„How The Universe Was Created According To Hinduism?
3,6 Mio. Aufrufe · vor 2 Jahren
Indian Monk
Category Archives: Rebellion
Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter durch Geheimdienste –
Aura Light Defense – Schlafentzugsfolter, Gang Stalking über BCI durch Geheimdienste – Massive Menschenrechtsverbrechen gehen in Deutschland ungeahndet durch, speziell, die von der NSA ausgesuchten Musiker. Wann gibt es endlich Gerechtigkeit für unschuldige Folteropfer der Geheimdienste?
Hier gehen massive Verbrechen gegen die körperliche Unversehrheit ungeahndet durch, Technische Universitäten und andere Wissenschaftler, Ärzte, Militär und sonstiges Personal der Regierung sind sicherlich auch involviert, aber hauptsächlich sind die Geheimdienste dafür verantwortlich.
Sie haben keine Skrupel gegen Gottgeweihte, gegen Unschuldige, gegen Hochbegabte Genies die grausamsten Akte zu begehen durch neuartige DNA-Frequenzresonante Quantencomputer, wo sie die DNA von den Arztpraxen, durch Blutuntersuchungen, in ihre Systeme einbauen und somit LHCC-Quantenverschränken oder gleich zusammen mit Telehealth, IEEE Techniker, DARPA, die WBAN/MBAN/Intraban/Iot/IoBNT Biotech-Nano-Netzwerke intrakörper missbrauchen durch Bio-Telemetrie, dann über Ferncomputer Menschen fernquälen können und ungehemmt in den Gehirnen der Zielpersonen herumpfuschen und mit Spion-Satelliten kombiniert mit Gehirncomputerinferface glauben sie alle Verbrechen hemmungslos und ungeahndet ausführen zu können.
Ihr könnt sämtliche Kommunikation auf der Seite hier unten mitverfolgen…
Indra vs Shiva: A Battle of Pride and Humility | English Audio | Audiotale #shiva #indra
„Indra vs Shiva: A Battle of Pride and Humility | English Audio | Audiotale #shiva #indra“
„Audiotale English
361 Abonnenten
4.733 Aufrufe 26.12.2024
Dive into the epic tale of Indra, the King of Gods, who let pride and arrogance cloud his judgment. When his inflated ego led him to challenge none other than Lord Shiva, the supreme destroyer, a lesson awaited that would humble even the mightiest. Witness the dramatic clash between Indra’s golden spear and Shiva’s burning trident in the snowy expanse of Mount Kailash! ❄️⚡
This story is not just about power and conflict; it is a timeless reminder of humility, respect, and the boundless strength of Lord Shiva’s divine grace. Watch how Indra’s journey transforms from arrogance to self-realization as he kneels before the ultimate force of the universe.
🌺 A must-watch for all Shiva devotees and mythology enthusiasts! 🌺
📖 Key Themes:
The dangers of pride
The significance of humility
The unparalleled power of Lord Shiva“
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks.
„Bezos is scared of him, because he knows he is tracking every minute of his life. -w2k“
Das kann es nun wirklich nicht sein, ihr acquiriert Milliarden für nichts und wieder nichts, sitzt tatenlos auf euren Yachten und quält währenddessen Millionen von Menschen aus euren heimlichen korporativen kooperations-Intel-Mil-Gov-Uni-Zentralen…. Stalked alle Menschen vom Planeten, bis in ihr letztes Detail, wollt alle kostenlos für euch arbeiten lassen, raubt den Menschen den Naturschlaf und glaubt ihr kommt damit langfristig durch ungestraft. Ein karmischer Rückschlag wird sicherlich gegen euch folgen… Monopole kreieren und wahre Kunst oppressieren, mit K.I. dilutieren… Ungerechtigkeit maximieren und den Ingmar zensieren… Das wird ein Ende haben, früher oder später. Das Universum ist auf meiner Seite, denn ich verbreite wahre Gerechtigkeit und ihr das Grauen des transhumanistischen Wahnsinns.
Aura Defense – The Pristine Factor vs Lhcc Parasitic Vampire Crooks
Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…
„Avatar Project and Soft Disclosure MindNet-Transmissions…“
ZIO-Facebook has maximized their Censor-Walls…
“Du legst dich echt mit der größten Macht der Welt an. -w2k”
Nein, die größte Macht der Welt wohnt in mir….
“Die merken das auch. -w2k”
Nur kommen sie mit ihren isolationistischen und zensuristischen-totalitären Maßnahmen hier nicht weiter… Obsoleter Digital-Medien-Komplex-Faschismus.
They use highly adaptive A.I. Networks to block new attempts of breaking their Archontic A.I. Totalitarian Digital Cyber-Cyborg-Censor-Neuro-Society-Dictatorship…
Saintly Field Re-Established…Individual Aura Protection
“You don´t have to engage with these low lifes. -w2k”
I just use it – as a Testimony – to show the World how their Brains, Bodies and Minds have been subverted and undermined, data-mined, trojanized and infiltrated by Evil Technological Systems from Governmental Parasitic Entities…
„Du musst dich nicht mit diesen niederen Wesen einlassen. -w2k“
Ich benutze es nur – als Zeugnis – um der Welt zu zeigen, wie ihre Gehirne, Körper und Geister unterwandert und unterminiert, ihre Daten ausgegraben, trojanisiert und von bösen technologischen Systemen staatlich-parasitärer Entitäten infiltriert wurden …
Liberty is always freedom from government. (Ludwig von Mises)
Freiheit ist immer die Freiheit von der Regierung. (Ludwig von Mises)
Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
Conspiracy Revelation: 4.11.2024: Mind-Net Realtime Tratsch… Quantum Spies…
NEWS – SynthTel – Mind-Net – 2.11.2024
NEWS – SynthTel – Mind-Net – 2.11.2024
Your Futile attempts to censor me with your fascistic apparatus – I am like the Wind…. I could do much more to break your barriers… if I wanted to…
Hanuman Ji ने Garud से की मदद की गुहार | Shrimad Ramayan – Ep 129 | Full Episode
„Hanuman Ji ने Garud से की मदद की गुहार | Shrimad Ramayan – Ep 129 | „SET India
178 Mio. Abonnenten
42.100 Aufrufe 23.10.2024 #sujayreu #shrimadramayan
Episode 129: Hanuman Ji ने Garud से की मदद की गुहार
——————————————————————Lord Hanuman seeks the aid of Pakshiraj Garud to free Shri Ram and Lakshman from the grips of Nagpash. Meanwhile, the vanar sena anxiously awaits Lord Hanuman’s return, hoping for a miracle to save their beloved lord. What will be the outcome of this divine intervention?“
Buddha: Schwarze Tara: Mantra
Buddha: Schwarze Tara: Mantra
„Buddha Weekly
57.300 Abonnenten
15.957 Aufrufe 13.10.2024
Die vierzehnte Tara wird auch „Schwarze Tara, die zornig die Stirn runzelt“ genannt.
Mit ihrem großen Stößel und Mörser zerstört, zerschmettert und verwandelt sie alle Übeltäter: alle bösen Maras, Yamas, Mamos, Rakshasa, Yakshas Kinnaras, Bimipatis und Tsan. Sie beschützt uns auch vor allen 9 Übeln (siehe Listen unten). Jegliche negative oder schwarze Magie wird zerstört.
Übeltäter werden verwandelt und in hilfreiche Wesen gereinigt.“
The ARCHONS – Morgue
The ARCHONS – Morgue
„The Archons are dark entities believed by some to have influenced the course of human history from the shadows. Learn about the theories suggesting how Archons might manipulate human consciousness and reality as we explore texts like the Secret Book of John and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. These ancient writings provide a fascinating glimpse into the beliefs and stories that have been shrouded in mystery for centuries. What’s your take on the Archons? Do you believe they have left their mark on human history?
#Archons #SecretBookOfJohn #GospelOfMaryMagdalene #AncientMysteries #BannedKnowledge #Documentary #EsotericWisdom #HiddenHistory“
Pretty close…
I agree largely..
Just one thing is a little wrong…the Demiurge took the light of Sophia…
Brahma used Devis light.
