Infinity Expression: 23.10.2019: Let us not forget the soul catching net…your gita does not talk about these things..and if the consciousness were unified and not splitted up there would be no chemtrails…be sure. A – divine only – consciousness never creates pathogenic or ecocidal situations…that is a contradictio in adjecto.. NEVER!
„Reincarnation: WHO is it that Travels? Atma? Jiva? Subtle body?“
„16.553 Aufrufe•23.08.2017
Arsha Bodha Center – Swami Tadatmananda
20.100 Abonnenten
Atma, the eternal consciousness which is your true nature, and soul – sukshma sharira – are often confused with each other. This presentation employs the traditional sun/bucket metaphor to make the difference between these two easily understood.
Swami Tadatmananda is a traditionally-trained teacher of Advaita Vedanta, meditation, and Sanskrit. For more information, please see:“
„We can restate this with familiar Sanskrit terms and say,
there is but one paramatma, one supreme or universal consciousness, whereas there are many jivatmas, many
individual conscious beings. Notice that it’s the presence of water in each bucket that allows it to reflect the
sun. In the same way, it’s the presence of your sukshma sharira that allows you to enjoy sentiency
and experience the world around you. (Swami Tadatmananda)(2017)
As long as your sukshma sharira continues to dwell in your physical body,
you’ll continue to experience the world.
And when your sukshma sharira leaves your physical body,
your experience of this life will come to an end.
Now, to understand reincarnation a little better, we can extend this metaphor.
Suppose one of the buckets is 85 years old.
The wood is rotting and several leaks have been already been plugged up
so that the bucket can´t continue to hold water.
That’s like doctors plugging up the leaks in our bodies, so to speak,
using various medical procedures to keep us alive.
Eventually, the old bucket will leak so badly
that it’s impossible to prevent the water from draining out.
This, obviously, represents death.
When a bucket is empty, it no longer reflects the sun.
There’s just an empty bucket.
In the same way, when the sukshma sharira leaves a physical body,
the reflection or manifestation of consciousness comes to an end,
and the body no longer enjoys sentiency.
There’s just a dead body.
Now, it’s time for a riddle, like a zen koan.
Does the sun shine on an empty bucket?
The answer, of course, is yes.
The sun shines on an empty bucket, but the sun is no longer reflected by it.
So, if we ask, is the one, all-pervasive consciousness known as atma present in a dead body?,
the answer, most certainly, is yes.
Consciousness is all pervasive.
How can you keep it out of a dead body?
But even though it’s present in a dead body, consciousness is no longer manifest or reflected there,
due to the absence of the sukshma sharira.
Now, we can extend this metaphor even further.
Suppose the water that leaked out of the 85 year old bucket
is collected and poured into a new bucket, a tiny little baby bucket.
Then, we’ll see a new reflection of the sun in the baby bucket.
I suppose this represents the birth of a sun, if you’ll forgive the pun.
When you see that one reflected sun has disappeared from the old bucket,
and a new reflected sun has appeared in the baby bucket,
you might wrongly assume that the sun has traveled from the old bucket to the new bucket,
when it’s actually the water that has traveled.
In the same way, many people wrongly assume that atma travels from one body to the next,
when it’s actually the sukshma sharira that travels.
In addition to the traditional metaphor we just used,
there’s a clever modern metaphor that you might find helpful.
Your desktop computer has hardware and software.
And so do you.
The computer’s hardware represents your sthula sharira, your physical body,
and the computer’s software represents your sukshma sharira.
If you look inside your computer, you’ll see the power supply unit in a corner.
In this metaphor, that power supply represents your heart.
You’ll also see a tangle of assorted wires that represent your veins, arteries, and nerves.
And you’ll find the main CPU chip hidden beneath its cooling fins.
Obviously, the CPU chip represents your brain.
Inside the computer chassis, you’ll also find the hard disk,
the memory unit that contains all your computer’s software.
That hard disk weighs about a pound
and might be able to store 20 gigabytes of software in its memory.
Now, if you were to completely erase all the software from that hard disk,
would it weigh less?
And if you were to store more software on that hard disk,
filling it up to its 20 gigabyte capacity, would it weigh more?
This metaphor accurately describes the distinction between sthula and sukshma,
physical and non-physical.
The hard disk is physical hardware like any part of your physical body.
But the software is not physical, it is subtle, like your sukshma sharira.
Without any software, your computer would be useless.
It’s the presence and function of software that makes your computer a powerful, intelligent device.
In the same way, it’s the presence and function of your sukshma sharira
that makes you powerful and intelligent.
Suppose your computer has been working fine, but when you try turn it on today, nothing happens;
the screen remains dark.
You hit control-alt-delete, or whatever, and try to reboot it, but nothing happens.
What’s the problem?
If your computer isn’t plugged into an electrical outlet, how can it work?
In this metaphor, electricity represents atma, the one, all-pervasive consciousness,
like the sun did in the previous example.
It is electricity that makes each computer work,
and it is the one, all-pervasive consciousness, atma, that makes all living beings sentient.
If many computers are plugged into the same power source,
it’s actually the same electricity flowing into each of the computers.
In the same way, it’s the same all-pervasive atma shining within each of us,
illumining our minds, revealing our thoughts, emotions, and memories, and enabling us to experience the world.
Now, we can extend this metaphor to explain reincarnation,
like we extended the bucket metaphor.
When you buy a brand new computer, what’s the first thing you do with your old computer?
You download all the software files from your old computer,
and then you upload them to your new computer.
Computer geeks call this software migration;
we could call it transmigration.
Just like software can be transferred or migrated from an old computer to a new one,
the sukshma sharira travels from a dead body to a new one.
To complete this metaphor,
suppose you erased all the software from your old computer.
Then, even when it’s plugged into an electrical outlet and switched on,
nothing will happen.
The computer will be dead, so to speak.
In the same way, even though the one, all-pervasive consciousness continues to pervade a dead body,
that body will be lifeless in the absence of a sukshma sharira. (Swami Tadatmananda)(2017)
Now, we come to the final part of this presentation.
Wood eventually rots and water seeps out of old buckets.
That’s the way nature works.
Computers eventually grow old.
They get outdated and become incompatible with newer generations of software.
So an old computer must be retired just like an old bucket.
All this refers to the fact that our bodies are constantly aging
and will eventually be unable to hold on to a sukshma sharira.
We know that our sukshma shariras will travel on to inhabit new bodies,
but we also know that at the time of death, we lose everything.
We lose our loved ones, our possessions, the activities we enjoy, everything.
It seems like a terrible loss awaits us all at the end of our lives.
But, with the help of Vedanta, we can discover that we truly lose nothing at the time of death.
How is that possible?
Let’s return to the bucket metaphor.
When all the water leaks out of an old bucket, it stops reflecting the sun, and this represents death.
But, how is the sun affected by that?
Not at all.
The sun just goes on shining as the bucket decays, as it leaks, when it’s empty,
and when its water is poured into a new baby bucket.
The sun remains unchanged throughout.
As we saw before, the sun represents the one, all-pervasive consciousness, atma.
And, that atma is you.
With the help of the teachings of Vedanta, you can discover that you are that very consciousness.
You posses a physical body, but you’re not that body.
You possess a sukshma sharira that inhabits your body, but you’re not that sukshma sharira either.
You are the consciousness that illumines your mind.
You are the consciousness that experiences all your thoughts, memories, and emotions.
You are sat cit ananda.
You are cit, consciousness.
And that consciousness is sat, real.
What is truly real is unborn, unchanging, and eternal.
That means, you are eternal, unchanging consciousness.
And that eternal consciousness is ananda,
it is full, complete, perfect, limitless.
These teachings are amongst the greatest discoveries of the ancient rishis.
Unfortunately, due to ignorance, we usually identify ourselves with our bodies and minds,
more specifically, with our sthula and sukshma shariras.
And this erroneous identification turns out to be the root of all suffering.
The teachings of Vedanta demonstrate this clearly.
Fortunately, we can put an end to suffering by destroying that false identification.
We can use the teachings of Vedanta as a guide to look within ourselves,
in a process of self-inquiry.
And, that process of self-inquiry can lead to a personal, direct discovery of what the ancient rishis discovered.
That discovery is moksha, freedom, liberation.
Moksha is not merely freedom from rebirth.
Moksha is also freedom from ignorance,
freedom from false identification,
and freedom from the suffering caused by our ignorance and false identification. (Swami Tadatmananda)(2017)“
Om Shanti.
vor 6 Monaten
Such a SUPERB video, Swamiji! As a physician, my comment is that brain cells are just vehicles (vaahanas) for
memory and other brain functions. A stroke in the left parietal lobe deprives us of speech. But the patient can
learn other ways to communicate; the thoughts and ideas are not destroyed. Many scientists want to limit
consciousness to just brain activity whereas brain activity is just an electrical activity that reflects what
consciousness is doing.
I too have been very concerned about what „Aathma“ really means and this is probably the finest presentation on the
subject that I have ever seen! This is a poem I wrote over 20 years ago on this subject:
The seeker and the Sought
We see, but who is the seer?
We dance, but who is the dancer?
We think, but who is the thinker?
Greater, grander, and mightier,
Than the seer, thinker or dancer,
Is the Self, the Spirit, the Consciousness
Still, silent, deep, yet suffused
With light, beauty and wonder.
Seek thou this light, this Source.
To seek, however, is not to find.
For It finds you, and you do not find It.
As you dwell in peace, at rest,
With the trust that It is not far
Indeed a hairsbreadth away,
It overcomes, overpowers and enlightens.
With the power of a million candles
It burns away our ignorance, our ego,
Our craving, unrest and turmoil.
To infuse joy, restfulness, and peace.
With it comes wisdom, love, and understanding.
Centered, we are then, to dwell forever,
In That, the elusive goal
The final frontier.
Raja Bhat
October 20, 1996
Category Archives: Mystik/Mythologie
MYSTICA.TV: Wolf-Dieter Storl – Die Birke
„MYSTICA.TV: Wolf-Dieter Storl – Die Birke“
„88.300 Aufrufe•21.09.2014
MYSTICA Redaktion
48.600 Abonnenten
Einmal mehr zeigt uns der Ethnobotaniker und Kulturanthropologe Dr. Wolf-Dieter Storl, wie viel Sagen und Geschichten mit unseren Bäumen verwoben sind. Die Birke ist der erste Baum im keltischen Jahreskreis und steht für Neuanfang und Reinheit. Birgit hieß die Göttin in ihrer Frühlingsgestalt. Auch die indische Sarasvati ist eine Birkengöttin. Dort gilt die Birke auch als der Baum der Dichter. Angeblich wurden die indischen Veden zunächst auf Birkenrinden geschrieben.“
„(Birke) Das ist also für uns der erste Baum, der heiligste baum, für die Kelten, der heiligste Baum, der Baum der Göttin des Frühlings und des neuen Lichtes, ihr Fest wurde ja dann umgewandelt von den Christen zu Maria Lichtfest und Maria Lichtfest das bedeutet Marias Reinigung
40 Tage nach der Geburt, der Baum bedeutet auch Reinigung und Marias
Reinigung und das neue Licht… und das ist die Birke, also jeder Baum ist voller Märchen, Geschichten und Sagen, da könnte man sich einfach hier hinsetzen und Jahrelang einfach diesen Baum meditieren und das ganze Universum würde sich einem offenbaren. Leider, in unserer Gesellschaft, wenn das jemand macht, würde er wahrscheinlich fort geholt …aber in Indien habe ich Menschen gekannt, ein alten, der saß schon 18 Jahre unter
einem Baum, der war eins mit dem Baum geworden, sein Ätherleib verschmolz
mit dem Ätherleib des Baumes, er saß glücklich unter dem Baum und er hat
mich dann hergelockt und ich ging hin, hat nur gelächelt, ich habe ihm Geld gegeben…das fiel ihm aus der Hand, kam ein kleiner Junge und er sagte: Oh, dieser Baba weiß überhaupt nichts mehr über Geld, der war wirklich eins mit dem Baum geworden. 18 Jahre lang hat er unter dem Baum
gesessen und nur ab und zu ging er in den Ganges um sich zu baden.“
Was bringt uns in den "Flow"?
„Was bringt uns in den „Flow“?“
„Wolf-Dieter Storl
24.900 Abonnenten
Die Welt jenseits der sichtbaren, materiellen Welt sind zwar immer da, aber wir sind meistens zu beschäftigt, um sie wahrzunehmen. Wenn wir jedoch ganz im Hier und Jetzt sind, offen präsent, dann zeigt sie sich unvermittelt. Das Hineingehen in der Natur nährt die Seele und hat heilende Wirkung.“
Infinity Expression: 7.10.2019: Guter Vortrag, aber das bringt und ja auch wieder in die Maschine…und die Maschinenpartikel haben ja nun die Umwelt nahezu komplett infiltriert, nach 20-jährigen Nonstop-Besprühungen der Natur mit Smart Dust. Die Archontifizierung der Naturwelt.
Der megatechnische Pharao
„#JochenKirchhoff #Philosophie #megatechnik
Der megatechnische Pharao
7.186 Aufrufe•25.06.2018
Jochen Kirchhoff
5070 Abonnenten
Der Megatechnische Pharao … Elemente und Ursprünge, Weichensteller sowie Folgen des abstraktionistischen Weltzugangs. Gedanken zu Mumfords Vorstellung von der Megamaschine sowie die Frage nach dem Plan und dem Gegenplan. Philosophische Gespräche mit Jochen Kirchhoff / Episode 16.
Louis Mumford, „Der Mythos der Maschine“
Reincarnation Presentation featuring John Van Auken from A.R.E. in Va. Beach
„Reincarnation Presentation featuring John Van Auken from A.R.E. in Va. Beach“
Infinity Expression: 25.9.2019: Kundalini is triggered….and obviously one can label this as a YES!
„So we are part of the morning stars, that soul group that came into physicality form and the three-dimensional world, here’s the quote from Job: „The morning stars sang together and all the children of God shouted for joy at the coming of humanity.“ So celestial beings descend out of non-material existence, celestial life into matter, at the time it looked pretty interesting to us, I don’t know how you feel about it now, but then we thought it looked pretty coo. We are really from Cayces perspective star travelers and here’s a beautiful reading on this: „As an
entity passes on from this present time or this solar system, this Sun, these forces, it passes through the various spheres on and on through the eons of time and space, leading first into the carnal forces or the central force, known as Arcturus, near the Pleiades, that’s a Stargate Edgar had stargates long before the TV show or the movie. Eventually an entity passes into the
inner forces inner sense then they may again after a period of nearly ten thousand years there’s really no time to an immortal soul enter into the earth to make manifest those forces gained in
this passage do so do you see how the earth is a place to prove what you’ve learned or you feel you know, here you can manifest it, oh you think you’re that way we can set up a
situation in which you can prove it to yourself and to the rest of us, it’s called Earth, in entering the entity takes on those forms that may be known in the dimensions of that plane which it
occupies there being only not only three dimensions as of the earth but there may be seven as in Mercury now he’s talking about the dimension of mercury not the little planet the little planet is a three-dimensional representation of fourth-fifth dimensional realms of activity, seven dimensions to which or four and Venus or five in Jupiter, there may be only one is in Mars there may be many more as in those of Neptune or they may become even as nil until purified in Saturn’s fires.“
„Soul Life: It´s all about Soul Growth: The irritants that come and go in our lives are in fact opportunities to create pearls for eternity.“
„Life on Soul growth, that I think you want to know the pearl, how does the oyster make that beautiful thing by an irritant, going way way back to the ancient Egyptians who used the dung beetle as an example for resurrection and life renewal they knew dung was going to happen but the dung beetle rolls its dung towards the light The Morning Sun plants a seed in it and by high noon that is smoking hot and that seed bursts forth with new life. Depth psychologist will tell you in the biggest challenges in the biggest weaknesses in you come your potential for your greatest strengths. The Pearl proves that, that which is an irritant and the irritants that come and go in our lives, sometimes they’re within us, they are attitudes, they are patterns that we have to wrestle with sometimes there’s people that we have to share life with circumstances situations they’re actually in fact opportunities to create pearls for eternity by working around that irritant, working in gauging that situation and trying to make the most of it the best of it and that produces pearls for eternity, this is where incarnate life is filled with opportunities for soul growth.“
„There was the Lord. Edgar teaches the same thing, Jesus that teaches the same thing, even the psalm says: be still and know that I am God. In that stillness, in that going in you make the connection to the source of your life, so a lot of dynamics of quiet time, reflection, meditation, pausing for intuition, inner listening, these things tap into another resource for you to use in growing and making applicable, wiser decisions when dealing with other people, that pause, that inter mission from physicality, we always think you know doing you know got to be doing something well doing is important up in doing but if you don’t come back and go within you can just keep doing to you burn out completely or we suck you dry like a fall leaf and
leave you by the side of the road, we will take everything you can give, you got to go back and renew yourself, reconnect, recenter and reflect on on the application of your use of doing
in activity out here, so you have to balance these two in your life in her work without outer service and activity.“
Kundalini Yoga — as Envisioned by the Ancient Yogis
„Kundalini Yoga — as Envisioned by the Ancient Yogis“
„Arsha Bodha Center – Swami Tadatmananda
Am 06.06.2018 veröffentlicht
Feature-length film explores kundalini yoga’s origins and documents the practice of a traditionally-trained Hindu monk who attempts to „follow in the footsteps“ of the ancient yogis. Written and produced by Swami Tadatmananda, a Sanskrit scholar, meditation practitioner“
The Past Lives of Jesus with Patrick Belisle
„Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.
Am 30.07.2019 veröffentlicht
According to famed psychic Edgar Cayce, Jesus was a culminating life, expressing Christ Consciousness, after many incarnations here on earth, including Adam, the first man as depicted in the Garden of Eden.
