Philogen 52.66 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
„Gesetze schinden die Armen, und die Reichen beherrschen die Gesetze. (Oliver Goldsmith)“ [53356]
My Mother is the principle of consciousness. She is Akhanda Satchidananda; indivisible Reality, Awareness, and Bliss. The night sky between the stars is perfectly black. The waters of the ocean depths are the same; The infinite is always mysteriously dark. This inebriating darkness is my beloved Kali. (Sri Ramakrishna) [44781]
Besondere Menschen erkennt man nicht, man fühlt sie. / You do not recognize special people, you feel them. (Buddha) /
Nora Dunkelbunt: Ich finde den Spruch gar nicht so passend … wer sagt denn was besondere Menschen sind 😀 / Das ist wie mit dem Geschmack oder nicht. Jeder hat für sich da eine ganz eigene Definition bzw eine andere Anziehung, .btw aber ich weiss
was du damit ausdrücken wolltest. ^^ /Null-Ahnung
Len San: Buddha sagt wir haben alle die innerste Natur des Geistes, die Buddhanatur, sie ist nur verborgen aufgrund unserer Verblendung. Jetzt die 1 Million-Frage: was ist daran besonders oder besonderererer wie andere?
Simone Sperber Len San für jeden ist etwas oder jemand anders besonders….die Besonderheit liegt im Gefühl in einem selbst was man fühlt……und wenn man dieses besondere Gefühl in einem anderen Menschen erkennen und sogar fühlen kann…. frag Buddha!
Ingmar Veeck: Der Spruch stimmt…und ist gut und passend.
Alle Knoten der Unwissenheit werden durch die Gnade des Gurus in einem Augenblick gelöst. (Ramakrishna) [50142]
Those who do not lose their base endure… (Lao Tzu) (Tao Te Ching) [49815]
Actually human life is meant for spiritual values but people have forgotten life´s real purpose. (Srila Prabhupada) [49734]
Ohne Phantasie keine Güte, keine Weisheit. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) [49397]
The secret of Happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom, Courage. (Thucydides) (460 BC – 395 BC) [46104]
Einsamkeit ist eine Form der Freiheit. / Solitude is a form of freedom. (Umberto Eco) [43971]
Aron Elias an The Dialectic Table: If Jesus came back in human format, the authorities would class him/her as a terrorist for disagreeing with the corrupt rulers.
Pelle Storck: I hear he was with the people who fled Guatemala and was stopped at the US border.
Paul Kets: Great response! -??
Ingmar Veeck: 1.2.2019: Genius.
Paul Kets: Don´t worry… chances are he never existed in the first place, and if he did he was no god. You might as well ask yourself what if spyderman moves to Kansas backcountry… (hint – no buildings)
Mi Co: Or as mentally ill.
Stefan Ramlogan: technically that is what happened to Him.
James de Taylor: He might not be called a „terrorist“ but he would undoubtedly be demonized or marginalized one way or another by the government, the corporate world, and the organized religions, the ways of which are directly opposed to his teachings, and to enlightenment in general. The egoic mind of the average person is also in opposition, even among the religious believers.
Joaquim Fernandes: But still HE will say that MY kingdom is not of earthly.
Ingmar Veeck: 1.2.2019: This conflicts with Hinduism…H.P. Blavatsky merged Krishna and Christ into Christna…and the new old trend is to say they were the same.
Jake de Witte: If jesus came back the CIA would be on his ass for being a religious extremist and communist.
Travis Berthold: Or a madman!
Aron Elias: Unfortunately , those that killed the heroes, wrote and edited history, for the old, new world order? ??
Don´t listen to me, I am insane telling the truth.
Jake Martin: You are indeed insane. I suggest you research yeshua ben yosef and stop using the western name found in the fables of st paul/all others who wrote on the subject.
Jake Martin: It´s rather distracting from yeshuas jewish nature.
Aron Elias: The 4 Gospels out of 52 that were published, were written between a 100 to 400 years AD. Shalom.
Aron Elias: Those who can hear, listen. (Don´t worry, I don´t think that I am the one, we are many, if we only believed in the organic pure truth.)
Aron Elias: It´s free, the all mighty universe doesn´t give a shit what you do, just that you don´t carry any heavy burdens, gotta let all that shit go before, to be Light enough to reach the Stars.
Charles Brown: They would just lock him up in the Looney bin for claiming to be the „Son of God“!
Lester Cadalso: he is working the system right now, tax free religion.
Aron Elias: Listen baby, I am not the Son of God fool!
My father has many children. Fuck me, this world is insanely ignorant, of course ´´m absolutely insane, to tolerate all this shit LMAOL…
Aron Elias: The system wants to fuck you side ways, and turn you in to a sorry ass scared little dick bitch, the rulers of the material world are dominatrix control freaks, drowning your minds in trivial bullshit, to separate you from your higher selves.
Aron Elias: …But I do care for the future of humanity.
Aron Elias The Sun, the saviour, will come back as a thief!____