Archons into Evil, I make them into an aspect of myself.
The tools of mechanization, robotization.
The important thing is to not make them my God…There must be a balance.
Sophia violated one fundamental principle: The generation of organic life..and in her enthusiasm she penetrates the veil without her christos male counterpart.
She is responsible for having made this creation.
This violent eruption of Alien Life Forms was a form of abortion and this creation was a surprise to Sophia herself, so she falls into Time and Space, in this outer arm of our Galaxy.
And now she is in a different sphere.
There is an immortal child of life who appeared in this world before you.
Humanity exists…and the offspring of Human Strain exists.
This Luminous Child. Anhtropos, That luminous child that each of us are.
Our Organic Beautiful World.
Faced with the Artificial World System..
Aeon Sophia. This Star called Salboath is the Sun. The Sun glorifies Sophia. Condemnation of the Lord Archons.
Sophia in order to redeem the Creation of the Archons – she becomes the Earth.
The Cosmic Galactic Fire.
We imitate her in our own physical bodies, because we are also made from the sun substance.
Sophia transforms from a pleromic creation ..into a different density of creation. It´s all an extperiment for her. It´s a dance of play from the great creatures of the Pleroma, all without judgement.
Water, Ice, Steam…so many forms and expressions…Water..it´s a miracle of life on this Planet.
The Goddess Sophia produces a world and habitat for multiple lifeforms….beings who spin, eyes that see…All different expressions of the Body of Sophia.
Including the Original Seed of Anthropos, as divinity envisioned us…we find our place..pulling lines of light…we are weaving connected, we are weaving remembering of dreaming.
We are the immortal Child of light: Anthropos.
Continued Unfolding.“
Philogen 50.31 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 50.31 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
It´s good to be busy. That´s how you know you are living, otherwise you have one foot in the grave. (Elvira Napoleone) [37579]
„Glück ist: zu begreifen, wie alles zusammenhängt.“ [42009]
We have not come into this exquisite world to hold ourselves hostage from Love.. Run my dear from anything that may not strengthen your precious budding wings. (Hafiz) [37594]
Mensch, werde wesentlich; denn wenn die Welt vergeht, so fällt der Zufall weg, das Wesen, das besteht! (Angelus Silesius) [1085]
Vermutlich hat Gott die Frau erschaffen, um den Mann kleinzukriegen. (Voltaire) [869]
Das Genie hat etwas vom Instinkt der Zugvögel. (Jakob Boßhart)(1862-1924)(Dr.) [576]
Das einzige Ziel dieser Finanziers ist Weltkontrolle durch die Schaffung von unauslöschlichen Schulden. (Henry Ford) [5243]
Die Zeit fließt davon, wie das Wasser im Fluß. (Konfuzius) / Time flows away like the water in the river. (Confucius) [5402]
„Jeder ist berufen, etwas in der Welt zur Vollendung zu bringen.“ [78]
Philogen 49.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 49.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
We’re all golden sunflowers inside. (Allen Ginsberg) [43966]
It is said that a wise man rules over the stars, but this does not mean that he rules over the influences which come from the stars in the sky. It means that he rules over the powers which exist in his own constitution. (Paracelsus) [52596]
The difference between magic and meditation methods is the difference between drugs and diet—medicines will do swiftly what diet can only effect slowly, and in critical cases there is no time to wait for the slow processes of dietetics, so it must be either medicines or nothing. Nevertheless, drugs are no substitute for right diet and wholesome regime, and although magic enables a speedy and potent result to be attained, is is only by means of right understanding and right
ethics that the position which has been won can be held. (Dion Fortune) [52543]
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. (Aristoteles) [4546]
Don´t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold. (Bob Marley) [4801]
Ein guter Freund ist mehr wert als hundert Verwandte. (unbekannt) [4968]
Für mich ist das Leben kein kurzer Kerzenstummel. Es ist eine Art wunderbarer Fackel, die ich für einen Moment halten darf. (George Bernard Shaw) [2773]
Philogen 48.88 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 48.88 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Rainer Maria Rilke: God speaks to each of us as he makes us, then walks with us silently out of the night. [50412]