In all, Cayce’s psychic readings reveal 33 lives of the master. Patrick Belisle discusses the incarnations of the master soul with highlights from some of the most memorable of these lives, revealing the soul growth and process of Jesus‘ purpose here on earth. A fascinating and intriguing look at how reincarnation works and the pattern we all would do well to follow.
Learn more about Edgar Cayce and the nonprofit organization that he founded in 1931 at
Soziales Engagement“
Spiritual Dragons…
Spiritual Dragons…
„Can Dragons Be Spirit Guides?
I’ve always loved dragons, I’ve gotten numerous requests to write about dragons, and personally I have a dragon as one of my power animals.
But dragons and angels? It never really seemed to be a good fit to write about dragons here… So I was a bit surprised, but definitely excited today when I asked the angels what they wanted me to write about, and they said “Spiritual Dragons”!
Now that I’m committed to sharing what I know about dragons (because I’m committed to following the guidance of my angels), it totally makes sense. Dragons are not confined to the realms of stories and myth like some people may think. Dragons really exist, although they do so in spirit and not in physical form.
Dragons did in ancient times walk upon the Earth (and other planets) as physical beings… But they ascended beyond the need for physical bodies. As a quick side note here, not all of the dragons ascended. Some did descend into lower vibrational realms of existence (yes there are some planets with even denser vibrations than Earth). But for our purposes, we have no need to connect with the lower vibrational dragons. And so as loose definition in talking about “Spiritual Dragons”, we’re talking about the dragons who through living in light and love, have ascended into the realms of spirit.
The Ascended Dragons are powerful spiritual guides and teachers. I guess you could say that Spiritual Dragons are the ascended masters of the mythical power animals. There are of course more in this category, like the Unicorns for instance… From my experience, ‘Mythical Power Animals‘ are a group of souls who stand in the light, serve the Divine, and seek to empower humanity in understanding spiritual wisdom, magic, and the infinite possibility available to us now.
Dragons do just this, and they’re stepping forward now to help more and more lightworkers to accomplish their purpose. Dragons are magical spiritual beings, who seek to empower humanity physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. By helping us to see through illusion, the Spiritual Dragons know we are able to return to understanding and embracing our I Am Presence, and experiencing our full connection and oneness with the Divine and with all of existence.
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Dragons are effective and powerful spiritual protectors as well as teachers and healers. They are masters of the Earth elements, and through this they can help us to heal ourselves and others, understand Earth magic, remember the ancient mysteries, and to see through the illusions present in our modern lives.
When you think of Dragons do you get the visual of a fire breathing Dragon? The Dragon’s fire is a sacred spiritual tool which can serve to transmute negativity, and to ignite the alchemical fire within you. The Dragon’s fire has the ability to burn through the veil of illusion, and to transmute fear, and density to reveal the underlying light and truth.
Illusion is often all that blocks us from creating blessings in our individual and collective experience, and with the Spiritual Dragons as allies, we can learn to see past illusion to reclaim our full power as spiritual beings here to create positive change in the physical.
The Spiritual Dragons are happy to help all those who call upon them with pure intentions, and while they’re incredibly powerful, they’re big on empowering you to take responsibility. They’ll also give you little tests to see if you’ve learned the pre-requisites before helping to open you to a new level.
Do you have a dragon on your spiritual team? If so, they’re more than happy to share insight, wisdom and healing with you to empower you to grow spiritually, to make positive choices to improve your life, and to accomplish your purpose as a lightworker and spiritual being here on Earth.
Not sure if you have a Dragon guide? In the recent How to Receive Angelic Guidance Angel Course you will learn a simple process to tune into your team of guides and angels.
Click Here to learn more about this course!
With many blessings of love, light and gratitude,
PS. Do you have a Spiritual Dragon on your team? Was this article interesting? I love hearing from you… Be sure to leave me a comment below or on facebook and let me know!
The 33 Best Essential Oils for Dreaming
Lance says June 25, 2019
I have been fascinated by dragons my whole life...i liked the dragon. I have just recently delved into the 90% of what we haven’t been told, as well as starting to meditate. I recently got another dragon, this time the Kundalini one. I am mesmerized by this site.
Sbeijkie says September 20, 2018
I was working on my daily clearing of energies and healing negativity and blockages etc. when I suddenly got a vision of a dragon in flames, it was purifying itself with its own fire. I couldn’t help but think it was connected to me, or maybe be part of me (a vision of the scorpio rising from the ashes came to mind too, as that is my zodiac sign this lifetime). However the case, it feels like something I should connect more to. Reading this article made me think that even more. Thank you.
Isobel says August 15, 2018
I was told by a bio-energy healer lady I attend that I have a gold dragon around me and to name him if I liked, this popped into my head during meditation and the name Cedrick came to me, fascinating stuff
Tina Overton says July 3, 2018
Not feeling well, I cancelled all of my appointments for today and decided to go back to bed……I then had a dream in which there was a dragon (with male anatomy) sharing my bed with me – this male anatomy kept pressing against me ...I was aware of an exceptionally bright light coming into my dream, from the top left hand side……..I did not feel scared…..the dream dragon than looked at me and said….so you’re not scared of me…..and I replied…no, I’m not scared of you…..the face of it was somehow familiar but I can’t say how or why………... I am by the way, someone who carries out energetic healing via a variety of healing methods.
spiritrunner says September 26, 2018
by my experience Dragons have pretty unique personalities and tendencies. They are as individual in their attitudes and the ways they present themselves as people are. So, unfortunately the best advice might be to first contemplate what it felt like this might mean through some personal reflection. One thing that is apparent among dragons is that the things they do might be strange or unconventional at times, but it isn’t really ever without a purpose or goal. Maybe to give a start or a bit of shock to make a message memorable. Or to bring attention to a particular set of thoughts or questions. Or to a personal challenge or fear. Or maybe something as simple as for an impish laugh through a bit of mischief.
Explore how the dragon’s presence and.. err… presentation made you feel. How was it familiar? Did it begin with surprise/fear, or were you comfortable with the event right from the start? Did it come across as something meant to be more symbolic, such as revealing himself to you in full, with nothing hidden… Or was it more like a flirtatious/provocative introduction?
I wouldn’t narrow out the latter off hand either. Dragons often have an appreciation for intimate encounters, to the point where one could presume to think it was their equivalent of handshake! Or at least as a way to pass the time, akin to passing an afternoon playing cards.
In the end, the best way to puzzle this out may be to simply reach out and ask the dragon directly what the encounter was about with a direct question or two.
kelvin says May 22, 2018
good day melanie;in our church a member brought a testimony of a young men behind the drummers that she saw a dragon in front of him and it was duck we he sit.. can you give me more clarity on this thanks…
Simon Bentzen says May 16, 2018
I have a spiritual dragon. Since my Zodiac sign is Pisces, I have always felt that I have a water dragon spirit guide (often the element of your zodiac sign is similar to the element of your spirit dragon, at least I have learned so).
I was diagnoses with Paranoid Scizophrenia two years ago. When I was most ill, I hallucinated. My hallucinations were dragons in all shapes, sizes, colours, and each dragon had an individual persononality (that was at least How I experienced it). I was affraid when I First saw a dragon. Over time I got used to their presence. I have learned that the dragons wanted to teach
me, guide me, and give me wisdom.
Jesse says May 9, 2018
Love the article. Been doing a lot of digging into this topic, as I’ve had a couple “visits” of a dark purple dragon. I saw him initially during some bathtub meditations and later speaking one of my higher selves. Also while gridding my property during a meditation, after it was glowing i saw a green wingless dragon kinda roll over and give me a lazy cat nap look.
Always open to tips, as there is not much on this topic.
Love and light 😁 jesse
Nick says April 13, 2018
Hi Melanie! I’m currenrly doing a Reiki class and spent most of the day rigorously questioning the class, grappling to learn. Dainty images of angels and white Jesus just weren’t clicking with me. Tonight on my own after class an intense fire descended upon me, my hands absolutely burning. I asked my pendulum if it was a dragon from the third heaven and it swinged intensely as “yes”… i came upon this webpage and felt an emotional stir and got teary eyed as I read it – all the words and meanings just fit i to place with all of my passions that have been developing. So thank you for your post and insights! I’m excited to see what this fiery angel journey has to teach!! 😮
Phillip says April 3, 2018
Hello, the last few years I have experienced an awakening to higher consciousness , and recently when I am experiencing energy healing sessions I am noticing in my back there appears to be what looks and “feels” like dragon angelic wings , can you explain this phenomena, please
Lorraine says March 30, 2018
I’ve recently met my dragon, named Phineas, which means Oracle in Hebrew.He’s beautiful with iridescent colors of blues, greens and purples. He is fiercely protective, and I feel one of his purposes is to help me find confidence. I’ve never had an angel like him – his presence is very strong – he gives me evidence of him being with me all the time. Thank you for your info, it was perfect timing. But isn’t that what spirit does for us? In loving spirit, Lorraine
Noirox says June 23, 2017
I had a spontaneous kinda link awakening this last January and saw, what looked like a few dragons at once. Although, most likely not most would imagine. They weren’t solid. . It was like I could see their outline and their teeth. Idk.
Anyways, email please if you have anymore information. You seem legit.
Disiane Zan says June 21, 2017
Recently I’ve done a meditation to meet my spiritual guides and through it I did found out that one of them is a Water Dragon called River. Also found out that he looks just like my first channeling drawing I’ve done few month ago. Once I realised what was going on I cried hard. Such an intense feeling, body was somewhere in space feeling like it was cut in half. Quite hard to explain the sensation. Since then I stated to research more about dragons and that why I bumped into this article!
Thank you
Linda Seymour says June 3, 2017
Have always been fascinated with Dragons and recently Dragon has come into my life for purpose…messages from Dragon to get my attention! One was an awesome photo I captured in the clouds…
It was clear to me to find out why, Your message of the Dragon stirred my heart with truth, as I’ve been a Lightworker for many Moons, as well as a Healer…
Thank you for the information, I am honored to have the guidance and energy the Dragon has bestowed on me…
Love and Light
Linda Seymour
Sharon Holland says April 24, 2017
I loved the article. I do have a Dragon guide, but was hesitant in the past. Same conflict, how do Dragons and Angels go together? I had recently began to come to terms with it. This week I have seen a second inner dragon. I am doing my best to honor his presence in my life. I verry much appreciate your article. Thank you
Alyssa says April 20, 2017
I am so glad I came across this site, one that finally allows others to comment and share to experiences. Born from a long line of shamanic healers, I was a gifted child, but evil forces have always plagued me trying to stop my light and I became shared and refused my spirituality for logic and reason…of course becoming lost and experiencing a dark knight of my soul for 10+ years. About 5 months ago I began reawakening to my higher self and unraveling from the darkness, no longer afraid of the evil that may lie ahead though I sensed it, I felt stronger than it. I was no longer a child, it could no longer send demons and gouls to scare me in the night. Yet I still was lost and obsessively trying to find who I was as I reawakened, looking externally vs. outside of myself. Until my dream one night, which I know now wasn’t a dream.
I woke up out of body, hovering over my bed. I could still see myself and husband lying beneath me and my room in tact. Cloaked beings pulled and scratched at my spiritual body trying to pull me with them (as they always have), but I was amendment that I was not going with them. Next thing I saw was a shield and sword in my hand and outnumbered I fought these beings as well as I could off of me. Below I saw my body convulsing in bed, rolling around and smashing side to side as my physical eyes rolled in the back of my head. Though I was able to attack many of my assailants, the sheer numbers of them were far too hard to fight off and I knew from viewing my physical body below me – that it would struggle to survive such attack. Out of nowhere an enormous serpentine style, two headed dragon rose up behind my attackers and blew a circle of fire around my attackers, as well as at them while they were enclosed. I looked in utter shock as I watched my attackers be executed by the fire breathing dragon and wanted to thank him for his servitude, but instead the dragon slammed me back into my body to get out of it’s way and get back to safety & I felt that slam as it was an extremely intense feeling that nearly caused me to jump right out of my bed, gasping for air. Prior to this during my time period of ignoring all spirituality and mysticism, I thought dragons were simply a cheesy myth , the brain child of fantasy novels. I never experienced one in my life, nor was I drawn to them in any way ever. I would’ve chalked this all up to a dream with logic and reason, but the thing was – my body was indeed damaged. I was an agonizing pain and could not move my neck, shoulders or arms. It literally felt as if I were beat to a pulp and almost as if my upper body was near paralyzed. The damage was so bad that all I could do was lie in bed unable to move, bed ridden, for the next two weeks. Clearly an accident had happened that night and it wasn’t just something I imagined.
I know with absolute certainty that I am a lightworker and owe a great debt to the dragon who protected me that night from the evil who was angered by my choice to step once more in the light. I now know my fallacy of thinking dragons were some cheesy mythical creature and am grateful to now know far better now & to have been protected regardless of what I previously believe. This has been a new, deep, spiritual chapter in my life that I have only began to take the first baby steps of embarking on, but I will forever pay homage to the great dragons of wisdom and protection and I look forward to meditating and further developing on my life path with them by my side.
Jinlong says March 29, 2017
What if your spirit is a spiritual dragon itself?
Rocky R Marak says March 25, 2017
I don’t know why I’m writing this but I want to share issue regarding this spirit dragon. ……I began to see this dragon at the age of 22 since den its not getting apart from my eyes……special at night I can see him cleary with golden colour body golden colour scale….its beautiful to watch him…….. all I want to is that why he came to my life as a living spitit in my eyes………..
Jan Fowler says March 22, 2017
Recently, in. meditation, a Dragon Spirit came to me with so much love. Tears flowedmfrom my face as if I was meeting a dear one after too much time apart. I know why you wrote this article….now I am learning about them….Any incite into my particular experience? Lovingly….jan
Marie says February 27, 2017
Thank you for all your information!
I have recently awoken to my spiritual gifts including claircognizance which has led me to find a spiritual mentor that practices shamanic journeying. Through her guidance I have learned how to journey safely myself and connect with my spirit team! One day my mentor suggested I journey to meet my spirit helper who can help me decipher the messages I receive in my dreams. I rode my pegasus right into a dragon den and met my first spiritual dragon! (And he tested me!) The most interesting part was that I had a dream where I was looking at an iridescent crystal several days before so synchronicity had me buy a Labradorite before the journey. In the journey I learned the dragon had planted that dream in my subconscious and the crystal was one of his scales ??!
I love this new world! Thank you for spreading love and light!!!
Mariah Ennis says February 13, 2017
So I have been seeing dragons everywhere since the start of the new year. But not in TV it in dreams, but a rock will look like a dragons head, or a pile of clothes will be shaped like a sleeping dragon. But EVERYWHERE. In snow mounds, in clouds. I want to invite my dragon to my dreams. But I wish I knew how.
Shadow says March 18, 2018
Your learning to see. These dragons are playing a game of hide and seek with you. They are predators, after all.
Patricia says January 24, 2017
Thank You For All your
massages I Listen to your Angel Medatation tape it was my Frist Time It was awesome
indigodragon009 says January 3, 2017
I have always been obsessed with dragons, my bedroom is full of them and I started meditation about 4 years ago. Near to the end of 2016, I was using a specific meditation track where I visit a specific calming room when a baby black dragon with a oily blue and purple chest appeared on a Roman style display pillar. This dragon pops up every time now however I always ask for its name but it never tells me…
Dragon says September 20, 2017
Instead of asking for a name, ask for what you can call it. Some creatures do not share their real name with others, but will give you something to call them. Sometimes we can’t pronounce their names either.
Eldrasan says November 29, 2016
I have been a dragon in a past life.
Tasha says November 26, 2016
I’ve known of a coyote being in my life for about 6 years now, a lioness for 4, and recently… I’ve felt drawn to dragons. After looking them up, I felt the presence of one. And.. I’m certain I recognize his presence. As if he’s been here before. It’s wonderful.
Shadow says March 18, 2018
The jump from lions/lionesses to dragons isn’t uncommon. They have many similarities including deep respect for eachother.
Janira says November 21, 2016
Recently I had a very powerful lucid dream where I saved 2 baby dragons. The first started out as the image of a koi fish trapped in a vehicle and I could not stop myself from feeling it did not belong there so I went to the vehicle and reached in against the advice of some friends I was with in the dream who were also friends in the physical world. I began rubbing it’s head while thinking to myself it might take my hand off. It began rubbing against me like a puppy who was waiting to receive love I cuddled it in my arms and realized its form kept changing. I brought it into the woods and it sunk into a puddle in the earth. I later came back to check on it and it came out of a dark space under the roots of a tree and greeted me like we were friends. The other was a purple baby water dragon. I met it on a beach and immediately connected. I felt so much love for them both but this one was more playful. There were people trying to kill it and it got really sick and I did all that I could to save it and I ended up cleansing it with water. It was so willing to connect with me and I felt an unconditional and protective love for it as I released it back to the ocean. I looked up dragon dreams but can’t find anything related to baby dragons and saving and nurturing them. Any thoughts???
Andy says May 30, 2016
Dragons have always been around me for as long as I can remember do not doubt that they are a real
natasha says August 10, 2015
Thankyou for all your beautiful messages. This message has come in perfect timing. During my meditation just the other day a Dragon appeared. I have al ways felt a strong connection with Dragons even my children are aware of them. It was an amazing experience. Much love ❤
Lee says August 10, 2015
Lady Grey, my Carpathian Dragon. She is magnificent, powerful and has a sense of humour! I love her!
Denise says August 10, 2015
This is so coincidental! Recently, during meditation I had a dragon step forth to support me. She transforms my fear into power. I named her Esmeralda. I haven’t really worked with her much yet, but I have a feeling this blog is my sign to work with Esmeralda. Believe me, I never anticipated this. My meditations are great, but nothing otherworldly usually. Cool. Thanks so much for posting your knowledge on dragons! Thanks to your angels too!
David says August 10, 2015
Yes, I do have a Dragon Power Guide, I asked it’s name and it said, Sacred Fire!!