The Psychology of The Wounded Healer
Only a Super Empath can Destroy The Narcissist…
„Only a Super Empath can Destroy The Narcissist…“
„Tamie M Joyce
271.000 Abonnenten
671.704 Aufrufe 30.11.2021 #unlockyourfreedom #tamiemjoyce #narcissism“
Iamgabriella – People That Vibrate High have been through Hell.
@iamgabrielleayana If you only knew
„Iamgabriella – People That Vibrate High have been through Hell.“
„The People that vibrate the Highest enegertically have been through the most Hell, like you for example. You vibrate very high, you are looking good, you are smelling good, you now how to talk..something about your Energy is magnetic…“
„The People that vibrate the highest went through the most.“
thecccollective – Light Worker (rather all-in-one, not just 1 type)(Holistic Complete)
@thecccollective What is a light worker supposed to do Light worker Light worker explained Light worker spiritual explained 144000 light workers Lightworker signs Light worker awakening Starseeds birthmark How to know if you are a starseed Most powerful starseeds Starseed identification in birth chart 144000 star seeds What is a star seed Star seeds explained Star seeds birth chart Spiritual Knowledge Isolation spirituality signs Spiritual isolation Spiritual knowledge Spiritual teachings Being in isolation spirituality Spiritual awakening isolation Spiritual awakening Isolation spirituality god #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualtiktok #spiritualtiktok #spiritualtiktok🧿 #spiritualawakening #spiritualtok #spiritualjourney #spiritualwarfare #spiritualhealing #spiritualmassage #spiritualitytok #spiritualitytiktok🧿 #spiritualityawakening #spiritualityoverreligion #spiritualitytips #spiritualityforbeginners #spiritualitycheck #spirituality🔮 #manifest #manifestation #manifesting #manifestacion #manifestar #manifestingmethods #manifestationtips #manifestingtips #manifestlove #manifestaciones #manifestingmethods #manifestingtips #manifestinglove #manifestingtok #manifestingmoney #manifestingtechniques #manifestingadvice #manifestingtiktok #manifestingmagic #manifestation #manifestationtips #manifestationquotes #manifestations #manifestations #manifestationcoach #manifestationmethod #manifestationmindset #manifestationtok #manifestationtiktok #manifestationjournal #chosenones #chosenone #chosenfamily #chosenfamily💚 #chosenfamily? #chosenfamily❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #5D #5thdemension #5thdensity #newearth #newearthfrequency #newearth5d #newearthsanctuary #newearthcommunity #newearthenergies #newearthproject #newearthtimelines #newearthtimelines #newearthbusiness #newearthorder #5dimension #5thdimensionconsciousness #5thdemension ♬ Native American Flute in the Rainforest – Carlos Carty
thecccollective – Light Worker (rather all-in-one, not just 1 type)(Holistic Complete)
Right now, there
are various types of light workers on earth,
each with their own special role.
Understanding what type of light worker you are
can help you make sense of your own experiences
and accept yourself more fully.
Let’s explore five different types of light workers
to get a clearer picture.
Healers they are special light workers
with a deep calling to help heal humanity,
animals, and even our planet.
Their main goal is to assist in healing from pain
and suffering.
Characterized by their kindness,
gentleness, and compassionate nature,
healers are driven by a desire to make a positive
impact in the lives of others,
whether it’s people or animals.
These healers often have a trait known as empathy,
meaning they
can deeply feel what others are experiencing.
This heightened sensitivity is crucial for their work,
as it allows them to understand
and thus help heal
the pain of others.
sometimes just being in the presence of a healer
within their energy field
can bring about healing for people.
Their very essence and energy
can be soothing and restorative messengers.
They are a unique group of light workers
who have the ability to connect with
the spiritual realm to gather insights and messages.
These light workers are skilled at
tuning into spiritual guidance from beyond
our physical world
and then translating these messages into a
form that everyone can understand.
They serve as a link between the spiritual
and physical realms,
often taking on roles such as Spiritual teachers,
speakers, and writers.
Messengers typically have a
strong connection with their hearts.
The energy centres in their bodies are more active,
helping them to receive
and understand spiritual messages.
The ways in which messengers share these insights
can vary. While many use words
through speaking,
teaching, or writing,
not all messengers rely solely on verbal communication.
Some convey their spiritual messages
through visual means
like photography
or paintings,
or through other forms of artistic expression.
Their talent lies in finding
the best medium to bring these important
spiritual messages into the physical world.
they are a powerful and vital group among light workers.
They possess remarkably strong energy systems,
enabling them to transform negative
or dense energy into positive,
beneficial energy.
In many ways,
they are like alchemists
within the light worker community.
Their unique gift lies in their ability to
effortlessly convert heavy,
challenging energies into light.
This transformation
process is not just a skill they learn,
they are inherently designed to perform this function.
Transmuters can enter a space filled with chaos
and tension
and within minutes
change the atmosphere to one of calm and peace.
Their presence alone
can significantly alter the energy dynamics of a room
or environment.
What’s particularly interesting about transmuters
is that they often
choose to be born into challenging situations
in worlds or families
facing considerable difficulties.
They do this with a purpose
to assist the people in those
environments in resolving their issues
and evolving spiritually
by doing So
they aid in the transformation and progression of
not just individuals,
but entire family lines
or communities.
Their role is crucial in helping others work through
and overcome their struggles,
leading to greater spiritual growth and evolution.
Light keepers
they are a special kind of light worker,
characterized by their unwavering ability to maintain
and hold light
no matter the circumstances.
They embody the essence of light in all situations
during times of joy
and times of struggle,
in moments of beauty
and in moments of difficulty,
whether the sun is shining
or during the darkest storms,
lightkeepers have a remarkable capacity to
not let their inner light diminish,
regardless of the external
environment or challenges they face.
Their role is particularly
important during challenging times,
as they choose to be born into
periods where their light is most needed.
The mission of a lightkeeper
is to consistently radiate peace and love,
acting as beacons of hope and stability.
Even in the midst of turmoil,
such as in times of conflict or war.
Lightkeepers remain steadfast in their purpose,
providing a source of light and positivity.
This unyielding commitment to being a source of light
makes them vital in uplifting and supporting others,
especially in difficult times.
Way showers
as their name indicates,
they are light workers who lead by example.
Their primary purpose is to embody
the changes they wish to see in the world.
Instead of teaching or guiding through words,
they focus on their own personal Transformation
becoming living examples for others to observe
and emulate.
The power of away shower lies in their actions
and the way they live their lives.
By dedicating themselves to their own inner growth
and transformation,
they naturally become models for others.
Their journey of self improvement and evolution
is not just for their own benefit.
It serves as a practical,
visible guide for those around them.
Unlike messengers
who actively communicate
and share their spiritual insights,
way showers may not necessarily
express their experiences verbally or in writing.
Their primary interest is in their
personal journey of self transformation.
By simply being and living the change,
they provide a clear
and inspiring path for others to follow,
showing practically
how to grow and evolve on one’s own spiritual journey.
Understanding your role as a light worker can be a
profoundly enlightening and affirming experience.
It helps you make sense of your unique
traits and tendencies,
which might have once seemed puzzling or challenging.
For instance,
if you’ve always felt
an overwhelming sensitivity towards others emotions,
or a deep connection with animals and their needs,
knowing that you’re a light worker
can provide context for these feelings.
Similarly, if you have a natural
inclination towards knowing things that seem beyond
the ordinary,
or if you find yourself drawn to specific
places with a strong energy presence,
this understanding can validate your experiences.
It explains why certain places
or situations feel significant to you,
even if they might not make sense. To others,
recognizing your type of light worker role
also brings clarity to more
personal aspects of your life.
For example,
if you’ve always wondered why you were born into a
particularly challenging family dynamic,
understanding your light worker identity
can reveal that it was a part of your path and purpose.
When you embrace your identity as a light worker,
you begin to align more closely with your life mission.
You’re less likely to resist or question
the intuitive nudges that guide you towards fulfilling
your purpose.
Instead, you’ll find a sense of peace
and direction in following these calls,
knowing that they’re an integral part of your journey
and what you came here to do.