Habt Ehrfurcht vor dem Baum! Er ist ein einziges großes Wunder und euren Vorfahren war er heilig. (Alexander von Humboldt) [51925]
Die kleinsten Sünder tun die größte Buße. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) (1830-1916), österreichische Erzählerin, Novellistin und Aphoristikerin [49268]
Was wir unseren besten Freunden nicht anvertrauen würden, rufen wir ins Publikum. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) [49411]
Unless one always speaks the truth, one cannot find God Who is the soul of truth. (Ramakrishna) [50111]
To deliver the godly and destroy the demonic, I appear age after age. (Bhagavad Gita) (Krishna) [51992]
Dichten ist eine Arbeit, die nur Gutgeratenen gerät. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) [49427]
For truly we are all angels temporarily hiding as humans. (Brian L. Weiss) [46184]
„Enter into Brahman and be engaged in the service of the Lord.“ This is called bhakti. (Srila Prabhupada) [51745]
Grown-up people do not know that a child can give exceedingly good advice even in the most difficult case. (Fjodor M. Dostojewski)(The Idiot) [44861]
Boddhisattvas and Avatars come freely into this world…they are not impressed by the Root of Evil… they try to spread the Root of Good. (Ingmar Veeck)(2018)(17.9.) [50364]
Be in tune with nature. That is the meaning of the word dharma; it means ‘nature’, intrinsic nature. (John Faed) (1819-1902) (The Poet’s Dream) [43983]
God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites so that you will have two wings to fly, not one. (Rumi) [46979]
The nature of Self is happiness and if we are happy, we are closer to self. (Nisargadatta) [48067]
True Silence is really endless speech. (Ramana Maharshi) [44745]
Peace begins when expectation ends. (Sri Chinmoy) [46166]
Philogen 48.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 48.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Patience is the mother of will. If you have no mother, how can you be born? (G.I. Gurdjieff) [45209]
I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led. (Thomas Jefferson) [45487]
Kindness is stronger than fear. (Marcus Tullius Cicero) [45704]
But it is one thing to read about dragons and another to meet them. (Ursula K. Le Guin)(A Wizard of Earthsea) [45943]
Ich glaube, dass wir, solange wir leben, niemals aufhören werden zu begehren. Es gibt bestimmte Dinge, wo wir fühlen, dass sie gut und schön sind und wir ihnen nachjagen müssen. (George Eliot) [46560]
Jeder unserer Gedanken ist eine Realität – eine Kraft. Jeder Gedanke ist ein Baustein am werdenden Schicksal – im Guten wie im Bösen. (Prentice Mulford) [46622]
Viele Leute werden aktiv, aber wenn ihr Geisteszustand nicht friedvoll oder glücklich ist, säen ihre Handlungen nur noch mehr Unruhe und Ärger und verschlimmern die Situation. Statt also zu sagen: »Sitz nicht einfach herum, tu lieber etwas«, sollten wir im Gegenteil sagen: »Tu nicht einfach etwas, setz dich lieber hin. (Thich Nhat Hanh) [46687]
Freedom is obedience to self-formulated rules. (Aristotle) / Freiheit ist der Gehorsam zu selbstformulierten Regeln. (Aristoteles) [47724]
It is only through Mystery and Madness that the Soul is revealed. (Thomas Moore) [51237]
Satanic Power Flooding The Planet, Destroying the Earth. (Steve Quayle) [42147]
Steiner (1861-1925) was an extraordinary pioneer … and one of the most comprehensive psychological and philosophical visionaries of his time … his overall vision is as moving as one could imagine. (Ken Wilber) [41671]
Philogen 47.67 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 47.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Great Kundalini Energies are processed through our bodies…We are – amongst many other things – energy processing units of the Universe. (Ingmar Veeck)(2017)(10) [44521]
Actually human life is meant for spiritual values but people have forgotten life´s real purpose. (Srila Prabhupada) [49734]
You can erase your linguistic online treasures unrestrained…when you back up everything in a highly efficient way offline…but not if you save every text in a separate file…20000 Textfiles and you won´t find anything again in an adequate amount of time…The Best but most time consuming way is to code and hard encode everything from the scratch in one big linguistic library „museum“… (Ingmar Veeck)(2017)(3) [38575]
If your mind can go along with you it is a blessing. If your mind obeys you, it is a super-blessing. (Yogi Bhajan) [37283]