Lisa says August 10, 2015
Several years ago as I was awaking one morning, and still in in a state of being half asleep, I saw a tiny green dragon hovering near my face for only a second. I had never been into dragons before, so I was astonished to have this encounter! After that I kept seeing images of dragons everywhere . . . on people’s t-shirts, clouds that were PERFECT formations, etc. I haven’t seen one since, but I know my dragon is out there somewhere looking out for me. Thank you for this article, which is a nice confirmation, and I enjoyed reading the comments, too!
Annelie says March 15, 2015
Thank you Melanie for sharing info about dragons, very interesting and relieving that they also can be of help and enlightenment…you helped me to release the fear Ive had around dragons. Now I feel more comfortable around different images Ive had….THank you for all you do and give and share
roberta oelsligle says February 13, 2015
I meet my dragon and he said his name was ki ( what mean spirit of a water dragon) but that all. I would like to learn more about it, but can’t find much on it.
Fay Hébé says January 28, 2015
this is the first time that i come on this website, i stumbled on it randomly in a facebook group about dragons. i totally agree with this article – dragons are real and deserve the highest of respect. i have a dragon guide and a guardian, and feel grateful those two stick to me in my spiritual learnings. they have been very helpful so far, and i hope to honour them for the rest of this life on this Earth. and i have seen also a dragon in the cloud, on a cold winter afternoon – it was magnificent and a very powerful message of listening what they have to say, that they are really here to help us ^_^ thanks for sharing with us!
Paul Bearpark says November 16, 2014
Some 20 years ago I was visited by a Dragon whilst I was in mourning for my father who had just passed. I was sitting in the lounge room by my self & a large door opened on a blank wall & he stepped through. I was stunned & just sat there gaping at him. He was over 2 metres tall Black with a central crest of gold & large folded wings. He laughed at me & said I had to come with him through the door, I got up & went through the door into an infinitely long corridor lined with doorways. Beings of all shapes & sizes were going through the doorways & travelling between them. He said that I had much to do in this life if I expected to take my place in the way between the worlds & I had to stop mourning my father who was now much happier where he was & get on with my own life. He ushered me back through the same door & talked to me some more & then left. I went to bed & when I awoke in the morning I assumed that it had been a dream, however when I went into the lounge room there were scratches on the floorboards such as you would get opening a door that scraped across the floor.
Donna says November 13, 2014
My Mum passed just recently and I could definitely seeing her being a Spiritual dragon, this is her in life and spirit x
radha says November 13, 2014
I meant to add that when I went back to look at the picture I drew of him, I realized he was waving goodbye. I know now we are always linked, and he will come to me if I need him though. Thanks again. <3
Radha says November 13, 2014
I have a dragon guide. 🙂 Thank you for this article. Many years ago I met him whilst meditating and he felt like a teacher, a guardian. One day I drew a picture of him and later when I went to meditate and connect with him, I couldn’t connect, he had moved on. He told me he was needed elsewhere and that he would still be with me if I called him.
Jumping forward at least 15 years, I was having a reiki 1 attunement and silently summoned him to be with me. Afterwards, the reiki master turned to me and said there was an elemental guide with me. I knew it was him. A wonderful confirmation for me.
Sumbul Rizvi says November 12, 2014
I think I do have a dragon i saw in my dreams as a vision I was very disappointed and full of melancholy and so much sadness then I saw dragon a black dragon with orange bright eyes …I got afraid but I tried to google what I saw in my dream and I did found the image and since then I find images and pics in my newsfeed in my Facebook account as a sign that he shows his presence that he is here for me…its a black huge Dragon comes in my vision a voice told me within me its a warrior dragon comes for my protection….I hope I am not loosing my mind or going crazy ….thank you for sharing your article because I need to know if this is truth or just fantasy my mind is creating.
Gloria Kendall says November 12, 2014
for years I have know a dragon it has been my strength to keep going. It was great for you to write about them. Thank you xxx
Sara S says November 12, 2014
As young naturedeva-soul in universe i has tried speaked with these dragons a little
kathy hensley says November 12, 2014
Thank you for posting about dragons. I have a dragon, but never knew his purpose with me. I wanted to know how to get to know him. I would love seeing more things about dragons.
Christine Renkenberger says November 12, 2014
I have loved dragons for many years, I also love dragonflies.
teresa schefke says November 12, 2014
I seen a dragon in the clouds. I didnt know what to make of it. What does it mean to me?"
Die himmlische Sophia. Theosophie X
Infinity Expression: 11.7.2019: Natürlich ist der heilige Geist Sophia…die Katharsis ist extrem, aber lohnenswert…nichts für Normalsterbliche, sage ich nur.
„Die himmlische Sophia. Theosophie X“
„»So wie seine Schekinah oben ist, ist sie auch unten.« Die beiden sind letztlich eins, aber durch den Fall hat die obere die untere als ihre Hypostase erzeugt, ihre Spiegelung in den unteren Wassern.
Die russischen Sophiologen meinten, die Aufgabe des Menschen sei es, die gefallene Sophia wieder mit ihrem transzendenten Archetyp zu vereinigen.
Tatsächlich kennt die Geschichte zwei Formen der Sophia: die Weltseele und die Engelsgestalt der göttlichen Weisheit. Diese Unterscheidung setzt voraus, dass es neben dem Abstieg auch einen Aufstieg, eine Erhebung der einen zur anderen gibt.
Und jede Form sophianischer Spiritualität schließt eine Erhebung der unteren zur oberen Sophia durch einen Prozeß der seelischen Transformation ein. Von dieser Erhebung, die jüdische, islamische und christliche Mystiker kennen, spricht
Corbin: »Der Erde von Angesicht zu Angesicht in Gestalt ihres Engels gegenüberzutreten, ist ein wesentliches seelisches Erlebnis, das sich weder in der Welt unpersönlicher abstrakter Begriffe abspielt, noch in der Welt der Sinnestatsachen.
Nicht durch die Sinne nimmt man die Erde wahr, sondern durch ihr Urbild.
Weil dieses Bild, das die Seele in ihren Tiefen mit sich herumträgt, die Züge der Person annimmt, gerade deshalb vermag es zu versinnbildlichen. Die Wahrnehmung des Engels der Erde ereignet sich in einer mittleren Welt,
einer Welt von archetypischen Bildern, die von jedem Einzelnen auf individuelle Weise erlebt wird.«
Der Engel der Erde ist nach Versluis Sophia, die Weltseele, durch sie begreift die menschliche Seele ihre eigene spirituelle Bedeutung, die ihr durch das Bild der Sophia offenbart wird, deren Abbild sie letztlich ist.
Die Seele erlebt ihr innerstes Zentrum als etwas, das ihr von außen entgegentritt.
Sophia ist das reine Element, in dem sich die Offenbarung des Logos oder der geistigen Sonne abspielt, sie ist auch die Gegenwart Gottes im Kosmos. Daher bezeichnete sie Böhme als ein Prisma, durch das das reine Licht der Gottheit ins Sein
aufgespalten wird und meinte, dass man sich der Trinität durch Sophia nähern müsse.
Denn sie gehört laut Versluis nicht der Trinität an, sondern ist das Medium oder Element, durch das die Geschöpfe sich dem Vater, dem Logos und dem Heiligen Geist nähern können. Wenn sich der Schauende der Jungfrau aus Licht nähert,
dann nähert er sich in Wahrheit seinem eigenen Wesenszentrum an.
Daraus wird laut Versluis begreiflich, warum die theosophische Devotion gegenüber Sophia anthropomorph sein muss. Denn sie zieht alle natürlichen Kräfte des Eros in sich zusammen und wendet sie auf den transzendenten Ursprung
und das sinnesjenseitige Ziel des Menschen. So schreibe auch Corbin über persische Sufis: »Der Weg von der menschlichen Liebe zur Liebe Gottes besteht nicht darin, von einem Gegenstand zu einem anderen überzugehen. Vielmehr handelt es sich
um eine Metamorphose des Subjektes der Liebe.«
Alles in allem gibt es laut Versluis nur einen spirituellen Weg, der von der Katharsis über die Myesis zur Epopteia führt: von der Reinigung der Seele über die Rückkehr zu ihrem ursprünglichen Zustand der Einheit
zu ihrer Erleuchtung durch ihr spirituelles Zentrum, den Logos. Und diese Wandlung der Seele wird durch die Offenbarung der Sophia symbolisiert, die die Weltseele ist, und zugleich die Seele, die sich selbst begrüßt, denn in der Zwischenwelt der Seele
wird das Innere als Äußeres erlebt. Erst nach ihrer Reinigung (katharsis) wird Christus in der Seele wahrhaftig geboren, die Seele muss zur Jungfrau werden, damit sie den Logos in sich empfangen kann.
Eine Frage bleibt allerdings bei all diesen Ausführungen offen: warum das Weibliche oder auch nur die Symbolik des Weiblichen von der Trinität ausgeschlossen sein soll und es bestenfalls als »Medium«, als »Matrix« in der theosophischen Ontologie
vorzukommen scheint. Wenn schon die Geschlechtssymbolik in die Trinität hineinprojiziert werden muss, dann ist eine trinitarische Gottheit ohne ein weibliches Element eine monströse Einseitigkeit. Es läge in der Tat
nahe, wie dies zuweilen geschehen ist und wie es auch in der Kabbala geschieht, den Heiligen Geist mit Sophia zu identifizieren.
„Hypostasis bedeutet hier „dauerhafter Bestand“ oder „Wirklichkeit“, eine nicht nur scheinbare oder eingebildete Existenz. In diesem Sinne kommt das Wort ab dem
2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. vor. Es war aber zunächst kein streng definierter, auf eine bestimmte Bedeutung eingeengter Fachbegriff. Versuche der älteren Forschung, einen spezifischen Sprachgebrauch der Stoiker oder der Peripatetiker nachzuweisen,
sind gescheitert. (Wikipedia) [51816]“
Die 7 Arten von Beziehungen und der Einfluss der Chakren
„Die 7 Arten von Beziehungen und der Einfluss der Chakren
By Erhöhtes Bewusstsein
– February 3, 2018
Laut den Veden gibt es 7 Arten von Beziehungen, die wir während unseres Lebens erfahren können. Diese 7 Kategorien von Beziehungen erreichen eine bestimmte Art von Harmonie zwischen zwei Menschen, die unseren 7 Chakra-Zentren entsprechen: Wurzelchakra, Sakralchakra, Solarplexus, Herzchakra, Halschakra, Stirnchakra (drittes Auge) und Kronenchakra.
Deine Chakras sind die energetischen Zentren deines Lichtkörpers, deines spirituellen Körpers. Jede Chakra kontrolliert verschiedene Bereiche deines Lebens und wenn du deine Chakren ausgleichen und reinigen kannst, fängst du gleichzeitig an, dein Leben auszugleichen und zu reinigen. Der Zustand deiner Chakren können viele Aspekte deines Lebens beeinflussen, einschliesslich Ehen und romantischen Beziehungen- was genau das Thema des heutigen Beitrages ist.
Laut den Veden bestimmt das Chakra, das in deiner Beziehung am aktivsten ist deine Ambitionen und Ziele in deiner Beziehung. Das bedeutet, dass wenn deine Beziehung auf deinem Wurzelchakra basiert, wird dein Verständnis von Familienglück und deiner Ehe unter dem Einfluss der Mächte stehen, die von deinem Wurzelchakra regiert werden. Die unteren Chakren (Wurzel, Sakral und Solarplexus) neigen dazu, mehr Gelegenheiten zum Unglücklichsein zu schaffen, während die höheren Zentren (Herz, Kehle, Stirn und Krone) mehr Glücksmöglichkeiten bieten. Wir können uns durch die Chakra-Zentren arbeiten und höhere Ebenen erreichen. Wenn wir höhere Zentren aktivieren können, öffnen sich auch die unteren wunderbar und von alleine.
Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit diesen 7 Energiezentren und den Arten von Beziehungen, die aus diesen Einflüssen hervorgehen.
Das Wurzel-Chakra-Paar
Das Wurzelchakra ist mit unseren Urinstinkten verbunden. Es wird stark von unserer sexuellen Energie beeinflusst. Ich nenne es unser ‘Überlebensinstinkt-Chakra’-weil es die sexuelle Energie ist, die uns motiviert Kinder zu haben und unsere Linie fortzuführen und weil es uns motiviert, am Leben zu bleiben und uns von körperlicher Gefahr fernhalten kann. Das Wurzelchakra ist auch mit Selbstsucht und Ego verbunden – zwei Faktoren, die für diejenigen, die zum Überleben motiviert sind, äußerst wichtig sind. Wir benutzen unsere Selbstsucht, um unsere Bedürfnisse zu schützen und wir benutzen unser Ego, um unsere Emotionen zu schützen.
Das Ziel des Wurzel-Chakra-Paares:
Das Wurzel-Chakra-Paar ist motiviert durch ihren gegenseitigen Genuss.
Wo trifft sich das Wurzelchakra-Paar?
Sie treffen sich normalerweise in Nachtclubs, Bars, Partys oder anderen Orten der Unterhaltung. Natürlich gibt es Beziehungen unter dem Einfluss höherer Chakren, die sich auch an diesen Orten treffen können, nur zufällig, aber die Hauptunterscheidung ist hier, dass Paare dazu neigen, an diese Orte zu gehen, um ihren zukünftigen Ehemänner / Ehefrauen zu finden. Die Frauen werden normalerweise angezogen, wie attraktiv oder cool der Mann aussieht.
Ein Überblick über ihre Beziehung:
Wurzel-Chakra-Paare werden vom Planeten Mars regiert und neigen dazu, eine intensive Flitterwochen-Periode zu haben und Aspekte davon können sich wie Liebe anfühlen für sie. Mit der Zeit wird die Zeit der Flitterwochen allmählich schwächer und dann werden sie gewöhnlich mit Bitterkeit und Enttäuschung zurückgelassen. Aspekte der Flitterwochen können sich wie Liebe anfühlen für sie. Die Beziehung tendiert dazu, sehr auf und ab zu sein und nie das richtige Gleichgewicht zu finden. Sie erleben schwindelerregende Höhen und tiefe Tiefen. Ihre Beziehung wird durchsetzt mit Widersprüchen wie “Ich liebe dich, ich liebe dich nicht mehr”, “Mach das für mich und ich werde dich lieben”, “Ich liebe dich, aber ich werde dich auch betrügen”, “Ich liebe dich, aber vielleicht verlasse ich dich “,” Ich verlasse dich und du musst mir nachkommen. “Sie werden in sich selbst gefangen. Entweder wollen sie sich sehr schnell in die Ehe stürzen oder sie auf unbestimmte Zeit verzögern. Wenn sie heiraten, liegt das meistens an einer starken emotionalen Abhängigkeit voneinander und nicht an der Liebe. Sie wollen einfach nur zusammen sein.
Das Sakralchakra-Paar
Das Sakralchakra ist das spirituelle Energiezentrum, das mit Glück, Vertrauen und Einfallsreichtum verbunden ist. Es ist auch mit den negativen Schatten von Gier, Angst und Selbsterhaltung verbunden. Ein Paar, das durch sein Sakral-Chakra eine Verbindung herstellt, schafft eine Liebe, die auf einem gemeinsamen Wunsch nach Komfort und Reichtum beruht. Dieses Chakra wird vom Planeten Venus beeinflusst. Wenn dieses Paar zusammenkommt, harmonisieren sie zuerst auf der sakralen Ebene und mit der Zeit kann sich auch das Wurzelchakra öffnen. Dies wird zu Freuden und auch zu Herausforderungen für das Paar führen, die auch in der Dynamik ihrer Beziehung eine Rolle spielen. Das gegenseitige Verlangen ihres sakralen Paares nach Reichtum und Komfort scheint stabiler zu sein als das Wurzel-Chakra-Paar, aber das Sakral-Chakra wird immer noch als eines der niederen Energiezentren betrachtet – und so wird es weiterhin mehr Möglichkeiten für Unglücklichsein schaffen, als es tut für das Glücklichsein.
Natürlich ist es nicht falsch, ein angenehmes Leben zu wünschen oder ein schönes und gemütliches Zuhause zu haben. Die Schwierigkeiten entstehen, wenn die Paare diesen materiellen Erfolg zum Hauptziel ihrer Beziehung machen – und da tendiert das sakrale Ehepaar dazu.
Das Ziel des sakralen Chakra-Paares:
Um ein angenehmes Leben zu haben, ein gemütliches Haus, schöne Möbel, auffällige Autos usw. zu besitzen, um ihr eigenes gemütliches, bequemes und wohlhabendes Haus zusammen zu schaffen.
Wo trifft sich das Sakral-Chakra-Paar??
Teure Restaurants, schöne Resorts, elitäre Dinnerpartys.
Das Solarplexus Paar
Der Solarplexus ist das Energiezentrum unserer Energiechakren, die sich in unserem Lichtkörper befinden. Der Solarplexus ist mit unseren Ambitionen und Zielen verbunden. Materielle Freuden im Leben können weiter in zwei Formen geteilt werden: die schweren und die subtilen. Die schweren weltlichen materiellen Freuden sind Dinge wie schöne Dinge – Häuser, Autos, Gegenstände. Das ist es auch, was das Sakralchakra-Paar anstrebt. Ein Schritt höher als das ist die subtile Form der materiellen Freuden – das ist die Suche nach Ruhm, Prestige und Macht. Das strebt das Solarplexus Paar an. Sie wollen wegen Macht und Prestige heiraten. Viele berühmte Menschen haben Beziehungen basierend auf dem Solarplexus-Zentrum. Dieses Zentrum wird von der Sonne beeinflusst, die eine maskuline Natur hat und Menschen unter ihrem Einfluss dazu ermutigt, ihren Platz in der Gesellschaft zu finden.