I hope that this message brings some light to your day.
If it resonates with you,
feel free to pass it along to someone
who might also find it helpful.
Wishing you an absolutely beautiful day ahead!“
9etherking – Divine Feminine – Anunnaki
@9etherking0 #9etherking #divinefeminine #annunaki #9etherking0 #9etherbeings #humanity ♬ original sound – 9etherking
#9etherking #divinefeminine #annunaki #9etherking0 #9etherbeings #humanity“
Did you know
the oldest ancient text in the world
called the Seven Tablets of creation
mentions that humans were created by immortal aliens
of highly advanced technology?
They descended upon Earth 400,000 years ago.
These cosmic visitors were from a celestial red planet
known as Nibiru
and came to this planet to mine gold and resources.
Our ancient ancestors called them Atlanteans
or Anunnaki.
And they painted the planet with their presence
with ancient antiquity
that can be found in every corner of the world today.
Such beings,
remarkable as they were,
mirrored humanity in many ways.
And we share their depths of human like emotions.
The order of love,
jealousy, lust
and the shadowy abyss of hate.
Their heads and bodies were much larger than human.
But we look like them
and they look like us.
They had technological weapons so advanced
that it seemed to our ancient ancestors as magic.
Among these ethereal beings,
a monarchal family claimed earth
and masqueraded as gods.
Once man was created,
Anu, the father and king of all the gods,
stood tall as a patriarchal figure
ruling from heaven,
which is really space on earth.
His two sons and daughter ruled the planet
and followed Annu’s commands.
Enki, the oldest son of Annu,
was the god of water
and the wisest of the gods,
holder of all universal knowledge and wisdom.
The other brother
and more brutal,
tempestuous son was Enlu,
a warrior god of the winds and storms.
Enlu commanded Storms,
floods, and winds,
embodying the very essence of nature’s fury.
Throughout the sacred text,
Enki and Enli were always conflicting
and battling each other.
Enki wanted to be compassionate towards humanity,
and Enli wanted to keep them enslaved
and eventually kill them off.
And then there was the daughter and sister Ishtar,
also known as ISIS
in Egyptian mythology.
A celestial Muse
who embodied beauty,
justice, wisdom,
and the fierce lord of war.
But the cosmos itself harboured unrest.
Laboring masses of the working class, Anunnaki,
toiled upon the moon and Mars.
These beings yearned for solace on earth
that the royals claimed.
They began a rebellion against the gods.
They fell from Mars and the moon in their spaceships,
cascading to earth like fallen angels of the Bible,
ushering in a cosmic confrontation.
In the celestial crossroads and key,
a master of creation
embarked on a daring quest with his sister ISIS.
A symphony of science and artistry
LED him to a prime solution.
The creation of a new race.
One molded from terrestrial clay
and celestial essence of them
mixed with the earthly primate in the jungle.
This race could stop the rebellion
and bear the workload of the working class Anunnaki.
By his side, ISIS,
a sorceress of genetics,
conjured life in her laboratory with death expertise,
seeking to weave humanity into existence.
However, the path to creation proved arduous,
fought with trials and errors.
Amidst this cosmic dance,
ISIS performed a masterpiece of her own.
Inserting the primate’s eggs into her own womb,
giving birth to the first human, Adamu,
within a ten month period.
From Adam’s core,
they extracted his DNA
and cloned the genetic material into XX chromosomes,
giving rise to Eve,
the first human woman,
Adam’s counterpart
who can procreate,
completing the grand composition
for the multiplying of the race.
The very word Genesis
means generations of ISIS,
a testament to her role in birthing humankind
as master geneticist
and mother of modern humans.
The echoes of this cosmic narrative
reverberated across cultures and times,
inscribed in the tablets of creation
and the poetic verses of a new Malish,
immortalizing the journey of humanity’s origin.
Here, the threads of the divine and the mortal entwined,
creating a mesmerizing tapestry.
The tells of our shared Genesis,
alien DNA and reminding us that we are all stardust
and stories
into woven in the great cosmic fabric.“
Chosen One‼️You Going Get the LAST Laugh on these BOTS 🤣(last will be first)
Truth why You can´t control Sigma Males
„Truth why You can´t control Sigma Males“
3.080 Aufrufe 13.12.2023 #sigmamale #sigma
Truth Why You Can’t Control Sigma Males
What makes Sigma males so unaffected by societal pressure and the evolving dynamics of the world? Well, the answer lies in their independent nature, which helps them carve their path in this bustling world. Click to watch this eye-opening video to Discover why you can’t control these mysterious individuals—they don’t bend to please others, are immune to social media tricks, set strict boundaries, and keep their thoughts locked away. Materialism? Not for Sigma Males! Get ready to decode the Sigma mindset.“
„These strict boundaries are what make Sigma males so untouchable, these strict boundaries aren´t just for show. They´re the shields that protect Sigma males from unwanted influences, ensuring they stay true to themselves while others may bend under
pressure or surrender to external control. Sigma males, the independent
Souls stand firm rooted in their principles.“
„It´s like having an unbreakable force field around your life decisions.“
„Immune to the social media manipulation. According to a report from the famous news source New York Times, an average person sees 6,000 up to 10,000 ads per day on social media. Yes, you heard it right, 10,000, it´s like a neverending flood of convincing messages attempting to sway you one way or the other, but when we say an average person, it doesn´t include Sigma males. Sigma males are a different breed, they possess this uncanny ability to be immune to the covered manipulations of social media, they have this Shield that protects them from being swayed by the flashy ads and cunning algorithms that try to control the masses. Social media advertisers have
mastered the art of appealing to our emotions, desires and fears, but here´s
where Sigma males Stand Out. They´ve built a fortress around their minds
helping them to stay strong against the manipulative techniques of
conformity. Detached from materialism Sigma males are unique Souls who exhibit a strong aversion to materialistic Pursuits, it´s not about being anti-money or anti- suuccess, it´s about recognizing the pitfalls of getting entangled in a web of
possessions, they are not interested in controlling or being controlled. They´ve
cracked the code, the secret sauce is their Detachment from materialism, this
Detachment acts as a shield field rendering them immune to the puppet
strings that often manipulate others. They understand that possessions don´t
define them, they find strength in experiences, relationships and personal
growth, this Detachment from materialistic possessions isn´t a lack
of ambition or laziness, it´s a deliberate choice to avoid being stuck
in the superficial, it´s a rebellion against a society that often measures
success in terms of what you own rather than who you arem, this Detachment gives
Sigma males a unique kind of strength, they´re not swayed by the latest trends
or peer pressure, their decisions are based on a deeper understanding of what
truly matters in life While others might be drowning in pursuing the next big
thing Sigma males Stand Tall unburdened by excess weight, this strength makes
them elusive, independent and hard to control.“
Why every Sigma Male keeps a low profile
„Why every Sigma Male keeps a low profile“
„34.479 Aufrufe 09.12.2023 #sigma #sigmamale #achievegreatness
Why Every Sigma Males Keeps A Low Profile. In a world where the spotlight and social validation seem like everything, most men strive to be noticed, applauded, and celebrated. They relish being in the center of attention, basking in public acclaim and praise for their achievements. Yet, there exists a rare and intriguing type of man who stands apart from this norm: the sigma male. These enigmatic individuals walk a different path, one where the clamor for recognition and validation holds no allure. Sigma males, akin to lone wolves, thrive in their independence, unswayed by the need for external approval. Their sense of self-worth comes from within, not from the applause or admiration of others. They are the embodiment of self-reliance and personal integrity, answering only to themselves and striving to realize their own potential. In this video, I’ll be discussing 7 reasons why every sigma male keeps a low profile. #sigma #sigmamale #achievegreatness“
Why Sigma Male gets so much hate…
„Why Sigma Male gets so much hate…
Why Sigma Male Gets So Much Hate
This video will unveil the dark side of seemingly calm and calculated life of Sigma males and explore the reasons why Sigma males get so much hate. From their weaponized knowledge to their unapologetic self-prioritization, discover why they’re hard to compete with. Unravel the bitter truth and understand why Sigma males don’t seek constant support, making them unbuyable. So, get ready for a mind-blowing exploration Why Sigma Male Gets So Much Hate.“
The Lasertrancer – Psychogone Obsession (Original Extended)(Currently Position 31 in the Eternal List)
The Lasertrancer – Psychogone Obsession (Original Extended)(Currently Position 31 in the Eternal List)
The Lasertrancer – Psychogone Obsession (Original Extended Version)
Produced in 2005.