The dream in your heart may be bigger than the environment in which you find yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of that environment to see that dream fulfilled. It’s like planting an oak sapling in a pot. Once it becomes rootbound, its growth is limited. It needs a great space to become a mighty oak. So do you. (Darren Hardy)(The Compound Effect) [43873]
Erfahrung ist nicht das, was mit einem Menschen geschieht. Sie ist das, was ein Mensch aus dem macht, was mit ihm geschieht. (Aldous Huxley) [4150]
Wer den Tag mit Lachen beginnt, hat ihn bereits gewonnen. (Aus Tschechien) [1872]
Künstler leben, wenn sie es ernst meinen, gefährlich und kommen ohne Mut nicht aus. (William Seward Burroughs) [1013]
Natürlich kann nur einer, der der Masse angehört, den Drang empfinden, sich von der Masse abzuheben. Wer sowieso nicht der Masse angehört, braucht keinen bunten Plunder und wirre Frisuren. Wer nicht der Masse angehört, wird sich hüten, sich irgendwie auffällig zu gebärden, um von der Masse nicht völlig in den Abgrund getrieben zu werden. (Max Goldt) [3000]
Inward is not a direction. Inward is a dimension. (Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev) [36324]
We are the inheritors of a million years of striving for the unspeakable. (Terence McKenna) [25639]
„Jene, die dich versucht haben zu brechen, erwarten dich im Kampfmodus, erobere sie mit deinem Frieden.“ [46473]
It is easier for a Russian to become an atheist than for anyone else in the world. (Fjodor M. Dostojewski) [44853]
Philogen 47.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 47.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
The NOW talkers are the superficial thinkers…Deep thinkers know that present, past and future are equally accessible. (Ingmar Veeck)(2017) (4.10.) [43970]
Love is a mysticism that wants to be materialized, an impossibility that our dreams always insist must be possible. (Fernando Pessoa) [43959]
I like fairy tales, and I like dreaming. I try to weave the reality into the dream. (Grace Coddington) [43968]
Einsamkeit ist eine Form der Freiheit. / Solitude is a form of freedom. (Umberto Eco) [43971]
Some people do not become thinkers simply because their memories are too good. (Friedrich Nietzsche) [43979]
We [of Thelema] are whole-hearted extroverts; the penalty of restricting oneself is anything from neurosis to down right lunacy; in particular, melancholia. (Aleister Crowley)(Magick Without Tears) [44022]
The way our fingers intertwine feels so natural and right, as if our hands hold memories of meeting in a thousand other lifetimes. (John Mark Green) [44062]
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. (Maya Angelou) [44068]
Philogen 46.66 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 46.66 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
It is the road you take that decides your destiny and not your destiny that decides the road you take. (Apoorve Dubey) [5777]
Was man nicht aufgibt, hat man nie verloren. (Friedrich von Schiller) [4966]
Be wild and crazy and drunk with Love, if you are too careful, Love will not find you. (Rumi) [3005]
Bei der Eroberung des Weltraums sind zwei Probleme zu lösen: die Schwerkraft und der Papierkrieg. Mit der Schwerkraft wären wir fertig geworden. (Wernher von Braun) [4106]
It doesn´t matter if you´re 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100. Embrace your sexy-ass self and express it! (Steve Maraboli) [6889]
Relationship cannot happen before the Egos are Gone. (Osho) [51104]
„There is no sun without shadow, and it is essential to know the night. (Albert Camus) [46214]
In sorrow we must go, but not in despair. Behold! We are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory. (J.R.R. Tolkien) [50296]
Philogen 46.43 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 46.43 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
When the heart is at peace for and against are forgotten. (Chuang Tzu) [16417]
There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. (Socrates) [16345]
And the person who can be happy alone is really an individual. If your happiness depends on the other, you are a slave; you are not yet free, you are in bondage. (Osho) [15841]
Kreativität heißt, aus dem Chaos Ordnung zu schaffen. (Georg Stefan Troller) [4291]
No one was ever really taught by another; each of us has to teach himself. The external teacher offers only the suggestion which rouses the internal teacher to work to understand things. (Swami Vivekananda) [9935]