Um auf dieser Ebene Harmonie zu erreichen, muss das Paar sehr hart an sich arbeiten, um seine hohen Erwartungen an die Zukunft zu erfüllen. Sie müssen Selbstlosigkeit und Unterwürfigkeit kultivieren, um an die Fähigkeit zu gelangen, ihren Charakter zu verändern. Ohne sie werden sie nie in der Lage sein zu ändern, wer sie sind. Wenn eine Person eine andere mit einem ähnlichen Wunsch trifft, bilden sie zusammen eine Familie. Sie arbeiten sehr hart zusammen, um ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Wenn sie konzentriert bleiben, werden sie schließlich die Macht und den Ruhm erreichen, die sie sich gewünscht haben. Wenn sie diese “Ehre” und ihr Prestige erreichen, werden die Konflikte in ihrem persönlichen Leben beginnen. Der Ehemann ist mehr und mehr stolz auf das, was er im Leben erreicht hat. Die Frau dagegen beginnt sich immer mehr so zu fühlen, als wäre ohne sie nichts davon überhaupt erst möglich gewesen. Dies führt zu tiefem Ressentiment in der Familie.
Das Ziel des Solarplexus Paares:
Macht, Prestige und Ruhm. In der Gesellschaft respektiert werden.
Wo trifft sich das Solarplexus-Paar?:
Spezielle Einladungspartys, Elitegesellschaften und Versammlungen, Sportvereine, politische Veranstaltungen usw.
Die Motivation des Solarplexus:
Menschen, die eine Familie gründen wollen, um Ruhm und Prestige zu erlangen, üben und üben ihre Selbstbeherrschung in jungen Jahren. Sie sind wettbewerbsorientiert. Sie können Sport treiben oder lernen, sich besser zu konzentrieren. Sie tun, was sie können, um besser zu sein als ihre Umgebung. Es kommt sehr natürlich zu ihnen. Sie wollen natürlich Führer ihrer Freunde sein. Sie interessieren sich für Dinge wie Management, aber sie neigen dazu, von Natur aus ein wenig arrogant zu sein und schnell die Leute zu kategorisieren, auf die sie treffen.
Wie du sehen kannst, entwickeln Menschen unter dem Einfluss des Solarplexus eine Selbstentwicklung – aber sie konzentrieren sich auf den dunkleren Aspekt. Auf ihrer Suche nach Ruhm und Ansehen verlieren sie die Fähigkeit, Demut zu kultivieren. Sie arbeiten an sich selbst, um ihre Mitmenschen zu kontrollieren und ihren Stolz zu erhöhen. Wenn eine Person immer mächtiger wird, wächst auch ihr Stolz, ihre Intoleranz und Wut. Während sie sich durch Selbstkontrolle in eine Art Selbstentwicklung engagieren, verwenden sie sie für Motivationen auf niedrigerer Ebene.
Das Schicksal des Solarplexus Paares:
Das Beste, was sie als Paar tun könnten wäre, sich nicht mehr in die anderen Leben einzumischen und sich stattdessen darauf zu konzentrieren, sich selbst zu besseren Menschen zu machen – aber ihre Ambitionen und ihr Streben nach Erfolg und Perfektion lassen sie das nicht tun. Sie schauen auf ihre Partner, um ihnen zu helfen, ihren Ruhm und Erfolg zu erreichen und wenn es nicht so reibungslos geschieht, wie sie es wollen, wenden sie ihre Aufmerksamkeit dem Wechsel ihres Partners zu. Allerdings werden sie das auch nicht können und sie werden frustriert werden. Sie können die Menschen nicht verändern, indem sie immer nur jemandem predigen. Sie können ihren Partner nicht ändern, indem sie ihn anschreien. Nichts verändert sich. Mit der Zeit beginnen sie sich zu fühlen, als würden sie mit Fremden zusammenleben. Sie werden von allem enttäuscht. Nur ihr beiderseitiges Interesse an der Aufrechterhaltung des äußeren Erscheinungsbildes und ihres äußeren sozialen Status hält ihre Beziehung zueinander.
Die einzige Möglichkeit für das Solarplexus-Paar, sein Schicksal zu ändern, besteht darin, ihre Ansichten über das Leben zu ändern – zu verstehen, dass es wichtigere Dinge gibt als Ruhm.
Sie müssen eher spirituelle Ziele als materielle Ziele ins Auge fassen – sonst werden sie feststellen, dass sie in ihrem Leben immer enttäuscht sein werden.
Das Herzchakra Paar
Das Herz-zentrierte Paar ist das erste Chakra unter den höheren Energiezentren – und daher ist das erste Chakra eine “günstige Beziehung”. Somit wird dieses Paar mehr Glücksmöglichkeiten haben als Chancen, unglücklich zu sein. Sie haben in der Regel dauerhafte Ehen. Diese günstigen Beziehungen geben beiden Menschen die Möglichkeit, ihr Bewusstsein zu reinigen, durch ihr Karma zu arbeiten und ihren Dharma zu erfüllen.
Diese Art von Paar ist sehr daran interessiert, an ihrem Charakter und ihrer eigenen Entwicklung zu arbeiten. Sie wünschen den Menschen um sie herum Glück. Sie neigen dazu, sich für Wohltätigkeit, Freiwilligenarbeit und die Unterstützung ihrer Gemeinschaft einzusetzen. Sie respektieren ältere Menschen sehr und hören ihren Ratschlägen zu. Sie haben im Allgemeinen keine Probleme, einander in ihrem Eheleben zu verstehen. Ihre Probleme entstehen im Allgemeinen durch das Schicksal und die Hindernisse, die das Leben mit sich bringt. Aber sie verstehen sich gut und haben den Wunsch, ihren Partner glücklich zu machen. Diese Ehen sind sehr stabil, und das Paar ist mit vielen Freunden gesegnet und Reichtum kommt leicht und natürlich zu ihnen – obwohl sie auch nie das Bedürfnis haben, davon abhängig zu sein. Wenn sie Reichtum haben, benutzen sie es für universelle Güte und Glückseligkeit. Und wenn sie keinen Reichtum bekommen, verfluchen sie auch das Universum nicht dafür.
Das Ziel des herzzentrierten Paares:
Den moralischen Prinzipien gemeinsam folgen und Werte in ihrer Familie bewahren, die Frieden und Glück schaffen.
Dies ist eine Liebe, die auf dem Wunsch beruht, anderen, einschließlich ihrem Partner, Glück und Frieden zu bringen.
Wo sich das Herz-zentrierte Paar trifft:
Orte, an denen sie sich um Menschen befinden, die ähnliche Interessen verfolgen – zum Beispiel Yoga-Kurse, Meditationszentren usw. Sie treffen sich in Gemeinschaften, die nach Glück streben.
Die Herzchakra Motivation
Menschen, die von ihrem Herzzentrum geführt werden, fühlen sich geneigt, ihre Herzen mit Optimismus und Freude zu füllen. Sie wünschen den Menschen in ihrer Umgebung Wohlergehen und Gutes und sind natürlich auch daran beteiligt, den Menschen in der Gemeinschaft durch gemeinnützige Arbeit zu helfen. Sie fühlen sich verpflichtet, freiwillig zu arbeiten. Sie werden zu großzügigen Menschen erhoben. Sie verstehen die Wichtigkeit von Ehrlichkeit und werden von Menschen respektiert und gemocht.
Sie sind daran interessiert, einen guten Partner für sich selbst zu finden und nehmen sich die Zeit, über Beziehungen zu lernen und sich auf ihre Verpflichtungen vorzubereiten. Das Herz-Chakra-Zentrum steht unter dem Einfluss des Mondes, der Frieden bringt. Sie wollen anderen, auch ihren Partnern, keinen Schaden zufügen. Sie wollen sicherstellen, dass alles um sie herum in Harmonie und Balance ist.
Sie arbeiten hart und verantwortungsbewusst und verbringen ihre Freizeit mit Aktivitäten, die ihren Charakter verbessern und sie zu besseren Menschen machen. Herzzentrierte Frauen sind ruhige Frauen. Sie kleiden sich bescheiden und haben Respekt für alle Menschen um sie herum, besonders für ihre Eltern.
Die Herzchakra-Paare neigen dazu, Menschen um Rat zu fragen, wenn sie ihren Ehemann/Ehefrau wählen.
Die Kinder von herzzentrierten Eltern hören ihnen zu. Sie neigen dazu, ihre Eltern um Rat über das Leben zu bitten. Sie sind auch bereit, auf sie zu hören. Dies ist in den unteren Zentren nicht leicht zu finden, weil die unteren Zentren den Eltern nicht erlauben, Demut zu kultivieren. Ohne die Demut zu kultivieren, kann ein Elternteil das Kind nicht dazu bringen, ihnen zuzuhören oder ganz offen zu sein und seinen Ratschlägen zu vertrauen.
Das soll nicht heißen, dass Kinder niemals Eltern aus niedrigeren Chakra-Zentrum-Beziehungen zuhören werden. Diese Kinder folgen jedoch eher dem Verhalten ihrer Eltern und lernen von ihnen und tun dies auch. Sie werden sich nicht viel darum kümmern, was ihre Eltern darüber zu sagen haben. Wenn du jedoch deine Kinder mit deinen Worten beeinflussen willst, musst du Harmonie auf einer höheren Chakra-Ebene haben.
Die Herausforderungen von den Herzchakra Paaren:
Das herzzentrierte Paar hat normalerweise keine großen Probleme, sich gegenseitig zu verstehen, weil beide die Grundüberzeugung haben, dass sie ihrem Partner Freude bringen sollten und nicht Schmerz. Sie versuchen also, sich gegenseitig keine Verletzungen zuzufügen. Dadurch konzentrieren sie sich natürlich auch darauf, einander besser zu verstehen. Ihre Ehe ist normalerweise stabil und stark und hat viele gute Freunde. Freunde der Familie wünschen ihnen alles Gute und wünschen ihnen Glück.
Natürlich sind sie nicht immun gegen Herausforderungen und werden Probleme in Lebensbereichen haben, wie die meisten Menschen, aber das Entscheidende an dem herzzentrierten Paar ist, dass die Überwindung dieser Kämpfe ihre Beziehungen stärkt, ihre Liebe vertieft und ihren Respekt voreinander verstärkt .
Ihre größte Herausforderung wird darin bestehen, ihr Verständnis für das Leben und die spirituelle Praxis zu vertiefen und eine noch ernsthaftere Einstellung zur Perfektion zu entwickeln.
Eine weitere wichtige Herausforderung für das Herz-zentrierte Paar ist, dass sie, indem sie sich so verhalten, dazu neigen, materiellen Reichtum schnell anzulocken, was sie ermutigt, sich zu entspannen. Es besteht die Gefahr der Arroganz und des vermehrten Wunsches, mehr Geld auszugeben, was natürlich zu Problemen innerhalb und außerhalb der Beziehung führt. Sie fangen auch an, viele Freunde und Leute anzuziehen, die Zeit mit dem Paar verbringen möchten. Diese Freunde verbringen viel Zeit im Zuhause der Paare, weil sie dort so viel Energie haben. Das Problem dabei ist, dass es das Paar ermutigt, sich in untätige Gespräche zu vertiefen, um unwichtige, ungünstige und unnötige Dinge die ganze Zeit zu diskutieren.
Im Laufe der Zeit, so wie es das Schicksal möchte, sind herzzentrierte Menschen im Allgemeinen des materiellen Reichtums überdrüssig, werden davon gelangweilt und ziehen sich natürlich von ihnen zurück.
Das Halschakra-Paar
Diejenigen, die durch das Halschakra (der herrschende Planet – Quecksilber) motiviert sind, neigen dazu, ihre Sinne zu perfektionieren. Sie wollen ihre Sinne in die ätherische Welt abstimmen. Sie praktizieren Meditation, um eine höhere Ebene der Sinne zu haben. Damit sie ihre Botschaften aus dem Universum hören, fühlen, sehen, kennen und verstehen können. Sie wünschen allen, die an sie denken ganz viel Glück.
Es ist auch wichtig für halszentrierte Paare, Selbstkontrolle und Ehrlichkeit zu kultivieren. Sie lassen ihre irdischen Gefühle nicht ihre Lebenserfahrung kontrollieren, sondern handeln von einem höheren Ort aus. Indem sie ihre Emotionen kontrollieren und nicht auf jeden egoistischen und emotionalen Impuls einwirken, trainieren sie sich zu einem größeren und tieferen Verständnis und einer Verbindung mit der Wahrheit. Sie handeln von hier aus. Sie sind sehr gut darin, ihr Ego und ihre Emotionen zu kontrollieren. Sie verschwenden keine Zeit in ungünstigen Gesprächen und sie machen keine Schmeichelei oder Angeberei. Sie sind sehr bescheidene Leute. Sie sind entschlossen, ihr Ziel zu erreichen, ihre Sinne zu verfeinern und ihre Emotionen und ihr Ego zu kontrollieren. Sie verbringen gerne Zeit unter hoch spirituellen Denkern und Anführern. Nur auf der Halsebene kann eine Person ein erfolgreicher spiritueller Guru oder Führer für andere werden. Denn nur auf dieser Ebene hat eine Person ihr Bewusstsein in einem Maße gereinigt, dass sie ihr schlechtes Karma nicht an ihre Schüler weitergeben würden. Auf dieser Ebene würden sie üben, was sie die ganze Zeit predigen. Auf dieser Ebene würden sie anfangen, wahres psychisches Wissen zu erfahren.
Das Halschakra-Paar ist ein seltenes Paar, dem man begegnet. Sie neigen dazu, sehr talentierte Leute zu sein. Sie neigen dazu, die Welt mit ihren Sinnen “zu fühlen”, anstatt sie zu durchleben. Wegen dieser tiefen intuitiven Annäherung an die Welt leben sie in tiefer Harmonie mit ihrer Welt. Sie neigen dazu, mit ihren Worten von Natur aus poetisch zu sein. Sie verstehen die Kraft des Klangs und die Kraft der Worte, also wählen sie sie sorgfältig und schön aus. Weil sie ihre Sinne so sehr entwickeln und versuchen, sie auf die subtile Natur des Universums und ihre energetische Stimme abzustimmen, entwickeln sie gleichzeitig auch ihren Geschmack in der Kunst. Sie haben einen raffinierten musikalischen, künstlerischen und poetischen Geschmack. Sie sind in der Lage, Schönheit und Zartheit in alltäglichen Dingen wahrzunehmen. Sie wissen, das etwas, das von ihren Sinnen wahrgenommen wird, gut für ihre Seele ist. Diese Menschen neigen dazu, eine sehr mystische und magische Ehe zu haben. Sie verstehen sich tief und vollständig. Sie können sich immer aufeinander beziehen und tiefe Empathie füreinander empfinden. Sie fühlen sich gegenseitig, sogar von weit her. Sie kommunizieren mit ihren Gedanken und Gefühlen anstatt mit Worten; wenn man an etwas denkt, hat der andere schon ein Gefühl dafür. Ihre Ehe wird viele Leben dauern und sie waren sicherlich auch in früheren Leben zusammen. Sie haben beide ein sehr gutes Karma, das sie gemeinsam durcharbeiten werden. Oft ist ihre Verbindung so stark, dass sie sich immer in dem Leben finden, in dem sie sich befinden. Manchmal finden sie sich sogar in sehr großen Abständen voneinander. Manchmal wird ein Mann in ein anderes Land ziehen, nur um seinen Seelenverwandten abzuholen. Sie wissen vom ersten Blick an, dass sie dazu bestimmt sind, zusammen zu sein und zusammen das Glück zu finden.
Das halszentrierte Paar kann sehr talentierte Kinder zur Welt bringen. Ihre Kinder werden auch Selbstverwirklichung, Selbstentwicklung und Selbstvervollkommnung praktizieren.
Das Chakra-Paar des dritten Auges
Diejenigen, die unter dem Einfluss ihres Chakras aus dem dritten Auge oder der Stirn stehen, werden vom Planeten Saturn beherrscht. Dies sind Menschen, die für viele Leben Selbstverwirklichung praktiziert haben. Das Paar kommt zusammen, um zusammen Perfektion zu üben. Sie sind verpflichtet, die höchste Wahrheit des Universums zu studieren. Sie wollen Gott erfahren. Diese Beziehung ist sehr selten. Diese Leute sind normalerweise spirituelle Lehrer. Sie leben einfach für andere Menschen und nicht für sich selbst. Wenn ein Paar auf dieser Ebene Harmonie hat, möchte es nur andere Menschen glücklich machen. Manchmal verzichtet dieses Paar auf sexuelle Beziehungen miteinander. Sie leben einfach zusammen, um einander auf ihrem spirituellen Weg zu helfen.
Das Kronen-Chakra-Paar
Diejenigen, die am Kronenchakra, das vom Planeten Jupiter regiert wird, aktiviert werden, erschaffen eine überirdische und mystische Liebe. Sie enthalten sich völlig vom Sex. Für die Frau ist ihr Ehemann ein Lehrer, ihren Guru und sie vertraut ihm völlig. Sie ist ihm immer treu. Ihr Ehemann benimmt sich wie ein Heiliger. Nachdem sie gestorben sind, gehen sie in die geistige Welt, wo sie für immer zusammen sein können. Sie haben ihre Arbeit abgeschlossen.
Das ist eine sehr hohe Art der Liebe.“
The 7 Types Of Relationships & The Influence Of The Chakras
By Guest Contributor
– October 20, 2014
– in Metaphysics
According to the Vedas there are 7 types of relationships that we can experience in our lives. These 7 categories of relationships achieve a certain type of harmony between two people that correspond to our 7 chakra centers: your root center, sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart center, throat chakra, brow chakra (third eye center), and crown chakra.
Your chakras are the energetic centers of your lightbody, your spiritual body. Each chakra controls different areas of your life, and when you can balance and cleanse your chakras, you begin to balance and cleanse your life simultaneously. The state of your chakras can influence many aspects of your life, including marriages and romantic relationships – which is the topic of today’s blog post.