Genre: Goa House, Hard House, Progressive Psychedelic Trance, Hard Goa Trance House, Hard Goa, Psychedelic Trance, Club.
21 Abonnenten
The Lasertrancer – Psychogone Obsession (Original Extended Version)
Creativity is the greatest Rebellion in Existence. (Osho)
„“The creator cannot follow the well-trodden path, he has to search his own way, he has to inquire in the jungles of life, he has to go alone, he has to be a dropout from the mob mind, from the collective psychology.” -Osho
Continue in the video👇“
„Creativity is the greatest Rebellion in Existence.“
Bhagwan Rajneesh (Osho) | Was Rajneesh a Superior Cult Leader?
Narcissists and #StandWithUkraine
The HERO’S JOURNEY – Joseph Campbell
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife 7-15-19
//InfinityExpression: Restored from Backup: 27.2.2021…
“Dr. Royal Raymond Rife 7-15-19”
“13.753 Aufrufe•16.07.2019”
“That posed a great threat to the medical community, to the drug community, I am talking about labs, laboratories, that create drugs and to insurance companies, because, unfortunately, in this country, we don´t cure things, now I don´t can talk about other countries, we mostly don´t cure things, we treat things, because there is a great deal more money in treating than there is in curing people, now I disagree with that, I believe in abundance. So if you do cure people there is always sick people that needs to be cured, however that´s not how of the monopolies work. So after all he has been through…with the experiment and the proof how cancer can be treated this way and cured, caused a threat, and the next thing you know he´s blacklisted. He´s blacklisted…and his laboratory was broken into, most of his things, his records were stolen or destroyed, his microscope was also extremely damaged. His microscopes, so he promoted fear and threat to the status quo and it took him the rest of his life to attempt to rebuild what he has learned what he has proven to the world.”
“This man was devastated…and as I said his laboratory,.. it was a house basically, everything was destroyed or stolen and his spirit was crushed after that, because he was blacklisted and this caused a great deal of strress to him and he started to drink…his wife´s passing created more trauma for him and put himn into an evebn darker place…he was a broken person and when his wife died that was a great additional crush, because she was his support, they didn´t have any children, so the prodigy was at the end of the line for his family…he continued on…when he passed away… he was a broken man and it is sad, because he was wiped away with regard of his studies and his accomplishments…”
“And he did create a machine called a Rife Machine, now I hesitate to talk about it, because people will say. “oh, that´s a rip off and bla, bla bla..”.. yeah, there are people who will rip off anything, we know this, so you have actual rife machines that do what they are supposed to do and then you have ones that aren´t and you have to be very cautious a nd the Rife Machine was also banned from being sold in this country for many decades, the only way you could get it was to purchase it from Europe and you really weren´t allowed to share with anyone that you had it.
It´s a little more in the open now then it was then, but there is still a stigma attached to it, because of the naysayers, because of fear…
Love is not just I love you, it´s about acceptance, it´s about caring, it´s about anything positive, love is growth, fear is not and again right now there is so much fear, not only in this country, but around the world and you will see how people are treating one another and that comes out of fear…and that´s why he get swepped up in like so many brilliant people do.”
“He also was a doer, he was a brilliant pioneer, this Rife machine works on frequency…everything around us is vibrating.”
“In regard to the Medical community, because even to this day, in 2019, …they still teach newtonian physics in medical school, well, there is quantum physics and that´s different than newtonian physics and what we are talking about here is quantum physics, but they are still teaching newtonian physics to people who want to go into the medical field and that limits them with regard to how they see the world and I am not saying there is anything wrong with that, I am just saying that it´s a different Universe.”
“The traditional or the Holistic Medicine which talks more about the Quantum Physics.”
“And I would encourage you to learn more about the alternatives ways that people can heal and I would also courage you to treat yourself, treat yourself to using those vibrations to generating healthy vibrations. We all know what it´s like to be around someone who just drains us.”
“We have to learn how take care of ourself first..but you have to take care of the host first, so you are the host.”
The Curse of Bhrigu that Vishnu endured has huge significance today
„“The Curse of Bhrigu that Vishnu endured has huge significance today
While we take curses as something scary and would all want to stay away from it. And yes, they are in fact scary many times and did give the individuals who got one a lot of trouble. However, there are many curses that did do good, eventually. Hence, in this case, this curse has totally changed the course of the history of Hindu scriptures. Unarguably, one of the most important curses in the Hindu Puranas was that given by Bhrigu to Lord Vishnu. Here is the story of Bhrigu cursing Lord Vishnu and how it changed the course of ancient Hindu history.
Matsya Purana states, the story of the war between Devatas (Demi-Gods) and Asuras (Demons). The story mainly consists of Maharishi Bhrigu and Kavyamata who were the parents of Shukracharya. Shukracharya was the great sage who was the Guru of Asuras and gained the mantra of invincibility, ‘Mrita Sanjivani’. Lord Indra was the leader of Devas and elected Brihaspati as the head priest of Devas. Although, Sukracharya being more capable, it was Indra’s favoritism towards Bhriaspati due to which he chooses Brihaspati as the chief priest. Therefore, Sukracharya started favoring the Asuras more as it was a way to take revenge for his partiality.
During that time it was very difficult for the demons to defeat the demigods in battles. Having lost several times, the Guru of the demons, Shukracharya decided to approach Lord Shiva for help to defeat Devatas. He also requested Lord Shiva for Mrita Sanjivani, using which Shiva could bring back the dead. Therefore, Sukracharya started to meditate and pray to Lord Shiva, to grant him Mrita-Sanjeevani Stotram, a mantra that would make the Asuras invincible.
Furthermore, Shukracharya’s triumph, that is if he was granted the mantra of invincibility, would have made it difficult for Devas to defeat the Asuras. Meanwhile, Sukracharya asked the Asuras to take refuge at the ashram of his father, who was Maharishi Bhrigu. The Devtas and Indra used this opportunity to attack unarmed Asuras. In the absence of the sage, the Asuras fled to Bhrigu’s wife who was Kavyamata, for shelter.
Kavyamata used her Yogic powers to immobilize Indra and protect the asuras. Unnerved by the immobilization of Indra, the Devas decided to take refuge at the feet of Lord Vishnu. Therefore, Vishnu decided to enter the body of Indra and to save the Devas. Thus, Kavyamata was enraged by this and warned to burn them down to ashes if they did not retreat. However, Indra instigated to annihilate Bhrigu’s wife and as a consequence, Vishnu used the Sudarshana Chakra. Hence, to save Indra and the Devtas, Lord Vishnu used his Sudarshana Chakra which served her head.
Sage Bhrigu was devastated hearing what had happened. Bhrigu seeing his wife’s condition, got furious because Lord Vishnu broke his Dharma by killing a woman. Therefore, Maharishi Bhrigu cursed Lord Vishnu to be born on Earth many times and suffer the pain of birth and death all those several times. Due to this legendary curse, Vishnu had to take countless avatars on Earth and endure all the worldly pain as a price. Although Bhrigu later revived his wife by sprinkling holy water from his Kamandalu, he was so deeply infuriated and full of vengeance, he decided not to spare Lord Vishnu.
Recommended – Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam – 1008 Names of Lord Vishnu
The curse of Bhrigu that Lord Vishnu endured has a huge significance today. Bhrigu’s curse demanded Lord Vishnu be born on Earth in several avatars. The avatars included some of the greatest Gods to ever walk on Earth as humans such as Lord Rama and Lord Krishna.
Without Rama, there would have been no Ramayana and without Lord Krishna, there would have been no Mahabharata and hence, no Bhagavad Gita. Along with them, even the other Avatars of Vishnu such as Narshima, Parasurama, and arguably Balaram or Buddha and all the other avatars who have had undeniable contributions to shape the entire history of our civilization and scriptures. The curse also made Lord Vishnu feel human emotions such as love, hatred, betrayal, and pain of separation.