Die Welt ist voll Torheit, Dumpfheit, Inkonsequenz und Ungerechtigkeit; es gehört viel Mut dazu, diesen nicht das Feld zu räumen und sich beiseite zu begeben. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) [11419]
Seek not abroad, turn back into yourself, for in the inner man dwells the truth. (St. Augustine) [11663]
Man soll gegen niemanden Neid hegen. Die Guten verdienen ihn nicht, und die Bösen schädigen sich in demselben Grade, in dem ihre Pläne gelingen. (Epikur) [3666]
Wenn die Natur Arbeit zu erledigen hat, kreiert sie ein Genie, um es zu tun. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) / When nature has work to be done, she creates a genius to do it. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) [3342]
Philogen 46.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 46.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Kundalini is a highly intelligent goddess energy – she reacts immediately to what appeals her and to the synchronistic phenomenons of the divine…especially the indomitable soul calmness.. (Ingmar Veeck)(2018)(10.8.) [48809]
For no god may undo what another god has done. (Ovid)(Metamorphoses) [47535]
Like every other living thing, I also am in the center of the Cosmic whirlpool. (Nikos Kazantzakis) [43849]
The highest point a man can obtain is not Knowledge, or Virtue, or Goodness, or Victory, but something even greater, more heroic and more despairing: Sacred Awe! (Nikos Kazantzakis) (The Last Temptation of Christ (1951)) [43822]
Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the cool table in the cafeteria at a mental hospital. (Joseph Valente Perales) [46126]
Gegen Angriffe kann man sich wehren, gegen Lob ist man machtlos. (Sigmund Freud) [2187]
Devotion to the Divine will give you bliss, prosperity and peace. (Sathya Sai Baba) [50408]
I like missing you so hard because it makes me feel strongly that you are not a dream, you are real, you are living, and I’ll meet you again. (Simone de Beauvoir) [44061]
Musik ist ein reines Geschenk und eine Gabe Gottes, sie vertreibt den Teufel, sie macht die Leute fröhlich und man vergisst über sie alle Laster. (Martin Luther) [36436]
“The serpent is true to the principle of wisdom, for it tempts man to the knowledge of himself…the serpent is the symbol of prototype of the Universal Savior, who redeems the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the realization of good and evil. If this be not so, why did Moses raise a brazen serpent upon a cross in the wilderness that all who looked upon it might be saved from the sting of lesser snakes? Was not the brazen serpent a prophecy of the crucified Man to come:
If the serpent be only a thing of evil, why did Christ instruct His disciples to be as wise as serpents? (Manly P. Hall) [46280]
Philogen 42.75 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 42.75 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
You have infinite strength within you. How else will you conquer anything? How else will you come to God? (Swami Vivekananda) [20163]
Was ist alle gemachte Poesie in einer großen Stadt gegen die Schönheit eines Kornfeldes. (Peter Rosegger) [5068]
Was gibt Glück uns und andern? Fest sein und stetig sein, stetig im Guten. (Theodor Fontane) [9522]
Ist doch Geist und Verstand an den Tag legen nur eine indirekte Art, allen anderen ihre Unfähigkeit und ihren Stumpfsinn vorzuwerfen. (Arthur Schopenhauer) [10357]
Wenn Gott mich anders gewollt hätte; dann hätte er mich anders gemacht. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) [11107]
Face-CIA-Books UEFI-Ram-Restriction-Malware-Unremovable-Bioskit-2017/1 & Retro IT Forensics
Face-CIA-Books UEFI-Ram-Restriction-Malware-Unremovable-Bioskit-2017/1 & Retro IT Forensics
(it can only be removed by replacing the old infected CMOS chip)
This UEFI-Ram-Restricion-Bioskit-2017/1 is the next phase of the primary Zombiehost-Infector that everyone with Windows acquires during Facebook Login. This Zombiehost also exists for most Linux Versions. It has a tendency to slow down the entire OS and gives certain Remote Influence functions (like Browser-Kill / Computer-Freeze etc..) in favor of the Facebook Corporate Criminal Cartel and Ruling Crime Cabal and the ShadowGov CoIntelPro2 Quintuple-D-Morons (Delay, Deny, Degrade, Deceive, Disrupt).
IT/TCP/HTTP-Forensik hat ein Foto geteilt.
6. Mai 2018:
SInce that happened I never logged into FaceBUG again with Windows or with Harddisk or with a CD/DVD-System… I blocked all Youtube/Facebook/Google/Government pages on productive systems..