According to the Vedas, the chakra that is most active in your relationship determines your ambitions and goals within your relationship. So if your relationship is based from your root chakra, your understanding of family happiness in your marriage will be under the influence of the powers governed by your root chakra. The lower chakras (Root, sacral and solar plexus) tend to bring more opportunities for unhappiness, whereas the higher centers (Heart, throat, brow and crown) yield more opportunities for happiness. We can work our way through the chakra centers and achieve higher levels. When we can activate higher centers, the lower ones open beautifully and by themselves too.
This article is regarding these 7 energy centers, and the kinds of relationships that tend to emerge from these influences.
The Root Chakra Couple
The root chakra is connected to our primal instincts. It is greatly influenced by our sexual energy. I call it our ‘survival instinct chakra’ – because it’s sexual energy motivates us to have children and continue our lineage and because it motivates us to stay alive, and can keep us away from physical danger. The root chakra is also connected with selfishness and ego – two factors that are of utmost important to those who are motivated to survive. We use our selfishness to protect our needs, and we use our ego to protect our emotions.
The goal of the root chakra couple:
The root chakra couple are motivated by their enjoyment of each other.
Where does the root chakra couple meet?
They usually meet in night clubs, bars, parties, or other places of entertainment. Of course there are relationships under the influence of higher chakras that may also meet at these locations, merely by happenstance, but the key differentiation here is that, there couples tend to go to these places IN ORDER TO FIND their future husband/wife. The women are usually attracted to how attractive or cool the man looks.
An overview of their relationship:
Root chakra couples are ruled by the planet mars, and tend to have an intense honeymoon period, and aspects of this can feel a lot like love to them. Of course with time, the honey moon period gradually fades, and then they are usually left with bitterness and disappointment. Aspects of the honeymoon period can feel a lot like love to them. The relationship tends to be very up and down, never quite finding the right balance. They experience dizzying highs and deep lows. Their relationship becomes riddled with contradictions like “I love you, I don’t love you anymore”, “Do this for me, and I will love you”, “I love you but I will also cheat on you”, “I love you, but might leave you”, “I am leaving you and you must come after me.” They become trapped within themselves. They either want to rush into marriage very quickly, or delay it completely and indefinitely. If they do get married, it’s usually because of a very strong emotional dependence on each other, and not love. They just want to be together.
The Sacral Chakra Couple
The Sacral chakra is the spiritual energy center connected to happiness, confidence and resourcefulness. It is also linked to the negative shades of greed, fear and self preservation. A couple that makes a connection through their sacral chakra, create a love that is based on a mutual desire for comfort and wealth. This chakra is influenced by the planet Venus. When this couple come together they first harmonize on the sacral level, and over time the root chakra may open up as well. This will result in the pleasures and also challenges of The Root Chakra couple also coming to play in the dynamic of their relationship. Their Sacral couple’s mutual desire for wealth and comfort appears to be more stable than the Root Chakra couple, but the Sacral chakra is still considered one of the lower energy centers – and so, it will continue to bring more opportunities for unhappiness, than it does for happiness.
Of course, it is not wrong to desire a comfortable life, or to want to have a beautiful and cozy home. The troubles arise when the couples make attaining this material success the main goal of their relationship – and that’s what the sacral couple tend to do.
The goal of the sacral chakra couple:
To have a comfortable life. To own cozy house, beautiful furniture, flashy cars etc. To create their own cozy, comfortable and wealthy home together.
Where does the sacral chakra couple meet?
Expensive restaurants, beautiful resorts, elite dinner parties, work events.
The Solar Pelxus Couple
The solar plexus is the power center of our energy chakras located in our light body. The solar plexus is connected to our ambitions and goals. Material pleasures in life can be further divided into two forms: the heavy and the subtle. The heavy worldly material pleasures are things like beautiful things – houses, cars, objects. This is what the Sacral Chakra Couple aspires too. One step higher than this is the subtle form of wordily material pleasures – which is the search for fame, prestige, and power. This is what the Solar Plexus Couple aspires to. They want to get married for power and prestige. Many famous people have relationships based on the solar plexus center. This center is influenced by the sun, which has a masculine nature and encourages people under its influence to find their place in society.
In order to achieve harmony on this level, the couple has to work very hard on themselves in order to overcome their high expectations of the future. They must cultivate unselfishness and submissiveness in order to access the ability of changing their character. Without that, they will never be able to change who they are. When a person meets another with a similar desire, they create a family together. They work very hard together to attain their goals. If they remain focused, then eventually they will achieve the power and fame that they wished for. When they achieve this “honor” and prestige, the conflicts within their personal life will begin. The husband begins to feel more and more proud of what he has achieved in life. The wife, on the other hand, begins to feel more and more that without her – none of this would have even been possible in the first place. This begins to cause underlying resentment in the family.
The goal of the Solar Pelxus Couple:
Power, prestige and fame. To be respected in society.
Where the Solar Pelxus Couple meets:
Special invitation parties, elite societies and meetings, sports clubs, political events etc.
The Solar Plexus motivation:
People who want to create a family in order to achieve fame and prestige, usually exercise and practice their self control from a young age. They have a competitive nature. They may participate in sports or study how to concentrate better. They do what they can to be better than the ones around them. It comes very naturally to them. They naturally want to be leaders of their friends. They are interested in things like management, but they usually tend to be a little bit arrogant by nature and quickly categorize the people they meet in relation to them.
As you can see, people under the influence of the solar plexus do engage in self-development – but they focus on the darker aspect of it. In their search for fame and prestige, they lose the ability to cultivate humility. While they work on themselves to become superior to those around them, they simply learn how to control others and increase their pride. When a person becomes more and more powerful, their pride, intolerance, and anger also grow. So while they are engaging in some sort of self development through self control, they use it for lower level motivations.
The fate of the Solar Pelxus Couple:
The best thing for them to do as a couple would be to stop interfering in each other lives and instead focus on making themselves better people – but their ambitions and drive for success and perfection wont let them do that. They look to their partners to help them achieve their fame and success, and when it doesn’t happen as seamlessly as they want, they turn their attention onto changing their partner. However, they wont be able to do that either, and they will start getting frustrated. They can’t change people by simply preaching to someone all the time. They can’t change their partner by yelling at them. Nothing changes. So as time goes by, they begin to feel like they are just living with strangers. They start getting disappointed by everything. Only their mutual interest in maintaining outward appearances and their outward social status holds their relationship together.
The only way for the solar plexus couple to change their fate is by changing their beliefs about life – to understand that there are more important things to wish for than fame.
They must set their sights on spiritual goals rather than material goals – otherwise they will find that they will always be disappointed in their life.
The Heart Centered Couple
The Heart Centered Couple is the first chakra under the higher level energy centers – and therefore, is the first chakra to yield a “favorable relationship”. Thus, this couple will have more opportunities for happiness than opportunities for unhappiness. They usually have lasting marriages. These favorable relationships give both people the chance to cleanse their consciousness, to work through their karma, and to fulfill their dharma.
This type of couple are very interested in working on their character and self development. They wish happiness to those around them.. They tend to be involved in charity, volunteering and in someway assisting their community. They respect their elders and listen to their advice. They generally do not go through problems regarding understanding one another in their married life. Their problems generally arise through fate, and the obstacles that life brings their way. But they understand each other well and have a desire to make their partner happy. These marriages tend to be very stable, and the couple are blessed with lots of friends, and wealth comes easily and naturally to them – although they never feel the need to depend on that either. If they hare given wealth, they use it for universal goodness and happiness. And if they are not given wealth, they do not curse the universe for it either.
The goal of the heart centered couple:
Following moral principles together and uphold values in their family that provide peace and happiness.
This is a love that is based on the desire to bring happiness and peace to others, including their partners.
Where The Heart Centered Couple meet:
Places where they are around people pursuing similar interests – for example yoga classes, meditation centers etc. They tend to meet at communities that are striving for happiness.
The Heart Chakra Motivation
People guided by their heart center feel inclined to fill their hearts with optimism and joy. They wish wellbeing and goodness to those around them, and are naturally involved in helping people of the community through community service. They feel a duty to volunteer. They are raised to be generous people. They understand the importance of honesty and are usually respected and liked by people.
They are interested in choosing a good partner for themselves, and take the time to learn about relationships and prepare themselves for their commitments. The heart chakra center is under the influence of the moon, which brings peace. They do not want to bring harm to others, including to their partners. They want to make sure everything around them is in harmony and balance.
They are hard working and responsible, and spend their free time on activities that enhance their character and make them into better people. Heart centered women are calm women. They dress modestly and have respect for all people around them, specially their elders.
The heart chakra couple tend to ask people for advice when choosing their husband/wife.
The children of heart-centered parents listen to them. They tend to ask their parents for advice about life. They are also willing to listen to them. This is not found easily on the lower centers, because the lower centers do not allow the parents to cultivate humility. Without cultivating humility a parent cannot make the child listen to them, or to be completely open and trusting to their suggestions and advices.
This is not to say that children will never listen to parents from lower chakra center relationships. However, these children are more likely to follow their parents behaviors and learn from them and do as they do. They won’t care much to listen to what their parents have to say about it. However, if you want to be able to influence your children with your words, then you must have harmony on a higher chakra level.
The challenges of The Heart Centered Couple:
The heart centered couple does not usually encounter big problems in understanding each other, because they both hold the principle belief that they should bring joy to their partner, and not pain. So they try to avoid causing hurt to each other. By doing this, they naturally focus on understanding each other better too. Their marriage is usually stable and strong and have many good friends. Friends of the family wish them well and wish them happiness.
Of course, they are not immune to challenges and will face problems in areas of life as most people do, but the key thing about the heart centered couple is that overcoming these struggles strengthens their relationships, deepens their love and thickens their respect for one another.
Their main challenge will come in simply deepening their understanding of life and spiritual practice and cultivating an even more serious attitude towards perfecting themselves.
Another key challenge for the heart centered couple is that by behaving the way they do, they tend to naturally attract material wealth quickly, which encourages them to relax. There is the danger of arrogance and the increased desire to spend more money, which of course, leads to problems both inside and outside the relationship. They also begin to attract lots of friends and people who like to spend time with the couple. These friends spend a lot of time in the couples home because they have such a great energy there. The problem with this is that it encourages the couple to engage in idle talk, to discuss unimportant, unfavorable and unnecessary things all the time.
However, as time passes, as fate would have it, heart centered people generally tire of material wealth, get bored of it and naturally retreat away from it.
The Throat Chakra couple
Those motivated by the throat chakra (the ruling planet – mercury) are inclined to perfect their senses. They want to tune in their senses into the ethereal world. They practice meditation to have a higher level of senses. So that they can hear, feel, see, know and understand their messages from the universe. hey wish happiness to everyone they think about.
It is also important for throat centered couples to cultivate self control and honesty. They do not let their earthly emotions control their experience of life – instead they act from a higher place. By controlling their emotions and not acting on every egotistic and emotional impulse, they train themselves to access a greater and more profound understanding and connection with the truth. They act from here. They are very good at controlling their ego and their emotions. They do not waste time in unfavourable conversations, and they do not engage in self flattery or showing off. They are very humble people. They are determined in achieving their goal of refining their senses and controlling their emotions and ego. They like to spend time amongst highly spiritual thinkers and leaders. It is only at the throat level that a person can become a successful spiritual guru or leader to others. This is because – it is only at this level that a person has successfully purified their consciousness to an extent that they would not be passing on their own bad karma to their students. At this level, they would be practicing what they preach all the time. At this level they would begin to experience true psychic knowledge.
The throat chakra couple are a rare couple to come across. They tend to be very talented people. They tend to “feel” the world with their senses rather than live through it. Because of this deeply intuitive approach to the world, they live in deep harmony with their world. They tend to be naturally poetic with their words. They understand the power of sound and the power of words, so they choose them carefully and beautifully. Because they develop their senses so much, and try to tune it into the subtle nature of the universe and it’s energetic voice, they also simultaneously develop their taste in the arts. They have a well refined musical, artistic and poetic taste. They are able to perceive beauty and delicacy in every day things. They know what matter that is perceived by their senses is good for their soul. These people tend to have a very mystical and magical marriage together. They understand each other deeply and completely. They can always relate to each other and feel deep empathy towards one another. They feeleach other, even from far away distances. They communicate with their thoughts and feelings rather than words; if one thinks of something, the other one has a sense of it already. Their marriage will last many lives, and they have certainly been together in previous lives too. They both have very good karma that they will work through together. Often their connection is so strong that they will always find each other in whichever life they are in. Sometimes they can even find each other at very big distances apart. Sometimes a man will move to another country just to pick up his soulmate. They know from the first glance of each other that they were meant to be together and to find happiness together.
The throat centered couple are able to give birth to very talented children. Their children will also practice self realization, self development and self perfection.
The third-eye chakra couple
Those under the influence of their third-eye or brow chakra, are ruled by the planet Saturn. These are people who have been practicing self realization for many lives. The couple come together to practice self perfection together. They have a very deep psychic harmony that allows them to completely give their lives to each other. They are committed to studying the highest truth of the universe. They want to experience God. This relationship is very rare. These people are usually spiritual teachers. They live simply for other people and not for themselves. When a couple has harmony on this level they only want to make other people happy. Sometimes this couple abstain from sexual relations with each other. They simply live together to help each other on their spiritual path.
The crown chakra couple
Those activated at the crown chakra, ruled by the planet Jupiter, create an unearthly and mystical love. They abstain completely from sex. The woman thinks of her husband as her teacher, her guru, and she trusts him completely. She is always loyal to him. Her husband behaves as a saint would. After they die, they go into the spiritual world, where they can be together forever. They have completed their work.
This is a very high level type of love.
Thanks to Malavika Suresh for this article
Terence McKenna – Aliens and Archetypes
HeroQuest – Brettspiel – Retro
Reverse Aging | Dr. Shai Efrati | TEDxWhiteCity
Reverse Aging | Dr. Shai Efrati | TEDxWhiteCity
„Omnipotent stem cell regeneration.“
„The supporting environment that can give the energy and the oxygen needed for the regenerative process.“
„TEDx Talks
Am 19.11.2015 veröffentlicht
Reverse aging, taking the biology back in time, can be achieved by inducing the body for self rejuvenation.
Dr. Shai Efrati: Director of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research, Assaf-Harofeh Medical
Under the management and guidance of Dr. Efrati, the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research has become the largest most occupied hyperbaric center in the world, currently treating more than 120 patients a day. Dr. Efrati initiated a research program focusing on the neuroplasticity (regeneration of brain tissue) of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). In the first clinical study it was proved that HBOT can induce neuroplasticity in stroke and traumatic brain injuries even years after an acute incident. The vital clinical results gained from the research program have shed fascinating new light on regeneration of the injured brain as well as aging tissues.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at“
„We only forgot since we were a small embryo in the mother abdomen, we should remember that and we should stimulate the body again to do the 2 things, to generate omnipotent stem cells and to bring enough energy to allow these processes to occur.“
Scientists building technology to record dreams
Scientists building technology to record dreams
Ranjan Kumar
Posted On May 12, 2019
the 1991 apocalyptic sci-fi film Until the End of the World, director Wim Wenders creates a vision of the future that, in a few ways, manages to mirror aspects of life in 2019. In the film, a virtual reality (VR) headset-like device is developed that gives blind people a form of sight. But as the film goes on, the device is transformed into a tool that records dreams, and a darker side of humanity comes to light: People become addicted to their subconscious storylines, spending all their time sleeping and waking only to watch their dreams.
The device looks nearly identical to an Oculus headset, but there are more similarities between our current reality and Wenders‘ 30-year-old fantasy than that alone. Today, a team of researchers from universities across the country is working on a project dedicated to figuring out how to recreate our nighttime lives on the screen. And like Until the End of the World, it’s unclear what this technology might be used for.
The as-of-yet-unnamed project is the brainchild of independent dream researcher Daniel Oldis and represents a continuation of a question he and others in his field began exploring decades ago: Are dreams learning experiences, and can behaviors in waking life be influenced by what people dream about? Oldis and others concluded that the answer must be yes based on one key point: When people dream, their bodies move and react.
„Your eyes, the muscles in your body, it’s just like you’re awake. You’re responding to the dream story,“ Oldis says. „Like in waking life, the body is learning from different experiences. We learn from dreams, and it affects our personality.“
The debate over whether dreams have meaning is a contentious topic among psychologists and neurologists and has been for decades. While some experts believe that dreams are simply the result of neurons in the brain firing at random, other researchers believe that dreams hold deep meaning for our lives and are even linked to our overall health. There’s some evidence to back up the argument. Studies have found that dreaming helps us process emotions, turn our short-term memories to long-term ones, and potentially ward off depression.
In the tradition of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, some psychologists today still use dreams in therapy to help people better understand themselves and their psyches. Rubin Naiman, PhD, is one such psychologist. A sleep and dream expert with the University of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine, Naiman not only advocates for the power of dreams but also believes society is in the midst of an „epidemic of dream loss,“ spurred on by the collective brush-off our culture has given to these nightly visions.
„We are so dismissive about dreams,“ he says. „It’s a huge issue. It’s kind of like pretending the moon doesn’t exist.“
In the 1970s, Oldis was involved in early dream research that focused on whether dreams had an effect on our waking lives. It was at this time when researchers discovered that people bodies move while they dream. While this was important information, it became newly relevant to Oldis in 2014, when he read about researchers in Japan who were capturing images from dreams using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). That got him thinking: Why not also record their movements? And while you’re at it, why not speech as well?
„If you put that all together, what you have is a movie,“ Oldis says.
That became his new research question: Can dreams be turned into watchable movies? This led Oldis to partner with the University of Texas at Austin’s Cognitive Neuroscience Lab in 2017 to track the motor behavior of a dreamer. By using an electromyogram (EGM) to measure nerve impulses to the muscles, the researchers successfully recorded the movements of a subject’s dreams, which Oldis turned into a walking avatar that he presented at the International Association for the Study of Dreams in 2017?—?the first step to making a dream movie.