(Last Updated On: July 1, 2020)”“
Source: https://vedicfeed.com/curse-of-bhrigu-to-vishnu/
Post Views: 200
Is Eternal Life Possible? One Scientist Claims It’s Possible
„Is Eternal Life Possible? One Scientist Claims It’s Possible.“
“Is Eternal Life Possible? One Scientist Claims It’s Possible”
“Imagine a race of beings who reached the point of immortality through genetic manipulation, is this natural or unnatural? The fact that they have advanced to the point of immortality, and can choose to stay in a body as long as they please could be
viewed as a natural progression in the evolution of consciousness.
Maybe one day the human race will be ready for something of such magnitude, I personally believe we will. Right now we have a lot of growing to do in many other areas. We can’t expect to achieve anything unless we are a planet in which all beings live
in harmony with each other, and our society rids the fabricated excuses made to prolong conflict on the planet. It’s time to move past that type of energy, and energetically lift the planet up into a completely new vibration.
Wisdom is the alchemist’s powder of projection which transforms many thousand times its own weight of gross ignorance into the precious substance of enlightenment.
There is a biological mechanism which makes cells age, Dr. Skulachev theorizes that a new biological process is set in motion immediately after a mother gives birth. This process makes the body destroy itself. Maybe if the Philosopher’s stone(s)
did/do exist, it altered our DNA, or made genetic reparations to the ones who had them in their possession? What Dr. Skulachev is trying to do is stop this process, thus stopping everything that comes along with old age, including death
Given that aging is programmed, it can be stopped like any other program. In that case, ailments characteristic of old age will be nipped in the bum, we won’t age. 99 percent of the time oxygen turns into harmless water, but there is that one percent
that later turns into very poisonous elements. The task was to find an antioxidant that stops that process – Vladimir Skulachev
The body produces poisons, one of the most malicious poisons is generated at the heart of each cell in the Mitochondria. On one hand, they supply the body with energy and on the other, they gradually kill us. The older we are, the more poison we have
in our bodies in the form of free radicals – Maksim Skulachev
That development is called the Skulachev Ion. They do not promise eternal life, they simply try to prolong the active period of life, to grant humanity with years of healthy, productive and happy living. Results from Skulachev’s work shows that the
Skulachev Ion: (These conclusions are a result of numerous publications that you can view here)
Reduces age-dependent mortality rate
Slows down rethinopathies development
Slows down cataract development
Slows down uveitis development
Slows down glaucoma development
Prevents hypothermy development
Reduces the area of myocardial infarction
Prevents heart arrhythmia
Prevents kidney infarction–induced death
Slows down age-dependent decline of immunity
Prevents age-dependent decline in limphocyte-neutrophil ratio in blood
Slows down thymus degeneration
Slows down degeneration of follicles responsible for b-limphocyte development
Slows down development of certain cancer types
Slows down reproductive functions dissipation in females
Slows down disappearance of sexual motivation in males
Slows down age-dependent decline of wound-healing
Slows down osteoporosis development
Prevents balding
Slows down canities
Prevents senile anemia
Prevents senile depression development
Prevents age-dependent stimulation of apoptosis by hydrogen peroxide
Prevents age-dependent ß-galaktosidase induction
Prevents phosphorylation of histone H2AX
Reduces age-dependent peroxide oxidation of lipids
Reduces age-dependent protein carbonylation”
Post Views: 163
Reversing Ageing: New Studies Show it Can be Done
„Reversing Ageing: New Studies Show it Can be Done“
„ColdFusion: 2,37 Mio. Abonnenten: — About ColdFusion —
ColdFusion is an Australian based online media company independently run by Dagogo Altraide since 2009. Topics cover anything in science, technology, history and business in a calm and relaxed environment.“
Bees vs Hornets – Incredible Enemies – Amazing Battles
„Bees vs Hornets – Incredible Enemies – Amazing Battles“
Wise Wanderer
203.000 Abonnenten
Japanese Honey Bees Cook Giant Wasps Alive – the Japanese giant hornet: massive, extremely aggressive, and a honey bee’s worst nightmare. A single giant hornet can kill 40 European honey bees in one minute, and a group of 30 could wipe out an entire hive of 30,000 European honey bees in little more than three hours. Growing up to 2 inches in length, with a wingspan of 2.5 inches, these giants are about 5 times larger than the average bee. When they attack a hive, they quickly decapitate and dismember the inhabitants — flying off with the bees’ thoraxes, as well as honey and bee larvae, which they feed to their young.
But when it comes to Japanese honey bees, the hornets have their work cut out for them. While the Japanese honey bees don’t produce as much honey as their European cousins, they have developed an amazing strategy to protect defend themselves against the hornets that terrorize their hives.
When a hornet enters their hive, the bees immediately surround the intruder and form a tight ball around it. They then vibrate their wings to generate carbon dioxide and heat, raising the ball’s temperature to 115 °F (46 °C).
At this concentration of carbon dioxide, the bees can tolerate up to 122 °F (50 °C), but the hornet cannot survive the combination of elevated temperature and high carbon dioxide. Using this method, the honeybees effectively cook the hornet in a convection oven formed from their living bodies.
1:36 / 6:57
„The insect world is home to some of the planet’s fiercest battles, the stakes are high, home, young and food sources are under constant threat for European honeybees, they live in colonies that are often over 30 thousand strong, constructing hives filled with wax, pollen larvae and of course honey, a pretty valuable bounty for an invading army. When a honey bee hive faces off with Asian Giant Hornets it takes justone recon mission to start a war when a single Hornets Scout spots a beehive she marks it with a pheromone and then returns with a hit squad. These giants are the world’s largest Hornet five times the size of the average honeybee and they’re armed with a deadly venom, their sting feels like a hot nail being driven into your flesh. Thousands of defenders pour from the hive, ready to give their lives in its defense, but these European honeybees have no way to stop the onslaught, a single hornet can kill as many as 40 bees a minute, just 30 of them can annihilate a colony of 30,000 bees in a few hours, it isn’t a battle, it’s a massacre. The ground is thick with the remnants of their victims and the enemy penetrates into the inner sanctum of the hive, with the hives defenders laid to waste, the Hornets gorged themselves on the spoils of war, but honey isn’t the main prize, instead they carry away the honey bee larvae and pupae which will feed their young for weeks. European honeybees may fight valiantly, but they haven’t evolved any defenses against these giant invaders. With in nature’s intricate web of checks and balances there is a place for payback.
These too are honeybees, they have made their hive in a hollow tree, they too are caring for their young, but these are native Japanese honeybees and they’re not quite as defenseless as their European cousins, they have evolved a secret weapon against the giant Hornet., one they may need often in this deadly season. This Hornet is the advance guard of an attack force the bees could never withstand, but this time the bees set a trap, they
want the Hornet inside and the Hornet obliges. The scouts main task is to mark the hive with the telltale pheromone, so that her sisters can find it later, but the native honeybees know her game by swinging their abdomens to and fro they signal their strategy to one another, the bees hold off until the last possible moment and then as if on one mind they swarm. The Hornet is engulfed by hundreds of bees, but they don’t sting the intruder,
instead as revealed by thermal photography, they all begin to vibrate gradually raising a collective temperature to 117 degrees Fahrenheit.
Japanese honeybees can tolerate a temperature of 118 degrees their victims
upper limit is 115, the Hornet Scout is slowly roasted alive and the secret of the honeybees location dies with her.“
„Riesen Hornissen angreifen Bienenstock ! Oh mein Gott!
7.281.320 Aufrufe•20.12.2014
17.800 Abonnenten
Der Stock des japanischen Honigbiene wurde vom japanischen Riesen Hornissen angegriffen. Allerdings war es möglich, sie mit dem klebrigen Blatt zu erfassen.. Kategorie Tiere“
Life Is Short: How to Add a Sense of Urgency | Tim Ferriss
Michail Bakunin – Der Begründer des Anarchismus
„Michail Bakunin – Der Begründer des Anarchismus“
„Er war ein Revolutionär, dem die Freiheit über alles ging. Michail Bakunin gilt als Vater des Anarchismus. Zeit seines Lebens trat er für eine klassenlose Gesellschaft ein, in der weder Staat noch Religion den Menschen an seiner Selbstbestimmung hindert. Heute vor 200 Jahren kam Bakunin auf die Welt.