All FIrewalls and Router Firewalls are Jokes if you do not block all major gov hosters…because they use CPU-Browser-Tunneling and Router-Implants as wells as Facebook´s Zombiehost-Automatical-Fed-Trojan Deployment..
IT/TCP/HTTP-Forensik 21. Mai 2017 ·
Zombiehoster… „Moskau – Russia“
19. August 2016 ·
…•…….Mf‚#.¨:,Þ}Ôÿ¯¿1W.,h6ÎGÅ¡UÄ:»…ï2Žy_ÚƒKk5.ñTRe±b»äWÔ°C.ËlSð.¨_îæÍ.îJñ.-˜.5�še.£ä–Î×áé..g F¿Å•¤Î/k“D¹&Š6^jÄ Æ.ÈjS2³õ½é¦.!.Èœ1Q½Û]%0yáø®^.b\†¾KžðeW5ÿ—.¨:€©Çyt—Ó}8€V·6c×¼.»)å£Àû.Jv‰â€öU;Lû€„`¢•ú,§5.’.ïËä±�]2?Y`úG2O;3ká]¥.½t!„9ÔÔn°\Œø.3Í]–,?iñ|¡[�ªA虲ñï.ÅÍ…¬‘#ßœ¤.§`p³îaÙy.7&.Äu÷Þ~~*ìöÚ”’G²‰ó¬Ó,�¨=·?bÃäÑľÄNg$OïÏ;à.îu.ÀL;€X×Pz.Z»vö#Ã…€.U+Ém£¢eSE¹ý{@.ˆa¥Ùc$….ðŸ.&3lél¾*uc`25¿/ÒÉië/Fìä~|¬ŸNÆsÞ¨×.ñî2nb% †Éƒ.k4»µüʃôÛ˜�L‰x‹µÐD.�w4kÀ;.yŽ~ý0IN.›ßè.¬—ÔfrŠãM°M°.aÙñ.¾Ãgþ‘ò„¾JV.Ã,H-ƒÔ�ê>e©s76éðR‚#BƒŸ„ƒ5.o“¡�:ýö™.M§a¶×!‘‰D·H ‰%$_.֒ק>ªV^ýÊ«ÓjKp7{ý3‚.º™eïÆç€lŠ.¤7·òTi�.~GŽMQ˜åÑë�RŠÖµ÷.|ü.wÃù3nDåy×�kNU¤.ãíZ�ë$.Kê÷°À.ÆV2]šîp•y.‚˜.ôÒRô�›M.k]Þ.ˆj‘)=ÖÂë.{•�ƒN.P ?W..ž¾˜.[‚=ãyÄ.‘Žfeg›~Ž:qŽ¶óvä0ªn¦×0üYâ+Æ&.蓘0Ú�ùß œpºd‰>Ï3’_—Â3ÅZ{+.`´¾L=o–Y.š
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8. Juli 2016 ·
I could do 20 years decryption forensics only to extract their stealth communication within my own generated software…or the intermediary TCP/HTTP traffic of Google/Facebook is full of their hidden communication systems…This is really annoying to read what they write or in other words their AI-UFO-MK-ET-Skynet-Eye-System…and nobody counters/stops them…They communicate through everything… literally…they also communicate through power lines, through your raw harddisk sectors etc..etc..etc..even through highly encrypted sectors…and they also mess up a lot of electronic equipment/firmware/hardware/software etc..
They… communicate through everything and it also acts like a Virus… It is a viral AI based Stealth Communication System that works through all electronics…2008 I made a larger analysis to decipher their Methodism…
IT/TCP/HTTP-Forensik 9. Juni 2015 ·
//Obviously born in 1972. NSA-TAO Coordinator… and GOD sees everything… 7.8.2018.
29. Juni 2015 ·
GHCQ, too lazy to encode their traffic as it seems… exon intron…
I AM (ANAGRAM) (2014)
The Agency Crowley Cults: IAO-PRO-GMO: 8.7.2016.
The keystone… some have called God, some Brahma, some Zeus… some even IAO… but in truth, O seeker, it is Thy-SELF. (Aleister Crowley) [7204]
Greek for Yah. Mystic name of the supreme deity. IAO (iota, alpha, omega) INRI (In nobis regnat Iesus) IHS (Invictus Hoc Signo) means ´God IAO´.