„This is like the early years of the space race,“ he says. „But in this case, we’re going into the dream space.“
Oldis has also done some early work around recording dream speech. By attaching electrodes to a sleeper’s speech muscles, he was able to pick up some elements of their dream dialogues, though full sentences and meanings could not be deciphered. He plans to run another experiment at the University of Texas at Austin this fall that he hopes will result in complete speech readings.
In addition to conducting those experiments, Oldis has compiled a team of nearly two dozen dream researchers, neurobiologists, sleep scientists, and psychologists (which he calls „the dream team“) from academic institutions and organizations across the country?—?including the UCLA School of Medicine, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and more?—?to put all the components together and create the first dream movie. Next summer, the team will take over a recording studio in Burbank, California. They’ll bring in a mobile MRI and attempt to record the movement, speech, and images from the full dreams of three or four sleeping subjects.
It’s unclear as of now whether this will be possible, and there’s a lot of work left to be done before it is. The biggest challenge Oldis faces is recording images. Though he hasn’t run an experiment to capture what the dreamer is seeing, a team at Kyoto University has. Led by neuroscientist Yukiyasu Kamitani, the researchers found that through the use of fMRI, „deep images“ can be reconstructed from a waking person’s mind?—?when they think of an owl, for example, the vague shape of an owl can be seen.
The way it works is that the team built a computer proxy for the brain, a deep neural network (DNN) that can pull information from different levels of the brain’s visual system, from the simple visual of light all the way to more complex visuals like faces. From there, the DNN essentially reconstructs these layers to recreate images from the brain. Eventually, Kamitani wants to use his research to record the images of dreams.
Oldis‘ dream team is not working with Kamitani, but next summer, they plan to use a similar method to reconstruct the visions of a lucid dream, or one in which the dreamer is in control and aware that they are dreaming. This will allow Oldis to tell the dreamer what to dream and test whether the movement, speech, and images he manages to record match up with the actual dream.
Of course, everything Oldis has done and plans to do thus far is a test to see if it’s possible to record our dreams. The other piece of the puzzle is why?—?and what might be gained from this kind of technology?
„Like the moon, it’s there. So you gotta try,“ he says. „As Kennedy would say, ‘We’re going to get to the dream in this decade not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard.‘ And hopefully it’s of value.“
Not everyone thinks it is. Naiman has been recruited to join Oldis‘ dream team in order to play what Oldis calls the devil’s advocate role—or, as Naiman puts it, the angel’s advocate.
„There’s something demonic in what he’s doing,“ Naiman says. „I don’t mean that literally?—?I respect what he’s doing… But the downside to it is there are so many attempts to represent the dream in waking life rather than to enter the dream directly. The way we approach dreaming is we pull the fish out of water. But eventually we want to learn to breathe underwater, don’t we?“
At the same time, Naiman laments the sidelining of dreams in our culture and says anything that brings attention to them could be useful, a sentiment echoed by fellow dream researcher and psychologist Deirdre Barrett, PhD, of Harvard Medical School.
„The benefit I see is a new way of seeing dreams,“ she says. „And seeing dreams as some piece of our objective brain content could add something to the information we have on them.“
If Oldis‘ vision of accurately recreating a full dream as a digital recording comes to fruition, Barrett also says there could be some therapeutic function. Because some people don’t remember their dreams or remember only bits and pieces, being able to play them back in full could add important insight into a patient’s state of mind. But, she says, this is all hugely speculative. After all, the recordings would have to be extremely accurate to capture more than just the basic movement and speech of a dream, and psychologists who work with dreams are more focused on the emotional content than the physical.
„None of these groups are trying to make emotional data a part of it, and there’s not an obvious visual or auditory representation of that,“ Barrett says. „And yet, as we know from our own dreams, what we’re feeling in them is a hugely important part. The emotions are a lot of what we’re talking about when we’re talking about our dreams.“
Oldis‘ project is still at the beginning stages. It could be 10 to 20 years before there’s technology that can record a full dream movie, he says, let alone a way to capture dreams from the comfort of people’s homes. Until then, it’s unknown what dreams may come?—?or what scientists might do with them when they do.“
Becoming immortal – VPRO documentary – 2018
„Becoming immortal – VPRO documentary – 2018“
„Am I afraid of death? You bet I am, death sounds boring, I mean it’s just like it’s the end of everything, death there’s no way back from, with cryonics we’re talking about stopping death, so that we have a chance of living vastly extended lifespans, but death, real death means all the information that was once in your body, all that information is gone, irretrievably, maybe fear isn’t the right word, because obviously you’re not experiencing anything when that happens you’re not feeling anything, maybe a better word to say is a protest or detesting the idea of just going out of existence. (Linda Chamberlain)“
„Certainly it’s sort of frustrating to imagine that there is this ticking clock that we have in ourselves shortening of the telomeres with every cell division and some ultimate limit that we’re approaching, but I don’t actually believe it’s the ultimate limit, I think 80 years or 100 years or 120 years is far too short in a universe with so many things to learn and to do and our brains don’t lose their ability to learn, even late in life, so if we could just take care of the rest of the body and also prevent neuro degeneration, I think there are many other lifetimes that we could happily fill with activity and fun and excitement. (Hannu Rajaniemi)“
„by definition restore the function both mental and physical of the body but that’s very different from the way that
people have historically thought about how to address aging, either by directly attacking the symptoms of old age as if they were normal diseases like infections or alternatively by trying to clean up the way the body works, so that it just ages more slowly in the first place, so I think there’s a good chance, maybe a 50/50 chance that people in their thirties or forties will be able to avoid the ill health of old age, however long they live and then of course the correspondingly better chance that people who are let’s say kids today now if you are actually more than 40 now, if you’re 60 or 70 then of course you’ve got less chance, but again it depends who you are as well, not every one of the same chronological age has the same biological age, I’m 54 but I still think I’ve got a pretty good chance of benefiting from all of this, because I’m biologically about 40. (Aubrey de Grey)“
because the ideas that I put forward were very radical very different from the approaches that people thought were realistic before I came alone and you know that’s perfectly normal if you’re pioneering you know that by
definition that means you’ve got new ideas and those new ideas are not going to be obviously right to everybody who immediately then so you know I feel that if if you’re not pissing anybody off in this life then you’re probably not making much of a difference. (Aubrey de Grey)“
„Silicon Valley is the Olympus of our times where the gods and demigods of Tech have gathered and now make decisions that affect the entire world, so maybe it’s not surprising that they are also thinking about life extension and immortality you can see this kind of Hubris as a consequence of the way Silicon Valley has evolved, because you have had sort of these enormous successes, created by people who started almost from from from nothing who sort of built incredibly successful companies around around technological innovations that that are now worth hundreds of billions of dollars and and effective lives of billion literally billions of people, so if you see that happening in a very short span of time it’s quite natural to say well I’m not going to be constrained by the limits of biology just like we we disrupted taxis or disrupted search or social networks we can do the same for biology but I think there are also examples that kind of show that perhaps people who come from a tech background are not always good at judging the risks and the difficulties associated with biology. (Hannu Rajaniemi)“
„so we can already rejuvenate improve and optimize our cells and DNA or replace entire body parts that no longer function properly
but if our bodies are already simply do-it-yourself kits and you can just
rebuild yourself in anywhere you want what will the people of the future look like, especially if for example you have only had your head frozen at Alcor.“
„Many of our members want to come back in a physical human body that looks pretty much like, maybe they named the age 25, that seems to be a very popular age for people to aspire to, but many like me also would really rather come back in something more glamorous than the biological body, for me personally, I don’t really want to come back as a biological entity, it’s nice, but it’s very limited, it’s very fragile and so my preference is to bring me back, give me a body that’s made up of nanobots, sometimes called nanobots warm, just as the human body is made up of trillions of biological cells that work together, the swarm can work together to create the body that you want and it can be changed anytime you want, unlike a biological body, so if I want to go skiing on mars, on olympus moons, I don’t have to worry about the fact that there’s no oxygen there, I can have a body that can function without oxygen, that kind of thing is what I’m more interested in, personally. (Linda Chamberlain)“
„When I do so I’m a lot more careful than most people to take into account the uncertainties that are involved. What people go wrong is they’ll say, well, okay, so supposing we fix aging , there might be this problem in particular, they’ll often make a completely crazy assumption, which is that everything else is just not going to happen … that the rest of the world or other technology they’re going to be more or less what we have today you know people forget but we’ve got all this automation coming and they’ll say oh dear a bit not do this we’ll never be able to pay the pensions. I mean that’s just so brain-dead when you think you know the guy – the idea of pensions is just gonna have to go away completely, where and hardly anyone even who needs to have a job at all and you know where are we gonna put all the people yeah people will say that but hello you know overpopulation we have it today it’s bad today we’ve got climate change and everything but we’re already fixing that problem by developing ways to make people pollute less, especially of course renewable energy to minimize use of fossil fuels, but also you know desalination, artificial meats, all those things, so the carrying capacity of the Planet absolutely certain to rise far faster than the population of the planet Rises. I mean what’s going on!
Certainly in Silicon Valley there are lots of people who are more like me more I would say rational about this kind of thing you know they understand that their own efforts may help, they make a difference for their own chances or other people’s chances of actually making the cruve, it’s very important for people to have understand that this really is humanity’s biggest problem and furthermore that it’s a problem that we are in striking distance to solving. (Aubrey de Grey)“
„So when we look at the u.s. we look at a country that has the longest life spans and the shortest life spans in the same country due to the lack of access of Health due to insurance companies and their really criminal policies and so you know this is something that gene therapy will give us the opportunity to do is equalize health across everyone, if gene therapies can give be given like immunizations are given today at a very low cost but they have very high value of keeping people healthier longer, the great thing about gene modulation in the future is not just to eradicate the diseases of aging but to actually allow humans to work together to modulate the hormones that drive us to war and disaster and terrorism to take those type of things and actually create genetic profiles that will create people who just work towards the bigger goal and can work together in happiness, in harmony. (Liz Parrish)“
NEW* Manly P. Hall: The Self Against the World: *Unreleased Lecture*
„Christian Anders/Lanoo – DAS BUCH DES LICHTS
Am 31.01.2018 veröffentlicht“
„Man hat dann auch übernatürliche Fähigkeiten, die man aber nicht richtig einschätzen kann, falls man sich nicht mit der Lehre befasst.. am schlimmsten ist ja Reiki, die Leute sollte man verklagen eigentlich, die Leute sollte man verklagen, weil sie eben genau das was sie meinen was sie tun Kundalini erhöhen, das können die gar nicht, sondern die ziehen Dämonen an sich mehr will ich im
augenblick nicht dazu sagen ja da habe ich einige, die mir Horrorszenarien erzählt haben von Reiki, ich durfte mich dann damit abgeben, in Los Angeles, hier mache ich das nicht mehr
ich befasse mich nicht mit Menschen, die dämonisch besetzt sind, das reicht mir, diese Leute kannten das Wesen ihrer individuellen Kundalini nicht, haben sich in Reiki-Behandlung begeben und haben den Horrorfilm gesehen haben dafür bezahlt, ja , die brauchen Wochen, um sich von ihrem Schock zu erholen, das kann ich euch sagen, bis dahin haben sie natürlich den Reiki-Lehrer, den sogenannten
bezahlt und er sagt dann ja Sie müssen ein bisschen ruhen dann ja genau und vor allen dingen Nachts geht das los, man hat Albträume, man schwitzt .. es gibt sogenannte Exorzisten die sagen du
musst dann beten denkst du dann wird es viel schlimmer mehr alle—-haben gebetet wurde es schlimmer ..Angst, Panik, Adrenalinsteigerung, kein Gefühl mehr für Hände und Füße.. hilfloses Weinen keiner hat geholfen…und das Kundalini wird wieder angefuert…der Narbar Kundalini kann auch cool und lässig aufsteigen und normal, aber das ist mehr die Ausnahme..“
„Kundalini kümmert sich nicht darum, was du machst, es geht genau dahin, wo du bist und verstärkt diese Tendenz, daher kann man sagen Kundalini ist ein Barbar, ich will Kundalini nicht beleidigen.“
„Ich warne vor Therapeuten, die sich auf Kundalini-Krisen spezialisiert haben, ich warne, ja, gut… ich habe cannabis erwähnt und soweit …aber man kann …das machen, weil es gibt Menschen die sagen, dass es ihnen bei Kundalini-Attacken geholfen hat, bitte, ich will niemand dazu anregen, dass er Cannabis raucht ja, das Rauchen von Cannabis verursacht einen Anstieg von Kundalini, das ist richtig, das ist richtig…“
„Gefühlsattacken, positiv, negativ, aber diese Symptome können abebben…man kann mit Cannabis da einiges regeln, was ich aber nicht rate.“
„Kundalini reisst das Tor zur Astralwelt auf und da kann man dann natürlich auch Dämonen oder Engel sehen oder andere Wesen…“
Manly P. Hall – Worlds Beyond the Grave
Philogen 53.55 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 53.55 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Ingmar Veeck: 08.02.2019: Don´t devaluate this world. Everything that has been here is historical traceable that proves that this world has to be accepted as a separate Reality, despite its transient and transformational factor.
Wertet diese Welt nicht ab. Alles, was hier gewesen ist, ist historisch nachweisbar und beweist, dass diese Welt als separate Realität akzeptiert werden muss, trotz ihres transienten und transformierenden Faktors. [53626]
The Golden Age is here and now. It is not lost in the past and it is not latent in futurity. If it is not recognized here and now, one will not know what it means. Whoever,
throughout the regenerating cycles of the seasons, cannot see nature in her Golden Age, will not become a cheerful servant of those enlightened beings who have perfected the powers of compassion, concentration, and the spiritual will. This force is not directed towards earthly results, but it is precise and infallible in relation to universal and supreme good. Anyone may become a helper, but each must first become a learner from nature. (Rhagavan Iyer) [54679]
There´s a genius in all of us. (Albert Einstein) [54001]
‚Live as intensely as possible, burn your candle of life from both ends. Only intensity penetrates. (Osho)‘ [53296]
Ein Politiker teilt die Menschheit in zwei Klassen ein: Werkzeuge und Feinde. (Friedrich Nietzsche) (1844 – 1900) [51924]
When you feel a peaceful joy, that´s when you are near truth. (Rumi) [46972]
Life is a business that does not cover the costs. (Arthur Schopenhauer) [44554]
It is not a sign of enlightenment to tell such nonsense like the world is illusory.. Transience does not equal Illusion. All past figures can be resurrected via their scriptures.
The World is damn real…All Indians who talk about Sophia (Maya) as Illusion try to tell this the Russians and you will be incarcerated for denial of Reality and Escapism. (Ingmar Veeck)(2019)(8.3.) [54792]
Yes, my 2nd Name is Calming Pill…not Angry Reptilian Stalker Goddess… 😉 (Ingmar Veeck)(2019)(6.1.)
Solange es geht, muß man Milde walten lassen, denn jeder kann sie brauchen. (Theodor Fontane) [9539]
There are more things to admire in men then to despise. (Albert Camus)(The Plague) [8631]
Fehler sind immer dick, wo die Liebe dünn ist. (Charles Haddon Spurgeon) [8895]
The pious pretense that evil does not exist only makes it vague, enormous and menacing. (Aleister Crowley) [52635]
The first step in Yoga is „Keep still“. (Aleister Crowley) [54397]
Contentment is a quality of your centre; it is not found on the circumference. Fulfillment is when you have arrived at your real, authentic being. (Osho) [9388]
Alle Gesetze sind von Alten und Männern gemacht. Junge und Weiber wollen die Ausnahme, Alte die Regel. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) [10705]
Philogen 52.66 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 52.66 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
„Gesetze schinden die Armen, und die Reichen beherrschen die Gesetze. (Oliver Goldsmith)“ [53356]
My Mother is the principle of consciousness. She is Akhanda Satchidananda; indivisible Reality, Awareness, and Bliss. The night sky between the stars is perfectly black. The waters of the ocean depths are the same; The infinite is always mysteriously dark. This inebriating darkness is my beloved Kali. (Sri Ramakrishna) [44781]
Besondere Menschen erkennt man nicht, man fühlt sie. / You do not recognize special people, you feel them. (Buddha) /
Nora Dunkelbunt: Ich finde den Spruch gar nicht so passend … wer sagt denn was besondere Menschen sind 😀 / Das ist wie mit dem Geschmack oder nicht. Jeder hat für sich da eine ganz eigene Definition bzw eine andere Anziehung, .btw aber ich weiss
was du damit ausdrücken wolltest. ^^ /Null-Ahnung
Len San: Buddha sagt wir haben alle die innerste Natur des Geistes, die Buddhanatur, sie ist nur verborgen aufgrund unserer Verblendung. Jetzt die 1 Million-Frage: was ist daran besonders oder besonderererer wie andere?
Simone Sperber Len San für jeden ist etwas oder jemand anders besonders….die Besonderheit liegt im Gefühl in einem selbst was man fühlt……und wenn man dieses besondere Gefühl in einem anderen Menschen erkennen und sogar fühlen kann…. frag Buddha!
Ingmar Veeck: Der Spruch stimmt…und ist gut und passend.
Alle Knoten der Unwissenheit werden durch die Gnade des Gurus in einem Augenblick gelöst. (Ramakrishna) [50142]
Those who do not lose their base endure… (Lao Tzu) (Tao Te Ching) [49815]
Actually human life is meant for spiritual values but people have forgotten life´s real purpose. (Srila Prabhupada) [49734]
Ohne Phantasie keine Güte, keine Weisheit. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) [49397]
The secret of Happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom, Courage. (Thucydides) (460 BC – 395 BC) [46104]
Einsamkeit ist eine Form der Freiheit. / Solitude is a form of freedom. (Umberto Eco) [43971]
Aron Elias an The Dialectic Table: If Jesus came back in human format, the authorities would class him/her as a terrorist for disagreeing with the corrupt rulers.