„Nur dann bin ich wahrhaft frei, wenn alle Menschen, die mich umgeben, ebenso frei sind wie ich.“
Das war die Lebensphilosophie von Michail Alexandrowitsch Bakunin. Er gilt als Begründer des Anarchismus. Als Spross einer aristokratischen Familie wurde er am 30. Mai 1814 in einem kleinen Ort der zentralrussischen Provinz Twer – rund 200 Kilometer von Moskau entfernt – geboren. Mit zehn Geschwistern wuchs Bakunin in einem liberalen, westlich orientierten Elternhaus auf. Er wird als aufbrausender Charakter beschrieben, der sich gegen Unrecht und Autorität auflehnte. Wolfgang Eckhardt, Bibliothekar, Autor und Bakunin-Experte:
„Er ist sozusagen ein Rebell von Natur aus, ein geborener Rebell gewesen. Bakunins Hauptthema ist schon in seiner Jugendphase – und das ist ihm erhalten geblieben bis zum Schluss – die Idee der Befreiung von Herrschaft.“
Dazu passte kaum der militärische Drill, dem sich Bakunin – nach Wunsch seines Vaters – in einer Karriere als Artillerie-Offizier hätte unterwerfen müssen. Er quittierte den Militärdienst, den er als 14-Jähriger begonnen hatte, und zog nach Moskau. Mit Gleichgesinnten – wie dem Literaturkritiker Wissarion Belinski oder dem Sozialisten Alexander Herzen – teilte er die Leidenschaft für deutsche Philosophie, studierte Kant, Fichte und Schelling und avancierte zum besten russischen Hegel-Kenner seiner Zeit. Später erinnerte er sich allerdings:
„Ich überzeugte mich ziemlich rasch von der Nichtigkeit und Eitelkeit der ganzen Metaphysik. Ich suchte Taten, sie aber ist die absolute Untätigkeit“.
Ab 1840 reiste er rastlos durch Europa. Inspiriert von politischen Freunden wie dem französischen Frühsozialisten Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, entwickelte er seine Ideen eines antiautoritären Sozialismus:
„Anarchismus ist sozialrevolutionär, weil er nichts hält von einer Teilnahme an Herrschaftsverhältnissen, sondern er propagiert die Verweigerung dieser Teilnahme und die Auflösung dieser Herrschaftsverhältnisse und die Schaffung neuer, freiheitlicher Gemeinschaftsformen.“
Lebenslange Feindschaft mit Karl Marx
Handwerkerbünde, Berufsgenossenschaften, gemeinschaftlich organisierte Speiselokale oder Bildungsstätten – Bakunin plädierte für Assoziation und Vergemeinschaftung des Zusammenlebens – frei von jeglicher staatlich geprägter oder klerikaler Fremdbestimmung. Für diese Ideale ging Bakunin in den Freiheitsbewegungen ab 1848 überall in Europa auf die Barrikaden: In Frankfurt, Dresden, Paris oder Prag. Er wollte die Revolution von unten:
„Demgegenüber stand die Idee von Marx, diese von unten gewachsenen, organischen Strukturen abzuschaffen, zugunsten von Parteien.“
Karl Marx und Bakunin verband eine lebenslange Feindschaft. Marx und Engels lästerten in ihren Briefen über den „fetten Russen“, der sich anmaße, sich an die Spitze er Arbeiterbewegung zu stellen. Bakunin dagegen sah in der „Diktatur des Proletariats“ den kommunistischen Staatsterror voraus, der im 20. Jahrhundert Wirklichkeit wurde. Zum endgültigen Bruch zwischen Marxisten und Anarchisten kam es im September 1872 beim fünften Kongress der „Ersten Internationale“ in Den Haag. Ein Ausschluss Bakunins aus der 1864 gegründeten Internationalen Arbeiterassoziation, sei jedoch nirgends anerkannt worden – so Wolfgang Eckhardt:
„In Wahrheit haben sich Marx und Engels mit ihrem Gewaltstreich, ihr Minderheitenprogramm durchsetzen zu wollen, aus der Internationale rausgekickt und die Organisation ist dann ihren eigenen Weg gegangen – ohne Marx und Engels.“
Als Gegenbewegung etablierte sich die „Antiautoritäre Internationale“. Sie überlebte die Organisation Marxscher Prägung um mehrere Jahre. Während dieser Auseinandersetzungen hatte die letzte Lebensphase Bakunins bereits begonnen. Nach acht Jahren Kerker in Deutschland, Österreich und Russland und vier Jahren in sibirischer Verbannung, aus der er 1861 entflohen war, war er gesundheitlich schwer angeschlagen. Die Zeit, die ihm noch blieb, nutzte er trotzdem ausgiebig für revolutionäre Aktivitäten. Er agitierte die Arbeiterbewegung in Spanien, war Inspirator der Anarchisten in Italien, versuchte die „Internationale Liga für Frieden und Freiheit“ bei ihrem Gründungskongress in Genf zu radikalisieren und nahm trotz Krankheit an einem Aufstand in Bologna teil. 1876 starb er in Bern. Für Wolfgang Eckhardt ist Bakunin bis heute ein „intellektueller Geheimtipp“:
„Die Frage ist einfach: Wie wollen wir leben? Und ein Denker, der dazu Antworten und Anregungen geben kann, der ist aktuell wahrscheinlich noch im nächsten Jahrhundert.“
Quelle: Deutschlandfunk“
How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it)
Prophecy of Hermes… (and remote attacks during the video)
Prophecy of Hermes… (and remote attacks during the video)
Prophecy of Hermes | The Anunnaki & Forced Forgetting of the „Sky Beings“
59.778 Aufrufe•Premiere am 28.10.2019″
„The 5th Kind“
There are many examples of how the knowledge of the Ancients can be lost.
Throughout history invasion and conquest have often occasioned the destruction of ancestral and indigenous knowledge. Egypt suffered a succession of invasions and annexations by the Persians, the Greeks and then the Romans, as the monotheistic religions became anchored to the powers of empire in the east and west, so it was that indigenous narratives and wisdom traditions became suppressed. The influence of writers like Socrates and Plato important writers whose own understanding had plumbed the sources of ancient Egypt was excised from the mainstream of Christianity. Church Fathers who had drawn on their wisdom found themselves sidelined and excommunicated. The hermetic texts, though
popular for a long time among early Christians, became regarded as subversive and dangerous, yet their influence continued to inform the thinking of mystics and scholars down the ages, writing in the fourth century BCE the Greek philosopher Plato openly stated that while many of his conclusions were reached purely by applying logic to things we can all observe, he had reached other significant conclusions, things he believed, but could not prove. The source of that information Plato said was ancestral memory, specifically the priestly knowledge of ancient Egypt, like Hermes in the dialogue with Asclepius, Plato was eager to keep what remained of ancient Egyptian wisdom alive. It’s in that context that Plato reports that he is concluded that there are other entities occupying our Universe, being similar to ourselves who reside on what he describes as islands in the sky and he said that these beings live longer than we do, they’re more highly intelligent than we are and their understanding of the universe and what we would call outer space is far more advanced than our own and though we said he couldn’t prove it Plato wanted to mark that knowledge on the wall, the notion of a more populated universe or of higher beings were ideas that Plato did not want to see forgotten. In the
1500s from Naples Italy another student of the hermetic texts emerged in the Dominican friar: Giordano Bruno. Bruno study of the hermetic texts
led him to some far-reaching conclusions as a Dominican friar Giordano Bruno was a devoted scholar and from his study of the hermetic texts: Bruno concluded just as Plato had done 2,000 years before that we are not alone in the universe that there are other entities populating the cosmos and the other planets in our Galaxy may be home to extraterrestrial civilizations. Well, unfortunately he fell foul of the Roman Catholic Church and in 1600 the Inquisition decided to send the world a signal that such conclusions had no place in Catholic Christianity and so they executed this poor Dominican friar Giordano Bruno and they made a public
show of it by burning him to death, in a public square, that’s a very forceful way of ensuring that ancient memory gets forgotten.
