Raio & sophie sôfrēē – Adi Shakti
40.066 Aufrufe 07.09.2021
Literally translated as the „First Power,“ the Adi Shakti mantra honors the feminine force of creation. Raio and sophie sôfrēē offer their beautiful interpretation of this mantra supported by Raio’s deeply refined production and instrumentation. It is a journey across dusky landscapes, featuring native flute, kamel’ngoni, handpan, deep percussion, and a touch of african blues guitar.
This mantra is used to tune us into the frequency of the Divine Mother, and to the primal, protective, generating energy of the universe. It is said that chanting it eliminates fears and increases confidence, personal power, security, and abundance. It is also sung on the 120th day after pregnancy, traditionally honored as the day the soul enters the body.
Raio and Sophie Sofree are delighted to release this track during the 6th month of their pregnancy, in the moon of their marriage. It’s also their first release together celebrating their love of mantra and has been co-created out of love.
We welcome you through this gateway into the nurturing power of the Divine Feminine.“