Pelle Storck: I hear he was with the people who fled Guatemala and was stopped at the US border.
Paul Kets: Great response! -??
Ingmar Veeck: 1.2.2019: Genius.
Paul Kets: Don´t worry… chances are he never existed in the first place, and if he did he was no god. You might as well ask yourself what if spyderman moves to Kansas backcountry… (hint – no buildings)
Mi Co: Or as mentally ill.
Stefan Ramlogan: technically that is what happened to Him.
James de Taylor: He might not be called a „terrorist“ but he would undoubtedly be demonized or marginalized one way or another by the government, the corporate world, and the organized religions, the ways of which are directly opposed to his teachings, and to enlightenment in general. The egoic mind of the average person is also in opposition, even among the religious believers.
Joaquim Fernandes: But still HE will say that MY kingdom is not of earthly.
Ingmar Veeck: 1.2.2019: This conflicts with Hinduism…H.P. Blavatsky merged Krishna and Christ into Christna…and the new old trend is to say they were the same.
Jake de Witte: If jesus came back the CIA would be on his ass for being a religious extremist and communist.
Travis Berthold: Or a madman!
Aron Elias: Unfortunately , those that killed the heroes, wrote and edited history, for the old, new world order? ??
Don´t listen to me, I am insane telling the truth.
Jake Martin: You are indeed insane. I suggest you research yeshua ben yosef and stop using the western name found in the fables of st paul/all others who wrote on the subject.
Jake Martin: It´s rather distracting from yeshuas jewish nature.
Aron Elias: The 4 Gospels out of 52 that were published, were written between a 100 to 400 years AD. Shalom.
Aron Elias: Those who can hear, listen. (Don´t worry, I don´t think that I am the one, we are many, if we only believed in the organic pure truth.)
Aron Elias: It´s free, the all mighty universe doesn´t give a shit what you do, just that you don´t carry any heavy burdens, gotta let all that shit go before, to be Light enough to reach the Stars.
Charles Brown: They would just lock him up in the Looney bin for claiming to be the „Son of God“!
Lester Cadalso: he is working the system right now, tax free religion.
Aron Elias: Listen baby, I am not the Son of God fool!
My father has many children. Fuck me, this world is insanely ignorant, of course ´´m absolutely insane, to tolerate all this shit LMAOL…
Aron Elias: The system wants to fuck you side ways, and turn you in to a sorry ass scared little dick bitch, the rulers of the material world are dominatrix control freaks, drowning your minds in trivial bullshit, to separate you from your higher selves.
Aron Elias: …But I do care for the future of humanity.
Aron Elias The Sun, the saviour, will come back as a thief!____
Philogen 51.77 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 51.77 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Schaffen begrenzt das Gesichtsfeld, betrachten erweitert es. (Oscar Wilde) [4788]
Sometimes you must stand still in order to get moving to where God wants you to go. (D. A. MC Bride) [5464]
Wir sind gleichzeitig Zuschauer und Schauspieler im großen Drama des Seins. (Niels Bohr) / We are both spectators and actors in the great drama of existence. (Niels Bohr) [6087]
A person hates you for 3 reasons. 1.)They hate themselves. 2.)They wanna be you. 3.)They see you as a threat. (Tony Gaskins) [7237]
Inmitten des Wirrwarrs gilt es, das Einfache zu finden. (Albert Einstein) [7577]
Mythen sind öffentliche Träume, Träume sind private Mythen. (Joseph Campbell) [8088]
I don´t see any conflict between religion and science. Religion has to accept the science of the day and penetrate it to the mystery. The conflict is between the science of 2000 B.C. and 2000 A.D. (Joseph Campbell) [8144]
Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves – or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth. (Ayn Rand) [8406]
Be brave and be sincere; then follow any path with devotion, and you must reach the Whole. Once lay hold of one link of the chain, and the whole chain must come by degrees. (Swami Vivekananda) [8691]
When you´ve fished enough people out of the river, it´s time to walk upstream and see who´s pushing them in. (Desmond Tutu) [8529]
Um zu wissen, wieviel Glück einer im Leben empfangen kann, darf man nur wissen, wieviel er geben kann. (Arthur Schopenhauer) [10385]
We don´t bother much about dress and manners in England, because as a nation we don´t dress well and we´ve no manners. (George Bernard Shaw) [11889]
Lüge vergeht, Wahrheit besteht! (General Helmuth von Moltke) [12918]
Philogen 51.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 51.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Don´t try to solve serious matters in the middle of the night. (Philip K. Dick) [47473]
Deep in our Hearts, the Light of Heaven is Shining. (Rumi) [53757]
We shelter an angel within us. We must be the guardians of that angel. (Jean Cocteau) [43945]
A man can surely do what he wills to do, but cannot determine what he wills. (Arthur Schopenhauer) [46072]
Write hard and clear about what hurts. (Ernest Hemingway) [47233]
With the truth, all given facts harmonize; but with what is false, the truth soon hits a wrong note. (Aristotle) [47717]
No freedom without renunciation. (Swami Vivekananda) [48009]
Dankbare Menschen sind wie fruchtbare Felder; sie geben das Empfangene zehnfach zurück. (August von Kotzebue) [48211]
Krishna is not incapable, for He has all potencies. Why would He induce you to suffer the sinful reactions of other living entities? (Srila Prabhupada) [48868]
Sometimes, Simply by Sitting, the Soul Collects Wisdom. (Zen Proverb) [49103]
Die Genußsucht frißt alles, am liebsten aber das Glück. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) [49405]
Wenn Bewusstsein stetig wird, ist es Bewusstheit. / If consciousness becomes steady, it is awareness. (Nisargadatta) [50311]
Ken Leong: 28.8.2018: Humility is a traditional virtue. But is it necessarily good? It is not if it means being subservient to those in power. [50418]
Philogen 50.55 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 50.55 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Realists do not fear the results of their study. (Fjodor M. Dostojewski) [44753]
Sadhana is self-enrichment. It is not something that is done to please somebody or to gain something. Not at all. Sadhana is a personal process in which you bring out your personal best. (Yogi Bhajan) [44643]
Paradise is where I am. (Voltaire) [45549]
My poems are more my silence than my speech. Just as music is a kind of quiet. Sounds are needed only to unveil the various layers of silence. (Anna Kamienska) [43996]
No one is silent… we all have our own presence, our own whitecaps… even when we’re sitting still. Come and sit with me… I want to see how it feels when our thoughts collide… when our silences combine. (Peregrine) [43951]
We are not merely whatever our common sense requires us to believe we are. We are in actuality luminous beings, capable of becoming aware of our luminosity, we are capable of unraveling different facets of our awareness, or our attention, as don Juan called it. (Carlos Castaneda) [53166]
May all that have life be delivered from suffering. (Buddha) [53027]
„Who dares to break loose from the bondage imposed upon him by the fashion which at present dominates religious thought? Who has the courage to incur the sneers of the imbecile, the ridicule of the ignorant, the laughter of the fool,
and gain thereby a light of whose existence those who live in eternal darkness know nothing? The vast majority of people drown the voice of reason and dance with the fool. Rather than have their vanity suffer, they allow the spirit to starve;
rather than be crucified and rise into immortal life, they submit to the galling chain, begin to love them and impose them upon others.
I am not a believer in the total depravity of human nature; I know that man´s animal energies…are opposed to the development of his higher principles…but I also know that in each human being is contained the power for good.
There are elements of good and elements of evil in every man, and it depends on ourselves which class we desire to develop…an angel or a devil, a sage or a fool, according to your own pleasure.
The continual rush after more money, more comfort, more pleasure, after we already possess all we require, which characterises our present civilisation, is not necessarily a sign of viciousness and moral depravity; but it is rather caused by
instinctive impulse, inherent in the constitution of man, to reach some higher and better condition, which expresses itself on the mundane plane. Man intuitively knows that, no matter how rich in money or fame he may be, he has not yet reached
a state in which he will be contended to rest…Not knowing the higher life, he strives for more of those things which the lower life affords. .. The curse of the world and the root of all evil is ignorance…and the effort of a true system
..ought to be above all to remove this stupidity. (Franz Hartmann)(1910)“ (Mystic Verse and insight series with the Adepts)
People think: Why should we waste so much precious time for philosophy? They even think philosophy is dead. These people are self-deluded morons.
Philo Sophia is the Basis of the Universe. It directly connects you to the essence of Life.
Die Menschen denken: Warum sollten wir so viel wertvolle Zeit für die Philosophie verschwenden? Sie denken sogar, dass die Philosophie tot ist. Diese Leute sind selbst-getäuschte Schwachköpfe. Philo Sophia ist die Basis des Universums. Sie verbindet dich direkt mit der Essenz des Lebens. (Ingmar Veeck)(2019)(27.1.) [53330]
Pure Gnosis is found wherever Sophia is found.
25.12.2018: I made a super-fast rough summarization and transcription, as fast I could process in realtime:
„Pure Gnosis is found wherever Sophia is found.
Related to Sophia, to the Mother, to the Matter, we as antrophosed matter in the story, we need to take our story in the place, in order the fruition takes place, we are not passive,
we need to be active, fully realized beings in this story.
The Earth is a Living Being, it´s not a metaphor..It´s a Myth that gives credibility how Earth became part of the Living Being of Sophia.
It´s a galactic Story…we are part of a much bigger co-creation…when you consider that there are 100-200 billion galaxies out there.
This is our Planet, this is our Home.
As if it were a dream and you are all part of the story…who are you in that story and we need to create a meaning…
perhaps it´s warm…an inner heat…a vastness not bound by space and time…limitless…feel it pulsing and spiraling…infinity drops of pure light.
A spiral dream of luminosity..Swirling Spirals of dancing lights decorating infinity…feel the consciousness awaiting expression through.
Sophia.. The first Idea of Creation.
The field of geometry..
The original absolute enters… into the creation…
The White Fire Core…The Pleroma…The Original Idea.
Aeons: Emanation Time Process Cycles.
The One creates multiple emanations in the Pleroma, each with a male and female polarity.
These Aeons form pairs which are called Syzigies.
Anthropos – the possible Human.
The Aeons seed their Emanation.
One Coupling: Christos-Sophia.
She is so curious. Sophia began to travel by herself.
Imperfect Geometries, they created robotic-mechanic aspects of creation.
It´s not a sin, not a shame.
Archons: That speaks of the creation of a negative…
Other words have been Anunnakis, Watchers, Nephilim, Asuras.
Many traditions recognize that there is an influence on this Planet that is negative.
Masters of Robotization, Mechanization. Masters of Imitation (Simulacrum) but it wasn´t the thing itself!
It´s the key point what is going on in the world.
I personally don´t make Archons into Evil, I make them into an aspect of myself.
The tools of mechanization, robotization.
The important thing is to not make them my God…There must be a balance.
Sophia violated one fundamental principle: The generation of organic life..and in her enthusiasm she penetrates the veil without her christos male counterpart.
She is responsible for having made this creation.
This violent eruption of Alien Life Forms was a form of abortion and this creation was a surprise to Sophia herself, so she falls into Time and Space, in this outer arm of our Galaxy.
And now she is in a different sphere.
There is an immortal child of life who appeared in this world before you.
Humanity exists…and the offspring of Human Strain exists.
This Luminous Child. Anhtropos, That luminous child that each of us are.
Our Organic Beautiful World.
Faced with the Artificial World System..
Aeon Sophia. This Star called Salboath is the Sun. The Sun glorifies Sophia. Condemnation of the Lord Archons.
Sophia in order to redeem the Creation of the Archons – she becomes the Earth.
The Cosmic Galactic Fire.
We imitate her in our own physical bodies, because we are also made from the sun substance.
Sophia transforms from a pleromic creation ..into a different density of creation. It´s all an extperiment for her. It´s a dance of play from the great creatures of the Pleroma, all without judgement.
Water, Ice, Steam…so many forms and expressions…´s a miracle of life on this Planet.
The Goddess Sophia produces a world and habitat for multiple lifeforms….beings who spin, eyes that see…All different expressions of the Body of Sophia.
Including the Original Seed of Anthropos, as divinity envisioned us…we find our place..pulling lines of light…we are weaving connected, we are weaving remembering of dreaming.
We are the immortal Child of light: Anthropos.
Continued Unfolding.“
Philogen 50.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 50.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Love is a mysticism that wants to be materialized, an impossibility that our dreams always insist must be possible. (Fernando Pessoa) [43959]
Ich bin ein Teil von allen, denen ich begegnet bin. (Alfred Tennyson) [2182]
Es ist gut, sich aus den Verhältnissen herauszulösen, die einem die Luft nehmen. (Paula Modersohn-Becker) [1307]
Violence does not build up the kingdom of God, the kingdom of humanity. On the contrary, it is a favorite instrument of the Antichrist, however idealistic its religious motivation may be. It serves, not humanity, but inhumanity. (Pope Benedict XVI) (Jesus of Nazareth, Part Two: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection) [50899]
We bring light into this world not as a source but as a prism – it comes through us. As electricity requires a conduit, so spirit moves through human beings to touch others in crucial moments. (Rabbi David Wolpe) (Ancient Wisdom For A Modern World) [44000]
I am convinced, that if all Mankind could only gather together in one Circle Arms on each other’s Shoulders and dance, laugh and cry together Then much of the tension and burden of Life, would fall away In the knowledge that, we are all Children, needing and wanting, each other’s Comfort and understanding We are all Children, searching for Love…. (Leonard Nimoy) [43977]
Art and love are the same thing: It’s the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you. (Chuck Klosterman) [43941]
Philogen 49.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 49.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
We’re all golden sunflowers inside. (Allen Ginsberg) [43966]
It is said that a wise man rules over the stars, but this does not mean that he rules over the influences which come from the stars in the sky. It means that he rules over the powers which exist in his own constitution. (Paracelsus) [52596]
The difference between magic and meditation methods is the difference between drugs and diet—medicines will do swiftly what diet can only effect slowly, and in critical cases there is no time to wait for the slow processes of dietetics, so it must be either medicines or nothing. Nevertheless, drugs are no substitute for right diet and wholesome regime, and although magic enables a speedy and potent result to be attained, is is only by means of right understanding and right
ethics that the position which has been won can be held. (Dion Fortune) [52543]
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. (Aristoteles) [4546]
Don´t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold. (Bob Marley) [4801]
Ein guter Freund ist mehr wert als hundert Verwandte. (unbekannt) [4968]
Für mich ist das Leben kein kurzer Kerzenstummel. Es ist eine Art wunderbarer Fackel, die ich für einen Moment halten darf. (George Bernard Shaw) [2773]
Philogen 49.25 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 49.25 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Wer den höchsten Gipfel erreicht, muss Kälte ertragen. Chinesische Redensart. [301]
Nichts in der Welt wird so gefürchtet wie der Einfluß von Männern, die geistig unabhängig sind. (Albert Einstein) [956]
Freiheit ist eine schöne Sache, aber nicht dann, wenn sie mit Einsamkeit erkauft wird. (Bertrand Russell) [1386]
Es ist ein Vorteil des Altwerdens, daß man gegen Hass, Beleidigung, Verleumdung gleichgültig wird, während die Empfänglichkeit für Liebe und Wohlwollen stärker wird. (Otto von Bismarck) [3961]
Freude am Schauen und Begreifen ist die schönste Gabe der Natur. (Albert Einstein) [3024]
Sometimes you must stand still in order to get moving to where God wants you to go. (D. A. MC Bride) [5464]
Philogen 49.05 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 49.05 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Divine love is without condition, without boundary, without change. (Sri Yukteswar) [52148]
„I am your very old friend, but you do not remember me.“ [51989]
Meditation is the creative control of the self where the Infinite can talk to you. (Yogi Bhajan) [44664]
Everything that happens, happens of necessity. (Arthur Schopenhauer) /(Notwendigkeit) [44448]
„You are allowed to be both: A Masterpiece and a Work in Progress, simulatenously.“ [44356]
You are addicted to thoughts. This is a drug, a dangerous one. (Alan Watts) [43997]
Philogen 48.88 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 48.88 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Rainer Maria Rilke: God speaks to each of us as he makes us, then walks with us silently out of the night. [50412]
Habt Ehrfurcht vor dem Baum! Er ist ein einziges großes Wunder und euren Vorfahren war er heilig. (Alexander von Humboldt) [51925]
Die kleinsten Sünder tun die größte Buße. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) (1830-1916), österreichische Erzählerin, Novellistin und Aphoristikerin [49268]
Was wir unseren besten Freunden nicht anvertrauen würden, rufen wir ins Publikum. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) [49411]
Unless one always speaks the truth, one cannot find God Who is the soul of truth. (Ramakrishna) [50111]
To deliver the godly and destroy the demonic, I appear age after age. (Bhagavad Gita) (Krishna) [51992]
Dichten ist eine Arbeit, die nur Gutgeratenen gerät. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) [49427]
For truly we are all angels temporarily hiding as humans. (Brian L. Weiss) [46184]