In the dialogue with Asclepius the character of Hermes laments the
forgetting of Egypt’s deities, these higher beings depicted in human-like and hybrid forms, by contrast in the Bible, the successive leaders Moses and Joshua instructed the people to forget the other higher beings, the Elohim, the powerful ones. In the Bible there’s a very deliberate kind of forgetting that we see written into the narrative, the Ten Commandments, famously begins with a command to serve no other Elohim, no other powerful ones, serve only Yahweh and then follows an instruction not to depict anything they’ve seen on earth or in the heavens, so don’t serve them, don’t bow down to them, don’t even depict them the memory of these other entities has to be excised absolutely and then in the Book of Joshua we’re told that Joshua who’s the successor to Moses calls upon the Hebrew people to never again serve the powerful ones of Abraham and Sarah’s ancestral culture and that’s the culture of the Sumerians. do not serve the powerful ones of your Sumerian heritage or the powerful ones of Egypt. Again there’s this forgetting being enforced, the memory of higher beings what the Sumerians indicated as sky people had to be written out of the story and similarly the Egyptian memory of higher beings had to be forgotten and that’s why Theodosius, seeing himself as a Christian Emperor in the vein of a Moses or a Joshua, illegalized these memories and banned the narratives that kept them alive. When Plato referred to the knowledge of higher beings, including these others who live on islands in the
sky, with all their advanced knowledge of the cosmos it’s interesting to me that he appeals on the one hand to information gathered through altered
states of consciousness and on the other to the lost cannon of ancient Egyptian memory, by citing that knowledge he makes it clear that the story of a more populous universe is one that Plato wanted remembered, he did not want that knowledge to remain buried and forgotten. The character Hermes laments the dying of a culture, he says darkness will be preferred to light and death will be thought more profitable than life, no one will raise their eyes to the heavens, good people, spiritual people, seekers of truth, will be considered insane. The vulgar and careless will be considered wise, the madman will be thought a strong man and the wicked held up as good, only those who bring evil messages will remain, they will mingle with humans and drive them into all manner of recklessness and crime into Wars an theft and frauds and all things hostile to the bodies and souls of human beings. If you think of the wars being prosecuted by the world’s powers even as we speak or think of government corruption the gravy trains the big bank bailouts, the theft and hoarding of wealth from the 99% by the 1% or consider the brutalization of our politics and the polarization and dumbing down that we’re seeing right now of public conversation, if you think about our veneration of wealth or how we gaze in adoration at the 1% and at the same time lower all our compassion towards the poor to refugees to anyone more needy or more desperate than ourselves can any of us look at these things in our world right now and not see that what Hermes forewarned is happening before our eyes.“
„…after the fire and flood the Creator will rebirth the creation, nature itself gets healed, love and wonder restored, because over and above all human affairs above and beyond every messenger or deity or higher being, the Creator is everything good, freely favoring human welfare, Hermes says. Walter Scott’s famous translation of the hermetic text uses the traditional language of gods and angels, but I think after another two millennia of religion, it can sometimes be more helpful to demystify some of that language and realize that these texts are speaking about what we might call higher beings and messengers from other realms. Hermes hope is in a cosmic power a conscious presence in the very fabric of space, he calls it the mighty fabric, it’s a presence of goodness and love for Humanity that operates through everything in the Universe, as we perceive it.“
Infinity Expression: 3 Attacks on the Browser and on 3 Firewalls by Ziontube-NWO-Corporate Crime Syndicate…Antikeymagic protects against Criminal-NSA-Ziontube-Alphabet Inc-Attacks and revives security tools of all sorts…Go home Zionnazi-Tube…I show you the real Pharao Power… No Dogma is higher than Truth, no matter which Cult you and your NWO Shadow Gang are following and try to suppress free information flow.
„When the character Hermes speaks of Egypt he is lamenting the loss of ancient Egyptian knowledge of our world and the universe and the order harmony and spirituality that he saw as emanating from it, but Egypt also serves Hermes as a metaphor for this world, the observable realm. Hermes is saying that all that we see on earth is a projection or likeness of another realm that we cannot see, the whole universe he says is contained in microcosm, in things we can study on earth.. and that is cutting-edge science, that’s something quantum researchers is telling us today, but Hermes is absolutely confident that if we will study and remember and listen to the almost lost notes of ancestral memory, that presence of goodness, which freely favors the welfare of human beings, will
re-emerge and reorder how we live together on planet Earth.“
„..in the words of Hermes to Asclepius such is the new birth of the cosmos a making again of all things good a purer and more inspiring restoration of all nature all to unfold in the passage of time by the eternal will of the creator…“
„with ever-changing algorithms updates and censorship regulations on YouTube this video and others like it could soon become much harder to find if you like …also please like and share this video and help make
sure this type of content stays around and is available for others who may be seeking it thanks for watching…“
Dreyden: vor 3 Tagen: It makes me so angry they destroyed all the history, then pushed their own agenda.
wamutogoria: vor 5 Tagen: The narration in this is fantastic. Paints a very clear picture.
vor 4 Tagen: Oh how I’d love to walk through the corridors of the Alexandria library and go through scroll after scroll and just appreciating the wisdom and knowledge of those before us ❤️
Libby Terrell: vor 6 Tagen: When ignorance and intolerance reigns, civilization is doomed. Thus history repeats itself. This was a beautiful reminder that we must be vigilant in the protection of our minds. Thank you ❤
Nathaniel Davis: vor 6 Tagen: And all those holy and truth seekers shall be deemed insane.
Don Quiñola: vor 1 Tag: I am one of them.
D G: vor 6 Tagen (bearbeitet): Civilizations are reset to zero either by cataclysms or wars, famine, disease and death.
juan oleee: vor 6 Tagen: And the reason behind it.
Freddie Shreddie: vor 5 Tagen: yh that’ll do it. i dont think even the most advance civilisations could survive all that
harry walker: vor 4 Tagen: i said this to a guy back in the 70,s,talking about how good he was with computers & the future of them,,i asked him if he could make a diode,or IC,.he said no,i said,so if the world ends,your useless..i lived out bush for 2 yrs..thanks..
YveZ Vlog: vor 4 Tagen: I hope. I hate paying taxes and insurance.
Silus: vor 2 Tagen: THe war occurs within you. That’s where the true battle is waged. When the battle is abandoned the damage spills out to the external world.
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Japanese grandma DJ shatters stereotypes
„Japanese grandma DJ shatters stereotypes“
„34.901 Aufrufe•28.03.2017
947.000 Abonnenten
Growing old may be a concern for some, but for one Japanese grandma age is just a number. Sumiko Iwamuro was inspired by techno music and is now one of the world’s oldest club DJs.“
82-year-old Tokyo DJ
20.640 Aufrufe•15.05.2017
„Mashable Deals
104.000 Abonnenten
Dumpling maker by day, club DJ by night – an 82-year-old Japanese woman, who goes by the moniker DJ Sumirock, spins techno tunes for club-goers in Tokyo.“
„Japan’s oldest DJ: 82-year-old plays techno in Tokyo nightclubs
23.966 Aufrufe•11.04.2017“
„TRT World: 521.000 Abonnenten: Being a DJ involves late nights and loud music. It’s hardly the place for an elderly grandmother. But a Japanese octogenerian is spinning tunes for crowds in Tokyo. TRT World’s Denee Savoia reports.“
26.922 Aufrufe•27.02.2017
Vegan-Opa 1965
1600 Abonnenten
Günther Anton Krabbenhöft ist auf Berlins Straßen nicht zu übersehen. Sein Markenzeichen: Fliege und Hut. Unter Modebloggern und Hipstern gilt er als der am besten angezogene Opa Berlins. Der 71-Jährige hat noch eine weitere Leidenschaft. Jedes Wochenende tanzt er in den Elektro-Clubs der Hauptstadt. Er selbst bezeichnet sich als Spätzünder.