What people would like best is the pursuit of science without man, completely oblivious of the fact that the individual psyche is the source of all science. (C.G. Jung)(Letters Vol. II)
„IAO = Light of Israel Protector“ <<<
22. November 2014 ·
Stealth Harddisk Communication: RWE – Zion – Screenshot Date: 17.1.2011.
IT/TCP/HTTP-Forensik 6. August 2016 · All Seeing Eye revealed…27. Juni 2014.
IT/TCP/HTTP-Forensik 26. November 2013 ·
Lange vor Snowden & Co… TAO-NSA schon längst 2008/2009 bemerkt…
IT/TCP/HTTP-Forensik · 17. April 2013 ·
Eye too..
IT/TCP/HTTP-Forensik 27. Oktober 2012 ·
Chem Lyme? // Clear Indication of CIA MK Naomis Lyme U.S. Zion Bioweapon dispersed globally via Chemtrails (Remark 7.8.2018)
IT/TCP/HTTP-Forensik 27. Oktober 2012
S-Eye. (Mister Fuchs) Pilze MK Naomi
((Anm. 7.8.2018 pathogene Nanosteuerungspilze via Chemtrails (MK Naomi))
11. Oktober 2012 ·
ID-System: 2412XX-4-XX(X)
10. Oktober 2012 ·
MK / LFO / SAT0 / EON / NEO / Zion
Was ist Sat0? Oha. Uni Bremen interessant…
It-Security-Archive – older evidence screens of corrupted and illicit shadow gov infiltration.
Because Face-CIA-NSA-Bug-Book is a Data-Mining-Data-Criminal-Zion-Censor-and-Trojan-Sabotage-Surveillance-CoINtelPro2-Delay-Deny-Degrade-Deceive-Disrupt-Cyberterror-Honeypot-Center and Corrupt-to-the-Bone-U.S.Military-Cover-Up-Command-and-Control central. I externalize some old IT-Sec-Info on this Page, because they tend to shut down pages that are not active for 30 days and also implant most of the Computers that log into Facebook by default. It doesn´t serve as a real Archive, either way surely it is not a good Idea to use the Department of War/TIA/GCHQ/CIA/NSA/DIA/DARPA/Pentagon/Zion (Facebook/Google/Youtube) Central as a reliable Archive.
Intrusion-Detection and Evidence of the Sabotage of the Enemy of Mankind and the Destroyer Cult who rules the Planet via Internetocracy.
It-Security-Archive2: · 29. Juni 2015 ·
Akamai-666-11-Facebook-the biggest Trojan of The Planet…
2 1 1
1 1 2
This Facebook Trojan works with online interaction and implemented selective AV-Killer… + Firewall Bypass…. svchost and consent.exe trojanization.
It-Security-Archive2: 13. Januar ·2015
Consent.exe UDP turns into TCP-Transmission to Facebook Central-Node Akamai Tech Inc. (deploy.xyz Malware). My assumption is – so far – that svchost is backdoored by default, as a master key in all windows nt 6.x systems, in that way, that Facebook is able to get remote control via Akamai Tech Inc. (deploy.xyz Malware). Furthermore the Browser is generally UDP-Backdoored ( (normally invisible) as a primary layer, if the other system backdoors are closed. (4.12.2014)
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Governmental/U:S.Nazi/DOD/Secret-OS-Subversion and Intervention can be recognized by 6/7/8/10-PIDs: Screens from 2006/2007. (4.11.2014)
General and Systemwide UDP-Backdoor Poisoning is seemingly a tradition of Microsoft or their government contractors.
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Assumingly Packed and Manifested Realtime Stealth Frequency Covert Ram Communication…
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Example of Unknown Process Walker bypassing + backdooring LUA – they love to connect through Facebook – Akamai [Deploy.NSA.Malware.AkamaiTech] ..and no… all those usual commercial Antivirus will detect nothing. Keep your money and donate it to real non-profit Pro´s for example. „wink“-Emoticon (4.11.2014)
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
One Example: CIA/-NSA-Backdoor in Microsoft Windows always tries to connect via Limelight Networks Inc. (This game started already in Windows XP and hasn´t stopped…) Some variants use Svchost-Injection (Zombie-Method) to connect via NSA to Facebook (Akamai Inc.) Another Variant from 2008: :Winlogon-Injection Method to Limelight Inc. / 30.6.2014 Retro-Archive.