„Enter into Brahman and be engaged in the service of the Lord.“ This is called bhakti. (Srila Prabhupada) [51745]
Grown-up people do not know that a child can give exceedingly good advice even in the most difficult case. (Fjodor M. Dostojewski)(The Idiot) [44861]
Boddhisattvas and Avatars come freely into this world…they are not impressed by the Root of Evil… they try to spread the Root of Good. (Ingmar Veeck)(2018)(17.9.) [50364]
Be in tune with nature. That is the meaning of the word dharma; it means ‘nature’, intrinsic nature. (John Faed) (1819-1902) (The Poet’s Dream) [43983]
God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites so that you will have two wings to fly, not one. (Rumi) [46979]
The nature of Self is happiness and if we are happy, we are closer to self. (Nisargadatta) [48067]
True Silence is really endless speech. (Ramana Maharshi) [44745]
Peace begins when expectation ends. (Sri Chinmoy) [46166]
Philogen 48.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Die Furcht ist das Unglück, deshalb ist nicht Mut das Glück, sondern Furchtlosigkeit. (Franz Kafka) [998]
Der Weg zu allem Großen geht durch die Stille. (Laotse) [1442]
Das Aussortieren des Unwesentlichen ist der Kern aller Lebensweisheit (Laotse)
Die Ehe ist eine polizeilich anerkannte Freundschaft. (Robert Louis Stevenson) [4586]
Ohne Abhängigkeit gibt es kein Glück. (Connie Palmen) [4969]
Wir Deutsche fürchten Gott und sonst nichts auf der Welt; und diese Gottesfurcht ist es schon, die uns den Frieden lieben und pflegen lässt. (Otto von Bismarck)(1888) [6780]
I am no metaphysician, no philosopher, nay, no saint. But I am poor and I love the poor. I see what they call the poor of this country and how many there are who feel for them! (Swami Vivekananda) [9272]
Lehre mich die Menschen kennen. So lange man sie nicht braucht, sind sie gut; wenn man sie aber braucht, so nimmt man mit Schrecken wahr, daß sie das Schlechteste grade gut genug für einen halten. (Theodor Fontane) [9474]
Der Mensch ist nicht geboren, die Probleme der Welt zu lösen, wohl aber zu suchen, wo das Problem angeht, und sich dann in der Grenze des Begreiflichen zu halten. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) [10580]
The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge. (Aleister Crowley)(Magick: Liber ABA) [44042]
Our species needs, and deserves, a citizenry with minds wide awake and a basic understanding of how the world works. (Carl Sagan) [44235]
We are not Indians. We are not Americans. We are not Germans and we are not French. We follow a spiritual bond, and spirit is not divided by the boundaries of political arenas. The projectivity of the magnetic field of the soul is always at the same frequency wherever it exists. It is called the lifeline. (Yogi Bhajan) [44595]
There was a time when people accepted magical experiences as natural. There were no priests then, and no one went chasing after the secrets of the occult. (Paulo Coelho) 51345]
Philogen 48.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 48.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Patience is the mother of will. If you have no mother, how can you be born? (G.I. Gurdjieff) [45209]
I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led. (Thomas Jefferson) [45487]
Kindness is stronger than fear. (Marcus Tullius Cicero) [45704]
But it is one thing to read about dragons and another to meet them. (Ursula K. Le Guin)(A Wizard of Earthsea) [45943]
Ich glaube, dass wir, solange wir leben, niemals aufhören werden zu begehren. Es gibt bestimmte Dinge, wo wir fühlen, dass sie gut und schön sind und wir ihnen nachjagen müssen. (George Eliot) [46560]
Jeder unserer Gedanken ist eine Realität – eine Kraft. Jeder Gedanke ist ein Baustein am werdenden Schicksal – im Guten wie im Bösen. (Prentice Mulford) [46622]
Viele Leute werden aktiv, aber wenn ihr Geisteszustand nicht friedvoll oder glücklich ist, säen ihre Handlungen nur noch mehr Unruhe und Ärger und verschlimmern die Situation. Statt also zu sagen: »Sitz nicht einfach herum, tu lieber etwas«, sollten wir im Gegenteil sagen: »Tu nicht einfach etwas, setz dich lieber hin. (Thich Nhat Hanh) [46687]
Freedom is obedience to self-formulated rules. (Aristotle) / Freiheit ist der Gehorsam zu selbstformulierten Regeln. (Aristoteles) [47724]
It is only through Mystery and Madness that the Soul is revealed. (Thomas Moore) [51237]
Satanic Power Flooding The Planet, Destroying the Earth. (Steve Quayle) [42147]
Steiner (1861-1925) was an extraordinary pioneer … and one of the most comprehensive psychological and philosophical visionaries of his time … his overall vision is as moving as one could imagine. (Ken Wilber) [41671]
Philogen 47.67 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 47.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Great Kundalini Energies are processed through our bodies…We are – amongst many other things – energy processing units of the Universe. (Ingmar Veeck)(2017)(10) [44521]
Actually human life is meant for spiritual values but people have forgotten life´s real purpose. (Srila Prabhupada) [49734]
You can erase your linguistic online treasures unrestrained…when you back up everything in a highly efficient way offline…but not if you save every text in a separate file…20000 Textfiles and you won´t find anything again in an adequate amount of time…The Best but most time consuming way is to code and hard encode everything from the scratch in one big linguistic library „museum“… (Ingmar Veeck)(2017)(3) [38575]
If your mind can go along with you it is a blessing. If your mind obeys you, it is a super-blessing. (Yogi Bhajan) [37283]
The dream in your heart may be bigger than the environment in which you find yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of that environment to see that dream fulfilled. It’s like planting an oak sapling in a pot. Once it becomes rootbound, its growth is limited. It needs a great space to become a mighty oak. So do you. (Darren Hardy)(The Compound Effect) [43873]
Erfahrung ist nicht das, was mit einem Menschen geschieht. Sie ist das, was ein Mensch aus dem macht, was mit ihm geschieht. (Aldous Huxley) [4150]
Wer den Tag mit Lachen beginnt, hat ihn bereits gewonnen. (Aus Tschechien) [1872]
Künstler leben, wenn sie es ernst meinen, gefährlich und kommen ohne Mut nicht aus. (William Seward Burroughs) [1013]
Natürlich kann nur einer, der der Masse angehört, den Drang empfinden, sich von der Masse abzuheben. Wer sowieso nicht der Masse angehört, braucht keinen bunten Plunder und wirre Frisuren. Wer nicht der Masse angehört, wird sich hüten, sich irgendwie auffällig zu gebärden, um von der Masse nicht völlig in den Abgrund getrieben zu werden. (Max Goldt) [3000]
Inward is not a direction. Inward is a dimension. (Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev) [36324]
We are the inheritors of a million years of striving for the unspeakable. (Terence McKenna) [25639]
„Jene, die dich versucht haben zu brechen, erwarten dich im Kampfmodus, erobere sie mit deinem Frieden.“ [46473]
It is easier for a Russian to become an atheist than for anyone else in the world. (Fjodor M. Dostojewski) [44853]
Philogen 46.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 46.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Alles bleibt in der Vergangenheit, aber nichts vergeht. (Tazeoglu) [4620]
Genie zu sein, bedeutet für mich, alles zu tun, was ich will. (Klaus Kinski) [2733]
Halt an, wo läufst du hin? Der Himmel ist in dir. Suchest du ihn anderswo, du fehlst ihn für und für. (Angelus Silesius) [641]
Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well. (Mahatma Gandhi) [23435]
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. (Aldous Huxley) [18589]
Das Staunen ist eine Sehnsucht nach Wissen. (Thomas von Aquin) [18191]
Life is not a belief but a deep exploration for Truth. (Osho) [15894]
Dem Wahren und Guten gehört die Ewigkeit. (Friedrich Schiller) [14936]
Deine Unzufriedenheit wird aufhören, wenn du dich selbst verwirklichst. (Ramana Maharshi) [8814]
Let us transfix this momentary eternity which encloses everything, past and future, but without losing in the immobility of language any of its gigantic..whirling. (Nikos Kazantzakis) (The Action : The Relationship Between God and Man) [43850]
Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it. (Thomas Jefferson) [45490]
Philogen 46.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 46.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Kundalini is a highly intelligent goddess energy – she reacts immediately to what appeals her and to the synchronistic phenomenons of the divine…especially the indomitable soul calmness.. (Ingmar Veeck)(2018)(10.8.) [48809]
For no god may undo what another god has done. (Ovid)(Metamorphoses) [47535]
Like every other living thing, I also am in the center of the Cosmic whirlpool. (Nikos Kazantzakis) [43849]
The highest point a man can obtain is not Knowledge, or Virtue, or Goodness, or Victory, but something even greater, more heroic and more despairing: Sacred Awe! (Nikos Kazantzakis) (The Last Temptation of Christ (1951)) [43822]
Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the cool table in the cafeteria at a mental hospital. (Joseph Valente Perales) [46126]
Gegen Angriffe kann man sich wehren, gegen Lob ist man machtlos. (Sigmund Freud) [2187]
Devotion to the Divine will give you bliss, prosperity and peace. (Sathya Sai Baba) [50408]
I like missing you so hard because it makes me feel strongly that you are not a dream, you are real, you are living, and I’ll meet you again. (Simone de Beauvoir) [44061]
Musik ist ein reines Geschenk und eine Gabe Gottes, sie vertreibt den Teufel, sie macht die Leute fröhlich und man vergisst über sie alle Laster. (Martin Luther) [36436]
“The serpent is true to the principle of wisdom, for it tempts man to the knowledge of himself…the serpent is the symbol of prototype of the Universal Savior, who redeems the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the realization of good and evil. If this be not so, why did Moses raise a brazen serpent upon a cross in the wilderness that all who looked upon it might be saved from the sting of lesser snakes? Was not the brazen serpent a prophecy of the crucified Man to come:
If the serpent be only a thing of evil, why did Christ instruct His disciples to be as wise as serpents? (Manly P. Hall) [46280]
Philogen 45.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 45.51 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Es gibt nichts Neues unter der Sonne. (Jesus Sirach, apokryphe Schrift des AT) [3680]
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. (Maya Angelou) [44068]
When the flower blooms The bees come uninvited. (Ramakrishna) [50104]
Everything that happens, happens of necessity. (Arthur Schopenhauer) [44448]
Knowledge does not come to us by details, but in flashes of light from heaven. (Henry David Thoreau) [47803]
These bodies are perishable, but the dwellers in these bodies are eternal, indestructible and impenetrable. (Bhagavad Gita) [46125]
„Anyone who engages in continuous devotional service to the Lord is situated in the spiritual world and has nothing to do with the material qualities (sattva-guna, raja-guna and tama-guna). (Srila Prabhupada)(1926)“ [48839]
A warrior takes his lot, whatever it may be, and accepts it in ultimate humbleness. He accepts in humbleness what he is, not as a grounds for regret but as a living challenge. (Carlos Castaneda)(Tales of Power) [48704]
All will surely realize God. All will be liberated, All, without any exception, will certainly know their real Self. The one essential thing is bhakti, loving devotion to God. (Ramakrishna) [50107]
The way of heaven is to help and not harm. (Lao Tzu) [49765]
Philogen 45.25 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 45.25 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Erfindung ist das einzige Kennzeichen des Genius. (Luc de Vauvenargues) [5340]
Since life is an ever-evolving process, one should flow in this process and discover how to actualize and expand oneself. (Bruce Lee) [4697]
Was wirklich ist, kann nicht das Sein verlieren, genauso wenig wie das, was nicht ist, ins Sein treten kann. (Sri Aurobindo) [4649]
Wenn man merkt, daß der Gegner überlegen ist und man Unrecht behalten wird, so werde man persönlich, beleidigend, grob. (Arthur Schopenhauer) [1550]
In der Liebe zum Ganzen tritt das Individuelle in Erscheinung. (Jiddu Krishnamurti) [620]
Gewaltlosigkeit ist kein Deckname für Feigheit, sie ist die höchste Tugend der Tapferen. (Mahatma Gandhi) [9814]
Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves? (Friedrich Nietzsche) [47066]
There is no movement in the Universe that is not a movement of love. (Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi) [48623]
My poems are more my silence than my speech. Just as music is a kind of quiet. Sounds are needed only to unveil the various layers of silence. (Anna Kamienska) [43996]
Philogen 45.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 45.01 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Heimkehr zur Wurzel heißt: Stille. Stille heißt: Rückkehr zur Bestimmung. Rückkehr zur Bestimmung heißt: Ewigkeit. Erkennen des Ewigen heißt: Erleuchtung. (Laotse) [2264]
Vergessen ist eine Form von Freiheit. (Khalil Gibran) / Erinnerung ist eine Form der Begegnung, Vergeßlichkeit eine Form der Freiheit. (Khalil Gibran) [2422]
The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue. (Antisthenes) [4519]
My friend, drop all your preconceived and fixed ideas. (Bruce Lee) [6220]
Die Welt, die fremde, lohnt mit Kränkung was sich umwerbend ihr gesellt: Das Haus, die Heimat, die Beschränkung, die sind das Glück und sind die Welt. (Theodor Fontane) [9594]
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. (George Orwell)(1984) [49699]
For truly we are all angels temporarily hiding as humans. (Brian L. Weiss) [46184]
Philogen 43.75 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
Philogen 43.75 Zufällige Zitate/Random Quotes
My poems are more my silence than my speech. Just as music is a kind of quiet. Sounds are needed only to unveil the various layers of silence. (Anna Kamienska) [43996]
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. (Oscar Wilde) [46179]
Sometimes, Simply by Sitting, the Soul Collects Wisdom. (Zen Proverb) [49103]
Ach, wenn wir den Blick hinaufrichten in die Wunder der Sternenwelt und den Gang des Universums mit all seinen Herrlichkeiten betrachten, dann haben wir zuletzt doch die Empfindung, dass dies alles, alles, was uns so herrlich um uns herum im Umkreise des Universums erscheint, erst einen Sinn erhält, wenn es sich spiegelt in einem bewundernden Menschen, in einer Menschenseele. (Goethe) [47960]
Ich glaube an eine wahrhafte Vereinigung des Morgenlandes und des Abendlandes. (Rabindranath Tagore) [18519]
We advise disciples not to follow anyone. Let them follow themselves. Each one should follow his resplendent and luminous inner Being. (Samael Aun Weor) [49538]
Dreams are the guiding words of the soul. (C.G Jung) (Libre Novus, Page 233) [26076]
Nicht jene, die streiten, sind zu fürchten, sondern jene, die ausweichen. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach) [49321]
I want to sing like birds sing, not worrying who listens or what they think. / Ich will wie die Vögel singen, micht nicht darum zu sorgen, wer zuhört oder was sie denken. (Rumi) [45263]
Make no mistake about it, magick is an art form, and every true magician is an artist. (Lon Milo DuQuette) [45162]
Einsamkeit ist eine Form der Freiheit. / Solitude is a form of freedom. (Umberto Eco) [43971]
We don´t have education, we have inspiration; if I was educated I would be a damn fool. (Bob Marley)(Legend) [48608]
Arising from the surrounding darkness, seeing the higher light, we have reached the Godhead, the Divine Sun, the supreme light. (Rigveda I.50.10) [48879]
Kundalini Awakening – only 2% – 98% don't have this divine experience
It-Security-Archive – older evidence screens of corrupted and illicit shadow gov infiltration.
Because Face-CIA-NSA-Bug-Book is a Data-Mining-Data-Criminal-Zion-Censor-and-Trojan-Sabotage-Surveillance-CoINtelPro2-Delay-Deny-Degrade-Deceive-Disrupt-Cyberterror-Honeypot-Center and Corrupt-to-the-Bone-U.S.Military-Cover-Up-Command-and-Control central. I externalize some old IT-Sec-Info on this Page, because they tend to shut down pages that are not active for 30 days and also implant most of the Computers that log into Facebook by default. It doesn´t serve as a real Archive, either way surely it is not a good Idea to use the Department of War/TIA/GCHQ/CIA/NSA/DIA/DARPA/Pentagon/Zion (Facebook/Google/Youtube) Central as a reliable Archive.
Intrusion-Detection and Evidence of the Sabotage of the Enemy of Mankind and the Destroyer Cult who rules the Planet via Internetocracy.
It-Security-Archive2: · 29. Juni 2015 ·
Akamai-666-11-Facebook-the biggest Trojan of The Planet…
2 1 1
1 1 2
This Facebook Trojan works with online interaction and implemented selective AV-Killer… + Firewall Bypass…. svchost and consent.exe trojanization.
It-Security-Archive2: 13. Januar ·2015
Consent.exe UDP turns into TCP-Transmission to Facebook Central-Node Akamai Tech Inc. ( Malware). My assumption is – so far – that svchost is backdoored by default, as a master key in all windows nt 6.x systems, in that way, that Facebook is able to get remote control via Akamai Tech Inc. ( Malware). Furthermore the Browser is generally UDP-Backdoored ( (normally invisible) as a primary layer, if the other system backdoors are closed. (4.12.2014)
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Governmental/U:S.Nazi/DOD/Secret-OS-Subversion and Intervention can be recognized by 6/7/8/10-PIDs: Screens from 2006/2007. (4.11.2014)
General and Systemwide UDP-Backdoor Poisoning is seemingly a tradition of Microsoft or their government contractors.
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Assumingly Packed and Manifested Realtime Stealth Frequency Covert Ram Communication…
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Example of Unknown Process Walker bypassing + backdooring LUA – they love to connect through Facebook – Akamai [Deploy.NSA.Malware.AkamaiTech] ..and no… all those usual commercial Antivirus will detect nothing. Keep your money and donate it to real non-profit Pro´s for example. „wink“-Emoticon (4.11.2014)
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
One Example: CIA/-NSA-Backdoor in Microsoft Windows always tries to connect via Limelight Networks Inc. (This game started already in Windows XP and hasn´t stopped…) Some variants use Svchost-Injection (Zombie-Method) to connect via NSA to Facebook (Akamai Inc.) Another Variant from 2008: :Winlogon-Injection Method to Limelight Inc. / 30.6.2014 Retro-Archive.
It-Security-Archive2: 29. Juni 2015:
Another Sign of Firewall Exploits… Version Number missing.
10.7.2014 Retro-Archive.
ShadowGov = Anagram Maniacs…
11.11.2011 = = Beginning of NWO. (1.11.2014)
Department of Offense (DOD) IP ADDRESS : – – / 11:11 is a demon summoning portal… nothing really spiritual here – only usual spiritism.. 11 11 = 22 + 11 11 = 22 => 44 = Satanist Cult.