Gefeiert als „Hipster-Opa“
Bis zur Rente war er Kantinenkoch, vor zwei Jahren hat er sich zum ersten Mal in einen Club getraut. Seitdem ist er aus dem Berliner Nachtleben nicht mehr wegzudenken. Seine Energie, sein Stil und seine unbändige Lust zu feiern beeindrucken auch 20-Jährige. In den sozialen Netzwerken feiern sie ihn als ihren „Hipster-Opa“.
Praktische Tipps & Styling“
"MSI® HOW-TO install Win7 in B450 motherboard"
„MSI® HOW-TO install Win7 in B450 motherboard“
InfinityExpression: 14.7.2019: This is more than necessary, btw. great Bios-Update in only 3 Weeks MSI, Microsoft Windows 10 Version 10240 does not work with Ryzen Gen.1 and Ryzen Gen.2, the Motherboards are not the fault, the RAMs are not the fault. It is an exclusive incompatibility with Ryzen Gen.1 and Ryzen Gen.2 with a specific Windows 10 Version. Personally I think this is one of the biggest software scandals of all time… this is not acceptable in any way, considering the fact of the poor stability of windows 10 in combination with ryzen), considering that Microsoft misuses a monopoly position to produce defective Software, that has implemented the irrepairable Terror-Ghost-Design-Bug since Windows 8. Apart from that Windows 10 is a big failure because the Windows can´t be put on Top like in Windows 7 due to Tablet Mode, that basically blocks every intuitive handling, one could think they implemented this to Delay, Deny, Deteriorate, Degrade, Destroy (like GCHQs Terror-Motto) the complete Operation System experience since Windows 8. I can´t think of it as usual bug, it is such a blatant defect that one really has to think of it as intentional degradational sabotage act from Microsoft and its shadowry deterioration coder crew.
All have to go back to Windows 7, as a matter of fact…unbelievable scandal of this monopoly os-software giant.
Philogen 52.66 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 52.66 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
„Gesetze schinden die Armen, und die Reichen beherrschen die Gesetze. (Oliver Goldsmith)“ [53356]
My Mother is the principle of consciousness. She is Akhanda Satchidananda; indivisible Reality, Awareness, and Bliss. The night sky between the stars is perfectly black. The waters of the ocean depths are the same; The infinite is always mysteriously dark. This inebriating darkness is my beloved Kali. (Sri Ramakrishna) [44781]
Besondere Menschen erkennt man nicht, man fühlt sie. / You do not recognize special people, you feel them. (Buddha) /
Nora Dunkelbunt: Ich finde den Spruch gar nicht so passend … wer sagt denn was besondere Menschen sind 😀 / Das ist wie mit dem Geschmack oder nicht. Jeder hat für sich da eine ganz eigene Definition bzw eine andere Anziehung, .btw aber ich weiss
was du damit ausdrücken wolltest. ^^ /Null-Ahnung
Len San: Buddha sagt wir haben alle die innerste Natur des Geistes, die Buddhanatur, sie ist nur verborgen aufgrund unserer Verblendung. Jetzt die 1 Million-Frage: was ist daran besonders oder besonderererer wie andere?
Simone Sperber Len San für jeden ist etwas oder jemand anders besonders….die Besonderheit liegt im Gefühl in einem selbst was man fühlt……und wenn man dieses besondere Gefühl in einem anderen Menschen erkennen und sogar fühlen kann…. frag Buddha!
Ingmar Veeck: Der Spruch stimmt…und ist gut und passend.
Alle Knoten der Unwissenheit werden durch die Gnade des Gurus in einem Augenblick gelöst. (Ramakrishna) [50142]
Those who do not lose their base endure… (Lao Tzu) (Tao Te Ching) [49815]
Actually human life is meant for spiritual values but people have forgotten life´s real purpose. (Srila Prabhupada) [49734]
Ohne Phantasie keine Güte, keine Weisheit. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) [49397]
The secret of Happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom, Courage. (Thucydides) (460 BC – 395 BC) [46104]
Einsamkeit ist eine Form der Freiheit. / Solitude is a form of freedom. (Umberto Eco) [43971]
Aron Elias an The Dialectic Table: If Jesus came back in human format, the authorities would class him/her as a terrorist for disagreeing with the corrupt rulers.
Pelle Storck: I hear he was with the people who fled Guatemala and was stopped at the US border.
Paul Kets: Great response! -??
Ingmar Veeck: 1.2.2019: Genius.
Paul Kets: Don´t worry… chances are he never existed in the first place, and if he did he was no god. You might as well ask yourself what if spyderman moves to Kansas backcountry… (hint – no buildings)
Mi Co: Or as mentally ill.
Stefan Ramlogan: technically that is what happened to Him.
James de Taylor: He might not be called a „terrorist“ but he would undoubtedly be demonized or marginalized one way or another by the government, the corporate world, and the organized religions, the ways of which are directly opposed to his teachings, and to enlightenment in general. The egoic mind of the average person is also in opposition, even among the religious believers.
Joaquim Fernandes: But still HE will say that MY kingdom is not of earthly.
Ingmar Veeck: 1.2.2019: This conflicts with Hinduism…H.P. Blavatsky merged Krishna and Christ into Christna…and the new old trend is to say they were the same.
Jake de Witte: If jesus came back the CIA would be on his ass for being a religious extremist and communist.
Travis Berthold: Or a madman!
Aron Elias: Unfortunately , those that killed the heroes, wrote and edited history, for the old, new world order? ??
Don´t listen to me, I am insane telling the truth.
Jake Martin: You are indeed insane. I suggest you research yeshua ben yosef and stop using the western name found in the fables of st paul/all others who wrote on the subject.
Jake Martin: It´s rather distracting from yeshuas jewish nature.
Aron Elias: The 4 Gospels out of 52 that were published, were written between a 100 to 400 years AD. Shalom.
Aron Elias: Those who can hear, listen. (Don´t worry, I don´t think that I am the one, we are many, if we only believed in the organic pure truth.)
Aron Elias: It´s free, the all mighty universe doesn´t give a shit what you do, just that you don´t carry any heavy burdens, gotta let all that shit go before, to be Light enough to reach the Stars.
Charles Brown: They would just lock him up in the Looney bin for claiming to be the „Son of God“!
Lester Cadalso: he is working the system right now, tax free religion.
Aron Elias: Listen baby, I am not the Son of God fool!
My father has many children. Fuck me, this world is insanely ignorant, of course ´´m absolutely insane, to tolerate all this shit LMAOL…
Aron Elias: The system wants to fuck you side ways, and turn you in to a sorry ass scared little dick bitch, the rulers of the material world are dominatrix control freaks, drowning your minds in trivial bullshit, to separate you from your higher selves.
Aron Elias: …But I do care for the future of humanity.
Aron Elias The Sun, the saviour, will come back as a thief!____
Philogen 52.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 52.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Kluge Leute lernen auch von ihren Feinden. (Aristoteles) [2869]
Problemtalk creates problems. Solutiontalk creates solutions. (Steve deShazer) [4145]
Action is the antidote to despair. (Joan Baez) [5724]
Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sind nicht Informationen. Das sind Menschen. (Lee Iacocca) [4806]
The State thinks ist is a black hole that can destroy whatever it wants. In reality it is much more like a stellar nursery, wherein it unintentionally creates new strong anarchist stars. (Leah Plante) [5164]
Die Menschen sind aufeinander angewiesen: Bessere oder dulde sie! (Marc Aurel) [6855]
In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves. Self-discipline with all of them came first. (Harry S. Truman) [7378]
I never worry about the future. It comes soon enough. (Albert Einstein) [7614]
The Reality is beyond words. (Swami Tattvavidananda) [8863]
Peace and silence; silence and peace – this is the way beyond. Stop asking questions. (Sri)(Nisargadatta Maharaj) [10031]
I write for the same reason I breathe, because if I didn’t, I would die. (Isaac Asimov) [10229]
Animals are my friends… and I don´t eat my friends. (George Bernard Shaw) [11867]
The highest thing in a man is not his god. It´s that in him which knows the reverence due a god. (Ayn Rand) (We the Living) [23814]