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Another Sign of Firewall Exploits… Version Number missing.
10.7.2014 Retro-Archive.
ShadowGov = Anagram Maniacs…
11.11.2011 = = Beginning of NWO. (1.11.2014)
Department of Offense (DOD) IP ADDRESS : – – / 11:11 is a demon summoning portal… nothing really spiritual here – only usual spiritism.. 11 11 = 22 + 11 11 = 22 => 44 = Satanist Cult.
Kundalini Angels and Demons / Kundalini & 911 & Arrows & Roses & Detox
„Kundalini Fast Talk – Angels and Demons“
Am 04.07.2013 veröffentlicht
Parents /Kundalini & 911
„Kundalini, chrism, internet, lies, truth, discernment, kundalini awakening, shakti, spirituality, kundalini syndrome, kundalini symptoms, kundalini rising, kundalini living, ascension kundalini, enlightenment, kundalini bliss, ecstasy, God, Goddess, union, yoga, obe, kundalini sickness, chi, prana, healing, siddhis, meditation, prayer, divine union, divine, divine wisdom, children, Parents, family,“
„You are a mobile sacred healing center.“
„Kundalini Arrows and Roses“
„Kundalini and the desolation of the soul“
„Am 26.04.2013 veröffentlicht
spirituality, kundalini syndrome, kundalini symptoms, kundalini rising, kundalini living, ascension kundalini, enlightenment, kundalini bliss, ecstasy, God, Goddess, union, yoga, obe, kundalini sickness, chi, prana, healing, siddhis, meditation, prayer, divine union, divine, divine wisdom, soul,“
Kundalini Prana Breathing
Kundalini Anti Aging
Philogen 42.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 42.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
The powers can do nothing against those who are clothed in light; they cannot see them. All will be clothed in light when they enter into the mystery of the sacred embrace. (The Gospel Of Philip) /(Kundalini) /(Gnosis) [48129]
The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the Universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature and the player on the other side is hidden from us. (Thomas Henry Huxley) [46718]
“What a pessimist you are!“ exclaimed Candide. „That is because I know what life is,“ said Martin.” (Voltaire) [45575]
If we really wish to cultivate an intuitive life, we must also relax away from the intemperances which makes real intuition almost impossible. (Manly P. Hall) (Wisdom Beyond the Mind 1960) [45043]
Nature with its infinite power is only a machine… (Swami Vivekananda) [48008]
Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) [43940]
Philogen 40.75 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 40.75 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
I sometimes think that the price of liberty is not so much eternal vigilance as eternal dirt. (George Orwell) [3819]
Do your best every time because by doing a thing well you build something valuable into yourself. (Henry Ford) [5914]
To forget one´s purpose is the commonest form of stupidity. (Friedrich Nietzsche) [45283]
When you create with love and wisdom, and remain unattached to your creations, the result is harmony and peace. (Nisargadatta Maharaj) [47038]
The secret to humor is surprise. (Aristotle) [47734]
Es ist manchmal gut, die Sorgen so zu behandeln, als ob sie nicht da wären; das einzige Mittel, ihnen die Wichtigkeit zu nehmen. (Rainer Maria Rilke) [45982]
Philogen 40.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 40.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Ich wurde geboren, um im Glanz der Liebe und im Licht der Schönheit zu leben. Beide sind Gottes Ebenbilder. (Khalil Gibran) [2424]
Thinking men cannot be ruled. (Ayn Rand) [7723]
You are coming from truth. (Osho) [9358]
Being human is a complicated gig. So give that old dark night of the soul a hug. Howl the eternal yes! (Friedrich Nietzsche) [47109]
Emotion can be the enemy, if you give into your emotion, you lose yourself. You must be at one with your emotions, because the body always follows the mind. (Bruce Lee) [46946]
Only very few men have the gift of thinking new and original ideas and of changing the traditional body of creeds and doctrines. (Ludwig von Mises)(Human Action: A Treatise On Economics) [45810]
What matters is how quickly you do what your soul directs. (Rumi) [46877]